HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-09-18, Page 88 TBE 041.41NTON NEWS -RECORD .4000.01110001110111100112003111111021•111120111, . 11/229100211.111222101200/82111111.1112/02111021110000101 [I 1 ani$000002001 OPEIINC: 0 0 Pencils. They are a Ittglt grade pencil and sell at Se each. They are yellow is the name of a new series of 'Lead The Topay in color and hexagon in shape, with- out a rubber. The lead is guaranteed Next IfiTek •4 the finest graphite. They axe bard to distinguish from the famous liohinoor which stile at me, both in appearance and in u4,41; We have them. also fr We will make our,formal Opening display of Fall Millinery on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week, Neither time, trouble or expense have been spared in gathering together our Millinery stock for the coming season. Every available mar- ket has been searched for what is new and novel in shapes and trimmings. Our Milliners spent a portion of their holidays in the workrooms of the leading wholesale houses, studying the styles and copying French and Ameri- can patterns. On Opening days we will Take a display of Pall Millinery that wil be correct in every particular. One that would be a credit to a store many times the size of this. It will be ready Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week. You are invited to call and - examine it at your leisure. Come as often and whenever you please. You will be heartily welcome. Outing Hats Some novelties in New York Outing Hats just came in last week. They are very new and you will find them a little different from the ordinary. There are not more than two of any one kind. COLORS--Orey, Brown, Navy, Black PRICES --$1.50, $1,75, $2.00 layllifrilb.Alla-lbrarlivqb.116/44006,11fro•riaellbegarmanaegavailbella. $ Harris Homespuns •. •Harris Homespuneat.$1 per. yard are' the best 'value 0 in Canada. Made from clean, selected yarns 'and eVery 0 thread pure wool. They hold their color and stand the wear better than any other make. . .• •• 56 inches wide All Colors $1 per yd... • $ -..............-..........,..,..,...-fte.......a.............A...........;44,46,.........:....k.....: Elegant New Ribbons • A matchless assortment of new ribbons is now on our ribbon counter. No such collection anywhere hereabouts We are quite sure of that. Imported by ourselves direct from. Europe. Every wanted shade and width, now here, in shurt an assortment and values that will Make this more than ever the ribbon store of the town :- Pure Silk Taffeta, Ribborie, all widths, good Weight, will not . 25 cut, in all the popular shades; at per yd„10c, 115c, 20c • I Louisine Ribbons, in widths suitable for bows or neckwear, • a new soft ribbon that ties up nicely, in white, cream, 26 pink, blue and ete„ per yard ' 20c ls Satin Duchess Ribbons, wide with 11, suitable for bows and . neckwear, soft svashing qualities, very durable, all the c n popular colorings, two qualities ....... .. . . ..30c & sUU FANCY NECK. RIBBONS Elegant designs in Fancy Ribbons, suituable for bows or. neekwear,fancy stripes and combinations in pinks,bluee, old rose, green and yellow, nut very much of any one 0 c kind, special at per yard ... . .. . ........... ... ....25C & ',U 172ng• fia1' shape, n yeflow -Aris andallat e a price. They are the best c pencil we ever offered you. If in doubt come in and try one. So are some of our cheaper lima. Our 2 for s are good and our 3 for 5o are special value. They bear our imprint, are free from grit, just the mostprofitable and practical line for school use. PER QTjIRE. for a good, clean notepeper, ruled, It's as good as some we have sold for double the price, We are making a profit in it, too. Envelopes to match at se per package. There are ?ti sheets in a quire and 23 envelopes in a package, Agents Parker's Dye Works. The D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest, Always the Best. 103011t 0 WHERE THEV ARE People THEY 05 RWHEREARE6 6 • We Know R.. Tivo.nlItisherw:/erenainin was in Lon '1•"1& -•\•Ali. 