HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-09-18, Page 4THE 01...INT0N NEVIS.BECORD immaimsamomminigammismiimiwomiiiisimpoimumwompeopaimphosimowslaviono .4000000, ipirommomell 1,1 issosommoomphiiiimilllumi, The News:Record Is published every Thursday at The News -Record Printing House ALBERT STREET s CLINTON •14.1•01,101,. Terms of subscription --$x per year in advance ; $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising rates—Transient adver- tisements'10 cents per aonpereil line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for eash subsequent insertion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as " Lost," " Stray- ed," " Stolen," Etc,, inserted onee for 35 cents aud each subsequent hi- sertion io cents. Communications intended for publica- tion niust, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. • To insure publication in current issue copy for advertisements shoulci be sent in early. Contract rates—The following table shows our rates for specified per- iods and space : yr. 6 mo. 3 MO. 1 MO'. 1 CON11111... $70 00 $40 00 25 00 $8 5o IS Column— 40 00 25 00 15 00 6 oo is Column... 25 00 13 bo 8 oo 2 50 A Columns. 18 oo to oo 5 50 -2 00 1 'Inch 600 350 200 125 W. J. MITCHELL, • Editor and Proprietor 1,tuzr,r, the Tarte-Sifton battle iatmle clearied awintri STANLEY TOWNSHIP. SWIM , when Mr. Fisher to a, in a Mr. aud hard.. John Reid visited at at the Barton banquet at Montreal Mr. W. Stinson's ow Sunday last. flatly opposed Mr. Torte's utterances which immediately preceded hia • own, Blaster Walter Ker f Clinton was Itlis Tarte talked protectiOn—Alr. Fish. the guest of his uncle, Mr. John Day- er called for Free Trade. The scene idson, last week. must have been a novel oue for the Mrs. L. Clark visited at Mr. Henry Australian ministers. Of course the Peck's on 1,'riday last. differences ot Mr. Tarte and Air, Fish. Mr, Richard, Peck of Seaforth spent er are not to be compared with those i Sunday at the homestead on the Bay - of Air. Tarte and Mr, Sifton for the I had Road. a very good reason that Mr. Fisher is Miss Janie Johnson! hasreturned without efolibt the wea.kest man fa home from Lucknow where she had the cabinet. His opinions in comma been visiting friends for the past four are not treated with the same respect wevks. as those of his confreres, but his at The Treasurer aud Mrs. Reid have succes.s• titude las its significance, that it gone to visit friends .around St, Hel- shows how strong is the union against ells Lor a few tidYs• • The- ladchurch are ies• of Trinity haps the- Miuister of Agriculture Mr. Tarte, The latter has openly ex- Mr. Rdward Robinson of thilkOoshen BLYTH. rressed his contempt for Mr. Fisher and. Rev. W. W. -Leech of Toronto on more than onesoccasion and per_ were. the guests eg Mr. W. Rathwell Mr, R. Butts has gone to the great Western Pair with some fine stock. We expect he will return earrying red tickets. We are pleased to site Mr. R. Gs Reid able to resume his duties as teacher of V. S. fd• NO. 4 after his recent illnass of 'appendicitis-. His sis- terv ably titled the acaney. Mr. W. Mairs, who has been teach. ing for the past two years, has gotta to attend the .fliedical college at Montreal. We wish hint the best of Pes on Tuesday evening last and called on busy deeorating for their annual hex - to even things up. , other friends, - vest thankagiving service which will Miss Josie roster of Varna was the urclay and Sunday. be held on Sunday next. The Mosul - guest of Miss Stella Ratliwell on Sat- bent, Rev. J. Edmonds, will officiate and .preach special sermons both utleissis sIp,a.eunrciaingDoowscoonnooef otitiewwOokeshaent anoriung and evening, Special offer - the .home of her grandfather, Mr. tory will be taken up in aid of the John McKinley of Eginondville. church debt. On Monday evening at, J .Mrseci.j vraeo41t f .Se. afGoprtvleillivecsrka e guestsof 'eight o.'clock a short service will bo the former's sister, Mrs. W. la Keys. held in Trinity cluireafter which a lt d - dresses will be given by Revs. Lowe on. Friday last and. 1Vlies Mabel Gov- QTaig of IVingliam, Gunne. of Clinton and W. enlock returned home with them. of Petrolea. All are invited. A, number • from this vicinity are takingcek . in the Fair " at