HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-09-04, Page 7September, 4th 1902.
a . .1. 411111101110111111111t11,11119111101W -71,11•11,1.1, 111
heMolsons Bank Directory.
Ilecorpereted by
Act of Parliameati 1455.
• CaPital - $2150Q,000
Rest e115014400
Wnl. Meleen Macpherson, President.
JOInes Elliot, General Managee.
Notes discouotede Celleetions made.
Drafts issued. •Sterling and Amer-
ican Exchange boeght and sold.
_A -Interest ellottred on deposits.
interest allowed en eutns of 111 and
FARalER.S, *
Money advanced to farmers on their
own notes with one or more en-
. r thareers. No mortgage required as
It C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton:
G. D. McTaggart
Wesley Church-Sundey services 4
•II a, ra. and 7 p. ne Sunday eehool
at, 2.30 p. in. Ogee A.. Rorke, Sun-
day sehool superintendent; - Sibley,
choir leader; 1Vliss Hattie Combo, or -
galas% ; Rte. U. Manning', Paetor,
Oat. St. tatinrcli-Sunuay sereices at
XI a. m. and 7 p, M. Sunday
svhool at 2.30 p. in. Jacob Taylor,
Sunday school superintendent ; 3,,
Gibbing's, Choir ieeder ; Alma Azie
Gibbins, organista Rev. Dr. Gifford,
St. Paul's Churele-Sunday services
at u a. in.. and 7 p. in. Sunday
school at 2.30 p. in. Sunday school
• superintendent, Rev. C, R. Gunne, M.
.A. ; choir leader, Mr, W. U. leatore
; organist, Misseality Bentley ;
; rector, C. R. Gunnel M. A.
Baptist, alturch-Suneley services 4
• 41 a. ni. and 7. p, In. atoulay school
at 2,30 v. in. Sunday. school superin-
tendeat, D. K. Prow ; choir lea".
• er, J. IL Hoover ; organist, lass
13ANKER. • Lela Homier ; pastor, Rev. J. C.
, Chitral -Sunday services at
A General Banking Business transacts :
es a, in, and 7 0., tn. uliday School
ed. Notes discounted. Drafteet 2.30 p. m. Sunday school stiperius
•• terident, Mr, Jas. beott ; aesistant,
issued. Interest allowed, on de- miss WUspn ; choir leader, Mr. W, P.
Spaulding; organist, Miss Maude .
Gooawin ; pastor, Rev. Dr. Stewart.
THOU SHALT 010." •
thitle-tir except * Join -ClOtli; very striking. iVhen a man taies a
1111 ray 'wardrobe. and there are hot lobe earthly journey, he is volt apt
limey 0 em. a a et on a . to gather bis fantilY about lihusd
comparatively small salary. 1 live iip say, "if I should take this Journey
to the last cent of MY income. -und 1. ,in all probability I will return home
cannot ago
rd insure my UM for at such arid such*a, tinie," or it the
thybegreolitheorf, nartehillsdraenv.ery bra, e
to estnblish another home ne.says to
.........--,-- father is going into a nese 011'417
A THING WHICH is INEVITABLEand frank statemellt to rnae. ),Tott his children: "After I -am settled
" say it Is useless for you to make a there and find *everything all right
. last will and testament because you you Can sell the goods and Paelt UP
Prohave nothing to leave and cannot at- and come to me. I will be in such paretion Be "
th TonaPerel 4 hair"eel- ford to even get your life instarrd. It and such a place at sueh and suelt a
i *kw, saseireforee Ise made be the wise you, a great big, strong Man, aro time."
Sae See Ins aleitericrue tkagge-Ne having such a hard tiree to make a My brother, as you mustRIM this
Need a„„, 0. cease..;, Fem., ea, living, what will your pnysically long' journey *
through the alley of
weak wife do with a big brood. or the shced.ow of death with fu, divine
"DOOlh ao30110004 Vp In Vin*nry." little ones strapped uP0h her back passPort in your bands, how Out yoti
Entered AccordipirtoAdt of Parliarnentof Can- when you ore dead, 11 it is So hard ever expect to rejoin your loved cities
ada. le the year ties, by William Bally, of To. les yoU to. swim in the current Or Unless, yeti ma •
ke previoue permige-
roma at the Dee's et aerienteure oucenee life and keep your heed above the meets with them where to wet?
Chicago; Aug, 31., -,Sound advice in waters, bow will she, a poor widow, Havinga letter of credit at the Dank
, view of the uncertainty of life is giv-
en in this. sermon by' Hee. F. De 'vitt
Tabnage on the text
1, "Set thine bouse in order for
thou shalt die."
I am goitig to stay aboard this
planet as long as°1 can.. un the
time comes tor me to die, 1 believe
suflicient grace will be greee asa me
with which to alio. But 1 have never
felt less like dying than at the pres-,
ela time. Ally home was ewer so
baPpy, my 'friends never nore kind,
my worts never more absorbing. Pres-
ent eerthly life is inexpressibly sweet
to me. X lcd in, referent* to it a
great deal as did ChAstopher North,
the • physical and literary athlete,
who, with his Needs and ehildren,
used to race aver the heather Qf old
Scotland, his yellow eerie a-flyieg in
the winds; singing and ahouting as
he ran, because he was Marbling over
with joy and animal spirits. I gen
in love with the world beTcause I like
the people who are in it, .