'itvliv4 lb • lbAlk•411•. qlViloqbeqlWA&• Early Fall Underwear Two lines of Underwear that are just right for . be- tween seasons wear. . zu Ladies' Union Vests, long sleeves, soft finish, open front, medium fir weight, special value at, each Mr. Harry Darrow of Bayfield was in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ransford are visit- ing friends in Toronto. . . • Ladies' Fine Natural Wool Vests,Aspect, soft finish, light weight • for early fall wear, special vaue at each .... . • I 00 • • • • • • Black Cat Garters • • Black Cat Garters hold up stockings and .do not teal them. The patent expandino loop is what does it It hold the stocking fast enough, to .'keep it, in place but not fas enough to cut or tear it. See them on our, Notion Counter All kinds for babies, children and ladies at 15c, 25e and 35c Black Skirts $1 Each Black Sateen Underskirts at $1 each. that are the bigges kind of a bargain,new goods,. good qualities, well made, per feet fit. Here is,the story . Ladies' Black Sateen Skirtmade from extra fine black en - teen, 8 inch ruffle, •with pleated hill and narrow corded ruffle, full width. Also Black Sateen Skirts, very tine quality, 8 Inch frill with three narrow ruffles. Also fine quality Black Sateen Skirtwith 0 Melt frill and three ruffles, Would he good value at $I35 and $1.50 very special bargain at, each.... .. ...... New Kid Oloves .1.00 Bev. Manning of Wesley church is at Clifton Springs, N. Y. . , MtdICAnicesA.r tow paid a Schrenk/3risgvisit of HOLn lona ay. Mr. and Mrs. 0-. D. MeTaggart -left yesterday for a trip to 'Quebec city. Mrs. A. J. Grigg and Master Roy are visiting friends in St. Thomas. The' Misses McNaughton have return- ed to town after a two months' hol- iday.' • 'Mr, George Potts returned on Mon- day from a :visit to Cleveland ' ds. ortnal September 18th, 1902 pening of Millinery and OUT' Enlarged Store Thursday, Friday, Saturday—Sept. 25th, 26th, 27th YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO AT TEND. Will the public -take this as our personal greeting and an expression of our thanks for the kind pat- ronage they have bestowed on this store forth?, past three years ? It is this constant, kind support that has enabled us to open up this enlarged store, to which we bid you a hearty welcome. In announcing for next week our fall display of Millinery, Mantles, Dress Goods, Silks, Furs, Gloves, Ribbons, Etc., we unhesitatingly assert that never before in the three years we have been here have we shown such complete stocks as we will have ready on opening days. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4•41••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• frien Mrs. Rattenbury is spending the week with her •sister, Mrs. H. Cleats of Toronto. Miss E. Stevens, of the Base Line re- • turned Monday from. a visit. to Tor./ onto anti Brampton.. ' Mrs. Senghais; arid her daughter, 1Vliss - Madeleine of Plattsville are guests • of her mother, Mrs. Gilchrist. • Miss Ferguson of the Palace staff left fOr Detroit on Monday, to attend the wedding of a friend in that city: Mon -treat. The Di. will attend -a D, D. S. convention 'while in, that city., ' Miss. Lilian Agnew; who has been spending -the past monthwi friends in Blake, has returned home. Mrs. William I-lunter ha,s returned to her honie an Mount Vernon, Ohio, after,. spending a,pleasant . holiday with Mr. and Mrs. John Govett and • Mr. andMrs. William Hardy. Mrs. James. MeMensanie of Montreal and Mrs. Ormond of Glasgow, Scot- land, who had been guests of Rev, Father McMenamin for about a fort- night, left for Montreal " on Monday efteinoon. • Dr. • Agnew aid 0 Mrs. Agnew are in Dress Goods . • and Silks We open the Fall Millinery season on the above days with a display of Trimmed Hats which we feel confident has nev- er been approached for variety, beauty and extent in Clinton. Our stock has been selected with special care from the great fashion centres. and all that's new a,nd brightand stylish will bo found here. . Our Outing Hats are now ready and are on view in the Millinery Department. Special The fall and, winter Dress Goods and Silks are here in beautiful variety --as choice an assortment as can be found, em— bracing the newest and most correct weaves, colorings and 'effects. Our popular pricing methods means savings for you. "*". • • I' ...". At 25c, 35c, 50c, 60e, 75c to $1.00 we can give you values that cannot be equalled in town. Before buying your new dress be sure and see our assortment attention given to early orders. I • • . On Thursday our Store will be open in the eVening from . 