HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-09-18, Page 2?aware "-a•' 2 100.1011111•800011100.1. 1 THE CLINTON ITZW1301114CORD I The Late Rev, Alex. Young Hartley. ..NEWS TOPICS Wift The death of Rev. Alexander Young Hartley of McLennan, Ont., occurred uk hiS resalence. on Friday .tuornieg, August 22nd, after a brief illness. A few months previous to bia death he enjoyed the best bealth for • sever- al years and during that thlte his ig- ur and energy had not been more not - heat le than during the closing weeks of his life. Or. the Sabbath preceding his death he preached two such power - lei sermons that many of ids emigre- gation went to him sit the close and thanked him personally kr them. The two remarkable texts were, for the nen n ng, " For Inc . to live is Chris t and to die is gain," and for the even- ing " Whatsoever thy ,hand iindeth to do, do it with thy aught, for there Is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave whither thou goesta' His active manta had often caused him to express the hope that his last illness might not be long and death camequietly and unexpectedly, as if in k.nswer to prayer. During Thursday night he had not felt well, but rose Friday morning, atteuded to tartain duties as usual and, after breakfast lay down in the hope 'ol leeli ng better. Mrs. Hartley left - him lor a few monawls and returning was shocaed to find that what appeared to 1,e a pltasant sleep was nothing else than the sleep of death. Quietly, as if falling asleep, and without a move- ment he had passed to his reward. 'the funeral took place or; Tuesday, August 2b, to Laird cemetery. At the request of the family the serviees were held in the house mai were of a short • and simple character, which was. Mr. liartlev's own desire on such 'occas- ions. The services were conducted by Rev. Dr. Armstrong, Thessalon R,ev. D. ha:IS/Lehr," Sault Ste. alatae, and Rev. J. A. Macdonald of Richard's Lauding, all members with Mr. Hart- ley of the Algoma Presbytery. • The , following Sunday the pulpit was preached vacant by Rev. Mr. Rogers, an old and highly esteemed friend - of . the deceased. Mr. Rogers will also fill the pulpit till other arrange:meats are made. . - Alexander Voting Hartley was the• son of James Hartley, a farmer, of irkeowan, a igtonshire, Scotland: Here Ile was born in 1838, ..his father • dying when he was about 13 years. old and from that time on he made his own way it: the world. His boy- hood, till he was fifteen years of age,. was spent in his native county. For two years after.this he lived with an elder brother in • London; England,- and then moved to Halton county, Ont.., He imited himself with the new con- nection Methodist thumb (there being no Presbyterien) attd the next five sact-s while engaged in farming stud - for the ministry and entered upon his first charge in 186o,- •being -ordain- cd in the year 1864.• In the same year. he was married to Maggie Fitzgerald of Loudon, Ontario. - While in the Methotlist ministry he was in charge of the -Cayuga, Gianton, Landon and • Rodman circuits. Allout the year 11370 lie entered the Presbyterian ministay and it -masted a call to Dunganuon In 1313.. Itt April, 1876, his wife died, leaving behind alive sons and 'one daughter.