HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-09-04, Page 1RE TON Z3rd Year - •••••••• I** CLINTON, ONTARIO, TIRTR8DA.T, SEPT,4MBEIR 4,1902. vesqle qk yee4feeseeaslelb•WilesallaWlesqladeeatesinelltegte , come TO • • . : CLINTON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE • • AND LEARN HOW.. Special Course in Book-keeping and Commercial Work Shorthand Typewriting, Etc. Special training for teachers. Special courses for Universi,ty Work The school has an unrivaled reputation. 1902 classes very successful. Five teachers and all modern equipments. FEES -Lower Forms $6 and $8, Higher Forms $10 per year. We are headquarters for all School Supplies. Largest stock of School Books in the county of the latest authorized editions. An Immense stock of Scribblers and Exercise Books. The Famous Cooper Book Store Lead Pencil 3 for Sc always in stock. This is the best school pencil on the market. . • ' • Strong Manila Book Covers given with all SchoorBookS.. • # W. Cooper 6i Co., cu.NTON.: Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express Money Orders, also for Buttarick Patterns. . weestesatianie:elaeseeeaseveieleasneaniveleawasee,sei,‘Illie ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••;• A Few Palate Ticklers ' • For Picnickers and House Wivel I. A 1 We have Canned Lobsters, Shrimps, Lunar Tongue,' Ch eken,. Duck . and Turkey. A good Sardine for fic per kin. •.' • • • . " In Bottled Pickles we have Patterson's Stuffed Pickles, Silas Sweet Midgets, Crosse and Blackwell's, Morton's Vinegar and ChoW Obove . a bottle ofic?ou&JAiwbiele7 it'llocIdeessianteosikor terse at 35c fpoerr'quart are. eifirtt fine' Foiittedwiches try a Can of Devilled Ham : :• 04,1e Cooper Sc CASH POR BUTTER AND EGGS, TEM CASH olocEity: 1 +++444,4714.1 ! it 1 1 1 1 14444 False Economy Do not practice false economy in the purchase of spectacles and eyeaelasses. If a prescription be taken to a druggiet to be filled it is not hand- ed in with the request that the cheapest drugs may be used, although, perhaps, the medicine required is for some trivial ailment only-. VVIY, then, should so light an estimate be placed up. on the most precious of all the senses, that those who can and de afford extravagances in , useless or at least unnecessary luxuries should begrudge paying a fair price for an article at once so essential to comfort and welfare ? The complete sntisfaction and comfort given byour nulde-to-order glasses are making our Optical Department daily more popular, ae We have had 12 years' experience in fitting glasses and ' believe we can be of service to you. 1 Jeweler and Expert Watch Repairer', Refractionist and Dispensary Optician, 144.444.44444efefelet4444.444' 444444444401444444444614 , ,77.117-10 tore • . / C., *Cr , .11.11 ,1 ‘ . , 0 ••••••••••••.4.41•0•••••••••44•••.**44•44•40H441•••••44' I I P. 11) 10) Crews, Biddiecombe's old Stand :•. Whole Number 1228 A NARROW ESCAPE. Mr. Samuel Carr of near the Nile was thrown from the spring seat of his wagon one day last week and go sev- erely injured that be remained in an unconscious state for an hour and a half and a has since been confined to his bed. The Dr. says he had a very narrow escape front breakina his neck. Mrs. ta. Cook, Jr., of town is a daughter of Mr, Carr's. THF4 ELEVATOR, Mr, D. Urquhart of ilousall took possession of the Standard elevator on Monday mid purposes bidding high for the grain grown in the adjoining townships. Ile tuts engaged Mr, W. G, Smith of town and Mr. A. W. Campbell of Chatham to look after his interests. Mr. Calnpbell was lor- nicelyin the milling business himself ani d s thoroughly familer with the grain trade, while Mr. Smith, who has been at the elevator for nearly twenty years, is both well and favorably known, To . show what capacity this elevaaor hes we might mention that in one year, 1886-7, it did a besiness of only $4o,000 short of $1,000:000. That was high water mark, but for