HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-09-25, Page 21: iri,N
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...414-1414144444-4144+144-144-14444+9,4, itt I., 14444444 msz WHO SIGNED THE AGREE- •
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Mr. trenee lgeNitth and' his cousin:- Thae ere two flue brick residences
Airs. John Grahame, Claverliettse, at- now built near A. P. NIcleates stem -
tended the funerAl at Dungannon on sin se hich malzes the Huron Road'
Thursday last of their relative, the 'colt prosperous. One residence be -
late Mr. \Valiant Mclifeth of- that longs to Mr. Jack Audrews, the oth-
• lace.
er to M. eYouug, a brother ot Mrs.
s ,
Wis. (ledge) Sinclair returned. on Stephert Au rews, w to at
aturday Jor ke brief visit to her honte ' years in idanitota after leaving God -
at Hamilton• eShe intends returning erielt. The house will soon be ready
very :1001t. i tor him to live in.
Our bricklayers, stonemasolts. an
air. J. Beattie bas hie dairy 3101 Olt !
pasterers seem to have no more work.
the lluirlow farm, idaylield road,whichl
Dirs. John Reid, an aged lady on
he bought spine time ago. is cov,s 1
I Britannia,. Road, hes been very, griev-
. Here is some Globe ews.--Mr. Wil
will have ample room. I ed the past week. with the sad news of
dthrbreaking out in the family
Dam Premature Ie. C., of Goderich ltir. S. J. Reid, in Toron-
who was he many years associateti ofipher
er son,
Ur. Cantelon of Lighthouse street .
°web the • Hen. Mr. Justice Uarrew of , to.
the Court of Appeal in legal Mimeos, 1
sold about 135 ba.skets of plums at
bus. assumed the head of the bpsiness • 40 and 5it cents per basket. -
of Duncan, Grant, Skeans et Miller -
We have to thank IVIrs. Blackstone
barristers, Bank of Commerce Chent-1 1
for rentemberieg Us at the -Toronto
tiers, King street. Mr. Proticlioot will Fair in the way of presenting US with
be an huportant adeition to the ranks .
handsome bead neekiace.
of cement in the city. The new firm a .
Manegtr Saunders sent to Detroit
will be known as Proudfoot, Duncan, for Itir. Charlie Blackstone. whiese
Grant .Se Skeane services he missed Charlie returned
Mr. George Williams left °Int Mon-
day • for Montreal where he .will be tymtrhaeincoolnapSiealmturadgaaem.. The oreheetra „
employed for two months on tank '"
Plums were Sp' cheap this year it
work. •. was not worth while.peoplee' time ,
People are advocating another sum-
te pick them,' save some early ones,
mer hotee 'that is all right if our
Aster Wedding.—On Wednesday of
mechanics could be bent:fitted by it last eteek, At high noon, at the rest-
but'when the work • would be comPlet- dose of ser, Ge J. Sprung, Minnie,
ed thee the mechanic would be idle., his seconel daughter, eves married to
Let us get. employment for the masses
Mr. Wm, Wallace, formerly of . Gelder, .
and not have them all leaving town
ich but now. pf Petrolea, her fathor .
to get work.
Mrs. Leavenswarth of Petosky,Mich, giying 'iser away. Rev. 3, W. Robin -
is registered at Lakeview. The. hall, drawing aud caning rooms
A ease of greet interest to tanners
was decided last meek at Toronto by
Judge Morgan. .
In ine J. ,T. Daly commenced the
publication of whet is known as the
Canadian Vane A.dvertiser. His plan
was to sell farms in Ontario to Brit-
ish iinigrants. He sent agents all
over the province and succeeded in in-
ducing 'many farmers to e.dvertise
their farms in this it:rental by signing
a contract under seal providing that
the farm should be advertised by Dale
or his. assigns for three years ludas
sooner sold. Di case the farm Ives
sold before the expiration, of the con-
tract, whether through the agency of
the Farm Advertiser or not, the con-
tract provided that Daly was to re-
ceive two and one half per cent. upon
-the price for which the farm was sold,
and in ease the farm•remained unsold
at the expiration of the eontrece tbe
former agiced to pay Daly two per
cent. upon the price for which he 110
advertised hie' farm for sale, After se-
eming several of these agreements
Daly obtained loans on •thent iron
prominent men in Ontario.
The result of Judge Morgan's deeis-
ion Ives obtained by ,reason 01 Daly
failing to pay to Mr. W. B. Russel '
the amount • of money advanced to e
Daly on the security of these con-
tracts. • •
It , is understood that .Daly utilized
Ive money obtained on the security of
theee agreements in sending men to
the Old Country trying to induce
Britisn farmers to send out their sons
here to -1y the farms advertised. The•
farm journal was 'advertisecl very exa
ten.sively throughout,' Great Britain
and the 'United States.' Several farms
were sold at, good figures but the great
bulk of them were not sold.
