HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-08-28, Page 4.1.....0111111111111011111111111111111110011.11111010111. WO. The NewswRecor. •,... . is published every Thursday at The News -Record Printing House ALBERI. STREET C•IcIhriON ,T11,1,10, Tenon of subscription -5I per year in advance ; 14.5o ;nay be charged if not so paid. NO paper clierealtintled mail all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. • Ash ertising rate—Transient adver- tisements, to cents per nonpareil ' line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for ea 13. subsequent insertioh. Small advertisements not to exceed one ineh, such as " Lost,'" " Stray- ed," " Stolen," Etc., inserted once for 35 cents and each subsequent in- sertion zo cents. Cowanunicationa intended for publiea- don must„ as a guarantee of good Lath, be accompanied by the name of the writer. ..Co insure publication in current issue • copy for advertisements should be sent in early. Contract rates—The following table shows our rates for specified per- iods and space : z yr. 6 Ino. 3 mo. e mo, z CoIumn... 1370 oo $40 oo 525 00 IS 50 Column... 40 oo 2$ oo 15 oo 6 oo 1, Column... 25 oo 1500 8 oo 2 50 18 oo 10 oo 5 50 2 oo 1 'Inch 6 00 3 50 2 00 I 25 W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor HIGHER DUTY ON FARM IMPLEMENTS, Hon. Clifford Silton will have to take a, back seat as government offic- ial kinnouncer now that Mr. Tarte has denounced free trade as an, impossibil- ity in this country. 'there is no -long- er lioi.e that the farmer will .secure his agricultural implements free of duty. Mr. Tarte has declared that American agricultural farm machinery is to Le shut out from the Canadian markets and has promised to raise the tariff with that object in view. This should be the last straw on the backs. of those who have given their support to Sir Willrid Laurier on the strength oi the promises made by the premier and his followers that agricultural im- plements would be free. The respon- sibility for pre-election assurances of this nature has been wholly repudiated by Mr. Tarte, who is really .the soul oi the government. The men who were content to be fooled into supporting bogus free traders will now have the erivilege of paying up and looking pleasant. * 30,41111141.0. Mrs. Jaime Pollock is reeovering 11:cdd a verY Were illness. Mies Maud 1 ollock spent part of the lest week at Verna visiting Mies Galbraith. Itlx. G. W. Holtman spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Miss Orace Carnertm has returned from visiting friends at Southampton. Mr. tseorge .&ing, Jr., has gone to try his iortitne in the West, itavirtg teen in the harvest excursion last week. Medo. Whiddon and Miss Ada Gal- braith who wrote oher• recent Part 1 examination, Ilan-- "Passed Vett 1, Junior Matriculation. °mug to et/Me bungling in the or- d‘r the campers' new bell did not a- dorn the new church as expected last Sunday. The village cows broke into Mr. Janie S McGee's garden the other night and ma.de shortwork ot his cabbage and corn for which the cow owners had to, pay 3>5 and irnpoundage fees. Miss Rathwell or Seaforth, isars. Mc- Queen of Petrolea and Mr, -Frank Wil- lis of Sealorth did splendid serviceelot the St. Andrew s people at the open- ing of their new church last .Stuatay. The new St. Andrew's church pul- pit was much improved last Sunday soy the addition ol the large hible, the gilt of Prof. 5, T. Church of Toron- to, while in front on a table was dis- played a •beautiful silver communion , service, the gift of .Mr. Charles Mac- donald of Toronto. These gifts were very appropriate and coming as they did from two forrner hayneld boys will be much appreciated. Rev. Die. McNeil very _appropriately and grace - luny acknowledged. •the guts -last sun - day. She opening and dedicatory services in eonnection with the new it. An- drew s church came off last Sunday and large congregations greeted the preacher, Rev. •Mr. Auley of Mitchell, three times. The .day was delightful and large numbers availed themselves of the ,opeortunity of hearing this popularand eloquent preacher who more than met the expectations of all who had the pleasure of •heering his earnest expositions of the gospel. Mr. McAuley .in the •morning, atter- noon and evening presented the truth