many years Ur. R. Irwin., the owner, was probably the most extensive deal- er in the county., S. A. PARAGRAPHS. Lieut. Richardson of the S. A. local corps has been trabsferred to the town pf Watford. Miring the few weeks he was stationed here he be- came quite popular and the corps was siucerely sorry to lose hint. He left on Thursday and the evening previous he gave a talk on nine years ex- perience on a British Man of war, His recital was entertaining. .A big drum has been bought by the band through headquarters an torons to. It was needed,as the one in use was beginningto show signs of age. The, departure of Harry Clark, who has taken a situation in Brantford, has crippled the band considerably and in a double sense as Mrs. Clark was also a Member and rendered good service, Sergeant-Major Liveamore was asked to take the leadership, ;but - k6 declined and reemainentled - Coop- er, who is new in charge. No member of the cosps gives more liberally of his time and talent to .the serviee than the Sogeant-Major whois very sel- dom absent froin the meetings. TEACHERS IN TRAINING, • The following students are in at- tendance at the Clinton 1Vlociel school, the largest class for several years : • Miss Kt.' It H. .H. • • • ,. E. .. M. 4 t E. K. XI E. 41 F. II M. 4 tt. 4 J. K. • 5. We are selling our stock of Tweeds at ZS per - cent. discount off our usual prices. A..1 HOLLOWAY. ••••••••••••••••••••••••“..•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 100 SHIRTS AT HALF A DOLLAR On Saturday we will put* on sale one hundred Color. ed Shirts at half a dollar each. They are light and dark colors, hard and soft fronts and the la,st ones of 'lines that solsl *1 and $1.25 each.. See theta in our Rattenbury street window. Choice on Saturday 50e Bach HODGENS BROS. Brigham', Loedusboro Caniefon, Kippen Clititon Johns, Clinton. Ker, Clinton Manning, Clinton , McCourt, Clinton ' Porter, Clinton , Robson, Clinton McEwen, Hensall' Hartry, Seaforth Lawrenee,Seaforth. Lowrie, Constance • • Matt, Brucefield Lane,Brucefield Seel, Cranbtook . • • " E. Xtisgtevite, Wingliam . M. Walsh, Wingbarm •Mr. J. H. Todd, Heesall ' F: T. Bryans, Jamestown " . G. N. Johnston, Wingham " R. C. Fraser.; Molesworth " W. Jarrott, Hillsgreen • " W. C. Wilford, Blyth " C. Sawerss-Brucefield " King,: Clinton GUN CLUB SHOOT. The Labor Day shoot of the :gun club . was well attended,' eight being present front' Ripley, three trom 'God- erich, two from Seatorth, firm from Brantford and one from Brussels. The different events were well contested and our local Shots fared very well, indeed. ' Mt, J. E. Cantelon led the. aggregate and won the special prize Of •too loaded shells. In the team shoot, .120 birds, Clinton defeated • Ripley by 96. to 74 points. The scores in the different events were as follows : . ist Event) to targets.-Cantelon (Clinton) 8, Dodds (Seaforth) 5, Heir - eta - (Clinton) 8., Bright (Seaforth) 8, N. D. leougvie (Goderich) 7, A. Rougvie (Goderich) 6, Watson (Goderieh) 5, Jackson (Ripley) 7, Graham (Clinton) 8, McCrostie (Rip - jay) 7, Gibbings (Clinton) 6, 'Forrester (Clinton) 7, Rosa (Clinton) 8, Holmet (Clinton). 9, Irwin (Ripley) . 6; Me - Brien (Ripley) 5- 2nd Event, :la targets.-Cantelan ra, Dodds 14, Hovey 12, Bright ti, N. D. Rougvie 12, A. Rougtrie 4, Watson 13, Jackson 8, Graham to, Holmes 13, Irwin 4, Gibbings 12, ROSS 13, tall 15, Hewitt 9. 