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Editor and Proprietor
" Now, Sir, I veneure to enquire if
it is not possible for the people of
Canada to manufacture a very cooki-
e:table portien of these egs,00ti,000
worth of goods which we are taking
every year front the United States.
I venture to think that it is not bold-
ing out any impossibility to the
reople of this country to say thet,
possessAg the resources for manufac-
turing which we do, we should with-
in a very short time, if the govern-
ment of this country would enact a
sufficient system of protection, be ,eble
to manufacture a very considexable
portion of these articles ourselves and
ktep in this country the people who
are now going to the United Staeete
getting work there in the very factor-
ies which are turning out the articles
which afterwards come to Catieda
and which have been produced by
people from, this country." Mr. R. L.
Barden NI. P. in his announcement.. .of
the Conservative policy.
- •
The expenditure of the Dombilon
government for the present year will
he in the vicinity of Smoot:ew0 or
over 530,000e000 in excess of the Liber-
al estimate of the legitiinate expellees
of this country. In six years the an-
nual outlay for federal purposes. has
jumped up :nearly one hundred Pet
cent. and yet noth:ng has been ac-
complished. We are, except in tide
matter of increased expenditure, jest
about where we were in eee6, True,
we have had good crops. and prosper-
ity, but not a single trade treater,
advantageous to Canada, has been•ar-
ranged. The country. has ,been run-
ning along in a "go as you please"
manner. "Spend freely and retain
power" is the motto. of the gayer&
ment. And now Hon. J. Israel Tarte
promises ' to carry out this spending
program far beyond the wildest hopes
of those who delight in making the
money go. He has concluded his in
speetion of the harbors of the great
lakes and *returns homesick at heart,
becausn forsooth, the United Seatet,
with its ropulation of 70,000,000 is'
spending more money titan Canada.
This disgrace is to he wiped out, ac-
cording to Mr. Tarte, and we are to
show our Americanfrieuds that, al-
though we number only five and 4,
half millions, we intend to meet: tnent
as close as possible to the dollar for
dollar mark. Mr. Tarte his promised
millions at different points and his
next move will be to demaneethe nec-
essary credit from Perin...Meat. "Wait
until you see us next year" is begin-,
ning to 'be sadly prophetic to Canad-
ians. What do you think of it ad, ye
old tinte Liberals ? •
the Royal Commission, now sittieg.
in London, England, by special war -
leant of the King, to enquire into the.
iiirtnigration evils which are threaten-
ing to sap the very foundations oi
British nationality, have brought
startling facts to light. AccOrdingtep
1 he Times, the testunony .of 'compet-
ent witnesses shows "that if some-
thing is not done to check the'swalnle-
ing inflow of foreigners, pramerestn:
must expand to a dreadful extent and.
many will be driven to a dishonest
course of living, who are now earning
an honest livelihood." • It has lieen
established that Russian and Polish
Jews and other continental unclesirale
lea are undermining British labor and
leading to the introductioA of appal.
ing " sweat" systems. And while
Great Britain is endeavoring to com-
bat the immigration monster the Can-
adian go,vernment are actually payieg
the passages to Canada of just • such
classes as the 113ritish Wish to rid
themselves of. This porky; can only
have One result -the debasement -of
Canadians. In the' United' Stale
there were itt 1904 1,181,178 Caned -
iamb many of whom would he glad to
take advantage of such assistance ae
is being meted one to ilie Iterclee of
the seinneivilized lands. of Ettrope,but
the governtnent tures a deaf ear to
any appeals in Udall of our com-
patriots. Canadians Would he or.
nament to our country, but instead of.
assisting them to mem% to their nat-
ive latid, those in poerer at Ottawa
are driving thousaitde of 'der young
teen abroad to make way for the al-
iens Morally and physically diseased.
Is. it any: wonder that trade » associa-
tions and the medical frateraity have
raised their *tied pretest against
suck policy ?
it of
etgitt,r4tfrten*,23,17: coun-
ty, in the teart ol the Laud of Evan-
geline, whicb boote of as tete or -
diode as atty °titer pert of the Do-
minion, is being depopulated of the
descendants of the Loyalists. They
ate.young men of education and ex-
pertencea fanners and the United
States is receiving the advantages of
their home traimeg. Replacing them
iti buSiness pursuits are bands of nue
peverislied Armenians, brought lea
Canada by well established fellow
country.men who use their eimporta•-
tnens to distribute their goods eat the
peddling plan. Instead of essistieg
the sons of Nova Scotia to secure
licences in the great West the govern,
met spreads its nets and gathers ni
a comparatively worthless and degred-
ing eletneet. And you aed I, Mr.
