HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-09-04, Page 6trell_ .telt!Itleelt!WnllMMIMIIMIIIMIOMMII4W114nlWtWftllMWMWnlIllgWllnMnllnISWlkltffaMt. , . Historical Sketch of Huron County VEIN MINTON NNWS-10100nD PAID " JUST CO BE GOOD:" Is is Wei that the American Bank- Assotiation is going to pay a sal - say of nneo a month to the notorious forger,. Charles Becker, -when in a few months he finishes serving a seven 00449+4.00.000,04.40004440,00...... _ . 44.40. garurzstA srrlseottnee. tittreSiasn tt(itterneetenitve(CAlits- titioen'Ore,IPIP • • . TOWNSHIP Or IIICKILLOP. emasiltestai nudist .ssootiventInvextest: *similar tororllay toinoueluil , :eititr :ety 'n'sjoUrset.itorgbi4,g°41. :indwhreht calla to mind the story of the eturth- According to the emus returns of east to northwest. Ou its two latter ern judge' WhO had a line lot of , hogs tnii Inclnillep contained e3,422 acres sides it iie ettek,sed between Grey end and on seeing a colored man notor- of land. Since then neanorthe,--then East . wawsenesh, while Turnberry , :me 1 ious for stealing said : " Uncle Jack, " village — Itee beext -incorporated 1'11 tea. you what I'll do. Yon pick as a town and probably forms its northeastern boundary the Uullett • entl >WC -,11-0P .ite am/Unrest- out two ofetboSe hogs you like best extra aniount taken from the revel ern. The township origtnally Ontain" 4 and I'll give them to you, provided constituency would just about diellooe ed 57,120 acres of land and water. that you won't steal any of the oth- of the odd hundreds, leaning the pres- ent isuperneial area of the toWnshiP Its surface is comparatively even ex- ers." And the negro replied : "Jedge, eept mar the.river. • Tim south branch you've always been a good neighbor-, less than 53,000. . ol.the Maitland enters at Brussels.and un' I; likes. yults an' I wants tit do 1110011°p is one of the few town- pursuing an extremely irregular Course right by yuh, an' so I accepts dah of - ships in the county regular in Shane, leaves the township near the northern fuli yolk makes, but I wants yet; tu beteg that of a rectangular epiadrilat- angle, at Winghant, having been join: know that I'll lose meat by it." eral nearly approaching a scptare, but ed. by the middle brauen, which en- . somewhat more extended from north- ters the townshiP at 13luevale. Along , east to southwest than froin south- the ben's of these streams the len& is THE east to northwest, those points being extremely broken 'which is the. chief exception to the general description of nearly covered by the projection of its . boundary lines, whicb. are as follows : a comparefive eveuness of surface. In To the northeast, Morris and Grey i feet, both in this respect as well as in to the southeast, the Toweship of regard to quality of soil; Morrie; very Logan, in Perth County . to the south- strongly resembles ',Grey and Wawa - west, the Township of Hibbert, in nosh,, • • Perth County, and Tuckeminith • and ' to the northwest the Townehip ot' liul- • Outside those -parte of Morris now . • includen • within the litnite of /Myth lett. , and Brussels, the first •settlmnent in TAKES AWAY THE LOAD OF MS - In its topographical formation and the township v,tsts made at'Belgrave by , quality of soil McKillop very much a EASE AND EADS TO T party consisting of John McRae, resembles the last mentioned township Christopher' Corbett, John Brandon 14 NEW (heretofore described) tending Prebab" I and Robert -Armstrong. These Were • ' NEW LIFE, HEA.LTH ly to a condition of the more 'nearly 1 all originally from County Fermanagh level, which circumstance operated a- in Ireland, but had afterwards settled AND HAPPINESS. The unhappy victim of disease Who gainst its rapid advance in malement in Went Gwillitnbury, Shneoe County, and attendant development he the ear, whence they -tante to take up their res - has' just dragged through the summer ly days of the county's history to idences in Morris. They flint tante 'in and . who is new racked with sufferinn even a greater extent than in the case ' Septembers 185t, 'intending to select and almost a physical wreck must of its sister township .. although the land and build'shanties thereon before. take • immediate choice of two , paths. prosperous settlement 'known as the ' returning ,•• but before niaking a choice, One leads to increased miseries and " Irish Settlement" in the :townships the emeriti' had