8 to 0:30 for those who cannot come dining -the day. All are ,.,:r..,•; We'reprepared with best assortment we've 'welcome • • . kten ever shown, with a stock that equals the best . . . . •. ‘ ..4. of.pticing• . No big profits here. Every waiect 11 elsewhere. But there's. a differende in our. way • F urs, antles. and Skirts By far the finest stock of Mantles, Skirts and Furs we . • . . - - . . : . ‘110.1 length marked to sell quickly. : Everything is new this season. ' Prices yard ; - • '''• • :, have ever shown will be found here during our .opening'days. - 4 . A 50c, 60c, '5c and85c We have bought them from the beat Makers-. who guarantee every garment they turn out and if you' buyeryou will . .. . . . . . • . he . • have the:satisfaction of knowing -that they are the best that See large bills for bargains fp; can be hid for the money, and should they for any reason- • • • - . , :. not come up to the standard of wear %we . will gladly make .-it our Refopening Sale. right . ' . . • ' . : • : . • . . • • . .. .... 0,4..t,••i•••,******•••••••••••••••!•••••••••••••••4•4:44••••••404•.444.•••••••••4•••••i•••i••444•.• ••44•••••%.. .,.............•..•.••••••$4 44••+•4a& ,..iM44-40414;44. .....• Mr. W. 1. Ross was at.the Toronto ttra:ctionsfor exhibition last week helping to ex- • • plain the many merits of the organs - • • • exwas sold and Mr. made in ,Clinton. The company's entire • Ross btrought home a pocketful of Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Opening.. Days ' months' holiday 'with his brcithers and sisters in Clinton, Stanley and Goderich, left. on Tuesday for Cal- gary. If the prospects. M his line of bussness are good in t se est he • will probably remain thein -re. . toWi as Mr. Ed. Dinsley of Chicago visited his week. •He, is doing well in Porkep, oris and expressed his willingness while ' here to give what has long been known as Dinsley's corner free' vs a site for the new postoffice. Mr: F. E. Earn, manager of the Sovereign. Bank at Exeter, was in. • town for .a few days of the past ' week looking after the bank's inter- ests here in the absence of Manager ' L. P. Snyder in St. Catharines and Toronto. The latter, by the way is a director of a big paper mill at ' St. Catharines. Mr. John Smalldon of Grey township was the guest of his daughtere, Mrs. Jas. Danford, from' Saturday mail Tuesday while on his way to visit another daughter who is a resident of Toledo. He was accompanied by • his brother, , Richard alld on of the state of Michigan, who had been visiting relatives up north, Mr. R. J. Dunsmore, who about a • year ago accepted a high salaried position in Los Angeles, California, and moved to .that .city with his wife and family, has returned to Ontario and to his'.old post 'on the Stiff of the Times of St. Themes, Mr, Dansinore, who, by the -way, is a soil -in-law of Inspector Paisley, ▪ is a racy writer. and we doubt not but that readers of the Times will be pleased to know that he is on the staff again. . 1V1r. William Shane of Montreal was the ,guest of his brother-in-law, Mr. • Rattenbisry, this week. Mr. Shane was for many years a resi- dent of , Clinton. He came here in 1849 and in 1835 framed the build- ing which occupied the site of the new postoflicc. There has been con- siderable speculation as to what year the building was erected, but Mr. Shane's statement settles the ques- tion.. In 1864 he moved to Blyth Whichwas then beginning to look up, .the late Joseph Whitehead hav- ing just erected a big gristmill therm Mr. Shane owned the Com- mercial hotel for several years and was in all a resident of. Blyth for thirty years and until a year or so ago when he moved to Montreal where he now snakes his home. 1•Xe is now Olt a visit among his rela- tives and from here goes to Sea - forth where his daughter, Mts. Stan- ley Hays, livos. From that place he goes to Smith's Creek, Mich„ to see an only sister. Mr. Shane, who is now in his rth year, bat doesn't look it,. is enjoying gond health and it afforded lum mach pleasure to meet old Clinton friends though on- ly a few now survive, including Mr. Dinsley and Mr. Doan. Yesterday Mr. Shane went down to have a chat with an Old Stanley