HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-08-21, Page 7Autfust, 21st .1902 1 I , heMoisons Bank Directory. Ineorporatal ly - Act of rarlianient, la5a. Capital $2,54ao,000 2,159,00Q HEAD OFFICE a -MONTR.EAL. Z. Molsoli Macpherson,. PreSident. rites• Elliot, Oeneral a/onager. tea, discounted. Collections mede, Drafts tsSued, Sterling mid Amer, lean Exclionge bought end Sold. tarestaillowed on depoSita. SAVINGS BANK Ittsest allowed on seals of $1 0,114 FAR1ViERS, Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more en- dorsers. No mortgage rettuired as agettrity, H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton. • go D. McTaggart General Banking Business transact- ed. Notes discounted. Drafts isseed. Interest allowed on de- posits. • Albert street - - Clinton. corr, BARRISTE,R, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to loan. :Office -Elliott Mock - - Clinton. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Notary, Public, Etc. Office -Beaver Block - - - Clinton. RIDOUT & HALE, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Real Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to loan. C. B. HALE JOHN RIDOUT DR. W. GUNN, R. C. 1'. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh:I Night calls at iron door of residence on Rattenbury street, opposite l'reshyterian church, Office -Ontario street - - Clinton. ' DR. SHAW, . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office -Ontario street - Clinton, Opposite St. Paul's church. DR.. C. W. THOMPSON 411-1YSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention given to diseases ol the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 011iee and Residence - Albert street East, Clinton. North of Rattenbnry street. AGNEW, DENTIST. ill be at Baylield every Wednesday afternoon. Rice- Acijoining Henry's Photo Gallery, Clinton. DR. G. E'RNEST HOLMES, Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. D. D. S. -Graduate of the Ito'yel Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontar- io. • L. D. S. -First class honor graduate - of Dental Department of Toronto University, Special attention paid to preservetion of children's teeth. : Will be at the River. Hotel, .Bayfield, every Monday from io a. in. to 6 P. DR J. FREEAIAN, VETERINARY SURGEON. • A memuer ol the Veterinary Medical Associations of London and Edin- burgh and Graduate of tlie Ontar- io Veterinary College. Office -Ontario street - - Clinton Opposite St. Paul's church. • Phone 97. DR. BALI, VETERINARY SURGEON, Gpv- ERNIVIEN T ETh.RINARY IN- SPECTOR. , Office -Isaac street - - - Clinton Residence -Albert street - Clinton. THOS. BROWN, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales conducted in all parts of the counties of Huron and Perth. Or- ders left at The News-Reeord, •of- fice, Clinton, or addressed to, Sea - forth la 0. will receive :prompt attention. Satisfection guaran- teed or no charges. Your pat- ronage solicited. LIPPINCOTT' MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY L1011ARY • The Best in Current Literature 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY • MANY SHORT; STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 PER TEAR ; 2S Ore. A cOtivc NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERT NUMBER COMPLETE IN MEM? aiaa4 DO Ya/aRa' EXPERIENCE TntiSgifir COPYRIGHTS &e. .14.4ene Eftdfne Meath aztutelainerikg qnJOtertratielete ne tiostrieuy confidential. intetteimatin Patent* sOnt free. Olden egoneator seserinapittenta Ententt taken tnrounn munit & co. rooms vetted notice, without charge, in the A handsomely Illusirated wonk1r. idureent oth corintion of tiny Retention Journal, Terms, b earl fott montia,51. Soia 51511 new/Monte* rv1UN & ?" COt"itt*Y' New Yvx luth:1449#40. tal «ate itaislitatterab, • CIANTON. 'Wesley Churelt-Sunday services at a. m. and. 7 p. Sunday school At 2.30 p. pa. Ge0. A. Rorke, Sun- day school: superintendent ; Sibley, • choir leader ; Miss Hattie Combo, or- ganist ; Rev. II. Maiming, pastor. (Mt. St. Church-Sunuay services at II a. tn. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 2.80 p. m. Jacob Taylor, Sundaty school superintendent ; J Gibbings, choir leader ; Vass Azle Gibbings, organist ; Rev. Dr. Gifford, Pastor. Pani's Church-Suuclay services at IX a„ rn. and 7 p. in. Sunday school at 2,30 p U2. Sunday school simerintendent, Rev. C. R. Gunne, ld. A. ; choir leader, Mr. W. IT, )(attar, null ; organist, alise May Bentley ; rector, C, R. Gunne, M. A. Dentist Church -Sunday services at and 7. p. 