got so far advanced- certain death, the other to new . life, of McKillop and Hibbert, on either - that they concluded to defer clearing health and happiness. : side of the Huron Road, was one of roil building Oneeatiens 'till the nest . The use of Paine's Celery Cornnound the earliest, at least of so great ex- spring. The lot g selected and where is a necessity for all who seek the tent, in the whole Union Tract. they "sub,sequently settled were as foie 5 ; Cm_ Path • of 'health and Ring years, Vie- - of " Irishteven" were Dennis and Con. bett, Lot 3nCon. 3 ;' Brandon, Lot 3, ;McRae, Lot 2, Con. disease; liver trouble, dyspepsia, Arnong those who formed the settle-. laws: time Of rheumatism, tieuralgia, nid- John Downie, Patrick and Michael . 4 ; Arthstrong, Lot 6, Con, 4. "Y. nervousness and blood diseases; quick - Fox, 11.0 'Neil and — O'Connell on. Therms -.In Iierseit of their. intentions they re, turned early in the npringeof r8n2, et- , strength in Dr. Phelps medical pres- Carlin, Patrick O'Sullivan, ly and surely find nen, life, vigor end the Meltillop side, and Edward Down- fected small- clearings on their tote .•cription—Paine's Celery Compound. It — Cavanaugh, Michael Gribbln, • and after erecting' shanties and Plante builds up the system, purifies the Thos. Carlin, Hugh McLaughlin, ing .potatoes, etc., - again 'returned, blood, 'braces the nerves and regulates • Murphy, . Peter McCamus and Mires Coming in to remain petteanently in - digestion as no Other medicine can do. McCann on the Itibbert side. Tbere the fall of, 1852. At the tune of their Mrs. Chas. Charette, Chatebly, P. Q,, was also a " Scotch Settlement" . first corning .there was no settler in Wonderftilly rescued lin 'Feline's "Celery. formed about the seine time, or very the toWnship except Keene* Menlean Compound; writes as follows : shortly after, along the first line back and William McConnell, Who ad * - 11: " I can honestly say that I would of Harpurhey, but the precise date - small clearings and log shanties where t,iii e have been living today if it had ,- which witnessed the locaeion of the Blnth tone stands. ' . en I not been for your wonderful medicine. first residents of either Scotchtewn or During. the latter part bf 1852, bow- For a long time I suffered terribly ever, a number of settlers came in to from nervousness, sleeplessness, head Irishtown cannot be ascertained: • . . Ole different sections of the township. UNHAPPY, BURDEN' BEARER MUST MAKE CHOICE. 4,1.1.••••••••• Paine's Celery Compound. Iand. seamach trounles and never re - Unlike some other new townships 4 Chas.W. PaYker, afterwards' the first . . • ceived . much benefit • from -ordinary which certain localities were settled Reeve, was the first who folleend inedical treatment. I heard of your 1 y Scotch and others by Irish,the them—and infact his actual- settle-. Piethe'sCelery Compound and I have People of McKillop seemed to get a- ment dates 'ahead of them all as he good reason to thank God that I used long amicably in the amnageivent . of 'came in, nutup si shanty ; on Lot 1ne. .it. I '• can pow •eat well a.nd sleep their municipal and ether Public local,Con. te• land re/matted there, during .soundly and my nerncluseess is a thing affe.irs ; ar.d a perusal of the township ' the time the others were east. Among of the past I now feel perfectly rest - records shows the varicets MUM to the earliest Of the other settlers were ed after a night's ,sleep, which .was have been 'monopolized by neither • of 3 °set' h neiglandi •.William, John and never the cese before using the tome the nationalities, but fairly. distribut- •David • 'Geddes', and Hector McLean., pound, My neighbore are surprised at ed among those of both'. The first or- who Settled on the 3rd and ,4th Lane,; .the grand .enre made hy your medicine g,anization of McKillop for municipal Abraham • Proctor, Lot 7, on. 4 f and some are using it now. I thank purposes took place in the year 1842; Clots. Proctor, Lot .e, ; Con. e ; and you sincerely for the honest mettles in connection with the townships of _ joseph Stubbs, Let 8,• eon.. 4. Furth- given me by Paine's Celery, ' Cora - Hibbert • and Logan, now in Perth. er south John Kelley, evithea large pound." .; The records of that year have been family of sons, settled in May, 1853, ' • lost, but from those of the succeeding on Lot 13, Con, e. Still a little fur - year we give an extract to show the . ther. south Williani Wilson, Afterwards. proceedings of their town Meeting : . for Many. yeare Reeve, Settled in June, • " 1853; and the teidlaws had Already " McKillop, January md, 1843. In settled a' short titneliteirieusly Along tbe house of William Lee, Lot 10,. the 9th and ioth Lines -, and in 2853, Conx, the inhabitants of the Town-. also, another •family ,Of • five brothers ships of Meleillop, Hibbert and Log- of Kelleys (of Whbrit Thomas was af- an, agreeable to the act, and a' wet.