in a. forcible and eloquent mariner and no doubt' made lasting impressions upon all those Who beard hint. The reverend gentleman -chooses •to adopt the mere modern style .of evangelistic preaching which . is not . only popular out the very tiling required, and lis manner and appearance are well cal- culated to impress hie hearers With Itis sincerity and earnestnas and • also.. the .iniptirtanceof hia• message. . • • The church has a capaeity of about 350 which- Wimid.Sennewhat crowd' it, but at all diree services it was filled LO overflowing and at the nionuag and evening services fully five hundred people /mist have .crowded the edifice., the collectionswete fairly: liberal arici amounted to about $.125. The services will be eoatintied: next Sabbath • morn- ing and. evening , by Rev. Dr: Stewart ' oi Clinton whoa ne doubt large' con- gregations will greet .Clinton's favor- 1te pastor,- and again on Monday even- ing next Rev'. Mr. Henderson of Hen- sel' will deliver his popular lecture. The .chtitelf is a btick of the modetn. oblong style but rather low set to- preseet the style, appearauceof such edifices. . The workmanship of the contractors, particularly.the carpen- ters, at ehe head of Which is our own Dan. Harrison,. is good, but. the- mat- erial, particularly the brick, is not thestud of..which the best jobs can be earned out. • • • . . ' • ' The structure has •a baser/tent' and is to be heated by a furnace.. • The seats and • pulpit are of the ,modern eype and When' the 'campers get their bell and put it in the tower cind • the painters • get through with. the paint- ing tfid new St. Andrews church will no doubt make a • very creditable showing as a village church. . • " Mr. Donald Galbraith has, recovered from ' his injuries received some time ago from a kick from a horse. • . Mr. Sant. 'Moore reports it poor Sea - S021 for homy, but .Seirri,' is in the bee :industry to stay, •• • .. • • . • ' Mr. William Dixon has, -owing to ill' health, had to lay oil from work for senne, thite. We hope he. May .soon be able to resume the brush again Mrs. Westlake, Sr., is very ill. She is ninety two years of age and 15 on. of the old settlers inthis part. • •• • The boys have finished a .big of •flax. . • . • Rev, J. W. Hodgins preached her. last • Sunday, it beiag.an •exchange with Rev'. E. C. Jennings who went Lo Seaforth. .ReV, Hodgins'• Many - friends were glad to see him in the old church where he served some years ago. . • •, • Mr. J. Frink of Port Hilton • Itas bean a guest et • the rectory this .past •two weeks. ' The ' Church of • England S. S. held dieir picnic oit Wednesday last: •• Rev. and Mrs. •Hodgins Went to Zute ich on Monday..• •• • . . The work on the new eXtension of the pier is•progreseing .favorably. Mises 'Inez arta Kathleen Jennings gave at birthday party on the i9th and. • when a 'very enjoyable afternoon was spent 'among the little folks, •• The weather of 'the,' emit week has somewhat, made amends for the damp .and cold whichprevailed during the '.orepart of the season. Are we to - have July . and August weather, lit Septemter and October ? Mrs.(Dr.)- Sinitii has returned front a pleasant holiday trip to Dulittle Mrs. Blackburn and daughters, Ena •and Hui, have returned to London.' Mrs. Baker and lamilv of Tormto are visiting her. lather, Mr. John Big; gart. ..• Misses A. Elliott. and M. .Whiddon left thie week for a trip to Thessee ion. D. IL Porter and wife of London were guests of Mr. John Whiddon this week. W. Kitchen B. A., • Zrucelield, Miss L. Cairiptell and Mrs. Tomlimon ef Strediroy are the latest arrivals at the Albion. • • Maida Whiddon is holidaying ih London. . The latest arrivals at the Commerc- ial are Neil McQuarrie, aanieS Man- son, Seaforth ; Frank MeLean, Strat- ford 15. B. Mary, Clintoir.,• Miss Henry, Stratford ; Mrs. Sherman, Master Diekinsort, OtturnWit, Iowa ; Miss Wood, NeW York. • A very pleasant time was spent irt the town hall on Wednesday evening whet% Miss Ella Itleyors entertained her Wends with a dancing pally before kavirig for het home iit Marine City. Mt. Morrison of Robinson, Little & Co., wife and child of Loadon are e gitcsts of Mr. John Yrascr, Miss A. McIntyre of Strathroy, who • has been at Mrs. W. Parsons lance the first week of 'June, returns home this week much