'n -t. Sunday school at 2.30 p. rit. Sunday school superin- tendent, Mr; D. g, Prior ; choir teal. er'Mr. .1, li. Ilove; organist, Miss Lela Hoover; pastor, it,ev, J. C. Dunlop. al illis Church -Sunday services at 11 a. fit. and 7 p, in. aunday scaool at 2.30 p. m. Sunday school superin- tendent, Mr. Jas. acott ; assistant, Miss Vvilson ; choir leader, Mr. W. P. Spaulding; organist, Miss Maude Goodwin; pastor, Rev. Dr, Stewart. St. Joseph's Church, entholic-Suil- day services at 10,30 a. m, and 7 p. in. every 20d Sunday. Smiley school at 3 pa rn. every 2nd Sunday. Sun- day school superintendent, Rev. D. P. McMenamin ; choir leader, Mr. Chas. Graaelle ; organist, Maass Minnie Rey- nolds; priest, Rev. D. P. McMenamin, Plymouth 13retherna-Service a SI a, m. on Sunday. Reading meetings at 7 p. Sonday and Friday evenings. Town Councia-Mayorarhomas 'Jack- son •, Councillors, H. B. Combe, J. A. Ford, C. J. Stevenson, Alex, MacKen- zie, C. Overbury, Thos. 1VlacKenzio ; Clerk and Treasurer, W. Coats. Meets the first Monday in each month. Public Library .Board -President, W. Brydone ; Secretary, W. E. Rand; W. R. Lougla Dr. Shaw, W, Coats and E. M. McLean,' Public School Board -Wilber Man, rang,C. B. Hale, W. T. O'Neil, J. W. Irwin, Dr. Agnew, F. R. Hodgens, T. Btacom. Secretary, J. Cunningliame ; treasurer, W. Coats. • ' Collegiate Institute Board -Chair- man, James Scott ; secretary, M. D. McTaggart ; treasurer, W. Jackson ; D. A. Forrester, J. RD:naiad, H. Plumsteel, • W. II. • Manning. Meets first Wednesday in eachnionth. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. . Township Council -Reeve, Thomas. Catirchill, Clinton ; Councillors, John Middletou, Cliutn , John Woods; Porter's Hill ; James Cox, Porter's Hill ; James JohnStone, Goderich Clerk, NiXon Sturdy, Goderith -; As- sessor, John Thompson,' Clinton ; Treasurer, Whitely, Goderich ; Col- lector, Louis Anderson, Clinton. Board of Health -Reeve, ClerkaTolin Cox; John Salkeld, Sr., Albert Can - anion. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Township Councila-Reeve, John DieNaughton, Varna ; Councillors, W. J. Stinson, Bayfield ; W. L. Keys, Varna;. James JohnStone, Bayfield; 1VIcDiarmid e Clerk, • J. g. Harnwela Varna; Treasurer, John Reid, Varna; Assessor, John Tough, Bayfield; Col- lector, Thos. Wiley, Varna, . fhe Killop Mutual Fire • insurance Company • Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty Only Insured. OFFICERS •.• J. B. McLean, President, • Kippen P; 0. ; Thos. Fraser, Vice -President; Brumfield 1'. 0. ; T. E. Hays,See.- Treasurer, • Seaforth • P. 0. ;.W, G. Broadfoot, Inspector of ,Losses, Sea - forth P. O. DIRECTORS W. • G. Broedfoota. Seaford].; .3:oho Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dale, Sea - forth ; John Watt, alealock ; John Bennewiea, Bradhagati ; James Evans, Beechwood; Jemes Connolly, Clinton; John McLean, Kippen. AGENTS. ' Robert Smith, Harlock ; Robert Me, • Milian, Seaforth ; James 'Cianmings, Egmondville ; J. W. Yeoa Holmes - vale. • Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other basiness 'will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective postollicea. ' GRIIND TRUNK 111111.NRY SYSTEM 'LIME TABLE. Trains will arrive .at and depart from Clinton Station as follows : BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV. Going East Express 7.38 a. In. " 2.55 P. fn. " A' Mixed 4.55 p, m. " West " 10.15 a. m. " " Exprets /2,55 p. 111. ti tt it 7.05 a. sr. 11 " ro.2a p. LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE DIV. Going South Express 747 a. in. a Mixed • • 4.15 P. al. • " North Express 50,15 a. In. Mixed • 6,55 p. in. A. 0. PATTISON, P. R. HODGENS, Agent. Town Ticket Ag. IC C. DIGXSoisr, District Pass. Ag., Toronto Lost air eg My hair caMe `out by the band- ful, and the gray hairs began to creep in. Itried Ayer's HairVigor, and it Stopped the heir from murk ving out and restored the color."