- tetwerds-Reeve -of, the tnetnehip) Set - rant signed by Archibald Dickson ead tied on'thi 8th and:nth Lines. Mr. - William Chalk, Esquires, two of Her Wilson .was .thentiagisttate who 'celled' Majesty's Justices, of the Peace.. The the .first .' public ineetirig in the town - meeting having proceeded; 'and called ship both for school' tied. sinthicinal Alex. Cameron in the chair, and John purposes. •WillinmeAtirietrong, Lot 8, Govenlock having been .proposed and Con. 6, enISte settled inthe fall of seconded as Township Clerk for the 1853.; William , Baines located jest a current year ; and 'Adolphus Meyer Week. pteviems to him on Lot 7, Con. having been also proposed and second- 4 ; Alex: Finlay 'sometime during the ed for Town Clerk ; and the votes have preceding du -sumer On Lot 14; Con. '5 e • ing been taken for each; it was found and Robert Arnietrong on Lot 6; Cele that John Govenlock• was ditty 'elected.. 4, in the autumn of 2853. The first . for the' ensuing year. * * *" The same settlers' in the 'eastern part ofthe minutes show that the above town township were George' Forsyth, Who meeting elected Matthew Ward of settled ' upon Lot 28; Con. 5, in the Logan, Assessor ; Dennis Downie, Col: early part of 'Sentember, 1353, And: .,,6,8411486111-.— , LUC:KNOW. „ Mr. Donald Gralutin, one of the Pio-. neer settler* of this section, passed a- way at his home in Kinloss on Tues- day last. Deceased, who was in his Sand year, Wail highly esteemed and greatly respected by a wide circle of triende. lie, is survived by his aged widow and grown up family of fo.ur sone and five daughters, nee, 1, B. Wallwin and Mrs. Wall - wits Seaforth, farnerly of this vil- lage,h ., ave gone on a western' trip. Mr. Wallwin will attend the Method- ist General Conference in Winnipeg and will alect_visit at Brandon, while Mre. Wallwin will go threugh to the noast, Mrs. McNabb and her daughters, Misses Ca.therine and Anna, left last weele for Toronto where they intend making their home. Miss Catherine, who has been successful in her martin- ations, intends attending the Normal school in that city. Mr, A. IC Armstrong, who lies been a resident of the village for a number of years, and Miss Irene left on Monday afternoon where they in- tend making their home. Twenty five western horses were dis- posed of by auction sale in this vil- lage a week • ago. They were the property of Mr. Robert McLean of G.:Atria. The prices ranged front $30 to $85 each. • SCORES. OF 'USES. • While Dr. Chase's Ointment is best known on aceciunt of its wonderful control over eczema, salt rheum and piles, it is Wend to be in almost daily demand in many homes as a cure for chilblains, chafing, pimples, sunburn, burns, scalds, and each and every lorm of itching, irritated eor inflamed skin. It is inpaluatile in ev- ery home and as a seoth ng and heel- ing application knows no equal. SCRIBITnIR'S IVIAGAZINE FOR SEPTEMBER. The riappearance Of the author. of "The Workers" marks the Septem- ber number of Scribner's Magazine. When Walter A. Wyekoll began that narrative every newspapet of import - mite in the country commented on:his remaxitable' experiment. Last summer Mr. Wyckoff transferred the field of his innestigationseto England. At the 'same timent•that Mi. Vanderlip was in- vestigating the financial and comer- cial conditions for the magazine, Mr. Wyckoff .was studying the social effects of the American Invasion upon British worlemen. Ilaviug been a workman himeelf, and moreover having the training of a scientific student of soc- ial questions, be was able to gather end, in his first artiele, to present with vigor the London Wage -Earner's present cbnditions and prospects. 'This hierocluctory article will be a revela- tion to those who look upon East London at a vast slum. Mr, Wyckoff found •there e clean, calmly, self-ree- peeting and progressive body of wage- earners, ready to oompete intelligent - 1y with the American worlanan. More of Mr: 1V3,coff's remarkable deductions will be published in coming nutebers. 