HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-08-28, Page 3Ancoust, 28t2i 1902
The Crime of nallowat en:
0 0 IR
Author of " A 13rolten Betrothal," "The Heiress of
catioeron Parted at the Altar," Etc.
ed I" EMI:OM:ed. ho Rey, od.VanCing
into the tooM With his halite*. bile.. "Uovr he Would turn from Me in Hodge= Elbe, Ofileial
often. dreamed, of it in a little gra,ve had laniled, no doubt, a day or ho
i letter hOrror too greet for worde LO lastne:Ityfilitutere threttulhetinheinriel: itOtTlite
i I
I 14ve ettoUld fell 'Me, lile-WOU14 - nOt
steaMer. little drowning -flea. en ' joined her. Believing all suspicion
Not No! Nal Nal •
Titie. word le Used hetir tireeii
den, "a, utord will explain this tine help her I -that she bad lift her allayed foreVer• they had ventured to be worth nosh..
beautiful child behind her alive 1 ;the return to that, oWn country, and' bv
hnd X started this morning to Walk oolong the Wild flowers that bloom.- previoue •to the inyater ous . , should discover the terr b 0 Wei , po g e e 0 a
"No ingistponilled fat h; that Melina
fortunate situation, tity young wife
seven miles distance from Dee- to
Chesterport. We could get U9 COW, 04 in the churchyard.
As the oteamer Moved out from muttered Bonnylin, as the palter fell
"'nisi is Basil Seven:lc:ha reVerigeh I have kept from him Since that bit- atialysee Of Sunlight Soap.
Severn° 114:)/41VNitsotfel:ee alkali"; that meaue no
veyence, and it was Urgent for ua to the (lode, and the blue line of shore from her oervous hand,
and he ter Hallow-e'enl Oh, Heaven! it Woo
get there.o Wii lest our Way in. the rec'cled from his gaZe, a vaoue nos- darkness of deeth simpt over er
the worst of 'crimes or Basil
" No loading mixture"; thht Meant
wood, when happily I saw your light giving came to Le Roy as to wheat- I ere she could read the closing parao Me to marry him when I hated . him damage to donate Or hands. '
to Use his power over me -to tome
shining through the window. th
y er or not he had acted wisely. It ' grAohnlid at
concerned her so vita* 00,
poor little wife fainted by the road- was too late now for lien -reproach. 1Y. "That will be the next thing that every atern is pure soap.
will coats to light. but in the hour "No adulteration Whatever "; that
t t Alas t too late; the eVil was deem. t Viet moment the door open-
ed suddenly, and A maiii with clean I
s •
we may And shelter until daylight,
I will pay you well for the Privi-
it (1008 ere Le Roy din have the oti- Means Mire ingredient%
towels And a duster in her hands.
1 portunity %althorn me, X will fall at Try Sunlight SOAP-Oetagen Bar -4
CHAPTER stood in the threshold.
t uess his feet-dea Itie bitter reproaches and you win see Prof. Ellie is right.
Id k w 2
_responde.ci. the land WOMhh• " X it Was a beartifiti sunshiny morn- o
-y!uou did not hear Me, so I made bold .
,, i , t i . d ri,i,viaidi4e,inonurne.ntris.,:gio, stehda:nx dceaouthldi 1.1.(3 .1111.n... 70.......„ .4._____......,..........
"That you may sir, and wilcorne," I Icnocked. out am, but g 20 .
lug when the stoat:Oar reached New not live without him!"
Wouldn't turn any one from my door a enter, she sa a cour esy ng. an
pitiful. X summon you by the right With a ery that must have pierced a night like this. Tom," she called caution to Provide Bonnelin with a walking into the room. • •
t of the futuie. She shut out the
York. .. LS Roy had Wren the reie- _ . . . 'Poor, hapless Ith»nylin. dared not . .
you to the world. Those who °meta:IQ per that. had fallen on tne moor at
Bonnylio was extremely tired and drlit e"1.
Pierpont has tbhermtaztetd 0
Olt a husband to my side. X claim tte great abite throne in its pitiful, shrilly to a tall, lank boy nodding .. Bonnylin bowea, MlinfiUrillg• SOUK/ hoot
past completely front her thoughte
. y ou. You are mine by the la.w of for of course
Heaven and mon. It I did what ' a tioning her over and over again of lli ibl 1
ely, too; and thick vell and long, dads dome, ette, , uninte g e rep y,
the necessity of aceelting hea,vily veil- 9 . - . to day upon the sunshine' of Le Roy's '
AS far as possible, living front day had told her startlingsstory Jong ere
love. this. .