London tbis w We are sorry 'to report that Mrs. Stephenson of the Babylon Line is under the Dr's care at present, but we hope for her. speedy recovery. Miss Ellen MeClinchey spent an GonExtroiir Town-sr:up. Mr, John Crooks •of Hodaenst Bees, stall bas.been very ill at the parental home - in this township. Fever Was feared but we are muck pleased, to be able to say that he lam improving rapidly and it is hoped he may be himself aga.in •in a, few flays.. Mr. James Connolly goes to Brant- ford this week to arrange Ibr the wins ter meeting of the Western Dairymen's Association and dairy show. . the in- tention is to give lugger' prizes • at the next show than heretofore.- When in the city -Mr, Connolly- will • gather further infant:lotion regarding n butter plant, the directors of the Hohnesville factory having decided to make butter this 'fall.. !they • will probably begin operations in November, The leat half of the. August make of the Holniesville eheese factory was sold -at to cents per pound, a greater priee. by than was paid for the cor- responding . period of last. -year. Mr. Connolly • makle .a good sale Tor it is To DOWN MR. TA.RTE. The spirited discussion carried on in the press and frotn the public plat - town by the lion. J. Israel Tarte asid fion. Cliflord Sifton has proved a sur- prise to the a, erage elector. In pol- itical circles, however, where the dif- terences of opinion existing in. the in- ner circles of tip • cabinet and the ranks of the Liberal party are well known, the falling out has been ex- pected for some time. Hon. J.. Israel Tarte stands alone among the mem- bers ot the Government for Protection straight ; while Mr. Sifton is clideliv- oring to play the Free Trade game for the West, both geatleineu have been saying sharp things. Mr. Sifton ha.s insinuated that he end the western members hold the key to the sititas tion. Mr Tarte, in answer, reminds the Minister of the Interior that the people arc superior to even western members of Free Trade professions and protectionist practices. • • Behind the scenes it looks as if Mr. Tarte has the fight of his life on his hande. Jealous of the great power the Minister of Peblic Wores ‚wields itt the cabinet clad. the indifference Ite• displays towards his associates' widlie. es, Mr. Sifton and others have -deter- s...sinned to "break" their doughty mas- ter. Nearly every_ Minister of the Crown has his personal organ, in which the owner can puff hieriself -to almost any size and air- his private opinions. Mr. Tarte is represented by 1,a Petrie ; Mr. Sifton by the .Wins nipeg Free Press ; Mr. Fielding .by the Halifax . Chronicle . ; Sir .Williatn Mulock by the To.rOnto Star s Mr. Fisher by -the Montreal Herald ;'..and. Mr. Blair by the St.. John Telegtapri: It is significant that, with the excep- tion of the La Patric, the..above ham,- ed organs have started in. to" hammer • the ,political life, out of Mr. Tarte. Each paper has some condemnation to offer of the protectionist oraticina of Mr. Tarte. . The Halifax Chronicle advises him to join the Conservatives and the others j oin lustily • M _the chorus. - It looks as if the word • had. been passed along the line • to give Mr. Tarte a back seat. Not only have the government papers been calling. the Minister . to time but in. the west Messrs. Scott and Oliver, two of Alr:' Sifton's mouthpieces,- have been proin- ising large. slices - •of Free Trade.. Hardly had Mr. Tarte commenced his annual lecauring tour .when. pro- posals found opposition in the west, • . as they now are in the east," and the action has become so general that it, looks as if the attempt to dowit,Mr.. Tarte will be carried at • any coat.: • Mr. Sifton is said to be leading -the - campaign and the Minister {at the In- terior had an emissary at the meeting of the Manufacturers' Association at Halifax, who, it is said, gathered consickrable information on . trade subjects. The result of that. visit was the systematic coaching .01 the Free Press, Mr. Sifton's Free Trade -Jour- nal of Winnipeg. Mr. Tarte has wine in for some hard blows from -that quarter. However, he • will not be found wanting when the time for ac- tion arrives and his utterances in Tor- onto that he cares nothing for a posi- tion in the cabinet, has