3rel Event, ao targets', Sergeant sys- etatesegeoeseeeelettes'sieseatattelan vestieteeinalese PROLIFIC. PERSONAL. Two Durham cows owned by Mr. Nis and Mrs. James Fair will visit Edward Wise of Goderish tovvnehip me/levee this weels, last week gave birth to four calves, Rev. Father McMenamin was in St. one to two heifers and the other to as Marys this week assisting itialorty many null calves. Cows and calves hours devotion services. are doing well. OM of the youngsters Mr. J, P. Calloway, who has been was lying in the grass for forty eight visiting the Barge brothers of town, hours b ore it was discovered by Mr. let on Mo'nday for Winnipeg, Mn. Wise, but is now as frisky as any of Mr. W. E. Miller of the Base Line the other three. left Yesterday for Peterboro where WANT TO DIVERT TRAFFIC. Mr. J. W. Hickson, contracting ag- ent of the New York Central and al- lied lines, ,and Mr. 3. A. Pepsi', rep- resenting the Central Vermont rime Grand Trunk Railways, were in town last week in the interests of their res- pective companies. They were looking up first class freight and seeking to (Nlievwertyosrlikipannie4ntBsosotioaa,ppialestse,a(ettca,f, front our. own Canadian seaports, TRACICMUN HAVE ORGANIZED, • Mr. Alex. Gibb of Winchester was in this county last week And organiz- ed a branch of the Treakmen's Union. We understand that with but two or three- exceptions all the men on the L., H. & B. and the B. & G. have joined and tlhat ninety per, cent. of the trackmen on the entire Grand Trunk system have been enrolled. When Use organization is complete the company will be approached and asked to put their employees on the same wage scale as is paid on the C. R. PARAGRAPHS. cantelon & Wallis shipped hogs froth Clinton,. Londesboro, Blyth -and Sea - forth this week. The' price was $6.75 with a slightly. weaker tendency. • Mrs. R. F. Stoddart will be At Horne on Thursday afternoon and ev- ening • and Friday afternoon of next week. The Grand Trunk will give excursion rates to the Toronto Fair on Satur- day, Monday and Wednesday. The town ticket office is open to eight o'clock each evening "envious, ' A lacrosse match will be played in the park Friday afternoon between the Exeter and Clinton teasns. It will commence at 5,30 and a lively game. is expecied • • • a ei.orr.orr DEFEATED imussms, The Clinton bowlers won an easy victory over three Brussels rinks on the local green on Monday, beating theta by no less than fortY nine points, The players were as follows : •• ' . Clinton . • Brussels " * • vAims,.. , Rev. Mr. Davideon and wife have re- turned front their trip to Bonnie Scot- land and although Mr, Davidson thints Auld Scotia is e beautiful ccoaunnateray. still he says that after all there is tip place like our east beloved Ur. Feed. Purdy came up from Lon- don on. Friday and, returned on Set- a ft 'n short vise to he has, accepted a situation with his parents and friends here. Fred. has secured a position with the G. T. his former employers. Mrs. E. Laird and her son; Mr. John R. company as brakesircan. We - are Laird, have returned to town after pleased to know that be has made .his spending the holidays at the Arm-' trial trips and passed his examination successfully. His headquarters are in strong homestead in Stanley. Miss Florence Everett, who has been London: , visiting at Portland in the Thous- Mrs. 'John Sheppard of Hartney, and Islands and Toronto for the Man., is visiting at Mr. Willia.m Past five weeks, returned home on Purdy's Oils week. Miss Annie Foster, organist of the wfSr;atauarddamy; J. D. Kilty of Laurium, Presbyterian church, gave an ice Mich., formerly of Clinton; are vis- cream, party to the members of the iting Philadelphia, New York and choir and 3. fear friends last Friday other Zaatera points and will be a- night. All enjoyed themselves splen - way from home more than a fort- didly, especially when the ice cream ,and cake was served to them. night. Mr. Thos. Jackson, Jr., left Yesterday A number Of the youth and beauty on a. business teat, through' Manitob- of our village picnicked at Bayfielcl a, the Territories and B. C. in the on Saturday last. interests of the Jackson Mfg. Co. Mr. John Ward, Master Norma Pure Whose Lion Brand of boys! clothing dy and Mrs. William Palmer and two has become so pOpular. Mr. Jack- children 'aft on. Friday morning for Toronto to see the sights ,at the fair anmdrv. issTiothiarieEnds. Sparrow left. On Mon- day for Methven, Man., where he has accepted an engagement