The 'suit decided by Judge Morgan
was brought.. by Mr. Russel against
Heery A. Cohoe of Norvech in the
eounty.of Oxford And tried on the eth'
of March in Toronto. The defendant
claimed.. that • the case should be. tried
in bis own comity, but the Master -in -
Chambers. •at osgoode 'Hall decided
that it should be tried at Toronto.
and without a jury.
In hie judgment Jeep Morgan finds:
That the ceecution and sealing of
the advertising agreement were proved
su fFciently.
That sufficient eroof of publication
mid *circulation was given- and I -lied
for plaintiff on that issue. • •.
• And that •there was no evidence •of
fiitel or 'fraudulent dealing nor could
fraud be • reasonably inferred from
the. •facts as proved. .
Generaly I find the issue joined in
favor of -the plaintiff 'and I .give judg-
ment for hen for the sem 'of .$80 with
soil performed the marriage ceremony.
Mr. Dan Mackay, .sherill's allieete is were lavishly' decorated with. asters,
in charge of Hotel Gotierich. People
sweet peas arid other ilowers. The
need of another eurinner hotel, , but i e 0e" Y P
away ,costunie of, seal brown broad -
they had better get a reliable land-
eloth, trimmed ..with haudsome -folds
lord for Hotel Goderich before they
.. and waist 9t white tucked Duchess
build any more resorts. BUR, with trinuning of white silk ap-
Mr. lire& Mersey had a grand corn
field tol be proud of this season. and rem, She .wore svhite esters in her
hair and carried a shower. boquet tied
so had Mr. Kirkpatrick, the latter with long silk. ribbons over her
bating the stales built up 'wigwam Her travelling hat was of brawn cant-
le:Aeon. el's hair toque with two brown mulls
The funeral of the. late Mr. .;foseph and ha.ndsoine bueittes. The little
Spreadbury took place on, Wednesday .Meed of honor was Evelyn McLean, ,
trent the horne of his son -in -Law, Mr. the' pretty :little daughter of Mr. Al -
George Stancombc's. The deceased lie Mclean, The 'Atte maid wore a
gentleman cisme from Hampshire
lovely dress of white orgaudie. tucked •
.C.,ngland, to Canada in 1875, settlini
and trimmed with beautuul embroicl-
in 13ayfield and removing to .Gralerich
ery- and carried a pretty basket - of
about three years ago. His ela.ughters white and pail( glowers. Mee: Sprung,.
Mesdames Ben Evans, John Richards the bride s mother, Wore a haudsoine
and George Stancombe all hettled shit of black trimmed ynth bead trim -
here. Ile was adlicted with asthma ler. Spruug and •lee • only
the past three years and suffered more P3i.ng-'
Son Gabe c,atrue to the wedding front
the past year than formerly, yet edam- ' . •
have Leen advocating the growing bed ed ver rettv in her
going -
nom by shoothing. himself through
thltafaigVe. York, aged 19, of Dufferin
arpertant Events in Few WOOS Bridge, committed suicide by swal-
lowing a large dose of carbolic acid.
She went to Beast's Falls distriet
• FOP Blley fleinaers.
, bet spring from near Aurora, and
was employed as e domestic at the
Thc EulY Ift".14** H"P"*"" C"kl'f‘dir Itle•°waane. atilnreAg:triLte,d0,110•avnagelar gohtenthitait
Coureitee ewe ;set Into, Handy Ana the mese et the net. ,
Attreetive Shape For MO strutters et FUltsONAI0.
Our 1'sper—A Solid Houre.En.ioement bLr fawner is now resting
• at the 'Hotel *Geneva,
. eNeestes1101Pret kiwsiirtzeorkaterlde.s and. Lady Topper, who
were Among the Tunisian's passen-
gers to Quebec Friday, are looking
well after their European toer. They
purpose going right through to Win-
nipeg AO Vane.ouver without stop -
plea% •
'There le no foundation for the rte.
more of an alliance between Hollow!
and Germany.
Tier testate of the election of mem,
bers to the LancIsthing, as officially
given out Friday,. assure the tilde
mate sale of the Danish West Indies
0 the UTniiitegli,eiltuactesit.,4'
•Gladman's eaW hill' at Port Car-
ling was totally destroyed by fire at
an leoaars1 early hour ill be11;ohautr szdier2y, "moo; r ni ng.
ly covered .by Inseranee. •
wort MEN or even.
The Britipla cruiser Retribution
sailed from. Kingston, Ja., Friday
for Colon, in consequenCe of reeelPt
of news in the lethmus is serious.
• The Chatham' Gas Compan;v has
given bOotAs of 6 per cent, to each
employe, institueing a species of prize
. At -sharing.
King Victor Ezereannel has bestew.
..ed the Gross of the Order of the
1 Crown on Marconi.
Wimiliteg Exhibition published
A balance. sheet Friday ehowing .tt
surplus of onlY 81,700.
It is not expected that the'Florttla-
orange crop will be Over 000,000
tioxee, about half of last yeae's out- •
he Globe's Ottawa correspondent
says: It is not imProbitale that
kiainilton •and the grocnn s sister. Nees
times he lelt very well and ceeeyed e atlace, attended trom Braceliridge.
war -Ling among les flowers end• wee- After the ceremony wae completed
taales during the fine weather. ne mass .1ena. Sprung, the bride's -sister,
was a Member of St. George's church. 'played- MendelsSulin s wedding. march.