Farmer, and Mr. Artisan, are paying
the bills: Where will it all end ?
We have this week received reports
frern dinercnt sections of the prov-
inee relative to the apple situation in
Ontario. These reports have been pre-
pared by men either actually engaged
in commercial apple growing or in
close touch with the industry ; in all
cases the reports are from reliable
men and can, we believe, be accepted
as correct representation of facts as
they exist.
It will be noted that in the great
majority of cases, save in far leastern
Ontario, those who have prepared the
repents state that the crop is turning
out smaller than first counted on and
will really te much below that of
note. This is in regard to quantity a-
lone. Then as regards quality, the
majority of the ,reports are unfavor-
able. beano:mixing the whole thing,
it certainly looks as if this year's ap-
croee, nistead of being ()ter an av-
erage, is really going to be under an
aveettge-at least so tar as good kelt
is concerned. .
But Ontario, it must be remember-
ed, although an important factor in
the .world's apple supply, is not the
whole thing. During the twelve
months 'ending .with December last the
'United States exported nearly two and
three quarter million dollars worth of
apples, while the whole of Canada ex-
ported less than one ancl three quarter
naLlioxt dollars worth for the year,
ending June 30, 190e, and of Canada's)
exports a large part went from Nova,
Scotia. Of the exportable apples tie -
America, Ontario probably produces
one quarter in a normal year. Now,
how about Novo Scotia and the Un-
ited States which produce the other,
three quarters ? From Nova Scotia
comes the report that this is the off'
year there and from the United
States the reports, while varying
somewhat in character, appear to in-
dicate rather less than an average
yield: , •
More significant than all else is the
attitude of buyers. They. are out ear-
ly and are offering for the opening of
the seavon fairly high prices -all the
way•from 75C to 81.59.
Taking in the situation as a whole,
it looks as if good apples -not 31CCCS-.
eerily grading No. 'i -should go be-
tween ex and ez.5o in the orchard.
They. may go moreee they are not like-
ly to go less, and time is on the side
,of the growers. -Weekly Sun.
• .
Mr. James McCallum is seriously
indisposed at present. He is in a pre-
arious state but htis nisety Menne
hope for his early recover:1i; .
The garden petty at the personage
on Friday evening was .a success itt
every way. '
Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Histie returned
trom -Mount korest on Friday where'
eiey had been visiting ainong friends.
Harvesting' operations • are about
completed for the year anti theharvest
his been a bountiful one.
Mi. Thomas Scandrett is getting on ,
rapidly with the brickettork of Walter;
Allison's new house. •. • • • :
Mr.. John Cotiltee, 'Jr.; took a car'
of lauthe to Buffalo on Saturday. 'Mr. :
Coultes is gettingto be an .extensive '
shipper of line stock.
Mi. F. C. Tenney, A. Fothergill,
James McGill and Milton and Albert
Taylor left •recently for Manitoba.
They expected Mr. Werth Wightmatt
of Essex county, formerly a teaeliee
- et K. 5, No. 6,' Westfield, to join
them ,at Toronto. We wish the boys
a pleasant and prosperous trip.
The Epworth ' League held a very
eucces.sful song service on Sunday ev-
ening week. r. D. McGill was pres-
nt, also Mr. William Walden, There
. :nest be some attraction around Weet-
• del& for Will. -
:Mts.. Thomas Ateheson and children
are the the guests of her tient, Mrs. •
Rodgers, Sr.. at present. •
: The Westfield, Sunday school pic-
nicked last Thursday in Mr. john
.Wightman's grove by the river. Old
and young had a very profitable time,
Mr. R. Wightman, who had his barn
ettrned by lightning some weeks ago,
intends building again this fall.
Rev. $.' M. Whaley has returned
from his vacation,
Messrs. McGuire and Makdonald have
purchased a new separator with blow-
er . attachment and expect to ntake
things hutn now.
Rev, Charles Reitherfoid, succeesoe
to. Rev, k. Ferrite:ten Dungannon, has
tnoved his household furniture into
the Dungannon manse and intends to
remove there immediately.