an ominous* ring about it, Mr. Tarte refused dur- ing the last session of the parliament to vote against the "Canada for Can- adians" proposal of the Conservative party and deserted the goyernment all that issue. In doing so he ehowed. himself to have the ccrurage of his convictions. Such a man will not -go • under without a struggle and Mr. Site ton is likely to find himself face. to face with a situation unique in his political career. With one minister promising. protection and another guaranteeing Free Trade the publie can satisfy themselves as to the tie mount of hartnony and good fellOws ship existing in the Laurier cabiaet.' •. IWEST TDCRES.SIIITII. inAtIltrglkc'esitueinrulbet'acil ion"Ltente w;ell. Time corn harvest commenced this week. It is a little later this year , and there will likely be a. rush as 1 there are half as many more uew silos 1 to fill this year. Farmers are buy this week finish - Mg up their pea harvest. , 1 Pan Ross is busy erecting a silo for. Mr. Wm. Colwell of the London Road. Miss M. Nott is home after a two months' sojourn in Algoma. Mr. John Stanbury spent pert of this week in Loudon. . . The trustees of S. S. No. 4 have re- ` engaged Miss Jennie Grant for , 1903. This will mate the fifth year Miss Grant has taught the youth of No. 4. September 18th, 1002 aft ernoon recently 1 tl 0 guest f Alis ; Maria Dowson of the Goshen Line. 'Mr. Ben. Keys, accompanied by his sister, .Miss Phoebe, visited their. sis- ter, Mrs. IVElliott of Goderich town- ship, this week, -- Mr. Nathan -Peck of . the Babylon 'Line . bought some cattle from Mr. Peter tole recently and brought them not known that another factory in the homeon Saturday. province received toe ter August Mr. and Mrs. W. •Is Keys were in. cheese. • Clinton' on Thursday last .and called •- on the latter's brother, Mr. Frank • Hall. • Dr. Arinstrougs who is leaving Beiteefield in the 'llear.futurc; was in Mr, Charlie Askwith was home sick for a few days last • week. this vicinity ingking calla Saturday, .111e: C. A. Jamesonhas a very sore • accompanied by Dr. Rogers, who. is to hand at present. • .. take .his place. .. . • Mr. James Carter intends builditig a • • cement blacksmith shop .at once..• Mrs. Zeit. Phillips of Whitechurch was the guest of her parents; Mr., and Mrs. R. Medd; last week.. • Mr, John : Knox left 'last' Tuesday for the \Seai. with a. 'carload of apples man of Seaforth spent Sunday at Mrs and honey.; • . • • Tyerman's.s . • . A targe number .attencled the Hunter Mrs. Hutchison and Mrs. AdOlph of and , Crosslev. meetings' at Diingannon Ilstowel have - returned helm' aftee last 'Sunday. • ' spending a week. at. Mr. A. Tyerman'a. AUBURN. .HULLETT TOWNSHIP.. . . Mr. David Ferguionsis having a Alto.' built. • Mrs, John Best alid Miss Ante Tyer- Quite a 'somber from here- took in . Mr. William Lawson arid son of the London Fair this week.- Brussels spent Sunday with Mr. Luke Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Munro and Miss I awson, . .• , s- • Blair. and . Mr. Price attended the Mr:. Janies Fergeson haa Started' to funeral . of the late .William Blair of builds • hie:- new. house. Mr. .•Tames Porter's Hill last Week. ' • .. • Pipe is doing the main .wark. " •.' Mr. George .Lemp's new Shop 'int' • Main street is. *siting comPletion.. kippEN. &Vera1. of. the Masonic brethern at-. • tended the -funeral of the late Dr. Ten- .. Mr.Alairlas twonieces tram •Scinth neat dit Lueknow on Sunday. ' : • • ' ' • Cayuga visititig, him.' They • adintee, William Dobie, •Joho Knox -William.- the eountry .licreabouts. . • Patterson .and .others went •, to the' •Mr. Jaines Macdonald: has. returned , West on Tuesday. . • • - •'. .. from* Toronto.. While .there ,he visited ' The English choreal was :beautifully . the .fair and thought it very •,good. .. dectarated; to, greet the large congregate .. Mr. and* Mrs.*. Long. of Treaton arc. tion assembled to licarlRev„ Edinceids Visiting in the hotne of Mr.. Johit. i last Sunday . evening. His , relit:react: „ ',Tetneo. • They. cuid Sifts. and Mrs, Jones . paid, the selioal a, visit on Monday. : " intend taking a trip to Elinville . dur While tearing. down part h.of theold lug this Week - shop Jas. Carter had • the snisfortune1 . •Those who , saw the meteor which •• . .. . . ' . • .'