to take charge of a threshing outfit for the season. Lia took With him George Foster, who will look after the big eepsrator, and William Reid, Joseph Ward and Marry Armstrong. Mr.. Sparrow was thus engaged in Manitoba last fall which together with ids twenty eight yea.ts experience as a thresher in Stiteley, makes him a thoroughly capable man .to Manage a. big and busy outfit. His headquarters while in the Methven dis- trict will be at the home of Mr. W. leteNciughton, who is a. cousin of Mrs. Sparrow'S, son is a hustler for trade and a cap- ital salesman, a combination' that is a hig bugiuess getter. He expects to be absent is, couple of months. Mrs, T. W. Scott and fatnily are visiting friends in Toronto for a couple of weeks. On Monday our baseball team got defeated in a match with Wingham, their opponents being too much for Several of our citizens took in the arena at Clinton on Monday. • ,-On Monday selveral more. farm"hands left this station to assist in getting off the immense lusterest in Manitoba. The farmers in this section having got through with their harvest, fall plOw- ing is the order of the day: , On Tuesday catite a number of Our citizens went to Toronto industrial fair now on. • Rev. J. Edmonds, the new: incum- bent of Trinity claurch, iiitends preach- ing a special sermon on Sebbath, dese- eration on Sunday evening next. ehurcli, B.1 'harvest thanksgiving service is o be held .on Sundays the 2tat. The followifig.Mon- day evening will be short ser - .,,,1 :addresses Revs. W. ., • ... KIPPEN. :Mt's; Cameron' of Hamilton. has re- turned. home- after Spending a pleas-. ant. 'Visit with her brotherssiti-law, Peter and John Canieroii; • • • ' . - Mr. Wm. Ivison, 'druggist of New York, . spent Wet 'week under the par- ental: roof. His many friends here 'Walker of -Waterloo, joined him 'in his visit. ' . • ' • were glad t6 see him.- His sister,Mrs. Miss Lena Xort,.who has been living W; 'IL -Lough- . - : ' 3: Beattie • 'Lowe' of Wingliam Mid. ...R.. Genee..ot in the home of Mr: ' John Jones for • nie went st her friends n r 3°. . years,. . 0 , . ., ea day -afternoon, was .largely attended 'A. Aroistrang. - * . tra• :James-, • ." • . • - Ofhtahh'' • • • . S, J. Bowed' -. • ' J. Downing ' . • Our Patine sch.00ls were . opened ale Mitchell last Week,' a . . .. • a and was eonducted .by Rev. me.: . Mc- • 3.:Ratieford . sk '28 .T. T. •Ross sk /6 ter the -summer eacation. pa Tuesday. - '.Mr.., Alden, 'Whiteman of Toledo is Neil, assisted. -by Rev, Mr: Yelland.. f 'Ripley visiting, Ids patents • here. Ha is an The Orangemen, of' which Mr Bi gart , . Mr. and Mo. Marian o Was . a nem ier, attended.an .atat e • Dr. Shaw - • . ' - A. Faris/Sy . • '. were the guests' of, Mr. Georg el Moore accomplished guitar pla.Yef ciud .. 'will • - i 1 •' 'd g h • . . .. . .. J. B. Hoover sti ' ----.• as a aeasee- . for • a few .days,' returning to their . aisist in the .pregraiume.at the'llilleas W..11: Spat4ding H L J k on grave performed. the 'usual service •for • . . --", eWitt • , . a ., • . horries. on Tuesday. . ' • , • green social next Friday • . • - This - 1' 1 ' I* I b ' lake• ' - quiet itt e lam et y the t. T. ja.c.kson . Dr.. • MeNaughtOn . -.• fillitNL:ET .i. 0,01331:i. 11..„ .. ' Sling.. in .the home of. Mr. J. •White- the dead. ' . : ' : : • s never has'. been for years• by the suds . Dr. Agnew • .s'k 29" Jas../rwie.sk to . . • . . . .... , • Mr, .and Airs. C. Whiteman .ola De This W.,Irwin . • - a ' J. Letherdale • teoit and other friends, whoswere els- . . was •• roused the 'other • evening as it: Jass .Fair ': • A. ,Cousley, • Mr. andlICa• John McKinley of • bile man, .. have returned to that citY: den and appalling •cry of horse, thief, D. A. Forroter sk 28 D. C. Ross sk re Gosh,ep Line spent 'Saturday and•Sun- While here they spent a. most enjoy,- stop thief, and . the .clatter of aorse's. ' able time. . . ' • feet, the bursting • of unctured tires • 'Total .