01' To DAJE fl)IAS • Wilo :O/SCOVERED. MUSEOUA..?. (Knoxonian in the • • Toronto .resbyteria.n.) • It is pretty geneialty understood that a man named Christopher Col- • embus discovered America, But ' who • . discovered • Muskoka ? Feta* Mae- aulays—if *e ere ever able to raise a Macaulay—Will have .o Wrestle with that question. Some Will pay:the hon- or -must be given to Mr. A. P. Cock.. " "burn. Whether Idr. Cockburn discover- • ed the great playground or not he, certainly has done more than any half dozen Meit to tna,ke it known and also make it, .in our opinion, the best aunt - mer eesort in America. Some win sate that. Prof.. John Campbell, W. B. .1vItteMtirrich, K. C., mid. a few other ..nte,rpriting Ontario boys paddled ienied'the esnes many-. years ago' and came to the condemn that nature lector ; and raines Grieve, John Laid- .john Sample,' who octane: in on the had intended that region for a grand law and Alex. Cameron,Town Ward- Grey nOwn :.line etietherttiMe subse- national playground. No (leant Piot. ens. Among those whose names we nuently: There was not a sine, set- Campbell, being highly gifted with the see in connection with variOns offices tier north of the 4th concession till faculty forhistorical-research, f could for that year were : John Croil, John after the winter Of x853.-1854,., but dur- settle the question of discovery if he Bulger, Henry O'Neill, James Chili, iiitthe 'Mediae spring the millet was would. But the learned professor is William Inabkirk, Robert Scott, S. large and continued unabated until al- a singularly: .eioclest man and would Meyer, John Kenna, William Cleft, most every Ion in the: tonniship was hardly say he and his corniranions dise M. Canna, Joseph Jenkins, Potrick occupied Within the course of a half eavered Musk-en:a, even if he knew they Carlin, Hugh McCann, Robert Down- dozen years, . . did. Not lohg ago we heard, on what ie, Edward Downie, John Lapilie, Among 'those e' -who eatne in, during we believe excellent authority; that Peter McCann, John Henderson, Alex.. the winter of neee-eenn was wanton :the honer of discovering Ontario's Wilson, the majority of . whom being Hartis, 'He settled at what was can- - great sitteiner resort. really belongs to. residents of MrKillop would Mem to ed Bedminet which was named after Justice Maclennan. 'Long before there indicate that this township contained the county seat of Corewall, England', was 'a railway. or steamboat in that at that time a greater population his native town. He built a grist and region the judge made a circuit of the than the other two. • sawmilrthere, the first in the present Muskoka lakes in en open boat and Ihnits of the toweshiln . • , spent his vacation. there. 'the learned In /84,4 Logan withdrew from the' . .• ThJudge, I ke preen Campbell; is modeett other two townehips and sieint tinie . e. first school ereete en d in the tow - gt.nildnatt and citite likely he will subsequently Hibbert also withdrew, ship was on Lot in Com and' the never pose as the, discoverer of Mus - but there was always a; 'municipal -un- first teacher was•Rebeceet. Vance,whose ion with one or more of the. followihn settled family in Brucefield. Rev. had cotne froin NapMr - anee and: t:oka. Well, whoever .discovered the l layeround, it is a good one. For Mullett, Morris, ,Grey or HoWicic, till At, • oveislands and pue, air and ag, ' a 1_856, in which year Ithe tWo lattet kins (N. C. Meth,) was the first minis- ly rodueer reetnel feeling it stands withdrew, leaving McKillop thence- ter who ever e preaeh:firsted in the town: enrivalled among sumtner resorts. forth alone. • • shien He censin the seasen of 1853 and durieg the winter of /853;.54. One of the chief attractiotte of this In x85o, the fi;lat year of. the opera- used to travel on snow shoes, iti - — GO I e t ti i playground is that it always seems t i wee eth t me and you tin es o umenity. .There are people courseiiiltektivi 61 t p fe tion of the Municipal Act, the Come " heavy mirching order" with his e N well as the first time. Of Milan elected (Hulled and nriltbert pack on his beet. Mr. Attins preach - we are speaking of the effect were then in the union) were : Robert ed for several years in the log cabinsic in o a i roduees oil normal sped - Hays, Dennis