— JVirs. M.D. Gray, No. Seim, Mesa. There's a pleasure in offering such a prepara. tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor. , gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, • longer, softer, and more , glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara. tint!. *101 %It* MI ittlesIsh. if your dreggist estinet ratippty you, !lead Ui one donor oud we vow outimts you s bottlo. � Imo und_givo the was of youtuoatlit 41Tostomoe. Addrooi, AT= uo. Loboll 11 1,1 :WERT OP A. PASTOR :Tata DECLINE (*CHURCH GOINO, ITS } CAUSE AND ITS REMEDY, ••••••••,1101,1•0•1.1 DESPISE YE THE CHURCH OF.GOO? !Almeria Reissetes Adatheed. Why. Stou Do t Not Ga to. ;Aaron -44a% Ueilersteatil diersein Parts if. the MIAs, sense Church members Are Paionileadatt *tee LotC., Ortabeii. Away or 01. sionof. aoweriut Truth, of the • Entered Aceerdlnato Ad of Parliament of Can- . ads,. in meyear ieue. by William. Bally, of Te - route. az the Pena of Agriculture. Ottawa. Chicago, Aug. 17. -In this dis- conrse, the decline of church going, Its cause and its remedy, are dis- cussed ba Vey. Frank De Witt Tal- mage with characteristic vigor and direetne.ss. The text is I Corinthietni il, 22, " Despise ye the church of God?" • 171111e rummaging through a book - Store the other 'day I purchased a volume with . this euggestive title, "Why Men Do Not Go to Chtnah." In it the author gives many blunt statements. He Asserts -that in New York city alone not more than 3 Per cent. of all the male population 'ere inembere of the Protestant , churches. Ile makes this tharge against New York city, with its Mila lions upon millions of dollars invest- ed in, church architecture, with its ntUlions of- dollars every year lavish- ly expended, for evangelistic work, Ile maltee •this charge against, New York. city,- which is not a heathen town, but which claims to be not Only the wealthiest but the Most en- lightened city in our Christian land. Tina author of that book further de- clared that not more than one-half of all the inhebitants Of this coun- try ever attend church. By that tho author means the vast majority. „ of Americana seldom set feet in :any church .building, because the Most of the half who do attend church do .so occasionally only.. ' With the startling statements of that book still fresh, in 'my mind I would like to ask you -the question. Which- Paul asked the nonchurchgoers of. Coriotn. The world needs pre- cisely the.things that the church Woe organized. to supply. It needs strength' to resist temptation, it needs rules • for the guidance of life, it needs support tinder affliction, sol- ace in beteavement and a hope of heaven after death. All these bless, •ings come by Christianity. it is therefore worth while inquiring What. are the obstacles, that keep men from coming into the churola ' • "WOW,' says some one in :answer to the words ei• ray text, "the ran, sou a despise the church• of God . is because there are Certain parts Of the Blifle I do net understand. : There - tore. I will not profess • to believe what 1cannot comprehend." .NOw, :my, friend, such a' statement te.ainaa ply absurd •:. From • such talk one .. might :ssupp.oaathat. the. only inexa 'plicable things inthe whole universe are those •reeorded between the' lids • o holy wilt. Why, there are• whole realais and cycles and universes • of facts in' every direction yet untraa ;Versed mid unexplained. • Yo -u-- can- not, foces the whole heavens with one telescope nor span:iniinityasatith the 'finite. :You • might, se w,el tey to 'buil& a •renge of mottntaios from. , Long Island to England .by pitching. Pebbles into the Atlantic . ocean • -or •.try .to empty the Pacific • by 'dipping , up the waters with a sewing giras thimble as to attempt to -build up a . system of • sciertee or to develop a be- lief Ira the Bible unless you: are will- ing te Accept smile things which you 'cermet explain. • ' • . .• • • • "My young friend," said an elderly' •Ohristian gentian/in to ti. yOuhg lege -student whom he: met • in the train and whom he had overheard Making. Some. 