HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-05-08, Page 8PAGE 8—THE BLYTH b'TANDARI —May 8, 1930 Blyth School Report MARCH & APRIL REPORT Room 1 Blyth Public School Jr, II Glenn Gibson Sam Thuell Luella Taylor Harvey Garniss Jean Irairservice 87 Jack Potter 03 Bernice Anderson 81 Florence Dexter .................... 77 Anna Munro 70 George Haggitt ..,. 60 A Carman Morritt 78 Arnold Glousher 70 13 Janet Hamm .... 9 Doris Moody 9 Maureen Morritt 8 Mildred Dexter Jack McElroy. 71 Billie Bowes 6 Ruth Thuell 6 85 72 60 60 1st F. 13, R. Barnby. Examined in Hygiene, Writing, Arithmet- ic, Spelling, Composition and History. Honours 75, Pass 60. Jr. III Ross Thuell 91 Billie Riehl ....... 90 Everett Scrimgouer 87 Cecil Thompson 84 Ray Dobbyn .... 80 Walter Bentley 76 Irene Cole 75 Henry Young. 74 Ian Haggitt 73 Helen Shaw 68 Tom Haggitt 54 Sr, 1I Bertram Elliott . 86 Ruth Hilborn 85 Freeman • Tunney 84 Scott Fairservtce 80 Gordon Craig .. 73 Stewart Johnston 59 Tom Cole 52 Jr. 11 Wilma Watson 84 Layton Bray ...... 83 Margaret Scrimgeour %17 Eileen Robinson 76 Dorothy Ament 76 Murray Johnston 76 Andrew Sloan 70 R. McNair, NuItett. Tha following is the report of S. S, No. 8, Nullett, for April. Sr. IV Lizzie Webster 78 Robt, Lyon 77 Lorne Honking 72 Jr. IV Clara Hunking .. 89 Milton Little 82 Lloyd Longme n, .. 60 Sr, 11I Fern Watson 95 Irene Fothergill 87 Edwin Fothergill 78 Lillian Bromley 74 Jr. III Gladys Webster 93 Marion Hunking 89 Wallace Riley 85 Pearl Griffiths 82 Bruce Riley 79 Sr. II Fern Hunking 70 Margaret Fothetgill 70 Jr. 1I Charlie Bromley 60 Se. 1—Hazel linking, Clifford Sundet - cock. Ellis Elsley, Sr. Primer—Dorothy Griffith Katie, leen Elsley. Jr. Primer—Jack Webster. • Ida M. Stalker, teacher. While fishing on Saturday, Harvey Gar• nils had the pleasant experience of catch- ing a speckled trout which measur. d 13e inches and weighed over a pound. Har- vey is a real Isack Walton and knows where to find the good ones. The Arthur Circle, Goderich, will pre - Fent the new play "Tons of Money," in Memorial Hall, Blyth, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Old St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, on tee evening of Tuesday, May 20. These artiste need no introduction to Blyth as they are well and favorably known here. Watch for fuller particulars next issue. Secretary Metcalf of Blyth Harticultuc- al Society had some busy days Iasi week distributing the roots and bulbs to the various members and to those w ho order• ed their supply through the society. The range ordered by the society this year was quite extensive and is evidence that the people of the community are employing more time each year in an endeavor to beautify their residential surroundings. At a meeting of Blyth Public Library Board held on Friday evening, Rev. E. L Anderson and Rev. L, V. Pocock were added as members of the Board in the place of Rev. Dr. Barnby and the lat late Rev. A. Shore. J. H. R. Elliott was ap- pointed Secretary -treasurer and librarian in the place of thelate L. J. Williams and the library books have been moved to the Standard Book & Stationery Store and are being put in order for the use of the subscribers. The new librarian hopes to be able to afford the same courteous ser • vice as bas always characterized the atten- tion given by the late lamented librarian, rrrr■rrrrr■rttoinnIIllrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrmIlrrrr ursamirrrrrrallrrrl'i�rrrrrrrrrrrrrs: FASHIONABLE SILKSla ■ ■ That will be seen through Spring and Summer. Again we have received a shipment of new silks in the latest colour- ings and patterns that you can secure, in both printed and plain material. Come in and see these beautiful silks PRINTED CHIFFONS These gay. splashy