• ' • 85' . . • Total- • •;36" - • a • • - day vng at" the 'home .pf the . lats. MSS Lottia Grassick leaves thie. and the 'cracking of volvers. Last ' ' PRESENTATION .• . • . . „ , .„,, - 2 a .. -. .•. • McKillop. . -‘ ' ., . . • ' Yve! .. . . . rhursday. just assthe silence of iiight•• ter's 'father' Mrs 'John Campbell of ' ' late Institute there and Miss Hat- was berienine. to settle on the villages., k for Clinton to attend the Col- • , : . • . • . . " s Mre. Jolut .Sliarp.. of theRebyloe leg ' - tie Catiseron . Whopassed the Part ix • - -- alterao'ba; Mr.. Harry Clark, Who for • In. the. .S. A: barracks, on Sander' 'Line. started frem Seaforth on Thins- , . s ; a. ... .. ‘. umer- Leaving xcieninationain .Tuly, . and . gm . watch dog's 'voice and the noisy• geese Was all abet disturbed the. day anorning. for McLennan; ' Algoiaa, S is,going to attend the alIodel school In usual stillness of the place,' a ineasage of the . corps and leader a its brass wee 'i • ' . ' - - • .' • . '• h • for cou le a ldessrs. Grassick and 'Free- that a • . the past .six years has been a member 6 v a . .• . - • the same town. flashed over •the wires front ,Godetich.' Examination,. are going to teillain at • . a band, was presented with an address . •Mr. Melvin'Keys an Charles. ' • b ' J h 'h d ' - ' born . o astona se .o passe the 1 art. I onu..bold, wild western broncho ' and. a handsome . cut glass set. The- d his sister 'Miss ' ' ,buster, in the shape eiaa seventeen year presentation was .niade by Sergeant- - Annie, were tae guests ots friends . in , Goderich.on .Friday last.. ' • least another year:in :the Public school . and with premeditated .determination •• old boy _had with •malice • aforethought ' the whole Story, So we here reproduce Dar. 'Robert Hanna of .Wingtheop ieleti l'R .. r • • . ".. Major Livermore. The address aells . :deliberately bestrode' a horse. and rode - ._ . . spent:Sunday: cm the Ba.bylon • • Line f c oo . epott.-- he !Wowing is the report for Aligest. for S, . $..Nd. off towards .Bayfield. Aecordiagly our s • • . - the. guest . of Mr. . and' Mrsa 9. R. ?LC ever . alert constable was on • 'the Dear .Comrade, -We, the officers and K.,a.ys: ' ' • • ' • - - . Stanley.' The names are in 'or e of lookout and •efideavored to intercept ' -niembera ...of the Clinton S._ A. corps, : oar: and • btri. an: T. Keyis, a.ccom- , ,, . d. r .- . . have heard with . very great regret pealed hy Mrs. Andrew Keys, visited mertit :. .. • that . you ' are about to Jamie' from:. Mr. and, ;des: Peter Cole. of Goderich 4 3, . ,:. , : - cho buster. a With another of • our. 4th -Jennie McBeath Ida Dinsdale - . • the aforesaid.- bold western bran- , BATIZET.M. Miss Greets Cameron visited people in Seaforth the past week. Mrs. Chesney bias gone to her home ii Seaforth. Miss Luella Rouatt has gone to Sea - forth to attend the Cciliegia.te. Messrs. C. and R. Gairdner gave an exbibition of golf playing on the •sarre last Saturday. The largest number of picnickers of the season gathered at Jowett's grove front Seaforth, Ugtnondville, Hensel' and other places on Labor Day, The medical health officer, Dr. Woods, inspected the town hall last Saturday in response to a cotnplabit as to its unsanitary condition. It ought to be kept clean. The people pay enough lor the service such as it is. Mr. Drahman wears a ,brighter smile than usual and appears, if pos- sible; more affable to his customers. It's a girl. Congratulations. The clirect•ors of the Bayfield fair ip t a snort time ago and settled the d:ti of the lair which will be Oct - 13th and x4th, somewhat later than usual. Messrs. J. Whiddon and Alex. Mc- Leod wheeled to Hensel' on Friday night to visit an oldschoolmate, Mr. Todd, The organ- placed in the new church for (*ening Sunday was not consider- ed satisfactory and a new one was tried last Sunday. Miss Boyd of Toronto sang a beaut- iful solo a the :morning service at St. Andrew's last