"Oh, God -hi Heaven, spare Le fireplece, get around lit , "Been reading the Boston sense -
concentrated regony she shrieked out: ori a. settee "put more logs on the
strict justice enlace -1 ehoule expose Boy or you rim all
d fetch the cordial," she
ed. • ti A ?" she oohed, picking- up the pn.-
Finding herself at the entranee of
you of ono crime, would show youber voice nerved Le BoyHo
s men. She had thiewn the coat back from would reach New York ort the 1.2th Bonnylints feet and replacing it up-
!. 't it?" needed, rest, '1 he white riffled pillows a perk, Bonnylin entered it. Faint
Perhaps Ood heard her, or perhaps said, turning to her young (laughter, had written Fenton. that they
' I
"I on the couch looked so restful and and exhausted, she sat down on. one
most as greet a one." hit equate from the shoulder, Basil a little eiappressed scream. . instant, and they found their faith- on the table; awful, witsn
the loquacious nutid rattled Oa
see there's a heavy reward offered for inviting. , Ahl if she could but for- of the wooden benches, and buried
little mercy for the second 0,ncl al- With ono straight, unexpected blow, Bonnylin, and hail started back. with
Ile saw the lovely face iramed in Severne wits laid Mil lentil .uncono ful Mend. there to meet them.
get all her troubles in sleet:, her face in her hande. ,
he. must choose his words catefullY until he ascertained tvh.ether or no
0 -But," he resumed, "I will be grass to recover as best he could,
as the white petals of the daisies, Even M that moment Le Roy
his feet.
its sheen of golden hair grow as pale scions at his feeto
and the thought came to hint that would not Mill from his fallen foe
or she would die then and there at he was seriously injured. Finding he
was not, he left him lying in . the you both," he declared enthusiastic -
tone to Le Roy, "but, good Heavens,
any, but adding *aside, in an under -
my dear boy I do you think it ia
safe ?" • '
"I did not eare about returning
"Of course, I am delighted to see.
youoo, girl out of the way because
her recapture -the wicked creature: ,1 wiu.
why, 'bonging would be too good for
her for putting that poor pretty
her handsome husband admired. the
girl's pretty face..
the girl curiously,.
"Wh•y, how white you are? sat •
epees the stout: fully
„ .4 oh, so tired"
comes," she mused, for I am tired,
trace of these bitter tears, and take
half an hour's rest beide° Le ltoY
that disguised her, laying them care-
Bonnylin threw off the dark tresses
on • the white counterpane, '
bathe my face. removing ell
life has gone all wrong. Oh, if I
clear. I am stunned -bewildered t
each other? X cannot see my way
ed pitecusly;" 'how shall we ever find
Heaven Melt seems against mel TAY'
grace would be at an end for Le
wore to die, Oh this shame and, dis-
"Oh, Le 110Y. Le Roy f" she moan-
, niore pitiful than that. I will show .]
you more consideration. I will not lin.
and turned his attention to Bonny-
. , . Just yet," said Le Roy, thoughtfully,
"but Bonnylin would. come."
"I had rather face the dengern. ot
.. Affect you so ?"
' standinh before the mirror her own. • Roy I Would it be a relief to
expose you. I will not force you to • With gentle, tender hands he lifted golden-habed self once more. him ?" she wondered, sobbing pite-
.* come with me and face Le Roy Pier- her to izer feet. attempting to soothe home than those abroad," cried Bon- hoarsely; ' *why should it ?" and the .
thole, dinging- tightly to her nus- unnatural -sceind of her own voice .
No -no I" . breathed Bonny
' oesly.
"Oh, sir, this is awful ! ' she cried,
looking up into Le Roy's white,
handsome face. "This poor child-aed
she is scarcely more than a child—
will not be able to undertake her
journey to-m.orrow, nor for many a
•toonorrow, I should say. A. doctor
must be sent for at once, sir. Poor
young thing 1 poor young thing 1
she should have been with her moth-
er, now. She is as beautiful as a
dreant, too, and not much older than
my Melly," she went on compassion-
ately, as she pushed back the long,
curling, golden hair from the lovely,
marble -white face. "Just lend a
hand, sir, and we will talat tetr
to the spare room on the next. floor.
Mee, yeu, Tom, you lazy fellow
run for Dr. Reynold; cut across lots
--tell him he's wanted here in. great
haste !"
Half an hour later the good old
doctor, Panting and blowMg, quite
out of breath, entered the room
said the doetor, approaching' the
Scarcely more than !a, child herself
pon t, telling him n.11. I swear to her with loving - words, but 13onny- -not yet eighteen -and having pass- CHAPTER XXXVII.
, .
You I shall keep the knowledge Oa tin clung to shim with frantic terror. band's arm. thrilled. her with terror.
ea through so much. Her life . had
those who are hunting you down - she cried, wildly, "or I tan toad' 011, face in bewildermenth neither he nor
Fenton looked at the lovely, white
and get the reward that is. offerea- _
"How X should like to capture her .
1:1711., ?auteallomoterlt!alleedr coy!. :ihnaccei The shdll, pi Ing cry of a little
ehild itartled Boonylin, alid raising
your presence here a secret. from "Let us fly before he recovers!"
fir on one condition, and one condition Le Roy, quick, qui* for the love of Le Roy had the slightest idea,' what a th_ousand dollars-sonte one wilthito ..
been a curse instead •of a blessing to her face from her hands, she saw
lucky enough to get it -how I wisn
Roo a wOman . holding an illy -clad infant
away with me quietly, and at once.
only, and that is: if you will go ' Heaven let us fly; we have not 'a
moment to. lose; soo, he is recovering she reforivd to. • .