chiffons that we are showing may be had in bright art pastel colourings, very fashionable for spring and summer. These Chiffons are on display in our windows and on our counters. Special price while 'on display at $1.35 MAKE MOTHER HAPPY? See mother smile when you hand her a pretty .flower for her coat or dress or a beautiful silk scarf on `'Mother's Day," May 11, See our assortment of flowers and scarfs at very reason- able prices. MEN'S NECKWEAR Your supply of ties will need replen- ishment. Check them up today; but before buying, don't fail to see the wide assortment we are showing in every variety of pattern and color. FLOWERED VOILES Very prettily flowered voiles in the newest shades. When you consider the quality of these voiles they are quite cheap at this special price per yard 49c • LADIES' LINGERIE COLLAR r & CUFF SETS Pretty Lingerie Collar and Cuff sets m Organdie Linen and Ecru add a touch of feminity to your appearance by wearing these dainty collar and sets. Price 39c to 85 c ALL -WOOL SWEATERS Boys! Now is the time for a new wool sweater. We have some very new sweaters in the newest colors and weight in pull -over and coat style. Come and make your choice. KAISER SILK HOSIERY in the new spring shades. Special price per pair $1.35 l..ees..weHws.N.Met...o.NNNwege.N.rws..e...,spIH.111N1HN.e 1NMNMIoe.,.N...•.N...Mal.w,,fl,,.Meeee,ON,..Moe.leeN...N THE STORE WITH THE NEW STOCK CONGOLEUM RUGS For one more week we have a special price on all rugs and linoleum by the yard. '1'1115 STORE MAT RETS TITE PACE. ZPJ BEEE "Service with n Smile" BLYTH, ONT. Rubbers Goods Rubbers, Rubber boots and running 1 shoes. Specials for one more week only. 11111■rorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr>orrrrrrr11rrrrrrrrr11rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr1rah1rrrrrrt1rrrrr PHONE 38 and have wagon call for a loaf of our Delicious Bread, Buns, Cakes, Pastries. A choice assort- ment of Confectionery, Ice Cream and Bricks Always On Hand FRUIT CAKE and WEDDING CAKES Made to Order F J HOLLYMAN '1'1IONl. 38 13LYTIL - ONTAle10 DOUGLAS D. MAJOR, L. V. C, M. Organist, Choirmaster Knox Church, Goderich Supervisor Music Public Schools, (Certified,) Teacher of Piano, Voice, Organ and Theory. A few vacancies for pupils Apply swine), Mrs. Poplestone, Phone 80, Dinsley St., Blyth NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The municipal council of the Township of Morris are asking for tenders to work the crusher, furnish the necessary power and the cartage to deliver the crushed material. the tender to be so much per yet delivered on the west end of con, 7. the longest hall 3i miles from the pit and crusher. The contractor to furnish every thing necessary to deliver the crushed ma- terial. To give a good -faith bond of 10 per cent. of estimate of contract and to be responsible for 25 of breakage in crusher. For further particulars apply to the road superintendent or the clerk. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The tenders will be opened at the Town- ship Hall on Monday, May 26, 1030, at 3 P. m. A MacEwen, Clerk of Morris CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Williams and Pearl wish to public ly thank the many friends who so kindly helped to lighten their sorrow at the time of L. J. Williams' death and also for the beautiful floral tributes sent, PASTURE LAND TO RENT — 100 ems of grass, spring creek and lots of shade Lot 29, con, 4, East Wawanosh.,' Take in or will rent whole, Nathaniel Johnston, x + f + 11- rare+f+ar+4-r 4- SPRINGi. 