benefitted iit health and greatly pleased' With flayfield es summer resort. Misse Elia and Yvonne Ifeyorsewho hate been Welting here, returned to their home at Marine City this week. Miss. Lerma roZwIn accompanied theta, AMERICANS CROWING OVER. US. At the American National Reciproc- ity Convention Mr. t-larke, a leading American: manufacturer, referred to the Canadian preferenee to • Great Britain. He said : • " In 1898 Canada put into effect a tariff which nOw gives to the British exporter 33 per cent. better rates than you can get if you export to Canada. Here was a chance to see how reci•• • procity would work under favorable circumstances. • With what result ? You would think England would lia.ve inade enormous gains. I. will not bother you with figures but they will say that up to and including leo() lingland had absolutely lost ground and we had gair.ed it, with a 33 per vent, dinerential duty operating a- gainst us. The Canadians had every Kind of inducement, the money induce- ment and the loyalty inducement, and the desire to buy British goods, and yet we beat the Englishmen on Can- adian ground." How much more the Yankees are congratulating themselves just now can be estimated by the enormous' he. • crease in their sales to Canada eluting 1902. len ix,iihon of dollars is not a bad gain for them to make in twelve months. And Great Britain is • still away behind in the race. .• IT IS TIME FOR A CHANGE. Mr. Tarte's bountiful promises along the route of his triumphant tour should warn the people of Canada that it is time to abandon the reckless pol- icy of extravagance. At one point the visionary Minister of Public Works had to coal up in an. American port which seems to have prompted him to devise a scheme for deepening the Can- adian harbors so that coal vessels will bring coal to them, whether it is wanted or not: If coal dealers •liah known of the intended arrival of Mr. Tarte they would, no doubt, have had coal on hand for hini in every harbor, It would have been a profit- able venture. But Mn. Tarte p.nd his vessel do not conic along every day, consequently the supply of coal is pro,. portioned to the demand. • Mr. Tarte is going to deepen the harbors At Fort Williain, Port Arthur, Midland and other places. He is preparing for his colleagues' acceptance of complete plan of transportation from Fort Wil- liam to Belle Island. - On French Riv- er alone he is proposing to spend $5,- 000,000 to give the C. P. R. boats a connection with the main line at North Day. In face, Mr. Tarte smote to Imre marked his route with a promise of expenditure in every her- bor. When in the House of Comnions he met the charge of gross extrava- gance with the threat of still greater expenditures, his words were geherally regarded as jocular bravado, but his tour of the lakes shelve that his threat was made in all seriousness. ' We have had a few years of prosper- ity in Canada and the opportunity should baize been seized to reduce the debt and lessen the interest "chargee that help to burden every hiclustrial- and business enterprise. But instead of that natural and desirable result the years of prosperity have witnessed some of the greatest yearly additions to our debt. And now the man whom party exigencies have put at the head of a "great spending department" comes forward with a policy that can have no effect other than to drive in- dustry and enterprise out of the tom - try with burdensome taxation.—Weelt- ly Sun. • OODERIOII TOWNSHIP,. Mr. W. Perdue and his daughters visited Sarnia and Detroit, returning home ov Monday, Mr. William Currie,who was dyke kicked by one of his horses a fort- night ago and had some of his rihe broken, is now able to talte putt to some extent lit the work col his farin. Enforced idleness dming the harvest season is in itaelf an affliction, • Miss Olive Turnet of Goderieli is the guest of her friend, Miss •Tessie Crooks. We regret to hat that out old friend, Mr. John Ilefteenti Of Pitt, is in very podr health, 1. Via WANTON' 101.WS-RWPTiP,:, i I , 11 murmur. ZIPPEN. Mi43 McCorvie of Clinton gar a Westward Ho 1-4ii..4er.4 from here r R E. Clegg has been off duty dancing; party in Jowett' s pavilion: on deParted for the WI...stile:it week,a- ever since his long mat severe ill- liVednesclav everung. mong the number being . es. Geo. nos. Ile took a trip up'the lakes :Misses Itorn, kerguson and Dixon of Attlehod, who hate been enjoying the Lealthegiving breezes here, returned home on Thureday. 