They had entered a coach.. and had it was 11144 t" ,
. . -Le Rey. Like tee poet, Le
' might have said: • " iii her arms, had seated herself on
lf you wilt not comply with that," 40W." . given orders • to he driven to the • For • an instant the.. darkne .
he said slowly, his passionate eyes quiet hotel hi the auburbs, where death seemed. to tell upon poor Bon- • the other end of the•park bench.
devouring her fair loveliness as he Fenton had engaged a suit of tonna nYlin. -She • shook it off With A
kiio.w not.' X ask rhot if guilthoin What WAS there in that wailing
spoke, "I place the alternative bet I
......._ ,
thy heart, - cry that brought such a throb .to
CHAPTER XXXIV.. for them: mighty effort.
me I will tear you from Pierpont's ' Le Roy Plerpont drew Bonnylin's and reveal the startling news to her guilty after all," the responded
oh I only dared send for inothor, • "Perhaps that poor bride was net
I icnoW that 1 ' • It h. ' h •
thou art," '
love thee -whet ever .
• • denger-her tea ror-eand. sat g ing, ,
onuy in s , cart ? She. forgot. her
fore you. If you refuse to come with •
forced, half carried her MO an !ad-'. where Bonnylin lay. .. that Bonnylin lives 1" he sighed. • faintly, and straining. her oars to
• • • faseinaidi, spell -bound, at th wee
Bennylin •Ontied• the blhe silken • little -face, - crowned in .1-ings o yet- •
If you would exchange my love and jacent by-path that leci toward the. wilds is rny patient, 1 suppOse," "Matters ha.d better rest just. as catch the girl's answer.
., arms by proclaiming who you aro, hand hurriedly within his, and half
•FtkieenYtoarn.a for' t" presel'It'" advised - "Oh, there wee no doubt about her ..
"Shut up 1" inuttered the Woman.. '
whole and for what you are wanted. . lainbipaetylitlf:i•ibloinucnodniliz!g:tooldloienr cwuartlssi •tloorn hlaa,cite- telauott., peeped out from the
protection for a prison cell, so be villa,. said the doctor,. approaching • the guilt;" relined 'the girl, . conficienti.ty
- a Clair like spun 'gold!' that was
'N'sit there, Le toy !she, whisper-. handsome, "It was clearly proven at. the trot .. • in a mass of shilling gloomier •
the way those cruel papers described
It ." . But she . drew back hi sudden fright couch And ..glancitig curiously .at the' "Tbey will never be any. different
the long grasses with a cry so bitter ed in Moron "don't you know -they • young man who 'knelt beside it. '
.anxio,m3,. white-faced .until the rea m p Th
1 urderer of oor dia 11shehad' pot been gouty; why 4, 4..
me, she murmured PiteoUslY, adding arms are tit out wi holdin. • ye..
that it startkil even the singing . are eectin,g a party of Americans !Le RoY, bitterly. "Oh, Heavers, Fen- place?
Margi•ave is discoveredts returned shoulh, she . have fled in. the first . '
lionnylin fell upon her face amid '
them; we must not go back there.'. Roy aside. • - sort
I 'c'whon nafed,dtehdo dieeeaprer,anatdelyh,c.);otrhoisf ' 011, X don't' know --1. don't • know.
birds in the niece above her. at the villa? Ihe is probahly • anions . situation, 'when the doctor chlred' to
Ono moment sufficed to explaio the
son I must be more than 'cautious dawns, or ony
uocier her breath, hand for that reao Ill get rid o' yen•baenifootsonaolito tlirearndil day
cried, "you could not; T would not Of eat:to' Ba,sil Severna:had recog- - Ail night long the terrible •storin novo feeling . safe, is :_killing rec. . I
efore what . p,iss-slige _fled.1.414miurnitired Bon.nylin,
Why ein her i cold hands tighter
"You would not. be sit cruel!" she •. thet no one sees me Without iny tiark lhar---- Hush 1 screhni again and
, •
over nee !Deane eart, •
h .. pope head echod is A low, soft, 'tremulous voice inter -
she sunk back amino the white frill-. rooted .her.
ow her
would be a thousand times rnore have haPPened. '
• . thunder :rolled and forked lightning ' 'd. "Th itig reward has Got every
you," dedstred . the talkative
WO will •stay in item,. ,York. no longer ' tell . . .
angrily, "It's nothing but yell, yell,
yell, from marten' till night; ray
from Le Roy " sho moaned. "It would not ale trees rocked, deep muttering; happy, conteoted home reitiTY meant, • "She won't, go free long, X can-
l'il boat yei"
him, or this encounter
lite a single hour if you took me nized Bonnylin before she had seen inked outside the winds moaned. end never fully realized b a
merciful to kill me. I -I was so Le Roy. refrained
Yol nt, and you remember you Per- her mi. nutely
-about, seeing 'how
seeded me-foi.ced me against my
oun will into man•ying you. I was she was, • • '
s un I di /lot know -1 did not One0 Bonnylth
, o o g
from queetioning
to how it came
terribly agitated
had opened her
than we can possi y e p. e . ° ed . I I I heat you say your arms. .
entail ioterior town, where my poor one to watching for her -yes, somo
flashed. 'All 'night long Le Roy • •
few hays' rest, we shall go to sonte ,, closed, and, despite the terrible were tired ?" asked Donnylin, gra-
below, listening with bated breeth.to• ot will be lucky enotigh to get it.
sohfleietitcnits.! thr4oldulgclel:leeedp% she deel)Ped' Mild this baby fer you -to rest you a
PierPOnt paged the floor .of the roolii clously. "Would you allow me to
the doctor's heavy tread in the room ,Bonnylin can rec, ruit her Ocelot oho 'Would you -a, irdaitiphg girallettoy
r, her or paltry go crie onny- B
A strong inclination came to Le • I UlterWitrd a confused memory to hem "You could hold it and keep it if
abovn. loathe the hotise was the strength- ! on hooi.sely as she 1,,ia a trembling. . otv, ong onuylin slept was ever tittle ?"
