HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-09-04, Page 5l'Abr September, 4th 190» T e ca DOMESTIC WANTED. TIONDES/102,0. lwawfwww,vv. I Miss Lawility Young left on Monday General servant Waated an the 1st ed September. Apply to M. Iohit for London where she has accepted a situation as teacher in the F. C. B. C. Miss Rose Riley went with her to ugust rt ui her studies at the same insti- Anth. lilipor•orf • • • •1 Mr. Thos. Roberton has accepted a agar io gens, e . MRS. V. R. HODGENS. n ' situation as bridge carpenter with the TTIZ CX4.ilo3N N'IO'Cirt3-R,Z.04.1t1) . 11111111111110.11101101111111,1 VIE EASY WAY. A. little bit of hindnese To others now end then ; 't f blindness To Unite of other men ; The wish to be forgivIng When thine somehow go Yrr GODERICIf. rit+1+14 Mr. and Mrs. Chewy., with. *heir ; heir Master Hugh and. lete, sister* + ELOISE SILIMISGS GAMER a " Ruecoe Farm," Eganoadvillee hole , • . • e .• I, long. Tom our postoffice clerk, the old, Cleveland" Ma an* aeetnnf$9344 him* ieing his old °Jeri& friends. Ile Institute here _ and captain of the C. I. regime looks quite citified. He and alway$ ors 'lam holidays here with eadets, alter spending the past eight k S ith lOoks months at Roek island talttug ICH CORRESPONDENT Mr. and Mrs. Tom prabame left by 1, 4•01' sk444.1•4••s•4•01•441401•81•41'1 ft I PI 5 5,V. 11141 115511151H+ ono b°a't 13/ TaesdaY hot relt 11* SOS:fee Of lairoft vis-` • Will. Brydges, late of the Collegiate oditiefl with erten& here. A.n4 life is worth the living As the glad world swinge a I , . Mr and ts Fran ni . is the best shoe I TITCKERSMITM FARM FOR SAT•g• G. T. R. and left for Forest on Mon- . clay to resume his duties. M. Grahame were the gueets of Mr. • • The undersigned offers for sale part Mr. 1). Cantelon of Clinton shiPPed • and stirs. C. Grahame. Tom is the very much imProved in health this instruction in phyoical training, has Beason. He belong*. to the Detroit obtained a position in Sagivaw, CONSTANCE . only son of Mr. and Mrs. Grahame. woes. Mrs. Elcoat of Brucefiet 11drs. Jas. Mich. as assistant secretary end phy- Mr. Stewart of Hamilton came up s 1 io Ametiee, for V.: men or women, Prices' range from $3.00 to $5.00 You Can procure them from FRED. T. JACKSON. of Lot 4X, Muron Road, Tuckerstnith, a carload of hogs from here on 'Won- The/ have seven daughters living. ical 'director of the Y. g. c. A.. in the first farm east of Clinton, cola dal: He purposes Wooing from Lon- sisting of 50 acres, all cleared and in des •oro regularly from this out. . Snell of Londesboro and iss x, aa. . here lor men to work at the Ma.milton that city. Mr. Brydges is thorough T ft Wells picnic held on the civic , a good' state of cultivation, brick While driving on the Gravel Roan harbor and secured, Messrs. Jack John- and can be relied on. holodear Was marred by what might • house, bank barn, % acre young or- earth of the village On Monday after- exander of Mantiota, Man., visited thelr niece, Miss Alice Stanley, „,„ have been a fatal accident. Mrs. Jef- _ stoo, Willie Kirkbride, W. Balms and Harry Cuff, cornet soloist, St. : chard, ete. l'or further particulars noon Mr. George Bradford and Mr. ge ' onday. I — ferson a I3elleview and two other la,d ,7 several others George's ehoir, and St. Clair Tweedie apply to Ge?, Johtuiton had a kind of an ex- Master Douglas 'Weir of Louden vr friends thought they would driA to - ... It , ' ... e the oiceic *loch was held at DO a ' miss aggie rrOutifoot has returned both went up o. he erthtest to try I t N JONIN PICKETT, Clinton P. 0. citmg experieme. They had a colt ited last week his uncle, Mr. G. . • ' • ,r' from S atfort where she spent some. their fortunes in the gol en harvest •• hitched in a buggy and as they were seepaensen. Mills and have tea with the • . fields. Wald- ers. 'Ae they were crossing a culvert weeks of her vacatton. Meting another rtg the animal took Rey, Josiah Greene of Clinton '11 fright, ran into the ditch and upset preaelt next Sunday afternoon at Con- Mr. Albert Gooding, son of our Golden Rod IVeddinge—It is our the horse became frighteeed and. back - August nth. 4t* " WI the wire fence. Neither were very stance. Mr. G.