He leaves a sorrowing widow and' five Lemgratalations, 'being over the bridal.
daughters to survive him, one' of them -
party and' guests left• the drawing
Nies. Pickle, living in Bayed(' • and 'room ior the dieing zoom. where the
Mrs. Chas. Cook in Goderich town-• •
.• tables .prelented a 'most artistic ars
ship. It was the old gentleman's ,pearance. The ;bride's cake stood at
greatest pleasure to 'visit among them .
one end Of the table .where the bridal
and they deeply regret eie. death: •
pair . and clergyman isat. :Vases of
Lovely ilowers•were laid' amini his cam-.
flowers ornamented' the tahles end
ket, among them being a wreith and roast fowl, meats •of different kinds,
cross, tributes from his family and pies,: puddings,. jellies, salads and all
casket. hoquets from Mrs.. Charles gel- that g.o to .peepare a inemptuous feast
tel and a number of other. kind Iri- spread -before •thee numerous
ends. His daughters and their 1.41'111- gwtiaeasts who were relatives and. friends
ies all attended the feneral end ether
efts. of the bride. •.Aanoeg the lovelY gate
relatives, includieg • Mr. and to the bride wa.s a handsome 'sever •
Greig and Mr.' an • rs. eo ee • ca.ke Imsket by the enanagee and eua,
of Goderich township, Messrs. Thos. plOyeee of • the 'knitting iactory. The
Harrison and Mr. R. Marshall of.Bay- Easley couple left fere their new home -
field and other friende 'attended . tile •At letrolee on the first p. in: train
funeral.• lhe pallbearer e were lout*
. amid. e shovver. of. September ithweta
sons-in-law of deceased, Messreerjohn
•Richards Ben. Evans George Stith- •
. •
RCN. Mark Turnbull officiated• at housa. e
and good wishes. The . bride 'was
interest from the date of .writ, such
sum and interest and. costs' to be (Ic-
eland a charge on the defendant's
lands in. the: cgreement -Mentioned,
with. right to lilaintiff for a sale of
elle:amid 'land:tin default' Of payment.
It is said 15o opo involved. • ,
;and Mrs.'and .Mis's
Davidson of Michigan have .been vis-
iting .at the homes ot Mr. Drysdale
and Air.' Allan ter few weeks'
Miss Leah . Dure.ncl, one ..of Ottr. es-
teemed evesintg • ladies, has returned
from Strettprd to spends a few •sivell
(ferried holiday.s under the parental
. Mr.. and • Mrs. Joseph Mayo were
. visiting. the latter's. mother, Mrs. C.,
Ducherme. ..Joseph is an plil Drys-
dalite end as such .we are pleased to
see hint again. • "
great favorite: here among these .eoitng.
combe all of town and Chas.Cook. •
We called at " liurst," Mrs. • BLA.ICE:
-Thursday, Oct. lee will be Thanks-
giving . DAY.
A Meosejaw despatch says the Do-
minion elevator building there col-'
Wised Sunday morning. It zontained
'about . 8,000 bushels of wheat.
One ot the seyerest shocks of earth-
quake felt at San Francisco in years
Fldty morning. Li,
N°Ircopseurpreedeet ted3.15):
The Aretie steamer Pram, home -
Ward bound, with the SS'esdrols ex-
peciition on board, passed Utsire,
Norway, Friday and took. a pilot On
The London Westminster Gazette
says an order for 50,000 toes of
steel rails has Just been pieced itt
Lanarkshire, and that it is presumed
to be for America.
Saturday closed the playing. for
the Eastern League championship,
.and the 'Potent° team won the honor
by' 13 polets even,- or by 8 if the
Buffalo figuring ultimately prevails. •
At Montaldo, in Piedmont,. an or-
iginal tug-of-war took place Wednes-,
'clay, when two •stout oxen were pitt-
ed against forty men. After a hard •
struggle the letter proved eictorious.
.Following upon the tormation of.
the Beef Trust conies the organize -
tion of the Cattle Trust by ;nen . at
the head of the industry in -Chieego .
and the West. The 'contbinatioreettill
hexer a. capital of • $.50.000,000.
Whey northern towns of South:
Australia. • experienced earthquake •
shochs on .Friday morning, A severe
shock at' Adelaide in the evenings
caused a panic. ('hut'ches and build-
• •
September 21,50, 1902
An Ancient Foe
T. health and happiness is Scrofula—
as ugly as ever Mince time frumemoriet.
It causes bunchea $14 the neck, dia.
figures the skin, inflames tbe mucous
membrane, wastes the musolea• weak"
ens the bones, reduces the power of
resistance to disease and the capacity
for recovery, and develops into colt-
"Tvro of ray children had scrofula 'OM
widen kept growing deeper and kept tnem
from going to school for three menthe.
