HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-08-28, Page 8:XYTPN 'v "+'I s—B, QID
. ..Selling .. .
Our big feature for the last week of August and
to usher in September is the selling of
. Thousands: of .Handkerchiefs
at prices that can honestly be called sensational.
Some time ago we secured two big lots of travel-
lers' samples away below regular prices. To these
,' we have added several lines of plain , hemstitched
bought at a bargain and on
Saturday, August 30th
place the entire lot on sale at pricesthat will make
it pay and pay well to play in a year's supply now.
Because we bought these' cheap we can afford to
sell them cheap. No such handkerchief bargains
have been given in town before and are not likely to
be for many a day to come. For the sake of easy sell-
ing we have grouped them: in separate lots priced as
Handkerchiefs 2 for .5c
:The 5e kind
Hundreds of Cambric Handkerchiefs, plain hemetitchsd,balf .:
inch bent, fine . quality, regular 5r, for Handkerchief
Sale a for ,0,5.
Fancy Handkerchiefs'.5c
The 10c• kind
250 Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs. plain hem Or em•
broideted edges, regular 10o; for•Handkercbfef Sale each
Hemstitched.. Handkerchiefs
4 for 25c
Ladies' Hemstitched Cambric ..Handkerchiefs, very 'fine
quality, hems assorted widths, sold ill over et 8c,•and
10c each, over 200 of theta for our great Handkerchief'
Sale at, :,, if ••• for
Hemstitched Linen ' Handkerchiefs
4 .for 25C
Yure Irish Lines Handkerchiefs, 2 inch hero, •good value. at
124e, for Handkerchief Sale.,.. .... ........ .d/ for .25
Hundreds to sell at this price, just half the real value
g Fancy embroidered Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, lace
and embroidered edges, regular. 25c quality, we
place the whole lot on sale next Saturday at
your choice..:......... • • :........ , 2 for 25c'.
Fancy Handkerchiefs 2 .for 35`
Regular value30c and 35e
150 Fancy Handkerchiefs, extra finequality,
dainty and delicate embroidery on fine mus-
lins and linens, easily worth '30c and 35c,
special for Handkerchief SaIe.. c'.�..:..2 for " 35e
50 Better Handkerchiefs '
For little more than half their reguiar value
50 ' very fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs,
handsome designs, sold in the regular way
at 40c and 5Oc, for our 'Handkerchief Sale
choice of the entire lot for , 25c
Handkerchief values the like of these come only. once in
a great while. We bought them cheap, ' we will sell them
cheap and you are not likely. to find this chance duplicated
for a long, long time:.
liAs NNS t•s0 `4•1144►1fN•" 4444•
Clearing the last of our .Wash Skirts at 50c each
Here is a bargain worth coming after for it is a big
one. We have justa few of our bargain wash skirts. left.
We will not carry one over and on Saturday,August 30th,
t you can take your choice for 50c each.
Plain white or white grinned ducks with spots or stripes.
made up in this season's styles, full size, will wash and
• wear' Well, worth in the regular way at least $L25,
clearing Saturday at your choice for ............ ...:.. .b
iHN41.46.4441tiv iN4i Nil 4/%4.1 41604rr•iN r^s►•NN•
Next Tuesday your boys and girls will be going back to
school. If they want a pair or two of new stockings do not
forget that the best _sehool stockings on earth are the famous
"Blaok,Cat Stockings" for boys andglrls.. 25c, 35c, 40c.
Hodgens fro
• \\
School Books
and Supplies R. .
All the authnrixed books at publish-
ers' price* • We can't give you a cpur,
pfete fist here, it's too ong, but in the
wetter of price we do guarantee to do
the very beet for you we poselbly can.
Books are the important item, but you
will need
Slates at 5c, 7c, $c, 10c, 15c and 20c
Crayons, all et77les and prices
Rulers, le, 2c, lic and 5e
Pencil Boxes, le to 25e
Pen Points and Holders.
Lead Pencils, special line 3 for 5e
Scribblers, artistic covers and good
• values
Cop Books anti Drawing Books
Hubner Erasers. Blotting Paper
School Balla --Leather and Canvas
Writing Inks—Black or Blue Black
Send your children to us gad we will
do out best for there.
Our Scribblers are the best going,
from lc up,
. Our pads are as large as any for the
pi ice.
Agents Parker's Dye Works. •
The if; B. Far 00.
Often the Cheapest, Always the Best,
About o
We Know
Miss Anna, Cook returned home Mon-
Miss M. Taylor was hi Goderich on
Mr. John 'Lansford spent Sunday in
Winghani with his son.
Miss May Shaw, sister of Dr, Shaw,
left yesterday for Port• Elgin,
Mr. J, C, Stevenson is spending this
. week in camp on the lake shore,
Mr. Lou Doherty took in the excur-
Sion to Detroit on Saturday last.