• S. Stanley of Sault Ste' Hoge of course got swung around, some unaccountable way, and the car- ed up, falling down on its back la former well known townsman, sgr, pleasure to chronicle the 'wedding while me of the ladies was lying par- Mr. Gooding is station master at Rat William GoOding, is here on a visit. which took place on Thursday, 2est August, at the handsome residence of MULLETT VARig FOR SALE. the bum, throwiug both out against aul terror !of the party soon became rortage and has not visited the old. 4114 Wdialtli town for many years. Me married inniatirs- tially under the horse's head. The irootutieWiRteonur, Mrs. Jefferson sustained a, wound in has five children. Mrs. Stratton and P Stratton, provincial secretary, and artist, Chatham.. Rev. Mark Turnbull Miss Stratton, daughter of Mon. Mr. riage to Mr. Frederick John Westlake, erformed the wedding ceremony. The known and things set to rights, only thrte of her children are at her old bride, who entered the drawing room hadly hurt, but the buggy was eery The undersigned offers for sale Lot badly damaged. . • 42 Con 13 `lownship of Mullett, con-, A 111r. Petorson hes rented the cot. 'Mating of 150 acres, Ito acres cleared tage owned by rhos. 'r an and in a good ata.te of cultivation, ro going to move in this week. Marie visited Ms father, Mr. James Stanley, on Sunday. It is twelve years since Mr. Stanley was in this part before. Miss, Jennie McGregor takes the t tS d ilt Tit to topic I acres stump land and balance goo will be '' Ready for His Coming." 013 e nex un ay n g i . e p hardwood bush,. never culled. The lot • . is well watered and tenced and 1$ % I last k reit sea friend of Leaclbury spent Sunday with Miss }.ata McMann and gentleman Imile from a church, 2 miles from Au- • SEAFORTH. burn and 9 miles from, Clinton. A' Mr. D. Donavanwee pu a Miss Tenet Campbell. Public scheol is located on the corner a team of fine horses from Mr. John ' of the lot. There is a good two-stor- Morrison of Mullett, paying therefor ey brick house, 2 bank barns and out- $370, aud one mare from Mr. Will, . . buildings and a good beiteing orchard. Oke of the Kippen Road for $170. MARRIAGES. SH1NOLA S is the best Shoe Polish 5 H Beware of imitations 1-1 1 which are named to I N sound like Shinola. N O 0 L Shinola is the only L A The Original. A SHINOLA Patronize the New Shoe Store and get New Shoes. Ffea. T. Jackson. LUMQ esi•F el -#*444044 4-4 Pears, Peaches; Honey supplied at right prices. Largest plum orchard in the country. Plums ripe from Sept. 5th to 15th. • Pianos, Organs, etc.,. also sold at right prices from the music emporium. O. HOARE CLINTON. Fruit Farm and Music Store. • - 141ALL TERM OPENS SEPT4A11.3yA .2ND. For further particulars -apply to . These are. pretty good prices.. EPH. BALL, Auhurft P. 0, Messrs, Johit Canino and Alex. ROBINSON—SLATTERY-03y Rev. C. Winters returned from their trip to R. Gunne M. A., rector of St. August 8th. the Old Country after having visited • Paul's church, Clinton, on Mon- ' London •Liverpool and Leeds, Eng- clay, September rst, at, the roc - MOUSE FOR SALE. . • lentil Glasgow, Edinburgh and Ab- tory, Clinton, 1Vliss Catherine Slat- tery to Mr. 13enjarnin H. Robin- , erciceiti, Scotland. . Mr. Robert Johnson met wish a son, both of Goderich. The undersigned offers for sale a painful accident the other -day While BEADLE—MOSS—At the tuanse,Wing- x% storey. cottage with five bedrooms, at work on the big sewet. In lower- hatnt on August 2otlt, by Rev. D. large dining room, parlor, ete. Situ - My, one of the cement tiles„ weighing Perm, Mr. Harold Beadle to Miss ated on William street, convenient to lesso pourals, the derrick, one leg of Caroline M. Moss, both of West the Collegiate Institute. For further which was resting cm a Wet plank, Wawanosh. slipped atid the tile partially fell on JEWETT—JOHNSTON—At Satilt Ste, particulars apply to James Scott, barrister. Mr. Johnson, badly jarring and brills- Marie, on August atst, by Rev. ' MRS. LAIRD. ing his left arm and shoulder. .7. Allen M. A„ Ainos Jewett to Miss Christina Johnston, former' Cli la e 2 rd TI ) 1 f Clinton • sa s the Ex - her ring broken in three pieces which home at Peterborough for a short on the, ann of her father, was beauti- her head and one of the ladies had ceased her finger to be badly bruised. , 'luny costumed in a dress of white or- i - barn on East street. He ii 'building ev(iisoitw. last week. Mr. Mason's father was • wreath of orange blossoms, carrying a a well %went hotel man here yeare shciwer limpet of bridal roses. The checked. Ur. J. W. Smith is extending his ere the gueits of Mrs. Anstey • , new stalls for his horses on the south ago. . 