Ointments itud nredielneo did no good tudit
I began giving them Reed's lilarosperine.
Thlo medicine caused the gores to heehaw:I
tbe /Andrea have shown no steno Of serer -
Ma Baleen W. bleQuar, Woodstock, Cont.
Ifood's Sarsaparilla
will rid you of it, radically and per.
Manently, as it has rid thousands.
s Cameras
•Sir Fred. Bramweli suggest,' Italian as
the Universal Language:
London, Sept. 22.—Two or three
points of .general interest developed
At this week's sessions of the British
Aesocia,tion for the Advancement ot
Science at 13elfaet, -
Sir. Frederick Bramwell, sattieg
• aside the inanufacture of a universal
languetge as impracticable, suggested
that a living 'ensilage should bestalc-
en and that ail °the important na-
-*Hens ftho eleeth, the Uniteci States,
Germeny, France and England,
• s.hould agree that lie person in these
h' l% •
has entitrol,* directly or indirectly, -
should, after the expiration of say -
•twenty years, he eligible for any a.P-;
pointmcnt, from prime •minister to
Policeman,' unless in addition to his
diva language, • he is able to read,
write *and converse in some oeher
g . • •
-That ianguagee it is preposed,
•should be Italian. Its adoption
would not create any internatiOnal
jealousies, .• It is closely bresed on
Latin -and is highist ineloctioue. •
hoof Trust In Canada. •
Charloitetown, Sept, 20.—.
A prominent Prince Edward Island.
mith, who arrived.'in the city yester-
. day • informed your correspondent
that the parties peogosieg to estab-
lish cold storage plants, etc., on .the
s an epre acting orno less. a
cerneern ,than the gigantie packing
mid tea trustepeganised in the Unit- •
ed States last week. :Messrs. Swift
wed •Aentour es. Chicago,. 'through.
„their- rigouts, are new negotiating for,
the peke:Mee. of ektere available ,meat?
'arid peeking .coneern on the island 'cif
Limit; peary arriv,ed from the frozen
.north eon boerd the Windward at
8.15. yesterday morning. Dr.* Dotter,
•icks WAS. also aboard. Peary did not
diseo.ver the pole, but ••on ,the., last
• dash made. important diseeveries,
says: . '`Itfy, last dash for the pole.
was most sueeessfule was • further
north .than 83.27, my previous re-
cord.. 11+Irs, Peary is recovering from
.a fortnight's nines's." ' • • .
Ritarges Son 'With Arson. .
, • . • • •
Woodstciak,• Sept.: and•
.Mrs.; Fredoeick' Bertaner of Blenheim.
• - Townshte, who were. *arrested : near.
. Drenthe ort.Friday,•charged with have -
t. Set. 22. Lord Kitchener will ,
receive the freedom et "welch on the •
'occasion of a 'civil °and militarSt de-.
monstration; and will be the ..only
distinguished personage seci 'bo . so
elle-Moved by the town for a hundred
-years. .. • • . •
Rimiest officials have been bually,
engaged in Finland for seine 'time
desteo ing the last watt e•of. nations
'al .1ife. -• . The , einigretion :Fiera;
therefore continues, in :the month of
August I,717. Finns, mostly unser 20.
years of 'age, left Finland for Cana-
da and:the Drifted Stat, • . .
. • ceseeeeina.• .• •
The French. steamer-Thoinits sank a
harbor st.suner at Lisbon, 'Senegal,
't n•fortdety, Nine persons were drown-
ed.' • .' .
Warren. Ferris, neer'. Tilsoniairg,
who • was inhirt d by falling from.
a '
•ratifferld .on his. farm, four- weelie ego:.
Is dead. . • .
Three horses .beloeging , to. John
Downingethe well-knowe. lithe mare
who resides on the Woedstockeroade,
about two miles: from ingereoll, were
struck'. ' by a C. •rk. R: train • late
Thursday night and •• •
Fiee trainmen. mere. Mlle& and two
seriously• h 1t, f
and cemetery. Quite a large femme. s.
J L.. Aitkin s ree'w villa •• on Wednee• • • y hiead-ont-r collision- between Buffalo,
• . (ay anti were eorry to find that Itrs. D g the I t et d
ur e e ec r e orm recen
cortege escorted the reineins'to Malt- .1
* We were sorry to leare of the death • " berg' and Westere eaeseriger trains at -
to a: post tide: on her own premises. struck by '
• Station, loridese •
Them son was etches e . and Pittsburg. and •Pitts-•
land cemetery. • • • • • Aitkin had the. m' I tun t • ' the lionse• Of •11,Ir Alex
is or e o step • - • P
of the late Thos. Snell, •teacher at aild Orally her ansle very- badly.
A very serious acerdent happenednec on
I he schooner • e'Sou there Cross, • be-
was the immediate cause 'Of Ids death. . We hate been informed that 'my. Thomas Sherritt'S son a- few daYS Lougeng to the Leaden Misetonal.y..•
Dashwood. Valyular. heart... trouble. .