- The • youngest of these sons • died in 1896. The others are all living still. In 1877 he moved to 'Exeter, . having received a call front the con- gregations of Exeter and Rasgerville. In November of this year he was mar- ried to Emma Sewell of East Zona whotte with one son and two daughters he leases to inotru his departure, Itt' .1878 the two congregations of which 110 was pastor became 'self supporting • and he chose the RogervIlle congrega- tion and lived,for three years in Ilene • ealls In Mr he accepted a call to Dim:vale where lie labored for la vears till 096. In that year he resigned, his ; I chargean account •of failing health,.1 1 intending to rttire from the•ministry,.. -bat being pressed to take charge of a .difficult field in Algoma, continue -tithe work, feeling it Ins duty to undertake the hardships of 4 Low country in the. ealttie for • wbieli be had labored for .'40 years. Tae MacLennan congrega- tion grew rapidly and ie a year ex- tended a call to Mr. Hartlec. anti tagarattel' from the other stations. Frain this time on to his last Sab- • bath on earth he laboted on,' beloyea by his congregetioa, and then passed away while still engaged in the. active work of Lite ministry. • • In a few words it is salvos:6We' to give an idea cif Mr. Hartley' as a inan. lIe. wits of an affable and genial, • dis- rosition and did much for the gauge of religion outside the •pnlpit as weul as ie - it. He •- ewes charitable to a fault mid many who *have been bene- fitted by his kindness will lament his • ch ath. He was the leading spirit -of • whatever Company he wee in Whether 'gathered for' business or pleasure. In the church conrts he was widela known as a keen. debater, a good reasoner, amidan abhorrer of hairsplitting' tut& heresy • hunting, He was au, •-able preacher. an earnest -worker awl al - wars a favorite with the young peop- le, -hating the •ability. of preeenting. Christiantia in no sombre .colors. To the last alte' clivw large -numbers at young. people to his eluirch and they were always aMongst Itis • Mosttrusted atiends. Ile Vasknown broadly throughout ,Canada • as a man willing ! to utidertake any hardship or niake tufa sacrifice for -the cease 01 religion, . while he weuld atphola the Bennet:of the' .Ciags with his latest breatha- atty bit. Nolte 'who kniaa. Mr. 1 ..lIartley 'could bail to.-atlinire tite feat- los.•champion of all lie bclieved to .be.• •. right, atd /la atimmintance Whose • life would tot •bit bettered by 'coming% in, t'orttaCt .with -One Whose. life. ,•11,1 'Christ . . Important Events in Few Words . For Busy Readers, farop.,•••,••,• Thema), Worlda Happenings Viererulty Comallest end Put Into Steady end Attractive Shape laor the Readers of oura r per -A., Sella noises Raioement 115 lasereeristeke. IINCX.Astatiessess The price of coke in Chicago has jumped up to the unprecedented. fig - 'area Of '1;12 and $3.3 a ton. also Unitea States. battleship Iowa bas run aground near Cape Noose, Stallions, do Desterro and the Island of Milo, Brazil.. Experts estimate the damage done to t}te ibop-growers Wednes- day bythe sterns of rain and hail •at fully aaoo,00d. The Dunlop Trophy race at ,Toron to ,.- , . Saturday t.. y Vas won y Royal. aenadian team. Twenty riders come "sated through a sea of mad. • A nephew of General Dewet, the Boer commander, arrived et Berlin reeentaa to • be treated by Professor 13erguittnn for a gunshot' wound. The condition of the queen of the Delgiens, who. Was seized by such an attack of asthma. Thursday, that a physician had to be hurriedly suMe atoned from Brussels, was, serious • Friday, but no immediate danger is app • . . , `the peach crop in Essex this year is the. largest since the disastrous freeze -put of 1898; and heavy shIP- InentS are . being madeevery day, Thousends of baskets are loaded on to the evening trains at Kingsville, Ituthecn and Leamington. '.The two-year-old daughter of Louis Wagenbaint cif Chatham had at nar- row, escape limn d ath by suffoca- tion. A . pet 'cat was discovered in' Oa act of sucking 'the child's breath a Nay, lam little one bad pissed /117 to a dcathilice iswoon,, butgradually recovered elute carried into