1 bridesmaid; Miss Case of Aylmer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobson, both Mrs. Carlyle and family of Detroit looked lovely in a dress of white or - intend remaining the guests of Mrs. Hobson's sister -in- • old Goderich people, spent last week I They are registered at Lakeview. here until October, gentile, trimmed with point lace, and carried a shower baguet of pink roses. Welch aide. er kept a line of stages here years a- noon of last week at Benmiller. Some delightful picnic on Wednesday after- at London, was dressed in white mite - Victoria street church choir held a The maid. of honor, Miss Ethel lin over pale blue silk and carried a basket of roses. The groomsman was la,w, Mrs. Anstey. Mr. Hobson's fath- of the party tried their luck at fish- ich the guests held an impromptu en- helped get tea ready. Brother Brod- ing while others put on it' fire and A.. G. II estlake of London, brother of the. groom. The bride's mother look - go. On Tuesday evening at Hotel 'Coder - Mrs. Dr. DeWitt of Cincinnati, Ohio, erick, toot several pleasing pictures of 0:1 lovely in a handsome costume of who is herselt quite a fine itupersonat- • the choir in group. They had an ideal black corded silk.. The bridal pair tertainntent under the management of or. Dee of the - numbers she, gave, exquisite scenery which the Maitland day for their outing and enjoyed the stood tinder a beautifully formea bell of golden rod, studded with white ros- lage, -was " The choir and the bon-• affords to their hearts content. es. The drawing and dining rooms Mi. and Mrs. Austin Church and were net," Several your.g• gentlemen reeit- ' their . friend, Miss Sadie Macdougall white flowers, also- the hall. Miss decorated with golden rod and , much to the enjoyment of the assemb- ed and gave musical selections on ere e o:ng to ta' e up , their residence Blanche Robinson of Ingersoll played The gaiety of the party -1vas sadly Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobson of Tel- gaedie trimmed with white moire an- tique bridal wreath of chiffon with nton, m .,2rd te eop e o Y • Posi tor , have been exceedingly forum- of Bluevale and Fordwich, respect- . etc' to get hold of idr. Urquhart,- and • ively. CHOICE PAAM F011; SAE, • • . • • . business ability, energy and push COBB—ACHESON—On August• dotn, . . . . can make the bueiness in wIfich he is. - at Pcmhinia• North • Dakota, by 59,000 will 'intr... a ahotee farm of in that town succeed, it will be sue. „ Rev. Samuel Acheeon, father 'of about 120 acres, situated a half mile cessful. Ile is iwt a Stranger to. the.). • the bride, assisted by Rate T.' D. from Clinton: Good brick house, 2tix people either as he has been. in busi- Achesoe of Park River, FT: D., 28 and 2oz20 ; butts '40x40 and 4oicoo, .neis in this county. for a quarter of of IVestbourne, Ma.' nitoba„ to Miss uncle of the bride Mr. G. C. Cobb with stone . stables underneath, silo, a century and.he •passesees 'in a high windmill, etc. %trill be sold on easy. degree the confidence of -the people a- •131eatnrg.aitireat Steinberg Acheson . of • ,. terms. For further partieulars apply .niong whom lie• has so long resided. • ' : the . bride's parents, 170 Christie. them one, of our mdsieal compositions, onto, Mr. and 'ars. Down of 'lot -onto . to .- . . • -We hoPe for him a large Measure of : Mc131LIDh:WORT11--At the home • °fa delight of Mrs, DeWitt, We also gave JAMES•STEVENS, • . suceess in the buliness. in which he -has - Our teinperance la' dics have;, we . - , • Clintou P.. 0.• embarked and we are only sorry. he . stfe..t, . on ,Aligust 20th, III the After the singing of " God Save the , • fhink, got rid. of the cigarette habit. street, Goderich, Itte and Mrs. A.' E. .. • g Welch, . Mr. and .Mrs, -John Madden, • .' April 215t. . ' bas not %elected Sea orth oistead of - Reif. 'Wesley • Casson, Mr. Edgar G., - W;nu." 4 to a Teat extent • now will they iike tar pangle • Banner • • of. Lopdon. 'flte- bride's going. i D t it will have no Mendelesohn's wedding, march as the piano and violin. We were quite de; n e ro . boon we ris as. a Singer.". She was warmly Cluirch• is •follovviag the example of earners .. left in town. Mr. bridal party entered' the draw ng room. • lighted with a lady's number, "Har- wage In the dining room the table had a • . encored. We also had an invitation to so many others who are. seeking their mass ef golden rod . and floral deeora-. . . contribute a 'number and ;felt delight- fortunes elsewhere. .