4 SHOES , We carry a complete stock of all the latest and up-to-date styles in SHOES Some special values in solid leather shoes that are extra good. Clothing See our large range of SUITINGS to choose from See our NEW CAPS AND TIES JAS. DODDS BLYTH -- ONTARIO ++ ++++++++++++++++++44++•4++++++++++++++++++++4++++ TO THE PUBLIC: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++44+++++++++4 The undersigned desire to advise the public that they have taken the agency for INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. and have on hand a complete line of farm implements, also a full line of repairs. O).ir garage is equipped with the prop- er facilities to turn out _work of the best order with dispatch, Gasoline, Oils and Auto Repairs on Hand. Hamilton & Dougherty Blyth, Ont. + ••• • i -+44+++++++++++++++4++++i'•1 FOR SALE—Raymond Sewing'Mach- ine in first-class order. Apply at The Standard, FOR SALE — Buckeye incubator, in good conditjpn ccogdcity 220 eels. Ap- ply to Mrs. P. Warner. Phone 18.7, FOR SALE—Gasoline operated slush pump and 20 feet of hose. Apply at The Standard. 1?QR SALG71✓ggs for hatching, from pure ered'Vtiite"'Leghorn hens. Apply to Mrs. Chris Rogerson. * * MEN * 4 DON'T MISS THIS * * 4 ,* BIG EVENT! *.* * . Here is something you cannot onchoice of fabrics and en styles 'Atli May to missl On Wednesday. This is an exceptional oppor- May 141h, Mr, A. Z, Garner, tunity for every man in this corn 'Xi` head office representatve of 'i'ip munity to secure extraordinary ,'i Top Tailors. Limited, will be at high quality, personal service ate vl' our store and will personally along with the great value which measure ever orae ing man g a Tip Top Clothes oi• et at all V suit or topcoat that day. He times. will also give you expert advice fit. Have your Spring suit or coat tail- ored to your individual . measure Ai for only $24.00! az. ** * Wonde"ful Value! Wonderful Service! * Mere than two million Canadian men F have worn Tip Top Clothes, At one price, $24 Inc any suit, coat or tuxedo. tailored One �!� 1to your individual meifeure, they represent t the finest clothing value for your money you can secure anywhere. Price' Fine, all wool materials from the largest mills in the British Empire—Choice of 04 over !three hundred 'fabrics—Designing 24 and atylilig by master crafternen--i,igh grade tailoring—an an absolute guarantee 'i One day Only Wed- nes- day, May 14th. Re- mem- ber the date --Tip Top 'Clothes offer you alt these things, To ure Our new Spring line which we are now showing includes all the new light shades and patterns for Spring and Summer wear in both suits and topcoats. Make it a point to be hereon May 14th and order the new clothes you will need, It will pay you, both in money and satisfaction, M eas- Store Open All Day And Evening. POPLESTONE STORE McKINNON'S OLD STAND 1313711a, Oii.-tario **** F******„rE ************* + +TRY € 1J} + + NEW SUN WHEAT HEALTH + + BISCUIT + + Ask Your Doctor + + Malted Graham Wafers, pkg 10c + vi 2 Cans Sliced Pineapple 35c + +2 Cans Campbell's T'm'to Soup 25c f Orange Marmalade4., (a bargain) 20c ,l„ Figs 2 lbs . 25c „l, + Nu -Jell All Flavors + Head Lettuce + 4. Seedless Grape -Fruit. 4' Ice Cream Bricks + 4" — — + 4 GOODS DELIVERED + i* W. JAS. SIMS, .l' $ rl. 4+ .l„ BLYTif, ONi; 'PHONE 14 +++++++++ ++ ++46 ff+fi ++' .' l'�„ romieumsmonmaiwiftwormizarmaramiwiressiggiams�"'a►• F'r'o®r CcD rerirags Now is the time you are needing some new Floor Coverings. Please do not forget to call and inspect our large new stock of these goods Newest patterns in Congoleum, Linoleum and Oilcloth Rugs or by the yard. A wide range of choice new designs in Wilton, Axminster, Brussels and Tapestry Squares in all popular lines as low prices. A complete stock of Window Shades, Curtain Rods, Floor Wax, Varnish, Furniture and Auto Polish, Room Mouldings, Etc. Rent our Electric Floor Polisher. Sr 4 L4LIE ¥P13E, 40,N911. 41111, a vyen . .•rrrrressirrAl. - i 1