Downie, August VanEg- of the settlers, until a church building 1 motid, John Ilifighana and Thomas was provided—two 61 which Were sub- , e eante Govenlock, and of these Mr. Hays wits sequently erected snout the sante who 'litter want to go to tne 1 i ate tevice, As a, rule the plate nev- unanimously chosen the 'first Reeve, time, one on Lot to, Cott. 5,. the-otlier et watt?s to see such people more than Robert Cana was clerk,. Thomas Gov- ott Lot 6, Con. 5, , . • mice All the inerthern country, :am- efilock Treasurer, Patrick O'Sullivait The first couple married in the tame:- , nricing Lake nitnecie, ' Lake Cottchich- Robert McMillan and •Iames Longbot- ship were Margaret, daughter a Sohn inge the Musnone Lakes, the lakes a- tom, Assessers ; Alex. Wilson, Collec- trandon, and John Lawlor, the Mre- rotind Irentsville, Burk's Falls, to Alt. tor ; le, ennisilitean and - George mony being perform d by Rev: Mr. new Harbor Parry Sound and Pene- Thompson, Auditors ; liev.• Chides Dowler, n Methodist e minister and tanneishene, 'is one of the best resting Fletcher, Superintendent of Education tne first white child born was' Chrts- Up to and inclusive of 1853, -;the t°1111"" son of a°LePh lini4lana' 431°Ie referred to. year of the withdrawar Of Perth Conn. By the year 1856 Morris, which with ty from the union— those Who repte- Grey also had been united for munici- sented the several townships in the District and County Councils will be Intl purposes; with McKillop, Matron found fit the General Iiistory. Next open an independently organized ex- ietenee, The first Reeve was Charles year (x854) Robert /lays was Reeve of McKillop awl Grey and in ig55 be M. Poker, with Christoplter Cot - wee leeeye of Gray and bett, Wilaon, John McRae and , Howick, but this was the last year of Charles Forrest as Councillors e J. IL Municipal union. Dennis Downie Was litYler, eled ; 3°11n Laidlaw' Asses` Reeve for 1856, 1857, nelloWed by 'no, sor ; Donald Scott, Collector, Mr, Govenloek from 1858 to • 1862, when Par er er was re elected in 1857' and Mr. Downie again occupied the tittle !Willi"' Wilson "8 ret"r"ed for 1858' chair for one year, /863, being again ?859, 1,8(ti, and Iran' -1861 to 1866' be- foIloween by Mr. Govenlocie 1864. In 'fig " left" "6 Year, 'Mt. by William 1865 John Ellicitt was Reeve and next Moonev. The year 1864 was the firat &ix th tow h' f r th t t ti in which Morris was entitled to a places on the continent. Once 6can scarcely go wrong in that region if he wants a good rest, People ,come itt large numbers from all paten of the niten States and theenember of vis- itors continually increases. If there is only one thing in the world that a typical Aitierican eiteten knowa when te tem it that one thing ig a good stenoner tesort. The •number of Amer - Amer who come to North Ontario ev- try stontne.r shows that they consid- er our Ontario playground first-class. Holidays are now a part of our yiarly life. Most people have found out that they -can do more and better work when they talte an occasional rest. Holidays were mice considered a luxury. Now they are a necessity to elected a Deputy Reeve, From thence Deputy Reeve. From that time for- eviry matt who wishes to keep up with Ward the towtishin'e representatives'in the procession. Ontario people should the county repreeentatives were : 1866, the County Council Were : 1864, Chas. he profettedly thankful that they have joseph Evans, James Trays 1867, 1868, JOseph Evans .Samttel Hannah ; *Whitehead, 34:ihti Perdue e 1865 and so many resting plates that may be 186,48,1 winia6 shon1/401 1866, Chia. Whitdtead, Mita Brow** ; enjoyed at a reasonable expense. Let sajtild Inannah 18,2,48m wig 1867 mut 1868; Alfred' BroWil, Thomas us enjoy them with thtutbful he -arta Barn oiant;ott, James gr. Kelley 186e• and Thomas Eel- and at the r.attle thtte tot forget to rxt x876 the:. township was iv.. leY. W. G. Ifiligitton'i;1. 