'Buell renattric as • yOuts-1. "ma young friend I thought I heard you say .in -reference to the Biblethat; you .weuld not believe. anathin 'a yea coirld not explain. . • Now, in yonder fields - are. sbnie pigs, . sheep, horses and: geese, -all eating grasp. , Can you tell me Whathe sante, areas makes .bristles or the pigs; wool for the sheep, hair for the. horses and feath- ers for the geese?" • :There am things - innumerable •-in nature and all around t'u.which we . fail. to understand; yet we. Recent • them •• without- question. You -have no ,mbre right to despise the eaurch .of Go.di because you cane ,not understand • all of the Bible -than you Invite a right :to despise electric- ' ity. or deep sea: soundings or the centrifugal power of .specific gravity" -or the natural laws; of grOwth . and- Aecay. simply beentise you cannot comprehend everything' 'about -them. The mystet.ies of the -natural stifences piled up about us are quite. as 'inex- plicable as the greet mystery of god- liness.: • • • • But, though •. statements • may • be matte in the Bible, -which you and I cannot understand the.salient truths, the Calvary, truths, the converting truths, are all simply teld truths.. I • defy -any unbiased man to read.. the alinple words et the tout 'gospels and; .remain blind to. their meaning. NO man can read the story of the prodi- gal -son and fall to realize that God • Is , rePresented by the aged father,. that his own sinful life is represented by the sins of the younger son, that repentaeceand peace are• represented by the return home and the divine• Mae and forgiveness by the ring and the fatted calf and 'the father's kiss. Spiritual light and deeper faith will come later. So, iny brcitheta a yott helleae in God the- Fetheta • God the Son and. God the. Holy Ghost ; . as. yon believe that Jesus suffered and died. amon the cross or our sins; as yon believe that Christ has gone to heaven to Prepaid adwelling Plate for those who are cleansed by his blond you believe ell that is needed to qiiallar you to come into . the - church be established on earth. This wits the saving belief of the philip- plait jailer, to whom Paul said, "130. lieve on the Lord Jeints Christ and then shalt be sailed and thy house." A man is. not neeessarily barred from the church of Jesus . Christ beca"se he does not fidly understand •all the Ile is received and welcomed because he believe', that "God so TIE CLINTON REWS..RVCIORP J .11 loved the world that he gave his on- ly begotten Son, that whosoever 1)e.- lieveth on him Should nOt pedal, but have everlasting life." "Well," remarks another man, " do not Iola the chUrch Pecause of the inconsilffenciee of its members. Some proiese one thing and practice an- other. They say Christians ought to be kind and loving and gentle anti helpful to their fellow church mem.. here. Then they demonstrate that some of the worst fights on earth are church fights. The elder vilM prays thq loudest In prayer meeting may he the farmer who never comes • out second best In a hertrade, and . the gossip of the sewing society is just as merciless as the aaeelP at the club -or in a ballroom. A$ long at; the church is filled with 1131300ritee do not want to Join it." Stop, my brother! You know that some of the very best men la every community are members of the differ - eat Christian churches. You know, as well as I know, that though some of the church members may be hypo- eritea the vast inajority are men atal Women who have banded themselves together for the purpose of prayer and communion with God and of try. - log to make their felloWthip better and purer and truer and more Christ- Ilke. There are thousands and tens of thoueands of church members who are no more hypocrites than your Christiaxt father and mother, who were also members of a Christian church, were hypecrites. .To demonstrate hovr much you re- ally respect the Christian church, though you may not know it, •would like to ask you a question: If you were stranded as a young -wo- Man in a distant city, Without mon- ey or friends, to whom would you go for help? To the saloon keeper? To the rich brewer? • No,. nol• Without doubt you would go straight to setae Christian minister'shome. You would go to •him, jest as -many • young men and women have me to me, and you would say; "My father and mother are members of Dr. So- and-so's church, in such and such a town. I have no money. I want to get home. Will you help me?" To have you realize how much you re- spect the church • of the Lord Jesus Christ 1 wouid picture you stranded as a shipwrecked sailor . upon strange coast. What 'would you Most prefer to Si3e-a fortress, a kings pal., ace, an army encampment or the steeple of a Christian chtirch? You • know as well as every intelligent man • orwoman icnows that the conmenn- ita, Which lives. under 'the shadow Of the church . spire ' a' God fearing community.. The community which does not protect the Christian church is an