1 n the.n.Miller has recite eg 1 tel ago. . The young lad. was iit A tree
credit to the profession.' " Strang, I
at ° or near BrucefieldP.1. Ile sisc•eav•ieme _ end- fell to the grouricle cutting a• deep ' - , • .. . • ,
en gash in ., IS a. p a . the French • Island of Titled, near
He was a most estimable mart- and II , '
y tired of the. lite Of. a retired.' le c• I and receiving otl
• . ler
• • the ham of l'apeete.. Thera were a
that the day on which he was laid to. tiem.n... . - • ••• • • injuries. • - nuinber of pessengers an beard, but
d Mr' W. W., Thom
• •• . ' .. .ci Jelin ' Leslie -recenil •
pspn. an y CoUll stilt
rest was the day ehosen for his wed- me': ee
• • Il %eel's .rese,er.edium. .0.1tAlt:: . .. . • ,
, a . .
.. • • `family, who spend the Ammer months i7owee in his gareen 'which' Ineaseree
• We also have • to announce tne death here every season; returned to elicit nearly -14 inches in 'diameter, • •
A. despatch - . from • South "Africa
of Mr. George Shantion, a -orte- time horrie at London on TuesdaY. a ' • .
visitor here. He. had been elimplain- . Although *the ram fellethotigh gent- •. states that Sot George- Arinstreng
of the South. African Constabulary •,
Mg for some tithe while here •but .
y on herida Ve in et -eeeryene.
Y e. -2! kr' 3
thought a change of climate beneficial ' el . •
-ding. • .
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foron up-te-date
try the 'leading barber.
George D.Roberton.
0 0 0 0 0 0
.1 hi 1 liag h lg. mai
Will be run on
September 3oth
AT 132.
Persons in neigh.boriug towns.
who are thinking of perches
ing a camera will receive an
Eastman catalogue by drop-
ping. us a car& Other cements
besides the Eastman can be
suppliede Films, developing
powders and other light sup-
plies caulie sent by mail:
Our cheap Exposure Meter
at 35e gives the correct extras -
•tire under all conditions and
pays for itself in, a short time
by saving over, ami' under ex-
posure in negatives.
Chemist and Druggist.
Reduction. in
returning until Novemter 3oth, • nes. .
Winnipeg,. Waseada, Estevan, Elgin,
' • •
-Arcola, lloosoritin, eVesvanesa, Miniot-
as. 1,3inseeteth, Grand View, Swan Riv-
.Regina, Moosejaw, Yarkton.
RErLR.w Altb.$ FOR 1)35 10 • •
.Port Albert, 111a.eleocl, Calgary.
Red Deer, *Strada-one.
• From -points in Canada, 'Asada,
Sault Ste. Marie, Windsor and East..
. For painphlet .giving fmeher partic-
ulars • apply to the nearest. Canadian
Pacillc.. agent,' or to
A. IL gtermAg,
Asst. Geel Pas$, Aget.
King St., East, Toronto.
. .•....heelluallakoadhommee
• Laxative 'ironic Quinine Tablets
cure a cold in one day. No cure, no •RUMBALL &id itieMATH
pay, ')rice 25 cents. H.urob St, Clinton. . • 12
Hero- is a good chanoo to.
Secure a first class buggy at a
big reduetion. Note tbego
$80 Ruggies for $68
. $75 Buggies for $65
.$65 Buggies for $60.
• Remember. these are • all our
•. own make which, places us_in.
a position to guarantee them
.aS we do not buy anything but
firOt-class ma.terial. •
Itepairiog promptly attended to
WHITECHURCH. • died at- eloopstad on Aug, 2, h'!
„xpectett a' bad night. Rowever,, it •
and left this season for the Northwest 'r'+ was not and Knox chinch lecteue Mr. an& Mrs 1-1 E. Fair have aloe- 0 .
dead mares • home is in St, elettet's,
nt. •
He Was a nephew of. the late Dr.. ewer:se------------------ jubilant crowd; ,into elle' house receutly vacatecl, by • • . •. •
George P. Bosley; who had reached
Shannon. ..
Mr. MeH. Green returned• to Sar- ;soli of the school girls w 11
ore owers Mr. Thos IsSe.w. We are pleased to the adeaneed age of 99 years, revised,
nia Monday last after- a short visit in rem heir and looked 'steely .aed anow that our .beerd of trustees have aulity on Thursday molning at the
an the asters themselves. .1 he rtcognred lylr. Fair's :merits as a tee,- residence of his datighter-in-law,
with his parents at Loyal, Mr. Green resit •
entertainment was otten u by tit
e cher and re -en ed him for r o l'i
. 1 ehristian Endeevor Seciety ,for the , he his further sojourn ain9on3g.
had neen t online& to his bed oely
t: •Mrse William De4.1ey; 'rorento.. ' He '
was unexpectedly called back tp• par- • • • .
r to one
. ..