, •
planation, but he had Checked her • • alwoys brings with it. .1 Roy to dieelose to Fenton what ei, "e w
, as. a ig t tap on the Oar,. yeti. like,
or . all I care." retorted •
Her words maddened hint, she saw • • condemn' her on what the papers •
had left on the other of the Wa-
b hand on the girl $ arm; will you
think." white lips to give some plausible ex- strengo'hush that. deugereus sickness• h
but Ooor •Boneylin was to too deep the woman. "hhe sniveling thing is
that, when it was too late, by the We will not talk :about it now. Midnight had struelt froth some • ••
iiery flashing of his hon•ible eyes. darling." said: "You ehall tell- for -off belfey-hne, two, three • teh 'Yet .he hesitated; he Could nOt
bring hiineelf to speak of 'T just • have • •111 P a Si eit to helix it. Her lips mates1 in the bane of my life 1"
siOlo • . •
"You are mine!" he cried, his me all about it some other time."' then the door suddenly *opened and a it for ' a .
. " declated the'
w ea d v jeal us, , woman,
"Poor •Iittle liaby, it is •too cold bound as she' received it in her arms,
voice loud with passion, "mine d •ous to the I
by Ho n r is o ery her horrible se- the doctor entered. . • . e • oniti ; they' are 1
. . , hionnelin's heart . ga-vb a great
.'ret had been for the second time; ', •Le Roy sprung forward with 'bated As the old' danger menaced them on and ditnip where , they havci• buried' and she could. not witbstarid, the"
sPared her," she told hereelf thank- the suspeithe and the feet wore. a:re obliged .to have retherse to. disheise .71x1..illtuil "i -e. a • ' bahl"
hearted daisies. 1 weep for you so' the lace.
the ' hillside, • beneeth the golden., to bend down end kiss the tiny lit -
and for the second time "Heaven had bzoath ; and :the aloofly to. his faxe,. thiS, side of the . teeter. they .were- • . you in our little, narrOw gi'ave on yearning impulse- that tiorupted her
Le Roy. could see that Bonhylin: ' "Voile patient, doctor," he whis.; ...again -the same .disguise which - had . • wo7ssei,11-11417-6
served them. eo. Well hefOre was .ousyi 1iIlay . r you Wollid under -
much; but Le*Roy. does not Istiow.". It nestled elose, in her • amp with a
Velotion to tbe doctor.pet he ' loiown a great, •
• . .
tvas quite right; it would be mad- pered hitarsely, !len me, is she lit'- d P t'the' k0edyi pangs of Joni- •
ness to return to the ville, for no ing-ore-or-O--" . • •. h ' •
ao,ohea enee osero. . . . st" what e" •!t. • ed B nnylin '
"It 4s •sci. held to always'. be in aro like, rc to n. o . ,
tiently. Bouninin was 'toe utterly Boenyliit's oyes. A strange. thought
The rap WAS repeated more impa, little soft coo • that brought tears to
dOubt Besil Severn° roode that tie - • •Xle stopped short as though the eth' -- '. -. sighed - •• --4 with piteous eitenestness. ."You lia.ve
out to heed it. - The: time it came to her that the little one she
. twhilesilto summon her to luncheon. had lost might have booked like this
*stopping place -indeed, the Village • terance of ;the fearful W 0 I'd. NVOlild . . tbet.wig of coal -black hair mote see. lead the stow and YOU cothiemn this'
There was no answei- • Th tinh reit if 't li d l' d
dismaiee ''' Ithenvitn drawing '
boaSted of no other hostelry, • . ...choke him. • ' - • . Ourehr: over bet, sunny curls. , il000mo bride,. thonish elm is. innocent -o
f.• the resit whrde that fell from
every right. Why, I would seem
kill you here and now, than allow
you 1 return. to tny rival!"
. "I will glee you just one chance
for your life," he said grimly. "If
you will come with me now, itt once,
and swear to me never again to lOok
upon the face ea Le Roy Pierp.ont,
you shall live. If not you sholl hie.
t -You are myi wife," be said, .. "Mind
I am asking no favor, simply . my
rights; will you come with -me �r
• •
As he spoke he drew her near. the
water's edge. • • -
A frightened scream broke from her
lip. •ci he mean it? Was She,
ose ung life had been so blame-
less, and who hod been so cruelly
persecuted by unkind fate, to die
such a cruel death? A secood bong,
wailing cry left her- lips and died
over the river.
"Tt is no dise crying," he said,
"there is no help near. I give you -
one moment to answer me-wilI •you
go with me or do you prefer death?".
Where was the young husband who
. would have given his strong right
arzn-ay, his very life, to hatve Bav.ed
"You shall not die alone, Bonny -
lin," he cried, "I will go down to
death with you!"