Bet, though earthly Inez may be a
priceletsboon to some people as well the mere • fixing up of the temporal set thine house in, order, for thou
as to nevitelf, yet there must come to house. In anticipating hie earthly de- shalt de," the king turried his face
all a time when we shell have to the. • mist* mm
a common sense an should.set • toteard the wall exact began to weep,
Perhaps,like la 1 f my text, his spiritual as well as his temporal 1-Te7ealah was not weeping becabse he
who besought ,Gol by prayer to in- house. in order. Be should prepare had to due He was not afraid to
crease his earthly day, we may be for his own eteenal journey over the die. But he wept because, he could
able to prolonour existencten. river of death, ,besides leezking after not accomplish air dod and his peos
g e
fifteen or even lwentY Veers bk rig- the temporal interests ot the members Ple that which seemed necessary for
idly obeying the well testes' physical of the household he le gall -tea() leave him to do. en, iii answer to Hez-
laws of health. Tito Lewis; the great behind, Ibtlees a man has takena eltich's prayer, God said to lasiat
lecturer upon hygiene, once declared
long journey away from home, a the prophet, "Go and say to Ileze--
that every normal healthy ltd born journey
• which runs Up lute the Wale erhus saith the Lord the God
Into 'the world ought to live to tie at • months and perlutpi into the yearn, of Ba,vill thy father, have heard
least 100 years old. Be aeserted that he can have no Conception of the lin- the prayer; I have seen the tears.
nearly.all the members at the human mete amountof. preparation eeces- Behold 1 will add unto thy days fir -
,his letter of credit dreiwn no and ekiale we. win pray in the right
Albert street - -
eSt. Josep es Church, Catholic -Sun,
- Clinton. day services at 10.30 a, in. and 7 p.
in; every 2nd Sunday. Sunday echool
at 3 p, tn. every 2nd Sunday, Sun-
day.school superintendent, Rev. D. P.
McMenamin ;• choir leader, Mr, Chas.
sGrovelle ; organist, Miss Minnie Rey -
!meads ; priest, Rev. -D. P. McMenamin.
Plymouth Brethern-Serviee at u a.
m, an auoday. Reading meetings at
7 p. Sunday and Priday evenings.
Ttewn Counailaellayor,Thoreas 'Jack-
son ; Councillors, H. B. Combe, T. A.
Ford, C. J. Stevenson, Alex, MacKen-
zie C. Overbury, Thos. MacKenzie;
Clerk and Treasurer, W. Coats. Meets
the first Monday in each month.
• Public Library Board -President, W.
Brydone ; • Secretary, W. E. Rand
W. R. Lough, Dr. Shaw, W. Coats
and re M. McLean,
Publit School Board -Wilbur Man-
• tling. C. Hale, W. T. O'Neil, J. W.
Irwin, Dr. Agitate, F.. Re Hodgens, T.
Beacom.. Secretary; J. Cunninghame ;
treasurer, W. coats.
Collegiate Institute Board -Chair-
man, Jaipes Scott-; secretary, M. D.
Melaggart ; treasurer, W. „Jackson ;
D. ,A. Forrester, .3. Ransford, H.
Plunasteel, W. H. IVIanting. Meets
first Wednesday in each month.
Money to loan.
Office -Elliott Block - - Clinton.
Notary, Public, Etc.
Oilice-Beaver Block - - - Clinton.
Conveyancers, . Commissioners, Real
Estate and insurance Agency.'
Money to loan.
C. 13. I-IAI,E
R. C. 1'. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh.,
Night calls at lam door of resideuce
on Rattenbury street, oppoiate
Peesbyterian church.
Ofilee-Ontario street - :Clinton.
Special attention given to diseases ol
the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. ;
Office and Residence- '
Albert street East, Clintote
North of Rattenbury street.
Otfice-Ontario street - s Clinton. -
Opposite St. Paul's ehureh.
• .
Will be at Bayfieldeeversee,Wedneselay.
Toivitship Council -Reeve, Violates
Chilean.), •Clinton ; Councillors, John
Middleton, Clinton e John ,WoOds,
Porter'e Hill;•James Cox, Porter's
Hill ; •iames Johnstone, GOderich
Clerk, Nixon Sturdy; Goderich As-
sessor, John Thompson, • Clinton ;
Treasurer', Goderich ;
aeuis Andersot, Clinton.
Doaird of Health -Reeve, Clerleaolin
Cox, John Salkelde ,,S., :Albert Can-
telore " " • "
Township, Couneil-Reeve,• Jetzt
-McNaughton, Varna; Councillors, W.