the open air.' THE DEAD, , . Dr. Wotan, N.W.M.P. surgeon .. at Pattleforta N.W.T , dicd suddenly at noon Thursday ft•otii Ileart disease. Rudolph Hailer died in Bellevue llospital, New. York, liaidayi. An au- topsy eevettled the presenee of a tape- worm 60 feet long: Haller had been driven insane by it. , . • . Allan. H. Royce, who occupied' a, seat in lire Ark town council of Toronto J Unction, died at his Marie 'there on Saturday, in his 57th year. • ale was. it native of Rutland, .England. William Wa/dorf .Aetea'a daughter ; 'Owendelitie died of consumption Fri- ,dtty morning at, Clivedea. Her body will bit.. taken to New Yorkfor burial.- • Sae. was. nine years of age. . ••Alitert Dtyden, anataploye of Hand '. & f•-.4on of Loadou - England . who have charge of the fireworks•:displity at the , Toronto ExIiibitioa,, dropped deed .at 1, the Palace. , alotel,-Kina str.eet and 1 Strachan avenue, on . 3Vednesday' 1 night. Deceased was 48 yeats. of age, land had been .sick for two Weeks. :CRIME. AND :CRIMINALS. . . . .,. • Dr, a` B •Wilkinison must pay Vic- . toela, Mid.dleton•45,000a. •Bot h par- ties... • . . Itve in Stanza, arid the action in • I orento -was brought for , alleged beestch of -promise t� • luala.Y. 'Costa ta-lian . at Lisboa; .Portagal, vas lobbed ali daestiay nieht of £0,- 000 sterlatr by- burglars, who :enter.: 1 attassa e say of a subterranean aas.sage. . The robbery lute caused , au. enoroeitie s asat'on. a ' •' • Maegie Harris, a dark -eyed young 1 woman about ala years of age. mho ',says kir home is At .Fergus, hag bean &nested on - a. charge of,. 'stealing it i• out $1 6 wet. i it r of 'blouses, . el othi re; • and ttin'a ts belonging toaMise alesi- alaratia 'T of ort lite 'Janet' en, • -- . . ,Pplasoictt. . • PI ender Barton and party arrived In a inrapag Stailtia mosning. , •• 1 • atir Literate and Lady •Tupper sane eti• bn. lava Ti nisiaita lettvipir- •Liver- Plea for Montreal a hursaay. Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick arrivectin Winnipeg Saturday and will visit the Penitentiaries in the west. On Mina day .the Catholic Club siU giva•hint a ban q%let • Among the passengers on board the North German Lloyd Law steamer ar-ronprine Witham., which, left Southampton and Cherbourg Thum - day for New York, la Rear -Admiral Lard Chas. 13eresford, ALP. iron MEN or Wan. A regiment, of flatut`atna soldiers, the 21st Vasea Paailiers, bit/s /teen in- vited by the aocal. Arms 'Committee to march in the parade of the Span- ish War veterans at Detroit on Sept. 22, . The following placers aro authoriz- ed to be attai heti for inetruction, without expense to the public, to the staff of the divisional camp at Niag- ar ths 1 else. Lieut •Col U. A. Stinson, 10th Regiment, R ' and Major it. Myles, 9th Field Battery. . cAstiasaataut. Livn STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, Sept. seth.-The • receipts at the Toronto Cattle Market today were rather light and they included too many rough to medium 'grade -an- imals. There was an active demand for the better grades and the -suitply.- was woefully short, All .the good cat- . Ile were quickly bought up and the (July slow tendency in trading was 'in - connection with the lower stock.. The almost unanimous call of the buyers was for better cattle, and several of,. them declined to do business• becaitee . they were unable to secure the •right sorts. Prices held firm for anytlisag above medium quality and wore fatty as high as those of . yesterday. •Ea - porters •atia good. butcher's were 'not as plentiful and ,were. 