HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-09-04, Page 8rQ I TTO N WSMRICO RD A area Collecliou ui llau(soe Dress SNlis The bulk of our Dress Goods for fall is here. From over the sea and the best Canadianmills they have come and arenow ready for your inspection, Every fashionable weave and fabric is represented in this, the choicest and most complete range of Dress Goods/ that has ever been on our counters. There is a variety and wideness of choice you are not likely to duplicate hereabouts and every piece we show is stamped with the seal of Dame Fashion's approval. Whatever your Fall Dress Goods wants may be you are almost sure to supply them to your satisfaction and surely to your profit if you come here. There is no abetter time to buy than now when the stock is at its best. Just a few hints of goods and prices : All wool Zibeline, 44 inches wide, will make stylish and serviceable costumes or skirts black or blue, very special value at per yard .�0 Pure wool suiting, basket weave, camels hair effect, 40 inches wide, very nobby,grey, brown and blue, per yard 56 inch suiting,'�heather mix ture', good weight, will give excellent wear, brown and 1.00 grey, at per yar.,,.d . Ladies' cloth in black only, very fine quality and finish, • 44 inches wide, all wool, spe- .75 cia1 at per yard ii .75 Very. fine quality all wool camera hair cloth,,oft finish, will make up stylish cos- tumer', in black, brown and t _ 25 nay/. per yard,,,,,,,; ,,,,, ■ Queen's cloth in black only, a handsome fabric with rich pern finish; all pure wool. 1 40 Genuihe Harris toniespuns,' every yard made from clean selected yarns, not an ounce. of -cotton in . them, full 56 inches wide, greys, blacks, browns, blues and new soft shades of green, per yard. , :. • .00 •..-..•NNt•..4•N..1 •1N•1....•N•1•••NM•-N4••• FANCY WAISTINGS .. _ • We have a big sale for our Fancy Waist Materials. _. : The designs are new, decidedly out of the ordinary. You' _ 0 will not find the same in any other store in • town and all come in short lengths. Not enough .of any one for it.' to 2• become common : ss Z .2 $ Fancy French Flannels made and printed by the best C • • French maker, new designs of color, per yard .50' S • Fine printed Cashmeres,plain grounds with fancy spots' • and stripes, stylish and serviceable, per yard.50 ;. Very fine French lnela plain grounds 'th camel's S ti�•••••r•.•NNr4NN•r+►NN•� •Nit•r��NN•r� n gr a a wt . ams e hair spots, in grey, green, brown and blue..'very stylish, per yard :.75 HUNDREDS OF HANDKERCHIEFS ,. Have been sold since our big handkerchief sale comment- ed last Saturday. It's a chance to lay in a supply at .prices that are just about half regular.. If you haven't been 'iii yet; come this week. Here isthe;way'they are selling; Handkerchiefs/2 for 5c The 5c kind . Hundreds of Cambric Handkerchiefs, plain hemetitched,halt inch hem, fine quality, regular 5c, for Handkerchief fl Sale • 4 for , .V' Fancy Handkerchiefs Sc The 10e. kind 250 Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs, plain hem :or em- broider ed edges, regular 10e, for. Handkerchief Sale each ■0 Hemstitched Handkerchiefs 4 for 250 Ladies' Hemstitched Cambric Handkerchiefs,' very :fine qualify, hems assorted widths, sold all Over at:Oc and 10e each, over 200 of there for oar .great Handkerchief 25 Sale at 41 for . School. Books and Supplies • e All the authorized books at publish- ers' price/. We can't give you a, cows plate ltet here, it's too long, but to the matter of price we do guarantee to do the very best for yob we possibly can. Books are the Important item, but you. will need Slate. at 5c, 7c, 8r, 10.c. 15e and 20c Crayons, all styles and priest/ Rulers, lc, 2c, de and Be • Pencil Boxes, lc to 2iic Pen Pointe and Holders ° Lead Pencils,, special line 8 for 5c Scribblers, artistic covers and good, " Yalu Copy Boeeoks and Drawing Books Rubber Erasers, Blotting Paper School Bags --Leather and Canvas Writing Inks --Black or Blue Black Send your children to us and we will do out best for them. Our. Scribblers 'lire the 'best going, from lc up. Our pads are as large as any for the pi ice. Agents Parker's Dye Works. • ►-•.NN••�....