1874 Thomas sympathize with those. tO WhOin days Was •elected Reeve and AUX. Kett '8711. IC 3' It' 11°1111"4 14. Deputy Reeve. • old Scott ; tfiry3,- Alfred Brown, Don-. STOPS THE 0011011 AND old Scott ; 1874, 'Patrick Kelley, Doti- WORKS OFF lift; COLD. TOWNSII/P Or MORRIS. old ScOtt ; id/5 • end ii376, Patrick ided into wards, Thorea$ E. Rays Iteliev, W.. J. it. olmes, If. 1).; of reit never come. .THE 'MOST 'POPULAR' ONE IVITH T . VOTING AND OLD IS HE DE- TERMINATION TO MAKE. • . • Malt Breakfast Food. THE ,FIST DiSnee AT: THE kca.N.,; • Ig6 . • . . A' FOOD -TIIOR.OUGAny RELIPPIED ' ALL dnASSES, " °Up:tee-date ideas. crowd thick and: fast on. th p pre of progreSsive cont- . . ni s. ee s ng s , sen- sible and most popular one that has• seized the pulitie is the detertnination tomake Malt Bmakfist Food the first dish at the morning reeel. When the' many positive :advantages of Malt Breakfast Food are consinered the new and up -tate idea is wertny of all encouragemene by those who value heath, vigor and robustness. The. best medical men heartily endorse the feet that Malt Breakfast Food is the true health food and results amply prove it. See your grocer, • SOME PERTINF,NT QUESTIONS. • The Oklanoma. City (O. T.) Journal makes these queries ; Who 'publishes your. lodge notices ' free? Who publishes your church notices free ? • Who publishes newt of your businens free ? Who publishes news of your friends free? • Who publishes items for you by re- quest, free ? Who publishes hundreds of items helping to build up your town and in- crease the value of your property, , free? Is it the advertising fakir ? Is it the people you send to out Of ' town for their work ? Is it just—that you ask the news. papers to print all this for you and go elsewhere with your patronage ? I a it right—that yott talk, home in- dustry and send your business out of town or patronize strangers ? Do you believe in reciprocity i' 11 you do why not patronize those of whom you ask, favors? THE RAPID DEVILOPMENT • Of °Mr business is proof that our goods give satisfaetion, that our pric- es are right and that our system. or quick dispensing is approved of. If you have doubts regard ng our state- ments we shall be delighted to have a visit of inspection. We are head- quarter:4 for the best and purest drugs. " MAKES SICK PEOPLE WELL." Paine's Celery Compound is the great home medicine in Canada. Its disease=banishitig power is wonderful, If you are weak, run-down or suffering: from disease, Paine's Celery Com- Polied will speedily banish all your troubles. Test its virtues today, it mance siek ecotile well, ..1.. E. HOVEY; Druggist, Clitttott, Ont. S-32 Kelley, Charlet Proctor ; 1877and Laxative Bromo (Whine Tablets XI' i'AYS TO ADVERTISE /1* Morris i laid out in the shape ot a 1878e Williiun Janie* Johnston, .14:41ter cftra a old itt cone daY• l`rci care, he pitralrertsgrant Whose dintettaiOtts north- R, Miller. Ptite 2$ Cents, vnit xims.ancORD: MENSAT.I., Mr. Macpherson B. -A., who has so acceetanly aupplied for Rev, J. S. Ilenderson for the past month, left last week to resume his duties as travelling eacretary of the Y. M. C. .A.. son of the late Dr. McKay of For- mosa was here last week. Ile came to this country about six monthago and intends remaining for some years to be thoroughly educated when he will return to Fortnosa as a mission- ary. On the morning of August 2oth John Steaeev, who resided with his nephew. About a mile arid a half east of Chis - was found dead in his bed. The old man, who was 7r years of age, had mine out from the old coun- try about 14 years ago and was resid- ing with his nephew wham he assist- ed on the farm. His death is suppos- ed to hone been' caused by heart fail- ure. We learn that Harry We/eh has de- cided to move out to the western province of British Columbia where ex- ceptional advantages to skilled carpen- ters and builders are now being oiler - ed, A.. A. Goetz of Stratford, popularly known 'as " Happy Days," who recent- ly disposed of his hotel in that place, we understand, contemplates retiring front business and devoting the re- mainder of his life to worm of phil- anthropy and benevolence. REV: IRL. HICKS' FORE - Prom fhe ist to the 4th falls the culmination or a regular vulcan per- iod, intensified by Mercury, Earth And Mars, with new moon. on the 1st and Moon on the celestial equator on the 3rd. Warm weather will most likely prevail at the (muting of the month„ with falling barometer, stormindica- tions spreading ' eastward from west and southwest. On and touching the 2nd to 4t11 no one should be surprised, by ,energetic storms of rain, wind and. thunder. Tins is one of the autumnal equinoctial periods in which heavy e- quatorial storms are quite probable, at all southern waters and around all coasts exposed to the ranges of these West India storms. The elements will react into storm conditions of