'Maly • Wanted. laeders and stockers were offered fee - Ir but there were not etiough of the choice oues. Sheep, Iambs,' calves and hogs were unchanged. The total aim was 49. loads, including 630 cattle, 1,- 378 sheep ar.d lambs, 32 Calves 'and 838 hogs. • -. E,xport Cattle -a -The, supply was late; ited and trade was not at .all active after the first few 'minutes. 'Several good loads were wanted but they were not to be had and buyers: were disap- pointed. Tile range of prices' for the best lots held firm at 55 to $5.0 and . one prominent dealer said . that .1te • would give $6 per oat if he could get the right kind. Four carloads of-weat- ern cattle were on the market and they sold at an average price - �f $4-90 per cwt. Medium exporters • • were steady at $4.50 to ae. • • ,•'•. • Butcher's Cattle -The supply. of choice to picked was insignificant' and buyers were forced to be content • with odds and ends. There was plenty of " rubbish" and it was "slow Of aerie. Rough cows and little: " skips" were. dull, with a lower tendency. The range of prices is intalterea, but pick- ed lots are (inn itt $4.50 to $5 Per Cwt.. . Fteders-The principal actavity ,was iii the medium and lightweights Which were tether plentiful. Nri boast could. 1 it made as to the quality, howeVer, and tbe " had ones" were too' largely represented. The market was steady, with prices. unchanged: • Stockers -The little amanita; were steady, with a good demand for those of choice quality. Prices held firm for these up to las per cwt. 'The:lower, grades sold down to $2.50. ,• Feeding Bulls -The •olferings. were fairly large but the market .wasable to absorb them all. There is ateadv tone and bulls- sell well. • Light Stock •Bulls -A few built:hes were offered but. the tnarket was Ity means encouraging, Small, hulls...Old at $2 to $2.5o per cwa, • Mitch Cows -Market was higher, • •''a few good coats having arrived. .. The range was greatly extended, two fine milkers selling at $52.50 each, Other cows sold down to $35. There is tail( an excellent demand for good ones and they will bring high priees. Sheep, Lambs and Calveti-IVfarket is steady with no change. Receipts •were fairly large but everything was eold. Hogs -Steady and michatiged at $7.t2e, per cwt. for seleets totd $6.87; for lights and fats. Gontiaott, Miss Collinson is manager of atm of the tatillinery departtneets itt Eaton's store, Toronto. We predict a success- ful career for Mises Collineota The Nears -Record leads' for Huron news. It will be sent to ally :address for the balance of the year toe 25c. Mr. A. Bisect Thorn of Aylmer will shortly move to floderich and has leased Mrs. Hays' residence on St. Patrick's Street, Miss ,Tcnuf eI1., alter a pleasaet visit with her mother, Mr. Harry Y3ef 1, Elizabeth atreet, left nit Wedites- day a. ittfor the East. Mies liell says nearly all the watering" places were pnorly patronized this season, it king too cold. The bloom 611!' Mr, Hocketepat to- DacCO Plallt Is a idvely tritasdn, was ais greateet joy. . . • • . • • • . . 'Charles King; arrested for the• of aT:atnes• W: Frttstian; hie em- • player's fifteen -year-old son„, a• Aldborouth 'townships has ..confesa- cd • to:Detectiye latitiay1 'stating. that athe crane was prompted ,•i* jealousy, HERE S. ANTHER OPPORTUNITY • • OFFERED BY 'THE GREAT NOIt- . THERN RAXLWAY. • • . • •• • Daily duriag Septesnbet and October' aim way second class tickets will be an sale 'from all stations in Ontario, at 'greatly reduced rateg, to all points en the line of the • Great Northern • Railway, in 1VIontatia, Idalay, Wash- • ington and British Coluirtbia. • Eull particulass aa to almacan be olitairted by • calling on or Writing (has. W. • Graves, District .Passenger Apra' Great"' 1%.Tortherii RaiIway, 6 Ring street, West, (Room, 12); Toeon- to, Ont. • 33 At Niagara Fails, George 1NT. Shea, kels, b