Idr. John Wellwood, . a '! Queens" •
student, is at preeeet home front
Kingston, . ano his sisters, • Misses
Lizzie and Carrie, front New York.
Into Macpherson of Guelph is the
guest ef her cattein, Misa ',taleGore
"nOt.ir choot bell is. Silent these days
as it brokeits bearinga, hut fortu-
nately landed inside the belfry, not
over the. tool to the ground which
would have broken it to pieces.
• Quite a untidier from, arounle item
took in the excursion to the West, •
ainotte them beieg John Woods, IV, 3.
Humphrey, .Tames Ramage, Jr.,
Prank Todd, 'tom Penhale, James
Alehesoli and others.
Miss A. NI, Clark has returned after
an Oteritled visit to Ineenilton.
refine M. Salkeld has returned after
pleatant visit to Toroitto, Gonerich
and elsewhere.
Mr. IL Todd's hew touve is being
pushed forward as rapidly as poseible.
The bricklayers ecennletwecl last week
and will soon have the wall ate tietett
finished it will add considerable to the
appearance of the village, '
We are sorrv to record the death of
Mr. and Mrs; William Woods' Infant
daughter whit,* took place on Satur-
AII hail to the itninigration policy
61 Canada I Does it sot bring thous-
ands to our shores? True, they are
the Wald elemetibe of the seen -Ovine -
ed sections of Europe ; they ate en
some ittSealleet etittatil In el led with
ideas of morality in keepittg with our
own ; others are paupers,
others dis-
eased ; nearly all represetit failures in
their itative land ; but they .add to
our population. Then why complitiu ?
True it is that ift Nova Scotia, the
boards of trade are giving sexi.one con-
sideration to the alarming exodita ot
young men front that province to the
linited States, but A Galacian,
DOttichOhtir, tuSsian or Polish Jew
et_ 'September 4011902
1 1
*IOC =MN vaws.lizoolto
..AITIMAN. CAN'T DO WITIIOUT IT. .. ooxatolotz TowxsILIP, -
Mr. Wm. raker or GOderkh spot Me. Henry eoes of Rapid River, . Quite a. number attencled tbe evang-
Settday at Mr. John Daer's.Miele, in writing to his old friend', elistie ,service in Dungannon held on .
. ,
Mr. John Mills returned home from me, Heery Steep of town, requests Sunday by Crossley and Hunter.
Toronto last welt and we are very him to renew his sub. to The News- We are sorry to say that Mr. Sent'
sorry to say that .his health has not Record as he cannot do without The uel Cary is laid up at present with te
itnproved. ' i People's Paper. Mr. Cole says he IS sore neek. While drawing in grein he
miss Mary Mills is improving. enjoying good health, has plenty to fall eft on his head, injuring it bridle'.
Messrs. Wheatley ane Brown of Clin- tat and drink, in short is having a ;We hope to soon see bim aroma a.
ton pnrcluesed a good bunch of cattle pleasant time, mach better than most gain. .
, in this section Met Saturday. .1nm of eighty seven years are able to Miss Helper scent Saturday, Sun -
Rev, Mr. Small will preach in' the enjoy. He acknowledges, aren't, that dee And Moedey watt the parental
Methodist church next Sunday evening he often grows lonely for a cbat with roof at Clinton.
while on evangelist takes Donnybrooe his old cronies itt Clinton. He is a Mr. George and Miss Mettle Malian
and Westfield In the o. m. Tipperarian by birth but a Huron Were the guests of their grandparents,
Ude will a thanksgiving service in pioneer and cud his share towards lay- Mr. awe Mrs. George Currie of ' the
the tengrieh church s. Week iron* next big low the • forest primeval in this Nile, On elab»atie
Sunday night when Rev. Ur. Edmunds county. hfiss Plorenee Straugfian retureed
.3 praack. home Olt Sabbath after being in.Gode
kr, Bill. Mole of Dungannon,, also I,. ?rich a co.uple of wcekS taking care of
Dave of Stratford and, Alio Martha of I inton, spent Sunday at home in the Gorizaucs Towtismii. her nester.
We are sorry to say that Mr. Wm -
village. ' ' eers, wiiiieni wise and Mr. Peiveard Jones of Carlow is improving very •
Little Mabel Naegel got her finger Anse are visiting relatives. in Cleve- slowly in holth,
eut in the stave jointer in the cooperMr. J. T. Goldthorpe has returned
shop one day last week, :land, Ohio.