- • tions of pink and white roses • and . Rev. Mr. Steverts and fatnily 01 .the. caterer tor the wedding breekfast Plymouth, Mich., have returned ..• to .ot as Mr. Rent of Londen. The . • ed that We were prepared to respond, esy," which was dedicated to Mrs. their home. . • • groom's present to the bride was a • • ' haying written a poem, " True Courte DeWitt; and were well rewardbd for Mrs. Robinson of De•troit is writing diamond ring and a pearl ring to the .. our pains by . the delight. of the .and- a series of short stories during her britleimaid.. Among the . honored ience and astonishment mingled with. visit e in our town• She brought her guests who were all in full dress were: ••• •• t Titer along. • *r. and lare. Joseph Hinton of Toy- • . . ld ateg Syne' was sunr• 1.1 . Mr. ' and Mrs.- .Bobier af Exeter, and • thenng' 'AnAnnie .- • • Clinton hat hie 'intended operations, Mel3ride. •to Annie Gelina. Worth, Learia,e, 'winding eip' to hear of the Chteese pipe habit. . 'fhe St. S a • Dr. Charles Dickens • Williams, reei- 11;11$. Westlake and Miss Emma Gerd • • daughter of Mr. C. Worth, bath with .• 44 It.will pay the people.of fehnton• to be god to Mr. Urquhart. St7GAB.. • . • . 'We still lead in Sugar by Selling Ai:depth's Granulated at $3.85 per cwt. in blit. lots. • • ' • W. T, GODERICH TOWNSIMP • t r f • I keside hospital F.A.11.1/ FOR SALE. Lot 67, Maitland coneession, God- erich toweship, is offered for sale. The lot consist's of 75, acres, well feaced <led well watered, good building, and first cli.ss orchard ; nearly all under grass. 6e per cent. of the purchase money may remain on mortgage at 5 per cent. per annum. For further par- ticulars apply to ' T. BURNS, Carlow. June 23rd. \ STANLEY' FARM FOR:SALE. - STRATFORD, ONT. A school that occupies first rank a- • mong the business colleges on this continent. Many leading commercial schools employ our graduates as teach- ers. We do our best to place all our graduates in good positions end we have been more successful this year than in any previous year. Those des- iring the best in business education should attend 'our school. Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, STRA.TFORD. As I wish tet •retire !rein farming eller. to sell, for $5,04an my splendid too acre farm situated on the Front Road; 'A mile east of\ Varna. 99 acres clear- ed, to acres hard and soft wo.od•besh. Good franie house with cellar, bare and shed. Good bearing..orchard, good. water, hard and soft. A rare chance to get a fine florin cheap. possession given early in the fall, • • , HENRY MAKINS, Vitae; P. 0, June loth. ; _ TUCKERS141 FARM FOB. SALE. • lee Th niler1 offers for bale that choice 150 e farm on the Hurcin Road, Tuckei,, th, one mile east of Clinton: New, eine house With sum- mer kitchen, first class bank barn, drive Shed, hen:house, pig pen, silo, two wells, windmill, and small or- -•.....-•••••• Th Ba field riser runs :acrciss. chard. e y back end of lot. Thirty acres of flats, the fittest of grass' land. This is a ••••• s Se mi Oil .1bAlallalaWlielaAbWa/11,414/11.41,411.41,410110111.01fr bele Harness . Cheap 46Abwarefri/geofrqbee**44b.1 splendid..farm, well 'situated, and will be sold on 'easy tern's. , ARTHUR COITC11, Clinton June 9th. • VOTERS' 'LIST, 1902. •• FOR. THE . MUNICIPALITY OF. THE TOWN OF CLINTON, COUNTY OF • • . HURON. - ' Notice is hereby given that have transmitted' and delivered to the pert- ieseinentioned in sections 5 & 6 oil the Ontario -Voters' List Act, 1889, • the copies required ty• said sections to. bo so traosinitted and delivered; the list made pursuant to the Said Act of all persons appearing by the last revised Assesstnent -Roll of the said 'Munici- pality te be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections,' and that said 'let was „first posted up at my office in, Clinton . on the x6th .day of .Auguit, 1902, and re- mains there for inspection: Electors are Called upiat•to exemine the said list and if any omissions -or any other errors are found. therein te take im- mediate. proceedings to have the said tri -ors Corrected, according to law. • W. COATS, : • • ' • Clerk eff Clinton. Dated at Clinton Aug,- relit, 1902. church, Wyoming,. oil 'August 26th, the induction . of Rev. Jantes W. Orr • and '1 Yankee Doodle." • • We had much • 1 •• p eapure recording oen was of .• brown cheroot cloth' MONROE—WILSON—At St, 'John's. • • LI of Toronto—. • , • by Rey. S. M. Gunne, Mary .CievelandiGhlo, spent. last week here 8 trimmed with 'white moire antique, (laughter . of Mr. Janies Wilson, churches; Wellington cotinty. 