. to • have his . ear ' split by- a falling i passed •so close to the earth. on Mon - board, but It will 'soon be together a- } day 'morning' about 5.5o have some-. .. . . . . gain. .. • " • . s •• ,. . thing- to talk about,. .: The.rilibmietike , Apple packing -ami handling • Is ' all !.eliecloW of . smoke was- -distinctly vieis the rage at present-.. •• . . • " 1 lite .for• .nine • minutes. One 'observer Mr. James Medd and wife took • a • Who San, it -thought he" saw somethiug look -at London show this -week, Sojne like ashes 'fall when the meteor was' others took tt.th alsci. . • • &emitted, . '.Mrs. and Miss Sadie Einigh -of the Cotintanturcrdiaaly.visited the .county town ols Mr. Charles Roadhouse and bride res turned from their honeymoon- trip end have settled down to housekeeping in the house formerly occupied by . Mr, A. E. Brildwin, thing and • preached • an excellent dis- rsot St. Anclrew's chureh on Sunday ev- coRtieve, . . Mr. Small occupied the: pulpit Sacramentof the Lord's supper was tabninistered on Sunday moriung last in St. Andrew's church. Mr. Elam Livingetonesretureed from his trip to the Soo Mr Fridays. .Mr, •Wm. Shane, an ohl time resi- clent, but now of Montreal, wag vis- iting old, friends and associates ou Asouday and :Tuesday. - Monday eyeningai • •train brought home the last of our citisens who helped .swell the large throng. at the Toroato Fair this year., A. large number- of...our citizens •and 'waiters .of the surrounding country are enjoying' 'themselves at the -West- ern Fair' Which is being-. held in Lone don this•weelt,. • . took this COZBORNE TOWNSHIP. Quite a number, attended the evang- elistic services on Sabbath at Dun- gannon and there will be uo service at • • Zacin on Sunday next as Messrs.; crossle,y and limiter are holding s -geld service at. Dungannon. ltd. Attrill has returned home after a. few weeis' visit hi Chicago, Miss .Annie Davidson of, Goderich was the guest . of Miss Carrie Dlorrish on Sabbath evening. . Death has visited this locality- Mice more. when on Thursday morning last• Mr, (linters passed 'into the great be- yond, aged 82 years end 2. months. Mr, Gliderswas highly respected by all who klieW him and leaves three sons. and • four , daughters to Mourn' their •loss. The funeral took place on Friday. Afternoon to Colborne ceme- terywhere. the remains were .laid at rest.' The: bereaved family have the syinpathy ot the whole community in' this their time of trouble. :Colborne council ma on September end. All the men -niers were present -• except Mr, Attrill. Tenders were read from -Jesse Gledhill and Tliomas Walks er. and .Vrank Naegle for the building. of cement abutments .to the bridge at Benmiller, the former fax .$4.50. Per cable yard and the latter at $5.15 per cubic yard. Moved by Hill, seconded by Hill, that Mr, Gledhill's tender be: - accepted. Carried. . Moved by Robert- son, seeonded- by Sewell, that a bylaw be passed levying ..the following rates Lor the current yetix :•• County --rate in ill t 1 i 1 ills sLMal seh s, owns 1 p 3 n , . e ool rate .11,-, mills ott the dollar.; alsO suf- •iicieut rates to raise the areohntsaieci- . - DONNYBROOK., cesSary for the different school sec- ' • '' tione. Carried.. Council 'then adjourn - Fall Wheat sowing - is the Order of ed to meet at the call et the Reeve. the day now. .• Rey. Mr.. Colipland preached a' .ser - t ' '• mon on elopers=e 9itSunda ni . r g at Donnybrook. . ' *•• • ' • . Mr: . DayidTisdale is busy framing for Mr. Whitman .of :East Wavectnosh. Mr,. .T0'; Plowman and sister 'visite ed frieads in Dungannon on SandaY • .. last. • . ' •. ' . . , , Several, persons around here are • on the sick list, •. : ' . • ' ' 1 • „ Threshing is all the go in this vict-. nay. . • • . . Mr. J. Flynn is shingling Mr. Chas. IVIilnaris barn this week: . 4. :large number around here intend to take in the Western Fair thiS. week. Large crowds go Sroin here th Dun- gannon .to .licar Crossley and Hunter. the evangelists. • • , 10: John Robb -of 1•Iitron visited Mr: C. Robb .on Sunday' week, : • ' PORTSALBERTs s '. ' 'IVIr. and Mrs. 'George Itawkins are ... . . . . henne. again after a . week's visit: to Exeter; histead.