Sunday and D. Smith presided at the organ at both servic- es, Rev. Dr. Stewart of Clinton contin- ued the opening services of St. Ans drew's chutch lest Sunday and preach- ed .two able and appropriate sermons to • appreciatiVe congregations. , Dr, Stewart is an able expounder Of the scripture•and his style of preaching is well calculated to develop healthy Christian character as well as point- ing out and leading up to holy, Christ - like living. His sermons lest Sunday were such as to set right minded people thinking seriously of their duty and of . their . future.. . We have this week to record the death of Thomas Biggart, whose death we prematurely' annotinced some time ago. The sad event teak place at the residenpe • of his larother, John Big- gart, ori Saturday last, the cause be- ing cancer of the stoma.eh. Thomas Stiggakt was born in Goderich towm ship. and was in his 67th year. He ' carried 'a long .Service Medal and :was the oldest member of the 331d' pf 'Hur•- •on and saw service in the Fenian Raid. The funeral, which oak place on Mora Clinton.' • . A• w. tglast°n• ' ' • citieeits he took his stand ' upon Far several years you have been township one day recently.. win Kyle . • a boy came down the hill and over the leader of our brass band and it is Nfiss A. E. Dsrvidson spent Sunday rd :' -'-'-Edna. Kyle, Eleanor Hood, Ed- the bridge and soon afterwards the her home near Goderieh. s . 2nd.--Jlan Grassicic, Afigie "orla bridge at a gallop. He eluded the largely' due to your unwearied eier- atm r. and Tars. John Davidson spent P _ . a al Rathwell, Han 1 Saithle Line. The Goderich constable . efficiency. You were always at your A number from this neighborhood . • , paella M. Fisher. tions that our band has attained such on ay in Clinton. art end -Sarab hal constables and fotle all down the post though at times it must have took in the cireus at Clinton on Mon- Dinsdale, joules Gemmel'. ' W , S Xy • • shortly . afterwards arrived and the Pt. Ist.-r ola been at considerable • persooal sacrifice, daYa • . Rathwells A. Jones", chase • was kept up. The pursuers .• . seMafrosr.thi.tuRraa.th(Esivrell) aDnfamon. lof Ok- The. le• . . „ c o buster was qui tly resting in a • • Arose to Grand Bend While the bron- and you inspired the other members best spellers in the monthly h se SPC Inatches were .. 4th, Jennie, of the band with the mune earnestness bush near . Bayfield. However, next As a member of our corps yon and . . lahoma and Miss Rachael Taylor of gie Gemmel" ; Pts and, 'Oda McBeath. ght an officer of the law was seen that characterized yourself. Mel. ., 3 ,, c , 2U , Ag- ai 3catli . rd Edna Kyl • d Mrs. Clark have lived up to the spirit Detroit, have returned to the former'as Itcane in Seaforth after spending quietly goieg.along 'our streets home- • • 4 deal iter . ' • d d tv'th . • ward with the bronchi) buster, • who We shall miss you both very much mon s vac y other friends in this township. claims the horse to be bus own, having . and letter of the Obligation, in our meetings, but while giving ex- ' HOLMESVILLE, earned it as wages and being refused pression to our regret tnat you are at the homestead on the ,ffiayfield Miss Charlotte Brownette is visiting his property owing to a dispute about' . leaving us, we, wish you success and Qf iaNgeawad torae;e-tTahihsavveilltawgoe Inger:To- Trinity church S. S. held their pic- wages quietly made off with the horse. Roma:, thsisohteejko.t nston and sisters happiness at your new home at Brant- • ford. Banneckburit visited at • Treasurer supply the wants of the people. •Mr. nic last week and an enjoyable time We desire also that you will accept John IVIulholland, an enterprising was spent. Owingt the extended o • e this set of cat glass as a takers of our We are Reid's on Sunday last. glad to 'hear that Mr. R, G. young man, intends opening up a good , harvest all the children were not able esteeni for you. • Reid is