3.3 of his new 'pastorate, 'Alma and Ziona the guest of his mother' and sister,. vvith brown velvet and -brown aigrette: • ' ahite fele travelling 'tett:I:rimmed , • to. Charles R. Monroe of Vilados- vices were of ethei esea Mrs. and IVIiss Witlibins. In -January 1 he h oppy •. bride :and &mem left • at WESTLAKE--IIINTON—In 1 • 1 .o one ye itch was beautifully , served by the imThreesslievre; Perposes visiting Paris, Vienna. and e est of science • and entip hinteelfeidliY for his 'life's werk: He :looks. exceed- they .prozeed to Chatham).- their • fut- • leadiag citici of -Europe in • the iliter- ure home. lite bride being the only 2.3o• p. for Detroit,. atter Which • •ti, Georaia, formerly of •Goderich. Character. " A •r t* , • Leap ton -tea followed 011 August, 218t • .by key. • Mark . ladies cf • the chureh; and addresses,' . Turtibult, • Lottte Rouse, only Music and. •song, 'wereOa order of -daughter of- Mr.- William Hintote.. the eyeeing:, Rey. Mr. and *rs. Orr to Frederick, John Westlake • of are to • be. congratulated Upon their Chatham. • •., . . • • . pleasing reception and. se We, have.had • . the pleasure. of meeting. thein here, no . • • • /11ILTEIS. - • . . one .. (reserves more tete= , than they., MeBRIEN—In Mullett,on .August 28.e Mrs: Hackeett ref tilted -from apleas to •ta•Mr. -and. Mrs:. W. J. MeBriete a. .ant visit to Detroit on Friday last. • • daughter. . • Miss Ruby Ashcroft of Wiarton is RANDS—In Clinton, on September the guest -of her 'aunt, Mrs. Hackett. 3rd, to Mr and Mre. Jabez Rands, a son. ..' She is: the daughter of Mrs. Aelicreft, one of the leading W. C. /1. U. ladies HOLLISTER—In Witighaut, on August in the WiartOn district. Joth, Mrs. Hollister of a &mei- The Misses IVIinnie and Edith Ches- ter. •ter returned on Monday to their'home Tungs—In Mitchell, on August 28th, at Detroit. While here they . were the .. the wife of Mr. Walter Timms of guests ortheir cousin, Mrs. (Captain) U. son. Liwson.. • ,.. • HECKMAN—In Mitchell,. on August Mrs. W, N. Manning • and two. lovely ' 190, Mrsc Charles *HeChalan• or a. daughtees; - Gladys `and Harriet. re- • • • FARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE. • South eLof ot x5 and (1),11t north oil lot 12 the 8th con. he town-. a o Stanlay are offeredfor sale. The farm contains Ito acres, all clear- ed, in,a good state of cultivation and well watered. There are two barns and stabling and a frame dwelling house. Two good bearing orchards. % mile fromschool and 2 Mika from • church and postoffice. Foe further t• ulars a 1 to * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 For an Up4date . HAIR — AND cLLEAN alAVE . turned to their hoine at Clinton this MAHAFFEY—In Hibbert, 'on the nut. of a son. Mr. and •Mrs. Charles Symotis. • •• WESTLAKE—In Turnberry, on Aar' Mr. W. Sharman, hoot and shoe .sust 21st, the Wife of Mr. William dealer, was called to Galt last week Westlake of a claughter. ' to valuate the stock of Mr, W. Hall 'ARMOUR—In Wingliam, on Atigust 15, the wife of Mr. William Armour of', a son. • SH-E1—In Goderich, on August 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Max Slier, a son. 'ALLEN—In Goderich, on August 26th, to Mr: and Mrs. Ben, Allen, a .daughter. of August, •Mrs. Gibsoet Mahaffey Gwoeedke,ricahiterwahermeosttheepyjowyearbelegLisitts aotf iagly well. . . danghter of Mr. and Mrs. ;iinton, will . . Miss Jennie, Bell, win> is beeinning be notch missed in the horn° lintel; euite an American tourist, "ia spend - and being much esteemed by all otir ing a. few days tbe guest of her meth. citizens, she will be mulch Missed by er, Mrs. Bell of Eliziteeth street. Miss them. She was well known in ' Christ .pell's next trip will, be to Mexico: church circles, London, being for years * Mr. and Mrs. Franklin (nee Miiterva Dailey) late 'of . Vancouver, have gone a Sunda:Cr echool teacher and a great wor'eer fer the Church in that . city. to reaide in Dawson City. - : We Wish the bridal pair all success - We 'are glad 19 find that Mr. Ham. throegh Hie, • . . • link intends rernainipg here this win_ . On Friday last Mrs.. Cline; Mei). ter and: Carrying on Itis' apple drying , . , ; Hewitt ' and children and Mrs. Mac- • • . infMsir9,essiind Mrs 'A, V. Wilscin. arid -doaala and children of Seaforth spent the day 'with Mrs. Murphy.. • . daughter of Manistee Were spending a The apple crop is Po good this year few days here the guests .of Mrs. V4 11- the Saltford and Goderich evalh• • 8on's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. J. Port; orators will soon begin operations:. ' , • . er, and Mr. George Porter. Mr. Wit-. We hore Captain A. Lawson' does • son is superintendent of a large mill not intend retiring from sailing on in Manistee, having 5oo,•trien. under the lakes: He has certainly sold his him.' 140o. men are employed in the . • , schoonere . The Toditian, to Captain •• 1:riMillt.: *Harold Blackstone left,. on conies in . here With ,the W. Stone • John Stene of Puce. Captain Stone . Thursday for •Betroit to. 