J. • Stinson, Bayfield; W." L. Keys,
:Varna ; James Johnstone, Bayfield;
MeDiarmid Clerk, J..- E. Harnwell,
Varna ; Treasurer, John Reid, Varna;
Assessor, John Tough, J3ayfield ;-"Col-
lector, Thos, Wiley, Varna.
is also very. important for von • to er the master has „surrounded that
be able to do it, when your strong' of. Grace, you attY, yea _ eapeet 10
Arra Is gone? Will the world be journey to the Celestial' city. Have
kinder to her than it le to you?. Has you ever told your loved ones about
the Cruel world ever been aiLv gentler that city? Bale* you Weeretbld theta
or extendea a more helpful Mind to 'how to get to that centre' of the uni-
a wife and a mother who Is left a verse? Have you°- ever told them
fpoovveyrotywetricken widow than it, has •there is only ono way to reach your
deatination, and that is for them to
• Mark you, rot. what most men fool- obtain. forgiveness of their sins by
ishly squander • every Yecuy for the the blood 01 the Lamb, so that their
Money they spend for cigars and lux- heaVerily advent Shall be made teas-
uries, for theatre tickets, fishing ex- sible? if it is important for you to
eursions and baseball games, clubs make Secritiial preparations for the
and parties, they could get their lives. journey of death, by Mink witelvel
insured for enough, and more than the Saviour's bleed, is it mit pet as
enough, to support and educate their hnportant for your loved ones to be
chndre lon after they are d d el s d b th blo ti?
Furthermore, • my brother, if you at•e But there is one overwhelming
g ea ean y e same
tor apes so st en ni TOP41111k041Inir Vol •
wee or ne Coso1blittOil by nvo,
41, 1003,
Toronto, Aug, 29. -4 -The 'PotnislcaM-
Mg. Railway 'Clommiesiozt met There -
nay afternoen. Spegifications for
tenders were genczeover, and it was
ciseided te cedveeffse for tenders for
the construction of the road. They
Will be advertIstel for up 10 t-lept. 28,
the conolitimia being that the first 111-
ty miles will be completed by Dec.
31, 1903, and the whole road. finish: -
ed by Dee..31,
The route has been decided on in
accordance- with Ow -report of the en-
• .proVed. by alte report ,of' G. A. Moen-
tain of Ottawa, the consultin.r tn.ti-
Mr. -Mountain's report was entire-
ly in favor of the eastern route, end
be stated that the western route,
the line located by the Nip/sting
Jewett May Railway, Was through- a
tract of .country of ' praetically solid
.rock'and hard pan. The grades were
elso much heavier than by the east-
ern route, which Was through a more
fertile and heavily timbered coun-
try. The rig ort, which was in sup-
port of- that presented by Engineer
Eassell, mars adopted.
:The 'whole length of the,. proljetcd
route is 110 miles. •
• tO make Him known to Other nations.
•-agineer, Russell, aft eh was ap-
(Lorna Elton AlOGENTAIRE.
not Willing to economize in yqur sel- thought about my text upon which I
lish indulgences for the physical main- love te dwell. If we go to the threne
Gr016% On} Ono 11'1111loo to
terience alai mental development of of grace in, the right spirit of nraYer,
flootuek 'Seer "anise.
your children by insuring your life, God will let' everyone of Us live as
then your professed love for your wife ' long as is necessary to do the work
an,I children is a mere Insincere pro- he wants us to do in his name. When
fession of the lips and not of the the prophet Isaiah entered the royal.
heart. "Set thine house in order." palace of Jerusalem and said to the
• But my text has a wider scope than sick Hezekialt, '"Ihus saith the Lona,
Text of the lemma, legate rattle as25.,
Petereere Vereeze 1T-0.0-tioiaea Text,
Jekx*vle 34-0•Coeinunitory Prepared
lor Hever,. M. Stearege
Copyright, 1902, be American Press Alpo,
0, When awe art cone feto the lend
wbieh the Lerd thy Gal elven' thee, theu
Mien not learn to do after the abonitnee
tains of those nations..
Before po deluge God $0.11* that the
wickednese of man was great lo the
eartk and that svery imagination Or.
the thoughts of his heart was only
evii.continually.(Gen, 5). The mar-
gin Nye that every imagination signi-
fies. also the purposes auddesires. Aft,
er the deluge sin developed again in .
the deeeendants of Noah and became
very Manifest In the rebellion against
God of the Babel builders, In dile
time God, railed' Abram teem salons
the idolaters of 'alettonOtaMia to dwell
Id a land whleh, Be promised to him
and to his seed forever, that in the de-
scendants of Abram fie might have a
people vvho would honor film and live
fiery. In the nest place. he must get teenyears, So; to -ay. 11, 111 Hez-
racietio not nee out half their earth,.
y o e signed, It would be practically lin- spirit, God Will let Most of us live
right kind of food, wear the peeper
possible to start on a journey 'around long 'enough td carry the gospel nies-
clothing and take the proper amount Inc world, as aid some years ago, sage to all of our clear ones as weli
ef exercise.
11.ut though the longevity 61 elle hea anti carry enough geld and sever, as to epirltually. prepare ' for our
With you to pay ail YoUr necessary own eternal journey. ' But as our...