Mr, James Reynolds' of Detroit.is vis-
friends in Clinton and vicinity.
Miss Alice Rothwell of Goderich is a
guest of the 'Misses Combe this.
Miss ekMadge Murphy left on . Wednes-
day to attend the millinery openings
in Toronto.'
Mrs. M. Y. MacLean of Toronto.,
the guest of Mrs.' John •Cunning-
llame this week.
Mrs. ,W. H. Cluff, and her three Child-
ren of Detroit are the guests of her
sister, Mrs. A. McKown.
Mrs. Geo, Rorke: arid her' boys left • on
Wednesday for a visit with the rela-
tives and. friends , in Mt. Forest.
Mrs. W. 'H..Cook and Miss Ruby re
• turned on • Monday from a month's
visit to Ypsilanti and Detroit, Mich._
Airs. (Dr.)' Hammell of Detroit• is a.`
guest:at the home of her father, Mr.:
Henry Steep, and her sister, Mrs. I.
Mrs. (Dr.)Egan, who'liail been visit-
ing her sisters; the Misses Taylor,
for ,a fortnight, returned to Toronto
C. .CoIville, and children left: for
'Detroit on Thursday. They • took
'passage on . the steamer King Ed-
ward from `Goderich. •
Misses Eva Cooper, Maud Mofi`att, Ol-
ive Helyar and Grace Shepherdhave
resumed their work as teachers in
their respective schools.
Mr. John Stewart of Goderich town-
ship left yesterday, afternoon for a
trip .to Sault. Ste. Marie and 'ger-
gur-, posed being absent a fortnight..
Miss C. �McNatghton accompanied • by
her sister, Mrs. Johnston, and little
daughter of '. Goderich, left . ow Tues-
day for a ten days' trip down the
Mr. Jacob Sheppard left on Tuesday
for his •home near Oil Springsafter
having lived for nearly two years
with members of his' family in this
district. '
Misses : Sterch and McKown, of New-.
combe's • millinery department, re=
turned • last evening from London
where they had been attending the
millinery openings: •
Miss Ballantyne of Stratford, who has
for some time past been the guest of
the Misses Manning of Wesley par-
sonage, spent a few days in camp at
Bayfield, the :guest of Miss Ida Hol -
Mr.. George •Corcoran, foreman at the
salt block, returned . Monday from
• Montreal -where he placed on board
ship :two carloads of prime exporters
prepared for the Old Country mar
ket'by the Messrs, Ransford.
Mrs. W. H. Bayley of ,1;f ullett was the
• guest of' . her daughter, Mrs, J. W.
Reid, on Friday. This was her first
visit to town since last fall. Mrs,
Bayley has seen four score wears and
has been: a resident of Hallett.since
the pioneer days.
Inspector Paisley and Mr. James
Stevens ware .peallbearers at the.
funeral of the late Samuel Sloan of
Goderich Last week. The inspector
is one of the executors of the estate
left by deceased, estimated to be
worth considerably over J$ioo,000.
Messrs. G. and H. Rorke{-receivred
newslast week of the very serious
illness of their mother, Mrs W. D,
Rorke of Meaford, and expected
hourly to receive a summons to her
bedside, but a change for the bet-
ter took place and Mrs. Rorke is
now convalescing.
Mr. John C.unninghame, our popular
express agent,,having felt the need
of recruiting hs health, took, advan-
tage of the farmers' excursion to the
Northwest. While there he Will. be
the, guest of his nephew, Mr, Tom,
Callander, near Hartney, Miss Flor-
ence and Mr. Gordon Cunninghame
are in charge of the express office in•
his absence. •
Mr. Frank Pair, who has ' been at
Medicine Hat for the past year and
a half, returned home on Tuesday.
His residence in the ranching cowl.
try has moth impressed hint with
its possibilities, but whether he pur-
poses buying up . a lot of Ontario
cattle to fatten on the prairies or
will bccoinea permanent resident of
Clinton we arc hot in a position to
John Bogen of 1,e Mars, Towa,
' who with his daughter Lillian has
been the guest for a time of his
brothers-in-law, Messrs. Geo. and
Tiugh Rorke,. left on Monday for
Sandusky Ohio, where he will visit
his brother, Rev, O. Gegen, for a
few days. Mr. Bogen is one of the
suecesehul business hien of his town,
leaving settled there some fifteen
years ago with comparatively ytath-
ing in the way of this world's goods
and being now in possession of a .
very lucrative business, "The Le
Afars Marble and Gtanite Works."
1•1e has much to say in favor of the
"core" state.