••N•!••r.• •4••r-r•4•Nl► ..N14~..N•••� • FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS 2 for 25c' Hundreds to sell at this price, just half the real value 4 Fancy embroidered Handkerchiefs hemstitched lace and embroidered edges,'. regular 25e 'quality, we '$. place the whole lot on sale next Saturday at 1 . your choice .......... • .'2' for 25c Fancy 'Handkerchiefs 2 for 35 Regular value 30c and 350 150 Fancy Handkerchiefs, extra fine quality, dainty and delicate embroidery on •fine mus- lins and linens, easily worth 30c'and 35e, special for Handkerchief Sale, , . ....2. for 35c I DRESS 1'IAKINO DEPARTMENT Miss Smith has returiled from her holidays and our Dress' Making department will re -open on : Tuesday, i September 9th. . •.•. ..•N•.....•N11.°v+ri►*....1.4.44•44.416.....•••••,^...*** EARLY FALL MILLINERY The IC D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest, Always the Best. We will be ready Satur ay with early Millinery fo,.fafl. Miss Randall and Miss Ha on have spenLtlie pa;1.t,Y0 weeks in the work -rooms of the le dinvAiiireiresale houses in Canada ..uudyln g -the s e lr 1.41- S. They have now returned and ''we make our first show of early fall millinery on S tturday. Come in and see what is newest in Outing Hats for Fall, Hodgens Bros, i...._C4INTON. About o WHERE THEY ARE OR WHERE THEY ARE GOJNG People We Know Mr. John Wiseman was in Toronto on Friday last. Miss Ida Murphy visited Hensall, friends last week. Mr. P. Holt K. C. of Goderich, . was in town on Tuesday. Mrs. (Dr.) 'Thompson visited friends in .St. Marys this week. Mr. Samuel Copp of Goderich was the • guest of his aunt,yrs. David Steep, on Samday; Mr. and. Mrs.,5, I1.• Smith lett via Sarnia" on. Friday last for 'a trip up the: lakes to Duluth. Miss Etta Cook has secured a position in the millinery 'department of Eat- on's store, Toronto. Mr. Harry Parker has gone to Paint- 'erston.where he is employed in the Grand 'Drunk freight shed. Mrs. -John Ransford and Master Rens- ford• returned on Tuesday from Sar nia where 'they spent several weeks. Mrs. Kay of. Detroit, mother of Dr. Kay• of Attica, Mich., was the guest of Mrs. John' Gibbings' for several days, .. .. Rev. . J. W. TenEyck, rector of .the Trivitt memorial church, Exeter, spent .Monday, with the Rev. Mr. G. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hawkins of God. /rich spent Thursday and Friday last. with Mr. and Mrs. John Em- inerton, Sr, ' Mr. and Mrs. J, • Taylor and family :.visited•the Industrial Fair this .week and ;the, former's brother, Mr. J. Taylor of Brampton.. ' Misses A. and:E. Hoggart of Goderich were guests of ` their nuclei Mr. John 'E.nmerton, Sr.,, for a few days of the past week. „Mrs. Will. .Elliott of Galt` and her son, Master Croll E - ott,. spent • a . few days -of this week the guests of .: her parents, Mr. and' Mrs... John :a Croll.