The dog poisoner killed a valuable: .411i.: at the 'Collegiate 'esthete' to lite many friends and patrons of the. Belleville's .01dest inliabitant , died
their • society: Professor Passenore Whitechurch creamery were glad to -on Saturdite in the person 'of • Mrte•
expected taking a longer holiday, but . . P
se •of welcoming the 'ION studs may be' both profitable and pleasant.
ma by the G. T, R, • week ' • •
canine owned by Captain Holmes.
Judge Doyle and his daughters have eave .a..charmieg eiano spa, op., ege sen the hivial face of .Mzsejohn . ' Airy .Gay, who had she lived a few
Ire. having . been -laid ,up . wi th a slight
etteck el . appendicitis: . • . '
.0ne oi the worst acculeets which has
Ctowe ••
- ouree by Ee Silas. Then follow- on .the cream wegon agate:last. week, •menthe longer Would have been 190
returned from a visit to Sudbury and
the Soo.
ed Miss eclietky s vocal solo,
yt.si" 'words ,by Stanton.
The funeral of the late Me, monfe's •
Mr Carrie • kindly -.-.-
011,1 most
acceetably •nacred some. at lenoe.
C II t I titut place • •
Moore, mathetnatical teacher at the
o eg a e ns e,tookon
eleirth',.streetehurelies • on Sereday Iasi..
Tuesday. Beautiful floral .. oilerings •
• He will be mach missed in church che
overe ie tan some cas e , ernoug • . ,
„les. Although a Member of. Si.
them being a beatitiful cross from the
Ueoige's chureli..elioir 'he kirtely assiet .•
. Collegiate petals, a beautiful etnelen
from the his .sitecess at Wye:4We. College, Tor-
mteoaccileielrss,ch,t)lollbsyteillydeuptsi,llera. handiwine ette, be a phenomenal Stieeestf. ..-
wrgatit from. the Freentasous and At rhd womea'a .zakittai2. will awet.
Thursday _next at. the hands:rime gesi-.•
great many floral emblems' from oth-
er • friends. Mr. • Macke was married deem 'of Meteor Bice, Salthird. The 1-
.laclien will try • and arrive at ilui hour
twice, his widow who survives Iiim be-•
earned, . 2:34;) P. m. as the eyeningi. •
ing Miss Lucy Truernan town, The
4 -row 'lark early: New menibers.soin
Collegiate Institute - and • publi
it every. meeting'. Bring your -friends :
rar boards attended the tethered e.s
d all with bis • beautiful voice. lvia)
of relies from the •CollegiateeDistittete.
•ecturred • this conontrinty: for many
years happened. ;Fraley merning. Mr,
• has. RintotrievIto was -relieving Robt
..ing as •Ieedee for eleintosh and Gil,
1, spies thrtslfing machine was, endems
to to: e.olf. the belt. which' runs
the fanning mill at the separator when
.s arm. bteeihe .entangled with. an-
other belt .whiter tuns the Same pally.
Befere Ire., could .do' anything: to save'
himself his right arm _vats drawn Mtn
elm redly,. crushing it badly .aild
°eating it at the. elbow. The denten.
1, -end it emirs. ry to amputate- hie
'S. low •the shoulder.
boards and there wee a very large at- and gat them to loin. Only 25 'cents
tendance of friends, relatives and ster • r)e annutri
gtiaintances at the house. .The pall- The late Percival More, eltosdied
bearers were the four niale .teachers of recently le the House of Refuge at
the histitettes PH -helped Strang and 'el.ntons e.ante out front. England over.'
his aseistants.. Revs. Jas. A. Ander, eiie half evetUry ago, he and les
son and J. A. Robinson conducted.the !gather sailed the " Annexe -
services at the house read grave, ion," •a echooner betotigiee to • the.
We had the. plieasure of viewing 0. fine late C. Crabb, merchant, Who was 'al.
piece of carved mallOgank ilt the form so a sea -going. emir and °weed several
of it four posted bedstead, all hand assets •here. Perch al Moore was a
work. It has boon subjected to • the fine looking young hien, dressed al -
hinds of the, turner' as well but every , ways iu blue 'cloth sailor jecket and
bit of the It!gli poets is carved, with. tWo rows of large pearl buttons urou
it with etecompenying white (leeks and•
different designs, It is delidstless an
heirloom, but was putchased sixty. sailor hat. His brother Williteri found
a grave in La.ke Huron, being drown- •
yeete ago by the geeredfather of Mrs:
Isalin Graham of " Claverhoitse" on ..d front off the " Anise:cation." Per -
the Huron Road. The bedstead has a, Chet married some years after- eotti-
ng here.' His wife was it character in
curtaitied top and the earvieg is en-
tire. Time- has made no defect in the hor Way, olie of the " Dickens type,"
mahogany. Mrs, Graham piens ,it and called. herself " Lady . Moore,"
very highlY. The carving was done gr. and Mrs.- Meore lived their
ittle market garden scalee until one
in England, ' but the bedstead Was
:Daily during Septeniber and October
one way second class tickets will be
n sale from all stations in Ontario,
at greatly reduced rates, to all pointe
h the line of the Great Northern
Railway, in Montana, Idaho, Wash -
int on anti British Columbia,
4reirlf rartitulass as to above can be
te tallied by calling on or writing
' has, W, Graves, District Passenger
Agent Great Northern f
King street, West, (Robin 12), -Totote
to, Ont, 3e
morning Mrs. lVfoore died suddentr.