'visit his Sweet Pea, Wedding.—At St. John's • brothers; Charlie and Reggie:: We fear church, Wyoming, at high noon on very much that Detroit will bid high Tuesday, 2eth of August, •a bes.utiful • for the Plact:Stotte orehestra and we floral wedding took place,' the rector, will stand' a good chance of losing the Rev..,3: M. Gentle, officiating. The • . whide family.: their places. would not , . church was 'beautifully decorated with •• • . be lif.d tery east y , Mies Wightnien returned to their home . sweet ten and 'myrtle. The contract- . Mg parties were Mary 4. Wilson, late of that town whose shoe store on lest- Week. Mr. and, .Mrs: Charlie Wightman and e.„, James Wil 011 of IVycnnieg and Chas. of Goderieli, daughter af Mr. and Mrs: Main street had been visited by fire • Miss -Craig was seriously indisposed . in Detroit bo.:-Thinsday last. , Miss " • ' Deborah lialstead eccomPanied• OS.- le.. Monroe of • Villadosti, Georgia, • Mips Sadie Smith went down to. and will 'spend the season 'With ner . for:holy of Goderich and Landon, son 'Toronto. t attend, the millitiery OD - '' sister,. Mrs. Wightman. ••• • of sour towitsman, (pioneer) Mr. James caiaga1.• • • • '• • Mr. and Mrs. James V. mebfullall 3ton\foei: Cambria. Road: Mi. Wilson Mr. :Jas. Reid, inspector of streets,' f Lucktow with their son Milton and . eve • his daughter away, Miss Ida , accompanted by his wife and mother, Itis little Sister droVe down to visit': gave played. Mendelesolin's wed- - : DEATHS.. , returned last week. He seethed bettee, their friends in Godericheand v1 ding' tnarch while the bridal party but looked very frail. - HUNTER—In Brussels, on August 26, Durteg their stay they were the guests rs. . . arrison. rived last week at Dyment's dock to ° tar. -The bride Was beautifully cos- FOX—In4ranbrook, on August 27th, unlo•ad her cargo of lumber, Mrs. Watts of Detroit is paying her 1 • t 1 fr• d• ,bere, • tunied ' tt dress -f -ht In a pre te o c or - Alexander Hunter, in his 59th The Katandin, Captein Colwell, ar- c marched through the aisle to the al- . . Mrs. Alex. Ctaigie bee rettirned anima eis t o ter. ien, s ere, • gatidaS tucked' and trinimed with • es • roxY, aged 40 ..years. 8 months and ,f_ the •St. Ls.virence with her son, Cap- ..t• from her trip on the lakes and down (Captam) .1. Lraigie • aii Mrs. Cos-valoiciennes over white silk, ' white picturetrimmed with cream to; the leading barber. - 13 days. ' A t • tain. Alex. Craigie of h t_e . steamer .tie West street.' miss May Craihas been indisposed es, and carried a shower ,boquet .0i. NEXT DOOR TO 1RWIN'SGROCERY. 28th Prudence Somerset, aged. 79 . i , i ii. da3rs Any reader of these cohtinit wattling. • , . Te years, ti months ain . George D Roberton. 1 HARTLEY—In Tarbutt, Algoma, on. -to Torontd‘on..Tuesday.. , has. returned to . 0 , 4 . . .. • Mrs. L. N. Sharpe , eiy in a costume of white muslin, Norwich late of Goderieli looked lov- . a copy of tsur portratt with aut- SOIVLERSET—In Brussels, oti ugus the past -------- bride roses. Tte bridesmaid, . Mrs. Rothwell ancl family returned nai. • mon, a cousin 0 , • f the bride Miss Ionia. o. graph of the crmiposer of ihe " • August. 22nd, Rev, A. Y. Hartley, her home. at Toroeto after a delight- ' d • h h' ional lVfarch" can et one cabinet formerly of Bluevale, aged 65 , r .vtr tucked frilled and trintnie wit e w t . size by sending express order for 5oe to our address, Box 95, GOclerica. and •Mrs. James Buchanan. ' fet y. isit here *with he Paten s4 4 appleque, • with sash of long, flowing ends of white silk, and white picture 0000000 • . • . yeara. - . . CLItRIE--Ifi East IVawanosh, on Aug- Mirs Cavan •of Stratford was in hat trimmed with white chiffon and 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • ust• 25th, John. Currie; aged 45 . • • • • '• S,••McINTYRE, • . • • . ye rs; o mon s ar. cays. • • . . . test •of• the Misses Iliachison ateGlea WI LIDERA C INE D • • • . • -town. 