• Mrs. . D. Cook, Jr., and her little daughter Mildred,; are spending ' a month at• Mrs. Cook's old home and- .vith otherrelatives in the Nile: district ' • Mr. R. A..Thompson; principal of• the Hamilton,. Collegiate Institute and •vice-principal of the Normal College,., was the . guest of his brother, pr. Thompson, ..last•, week, . Dr. and Mrs. Ball returned- from their 'honcyn.00n on Friday last and it. has since kept them, somewhat busy responding,. to good wishes galore for they are.,.an exceedingly.' popular couple;• Mr, R- E. Wilde of' Columbus, Ohio, was the guest . last week of his cous- in, Mr. . Brig; Kaiser. . The • Wilde family were a quarter of a century , ago: residents of Tuckersmith and it is twenty three.years .since Mr. Wilde left Clinton. .He is now .con ductor on a railway line running o ut of Columbus. • Mr. and Mrs. A. b. Pattison are spending their •holidays at Parry Sound -where Mr. Pattisoit's mother. lives. In A. O's absence Mr. J. J. Maguire of Shakespeare is acting agent. -Mrs. Maguire is with him. Relief Agent McEwan is for the' time being performing the duties. .of agent at Shakespeare,. " Captain Sheppard left on Tuesday a. in, to .return to his home in Portage• La Prairie,' Mari. He went: by way of • Toronto and will 'spend a few days, visiting the Fair.now in prog- ress there, The • jovial • Captainis, himself, manager of an ambitious exhibition at the Portage, the third best in the prairie province.'• Mr. John Irwin, sen of Citizen R. Ir• ,win, has returned from St. Louis, Mo., and will spend a fortnight or so recruiting his health which_. has been impaired somewhat by the climate'. of the South. Mr. Irwin is a •prominent man in. the railroad world where his ability has rapidly. ' advanced hint to the 'front rank. Mr. Alf. Blackwell, wife and children returned. to Woodstock on Tuesday after spending a few days with Clin- ton friends and at Mrs. Blackwell's old home, Mr. W. Colclouglt's of Goderich township. Mr. i lackwell'•s family is somewhat larger than when he visited here some months ago, his better halt having presented hint with a pair. of twins. His•, ijg.' ter, Miss Blackwell, late et/twines.villa, has now made her liotnc with hint, - Mr, Albert McBri,••;x bas gone to Hen- _. salt where bi"has bought a Harness- ..., •making,•, i,usiness, Albert is wellwe �y September 9rth,1902 Anoti.er Week of Great Value Giving The bargains we have been giving during our Building Sale have been extraordinary indeed and in many cases involved losses to us or to those who owned the goods. before us. It would seem almost im ossible that better bar - I P gains could be given but that is just what we are going to do during this first week of September. Below is given a small list of the many bargains that will be found at our store, , 1 J 000000000 000 *...o00000.oc(444.' 00.00 000 000000. 0000000 00000000000<0 NEW FALL DRESS ''GOODS, SILKS, WAISTINGS,. ETC. are arriving daily. Our assortment will be by far the finest and largest we have ever shown, 0000000000000 0000000 000000• 0000000 0000000000000 No.. On Sale Friday Morning , . Black Salina !underskirts at $1 Commencing Friday morning we will place un sale ladies' black satana cloth Skirts with heavy pleated frill, this n skirt is well worth $1,35, sale price,, • 1 .04 Prints, Musllins, Tartans, Ginghams, etc., at 5e 300 yards of Prints. Scotch Muslins, Tartans, Gingham, ere., all fast colors and goods that will wear well for children, very special at per yard „� lflore 12%c Shaker. at 9%c 200 yards more of 36 inch wide '8'lannelette in pink, cream_ 1 and white, very fine quality;, regular 12tc value for.0 02 ANOTHER CHANCE TO BUY • LACI; CURTAINS' CHEAPi For Friday and Saturday only we will give' a discount of 25 per cent. off every Lace Curtain in the store. •04 • 'Grey Cotton at 71ac 250 yards of Grey Cotton, 30 inches. wide tirade of fine round even thread, extra heavy quality, extra value tit 1 ' per yard .02 Black. Silk at 85c 75 yards of 20 inch wide peau•do•soie, this a very tine quali- ty of silk that is in great•demand for skirts or waists, regular value is 51, special at ■� 45c Net Corset at 30c The halance of oar special 45e Corsets are now on sale to • . t7 Q 0 clear at 5c, 0c arid 7c Lace at 3Yc 200 yards of finer -Valenciennes Lace and Insertions in