k s an had his foot and ankle crushed Sunday morning at 3. Four rural visitors to Torouto we. nearly killed by blowing out the gas on Wecluesdaa night on going to bed. They were discovered just in time. it aititile InAaarettts. I The 'schooner damieeort, 'bound from Toronto to Detroit, light,' ran back to Ports Colborne on Saturday nisht for repairs a ha heavy gale of Friday night struck the schooner off Long Point and carried away her , main -sail and forestays. seratoEs 1 Mrs. Kate Collins attempted to 'h h D 'd • ' MIMI& 35. DINOX,E 18 RJLD. Ointedlau Nurse Unica Perlospi by Her Own Heel, Rochester, Sept. 15.-Fithe1 B. Din- gle, it rarely pretty girl lies deed from a, gaping tround in her throat, ,i hile Lelana Doer Neat its at the Ilomeoliathatic Hospital, his throat also sla Is il. Init not so seriously but what he will live. Kent's state- ment to the coroners has not ba n madpublic, but he claims that tit • girl wan tried h itt, 'and then killed herself. His s' 01'y is doubted,. The ample cause from litillato late Satarday night and registered at the Whitaomb House tte j, 11. Keni, and wife. They were found in their room yesterday maritime. the girl dead, the man wild and ravine,. A raeor was in the girl's left hand anti several powerful • drugs were found in small bottles in tli4 Mom. alias lanale west 22 years old, and dem:tailed by .thoet who knew her as a, strikingly betutiful young Wontan. Her parents died when she was quite young. She had been connected. with the staff of the Riverside Hospital at various times during t,he last seven years, and was Very appeasr and higbly respected.. Her grandparents, It is believed, live M Toronto, Can. Parent of Windsor, Tuesday night by drinking hall it prat of bedbug poi- son. The woman is now confined to Hotel Dieu, where she is slowly re- covering. • • " MUNICIPAL WORLD. • Recent County Council statistics show .the population of Greater Lon- don to be 6,581,872• . , Mr. Carnegie'slibrary donation bus been• unanixitously :rejected by the Port Maher, Ont., town council,• . RELIGIOUS WORLD. Tho General Synod of the Church - of -England brought its labors to a. • close Friday afternoon, when the • titled tiessnon ot that body, aced at was prorogued by Art:Wash- op Bond. - • .• . The ltight Hon. Dr, .W. Da Reeve, • Bishop, of Mackenzie River, who hag I eeu. tiona for six weeks .in it Lon- don, Eng., hospital with scarlet fey- - er; is able to he out. •. . .• aoateracs-iroitsible. ' The Miaieare of Commove° has pub- • lished : the provisions .of it new law which•requires ever, counnercialtray-, eier in Austria tofuraish as certificate. •of character. and a medical certifitatte; . -• P01,11TICS.-CANA DIAN. • -•• • • Owing to the absence of ono of the 'presiding judges, the Lisgar election., petition. will be postponed from Sep- . temaer'.28 to a, week later. The place: ..olatrial Is Carman. • . . . . ; eetsz..eatta naeones,-- a a • The Beaum.opt, Texas,' oil field • s an fire and there is no thence' tit • atop the. progress of the flames. • ' ••- • EakoEristas. . . . Cholera has. claimed 16,209. vie- tinta at Cairo, since. July 15. .aiarowned le the .litoriber. • • Toronto' Sept.•• 1 White, . .1 'a painter, formerly:. of B.clieville, was • drowne'cl. in . the Taumbeta Sunday .n.o nine, .11e had been: subject to epileptic .alite, and in one 9/ these ' spasms he is suppased 'to Imam fallen *into the Neater, He was 'found float- ing face. dawn, and when-Cal:en froxu. the water, was•still .alive, though he dleti a, •shcirt time • after being 'taken , to Nurse's Ilogpit al, • a heta Dr. Orr was speedily sunimpaed. •, -7 • .