friend, 111r4 holes Stewart,.. The new fall Gloves are nearly all here now. There is not a poor pair in the lot that we know of. . If there should be any and you get them, bring them hack and got a new pair See the new Mocha Glove with large single or double clasp. Black Kid Ciieves 21.00 Black Kid Gloves *LAO Colored Kid Gloves *1.00 Colored Kid Gloyis $11-25 Every Pair is Guaranteed lodgens Bros. • • • ; • • This store is a money -saving store. Since this business started three years ago it has be en our ceaseless • effortto sel- • .7•• • the most reliable grades of merchandise at lower prices than others ask for like qualities. The people have appreciated • • ' . .1 ••• these efforts, hence our ever increasing business. This season we are, going to give the people the greatest values ever offer 0 in in on. • . . • • Two weeks ago while in 'Montreal together with five members of our buying syndicate we .secured several thousand dollars worth of seasonable goods at a big reduction in price, Every article offered,. no matter how low the price; is strictly • • reliable These weVace on sale commencing Thursday morning, Sept 25th. • . 3 Mill Ends' 'of Flannelette at - One;Third Less 'Than Re'gular Mies . • ..,..................".....v.,......,,,,,e...........,.„„....,1„...„A",...,^ 75c Dress Goods at 40c . '. : $1.35 Table Linen at 90c . . 200 yards of 38 to 44 inch wide Dress Goods. in plitin; red and checked, , 7 inch wide doohle damask Tablelinen, all warranted pure flax, some „ ..........---i- all wool goods, very heavy quality, that will make up nicely for . • 'haring Plain centre with fioral horder,others with all fiorai designs, . fin • , shirts oe children's dresses, regular price was 75c, special for store 40 .. regular 1.35 valne, re opening sale price...:„ ......., ..... .. .... .....'. sUU re -opening sale • • 8c Toweling at 5c . . 300 yardslf all linen Cr ash Toweling, 13 to 15 inches wide, eitrn heavy (I qualit , that will stand Iota of wear, regular value 8c, retopening 05 g sale price ' I' ''' • Not more than five yards will be sold to one customer ' • : 8%c POntS at 6c , 75800 yards of 26 inch wide American Prints, m light and dark colossi, all . !warranted fast, regular price i.81c, sale days to go at. 4 75c to 85c Dress Goods at -50c... 400 yards ot the season's choicest plain colored ress Goods, in shades of navy, royal, purple had red.In the lot ar \ included heavy serges and zehelines, regular 75c to 85e, re.openin sale price $I.25 Dress Goods at 75c .41 inch wide Dress Goods, the new snowflake effects, This is the very, latest,novelty for the fall trade, regular,value is $1 25, special for ' re -opening sale . • $l Black Silk at 85c • 20 inch wide black peau.de.soie, very fine quality, that vill give good wear, regular $1 value, to go at ..... 06000 ,'. Best 10c Flannelette at 8c WO yards a 32 inch wide Flannelette in •assorted stiipes, very heavy Wool Hose, Worth 40c for 25c en 360 pairs of boys' heavy ribbed !lose, made of the hest imported yarn, • • u u come in all sizes from 6 to 10, This hose is regularly worth 40e, re. opening sale price will he,'per pair.. .26 no Heavy Vests at 35c ' • \ . tplality, regular 10c value, resopetiing sale price ° 120 heavy wool Vests' nicely made and finished, as good•as most stores 0 tt .. .0 sell at 50c, veryspetialforre..opeuingsau, sperial for re -opening sale nt., ..... ... 0 • WU Roc TalSle :T�nn at 60c . ,—.. _ ....... 70 inch wide, full bleached Table Linenvery fine 75c Scotch Fingering Yarn at 60c quality, elegant floral designs,'ell pure lineniteg. . 6nu • 50 Ms of the hest Black Seoteh Fingering yarn. regular price of Which is 6 fli War value00c, re.opening sale priee. , , , 75e, for re -opening sale days to go at, per lb,...., :.... ........... ... sUU ‘N 950 Table Linen at 700 Best 5oc Factory Yarn at 40c ..'-=‚-- .. • 72 inch wide Table Linen, very "fine finish, ail pure Comatmenkae eitngtTorhyYarn at per ihtirsday Moth rning we Will place on sale e best grey and A A ...• t. "P'• .... lineni t at will give good wear, regular value is 05e openiog sale price, per 10 yard... .. .. .. . . *****•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,444 H.+ .....•••••••••••••••••••••44****••••••••••••• Tatin 11JONNT HAM IV' YOU waalT