'they occupied one of Mr. Mark's cottages, Mrs. Treleaven. of Winnipeg is vis- itaig Otr sister, Mrs, D. Harrison. Mrs. Marks and Miss Itathwell en- tertainect their friends to a dancing Party in-tbe 'town hall Thursday CV- tnin• The hall was handsomely dec- orated and there was a large number present front Clinton, Gouerich and Seaforth. Among those registered at the River House are Mr. ancl Mrs. Newman, Marie and Harold Newman, Miss L:ttenPl'ell, Miss Tarrant, Mrs. Hardy, Misses E. and J. Germans, Miss Maud Cameron, Mis. Rorabeek, Mrs. Maccirmald, Mr. Macdonald, PIS. and Mrs. P. Moran, Detroit I%Ir., Mrs. and MISS Dupuy, Wallaceburg .; Mr. and Mrs. Mcomen and three children, Muse Jessie• McQueen,- Kiss .Luckhant, Petrolea ; Mr. and Mrs. hadenocheter, and Mrs. W. Hiingerford, Mrs, and Mists 1%141:C4Llton, Weldon ; and Mrs. C. Haerunill and solo- Miss Clamber - lin, Detroit ; W. Piceard, E. Bright, N. Campbell, L. Macctonald, V. " Seaforth ; Mes. and Miss Sowed, 'Mis- ses L. and G. McLean, St. Louis, Mrs. and Miss Johnston, Stratford. • LONDESIICHO. Tulehset,ownship eouneit met here on day A number from the village drove to. Bayfield on Wednesday and enjoyed Lite day at the lakeside. • At last Saturday's practice of the rine Club Me. Richard a'allace led the score at the 500 and 600 yard ranges. 11. is exp.ectect that a match will :take place here next 'Monday, Iabor Day, between the Auburn and Lonclesbpro -dubs, -The latter Won tlie match shot ; off a few weeks ago and are Mole can- I lidera of duplicating their success. The Londesboro club has. a 'membership of about filty, Isaac Barr is captain, R. Wallace and Turner . lieutenants, W. Wallace secretary and W. L. Ouimette. treasurer. • The ratter's duties are not very onerous. • • • A weigh • :scale has beetl placed at the Grand Trunk station 'which •will. be a. convenience tolappera.. Matt: Mains put it in p1. c. • Mn. W. G:Webb was in Lucknow on ,htiolnadrazs. tin • Operation. s are netette bout over and the farmers are busy threshing .and plowing. IVIiller Webb has received a large .or- der for: his superhne hour • which he has been somewhat delayed . in filling owing to the difficulty in getting wheat. • , ' • • Miss Lou Ouimette. returns' -to Tor- onto this week to resume her studies at the' Women'e Medical :College. Announcement is • made of -the -wed- ding of Miss Elva' Ada.ms to a 'Mr. the.: representative• of a large Inanulacturing esta.blislonent in. Chica- go which will take place about the middle of -the second week in .Setein- ber, :The ,lucky' tnan is a natiVe of Lucknow where. his father • it still en- gaged in basilicas. Miss' Adams isa handsome Young lady and aschaxining in . manner • as good looking. She is likewise 0. clever muskier:: • The happy eveht is looked forward to with mach interest. • Dr, Edwin Wood, professor of inecle ieine in the Nashville (Tenn.) Univer- .sity,. spent ce-few days of the past week' with • his brother, Mr, Frank Wood,' at the:homestead •ort .the 11 tit •con. He also called on Di. McCallum, who was a junior at ..IVIeGill.' Medical C011ege; Montreal, when Pr. Wood was in • his final year. Thereare three members of the terood family,. Frank on the homestead, Dr: Edwin at Nash- ville, Tennessee, and Rev. *Lon Wood of . Charleston,' North Carolina. • The following from our village, wile left on July z5th for a visit to Kil- laeney,. Brendon and *Portage La. Prairie, .MIM„ • are expected home on Thursday of this week • Mrs.. Hugh Hill, Mr-S..11ms- Hill, Mrs.- John Wey- mouth and Mrs. Staples. - • • Fourteenin all left- here last Thurs- day for the -West.. Included in this number, in. addition to those we men- . ironed last week, were : John Hughes, Roberton. and Percy Cooper. Marshall, ItIs.,Baer, Mrs. Knox, tillep. Nicholson, William Watson, Al- ice Clark, Clara Lawson,Andy Wil- son, Herald Beadle and wife, Samuel Lel autenslager and dthe.. The latter was accompanied by ffii 'Wife to Tor- onto. Harvest hands. are itt high de- mand at home whatever they •may ,be ' . BLY.TH. .Last. Sunday evening Trinity. church was troveded to its door's to take part in the worship and listen to the ser- mon pyeached by Rev. • A. 