---7•• • • - • • Cable hteamor ArrtY. • • . ic i ; IL C., Sept: la. --The cab- le steamer Colonia arrived yeaterdity and .began laying the Pacific cable. . :. • . Etrest7yba4aais a friend of-thernitlr • except those who !night have to pay him mote wages.. . . . 60 1a3ts0a7st sanowatED. alarms Saved Froth wreck of an Inman • , man Tram, Madras, India, Sept. 15. -Au Eng- lish mail train Saturday, 205 miles fisom this city, cla ked over a bridge which had been linden/lir/4cl by floods. Fifty passengeria included amok"; whom were eight Europeans and four soldiers, were drowned. Twenty-five were saved from the wreck.. Otant Water spent Seen. • Detroit, Mich., Sept.. 12. --"As the steamer laity of the Straits was plawe lag through a vielent stoma on tatke Huron. Weilneadua,. about live Miles. off laineardais, Ont.. there sudd.nly appeared on the heels of. the depart- ing storm cloud at water 'spout, rift- ing several Iniadred feet in the atie.' and s9 nectrat hitt it, Was nocessark to erano one's neck to see. the Whole of it. • 'The spout was wide ea. ;the top and enliven!toward tits 4,parting. Morin, resembling a large Dalt atom -inverted; • Wht n complete,. I he spout • was • fully .a• thotiiinna feet hlgh, mai olVf.ots0precAdv,as earricd ap at' a great rate. . Potatoes lir Dotter Bolls. Toronto', Sept :LB. -Mrs. Jane El- • leabeth Reid, it fariner's Wite, • went • 111.0 lloss' g nit•al store .ata Ittotint Albert. en , July 3, unit sold 'TO taamils.' of butter, gettilig in• ,ex- change ereclitaots goods... George HtI- lingshead some of this butter, and In each found says'he fetiu•d a --pared 1 °tate: Ross then examined tits' rest .tho' batter and .says he found sevetitiasoi•atees. _Ile caused it .stinuncins ta. In issued (hal 414 the • Yunnan withfalse pretences. • Her • trial iota( alaee on Friday in the C'riruinttl'S esS ions be f bre Judge Ma r- gitn and asaaury. Tae jury dleagreed, Treighte ituaateiteurea•. • ...Ottawa; Seat; .a.n. early • nieetin'g of the Cabinet, .1Ion, '.M. portlier will rocOnnnend the easpoipt- .xneet cif it Clilef Inspector of. Weights . and areesurese . A salary of .$2,400. will be .attaaleti to the office, . is to be IC:anted at Ottawa: The Mune of alar.• James' Fife, scale mania. lacturets titentianed •in. eonnectlon • with. the, appointment:. , • . • ' Suicide With Waterford, Stipa 1 'Mat- thews., it " termer Of, Rotted Plains, weet ..of Watataircls come Mitted .suici de Saturday. anorriiag by .taking eadoseaur.arseate:..11e Was not dead when found in the barn, •A data • tor Was. sent for andeverything was. .: aorta to ; save ban, 'bet buexpirocl &Lout 13. o'clock. September 18th, 1902 1111.111101111000111111,1111 „ WILLING TO BE TESTED. CAMERAS CAMERAS We possess the most ample facilities for Serving the public with per*, fresh Dregs, Toilet goods, Perfumes alal all other lines usually found in it first- class drug store, rront business and araassional standpoints We are wil- ling to be tested by acritical public. r••• •••••••••••• EXPERIENCE HAS PROVED Tbat Paine's Celery Compound has no equal for buildiug.up'the weak and rundown. It is spectally recommend- ed to sufferers frotn rheumatism, neur- • algia, and nervous prostration. Paine's Celery Compound stands far above all' other medicines as a disease banisher. •R. la REEK'S, Druggist, Clinton, Ont. Ifea STOPS rxis COUGH AND .Nwrtriirrrimrrirmrrnimmtrrtmirrirtntml. wwwwirrit.trwrivitfrfirtimmtriirttry.T.Irrtrg •▪ ••••• ED* 0▪ .•••• ff•-• ••••••• • %Pr •••••• O.` ••••• re..• .1;••▪ • • dilt.▪ ••• • ••••-•. MO-. • ON" gr, - 111..4 MP. OP.. t•••• • 1110.• 111••••• OA. OPI ,••• 0•••••• •••••• ••••• 1111". 110•••• • CO.▪ ' /0••• Oar. 0.• • 1.6.• ="▪ *.. =• Z- 40.• V ow ur oys' Clothes? How's.the boys' clothes,? If there is anything in the world that will make the opening of school easy for the boy its a new suit. 