„I -To drew. her to. the water's edge -
nearer -nearer -close to the brink of
It. How the waters of the swift i i •
ier off. ., • . young mati who• was bending', over -
over. the sharp rocks lyihg in its bed
If they could but reach the •sen,- That depends. open- -which 'she : ' -w° majr possibly soy. here a week 4, t , . of death 'reigned tvithin •and s 'la it our ehld ?" laid B
• " • ' - h `I* lips when Oz by jealousy that . • e silence . e .1, it ive .
as t .1 as onny- t•
-2_ * •
or so,". Le Roy had whispered to fatal night. . . berme, the Maid turned the knob and lin, and somehow the voy. idea, of '
port from which theie steamer sailed you meare't returad the cheery, 'in.Y girl, 'entered the room.. - such e possibility wet repugnant .to •
It wa.s almost seven Miles; no con- i hate a beautiful little daughter; but '. thentInto the aptahretmbellen-tbsosyetasahperaVt ' "Ii Yeu : ware a urfcle'
tould you stand quietly by and see _She advanced but a single • stop, . • her. . 1, ' . • •
on the morrow, all 'would be. wen. goodoiatuted .doctor, 'smilingly; you BininhIflir as
you. thoroughly, darling. 1 will join tend th,e . idol ot your heart- c asp•
- “Lcuig enough to rest your handsome young husband -rho
Spot. Her eyes .hild. fallen upon the • man.: "the Lord knows who it be-
aten stood still us if rooted to the "Mercy, no I" retuioted tlifs WO-,
vetrance could lui obtained, and Bon- she is so frail 1 could almost predict for theM•
nylin Was certainly. unable to walk . for her that. she 'would not live the • white face • and -golden. hair* that fell Ion "t '
bongs to -I in sure h don . It s a
• I' entoif down in the Oilice dear if dose in his arms a lovely girl whom
• • •
• .
there, despite her persistency that I month out; the young mother is do- .. about it in beautiful - abandon. Then •
she Could. • • • , • .' oing well, she had been under opiates you • think You can sPe.re me for hell , he had loved in former days tvi ..
they Were obliged to 'undertake jt— has transtired; As • your wife is the traips leave far different. parts; "Could YOU free his ti about her
busy! •
Still, this was their last hope and i for hours. She doee not know What an hoar or so. l•muet find out when ,out ene throb • Of jeal
the disguise of dark, silken tresses -
her gete, fell of horror, traveled to
it is always well enough to ' know • -.--her fluehed feee raised lovingly: to lying on the bed • beeitte poor '13onny-..
.taking long rests liey the wayside struggling to overtone, a severe '
They bad toliewed. the path that fever sthe exposure, to the ram may such hhetters." • • his -hove gitinees hi their eyeso-with Ito,. : - :. •
For one fatal inoixthot •in • 6'iia' ii..;..
led, as Le laasY ishPlioseil, across the have brought On. X • should suggest "Ytahare right,. derirah• :said. s'Beire. • a sinile on your lips as you gaziiii Eit
her, -white arms , them? , ,. -. '; .. • • lends the girl MAO; and like a flasli
countiy, but as they Mined . on -hour that the child be given out. . to • h „ hYliont clasping '
But don't be gene id not do the truth : came, to het -she ondeit,
"1-teuill he back within an hour
_. ' . it. Your throbbing heatt would slow- stood, all.
no. yoi. cou
after .hoer -each step iieemed to lead cemhetent nurse: there lit such a, one a, r°,„,undir 11111,1' "Oh, no, no; 4 1
them still further :into the heort. of M the neighborhood. • It cannot. h'itht' - athaYs Ini" Y°11.."
1.11.8 pineswood through which they done too • soon.'' • . , nr. break. in your breast; the quick, ' Thee followed a shrill, Pierolag .
wee° traversing : • • "Lot the woinan be sent' for by •all irs i Fe
br g rig . . nton . with -me... 1 You warm blood turn te 'ice in' . your screhnt that brought Botinylin to her •
must. not feel lonely; lie down. and -veins, Mid the prayer on your bpi feet in a bound . A .streain. that • "A week aftee, they•left, my sister
The. desk of a moonless night was means i". exclairhed Le Roy. No ex- taw to rest; or read this Morning's would he -to the and end it all; The echoed! clear and distinct throughout met with. an accident, front the re!!!
closing inaboutthem which • would hens° must he spined. X am it
Tribene, which X %Oise just bought, eult Of which :she died, and •the care.
frenty and despair of outraged love the house. - . , . ., •
wouia delve you mad!. Eitero .- wo-
man's heart -:who hihoknown . Ono
thresh of love's fierce, uncon•querahle
ithatie, cohnot help but hent with
pity for that poor motherless bride.
Women will understand; Oh, they will
Lnow und pity'herl"
foundling. • It's-. httle more than... a
.month oith but boa hall quite ark 4-,
Perience so far. It was born In Eng -
It. was left with niir sister to. .