'P., Moore, who is a very powerful and forcible, -speaker and kept the close attention Of thelarge congregation. It is only a few short years ago since he was a. schOlar in Trinity S. 5. here and hear - lag that he was an excellent. preacher. many of the other denominations knowing hiin froin.childhood were leased to have the opportunity. • of hearing his wonderful ability. They were • not disappointed. Hissubject was taken front the lookeef Job : " I1. a. roan -die, shall he live again?" • •Mernbers of the I. O. held their regular ineeting in the Temperance hail on Monday :evening. • Mr, John Shertitt has 'returned from two week's visit with his daughter n .4ondon. • • . .. • • - Rev. A. 11, 'Moore of Listowel was visiting., MS parents here for a few days .prlOr to his • cieparture for De-. troit, Ite having' resigned the transit ot iastowel for the. purpose Of doing der - real work in the American Church and studyilig medicine. On Ftiday. Mr. -T. W. Scott and charier drove to his parentEhome in Dirt where he intends taking a. well earned rest and holiday. On Saturday, seeeral took advantage of the Le O. L. emersion to Siinue, and Detroit. Rev. 1.,.. W. 1)ielil of Ailsa5Craig was visiting amongst friends, here for a lew days. •Mr. John Kelly and family • leave here for their neW hont iit Goderich on Friday. John will be- hutch Missed by our citizens aS lie was ever ready to ghe a doke or take one with his Irish wit, in ilranitztiytobtck abil.hreshing is also now o • The Templare have resumed their weekly meetings instead of every two weeks as throughout {he busy 'season. A.• number froln here. purpose, hearing Crossley and Hunter at Dungannon. A harvest thanksgiving service will be conducted in ienox aura uext Sabbath. Rev. ehuall conducted the C, E. there last Sabbath evening. Our a r eevaspoonrnun atorris shaping things for a Mrs, J, t:arter„ Mrs. F. Ilintch and Mrs. Carter, Sr. are visiting-Dungan- nonsastiledlNaNiivii°e31 sluee :1:4 °f j3l11s. tas . Mvis- iting Mrs. Richards and twe sons of Brus- sels returned home •after visiting friends here for a time. ' Mr. Small of Arthur, brother of the Knox church pastor, .returned to Ids lionie with his family., recently after rusticating here for •a time. Mr. James Nixon of Wingliam and Miss A. Webster of Myth Sundayed in Auburn. • IIELGRAVE. 'There is to be a lawn social off the , parsonage. grounds on Friday everdhg of this week. • Mr. 1). Sproat has 'had a basemene stable bent under his drivehodse, R. • Gallagher doihg the stomiwork. IVIe.jor 13eck was through the village one day last week, looking hale, h..arty and hopeful. ,Toe has ft:Totals fri abitiidarite here, Harvesting will be about completed this -week if tile line •.ves.ther emit 1 tcs. Mr. John Prt.ctor ol leheroti is homefor a sliort 'itIr, Walter Allison's new hottee la • going ahead rapidly at present. • A smaller imitifen of our young 11.011 patronired Ole Northwest excursion this year 011 atkonnt of the harvest • Tahoe late be, -Prr 1106.17 • • ROLHESVILLE. • . Mr. John McCartney' returned on. Saturday from Wiaeton whither he had gone to visit his brother,who is ill. He drove the .entire distance, on? hundred milts, more or less. In going lie went by way of Southamp- ton and then across country, but made the honieward journey via Tara, Chesley, . Hanover,. Walkerton and Winghean. He 'was pleased. with the apeearanee Of the country which • was looking its best,. 'Carton, Chesley and Hanover' are thriving pieces and the scenes of enueli manufacturing. bustle. • •• Mr. Thomas' Murch of the London Road will . gecupy Abe Methodist pul- pit next Sunday- morning. We are al- ways •plemed to hear .him. • • Mr. Thos. Courtiee; theological stud- ent, preached in the Methodist church last Sunday night. He selected his text • from the . uth'eerse..of the 3rd. chapter of Revelations mid:handled his topic in an able Manner. He is a. son :of Mr. A. J. Courtice. ' • • R.ev, •A. 1C :Birks retained to LOA- -don last Saturday. intim*. • • .• Mr. • •Lonis.'Gravell.e. went. to Strat- ford.la.st- Week where he has securecl. a good situation.4 .