'We have. studied the school suit problem Iromc,the parents' side as well as from the., store's standpointff the goy does not go to school well dressed it will be your fault, not ours, We carry the greatest range of l3 oys' Suits and Knickers in the coun try. , Being manufacturers they are all our own make and you save the . middleman's profit. • Our Lion Brand Knickers have double seats and douhle knees, made from special Flalifax tweeds, double sewn with linen thread and they stand.today as the best goods on the market. We have filled orders from Halifax, N, S., to Victoria, B. O., for these goods and we find it diffieult to keep up with the demand. On Saturday next we will haw a Special Boys' Day and to make matters interesting we will give some special prices. 50 Boys Odd Coats, $2,50 and $2,00, iCir $1.44 200 Boys' 1VIole Knickers, 40e and 35c, for 240- . 60 Boys' Odd Vests, $1.25 and $1, for 490 25 Boys' Tweed 'Coats, unlined, for half price Our Lion Brand Suits at $4.00, $4.50 and $5,00 are the best goods in the county,. WG know this to. be a fact because hundreds of the keenest buyers in the county are buying them. Come and see them, aips .:16&sOn etaliateaataaaasseseasisaissaaaisaa CLINTON ,-••• •••• ..••• ••••g ••••• • .4% ••••C "NI ••••••• •••••.• • .10 • •••iii ••-•11 • ••••111 +- dB •-•••• ••••1111 ...41111 "-.10 -••••• ••••• ^With rem ••••II• ••••• .•••1 •••••11 •••alf ••••I ••••• •••••••0 •••• •-••••••• . 148 •••••• •••1* ••••• m•toll •raff a • •••• ••••la •••••••• •••411 ""•3I •••• •••••, a a „.4 WORKS OFF TIIE COLD. Laxative Drones Quiehte' Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. . Obi Bibles at eapiseaunt. • London,. Sept. 11, -In a, despatch from, St, Petersburg the correspon- dtstit of The Daily Mail relates that t.ha. commander of .the Cossask ista- tion itt Wertesehinck, anxious that Itis . district sbould show *a preP011^ deranee of ratios, has ordered that the fathers of every girl .baby barn in the district shall 'receive 50 strokes with the knout. Several men, says the Porrespondent, ha've already been knotited under this rat- ing. CLUBBING OFFERS-. We have Made special arrangements with the pablishers of The World, Toronto, of which W. la. Maclean, M. P., is .managing editor, We can offer a special smuttier bargain in newspap- erdom-goiel during August and Sep., tember, The.TorantO• World,. 53'..a year The Sunday World, $2 a. year the News -Record, $1 a year - For' all three, $4.50 a .year We will give.$6-•for.$4.50. Or for this journal and Tae - Daily World for one year our price is 53. • The World. gives-. the correct market .quotations. -Its market' -reporter was a • 'farmer in :. :York comity:for natty yenta •a,nd knows how to glean Wore mation which:is correct. • ' The. Sunday World as. peblielied ..on .Sattirclay.. night and has 32 pages dt,. illustrated sketches and. 'views of • ab- sorbing ipterest. ,. • • • . BICYCLES:. We represent the Makers Of the best bicycles he tmarket:. • We keg). accoad hand ivheels • kr • We repair bicycles and keep 611 . kinds of repairs in stock. • . sell the •Page Ware Fence and do a general blacksmithing and job- • bing trade... • s,Eur,iv Portland milt FOR. SALE- ,: 1. am agent in this dis- • triet for the 0 en Sound: Portland Cement Coin• •2 pany and, a in preijared to1 supply either large or small quantities. Contrac- tors and others Who In- tend buildinOTalks, Walls ' or silos of eminent will 'de . Well to communicate with .