more or less energy progressing from west to CASTS FOR SEPTEMBER. September 4th, 1902 TIME ARE MANY UNE QVIRT. The Chesley Enterprise says " We trusted William Qtrirt of Dryden, Al- goma, for three years' subscriptiofl and he refuses to pay it. William is a great church worker, but there's no harm in deind a 'Printer, in his esti- matton." INGERSOLL DIDN'T THINK HELL WAS NO MOT, John W. MacKay once invited Rob- ert G. Ligersoll to visit the Cenustock Mince. As the cage descended to the furnace heat at the bottom of the shaft of one of the mines, Mr. Inger- soll.said, gasping for air : "Private- ly, I always believed there was a, bell sotnewhere, but I never believed it could be so hot." FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS, Mrs: Winslo-w's Sootbing Syrup bas beenused by millions rif mothers for their' children while teething. If dis- turbed of. night and broken of your rest by a sick child sunffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth send tit once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Soothing Syrup" for child - en teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imniediately. Depetol upon it, mothers, there is no ixtistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regu- lates the Stomach- and Bowels, elms Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation and gives tone and en - ren teething is pleasant to the taste teed is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the trintee States. Price 25 cents a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists throughout the world. Be sure ergy to the whole system. "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child - and ask for "Mr. 1Ninslow's Sooth- ing Syrup." Legs so Swelled .Ile Couldn't 11140..kiii This case of Mr, James Tren stem tbe "pimp well•known butcher of 536Adelitide Street, London, Ont., is :footle:sr proof tbat Channe Klelateeleiver Pills are effective in the moot severe and complicated (Hewes of the kidneys. Mr. Treneman states tee" Twe years ego I was laid up with kidney elieseseand urinary troubles. BesIdee the Pan at. inconvenience caused by these troubles, became aropeleal, and my legs would . swell up Ito that I could. :scarcely go around at all. Hearing of Dr. Chutes Kidoey-Liver Pille,Ilmocured a box and continued the useof this vatuabie medicine until now I can say for &certainty that am entirely cured. I never took any medicine that did nut so much good, an am firmly convinced that if it had vet been .for this medicine I would not be working tonlay." These pills act directly on the kielney$ and liver, regulate the bowels and empire the perfect action of the digestive and fit. tering systems. One pill it dose; 25 cents a box. At all dealers, or Etianonten• Data Co., T or co lo cDr. Chase's Kidney -Liver PilIs GODERIOM. The . King Edward was on time on Thursday and took away a number E. our: visitors and left just about as many who did not care to go any fur- ther this trip as they feared a storm. /WV.' Air"' TOOaril Ph0011001. es 228 Great Zersgttsts Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli. able medicine discovered. Six packages guaranteed to care all Sons of sexual weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Rental wenn, Excessive use of To. lia000, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt Of price, one package se six, 45. Om wilt please. Fji R its !at euito-war canzee tatrinedvrre,gis. fl • • • east about the 7tI1 to the eth. The SUPT. 12-20, 1902. centre of the Mars period falls on:the MABLEAte OR/6,31TE nth and on and about this nate, it A MEDLEY OF SPECTACULAR e WOod's Phosphodine is sold in Clin- ton by II. B. Combe, R. P. Reelcie, E. Hovey. and Watts & Co.:' -druggists must be remembered, our globe reach- es a ,crisis or maximum of magnetic and electrical encitation. _The regular storm period central on the xxth will almost certainly bring on a state of stormy and unsettled weather that I will continue in a general way into the reactionary storyns dans centering about the x7th, eeth mid xeth. Watch all indications at this time ,and dee not be stirprised by vein; cool nights and frost as scan as ine low barom- eter area and storms move out of, the way. The ,last regular storm period: for Septetriben is central on the 24th extending oyer the 22nd to the 27th,', This .period is at the centre .01 .the earth's aittutnnal equinox with