brought to this town by sotne Eng-
att part of the town until a short
English home and' sold her ferniture
here. time before he was received into tite
Mr, A. Bean has removed with his . Iimse °t 'Refuge'
1Virs. S. McColl and three (laugh-
' family front his father's residence tp
tete have returned from it two latenths'
his hOW purchase on the Mill Road.
outieg at Rook Lake,
His home looks quite prosperous now
MI' sprung Lid his soh Goo to„ Captain Tont .Tretheway at Rat Port-
and a service of silver. T1 t
last week.
After that he lived alone in the souti-
Bah lady who relent° leaving Iter
sinus being rano died. Ata banquet recently tendered to -
turned to their week at Hamilton age he was presented with an addr
te cap ant
is expected home this week,
Master Joseph Miller, son of Engin-
Pickford ,guest of his Uncle, Mr.
eer Aliller, who spent SOttle weeks e.t
the 'tin cm, has ow a position lit the r4.
T. , works tat Stratford. Joseph is
g, tottiunkta 1444
We possess the most atnple facilitits
for servitig the public with pure, freAt
Drugs, Toilet goods, Perfutues and all -
other lines visually found in a first-
class drug store. Front business and
1A -of -salami standpoints we are wil-
ling to be tested by a critical public.
. .1.161`thihi
That Paine's Celety Compound has
no equal' for building up the weak and
rundowtt. It is specielly recommend -
td to stifferers from rheumatism, neur-
algia. and nervous prostration. Paine's
Celery Compound stands far above all
other IndiCinea as it disease banisher.
R. P. 12.12.111tIE, Druggist, ClintOtt,
Ing set fled to a been ou the WM, oc-
cupied by Beatuer's mother, atd (sive-
ed by himself, %vill be given a pre-
• firninary bearing before the rolice eta-.
'gistrate to -morrow. • The cheerio of
arson is made be the male prisoner's*
mother and eister, • • , • •
Shooting of „Batteries.
Ottawa,.Sept..h2e-ePhe second field
battery retitrned fromecamp at Dees
ciente Satanday. tt. is fourth so -far
in the firing comretition . The
ing are the. scores res far as shot
yea, s old. She was, born in Ireland • 3 uelltit, 108.5; 16th Guelph,
in 1.803,. and i•etained her faculties to • 196; •701 Weaned,: 119..05; eta Tore
'the last° • lier Maimed, Charles Ga,,. onto, e,02; 5th --Kinesten, .111%. 3rd
Highest Price
oruand Cement For Produce
paY-the-ehighest .price for a
kinds of produce ' and will he pleased
to. have yent`bring it to us or our'
wagon will call Upon you, '
Orir stock of Dry Goods, Groceries,
Wall Paper, .Etc.,' is lane and well
itrnagt in this 'dis-
trict for the 0 w en .Sound
• Portland Cement Com-
. pany and am prepared to
supply either laige.• or •
'small quantities. Contrac-
tors and others who in-
tend buildingwalkS, walls
or slips of cement will do
well to cornMunicate with .
me. The .Samppon brand
.T'or,nno--sAuLT sTE.- Tau nit:
of cement manufactured TurenT & PA SENGER.
by the.° Wen Sound Port7.
'Weather permitting steam-
'•. ers will depart per schedule
shown below. • • . •
Will leave Goder:ieh, North Sound, •
xi ceclock p. m. Wednesdays, for Swat
Ste. Marie and intermediate Potts a
returning will: leave Coderich
Windsor, Detroit • and Toledo at X
land Cement Company is
the bet cement on the
Thos. A. Walker.
Cook's Cotton Root Compouna
10,000 Ladies. Safe,effectual. Ladies ask
o'clock p. m. ,on Mondays. ,
. • .
• Leaves Goderich tiorth bound,jvery
Saturday at 9 p. m. for Parry Sound
and Sault Ste. Marie, Leaves Goder-
ich, south bound, every Thursday at
12.30p. m. for Windsor, Detroit and .
Toledo, ealling at intermediate, ports.
For rates and further info:mm.40n
address Wnt. Lee, Goderich, or • •
•• General Traffic Manager,
Sault Ste, Marie, Ont,
died at the age of 98 some years ago. • Montreal, 10 ee 2nd Ott avv•et, 179.0. is strOcessially used monthly by over
: rtminutous Worrir.o. •
The Offleere of 'the •Ainerieari board
a foleign miesionte arincenced Fri-
day .the receipt of 857,933 thi•ough
the State Departaneet, at Washington;
The aneitent is 25 eer tent, of the
aWeid niitile for .losses on mission
Eroperty .in the. 13(ater outrage of
1900. .