• ' • • . Berk, Anderson. and Miss Rudd of Marlette, Mich., have. leen visiting Mrs. Holnies.e • • from which he. received considerable benefit so that we hope las return to good Ilealth may be speedy. The station does not seenn to be the saute pace when the genial R.. E. is abseut, no matter how attentive Ofie " relief" man army be. Our eopular grain buyer, Mr. John Moffat, who always keeps up prices in ! happen, was overhauling his ware- house last week to be in readiuees for a brisk season. The crops are turning out well down liere and Mr. Moffat purposes getting a share of all the grain that is marketed in this district. • Only a half dozen from this. section took advantage of Iast Saturday's ex- cursion to Sarnia and Detroit. This is the 34th consecutive yeas that Mine Host Shaffer has paid for a • liquor license which makes lion, we have no .doubt, the oldest hotel keep - in the county. Shaffer's hotel is the best known country house in Hur- on and for dining room service It bas no superior. Travellers will drive for miles to partele of a dinner or sup- per prepared hy Mrs. Shaffer, who on short notice or no notice at all serves up a meal fit for a king. Clarissa Mellis of -Stratford bas been spending her holidays at her home here, • Mr. and Mrs, Alden Jones and fame ilyand Mrs. Booth of London spent their holidays with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Whiteman, Miss Laura Whiteman of Detroit and Mas- ter Eddie• Potter of Newark were vis- iting last week at the home of Mr. John Whiteman. Mrs. Bert. Hoag and Walter and her "sister, Maggie Meelyntont, lave gone to Ceiltunet,' Mich,„ Mrs. Hoag's home. Rev. J. Hussar, wife and iamilv home Sat.utday. 'fromdott "LOA:. Messrs. • Harry HoldsWorth and Ol- iver Willsod,left last 'week for Manit- °ea where they intend remaking' for some time. • - e • Mr, 'Wilk Elford of Godericit . was in out' village on Ttrescia.Y. • •' PCITLLETt TOWNSHIP. • . . • Mrs:. MeCasev and Mrs. Phelan 'of Cincinnati, . Ohio; are •visiting their Sister, Mrs. R. 4131alch.. • • 1 The brickwork of Mr, Williarn:Rossi new house is completed and the car - potters are .now busy at it. - Mr. Albert Knox left for' the North- west last -Thursday Rev. Dr. Stewart oteupied• the pul- pit of Burns' chard. last Sunday 02.1 cleiigheed the large congregation with his lucid •expounding of divine; trittO.. This meek will about wind up har- vesting • operations. -Miss Nora Blake is epericling her hol- idays With her mune, Mrs. P. Haley of Blyth. . • • Mise' Webster, who h,ad been waiting upoit her uncle, Mr. ,John Sheppard of Clinton, who has been very ill, re- turned home to • Harlock on Thursday last; •• Captain Sheppard. ,of Portage La J'rairie .aal! ; Mr. James Sheppard of Clinton •were • guests of their. sister, Mrs. David Beacom, 'this Week, . Mr. Richard Blake returned to Wel- lington' county .:last week to,:resame charge of his school. • :Mies MeGeogh .is again in charge of the .Separate school ori the 5th con: Mr. ,James Snell retureed home on Friday from his visit to Idaho., Mon- tana. and Oregon' taken as the repre- sentative, of the Sheep Breeders' As- sociation of this provieee. - The longest 'oats we have seen ••this Season were grown on the farm of Mr. John W. Bayley of the 3rd con, They were grown on new land and were higher Olen Mr. l3ayley's heid and as he stands 6 It. z in. We are safe fri saying that the oats- were 6 ft; 2 in. high. In the adjoining twelve acre field there stilt remains uncut hnother variety known as ehe Empire,White Resit:Itch which is equally all. mid Prondaes an abundant yield. :Mr. Bayley will have e gohd :crop this year. He knows how teprepare the soil so that it will give the best res- ults. , The gravel road between Londeiboro and Clinton could be inade much more pleasant to travel upon if the large stones which are too plentiful upon stretches of it were either raked 611.•cir broken. 