lineon at greatest •eeelination north, peri - gree and last 'patter, rhe month closes in & reactionary. Storni distur- bance, excited by the passage of the Menet over the equator on the 3otle, On that date' and into October Tat autumnal thunder storms:. will touch many localities. MERIT. . . Prof. Hutchison, the Human Bomb, ' in a`thrilling 'Balloon Ascension and . Parachute Drop. The /Marvellous eye, le Dazzle. The Osnatos, in a sensa- tional novelty. The great. Gay; the Handcuff King. The Olifans, Contin- ental Eccentriques. Manning and Du Crow, famous Moropedee. Rosa Nay - non, with her troupe of Trained Trop - feel Birds. The Bard Bros., Acrobatic Wonders. Criss M. Jonns, Cornet Vir- tuoso. Magnificent. Pyreteehnien and many other ' features. Special train service over all lines. . Exhibits further •:-ahead than ;the times: Grounds insidiously beautiful. Buildings irresistibly inviting. - Prize Lists, Maps, Programs' and . !' information forhe asking- from . A FAMILY NECESSITY. Owing to artificial modern life, al - Mose everybody suffers more or less from ".constipation, torpid liver and sluggish kidneyn, and as Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver -Pills are the most prompt and thorough cute for this derangement they have conte:to be considereda family necessity. Hosts of families' would not think of being without them. Otte pill a noge, 250 a box. NEW IDEA IN BARNS. Robert Britton is striking Out in a new line of his own by building a cir- cular barn. The basement is ready and the superstructure will be up in few days. The buitdibg is 58 feet a- ceess•and the idea is that in the stab- le basement the cattle will be ranged • 'WW1 their heads to the centre., which Will facilitate the work of feeding. The root cellar will be bolo* and the chopped food will come from Above, and the labor of feeding . twenty five or thirty head of cattle will be reduc- ed to a minimein.--Bobcaygeon Inde- pendent. - • • ..TO CURE 4. cola) zry ONE DAT'. Take Laxative Bromo 'Quinine Tab- lets. An druggists refundthe money if it fails to cert. E.' W. Grove's sig- nature is en each box.. 2Se, *DISTRICT FALL FAIRS. •Witighate, Sept. 25-26. Teeswater, Sept. 24-25. Dungannon, Oct. e-zo: Blyth, Oct, 7-8, • Brussels, Oct. 1-3. Walkerton, Sept. 17-18. Stratford, Sept. 30 -Oct. x. • Listowel, Sent. 30 -Oct. 1. Godericle Sept. so -Oct. x. Sea:forth Sept. 25-26. I.ondon, 'Sept. 12-2e, Toronto, Sept. 1-13. Apply This Test To Your Nerves Study theta syroptoMe, they are for your guidance. You may not have Omni all, but lira have any of theca your ner- vous system is not up to the mark, and 0. little extra expenditure of nerve force may bring the dreadful downfall. Ihteletifice of motion, noise and light: twitching of the musette of the face and • eyelids: tingeing sleep, sudden Mailings and jerkiegs of the limbs; dizziness and flashee of light before the eyes; irritability and restlesseess In every pert of timbal)* ; leadathe, indigestion, feelings of wearineSs And depression, and less of interest in the affairs of life. So • long as the daily expenditure of nerve ibree is greater than the daineincome, physical bankruptcy_is certain to feud sooner Or Wet, Nerve force must increased, and this Mie best be acCOi •plished by the um of Dr, Chasing Her Food, because it contains in eonterittat dioirrecmitihyto o veryibeilmnervousententeolenergy.nre which . yeeitttteis Co,,sboxToronto., alidesiers. or Ecialeteto l Dr* Chase's Nerve Fo Lt.-Col.W.M.Gertsh re .T. A. NelIes • Presidet t. Secretary. RattenburyStreet Works Direct importers. Wm kman- ship and Material.guaranteed J.' G. SEAL ;mi. . . pRol7Ruzolts.. • i I . 1 1 a 7 *****4*************# , , • , "4"0"116 16" .4 • .4 4. 4, 4, , • 4 4 4 LINO 4 It In this week's issue of t The News -Record a new t seriel is. begun. It is a story of surpassing in- t terest which increases as the story unfolds. Our t readers will be delighted with it and will pronounce .1 it the best of the many t • good stories which have <„; appeared ,in The People's r Paper. '* Don't miss the opening chapter. .* In order that the num- ber of those wrio may. en- joy. ;this charming story I may be increased we will send The.News-Record to t anzr address until the end 01,1902 for 25 bents. , • .neseeneeee. —weeSeeeveeneeitageate&ebeeee.a.etne ene.",:enee THE,NEWS-REO9RD HURON'S POPULAR PAPEft 410.014sfssmopcm*.***** totootoy. *wow* *