recovering from his recent ill- general store on •tbe isth and win be to attend as some Head at a distance. asking for your patronage, and you The S. S. is indefited to Mr. William PERSONAL. ness. • 'Vire are sorry to hear that • Mr. D. may be sure your wants will be sins- Jowett for a• free sail in his boat Galbraith has again met with an ac- plied at once. Mr. Mulholland is a which was much appreciated. Mr. Goldie Pike has returned to 'tor- ciclent, this' time of a more setious much respected young man and we Mr. Lionel Naftel has beeh home on ' onto. nature than the last. While. working have no doubt but that he will get a a short holiday. Misses Maude studrews and Maude Mrs. James Mose and sister of Gods in the field a piece of wood flew up rod share of the trade. te .-Cantelon x8 Dodds 16 Hovey Cook are in Toronto tlds week. and struek him in the eye causing a bliss Dale el Mullett is the guest of erich township visited at the rectory 111 ice Bright to, N. D. Rougvie 8, Gres ham 16, Holmes 14, Gibbings 9, Ross 9. 4th Event., Team Match. -Clinton defeated Ripley by 96 to 74. 5th Event, to targets.-Cantelon 80 Dodds 6, Hovey 8, Bright 3, Holmes 7, Mitchell 9, Brown 7, Ireland 6, Graham' to, Watson 7, Jackson 5, hIc- Crostie 3, Henderson 3, Shane 7, For- rester 3, Ross 9, Gibbings B. 6th Event, xs targets, Sergeant ay. tent.--Cantelost I4 Dodds ta, Hovey 13„ Bright 4, Holmes la, Ball it, Graham so, • 7th Event, 15 targets, 'Unknown Angles.-Canteloit it, Dodds II, Hov- ey li, Jackson 9, Holmes to. 8th Event, 5 Pair Doubles. -Cantel. on 8, Dodds s, Watson 4, Holmes 40 Bright' 3, Hovey O. Special Match, lo targets, between Wiiliain Foster, the " daddy" of the club, and John Ireland, the last addi- tion to the mete:bet:ship. The score stood roster 6, Ireland 5. Straight scores were made by N. Dalt, J. Ireland and R. Graham. Tit art extra. ten bird event open to members who had not shot at targets previous to 1902 the following scores were tnade Gibbiegs 8, Forrester 8, Bali 7, Ross 7, Morrish 5. :The principal prize winners were : .1. E. Cariteloft St6.5o, J. Dodds 5x6.- 23, 0, E. 'Holmes $12.45, N. Ball $12.25, R. Graham $8,40, S. E. Hovey $7.60 W. gots $s. In all $99,80 was :hut 'iOr its the regular progratn ea - The club expect to have forty or M. ty entries at their lath animal shoot to be held on October 8t1 and 9th for Which' $200 is guaranteed' in prites. Miss • Edna Roclaway. has • returned from a month's visit at Toronto. Mr. Harty Irwin of the Palace pia has becn spehding his holidays in . Toronto. The McTaggart, Tisdall, Brewer and McCorvie families.returued on Mon- day from summering at Bayfield. Rev. W. T. Chill of Strathroy is pay- ing a brief Visit to his brother, Mr. R. 3, Cluff of town, this week, Mr. So t. Andrews of The News-Ree- ord stag and Mr:. C. A. Andrews are amoug those who are) visiting the Toronto Fair. Mr, Thos. Minch spent Monday with his sister 'in Mitchell, His son Nor- man was the guest of Mitchell rel- atives from Saturday until Monday evetung. Mr, and Mrs. E.' M. McLean awl theit handsome little son returned Thursday last front Sault Ste. Mar- ie where they spent their holidays with lvirs. McLean's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. C. Miller. • Douglas Muir of London spent -.); few days of last week with his within, Mrs, M. J. White, and left again to visit' friends in • Clinton and Co - stance. -Misses May Thomas and Alice Martin of Clinton cute visiting their cousin Miss Myttle..?.ittdge of Exeter .