unsafe counnunity in which to dwell,. and there is no. exception to the rule. What did you do when your little flaxen haired child died? Did you - tear; the • smallwhite casket . into a ballroom? laCI.Oeu have her dancing master -pronounce the eulogy over her aloud 'body? Did you have her music atea(het sing a song? No.; Yon leek her to the .church. You took her in- to the. church _ where &any Prayers ' had limn offered. You did not have a dancing master pronounae a eulogy • over. her white, still form. You. can- ed in the Christian' minister forthe last reverent offices fat. your beloved ' • .' • When youcriticise the sineeeity of : certain chnich menibers, aoti should !, not forget that the .thurch of Christ was inatituted *icor the imperfect as well as the 'perfect, for the moral cripples • as well as for thee° -who aro spiritually • whole. :In the ; church there ere . td be 'mina mem- bers late a' man • Whom a friend Of mine wee- one evening defending. .. Howard. Crosby; came to...this gen- tleman and said: "Doctor; how can ' you like such a men?. You know- he is not what he ought to he," My friend_ turned and said: al)r,.. 'Crosby, - if Ootillion a little 'child who had test an eae or Who was deaf or who Was born lame, would you despise tarn on mem nt of his infirmity? Well, my, fricnd is a Moral .cripple. I do not like hint because he has lost one eye • and one leg and one arm, but a do love lath, because ba the grace of God,' he is trying to struagle against his daily temptations, and his spirit-. •ual ...deformities.So you. will find in the -church of dGo. to -day moral criP- pies. They are strugglingevery; day el their lifts against sinful teMpta-: Vans; they keep on strugalipg; keep on praying; keep on reanhina up ato Ocaa keep •on, staaapa in the church becalm° they know that Christ did not come to institute a church for perfect men: He came to heal • the sick and notthe well. The chetah of Ceti is the • great earthly spiritual hospital; where Christ, ats the ' Sur- • geon, loves to set the erociked limbs; w•here Christ, as the spiritual- opthal- • mologist, loves to open ;the eyes that • nre blindati of gin. • •• - '1UL" obsetves ; another -hearer, -"the reason I do not join the. church is becatiatil believe a 'man can be just ata good a. Christian outside the church. as -inside." Now, I would not nisett that all • men who are non- tarriligoeta are unchristian. men. :John Newton used to say: "When get to heaven, 1 hall have. three geeat suiprises.One' great •surprise, Will be to finti tho raany people there I dist not expect to see. Tho- next stirpriie will be to Mad so ninny pecia nie absent, Whom 1 expectedto see, and Sehe third great surprise will be ' to hod that I got to heaven' Myself." Like Jahn Newton, when most Of US reach heaven -1 Pray We may all be thete-I believe We will be.' very much , Surprised to find there some people , who never enterod tho cherch door, ond never. publicly confessed their. faith 'at the Church altat. But, though there may be Christian rnen and Women aving outside of the ehurch fellowship, I for one do not believe could be a Christian and not be it professed member of the church a ()heist1 do not believe that I cmild turn my back upon my. church and etill love my' Christ aa I love him today, and, my brother and sister, naither do I believe you tan tuati your back upon the church of God and yet •give to Christ your • trite and fervent love, hecause X be. Bove that, as Christiane, we should look upon the church as a collection of God's children. Therefore . should accept end Lovi Its members aid 1 I, our spirituel brother* and Sister', chi:dren of God, and we ourselves should. long to be of the riPiritual household. Mark you well my statement. I did not Affirm that there were no Chris- tian men outside* of the church of Jesus Christ, but I slid affirm that A maa cannot be as good a Chris - t hin outside of the Christian ehurch to inside. 