The 150,000 acres of land aceuired
by the Order of St. Benedict in the
N, W, T. of Canada. Will. be used Itt
the errinuttion of a. German Catholic
c,olony, in which. will be located one
ofthe big colleges for which the ,r -
dr is' famous and a. Catholic chtiVeli
and the necessary sehoolS,
. • Cnearie AND paramats.,• '
-At Weendaroe in the.. Province. of
Groningen, 11611and., a seddeeily• • de-
mented •teacher Friday strangled .flve
of hi a pupils.' to death, severely
wounded seven others and 'then Corn- _
witted suicide by jumPitiginto the
village pond..
The eearch for Witlia,n1 Hooper.
Young, the man wanted for the mur-
eel. of Mrs. Joseph ',Warm% whose
met Hated 'body was found floating in
• ,
• •
• - Landslide 'Wrecks it Mine.
‘•*ieteria, D. G., :sot. 22.-:A lend -
slide destroyed the nydranlic plant,
including • flumes, • sluices, Monitors,
eta., Of :the Thieert Creek Mining
Company, at Gassier, 'which ' cost
$60,000.Two mem who were at'
work ne the thine had a very narrow
escape. 4.
' .
Itosto Scotian Sehoon
" rottlithd,')
Me, Sept. 22.—News watt
received here Satarday of the loss of
your dro gist for Cook's Cotton Root Cern-
pound.mitation:aredangeraona PrroZeit•Plinillag
Take no et er o all Mi t
ItoiNihRI, to degrees stronger, SS per box. ism
14, PpLiryiktiallgt,
Naa.A.and 2 sold and recommended ny .11
respeneible Druggista in Canada&
• Nos. t and 2 are wed in Clinton by
Coinbe, R. P. Reekie, E. Hov-
ey and Watte- et Coes-d ruggi st
f , . S. '
G nni)oParrsboroNShe
the lat ge mee-as e se oone ND . D
0% OAL AW•
weT1 t on .tirtm Island ledge early set. a
urday morning, and will be a total e
loss. The erew of eight was saved, • • ••
...hhh.ohf • • ' ••'I•. *fa...!
„ •
• •
We represent the makers .of the :
best bicycles in the market: . - •
• ' We keep second hand wheels for 0
We repair bicycles and keep all ;
Icinds 'Of; repairs in stock. et
. We eell the Page Wire Fence and ,I,!
' do' a general blacksmithing and job- l.
' bing trade. ". .
. SEELEY &TilleNER. 4:1
. ...1,----....-:„.......e.....--4.---s •
We have made 51,001111 arrangements :
with the puldiAters of The World, •
Toronto, of which. W. V. Maclean, M. :
P., is tuatraging editor. We an offer •
a, sptciaI summer bargain in newspap- •
erdom—good during August and Sep- :
Lembo, •
The Toronto World, $3 a year •
The Sunday World, 12 a year
The News -Record, $1 it year *
For all three, fi4.50 a year 4
W ' WU f ive q. for $4 50 •
the abandoned Morris Canal, rear
Jerry City ThuredaY wonting 'Mit,
had, up to it late hour Sunday, been -
une t el; Mg.-
AGItIOULTURAlti Viroxti,n,
LordCurzori, Viceroy of tuella, tel.
agrilf>1..li that tho agricultural pros -
Pettis :n that country have been fur.
ther improved by' tbe general rains
of this Week.
Owing to the high price of eortl,
many Xicnsas farmers will. burn corn
ON winter, Corn will be plentiful,
and there is an abundance of alfalfa
at:et:sorghum for feed. Kainans have
not burned corn since the late seven -
The Deeuty Commissioner of Crown
Lands sold on Thursday that the ten
new townships whihlt will be given
to the veterans were in the Vines-
katnitig country, near Now Liskeat•d,
that he et d ihe surveys
would be ttonatittliatittotimbrt Noveinber.
L. A. Dufrorte bailiff of Intigueoll,
eemmitted suicide Friday after*
NII. assilp Select Lump Soft Coal Snit- i
able for grates, also Semi -Anthracite the 1
. •
best substitutq now to be ha-ci. o •
Or for t ds journal and The Daily 2
World for one year our price is $
The World g3.
geotatiouesells market reporter was
co •
a farmer in York unty for inatiy
Ceenoteepply tnore then on e ton to a ens tote er eit it time. tian•
-not say iv het & we will haVe hard coal hut just uS soon as Lhe stri
is adjitsted We will indeavoeto have It t115SO011 ttg ally verso') in this
• •I' We now have is Wood yard In connection with. ten busi•
ness na tan &•upply good dry bard wood. Leave your or ((Is I
our store and they will be attended to properly.
To baul wood/rpm the -.bmh, haying pureliasecl a
large quantity.
For particulars apply at our store,
• ••,•.•...m..0.
given the correct market •
years attd knows how to glean tutor -
The Sunday World is published
matron which is torreet, •
Saturday niflit and has 32 pages of I
illustrated scotches and Views of ab-
sorbing interestt 11 WOO tow 0.4reoes. 401000.0110411%4100000000044,41.400041.41100