• nurse, and its parents suddenly de-
serted- it, going a.wity, 'no one knows •
where. They left a • puisse* el money
• with my sister, but no address.; she
did not even know theit Mime. But, .
as they were, Anaericiois,. we suppos-
ed. they dime ever. here. . .
obsctire the path; and to make the wealthy man, doctor; let everything
'matter all the 'worse, a VS*. rain for the congOrt of my wife and child
drops, presaging a coming sterol., be done.h
pattered down on the sighing -trees An hoer laMr the ntrse, *Ruth Bin -
above their heads. ' ton, wat just leaving the cottage
For the last hi:me Bonnylin had with the infant in her arms. I
clung to Le Roy piteously, inquiring '`Let me give you it piece of ad -
the seaport wilage were much fur- 0,s, Sea Q hands
hurrying 1-iver Nahirled and dashed •
She vi.as so weakt-oh, so weak! and kissing repeatedly. the- tiny WaX-
-those cruel, ja.gged rocks upon
e suppor e - a. ea ng a car- ft Like one stricken blind Bonnylin
and have net had time to book over
yet," and as he spoke he placed' the
paper on the table. • •
"qt. you oio lie hewn, he. sure and
fasten the door sedately, my derolag,
to keep out prying chamber -mode,"
he added, lightly kissing the tore:mud
mouth, and unclasping the clinging
arms from his neck.
"You ivill not b o e lon toe
Frozen with horror too pitiful to of . this little nuisance fell upon Me.
,be-•deseritied by words, Bonnylin get-, 1 (same. over Isere with it to eee. if I
,ed at the girl who held her •verir life could •hunt its parents up; . but,
in het . biteds-terrified., • fashinatecl, pshate 1 I might as weil look for
etweehlesti . • • " . neediet in a hay-steck. • •
. . . .
" ' `, • -"But; tha'n't 'be bothered vii(h 4i
• ,
• .
• • Pointing to• thealong, dark treseet •
.••• To be -centiritied.) • '
stemige 'burst of pathetie Who. Oats:. lay upon • floe:bah the.. gin .
. .
which he would fling her, and which n vain he strove to cheer her, as en face of the child. "If she calls stat.inirer .stattled the maid tike
uence froin the 'beautiful yonne shrieked shrilly : .
I pnioesvrpoynotu how 1 you ere Binr.
h t cl If I di h lf for the little one, inake some excuse, • • „ • eicchic snoce. .
Rot 9" she asked aegagin Afoul ttoghie, nynin
meant instantaneous death. rying--her along, caressing alai us -
"Le Roy," she moaned, "save me! ing every endearing terra he . could
oh, Clod! send mo help! Help! heith" 1, think of th comfort her. •
she shrieked frantically. 1 . "I can go no further, darlingl
Basil Severne's fiendish laugh an- she gasped. "Oh, let me lie 'down
swered her. I hero and diet ()h, Le, Royo X cannot
"Have I not told you no help Lathe another step!"
was near?" Ito said, mockingly. "You Long since' the ram had coihMenc-
siinply waste your breath. You are di to pour in torrents from the -ink -
mine, and here, on the brink of
that sho might be led to believe it
did uot live; then sile wili not call
for it again. or mourn after it. Xf
it was g into hr arms or
good Month, it would catch the fev-
er, sir, end it would be fatal to so
young a chitd. Have no Mar that I
will not perform my duty to this
little babe, sir," she continued, "if
i e ans ere .
' Left to herself, Bennyllit turned to hOrig could °almost fancy, to bear , .
ous of your yomig husband," laugh-. st°c'dr
groped her way to where the girl
and flung :herself wildly on
the window: to watch the throngs of you telk, Metato, that ;you wele jeale
Tiede:it-rafts that surged to and fro • • her knees .before her:
, on the streets below. Sochi • tieing ed the girl .. •
of:this, ' She picked up the.Paper Le The timely words recalled Donnylin
Roy had tossed • On the •table... ,to her senseS.. In the great excite-
; Donnyliti glanced over the iirst went Of the moment she luta foroot-
Page carelessly enotigh, Untied it, •ten priadence-eforgotten /.0 Roy'a.
I t b s on her tatted.
d her e over -the 'second warn ng o e iiy Ir
you leave it with ine, It is so like an ran ;
1 At the einninencement of the stormi my own, little one thot I' lost, X , column on di° next. . • Great Moven! did :this girl nfis-
black sky. '
death, I shall claim, the privilege
d. then she
that 1 never claimed even when I
he bad torn off•his that, and wrap. could loVe it for that and nothing 1 °fie moment she gime , trust her? •
tentions he had seized her in his her throbbing heart. CHAXTER XXXV1.
will act upon your ,advice," rot I her ice-cold hands conyuleively over .
These were the fatal tvords that No *tender it. thrill of terrible fear
distance heacon-light; but Bonny- °..f bank -notes into the wcnilan'S
sionate kisses fell upon her cheek' litt moaned out that she could never ham'. "Take care of my child and caught her a or shot through Bonnylin's heart -the
ttention rind held
brow, and her dleheveled golden reach It, and pleaded with inin to you shall net er Mgret it." • spelthound • • ' girl ivas gazing at her steadily!
A.nd before she could divine his in- ped it about poor, hapless ' Bonny- °Ise' • fairly gasped for breath. elutching
strong arms, and his desperate, pas- At length he jelyfully beheld in the tilled Le Roy, pressing a purse full
stood at the altar with you."
go on by himself, and •to • Itty het ' The plan was highly approVed of
' h "lthe'Boston sensation which trans- . ",`:-.I.tfrely you Would' not deliver
Iiired a feW niOnths since, intolvieg that poor, hunted creature intol the
deter' ho the roahside to die: by the . inothe•rly woman • beneath '
i the bride oft the young naillionaire, hands of her enemies if she should
"You 'are not going to did, holey- whose roof ..13ohnylin found shlater,
We must ' deny • the child to • the • Le Roy Pinhont, ending- in the re-
ed; you are only nervous -exhausted. - chance to ci.ota your path t" Mur
I will cant, you the rest !Of the way, • young mother at any cost," she de- i lease by death of the lornier, which inured Bonnylin, excitedly.
eto . for it, •we toilet use 'Ruth Burton s ' ,
me seenth to 'havo. resoperied tvith "X am poor! A.• thousand dollars
woilld be it tereible tempta,tion, which
dear." - • • cided; " and -to prevent her pleadine• 1 we chronicled in this. paper at the .