'There -may he good Ohrtra. tlatis whoprefer the seeiety of Sala. bath desecraters and worldly *gamin seekers to the society,- of those who delight in CPU'S house. "Well." answers another man, will tell you frantly whaol despise the church- of God. The reason I do not join the church IS because it is too straightlaced for me, and I ani not wiling to give up ray own way of living." lify brother, I believe you have told me the exact treat. belies e ninetY-n'ne-hundredths of those Mao. Koff at the church scoff principally because they . are ha Dretaltdyast'Qyosuur hr 11.1 rg givenia Mseee onerethsoinna. (e)stthearnstioveraIcistiveagioynotsiutset 3•alsve4mnpe:rnt: ant, If you are not reedy to aur - render your secret sin and Join the church, where is that pin going to sena, you? My unrepentant brother, as you are yunouwianrieng.retluoctjaonint ttohegicvheu4.ucpli. ;,b,oeueratisse! mat sin, I ask you -where will that secret sin ultimately send you? You need to he aroused from your spirit- ual lethargy, and to realize your awful danger. . 1 would specially plead withyou to surrender your sine and dedicate your life to Jesus Christ by joining the church, be- cause, in your heart; you know well what yOu ought to dO. I have al- ways shrunk from the thought that people who were horn in sin and ig- not witty reared in sin; and unrepent- ant were totally lost. It atts al - was been a question in MY mind whether ' some of those poor loath- some creatures who wore •rearrd , the slums. of a. great city and whd. had never heard the name of Jesus) except in blasphemy, rnieht not in God's mercy be , made as fit for the celestial city, as some, who, baying been born in Christian honies; have led • a • different Christian life: God • never condemn one who is born • blind .beettuse he cannot see. Ile will. never .destroy ono who Is born 'deaf and dumb because he cannot speak or hear;alaut, my. brother, thougli there may lie sotne 'excuse for those bent in the sinful slums of .a great 'city. for not - reommeing their • sins and •joining the church, there.. is no ex- cuse for you.- You were born in. a Christian home, and you were reared amid , Christian surrotindings, you Wetly.. started out ' afrild Christian prayers, and: the mere fact that you made suelf an excuse . aa you have, • proves that the Holy Spirit is. niightily.striving with you to -day to aconfess• Christ and joio the phurch tixe Saviour fotiecled On earth.' But there is .one answer yet to the question ' of my text. This answer comes from many • a troualed heart You say to me; "Mk. Talmage, • . I. ,dci not despise the church except; bY my actions -in a public way.' • The reason I ao not join the church • is. becauseI. laave salmi -11y . Mine duties that, I' Comet .clomy share in church wora, if I•• should aclina. • In alew. years I • expect' o • take nay' piece as a member of • thechurch altar." Nona my -friend, I •want you to real- ize ,this-areat truth; God never or - darned :that pne duty should conflict with Other duties.- •Be never. wants a anothm.. to leave the nedsiae of her sick child in. order to attend a mis- sionary meeting. "ale never, . compels it men, to do :for the' oherch ; more then lie can conscientiously do.• Dot (Midst •does demand this': Hedoes de- mand that you profess and confess his love before men. And • you ceo- not do that in a:better, wily than at the church altar. • 'Hien let themost. imminent •Chriatian duty decide what yeti ought t� do ,hereafter.. ".. And a. -would :especially. plead with you to confess Christ in the • church. before mtn, because,- as you have oihL, depending upon yOu, •your , pre- sent ectionswill probably. 'decide. how your. -loved ones-- will act and. leer toward the ehurch of ()Masts 'ea.; tablashment. Ihis fact was demon- • etrated. spine. Yeare .ago in Smyrna,. :Two sailors for Mine weeks hed been attending the -mission services. One night, in answer to till invitation to come forWarca end 'coofess Christ and -join the church, ' one of the senora, • tarried and seta: "Well, 1 • will come. if 1301, wilL"But •• Ilia would not. come, Dut the night liefore the ship was t� Sail the two sailore.carnefor-, .ward and s•geve • their, hearts • to. Christ and joined the church.. ,Then tho , Christian workers in . Smyrna asked Dill how it was that be came to join the church. .Tri rough sailor fashion he mid: "Well,. I liked: to. attend, your meetings because . they made me feel good.. • I used tothink of the old Mines when on • Sunday 'afternoons fn the .old home at Now Bedford •we toed to sing' the same Songs; Mo. her was • there and My sisters and brothers and father were all there, end • I really'. wanted ' to join your ehureh; :but witen Tom said he would 'coine •if I did, it made me mad. 1Shat had 1 to-do With . Tom's actions? But a, cOuple of nights ago Torn was sick. I. sat tip with him, and as he wits tossing -around in his bunk I heard him. muttering some., thing, and as..1 putrny ear down to his '.initiath 1 heat d him say: Bill, won't you cotne, it's iny last chance for heaven, oh, won't you Come? Won't you .coine ? And then and there X said to myself, 'If my actions tire going to keep Tont out of heaven, adrY, come.' And here we are,. Sir, Tom and 131111" SO to-clity the loved onee in your home and In the store, and those who aro dependent upon you are pleading with you to come into the church for their sakes ae Web as for your ewn sake and for Christ's. 