Dungannon Monday for Scones, Man.
Herb. and 'Will. McGregor left on horne to Saltford. • front the Point
Mr. and Mrs Duff 0/
e Farm and intends to start in the e -
were Sunday visitors at Mr- J. ' We .are much &used to be able to vaporetor in about a week.
Meed's, say that Mr. R. Jenkins, who was so . Rev. M. J. Wtison and wife of Nile
. Mrs. R. J. Nicholson, and children badly injured by being trampled upon are the pleas of Mr. and nefrs. An -
ental roof at Mr. Thos. Mackenzie's. mproving , drew lnillian elle day the Past week.
of **den are visiting under the par- by a horse last week, is i
goon to help Mr. J . I3lack to paint. he is able to move about as of yore.
rapidly and will soon be himself once Mr.., William Jewell spent Sabbath
Mr. William M. Creigh of Belgrave more, Nee will all be delighted when ' evening, at Mr. Alex. Glenns.
Mr. C. Beadle has gone over to Dun -
was in the village last Monday, Mrs. Mr. Harry Beacoin lefe on Tuesday
Moore and her son Gordon AM:04;bn- lis, es -AI. I'. P. of Durh
. to visit his old friend, Mr. W. A. Fol- niteICILLOP TOWNSHI P.
led him Inane. • Their fuse acquaintattee adliattecsaubnatcYi Miss Cop. White has returned from
Mts. Ryan of the Nile was the guest niany years and off andon they bove Stratford after a . pleasant month's
of Mrs. J. Naegel last Monday.
Miss Lettie It hitney of Toronto is valssuiteidiseitacItiheotleoerro.raMor.r Itaiera.conisit with friends there.
t will v
ailing at her mother's at present. The harvest will soon be over. Most
Mre. Charles Cook • was called to of 'the farmers .are already through
31r, end Mrs, John Dawson and Goderia an Monday by the sudden ill- . cutting..
family of Listowel are visiting the *less of ler fatht er Mr. Joseph Spread- Messrs, R. Dristell and A. Constan-
lormer's. parents. bury, who was stricken with paralysis le took in the harvest excursion to
Mr. ;Jones of Walkerton is the guest while working in his garden, When .Manitoba. - • .
of his sister, Mrs. Sam. Scott. found he was unconscieus and. though Miss E. Lovett of Clinton is visit -
Miss J. Straughan returned home he regained consciousness he is still ing her sister, Mrs. John Scarlett.
from the Soo last week. .
the guest of her sister, 'Mrs. Jamee his recovery. Mr. Spreadbury was Lor .• •
ld'°Eou"tecaelityl 1.1.1notipetiolef
Mrs. Hawkins of Collingwood was (wlutettbuctrutdptelise upuotwiejur
Carter, last week..
Mrs .7 • Carter is visitingat ber township..
twenty three years a resident of tins
father's at the Nile, Mr. Feath
ering's, •On Tuesday evening •of last week
at present • Alexander Hunter accidentaely. took a
Miss Tunnie of Westfield is the guest dose of earbolic acid. . On discovering
of Mrs, W. T. Riddell. • HULLETT TO . his mistake he immediately ran to the
Accident, -On Friday . doctot's °Alice just arenuid the corner
Miss Mabel •CouPland was going clown
orening as . Chas: Weymouth,- Amos, Cartwright, from his residence, but in spite of the
cellar' she teipped. et the 'top of the Harry Longman and one of the Daer 'elfores of the doctors the -u.ufortunitte
• glass 'lamp in her boys left on Monday for Manitoba to man only lived about half an hour.
stairs With a large
hand tind fell to the bottom on the assist in the baevesting. -They are . The flax mill' startedoilup0
peractriuone 1
broken . lamp attd received an eel .stalwart. young men, the kind the week ago. There is alarge
gash in her neck which hatl to be sew- prairie farmers are "so anxious to hire. flax and it in being hauled iit. fast.
Messrs. Broadfoott and Warren, rep- About 30 men have been employed in
ed up by the surgeon. Her hand was _
cut. • .Fortunately the light went . resenting the McKillopInsurtince Com- the 'mill and on. the. fields. - Threshing
. out O . . PeallY' assessed the loss' cooed by fire the flanwill last about dix weeks, but
r there might have been a very a
meth inore serious result,. Miss Coup- Mr. .Jatnes,Snell's last week. at • t.
he tnill will be running throughthe'
$37ox: Mr. SnM
ell's Policy calls r winter..'lite flax seed goes to the Bad -
land is now 'improving as Well as can eeeeee .