Man rite° might be • increesed to 100'
•or even. 200 years, though the prem.; eXpenses. 'Why, the gold and silver earthly time is sbort, hi order to
tut• generation might :be able ' to Would be as heave datchelf4 of :make this spirituel PreParatitn Our -
land: • Besides, • the gold, and silver • selves' and help make the spiritual
reach the tevo letindredth 'and fiftieth
the't are, stamped -in the American Preperetion oilr loved ones by
mileseone whieh marks the highway
inlet would not be aeceptable in for- bringing them to the Saviour, we
of lifePs joutney Instead elf only the '
tWentietle or• Attica' or sew/I:tie' h elms lunde. Eyera .couetry has its must consecrate Oerselves .' to the
-own systein • ef national currency. Lertate service no% BY the 'power of.
nlileetenee yet for PaerY :Min or wo-
Further, ;if e. traveler sbeiulci be the. Holy Spirit We mulct. consecrate
mun, there. must come at Direst" an
hl • '
end to eart y existence. ah) Bible weights' down • with a satchelfel of •our leves to elod'i Work as we have
' 1 woUld. in, all probebility .be • never consecrated there before. •
• All aistory prOves it. Though •Plo ‘SaY , . , •
laws Of health..which his. keen net] custom of the traveler about to start, ahrist•tee s preinefeulee Of ..Our
distinctly and erelchetically etates it, n'i'n.i in
* J Id by some 'thief and murderer. must so eat and drink 'and breethe
:Letitia himself rigidly practised • the and slain for Inc gold. so it is 'the, and talk ant pray that we shall make
far reaching intellect framed; though ii.?' a joueney to buy it letter of ercd- SO that in all th!nns we maY d? nee 1
. . .
_one of our great. 'American banking td him.: Are • you and la like Heee-
and daily took the proper amount" of
4 :Morgan*. & Co.. a certain amount of .entit•ely to the Divine Master s
physical exercise, 'yet Dice Lewis hirn- Innn3Y' That bank gives hint a letter Some Of us have seen the noted pc.
self had to die. •So the. same Words of credit, and he can get the money ture which bears the title "Christ' or
noted in the letter of credit cashed Diana?" The eteitral figure is a beau -
of waining which the monhet Iciaieh
brotight to the sick rater in the Uri- of the bank•in almost tiful girl, with one of the sweetest,
by the agents
dent .derusalem palace', 1 bring to . every city of the world. If you are noalest faces ever painted by an art -
he only ate just enough food to re- it. Ile pays to the cashier of any thing inccaustcnt with our allegianc,e
iiinnish the amount of waste. tissae.; •
• though he wore the proper •elathin, houses, like Brown Broe. or -el, P.' 'kit:IA-ready to surrender our Ines
* ' will?
you. They are just as pertipent ter going into any dangerous region it hits brush. With true dramatic pow-.
the piesent generation as they were
neve passport. 'this inssport, 'young girl with all the horrors of • a.
'fhb- Mutual Fife. to i -h° king. Whc lived neaklY signed. a
by the Secretary of Stete at Neroplan persecution, There in the:
3,0.00 years ago, Wash'netolt is a, notification that background of the picture is the am-
swariee Company eneicipating hisearthla demise a.
, in order you _ear; an' Antedate eitizeie lennte phitheatre ehilh *Rd beasts .are,
• ' Perm and Isolated Tosen Proper- • place set his temporal haute: foreign natme insults .• or maltreats tearmg tae martyrs to pieces and
Office- • you, thee, nation will have• to enswer erenating the bones of the plain.
Adjoining Heury's Photo Gallery,
Clinton, ' • • OFFICERS • got• his life' instead; Ile should Mule tievernment. " ' ' aadies of men and Woolen,'
- "• ty Only Insured.' ' ' gazit, ineape he should, if ne• ceseary, for tho iesult to the tatted Stetes There are the torches made out, oiit the
. J. B. McLean, • President, Kippen P. ta it his past will and testament: He „
Now, my friend; as vet; have to cevered with. pitch, who are dying
- 0. ; . Thos. : Fraser, ' Viee-Presidente klufuld appo'nt the executors of his •
take an eternal jouin.v, as perhaps•in for their belief in the lowly Nazar-
Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work: -
D. D. S. -Graduate of the Royal
lege of Dental Surgeons of Outer- -
10. • .
L. D. S. -First class honor graduate
of Dental Department cif Toronto
University. •
Special attention paid to preservation
of children's teeth.
Will be at the River Hotel, Bayfielde
every Monday from 10 a. m. to 6
P• m.
.Sealortli ; • .1 ones Cummiegs,
Egmondyille 1, J. W. Yee'. Holmes• -
ville. • ,• not Make a Jost will end testa- •
• Parties 'desirous to effect insurance meet to decide on his (*ate is o be out of the wounded side of a dying is pa ad'ne with, you. They are
emcee or traesite titer business will be divided. We despise thi selfishly and an impales Claim.? If you have plead ng with you to sto0worshiaing
aeon. promptly attended. to .on *application theta I tless men m Ito will leave his not such n letter' of credit, you are at. the altar of Caesar, which le the
Otitar; . to any. of the above officers addressed businese affahe in one graaa, lost indeed, even though in this altar of sine.' 'They are pie -Lela* with
to their respeetive postoffices. . ' inexplicable inuadle. . worm you 114,4 all the wealth of' a, eou because if eoe do not cease to
Brucefield P. 0,; T. E.-1-lays'Sec.- estate: arid, the future guaidiab of Ids •the very near fature you will" have one. • There are the Rahn faced Rona
Treasurer, Saaforth l' 0.• ; We G. c hildren tieshc.eild explain thede-
: to leave this old planet and go into an eotdiers. There is the- pleadint.