'Despise ye the. chureb?" Nay, naya ln your heart you feel that it le In the church you ought to COnfOOS Christ, You know itis into the church you will Want to be -carried wilco yoit are 'dead, Mid It is from itS heIlowed preeinets yeti Will want to go forth When you meet him when you shall dwell with him In heaven -forever and ever and ever. LIKE A 8110111 Of [WPM 'Torpedo Bost Destroyers Tossed About the 13/401 )leoht. Theaktur lament Tsarinas of Roth out* • Half ft Gal. of Wbod-The Vuvol luos- cow/ores saertemed seat ripens/ oar. naiad -at save Weasels the. neat Ma. rodlrieL; eTiteolIno 5Vldo1 etliCowes. Plitten .London, Aug. 19.-aThenaval man- oeuvres in the Solent yesterday were marred by the weather. Torrents of ram and half a. gale of wind drove the.speetators• from the sea 'front arid It was noon instead of 10 o'clock when. the rival Yacht.. Victoria .and Albert left Votes, and took King Flaward throagli tbe lines of the fleet. Subsequently an array of bottleslaps and cruisers, to the number of nearly eighty, unmoored, formed in two colninns and passed on either side .51 the Victoria, and Albert. All the war vesselmanned ship as they passed the royal yacht. The evolutions of the fleet had to be curtailed in consequence of the weather rendering the proposed diffi- cult "gridiron" mover/lent danger-, ous. The flotilla of torpedo boat de- stroyers escorting the Ring pitched in such a way that they looked from. a distance like a shoal of porpofaes playing arotind the rival yacht. The Victoria and Albert returned to Cowes at about 5 o'clock, and the fleet dispereed to take up its usual duties. KING °ALIA illjgEN ii warlt.” 'Boor Lenders Ploam•gt With Introduction ' le .Alexatadia, New York, Aug: 19.-aW. T. Stead, cabling -The Journal from London says; seaking 61 tlie :Deere meeting' the King: I was very much more ha. terestea M seelog the Boer generals than in meeting 20 laings. Dewet stir- prise:d me the most; he is •almost as tall as -Botha and much sturdied. alis fas, is clZeply lined like a. sea- man's rather than a farmer's. His • rnanners are polished and his conver- sation almost courtly. He is much more of the thoroughbred gentlenian .in manners and conversation than are most of the officers he .101 sach a donee oyer Africa. They were pleased, too,. that the King spoke of the Queen, not as the "ClreifnhhbeduhtasliirbPeelYn apSlahinMrs.is""iu.ol teG"jpuhs! a Tun noun ozrzult..4..s. . . Seniotli.Lett London Monday Night • to AvoId tito crowds.. London, Aug. 19.-Dewet, Botha, end: Delarey leftlast night for the Continent to attend the funeral of Gen , Meyer. After. Saturday's poilences they sverenot' willing- to . again fade the- ordeal ea ct British crowd, so the Generals .chartered special -steamer arid kept the railroad Station where a they . entrained and Abair port • of aitiling a. secret, • • ' Attiltorizod ea tit , Montagu .White;: 'the et -consul -gena • end in Londeat, of the TransvailL'ha$ issued -a•.statement authorized by the Boer generals, as follews: • "Tlie generals are ptoceedingto the Continent for the.purpoM et greeting Mr, Kruger and MraSteyn, and at-, tending the funeral of Gera.Lucas 'Meyer. Their present intention is to return to London' at in early date ler the. transaction of business, • but they have not decided on any fixed program. Daring their brief 'stay in Londoo the genetais have been: the 'recipients of Many invitations and • kind messages -of walcemeawhich they appreciate, . . "The report .that the . decision -of the generals net to Visit the naval teview wasdue to the influence of Fischer, is not. true; •Their real rea- son for, 'declining . the 'invitation Sat- urday woe. that they did not tensin• - er their, attire