Le expected, inclucltng 51350 .on the build- en Mills where it is none let° oil
1 Last Sunday evening while Mr. ingsi- FO that 1112 IOSS will be consid- cakes, while inost of the fibre is ex-
Martin Cumitimga; wife and niece were erably less' 'than was at first reported. -ported to hemp ulanefecturies in the .
driving along by Mr. Moss' tee horse In tneinory of Mrs. Annie Ferguson, States,
took fright. Mr. Cummings . theri . who eeparted this -life on June 15th. : Geo. A. McLeod of Halley, Xdalio, a
. .
touched it .up with the whip which.. ,.For nine long weeks- she suffered sore, brother of Mr. A. ee, McLeod of •Mel -
caused the amulet to kick. It struck . And nine was she in pain vill
.." • ,er church, has ecceived the notelets:-
his' niece and upsee, the rig into the Her love wae still the same. • l .. ., tion at' tee Democratic ,and.Populist
But .ertirl her words were. kinct, ...
ditch. There were no Hines' broken„ But one bright summer anoenee convention to the clerkelrip or Blain -
me ban braises were teceinred- . . county, Idaho... This. Will .mean a sal -
but mi .
ul had .gone to rest ate? of about ei 5oo if elected: He las
end Vie rig was'clantaged coneiderabln. Her so
Are the •see had risen--; .• ' •
horse and :tick. keep.one as ne hae had - Sin end
' !tell his In that bright World above. : .
sorrow vanished: there, been deputy -clerk of the seine pollee)?
Martin says be will heve to
for the .pase term of font years, ... • '
S. Beattie, forMerly of Beattie &
so many.. runaways. • • And all their.songe" are love 3 Clark, proprietors of the American
Mr. John Roberto, Sr.,left.,Itlr • She leitetes fa husband, .kind;
House here; hasiitujeltased the Pacific
ehe West • last Monday evening. . - Two sons and daughters, dear., . '
Dr. Lindsay anm
d Wife of /Myth ;were No other's hand to welcome, , Hottee at Wiacton. ftom D. Heether
• • .
guests . of our local M. D. jest week. No other'e voice to cheer, ' • for 518,000: His btoiliek 'Jimes of the
Mr. John Mills was taken to London. AemBrussels livery *tableseVill likely be
nd'etill that -eractme associated with him at Wiarton,
chair . e , •.
hospital. for an operation •last week. 'Steeds in that home so. dear:. :•
William Jones of Carlene goes to Ur- -Mrs. Jarries Giasby had tetc. iniefoe-
onte this week fee 'a similar purpose, tto fall en the etdorstep a few
The September est and ioeh excur- days ago and break three olelien•ribs.
Mon's' 'Ond more on their Way to the . Tbe • brickwork - of Mr; . Valliene
West. • ... . .• .. ... .. . •' .. , Enox's . new ripen. is :eempleted. ' Der.
Mr. 'Lenin has the cetnent men en- Prior of . Clinton did. the Work.
gaged. At his new shop and they are - .. Harvesting Was all .,wound • up last
forging •:'elhead with. it. • • . woke Everybody' ho their barn full
RaM • appearances kept a nunteer - and stacks . are. quite common. The
front •aitendleg evangelistic • services threshers are 'unable to keep Up with •.
.:last Sueday evening.' . : eneireweee, . , • , ''
.Knox aura • was gaily.: decorated Master Hemet Colborne el' Goderich
for the harvest eervice. last Sabbath. is. holiclayine,a.teelre John eked's.
.' Miss Pearl. Ferguson spent pert : •of Mr.. ', Charles Rogerson lest a . vela:.
this week 'in Clinton.- . • , . • able horse a few- days ago': • ' ..
. Erectile light service is 'now restore . Mr. George Reeder. iseheving e aim
4.c1;.• to •tio eines sorrow, as the nett' fleet cottage nuile; :Mr. Tie:4os Mac -
water. wheel at . the mill arrived' and ekenzie of. Clinton lute the contract,.
:was duly laid, . Its increased eapoctty. . Messrs.. Anderson, Stephenson and
will give bettet eervicee :. . Coats have purchased um windinills.