Broadfoot leepeeteir of Losses, Sea- tails of his besitiess ancl invest. his
i t the endless
fortiLP, 0.. . . , ,.. 4,.. . moneys in saelt e manner as that his Hie heYonid, Nvhut spirit- teem", as well as the pleading moth-
. Ual Prelim -titian have you maCe for the er end faeher, begaMg the young girl
• .
D/ItECTORS , .• eeecetors earl easily carry out his Momentous embarkaticii? Have you to renouctee her belief in her Saviour.
W. G. '_ Broadfoote SeafOrth ';• John plans. lite should. train up his chit- , : e _
mate, she proper epiritual preparation 'Am] thei•e the aoung Maiden sten&
Grieve, WinthrOp ; Gearge Dale, Sea- dren or his lieutenants so that they
forth ; John Watt, Harlack ; John mak .carry .011 his work after ee is for ' the journey Which shall aake. spell :between the .alter of a heathee Geid
into ti; country evhere you Would lixe. and the solemn; upright cross, upon
Berinewies, 13eadhagan ; James Evane, dead tie sheald, .if desitahle, buy .
thin* threiugh endless eternite,where whelk Is hanging the bruiscet bodyea
Beechwood ; James Connolly, Clinton; his; family lot and make all 'tr.
Sohn lVfeleeate Kippen.
Robert Smith, Bernick ; Robert Mc-
member tile Veterinary M
'Associations of London and
burgh awl. Graduate of the
be Veterinsery College.
• Id like to live Until time it. a• dead ClueSt. , • .
rangements for the laSt'restine, place . Self shall be no longer? Itave you 'in ., abet picture may be, dramatic and
cif ainieelf and his loved ones. We .
haste) contentat for the man Who Nis reiadiness for this Metmat. lournee. a . Powerful; but, oh, My' brothel', there
letter 6 credit made out at the
e • is a truer scene being enacted hereto.
. so little intereet.in the temporal aele 113 .
flankof 'vele Gracea•Tface you • an day. As speak' the words of ley.
• fare of his -Wife and children that lie•
etianal passport writtenTh red ink- text your own ettanal redemption, :as
iviitten. in the 0blood which . flowed 'well as that :of rill your oved ones, '
Ofliee-Ontario street Clinton ' Although ani, emulidentivelY Itothscbild, Vanderbitt, a, llocke- bow before sin's altar you shall sure-
Opposite St. Paul s efarelie
iipc a ting, 5ot ng men,. ytt have feller or an ,Astor, peen though you ly Bet if you will in the few
'HUHU LINK, h d great deal of..experi. we• in
Sick/ oonis and by deathbeds, and, . 'once on earth lived in as magnifieent Yeo.rs that ere left' on earth how be-
n mansion as did Dives Of old, at, fore the et ono and accept •Christ
ll'hone 97. 4 TR
, • ji ,
' • brother want to wern yeti ttit whose gate Lite dogs werealelting the YOU!' Saviour, yon shell eteinally
s •
0 1 you e n Q
DR. BALL g gg r.
1111114Wil•Y 'SYSTEM. Mutt' ihat in alt pro am ity when sores of a, dyin be a Sh 6 I live Arid it it her and e
you .corim to. die you will not have • v s p
. a t to ets .and a, kelet seerate our life ari to the
011ice-Isaac street. - - Clinton
Residence -Albert street - Clinton:
Sales conducted in all parts of the
counties of Huron and Perth. .
ders left at The News -Record; of -
lice, Clinton, at addressed. to Sea-. •
forth ,P. O. will receive pronipt
attention. Satisfaction guaran-
teed or no charges. Your pat-.
• s
1 ,
LIPP' ' CO ' - 'i Bisteiet Pass. Age Toronto
•Trains will aeirere sat and depart
from Clinton Station as tollows :
Going East ExpreSs 7.35 k• tn.
41 It ti 2.55 P. m•
Mixed 4-1$ P. m-
4" West " • 10.15 a. 121.
et et • Express 12.55 p. M.
CI I 7.03 a.
it 00• gt /027
Going South Express • 7.47 a. ni.
" '" Mixed 4.15p. m.
• ,, North Express 10:15 a. in.
" Mixed 6.55 p. m.
• Agent. Town ticket Ag.
,t The Best in Current Literature
! 12 Ocesseeert Novato YEARLY
$2.50 ekrt elan; 2$ erg. A COM,
EvEAV meanest eoteteLelet Wear
, s o Y g
any tuna .to• 1lx. up your estate and bony fingers van hold ito gold, and 'Master's sertice 'ioptil• hired ones, by:
innbe anintelligeat• will tine testa- all your worl ly retes will then. be hearipg the gospel ineseage from'your
merit, iti all prol abilitY.:Yoti will be but dross, which •yeau .etennot earry "lifa, may .ete.rially live alsa; alay .
in suet 'physical nnd monad n'ittalless , With you on that last journeY.• But, . the Ileay" Stniat lead every one of ,
that ',vim will not have cliongh • if you . bave the hater• of, credit of ' US, to Wake the right ererarationtt for
..it.1,02.1,3•511 to do .i4hYthlug 'else but he divine graee and 'the passport satrap- the imminent journey through the
in yone bcd and ,intirmur a few words ed with the crimson seal of Calvoy, • darlc •valley: of. the 'shadow 'of ;death.