Oh I. t hi • d e t 1 ' ,e' I ti
bing out how well she loved him, ruse. When she recovers, and finds l' .
• • . I could not resist possessing if I to spare me t" •
1. nimate " , . .
that she whs. dying, but that he that It lives lir Joy will knoW no •,. The girl- recoiled from. her in hor-
must not forget herhe Meat aherays bounds, and , type -written letter was mailed from . "And for that pitiful sum you ,ror, and flung the clinging 'White
; . 'ht athat an anonyinotis could!retained the gilt
Joy never kills." honidon to the Boston eethoilties, would . sell it young life?" deinended . hands from her as, though they has)
hemember, too, that though she • It woo fully. a iitOnth .before Boo -
love of Women she had not through ing that month, a strangel thought tea 'arid his young wife. lionnylin- 4 ill 1 oidoa
Boentlin-"You so tender of hearth'. been sccapiene. ,
t somebody else would!" "Share you? " she tried. • "Yolk".
loved him with S. WWI SIWPASSilig the nylin Was able to be about t and duro • informiug them that Le Roy Pier-.
jealousy • coriiinitted ' the piteous had eame to I.,e Ray, as he listened whom eveitr one believed bed cheat- retorted the maid. "But; -dear . niel who have been guilty of such a wick -
crime for whichthey Were hunting to her -piteous pleadings .to be taken ed justice . by citing so suddenly- what's the use of speculating about ed deed. Ah, no. The spirit of that
guilty! • . shed a• few bitter, yearning, passioti-
across the water at once. She had were positively seen and ideot
the writer while traveling through . likehr to cross nit Pathl I only I did. You deserve no pity. A
lima itto such an impossibility? Sloe's not poor murdered girl would haunt me if
- her 'down. No, not She was not
"My •dirling, yrni hain, me to the ate teare for the little one whose Euittim.. ' , • Wish .she woeldf" heart for a heart, is the dry of the
heart to hear you recall those old lace she never remembered having ?For a time he had lost trace of The girl wondered why the lovely people, and a, life for a life,"
harrowing scenes," he said; and seen; then she bravely tried to for- them; but had tracked then itt last1 youtig stronger grew so pale, and She stood between Bonnylin and the
teats that were no disgrace to his get. If there were hours she speni\ to a small seaeport town, where they why she clutched so Convulsively at door; escape was irdpoasible ; this
Manhood coursed down his oheelcs. "I in tears and sighs, Le Roy never had engaged passage for New York, her fair white throaa• as if to ward lionnylin realized at it glance. .
believe, as I always have, in you en- knew it. With a shrill, pieecing cry, that
and had. sailed the clay predous. off sotne blow.
tire innocence, .rny darling wife; and She was t till weak as it delicate "The wilter advised the author- Bormyliii skid no. More, •but turned rung in Xionnylin's brain forayer. at -
1 .
ati X- shall alwaYa limit' believe to, flower, too weak altogether for the itles, if they doubted his statement, to the Windowwith a quiveeing sighterward, and made her almost faint
the did of my life," ewe of a child. And the thought to have the coffin supposed to con- . if the girl. should suspect the truthl • with horror as•she lived over again
There was a slight tightening of tame to Le Roy, Whynot take BOA- tain the remaine of the lady. exhuns- , The very wind among the Waving that atilul scene the girl flung open
the &ems that Were clasped abcitit nylin book v,eith .him., and leave the hid end examine the centents of tho trees, and the crinason-hearted lute- the door, ejaculaling shrilly :
his beck, which howed him she had .child. here ? llonnylin Would never - same- Sion rotes nodding against the case- "Help, help, help I"
heard him, The next instant the know; lie Would lira:Side for it hand- 'Vida suggestion had been Corn- anent seenied to muriout: "We 'know Answering cries, ad the sound of
golden head tell back On his breast, fuoiraly. Ah, yes '1 that would be plied with Without delay, and the ' you; you are hapless, persecuted Don- hurrying feet tell upon Bonnylitee
told he knew that her senses Were bdAt' startling disclosure brought to and,
nylin 1.0 • sharpened ear.
. locked in a. death -like Swoon. Let it not be understood that Le -Unit it did not contain the body, It almost seemed to Donnylin that A ouick, sudden thought Came to
In all the yeere of hisofter-lifehe rtcY did not 10Ve beautiful Benny-
Instead, it had been eonsigeed to the • if the girl listened she mist • surely her -it thought born of desperation.