The Misses Cowan were guests in the. letely•for the .purpose of peinping.wat-
Village recently. .. '' .• , • .
, . the Alias Dyers of Toronto ere yin;
itieg under the parental met: •• ; ' ..
... .. • • .
-Mr.' Joeh W. Hill has bought the'
Lefty Manning farm which Mr: C.
Beacein has had rented for several
years. There ere .eighty aeres ifi the
lot which Makes Mr. Hill the owner
of over • two hundred. lie's a good
fernier and, consequently, has prosper -
d.. • .
Di. T. genderson, wile and Child
are visiting his • another and Molly
friends itt this .section.. He Waa form-
erly a teacher in: some of the schools
n this township, at one titne pried -
Pal of the Zurich Public school. Ile
is very siteceseful itt his chosen , pro-
fession of Medicine. :
Mr. William 'Cennibell, Who hos be -
home somewhat' Well known on 0,c-
ount of backing N. Contine financier,
ely in his St. Joseph scheme, is at
WEST TITCHERSMITIL present quite seriously Many liope
• for his ,recovery 01 order that he may
, Mrs. James Page of Stretford Spent realize something .oet of the many,
part of the past week the guest ,Of her. - tens cif thousands lie his put into that
old Maid, Mrs. G. W. Layton. new tewir On the rale,
Mr, John Langwith of .Sarnia came •
up on Labor Day and is spending a -
few days as the gtieet or his sistet,
Mrs. Thos. Waldron. •
. Mrs. Amos.. Townsend arrived hole° • Mr. and Mrs J. Nixon and Mr. and
lest Week front. North Carolina where Mre. William Milner' visited Weeds a-e'gret to hear that site is in very poor
she had been . visiting friends. The round here on Sunday week. • health, and front the nature of her
'trip did not -agree with her as.
silo hag Idre win Mrs. 'r. Robinson. cold child- trouble thete is not meth prospect of
beett under the doctoreeneere since she ren of near Wingitain spent Sunday at her health being reetored. Mrs. Ver.
returned'. .e/fr. Geo. Beadle s, -• • matt will be remetnbered here as Mies
ee Mss Emma Craig is on a visit to 'Aggie Dey, for some time the bbliging..
East Wawanosh before going back to clerk of Mr. Mason's bookstore. She.
the, 'Collegiate in.. Godertch.. . • . 'was Married. less thou a year ago to.
• 'Miss Getteinere of Auburn spent Stun Mr. Ferguson of • Chicago and now, i,n
clay at Mr, .7. Craig's.a few months the shadow of •afiliction
Mr. T, Callen leftlast Week .for.his hovers .over 'die:home, Her mother,
tome in Mattitoba after a month's Mrs. Day 'of Winghatn, has left' to vis -
visit .at his uncle's, Mr.• J. Craig's. it her.• • • • . • • •
.1.." Beadle is getting 80Ihe bet- Mrs. (env.) L. G. Wood and (laugh -
:ter and he is Able togb ont driving ter Ado. of. Charlestown, South Caro-
hotv, • lina, havebeen guests of Mrs. H. Dall-
is, Mr. Wood was. once ..reetor of St.
Paul's, Wingharn, hut is now rector of
St. Paul's, Charlestown:. Mr. Wood
andelamily like the South well. The
southerners are more friendly toward
the English than ate thd Noltherners,
and even have the British toot of arms
displayed ill the chancel. The' names
of - the streets, • King, Queen., Etc.,
bear evidetite to the days gosie by
When Britaitt held' • sway, and that
these have eot newt. changed ' shows
thet kindly feelings toward the . old
land .stil prevail.
. .
The .death of Mr. Cerrie, the well, .
known .auetioncer, reritoyes• froth East
Wawenosli ene oleiesenost respected ee--
sidents. Deceased 'wks bern inthe toevne
ship cie the very. farm* where he died.
About eleven •weeks ego he was 'taken.
seriously. ill And•it was soon appareet
that there was hope for yeeoire
'erye. .011- Monday last; afters.natch. suf-
fering,' he, passed away, oged•45 Years •
atd• e' nionthse Ilis political *assoerae
tions were with the:Liberal pereie
took a eery active interest .in•tegricul-
teral .affairs and was president. of
tiiii$41beiliAllfriikell~leVir 40 1100. "vAlielbeilIvio Moll0,4111~1101k10 IIP 1 ,
i• ---5-15 ALWAYS YORE
0, p4 Reekie, , eitEscainvicm nxtufa STORE $ I toot
, 4..