, yOu are gone. Thete- teen the long journey will be accent -
fore, my .larother. What you wane to plished safely, and the gates of; the
do in refertnce Va:setting Yeer tent- New. J,erusalent will. be opened unto.'
po; al house' in melees,: throut It the in- 'you, no nitettei* hoer finale ially Poor 'lam Frcneh ProteiNtetet Chm.th in
fluence of yonr last alitle,Oilid testa- you inay lima been on earth, becailee Charleston, S. 0,, " le. f lie only I-Iiigue-
nieefeoti• had bettor ace rfaht ItWilea you. are pleading there for admittance not church in .the ' r rated States. It
- eali el death lOtnPS, yelie brain. VeceY leaCitrist's emote. Was invaded in 1.081 teed has Pec-
tic toe feeble to eaten sena your 11» n - carry out the idea, of my served its ore anizetien without a,
gets too -trembling 10 hold a pen. \t-aniALThe •true Christian should look
Furtlormoire, neer fr lereelt evee sin• ea It. was the first
lend. that. state-. • roit.,F4Ok'tte sPititual interests 01 jos .1flignenot,. &dwelt eetnblithed In Ante
inent of yours about tieing superstie children and loved ones as Well as
Ostia' t ala-' erica, and ft. is singular Indeed that
:tious in reference 10 making a will prepare ferlirt•Vvra eel. it should outlast all those: which foi-
ls tory foolish. It is ati inells.h; as ,t,,,,, the k...,...,7.' .-1 AS neat a Wands rived .fi}t,,, but. Were gradually inerged
is if ris It f mid -
Montreal, Aug. 30, -In an inter-
view ,yesterday, Senor Juan 13. Riva -
res of the Argeritine Repablie, who as
elow here, stated that he had Just
vhoeariridiettia.toti, Gburyeat Britain with endear
1,000,000 head oi
cattle in the • Argentine to stock
South Africen farms,
When- efr. Hobert Bickerdike, M.P.,
h ' e o expoi or.
• was Informed. of Mr, Meares', state-
ment, that 1,000,000 head of cattle
were being' purchased in the Argon -
Otte for South' Africa by the British
Government, he replied that the Ca-
nadian cattle dealers were justly in-
eensed ever the matter; and were
making efforts tie secure this groat
oppoetunity for Canada..
Rom Mr. Pishqr had been com-
municated . with, and subseauently
Lord Stratheona,. but the 'dealers
• fear that it was too late to 'succeed,
."We think it strange that the Brit-
• ish Government should go so far out
. of their way to get cattle to Meek
the South. Afrieun lams where they
ecould gee all they wanted in Cana,
da," said Mr. Bickerdike. ”What
they want are young, leen cattle, and
• rw� can supply theme?:
"The Argentine 'cannot furnish:Ole
fausiklezanillien. Canada? V He Was
7 - •
"wo could give 'them: the -Million
a.they Want," he replied,
. . • . •
enessoa-OexAtuaa arreetexia
. •
Frogs, t•ed;r..1.1. ilostirizo.et.siooeb,44t.:41;to. •Ifo•••011
Monroe, Mich., Aog,,20.-e-Walter
.Leineraed: letelysfi•orn. Toledo, Aaine
• hozne yesterday, noon and ' found a
• mein. Frenehniara.intile. house.trith.'
his wife. A (vivrel ensued,. and the
• unknewn Mae finally. ran ire= the
house. 'An officer .attempted to orrest
'tithe 'lint he ran down Thirty.third
'street with a crowd pursuing him. •
• • The. _cry '!'Assaulter"... was rtileed
and •the • mob began to sheot,.... The
unknown 'marl ran into a *ehrnileld
.• where he wae Surrounded' and sht
•elead, o bullet penetrating. his heart.
• The woman denies' that there was
any assault. .. • "• • • . " •
Leirierand. has jest: told Abe
sherilf that the dead Inan= is jcisepli
La Berge of Ttaleclo.. She says :Witt
she 'arid La Berge had planned an
eloPement. . • •
An autopsy is now being perfarmed
. on La Barge's' body and tile inquest
' will be 'held'. to -day. No arrestk.:will
• be made until after the impleate
, ' dospatelt tramsWindsor says that
La . Berge is a Cancieliane residing
" till just. reeettly in Montreal. Ilis
Murder ninei -become an international,
itxtled t.‘ronon "inns
itnt ri,'.6itage, Ont.,' 4eg..30.11ev.
Father Gendreau has stated avail ire
terview that .a niutalbyeid• iopfehheod .n. ufrrosines
who Were recently
Perinea are. coming t� liat :Portage to.
..start nospltal. St, :Joseph's Ape.