'These stoup's Serve no good purpose, but, on the emirary,•are apt to injure. horses. The cost of remov- ing them would only be trifling and we feel sure that when the attention of our worthy representatives in. the council is drawn to, the matter ' that • they will remedy the grievance. Misses -Iliggin and Cook of Clinton, •who are spending a few days with Miss Lowery of Summerhill, are this week guests Of Miss Biggot's sister, Mrs. W. J. Miller. Ur. Leonard. Irvine of Hamilton and' his sister, IVIiss Eva of Clinton, are visiting at Mr. W. S. Miller's. Mrs. Oakes eind her daughter's Carol and Muriel have beeiu guests at the home of Mr, Ed. Brickeuden this past week. . . • LIICKNOW. , At the High Coen 'meth* of the I. 0. Foresters lield in 'Windsor Mr. R. D. Cameron was elected for the .fourth dine to the position of High Auditor. Mr, Frank Cain was also alPointed High Juhfor Wciodward. Court Luelcnow No. .151 is to be con- gratulated on being the only court in the jurisdiction that has two of as members High Court ollicere. • MIAs Jessie Kilpatrick, of IltoekvilIe • ie the guest -of her grandfather, Mr, John P. Andrew of Aslifield. Mrs. liti, Pears and daughter, after an extended Visit at the parental holne here, left to visit friends it, Toronto before returning to her home lu•' Chi- • cago. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP. Threshing is the order of the day and• harvest will he about wound • up this week for this season;- • We are sorry to say that Mr. Luther Allin is laid up at present w,ith a sore.. hand. •He•got tWo of his fingers near- ly cut • ell while. cutting bends with a sickle . at 'Mr,. Henry Butts which will lay, hiin up for some time. He had a- string tied •dound hiS hand and while jumping off the • feed board the string caught hi the barn door • And pulleti the sickle right .through his hand, cutting the fingers to the. bone. • Misses Maude and Lottie Tieble of Goderich were the guests of their sis- ter, . Mrs.. J arnes• Manning, on Sab- bath.. • • • .•. • Mr. , Johns delivered •a fine Mrs° td the buyers -at. Clinton for which he received a good fignre.- • . Messrs. .Alex. • 1Vialloitgli, Richard Mitchell, William and Wes. Johns, Connie Bissett, .Sainuel. :Treble and ,George Grimunet.all left for Manitoba the past :week, also Mrs.Oles. went.to ,•epend a -few Months' with he niece, Miss Maggie' Fowler, Who went •to spend a lew -months •with • het brother. We wiSk them alla pleasant 'trip •and safe ,hcine . -* • M?ss Florence Straughah is hi God- . erich at present taking care of ..her sister,- Mrs. (Dr..) Hainiltoii, who is ander the doetoes care. ••• 1Vtra. William Cooper,: Sr.,. of •Kipe pen; who passed away at .the good old .age of 89 years a,fe.Vdays. ago, • was one.. of the oldest residents of this see - titin ai.dwas a 'woman greatly- res-- peeted .by :all who .had the pleasure of • her acquitintanee. She, with • her hus- band,. who predeceasedher several years ago, were among those Who es- tablished. St. Andrew's •clinrch; Mies. Jennie Moir, '..who • has been sPend-m ing ; several onths with her grandinothen, Mrs. George Moir, • has left Inc her 'home near South River. •Her father has dispoeed of his.sawmill there and tbe lainily intend coining -to this section in the fall to reside, • 001010001 - August 28th, 1902 isuie• rmsompot, #440r1•,14b,4•44pewifr —^,04~oe44frimo.•ei.iik-i•eiorlor 4401 Our :BAKING POWDER I# ..--- IS ALWAYS RELIABLE # —IS ALWAS. YPURE —15 ALWAYS FRESH ONCE TISED .-- ALWAYS USED; $ R * —HAVE YOU TRIED OUR FLAVORING M.;.1.RACTS FOR . P. Reeklet Lircrsort:EryctenyRfaCto1:07.BB STRENGTH AND FLAVOR, THEY ARE UNEQUALLED. Remnant $hOe Sale - AT , •Taylor's nig, Shoe Store. During this month we will interest all • Shrewd Shoe Buyers. We are constantly picking out of our Regular stock ODD SIZES AND ODD LINES and placing them on our Bei gain Coun• - ters, -- For Saturday's Trade , They.will be replenished again with ' the • best values ever offered in Clinton. Bargains For Everybody. Come and See for Yourself ' It will Pay 'You.• Iree014-$ 1 THE OLD RELIABLE. Wm. TAYLOR,iSz SON. • Cash and One Price Buttes; and Eggs taken as Cash 4Vt•••••••••4••••••*•4••111444•••••••••••••;•0•NIIi••• ••• THE GREAT CASH • STORE t 1 • It may seem early but the early $ • ' buyer ' always has the choice. - . • . Have just received another large consignment of (AT- 0)- peta in ' Brussels, Tapestiy,Wool, Union, Hemp. also 4: . $ Linoleum Floor Oils and Curtains. . Why give 15, or 20 • $ per centmore wheniyou can get the *same quality . here : I for.that much less. • • • . Have you seen our Fancy Eloinaings•and French Flannels. They are ' the newest thing in the Market and are selling well. 1 • — , New, Drees Goods ai•riving every' few days. This department has ; grown rapidly and why1' Because, we have the