'on Sunday and • Labor Day the . • pearl •ornaments and 'carnations. M. • t't 13AI KWII L—In Exeter n Au s '2 • A. AffoKOWN. /title 2iid; The Sotereign Bank Ada Jane Pitmen L'eloVec147,vite RIVRN • Mensal'. • • Dave Monroe, manager of the Victotia • of ll'illiant aged 33 years, • 1, Barrister • Carlial f• Detroit spent a 0 Dr,SPERATIOX, gopritoani uwsea,s Godgerrotoettileslcititherbciiifs:Ae. few days here with Ins family who are Months and 3 clays. " of Canada f. iwww.0.....rov-wwwwwkiwommivyyvv.A•wwwwimodwl, Authorized Ca ital - $2 000 000 delightful parlor entettamment was . tour a.ge cereal tat wet pertormed ttet 2ist A nes Gel= 11 tali t cof I .8. • 0 - --e -.- Times over the 'des erate ts of Jo in Wilson, brother of the bride,' and • iticar circles' • it • th registered at takeyie,w:. a the.. bride, were • .ushers: After th Thera iN a, great deal Of talk in pol- , Roy Ilarrifem of Goderich, a cousin of • • ' • CHESNEY—In Egmondville on Aug- At Lakeview on. 14 rulay. evening McKINNON - 81. ooe. 113:1....y.r..0 . LADIES CLOTH JACKETS Our Ladies' Cloth Jackets have arrived and they are dandies. We show all the new up-tO-date styles in short medium and long letigths. They are the. very Ittest Fall . and Winter Styles. We will be pleased to have you call and inspect them whether yon wish buy or not, hut If you want to buy you will have a better 1 " choice now than later uti. Below weqttote a few prices .1-- .1 Ladies's Beaver Jackets. hi navy, black and fawn, velvet collar,double breasted, good value fit $3.55, for $2.'15, Ladies' double breasted Cheviot Jackets, velvet collar. Witched lapel mercerized lining, $5 Ladies' Venetian Jaekets, in Week end grey, fly front. pearl buttons, 86 inches long, Very stylish, $7.50. Pine Kersey Goats, in black and faten; 40 Inches long, senii•fiting with yoke. $14.05. • sw...DnEss.Goopi: • ' We Aro showing Sjiplandid range tit -New Dress Bootle. In Ida& nod coloited Heiteeeptitiet Vleittinia• Voatine Serges. Broadelothi 44 to 60 -Inches wide, at 00e. /50. 1111., 0.50 end $2 per yard. •-•••••/--. MoKINNON-& 004 BLYTH .%,...vykAosicovt‘tvi,v0.404VY.44,4t,11,4*Y14'4, ow, says. e Woodstock ' P . 1 the lat WilliamCI , d 8 years and 7 months. the Ontario " machine" to induce , P p of Mr. Whitney's supporters to aceept oiie gott.n up iy. . • 4 Miss A.nderson played the sweet assisted bv. some of hee lady friends. strains of 4' Lohengrin'r while the t Subscribed Capital, - $1?300,00° MeltIILLAN—In McKillop, on August years end 4 months. sereative member. in southwestern On- an Great passe ,e.clue Mrs, H. Bush of drove to the bride's residence where a banquet dinner was prepared tie the pca ers p art itis a p 0 bridaI party and about fitty guests the S k hi d tl dd •ne t 23rd, Robert McMillan, aged 8x Mead ()Bice - Toronto the G m Vs "t 0 C' overn en major! y. ne on- , , tari ' • b Grit1 o was intervIewed y g mem- ,etri:it., who so kindly gave several Paid up Reserveto accept theSpeaker- 1 • e recitations, <Me of them being Quarrel" in the " School for lawn. The tables were decorated lay- . y with boquets of white flowers, Extracts from Government Returns McINTOSH--In Tuckersinith, on Aug- •st 24th, Jane Cameron relict of t• b r askcd . Capital Fund Assets , 0 - ship. The offer was promptly refused. ytheears.late John MeIntosli aged 8e e. and. " eTeazle • Then the Grit member interviewed the Serc,aittdo:-.1, ''vaistni:veersens.11 optingse Ladysintxl yt pet:: sweet pea, in tie and fern. The good Conservative's .wife.. The histter in a most charming manner. e Igseholo-ires oft to e. bridesmaid was " • him thus : 40 If my husband would do Master Meech Carlisle elelightee ,a11 Was still more emphatic and dismissed' with his military style in rendering going away gown was of silver grey • a, handsome turqu ring The bride's . °pee at once.'', the recitation, "Olarbara Frettchie." Little hat to match. After dinner the such a thing/ would apply for a div- stainine cloth over grey taffeta, with Another Conservative member has •Thelina, too, rendered her part , nay_ bridal patty took train under a show - been offered a large sum of money to in a ina.st apprecia.tive manner. Miss , ' Mighland Fling and, Sword Dance, . and steamer for Detroit. They will vote with the Government and also• Bella Mowrie danced the Shawn Trews, much