• of. -BlindRiver Al- • • MoKILLOp TOWNSHIP; Mrs, Thornton -and Mrs. Albrecht of Grand Rapids' '. Mich:, have been: on'. . visit to 'their father; Mr, John- Mien, for a couple of weeks. • Mr. Jaines.Afeliffibons a former res'i. &nit of Maintop, but. whohas' been . ref:Wing' in MiOligan fax 'many Syears, has lseen vzutIng 'Ina sister, Mrs, .1tie • Ewan of. Leadi. atry. '• • • • . • ; kiss .Rose Smith And Master John Gardiner,. two bright young students., Svere each sueceisful itt obtaitiieg firat•- ! class , certifleates at the :recent exami- nations,' , . ... • • ' . ; We were pained to hear of the acci- dent which beta ,Mr.' Thomas lIttyS, .; • • .Mrs, A. V, Curren and .son, Albert, Dr..tarmatt.Aganr.Elected•.Getteral Super=City, .canie home on Monday. •, who lia.Ye been .visiting. in the Queen ihtehdent by. the .Methodtst .Conference. • at Toronto. for a week, is Mrs. Ed. McConnell; who has been Rev.- • . . . ' . 13.ond of Halifax Chosen .Editor of the Christian Guardian. home again.' . • Mr. • and Mrs. Nils 'Person buried their infant scat: oit Saturday after- noon, •. ' • • .Strayed front. I,ot 30,,lown plot, . Port Albert, on . or about the 6th' Sep- , . . Winnipeg, Sept. x6.—The time of the Methodist Conference today was larva ly taken up by the selection and el- ection of its numerous officers . f or the ensuing term, . ROTTEN TO THE CORE. The retirement of Manager RusSell of the Intereolonial Railway. ia meet- ing with the condemnation it deserves. in the columns of the Canadian press. From the Atlantic to the. Paeilic there is a general failure to appreciate the utility of retiring a gentleman who according to Hon. A. G. Blair's own statement, in one year cotiverted a de- ficit of $5oop000 into an alleged sur- plus of $8o,000. Mr. Ruesen, being a business man of staaditig, foued it impossible to become a political patty hack and on the recommendation of Hon. H. R. .Emtnerson, whose shore in the theft of a letter from an Inter - colonial employee reinstated him in Mr. 13lair's good graces, Afr, R.ussell was requested to retire. The trails - action is a disgraceful one, It shows how rotten the mahagemeht of the government railway system is and proves beyond it doubt that the prime object of Mr. Blair and his associates is to It -lake it the strongest` del.or itt the Liberal " machine." No wonder the Intercolottiat costs the people of Canada millichis each year when pol- itical subservalice is placed before per- sonal worth and integrity. For the general superintendency Dr. Carman was re-eIected on the first ballot, the vote standing as follows : ! ANOTHER CABINET ntvimrtriNen. Fighting likt blazes" never ap- plied more strongly to the present condition of the Laurier cabinet than at present. Hardly, had the stuolte of Dr. Carman „Dr, Sutherland a Dr. Potts .., is Dr. 'Rose ...• Dr. Ityckinan o .... .. •-• • 5, • Dr. -Allan ., • . Dr, Williams :* • • •0 too ••• ..... • ...... .4, . Dr: Rose . •-• a. P, R.' Young. ; '• .• • 1 AS Dr. Cartnats stepped forward to • acknowledge .the honor. his emotion . was quite visible. He said : " Bohm; ed brethren, an expression and a vote • like•this must fill a man with amaze- ment and ought. to deeply affect him with. gratitude to his brethren alai with humility before God: Atter all tkese years of .sertoce, with my cont- ing in and goingout before the bretlt- tan, where 'they have, known of Intr. thoughts, my inmost thieights, iny words and my ways, after they , have ; seen so fully thy imperfections and un- worthiness, it is •a matter to me .of extreme gratifications -I dare. hardly say personal gratification—that they haie scen ft c,nec toore to molie1', expression when there ere so many in this Conference with qualities and. a- bilities atove iny •own ; arid, breth- ren, that you have today tinder these eircionstatices again given this reitew- al of eonfidence to thiS humble man of , • goitts' forward as etreitgth from God perinitteth, is to ine a mat - .'ter of pi•ofound satisfaetion. •Alost Ifeartilv I nitrides -my brethren, tu6st cartiestly 1 praise my God, niost de- votedly I give myself to the church, and most heartily woutd I devote my- self in the love atid fear of God its God . gi t y to cisc large this great reeponsibility. 