best value that is se obtainable in the market. If you need anything in that 'line it • will pay you to call, . . .. . i A large range of Hosery and Chidewear received this week whie We are selling cheap. • : - • • ' : • Men's and Hoye' Clothing at astonishingly low prices. : Out:Milliners ria e at Present visiting the Fashion Centres' picking up : the most up.tti•date novelties. • : 14p1 „c:. • McBEATH BLYTH. : • X'.retorla 131604. ' • 944••••••40114•041104 44•41,10**04..40.4,444/44.114•••••••••••0 ON* • •• S. Smillie received a telegramthe other day hiforming, him of the death; of Mrs : Smillie'S nephew., jaines•Gray, medical course with . every prospect of • of Toronto., who lad . been tairiag • a • • Success. The:deceased, whip-- was jest 111311 1.t1•1.11:*• -Merging into in.anliotid, had been ail - :Mg 'for Aorne time with lung trouble . and his death ,was not unexpected ' John 'Caldwell left last weekto spend a few weeks •with, relatiVes in' -. • . large warerOoms are : California,- His health' has. been rath- er.•poor of late. • ' CONSTANCE '• Mr. •Jewitt and daughter, Mrs. Stobie of Morris, visited the former's son, Mr. Reuben. Jewitt. : The following from around here took in •the Manitoba excursion W. Dun- lop, W. Jamieson, Peter Robertson, W. McGregor and Miss Olive McGreg- or, Miss Bella. McCully. Miss Jessie ItsteLatighlin: of Bandon and eMiss Yourig of Londesboro spent a few days with their friend, Mrs. Armstrong. • ' •. Mrs. Cook of 1Vinthrop 'Spent a few days with her son, Mr. W. II, Cook. We understand' Mr. Matt. Mains has the contract of building neer sheds .at Coustance. The old sheds are being torn down by J. •Proctor. • • Our faxmers are nearly all through harvesting and some have threshed. , Mr, and Mrs..3ewitt and daughter, Miss Kate 1VIcNorie and Mr. W. Brit- ton spent. Sunday in Brussels. ID LUM S • • Pears, Peaches, Honey - • supplied at right prices, Largest plum orchard in the country. Plums rips from Sept. 5th to 15th. Pianos, Organs, etc., also sold at right prices from the intisic emporium, HoARE, CLINTON* Fruit Farm. and Music Store. • fully stocked with. furniture • of all kinds and if yoti are thinking of purchasing . we invite you to call, gee our display and learn our prices, PABLOE CABINETS CHIPOONIERS • JARDINPME STANDS MUSIC CABINETS DRESSING TABLES SABLES • • MUSIC RACKS HALL RACKS PICTURES SECRETARIES LIBRA.RY TABLES -PAPER RAMS BOOK CASES FANCY TABLES COMMIS It will do you good to see the beautiful line of Fancy Rockers,Morris. Chairs and Oda Parlor Pieces we are offering; We will consider it a pleasure to show you through our warerooms even if you do not want th purchase. • J. W. Chi dley Nisanacer. Night and Sunday calls Answered ntite;idence:of our Funeral Director, J. W. ChidIey, Xing street, opposite foundry.. • • Grand Truilliy. LABOR DAY, SEPT, 1ST, 1902. Return tickets will be issued be- tween all stations on the Clrand Trunk and connecting lines at MOLE FIRS T CLASS FARE. Good going August 30t1t and 31s1,',:re- tnrnitg good until September 2nd, 1902. • Canada's Great Pair Toronto • SEPT. 1ST Ta,,I3TR. Clintori to Toronto and tetuthe good going Sept. end to nth, inclusive - 1+3G.70. ood going on Sept, 2nd, 401, 6th, lith and TOth--$2,7$, All tickets vend returning on or be- fore September t5t1t. ror further particulars apply to agents ^ F. IL ixononils, Town Agent. A. Ot DAMSON, Station Agent • Doubtless every .Sherriff in the State. of Washington has cut a hole the size • of a bulled in his garments to be us- ed in after years as a. Tracy souven- • ir, • RIVER HOTPI. BANFIELD To those Who contemplate spending their holidafe- at the Jakeside the River 110tel, /lay - field, offers every comfort, It overlooks lake and river'has 4 lawn for tenci nis and erquet• It has a pretty park at the river- side with sWiligs, etc, This is a pop- ular spot for pienickers. It is fur - Malted ' with boats, including a steel one, width, having water tight com- partments, wont sink, Our guests tell us that the River Hotel dining room service was hover 60 SatiattetOry as it is WO season. When requested eigs will meet trains Cliliton, Brucefield mid GOderith. When you come to Bayfield put uI at the River Hotel where. you, will ---•• have every Comfort. G. U. OltUENSLOU, Prop; ',I, THOS. STEVENS, Mgr4