Successor to OycIner Jackson.
—H # '
# ia.A..~.10...06.....napoiabegrhequa.oakrob.460,........".‘10.-aaomob...levii.-#
Remnant Sboe Sale
Taylor's 13ig: Shoe Store.
During this month we will interest all
Shrewd Shoe Buyers.
We are constantly pieking out of our
and placing them on our Baigaii-Caii-
-- For Saturday's Trade — -
They will be replenished again with the
best values ever offered in Clinton.
Bargains For Everybody, Come andSee for Yourself
It -will Pay You.
Oash and One Prints
' Butter and Eggs taken as Cash
1 It May !eel!) early but the early
buyer 'always bas the: .choiee. S.
IHave just received another large •cOnSignItient of Oar- 1
. pets in Brussels,, Tapestry, Wool, Union, Hemp also •
t Liaoleuni Floor Oils and Curtains. Why give 15 or 20 I
: per Centmore witert you ean get I.,1:te . same quality here 4
Ifor that nitich less. • . , . . •
1 Have you seen our Fancy Biousings and French Flannels. They are I
the newest thing in the market iiid aiv selling well. ; '
New Dress Goods arriving every few claYs. This department has
grown ranidly.and why.? Because we have thehest Value that is
obtainable in the market. If you need anything 'in that line' it
• will pay yin' to call..
IA largerange of finsery and Unde: wear t eeeived this week which
de. we are selling cheap. _e_e_....----- \
Men's and Boys' Clothing at astonishingly low prices. . '. 4. I:
Our Milliners Me at present visiting the Paihion Centres picking up
the most upito-date noveltiee.
'luraberrySoetetv He was a member . e Pretoria Bloek
of. Wiegneen Presbyterian &exert and • eeeeeee •
oceepied 'a piece on the board of Mae- • • • 1'77'w • v'••.•••••Ty••••••••••11•Me ••41414
. .
a:gement. He Was twice married 3e.bn•
the' first etnion there were three sons
bent • three daughters ; ey the iecond -
three children,' Ems aged mother, his •
.widow, children and a wide circle of
friends keenly, feel. tee bereave/tient
that has takenfrom elieneeine so' trite
and kind. Aiumig the froral tributes
was :one. from the board of , directors
of the Agrieultural Society and one
.frona the ,noard of managers for the'
Presbytetian church,. • His pastor, Rev..
D. Perrie, cent -Meted Ole funeral servie-
• idr. and Mrs. John, leer have arriv-
ed home after spending several weeks
at Ryclal , Bank and other points ih
New- Ontario. e While away Mr.-Eer
met many former residents of thisec-
. tioa. He Says. that in all his travels
he never sew a better tract of farm-
ing- country than that which we have
in Huron county. Mr. L. Fyfe, who
has been at Rydal Dank for a few
months, accOnipanied Mr, and Mrs.
Kerr home on Thursday. . .
The many friends Of Mrs. II. Fer-
guson, formerly of Wingham, will, re-
keV. C. Rutherford, Successor to
Rev. R. Pairbairn, 'has moved.his
household furniture into the • Preshy-
.terian manse, He Will be vvelcoined as
a citizen of our vil1age •
During the last week R.oelie, 'and
• family nioved into their new. residence
031 the east side of Southampton
street. The building is up-to-date in
appearance- and eccommodation and
is a credit to the owner, the contra&
tor, 0. Stothers, and 0. Begley, car-
The remains Of Peter McCann were
t &ken trout his late roidente
'Thursday, and interred 311 the cemetery
at St. Augustine, being escorted dab-
. tr . by a large procession. Tile syin-
i,athy of the entirecommunity is ex-
tended tlie widow, five daughters
and son Thomas, in their sudden ber-
eavenient. The pallbearers were:
MAllough, U. McGuire, Geo, Currell,
Geo. Brophy, and two soes-in-la,w,
• .Pettr Austin of Eingsbridge and H.
J. Macdonald of St. lefarys, .
An infant son of Fred. Moss or II est.
Wawanosh died on Tuesday, in a pecul-
iar way. Dame Puitior has it as a
ease of leprosy. 'the child'a bands fell
off and the rums kll out.