. .
tiever forgot the half hour that foie lin's babe, for he did. But under earth, heatily weighted with stone. hone the, terrible secret they boldly Seizing the girl with superhuman
"In a, flash the dientayed Oficials whit:pored. strength, Ithenylin flung her aside,
through the tangled briars of the which the searler is guile familiar, he her life -oh, and dashed past her, taking the Pre-
loWeci-hew he pushed 'his way the existing circumstances, with saw how they had been cleverly dip- , hihe woold have given
deep wOod the rain*pouring in tor- decided thitt it wits best' that the ed. While in their custody the fair
prisoner had been tieugged by her so gle.dlyl-if that horrible flight of • caution, hbwover, to snatch her hat,
the rand bail could hove bcon lived Wrap, and the cleric, disguising hair, -
But help was near; there were
sounds of quick, hurried footsteps in
the underbrush. A young man who•
hail been sauntering out for a mo -
Ing walk, and thoughtfully smoki
his cigar, heard those piaci
'shrieks, each one of which wet t
through his heart like -a dagger's
thrust -for It wait Le Roy -arid• he
re a ognized Bonnylin's voice.
How he reached the scene he could
never after fuily remember, and. the
sight that inet his gaze froze the
blood in his veins
With flying leaps he gained the
spot, and • in the very nick of time,
for at that instant the would-be inure
derer had clasped his half-faihting
ticilm in his arms to take the fatal -
leap. • .
With strength born of the madnese
of desperation, Le Tioy hurled them
back from the brink of the river and
tore Bonnylin front the arms that do
circled her, and she fell back faint-
ing in the long grass.
"You," cried Basil Sevorne. "Xt its
you again uho has dared to Como
between us?" he cried, with a fierce,
horrible imprecation. "Yoe : BMW
have the fate that writ to be Meted
out to her, and than she iihitli he
' mine. Do you hear? -site shrill be
Le Roy Pierpotit knew the value
of wasting no strength or breath in
useless tvords. .
Then followed the Most tiespernte
struggle for life or deoth that the
wilder' sunshine .eter Mil upon. /loth
had had the adeantitge of seientific
t i i in the art Of seltedefence,
lid note each Made the itioet of his
- .
' bwledge. The blows on each side
31 1 like hail. It weld not last much
/Igo,- this horrible' struggle tor life
,..: r" death.
* - In the Midst et it Tionnylin's senses
' returned. As her eyee opened, they
k fell with a. horrible- terror" words eau
• never destribe, upon the awful
hltave mercy 1"* she gimped, cling-
ing hat the girl's hands in the nead-
dest terror. "Oli, for the lova of the
angels, show me mercy, or,1 will die
at your feet 1" • •
A more piMout sight could never •
have been imagined. than that upon
which the golden -sunlight. fell. .
"I know you now 1". repeated the
girl, in it shrill, terrible Yoke. "You
are the Ono for whom the reWardhais
been offered. Yoe are Bonnylio Pier -
'mercy !" she gasped again. ,
Bonnylin reisecl her Oda Wee
eyes, with, it world of misery in them"
to the girl's face,
"You are a young girl like myself !
My very life is, in your deor hands.
Oh, for the• late of God --.the peace
of a, Mullen soul, X plead with you
route, beetitiful, hapless )3onnylin ly- ebild' should remain whet.e it was, p g ivhich she donned with breathiest
friends -who. liod gained an erarance . ova. again!
illg fl "ill weight In his arms. until -the horrible cloud that shad- 4. .,,,,,,,
As Le lloy approached the beacon- vateeieus •roanner-into it When hionnylin turned aresind elle haste, -
. ()Wed its poor young mother's fut re - —0 In -
light,, he saw that he was rapidlY should be lifted. Theyr might be trance so deep that, it had been de- fnund herself alone; the girl had left Itee the girl, had re.gained het Mot
tided by the medical experts to be the roots, midi to relief. Theo and reached the door, Borinylitt was
death, and as they had no ataltoritO followed the Most piteous mistake of deem the spiral stairwag, and had
to withhold the body from the ' be- lionnylin's life -she forgot to cress fled out into the area among tha
reaved young htisband; it had been the room and leek the deer likfter the surging throng,
neariog a habitation. A moment ie.:outdate for years. It might be
more and he was ktocking hurriedly fatal to be hampered with the eldld.
A comely farrner's wife, With a Ititteler lintilratkolitilgto uwnittihl
for admission.
buxom young daughter.staring curl- he Should come for it, and providing
ously ovet her shoulder, opened the her plentifully with money, he mid-
- door, • doily took lionnylin away. No one
"tiers-WM sate Molly 1" elm know from Whence the km:48mm
cried aglutet, at the strange speetaels couple had ebine, no- one knew where
that met he view. they went.
ecenei, -,...;.1.11,11-Ar.VILA,St•te_lle frighten* Poor Ponitylitt went oit board the
• .
On 'and OA, bike a storm -driven
given over into his keeping.
"The coffin, oupposed to contain
"Wile there oter e young giel with swallow, lionnylin sped along, little
she eeeko»ing which way she went, her
the body, had been. buried,. sorrowed finch a stralote fate as minor •
-over by A greet concouree of people., humoured brokenly, "Ari 011 genius Selo thought being' -to put as much
who had followed it to the grave, has followed me and Minted inc down space as possible between the toe and
*Meanwhile, young Plerpont's bride -one aecursed; but thrmigh, it all herself.
had hear been quietly reitOved alive sald uoy line been tr„e to pla If his Pvery moment she expected to
Well tO Murope, Where her husband the ery from lip to lip, "tionnylin
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