Idezily 'has been token over on behalf
�f the Oblate Order, at the reel**
.6f . Arealashop Langevin, Feither
dentireete states e that. the bo.spitat
win be notageetarian ie charecter. It
• expected that the nurses will ar-
rive ih a.fmt ' .
• by NI nit (inn. • • •
St rathcona; .28.
• bos,, • lit n 1:y of -this patie. seen over-
come: . by tees' in hie well -yesterclity.•
Tfe winadown t•epair e; leek in the
.1 ip ng, and shortly' after fell heipleizi
eti•ga est the curbing, hs gas. was •
so poeerful that it. was impoesible
to render assistance for alitiost tut
hour, wheit life wee extinct. • •
• Ilitstwre Minnie Pn4kets .11,111rtl 0.1th Mtnneff.
Lindsay. Aug. 2$.---Norintin
Murchy, a lawyer here for some
years past, has been 'Missing bole
town since fast Priday, :Yesterday a.
• small boy foiled his body fleeting in
the river mar the pump -house His .
pockets were filled with Stones: Sui-
eido ia thought. t� be the eause of his
• untimely end.
mows- 9 us* ISO Ilteiaueolble.
Pittsburg, Aug,. 28. -Justice Shirai;
says; "Ineorporation of all labor
unionot is the printery step toward
the plumage of an ,arbitration • mew.
The unions must be responsible for
• the catrying out of an. egreerieent,
and wall they isre there is little hope
tor compulsory arbitration of labor
troablege” •
Allied by it mease.
Virdett, Mane Auge 28e -The four.
esear-old son of Thomas Brason got
he front ot binder his father Wee
title/14 meld the knifettetrthecrUdtrohre leg
64 at thaelailece-M! hliit
eight milea".'te dot, tbo
• . n o o to wenn it o s
the. sofieretll Ion softie people hove setae, not a bite built re al" 13.. era were ilioSe :will) were drivrit front
• abotit Sitting One of thirteen at a woman or ehild mit live in solitary :
- Half S
I first used Ayees Sarsaparilla
-In the 1211 Of ItHiL Shwa thenn
luvetaken it every epilog as a
blood•purifying ond 110T1+11.
Strengthening Medicine."
8. T.: JOrits,1071ellita$ Kiss.
If you feel run down,
are easily tired, if your
nerves are weak and your
blood is thin, then begin
table at' looking at the new moon gl'andedr. MA the house of the text
Prance by ih% revocation of the edict
Y Nentes, and their descendants are
v. o e imilvnt air ong the leading fawn -
°eel' the • wrong shoulder. or earryine ethe f the r lid the n th r
t10. new -leen batie downstairss before tend the Children the brothers tend T\l'iee ;ler to -clay,
&tad 500th to . y.
he is ettreled uPstah•s, la is so fool- . the sisters, the kitb. and kin and tee lee -thae
ish that I run ld surprised it shoube nutny loved ones. All can e to-
t. .'
anyivliere enterialtted among intellk, gather An peace and haPPluess within-.
gent people. You will hot die be• the same tome walla, and as all the , Coral Is the facf,"'ead nothing In the
cause you realm your last will and membees Of a family dwelling within WO 'of sturinaer orearilaitts Id vettst'de
testament, but you ought, te make the same hotise • 'ought to het* a • eyed more fashionable. 1.atar strings
your last will tied testameat in re- eommon interest, sO you eaneot stain- of Coral that .knot juat betint. the
feeence to your temporalffairs be- tete your Ownlodivideal spiritual Willa line ave worn about the
gettele )our death is inevitable, "Set Interests irdni the scdritttul interert • Of coulee in the real •coral thee° cost
fhaia house in Melee," of your wife and children and love. a great prise, but one cart purchase
"But, Mr, Telefirege.” says setae ones, • te 4.t1•ing of In cols that hat* the real
other. "What is the good of Making a The 'shrine of death as a tong Jour. leo': to tihnn for a notninally entail
last will and testameat? Z have /to- 'nay away from the family erestae Id "lee,
ebild died*
They were therefore to be people
'separated froth all pie -customs and
idolatries' of the heathen, living wholly
for God; a. peculiar treasure unto Him
abOve all people en the earth (Ex. xix..
.5, 6), • .
10-32, An that do these thinge . are an
abomination unto the L04,-*
Tbe next clause of this verse says.
that the nations wbieh formerly occu-
pied this land were glen to those
abominations mentioned in the 'previ-
ous verses, and because of these they
were being driven out: Therefore Is.,
,rael was to. beware of and avoid alt
these things. It was because Of. the
wickedness of those -nations that the
Lord. did drive them • out before Israel
and not because of any.righteciusness
on the part of lerael ()ent. ix. 4-0).
He did 'ail that He did for Israel for
Ilis own name's sake Oink. Exalt', 22),
then in return for all .His 104ifig
sees Hoonly aSked them to let Him
do still more for them,' or; 'in other
words, He naked them to. walk In Ale
ways and serve film with their
'heart and sonl (Dent. a, 12; 13), for
or.ly think could- He do more for them
than He•already had. dott.e.. .
'rhea .sbalt be perfect (martin, up-
• tight or sincere) With .the Lord thy pod.