to •lite delight of the et . . Iltured • 2. . Louis i %ISA St. and the great cave of 1 er of flowers and ricei for Port Huron May 31-024740,000 $1X0,000 $1,150,000 June 30- 840,000 14o,000 1,900,000 .Tuly 31- 96o,ocio 170,000 2,195,000 CLINTON BRANCH—L.P.Snyder.,Algr . CLINTON EXETER BRANCH—P. E. Kern. Mgr • Notes discounted. Drafts bought and MARBLE sold. Interest allowed on deposits of AND $X and upward and eompounded half yearly. DEPOSTT RECEIPTS ISSUED. A general banking faultless transacted. • the promise made that his protest ,aud.ence. Itlis$ o inson , Kentucky betore settling down in their • GRANITE.WORKS ruld be cropped and that he, can sidted at the orgtarti. ris ji • futrie hoitie, . Valadosti, Orgi0. TI I ' 1 ro- • aye the sea • I . eal 0 haPPY gull)0br wh c t • is only a ew miles • distant as long as he likes. One " a r" was .offered the Speakershi but th of- Mow,rie. Miss Maggie Howrie gave the was well danced by Miss Bella • Of the 'Algoma Conservative members and from Florida, Miss Monroe, sister of groom, Goclerich, was also a • es c ass o wor fer was laughed at, a recitation in me eo ct y ,guest Mrs. Wilson, mother of the bride, looked charming in a gown of ' Awa. s swkairintnitilygs arpepalcaittadc(pi.oem,issi, Groaiti, peen de sole silk, The church was tt de," dedicated ,to Mrs. Carlisle, filled Vial friends of the bride. procurable has been Ofinton hiarket geportoinanY7ear9)414. Manufactered here for ........ 0 70 to 70 WE wmil call on you *week after New Wheat Old Wheat Goose Wheat,. Barley...1,4.0V" Oats Peas& 4 . 0 70 to 0 70 Your bereavement. •••• 0 75 to 0 75 WE Warr Make the work to stilt the WE price. 0 50 to 0 52 ma make theP Hee to suit • ... 0 48 to 0 48 ehe Work. 015 to 0 76 WE WILL give you the choice of the Rye 1"/ 1,111111111,1010.• .. V 0 40 to is 45 Butatoes per 0 40 to 040 Butter rolls and creek 0 12 to 0 14 nutter In tub... o. v.. r • 0 12 to 0 14 Eggs perdot - • 12 to 0 18 Hay . 8 00 to 000 -„ Wool......•...... .. . .. 0 15 to- 0 10 LIVe Bogs per evtt.....•.. 00 to 7 00 IViour per twt ..... ,..... 2 00 to 3 25 'Bran per 1011.... Cal 11 VI *Ilt. 18 (10 to 100 Ifi4ortft 'per ton 20 00 to- 20 00 • • OUR PERFECT .StrSTEM. wathdieltnaphlgetts,e(dG.Aloittaielitindnielonseseoltelsryi, • Intetefill9i ' guest last week of Miss Amelia Mc - Miss Pellister of Guelph, was the Our perfect system for witettrate and ' 44 List tae the. Sang o' the Robiu,' Lean, Spruce ram, and IMO Hvatts, quick dispensing lute met With the ap. which years .ago she dedicated to the .towii. ptoval of all who have brought their Inverness c,atup, the music of which a " Mr. Campaigne has so far recovered prescriptions to ottr store, thir equip-. sounds like.the bagpipes. The audience - aS to he able to attend to his duties matt is modern and Complete itt ev;, represented the literary people of ninny ie. Dr. Whitely's surgery, ery department. Toilet goods, per- American cities and we felt quite liott••• Ititss Elms Tye has returned front produetaon of e world fumes, Sponges, BtuSheS, 'Cottilis, etc.,' ored on receiving Mrs, Carlisle's kind • in design and material in eiidless variety. i invitation. to assist in • the progratn.. guest of her friend, Mrs. (Rev.) 310. Toronto, 'Mrs. Woodman of Matnilton is the . tical men in 01111tOti 112 PAL" "1431•V• Cusu'OUNB• . ice cretin, jelly eakeoriacaroni drops Hamilton. . . ,..,,,,, • ' After Alm entertainment' was shed, We are the ONLY prat - t k ed into placing your tog GO tilt. order withotth first can. recommended to all with confidence. California orangewood ott which a This wonderful life-giving remedris • purifier and gives marvellous It is a true nerve brater and system . to the sick. Oisr supply is always ti geore for daitittruh,'taettrd. itt toidt$ caertntlt;lboownwistleit afildfhoaarrnnkomscgatlitiwthrehasositiouttdvt;tonett; Relvss..beA•fstie.:titildineArxras.ild tettvoz,o )0ieriosot,ottliale: a .and peacheet Slottsing.fewaa Ines,- on Itidav ,o• spend a few days .„ (iron will visit her parents, Mrs, S. M. Field and little Misis*es Lang left on Labor Day for vine, Ote Tetttraing to oderich. Mrs. Captain George Tretheway left Toronto and 11 ' h Je Be 11110140-V---°. -IP* Pa oe . Ttitacsinhe'saCildeterygettoilinncp'en(iltr. have returned • front Their Stratford, the home of the' younger Mgt to Cominerelel flout _ It. B. COMM, Druggist, Clinton, • Ont, $.12 ' stay io Toronto during the holidays. ladies our line. Do not be 410" t. ..a