1 homes StotherS, after about a
month's visit in th) prairie provitice.
re threat elititig the past weeh. Ile
renorts that he had a pleinittet trip
aud that it .is cut excellent country,
eq.ecially for young men und women
to 10tate
The Mi scs Lotila and Kittleand
!dilater Irwin lofts, eli;Idree ot Rob-
ert Jones of Guayaquil, former consul
general of the IT: S. to Ecuador, are
ertfoying themselves visiting with Mr.
Jones' enegitn leCte T,, L McNair,
Uri. Alex. McNabb and son john of
Blind Rivet, Algoma, have returned
home .after a lengthy visit in this
Mrs. W. T. Pkellow leaves this wee
for a visit to her daughter at. Gore
Bay,,lefanitourin.. • .
Messrs. Joseph 'Wilson and janies
Crawford have started at the cooper -
big for the fall season at Dlyth this
week, theft at Dungantion, bothobeilig
experts at the trade.
Mr, Thos. Groot has bought a new
Monarch separator from the Clintett
works, in Tont ought to do a good
season's threshing, haslet; a good out-
fit now.
Misses Sadie Hawkins and Lizzie
Richardson ,Sunclayed at Goderich.
The hour of service at the English
church has been changed from TO a.
al, to A p. in. now.
Mr. Joe McMillan was in the village
lest week looking for men to work at
that dock now under construction at
St. Joseph. Why not give the grant
to same Freneltitiaii bit Lower Catania, ?.
The •Wliole thing looks more like a
scheme to catch votes than anything
else. •
.• Last Week, Mt, Alf, Sebastian has
sold his barbering business to Dlr.
Jas. Young of Port Arthur.
WC possess the most' ample facilities
for.serving the public with pure, fresh
Dregs, 'toilet goods, Perfumes and all
other lines usuallyfeud in a first-
class drug store t Prom business, and
prof. agouti' . standpoints we are wil-
ling tobe tested by a critical public.
• That Paine's Celery Compound lute
Ito equal for building tie the Weak and
rundown. It is specially recommerul-
ed to sufferers from rheumatism, neur-
algia and nervous prostration. Paine's
.Celery Compound Sta1148 far above all
other medicines as a disease banisher,
R. P, RP.EXTE, Druggist, Clinton.,
• • 'mask
• . Our large WareroOnis are
fully stocked 'with furniture
Of kinds and, if you are
thinkin.g. of purchasing We
invite you to call,. see our •
display and learn: our prices.
It will do you good to see the beautiful line Of Fancy
Rockers, Morris Chairs and Odd Parlor Pieces we are offering.
We will consider it a pleasure to show you through our .
waxeroomg even if you do not want to.purchase:
J. VV. Cliddley -Manager.
Night and Sundaycalio anaivered Str,residence:of out,
Funeral Director, a. W. Chidley, Xing street, opposite foundry.
SUPT. 1ST, 1902.
. Return tickets will be issued be-
tween all stations on the Grand
Trunk aiid ebneecting lines at
Good goieg August soth and 3tst, re-
turning good ouatil September 2nd,
1992. •
* Canada's Great Fair
BUM% 1ST TO tetil. •
Clinton to Tomato and return,, good
going Sept. and to tath, inclusive -
tiood going On -Sept. 2ro, 4t1t, 6th,
ath and xoth-$2.75.
Alt tickets valid returning' on or be-
fore September leth.
Foe futther particulate epply to
V. XL 1101XMNS, Town .Agent.
4.. 0. N.111$0111 etitibti Anat.
IDoubtless every sherrile in the State
of Washington has cut a hole the size
of a bullett in his garments to be us-
ed in after yeers as it Tracy souven-
To those who cotttemplate
spenditig their holidays at the
lakeside the River Hotel, Tita.ye
•field, offers every comfort. It
overlooks lake and river, has.
a limo for tennis and croquet.
It has a Pretty park at the river-
side with swings, etc. This is a pop-
ular spot for picnickers. it is fur-
nishedwith boats, including a steel
one, which, having water tight tom-
PaOrutittr eliguthe'stwablittellinuks. that the River
Hotel dining room service was never
80 satisfactory 48 it 18 thi$ seaSon.
When requested rigs will meet train--
atehleinyntono, uet
at the River Hotel where yott will
have overoy.enorn.foorittE.Eitsmus, props.,
THOS. STZ/$1,10, Mgt.