• TO Abram, the tether* of•this peoPta,
, God .had •said; •"1..• the • Ahnlghty-
tip'd Walk and lie, thou
-perfecti!: Sincere) (Gen: evil..
The title•of God here Is EaSheet,
dela ivhlea. signifiee ahe lifightY Goad:
whe is ell sufficient,: as 'a .mother for
, her child, •Abrain had -been leaning On
an antf•of fle.sli rather than upon the
-Lord and had lost fellowship hi a
Measure, but the' i..ord would' restore
. him and .loye late do .better la aitore
end.tenn.more fully. on the Lord alone .
II' we would know the.power of' Ged,..
• we must learn our ..wealcuess: lf we.
wo.uld ,knOw the sufficiency Of God,
we" unlit learn our 'own insufficiency
(II Cor. xii, 9,10; 5)... • See some Pre.*
selOus words for the upright. the•
.eere, in Ps. lxxxiv,'11;.eabL.1; xxxvii,
.1-17111'10.,"The God rafge • un.
unto thee a tirophet from the Midst of
thee, of. thy brethren, like unto . Me; • Mite
him ye shale:beechen.
e, in, Jet'. xxx, 21. v., ,rt•
'"Their. prinee 'shall be. of themselves,
'net) tbeir ruler shall Proceed4rom the
Midst of thein. and I .will cause him
to draw. near. and he shall. approaph.
-unto Me. For vino Is this that engaged
.his heart .to!_approach unto Ale? saith
the .Lord." ' • Here is a wondlerful and..
beituti f ul propheceeet tbe,prophet like
-Mao •Meseit; rope 'of themselves dritw•-
• ing near te. God" On their behalf and
Winging .God's message to them in
..inerty.• In till things' it nehooved,.bito
to beeneadellke lento his bretbren, tliat
. lie Might...be a mereitui and faithful
high' priest In.thinge poi•tichillta.t6 tied
• to „Make reconciliation far the sins of.
• the neople. --.1•1e was faithful to •Etiiii.
that rippointed• him. tie'alse Mines was
faithful in all .hili.'house (Hob., 11, 17s.
RI. 2). . . . , • • - . ,
'• eiee. I wilt put My, weeds In his mouth.
iind he.shnll Speak unto thorn *11 that I
• Obeli a:ailment him.
. De, sald to ArOses..'NOW therefore go,
and 1 Nvili be witb th • mouth and. teach
time what alma soy" (Ex. iv, 121.:
.. • .
..He raid to Jerethialie 'aWlintsoiteer i
CO1111,1/11 WI 0)140.11inn :SI* It speult. * *,*
th.bold. II liaire put My "wards 'Id :thy
mouth". aloe.. 1, T. In. It le easy to an-
derutaird tow such ..nten. needed to let:
teed went te ay.. •but wage, 14. read..
that the Son of God so ainfitled Wm -
Self thet Ile could.truly say, "I .can Of
Mine own 'Self do'noilling,". !•11•3.r doe,
trineals not Mille, • ant Ills that seut
'Me," 'The Father •whe sent 'Me, He
gave Me" d commandment. what 1
should say tied What I should•epealt.,"
"The Father Hatt dwelletil in :Me,
Lie doetki the . weeks." (John v.• 201'
. elf, Id; Xii, • 40; .xlit. 101. • then ' in-
deed We .see whet Was never *Oen be -
tore nor sinee-Han In svhOM all full-
nese dwelt 'emptied to entire depend-
ence on another even for His words.
20-22. Row shall we know the word
which the Lord hath not spoken? •
There Alwaye have been and nitrify's
WIII be false prophets and teachers4
tembing nee in the name of the Lord
(Jet. xxill, 21. 25, 321. Therefore John
tette Us by the Spiritt "Beloved, belleire
not etesi•y Spirit, hut fry the spirits
whether they fire Of Goa, beeline*
many fnizez prophets ere gone out Into
the WOrle. Hereby kno* ye the ispielt
Of God: Every spirit that confesseth
that Jobs Christ IS Conte In the iteldr--
la of God, and every spirlt that eoti-
fessetli not that Male Clielet Is come
In the flesh is not or God (1 John iv., ,
1-13). The test therefore 1st "Mint
;WA yo of Chrlsel" *
to take the good old stand- , There is a large amount outstanding in subscriptions so to those in
Melee moms ard family medicine,
COOVIIIGHtS dt00 Ayees S2rsap2rilla.4
this is an i .
ntimation t at t ere call JJ. b
4440nevrgottstraripezera les a regular nerve a r
beo b CO i r ears
h be etter time than the
ti:gagaiergaildenttel. EleSdboOket PlaeSUo littor. It perfect blood
" teens free. t ast Atellerif0tmeemnIthlact1,10.O104,4
P tint token t tOO o
tuditi seam **boat etarsejts its "6 • budder
Stleittifie iinitritasto
Alaeeezeg Mutteetd ?utatrntPVIorgtotto
atrt itioltit, 5410591115 10(394151 lotseAe
JNN FN4.71:t?ttlitf,11, 11-
* " a be**h musahk. present for pasrin.g up., To each one the mount is trifling which 1..,s all
*hit tt 41,4A1
rtiore reason why it should be paid.
, 0
' •
• .