Ulm Lydia Smith refutnrtl last night
wfter a visit oP 9everttl weeks tii hwr
tr0111, et J o1aev Alp, a'aan.
August 280, 1902
Trade Tempting Bargains
For Our Building Salk
We don't care where you go you won't find prices cut so close to the bone as here. Hundreds of people who
came last week found that to be so and we want many more to come and be convinced that nothing like this
building sale ever happened before.
The builders are here and are making considerable noise but that won't make any difference to you so long as
we continue giving you so many big bargains.
Ask any retailer, ask any wholesaler and if he knows what we are doing be will tell you that we'are selling lots
of goods at less than makers prices. No wonder we are so busy at a time that is usually quiet.
121c and 15c White .1Vluisii>s at 8;c
150 yards of White hfusiins with new lace stripes, regular no1
ices.l2Ac and 15e, Building Sale prise, ....•. .0 p2
121/a Checked Muslin at 6%c
Commencing Friday morning we will place on sale 200 yards �+1
more of those 121. White Checked Muslims at .QU2
121/ic Flannelette at 9;ic
Gpiecesprice !1 �7 of 30 inch' wide pink, cream and white Flannelette
of very. fine. quality, regular 12ic . value, . Building Sale ..n Ai
$1 Flannelette Blankets at 79c
25 pairs of Flannelette Blankets hi grey and white,yery lofty
finish, regular price $1, Building Sale price will be per 79
pair .7
45c Corsets at 30c
• 3dozen of our heat 45c Summer Corsets in assorted sizes,
other stores:sell this line 'at 50c, oat Building Sale price ,30,
will be tl
$1, $1.25 and $1.35 Shirt Waists at 50c
The balance of our white Shirt Waists, all of which are
wade in newest styles, that were $1, $1,25 and $1.85, go
on sale commencing p i iday morning at each, . .. ... . . . ... .5 U Vk
The unset assortment of VValetings we have ever hadare
now on view at our store,prices per yard.. BOc, OOe 4r,
New Wrapperettes at 121%c
500 yards of very tine quality of Wrapperettes in all the very •l
newest designs and colors are on Sale•at per yard 122
i2%c and 15c Hose at 8c
oda lines of children's Hose, sizes 4A to 6, all warranted fast
black regular 121} and 15e values at..:,
5 dozen men's all linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs, made of •'
foe quality linen, our regular prices are 20c and 25c each, • AA
On Friday and Saturday only the price will be....2: for •.4
About three dozen nien's and boys' Cape, Marla, of ell ,.wool
surge and.plain cloth, newest 5
shapes,..usually sold at 35e, (►
our price . .'.
We hove still a few [about font' dozen] \ tnen's soft front
Shirts that were $1 to 51,50deach: Saturday should sen on
the last of them at the price we ask .
Drawers •
The balance of our men'e Balhri •
ggthat sold at
25c to 35e will . be cleared out, only a few left. better. .
'come early, at each , , i... . ... . 19
We were fortunate in securing5 dozen more men's wool. Sox .
that sell at 20c'and `25e per pair, our price will be while 28
the lot lusts, 2 pair for •. ..
Until further notice our Men's Furnishing .De_, •
partment will be found right : inside' our front en-
trance. This will,be more convenient for the men as
it will be entirely separate from the dry goods.
11i woo. WAxT IT.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
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rrnrnntrna m mm�rmnrnrmm�r�rftrt�r�r�r►�rr�tr�rnrrnr
ool Op:�hNex1:
ire the �o�s Reader
Flow's the boys' clothes ? , If there is anything .in the world that will
make the opening of school easy for the boy its a new suit, .We' .have
studied the school suit problem from the parents' side as well as from the
store's standpoint. • ff the boy does not go to school well dressed it will be
your fault, not ours..
• We carry the greatest range of Boys' Suits and Knickers in the coup'
try. Being manufacturers they are all our own snake and you save the
middleman profit.;
. •
Our Lion Brand Knickers have double seats and double knees, made from s ecial Halifax tweeds,double sewn •
with linen thread and they stand today as the best goods on the market. We have filled orders from .Halifax, N. S;, •-4
to Victoria, B. 0, for these goods and wefind it difficult to keep up with the demand. On Saturday next: we Will
have a Special Boys' Day and to make matters interesting we will give some special prices,
50 Boys.Odd Coats, $2.50 and $2.00, for $1.44
200 Boys' Mole Knickers, 40c and 35c, for 24c
60 Boys' Odd Vests, $1.25 and $1, for 49c
25 Boys' Tweed Coats, unlined,' for half price
Our Lion Brand Suits at $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 .
are the best goods inthe county,. We know` this to
be a fact because hundreds of the keenest buyers in
the county are buying them,
Come and see them,
'.a#(7-ks.on Bros_1
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