--Exeter Times. lttr. Walter Baird, who has been ' aiaga gagman at th? G. ,T. R. sta- tion, has resigned the potitiott to commence the study of medicine at McGill College, Montreal, where Inc has a brother also taking a course. Ile has been succeeded by Mr. Symonds, son of the agent at Ouh- lin, and WhO has had a couple of years experietwe la railroading painful wound to the eye itself. Ile is under the care of a specialist and is progressing favorably although the doctor thinks the sight will always be it:waked to a certain extent, Mr. Galbraith is tiniorturia.te this statelier, her sister, ldre. W. . Mr. and Miss Wellwood 'of Brooklyn, New Yorke tett:tried home on Saturday after spending two very .pleasant Weeks with their aunt, Mrs. J. Richardson, awl other friends. • this being • his second accident. His Mrs. Smith of Essex is the guest ntany friends wish him a speedy and of her daughter, Mrs. Hussar. complete recoveryMrs. Broadfoot of Brueefield, Mr. , Mrs. John ' Shear, of the Babylon and Mrs. Glenn. and two dasighters of Line received a telegram on Saturday Manchester, Kanas, visited , their week with the sad news of the death of cousite Mrs. Stanley, recently. her father, Rev. A,' Y. Hartley Of Miss Jonie Rudd of Clinton, who MacLennan, Algoma, who died after has lately returned from Marlette, only 4 few days illness. Much Byrn- accompanied by Miss Wellwood pathy is felt for Mrs. Sharp in her Old Mrs. Anderson, visited Mrs. sorrow. Holmes last week. Mr, James lifeKinley of Egmotsd- ' The mission' band met Thursday at ville who spent last week visiting Mrs. Ladd's. relatives on the Goshen and liabylcne Mr', and Mrs. ames Vates of 7 - Lines, returned lame on Saturday. erich vent Labor Day with AR; J. R. Mrs. William Beacom of Clinton was Holmes. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miss Bennett or Clinton visited Mrs. Dowson of the Babylon Line recently. Ladd the other • day. Mr. Wilson Arinstrang of neat Bruce- Mr. G. S. Stanley of Sault Ste. field visited on Sunday last with wItta.rsiet,atitiyc,liiaslisweiteeckl his uncle, ds fr enon the Goshen,• Mimes Charlotte and Minerva Bates Miss Vina Tebbutt lett on Monday of SeafOrth .spent a few dayg last to visit Merida in Toronto, Hamilton week visiting relatives on the Baby- anividisontheorrlitece, t"Masters Fred. and Ion Line. A number from this vicinity went to 'Charlie Thompson mid Miss Ida Ba.ylield on Sunday evening to at- Holmes and slater of Clinton, called tend thc npening of the nliw Presby- on Miss Stephenson on Monday. terian church. • Mr. A.. Blackwell, wife and children Mr. and Mrs. George, Bate, accom- of Woodstock visited friends here buttDenied by the latteria sister, Miss • day and Monday. Shaw of Seaforth, were the gooier Of Mr. mid Ilfra. 'William Keys, r., olt Friday everting last, PRRSONAL. Miss .Mabel Otivenloek, teacher of, (Dr.) Smith of St. Thomas IS Babylon Line echos* had four of her S'ar61: young, lady friends from Seaforth to the guest of het -daughter, Mrs, It.• d I vi ek P. Reekie, on Tuesday last, • Mr. Geo. Xing is erecting. a new, kitchen winch will -niuch enhance the value of his property, Mr. James Parke of " Paradise" en- joytd a rare pleasure this week, hav- ing had a visit from a cousin whom he had not seen since he left Ireland, over Sixty years ago. His cousin, Mr. Robert Woods of Bradford, ccitning to this couutry s:baut four years after Mr. Parke., they never had the pleas- ure of meeting until this week when Mr. Woods, in company with a neph- ew, Mr. Rosewood of Mt. Albert, came to visit -Mrs. Robert Morrisen of Stauley, who is a niece and Ousin 01- the two getttlenten. She with her hus- band and two friends drove over to Mr.• Okr e s to spen t. a erno ana see the waters of Lake Huron. It was a long trip for Mr, Woods, wno is civet eighty years of age, but looks remarkably well, and we hope he may be spared to visit the friends here many tittles. Ile was very much pleas- ed with the looks of our lovely town. - ship.. PERSONAL, Mrs. G. Seale spent a few day il in Kincardine last week returning, oat Friday, She made the trip . both ways ott her bicycle. , Aft, " Aultly" 'Holmes left on Tuesday for Toronto to take a course in the College of Pharmacy. Ile is a bright young hum and we have WY d011bt but that he will pass his eto Mat with flying color. este her on TO* sty o last • 03