1 have felt that there are responsibilities, I have a axe were reaponsi ix it. les. Through the years I have acen siotne great things 'Lima in the good providance. of God perhaps the inen this office have been able to apprec- late those faithful men that were iny associates, Rice awl Willietne, iti the work of the connection throughout this country, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Mingling with the brethren I have sonietintes thought these servic- es were of • some value in uniting these Cottferettees and uniting these different sections of our work, and I have felt throughout this impulse of love and this assurance of brother. • • • hood, 'I thank . you; .brethrea, and the lova and fear of God' I onward in the•time allotted ine, .in. the .provi- ,clenee Of God a,n.d•under your -brother- ly .benediction, to What I can itt the service of time Masters in the ser- tiee of the Church,. our 'Lord Jesus Christ 'leading. Qn." • The following Wete• also elected to the General Board • of, Missions Mine istOrs—Dr, Rycleman,• Dr. Goetz, .. Dr. Briggs, Dr, r. J. Williains, Rev. W. R. Soung,. -Dr. Htteatis ;. Laytitea—C. IL'lgassey, N. W...Rowell, ...T, A.. M. Aikens, Seitator Cox, I. W. Playa's, J. J. MacIiaren. • . , • • After- this the long lists of newly -elected members, Sci the. Board of.Edu- cation Society .and the several colleg- es were announced. 144 ' 37 • 19 21 , •---5- 1 Edneationals--.The Educational Com- mittee's retbinmendations were adopt - as follows: That women reprea' seating London, Hamilton and Toron- to . Conferences be admitted to the. Jloard f Alma College, St Thomas • that Standard Wesleyan C,ollege,Mont- real, end British Columbia. College be acceptect as connectibnal itistitatibns ; that the following be 'the distribution Of the Education 'Fend :—Victoria, 40 per cent. ; Mount Allison; 14 per emit. ; Wesleyan, Montreal, 18 ; Wes- ley, Winnipeg, 18; .Albert, Belleville, 5 ; Columbian, Nevi AVestaninater, 5 ; that the • Conference protest against the giving of, aid by the Ontario. Gov:. eminent to educatiotial institutions which are denotninational and not un- der die control of the Government ; that the Methodist College of New- foandtand be accepted .as a denotnihas tional institution, No present action was taken in the matter of the eubticatioh of a. new hynnt book.- • . „ G. J. Bond wan eletted editor of the Christian Guardian. The vote stood : Bond A. C. Clews S. tenther, a, jarge brood sow, whites -Any information as- to. 'where the. win-. mal will be found 'will. be thankfully received by WilL 13 Hawkuns af this village,: ' Harvest hometha,nlcsgiving services * will be held in the English -church next Sunday when Rev. E.. A, Hall' of •Gor- rie will officiate; SerViCes At 11 and 7 p. nr. • The offertory will be ditt• 'behalf of the basement ImOr6aemeats• 4.11 are cordially• invited: , ., • J•olat ,Shoetiliads is visiting hey' • c • pareuts at..111ilvertcM•at present, her mother.beingsat the point of ,death. : Miss.V k' • lelt f or De- troit on :Wednesday. .• • .Revs.M..•g. Goldberg of' Dungannon wasun the village ent.Difonday calling.. I hotice, Mr. Editor, that that won- derful harbor' of St. Joseph; 'which is uhder contract at present, has inetits• . 'Waterloo. just so • will anen whovot- ed that money to be scptaudered, • in such a hole as that meet their fate bit- - fore iriany.ntooits. It is shameful -that suck things are allowed.' • ?gigs Richardson Sandayed , with her . sister, kn. H. Stewart of Lltingainion, who got no of his armns broken. He is Mighty good. stuff and. won't Make much fuse over it. • , • • •The members of Bethel Methodist church intend holding. a garden party on 'the' lawn. of Mr. David Boyd on Thursday eveuing of .this week. A gocul iw.aaticipated. • - :Mr. R. A. Bell • attended the Indue- trial -at • T.orcinto• and reports 4 good fair and a laSge crowd. •• . Our old :friend, 'Mr. -Robert Camps bell, , has purchased mien*. • dorm, which tnalces him the mailer ofoo. acres of beautiful land. The paid for this farm•.which he, purchased last week: -was about -$6,600, The' fine estate. • of • Mr.- Campbell -is situated mar the- centre of the towaship, • • .