• t06. The Sarnppon brand of CeMek : Manufactured by the Owen Sound Port• - land Cement- Company is • the best cement On the • • market. Thos... Walker. Cameras CAMERAS • CLINTON Cook's r *Cotton Root Compoun md Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladles. Safe, effectual. Ladiesask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Coat pound. Take no other, as all mixturee, pills sad imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, SI pow boa ;No. 2,10 degrees stronger,15 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two S•eent stamps. The Oook Company iviadeor.ont. Irir'Nog.1 att4 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Drugglet, 1* Gamtda. • Xos. 1 and 2 are sold in Chnton by II, B. Combe, R. P..Reekie, B. Hot', ey and "Watts & Co. -druggists. CAMERAS WE HAVE. A LARGE RANGE ialiaP CAMERAS BUT THE DUST FOR A CHEAP CAMERA. IS. uRownn No 2 mum W4-tnt • Person e in neighboring towns who are thinking of parches ing a catnera Will receive an gastman catalogue by drop- ping ,ns a card. Other cameras besides the Eastman can be supplied. Films, developing powders anti other light sup.. plies can IA sent by mail. Our cheap Exposure IVfeter' , at 35c givethe correct expos- ure under all conditioas and pays, for itself in a short titne • by saving over and. uuder positrein negatives. ---+ MB. COMBE Chemist and 'Druggist, Reduction in Prices Herd is a good chanee to secure a first class buggy at a big reduction. Not these „prices : $80 'Buggies for $68 $75 Buggies for $65 • $65 Buggies for $60 Remember theSe are all on oWn make which places tis in a position t� guarantee them as we do not buy anything bub first- class material, • RePailina Prater/11Y Offended to •liy experieMed men. .EUMBALL And MoMATH Huron St., Clinton:. : - 0,01•41.0.1. . •••••••••••••• For -Produce jay' .tre—lirg.:11.;t or all kinds of. prbauce and will be p aimed to have you bring it to us or our wagon will call %son you. Our stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, 'Wall Paper, Etc., is large and well assorted. ' ' j E 1-1ARNWELL, CHEAP, CASH.STORE • •VARNA., fILRO)1111 CEN 111fIL •STE11)118HIP LINE. TOLUDO--$Ktrla ST4. 1VIA1UE DIV Ism -A.. • i•R.Bron.T. 4 PASSENGER; Weather permitting steam- ers wilt depart,per schedule . shown below.• • • • STR. 41 OSSIFRAGE.a Will leave Godeirich, :North, Bound, Is o'clock p: mW , ednesdays; for Sault Ste. Marie and iutermediate Ports ; • • returning will. •leave Goderich for • • 1Vindaor, Detroit and Toledo at c,'dock p, ma on Mondays. STA. "KING EDWARD".• Leaves Goderich, north bound, every • Saturday at p111. for eParrY Sound ' and Sault Ste. Marie. Leaves Goaer- ich, south aimed, every Thursday at — 12.30 p. for Windsor, ‚Detroit and Toledo, calling at intermediate ports, Far rates and further infotmation address Wan. Lee, Goderich, or W. 13. RosgvEAR, General Traffic Maisager,. Sault Ste, IVIarie, Ont. r 4400411•••••••eseeesimp0o0p0odrosom0osooi1semaseeeso• a • COALAND e • • ' • e • io • 0 s • • • 2 JUST RECEIVED • : Massilon Select Lump Soft Coal Suit- « • • • i able for grates, also Semi -Anthracite the : 2 best substitute now to be had. for hard f. • • - - --I. -0---, - 11* ---7 • • i or i • • • i 11 : coal. • • • t • Cannot supnirtnore than one ton to a cortomer at it time. Cab- le nob esta when we will have hard cwil hot Jost itti soon as the strike O is adjusted we %ill indeavor to have it as soon ite any person in t h hi • e section, 'We now have a wood yard in connection with toe hind. o•Hess And On supply good dry hard wood.. Listire your orders al * our store and they will be attended to properly. , a a . . . of a r, TEAMSTEPS WANTED . • To haul wood front the buAlt, having purchased' largo quantity. • • For particulars apply at our store. • • • vs. t••••....•••• * • • • CHEAP •6•0••00440000 4260012000 000‘ 40 44 46 1)4 00.4 .0.060.00001,2 ,HARLAND BROSol * •0 HARDWARE STORE,