as- sorted patterns and widths, regular prices were 5e. 0cQ1 and 7c, on sale at. .O y2 Ladies' Hose at 12,ic • 120 pairs 01 plain and ribbed cotton hose, h.ermsdorf. dye, 'regular value 18e and 20e, on sale at per pair .121 • MEN'S: FURNISHING pEPARTmENT1 ..We'have just received our•fall shipment of New•York Hats, Collars• and Neckwear. Two of.the leading shapes. :in bats are 5th Avenue and: The. Royal Rival.' The prices are • $2, $2.25 and • $2.50. The Ties come in.a beautiful range'of colorings; mostly`''• •, bias stripes, this lot includes the midget string :and .• •bow,prices 2Sc and .50 I We ere sole agents in Clinton for. the famous Barker Band collars. They.are• made. in Troy, New - York, and are the Most comfortable and perfect fitting to be found' pp • anywhere. the. rice is ach» ..... ........... , L Q 4 We Mao carry :a complete assortment of ;ail ;the leading. . shapes .in Canadian and English•Collars, prices nn ;,•/3,p, 15c, tee and .L0 • Opened This Week p Scotch Check -Caps for hove 25e and 50c New Designs in Suspenders aSc and 1300 Be: sure -and see these new goode ' Your, MONEY neCH 1F Yet) WANT 1T • CLINTON tr r n t. r nrfir. trl!rttrrrrIrrrrnrtrrr»rrrrrrr•i}rltrirrmOirrrrnririrm�rrnr�rcrrrmnrnrnctfrirrlrnf►rr` ttttr�rrtrr ntnl��rlmrr, rr r r rn ��• . • tr ... . • knotyf;-down there, hence it .is s�cely necessary to say that he is O. IC,, a skilled workinan, an honest •than and a good citizen. Mrs. Mc - Brien and family will join hint in a few days, The Clinton colony is growing in lrensall where there are now Mr, and Mrs.: plaekall, Mr, acid Mrs. McCaughey, Dave t.'atitelon and Bob. Twitchell. Mr. 3, T, Etinnerton returned to town Monday a.' in. accnntpatricd by bis cousin, Mr, George Hnttnerton, gen• coral merchant of Ripley, with when i • he bas entered into partnership. They went oil to tendon that sante evening to boy goods, their inten- tion being to extend the, busbies* •at Ripley The Lmurertou faintly is well and favorably, known in Bruce and we doubt not lint that the new firm will meet with success, Mrs, 1•nittnertott will remain in Clinton until they dispose of their property Rete.. et P. ehoo1 Opens Next Wee. ire the Boys Ready How's the boys' clothes ? . If there is anything in the world that will makethe opening of school easy for the boy its a new suit, : We have studied the school suit problem from the parents' side as well kis frgfnthe store's standpoint, ff the boy does not go to school well dressed it will be' your fault, not ours, • We :carry. the greatest range of Boys' Suits and Knickers in the coup' try. Being manufacturers they are all oia..r own make and you save the middleman's profit. Our Lion Brand Knickers have doable seats and double knees, made from special Elalfax tweeds, double sewn. with linen thread and they stand -Way as the best goods on the market, We have filled orders from Halifax, ,N; S:, to Victoria, B. C., for these eels and we find it difficult to keep up with the demand. On Saturday next we will have a Special Boys' Da, -and to make matters interesting we will give some special prices, r-- • 50 Boys Odd Coats, $2.50 and $2.00, for $1.44 200 Boys' Mole:Knickers, 40c and 35c, for 24e 60 Boys' Odd Vests; $1.25 and $1, for 49e 25 Boys' Tweed Coats, unlined, for half price Our Lion Brand Suits: t°tt $4.00, $4.50 and $5.60 are the best goods in the county, We know this to be a fact because hundreds of the keenest buyers in the county are buying them. . Come and see them, CLINTON Jackson CLINTONBros., Irma v . v • rari a i a a �jf �,(,r, ��C'r� alt r�` '�► �,` l`� �r`,,i ��1 l't t�� its rl` 1�� i'� �`� �`� ���,r` ��i ��� �{,� 1rC �1� Y��,'l ��i r�r �(�,`` �'r,�`� weMcM11N1�r1'N�BNi�RNON��ININN#M#�EMt�1NlNNl4N���'!IM/N4Mi�NRH1r��NN11+�N1����INNANiINN1�NiAMNf�1R , 11i