• CONSTANCE Mr, W. Glen of Abilene, :Xittisits, and • Mr. • Sandy -Droadfoot of Bruce- fielmi. ealled on their cousin, Mise Alice Stanley, • and' other. accsaaintances• on' Mr. Sinclair Sutherland was laid- off work part of last week witlz. a cold, but we are -glad to say he luta start- . ed to work again.. Mr. Duncan Tutor called on friends in Ugntondville on Sunday. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs, William Lowrie of the AtIt c.oticeSsion will regret to learn of the sad 1,er- - eavenicnt which luas bcfallen1 itt the death of their sott William which occurred on Wednesday. About eight Weeks. ago he was stricken -with a form of dropsy and from that time :until his dcatlt he was confined to his bed most of the time. Prior to his illness the deceased Was apparently a strong, robust .young man. He was 124 just entering Manhood, being only 22. 114 Years ohl, and his earlv taking off wits a sad blow to .his parents itiu friends. The remains were interred in the Minis cemetery. an Thursday and were followed to them last resthig place by a large untidier of sorrowittg relatives and friends. Ott Monday night Rev. W. A. Gifford of Clinton gave a very fine lecture on the Forward Movement in the interest of Constance League. "L., • Rev. Mr. Hennedy will occupy his own pulpit next Sunday afternoon at bis appointment. Miss Alice Stanley visited friends in Tueltersinith oft Sunday. Other electionswere its follows : Editor Methodist Magazine and Sun- day .school periodicals, Dr. Withrow ; General Secretary Board of Missions, Sutherland •, Assistant. Secretary, Dr. a* antes Iboderson ChLricat Treasurer, Dr. Sutherland ; Lay;Treas- urer, A.b. Antes.; 'Corresponding Afts- siohary, Secretary for Alassitoba and the Northwest Territorics, Dr. ‘Voode vtorth ; Secretary Education, • Dr Potts ; Secretary •Senday sehool 'and Apwottlt League, Rev. A. C. Crews ; Tr. asurer -Superasittnatioti Vutid, Dr ; Assistant, Edward Gurney. • ASHFIELD' TqWNSIIIP: . We are- verr.y. sorry to relate' the death of Mras Cooke, relied cif the late Smiled cooke. The'deceased had.beeit ailung for some. • Utile , . the. • cad. Wa.s pot.. entirely .Unexpected. leaves to nahiris their loss live: song .ancl tWo daughters,. •vi•z; Samna, Johns and William on the '9th con., Peter of the nth .tenceasion.. and David .of and Mrs. .TOhn Glessier.•and Mrs. Geo. Swan • •of ..:11elfast. The pallbearers Were :.Her four sons and J, •Webstee and George *Carter of • Maliomet, • -111. The funeral -was. by Rev, McNair of Dungy:talon and Rev. Crbss- 'ley. nig. remains were .ta,ken to • Dune. ,gainuat -. interment on 'Saturday last and . were folliivved by a large concourse .. of frienas.:.The bereaved one.S helm' the • sympathar .S.of -the coxn- itmuuui-ty.; , • • Aire.'John' O., Elliott' of at- tendd e. the Itineralsol. her: sister ,- -Mrs.... Samuel Cooke. • " .Mrs. Connell- of 'Clinton is. visiting ..a.t Mrs, C. Cooke's. • 41k411001. ,..414111ir 41*.,44,16. 414.1..WI0prib 4401100 # PICKLING SPICMS Whole, Ground and Mixed'spices All kinds, fresh and full strength • By the o,1b. or package. • t RPt,,' rc7P°13ala1;°E1 .Reeiie1):trs,eyYakt01.t f, N. 13,—Corks,, Bottling Wax and Jar Rings. fr 1; 1=. • 4 Remnant Shoe Bale - AT - TaY1.017Ls B* Shoe Store During this month we will interest all Shrewd Shoe Buyers. We -are constantly picking out of our Regular stock ODD saes AND ODD uNgs and placing thenT5iiour Baigain 'Conn- ters. — For Saturday's Trade They will be replenished again with. the best values ever offered in Clinton. ui Bargains For Everybody. Come and See foryourself, It -will Pay.You. THE OLD RELIABLE. m. TAYLOR & SON. • Onsla and One Priee Butter and Eggs taken as qi8li ..44.•44 4• 44: 1 ' THE dREAT. CASH STORE'i , g I • • i Our Vraod..F.a. 1.I. I. Millinery: ppeitiltig. : •. .NVIi.14 BE .}IRT.,,i6 ON .-. ' SEVI.'.. 26th AND 27t1i .... : -A cOrdhil itiviteticin is extended to all,- i Miss Morrison, who is well and favorably known tti the ladies of '. •Blitli and surroundIng country, is again charge of the departeneht. .• '--. . . • In Furs we are showing the. finest rangellat has ever • • *been shown in Blyth, consisting of Men's Fur Coats ' .* and Caps, Ladies". Futqloats, Caperines,.. RUN, Muffs, . . Gauntlets and Caps, Children's Caps atid.Auffs. . . • . • -Come early and get•yOur choice. t• Ont'New.Fall Coats for. Ladies, Mirisei and Children ., ' ' • are sellipx.well. .. • .. -....-- ---.- ' 1 In the Dreas Goods department A large assOriment of Neer Under:, we have some excellent vdines. ' weer lust received. . • .. • .• 4. • • • 1 • McBEATH BL—YTH—. $.4•4•••4••44.•.••••••.•••••••4••••••••••+4.H40.00 ...• .1 • 11, urniture . .Our ,large warerooins. are fully stocked with furniture ' of all kinds and if you are thinking of purchasing we invite you to call, see our display and learn our prices. • FARLurt vABINETR adIlirrONIERS MUSIC CABINETS DRESSING TA1G,ES MIISIC RACKS BALL RAORS SECRETARIES LIBRARY TAnt,aa Bo= CASES FANCY TABLES JARDINERE STANDS EA.EILES: FIOTCREN - FAPRR RACES cGCCLIES . It will do you good to *see the beautiful line of Fancy Rockers Morris Chairs and Odd Parlor Pieces we are offering. • ; . .13AY .TOWNSUIP. We will consider:it a 'pleasure to show you through our • I walrooins even if yoti dO.not want to -purchase. . ' . . . Mg of .the xoth. hist. the hothe of Mr. William- Northcott, 'end con. Hayswas the scene, of a very happy event,. the .oceasion being the tgarriage. -of his third claeghter, Rebecca,. to Chas. E. 'Aldwortla: 'a proaperous, young farmers The tereniony was per- • forincel by • the. R. Itiillyard-, of Exeter . in the pres•ence. of O litre nuinher of . giteats• Precise- ly at eight o'clock .the wedding party mitered the spacions parlor and took their positions under alt evergreen arch trimmed 'with geratiiiitils and sto- cks • while Miss :Alice O'Brieu played the wedding. march. The bride was assisted by her --Sister, Miss Sarah, while • Mr. Frahk Alclwordit .of Day- light; cousin of the. groom,. asaiatocl. The bride and bridesmaid were .dressed in white French organdie trimmed with white 'lace and silk. and looked char/ding. The bridal veil was very beemning. The bride's travelling atilt vicis made of intim blue -ladies' . ts t wi . UFOS 10 c01011.10Ily Leung over congratitlatiotts followed after which the gueste sat down 'to a sump nous repos The o the „bride was shown by the mullet -tins and eafitly presente received.• Air. T. N. N'ortheott of Exeter, with hie new Edison m pluograph and Misses Russell and A. D'Ilrien on the organ contri- buted very much to the e.Vening's en- joyment. Among those present from a dietetic° were noticed Mr. and • Mrs. T,ottis AldwortAt of • flayfield, Mr. ' and Mrs. W. It Johnston of ICippen, Mr. and Mrs. Box of Crediton, Mr. and Mrs.J.Datteey of Sharon, Mi. and Mrs, T. N. I+Tortheott, Mr. and Mrs. ..Tnhn Northeott, Mt. and Mrs. s'ins. Moore and Miss llfeEay of Exeter. Aldwortle—Northeott—SOtt the even • • • .11 . 4.;Ncr.. ',40.1knager: Ni lit and Simday calls answered ittiresidence:of our •• Funeral Director, 3. W. Chidley, Xing street, oppositefoundry. FACED— DOUBLE TONGUED, lCANADIAN DOUBLE The Montreal Witness, the most • , PACIF/C respectable Liberal journal in Canada, does not take comfort front the view expressed in some quarters that Hon. 3: Israel Tarte and Hon. Clifford Sif-•---- tout are playing to the grand stand Harvest in the hope of blinding all sections of the Canadian electorate. It says : . " Either Mr. Tarte atisrepresents• the governinent in Which he is en- rolled or the. government is -double faced Mid double tongued, Either the ;4'M/eminent doe a not imagine that the public Will take Mr. Tarte seri-Misty dr it thitilcs it desirable to have it Ana -tuber who catt go alout' itt tirotec- tionist centres talking protectionist rubbish." • The Witness now knows that the people are taking Mr. Tarte Very seriously. . Live Pigeons Wanted at Onoe 15 cents per pair Avill be paid for live pigeons deliver- ed to 3, E. ContelOn or Dr. Ball, Clinton. , Excursions . Will be run on September gth, re- turning mit I November 16th, 1902. Return fares for $28 to—Winnipeg,. Waskada, Estevan, Elgun, Arcola, lVfoosoinin, tVitWahesa, Mouota, Dins - urn farce for $30 to—Regita, earth, Grand View, Swan River afrRetA, iberbti, esteujv,raistfaS4orkstototn$.35 to_vr. fares 1Viret1r iet°dii. eaiegsaloi $40 to—Red Deer, Streatlir alit teopoints in Canada, Az' es,• Sault Ste. Marie Windsor and,t st. Tickets not Marie, " Imp Jai XIIII4iritcliia." Iniphiet giving further part( niers apply to the nearest Car: , l'acifie A.gettt, or to A. It, NOTMAN, Asst. Gett'l l'ass. Agt., Xing St. East, Torontol.