quite snitable for ceremonious alsit, andthe neccssar- ily short notice convoyed to thnm cad Cot give them the tithe foe •tho ne- cessary preparations. But they were. glad of the Opportunity of peying their respects to the King on the• followirig day, after they had male the necessary pfu.chitece;' and theYare gratified at the kind manner in which they were receivell by His Majesty/' Tse ..Itois In Loodho. London, Aug. 19.Thci Shah " of Perafia • aluzarfatard-Diii, • end his suite, reathed London' yestei'day, and took ap that residence at. Maribor - (,ugh liotise, as guests of King Val - weed. When he left the train at Vie - torte Station ha was resplendent •in blaze of ,diamonds. he' Prince of Wales, Loed Lansdowne, the. Foreign 'Minister; Lord atoberte, tne.comman- detain-chief, and the members of alie. Persian legation, and others, met the royal traveler at •the station, Tile prince 01 Wales and the Shah shoo; hands, and the visitor was ikarontte- eclato the prominent persorts present, The Prin.:e of Wales .stameettintla conducted the Persian monarch to, a royal :cerriege, and they dove ofY, escorted by e detachment of.lifel *guards and followed by ether car- riages. Pr0000d wish niettioll. llome, Aug, 1.9. -The Buenos Ayres rorrespon lent of 'rho Secolo rabies that further news has been receivod there of the NordensItiold Antarctic' expedition. Tha vessealS imprisoned • in the. ice and preparations had been begun to proceed :in dog sledges. National tiontesentNi. 'Obristiartia, A1g. 1.0.-AbOut 1,000 foreign delegates' representing all na- tions are here to attend the Young. Men's Christian Association World's Congress, which will open to -day and last until Aug, 26. neenrehe Nash; ores, Winnipeg, Aug. 10. -The Manitoba potato crop will be only fair this year. The acreage is smaller than usual, and the weather has not been altogether favorable.. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON VIII. THIRD QUARTER, INTER* NATIONAL SERIES, AUG. 24. Teat of the L000024 Nam. 1,44 09- 36831" Totlonle dlx4v°9r-"Mxtt toTh!°:114-on i'. OVerse4: mentary Prepared by IRev, 110, Steursto. (Copyright, 14-, berattonzierin Press A.000, 1-3; And. the Lord senate unto Mona saying, 'demi thou men that they may omen the land of Canaan, Which 1 give unto the Children of Israel, 'When they Caine to the borders or the land which God had promised to them ttoy. 11 . was only eleven days' journey from Horeb to gadesh-bar. flea); Moses.' said: "Behold, the Lord thy God bath -set the land before thee. 00 up and possess it, as the Lord God of thy fathers bath said nate thee. Fear not, neither be discouraged:" But the people came to Moses and asked that men be sant to search one the land and bring hack word as to the way to go and what Cities to enter ()petit. 1, 2, 21-28). The idea of spies therefore originated with Israel, and the Lord gave commandment to have it so, because they wanted It so, just as afterward the Lord commanded Samuel to give them n king because they insisted on baring a king like oth- er netions (I Sam. vill, 4-9, 19-22). -Read Ex. iii, 7, 8; vi, 61/48, and con- sider it well and say In the face of Such •assurances- if the people's request for spies .was not simply a lack of ailth in God. 25-29, And they, returned from searching of thaland after forty days. They could not but testify that It was as God had said„ a land flowing with milk and honey (Ex. 111; 8; 8), but they had been -using their nat-• oral eyes more than the eyes of their hearts (Eph.. 1, 18, R. V.),•and Instead. of seeing only God and Ells goodness and Ilie promises they saw difficult:leo Which seenied to them losurmomita. ble, forthey forgot the deliverance from Egypt, and the dividing of the. Red sea, and the cjualls and the manna -so wondrously given, and so they talk of walled 'cities and giants and a strong people, and they seem not to reckon upon God at ilk.. They believed not His word (rs. evi, 21, 22, 24). • at And Caleb. stilled 'the people before. Mono and said, Let us go up at once and possess .it, .for we are well able • to over- come it. • • • This was no vain boast or reliance upon themaelves; '.but wordsuttered from a heart stayed upon Jehovah. Hear Cale.b and Joshua In chapter XIV. 6-9:: "If the Lorddelight in Us; thou Be Will bring us auto this 'land and , give it .ue; * * only rebel not . ye against the Lord, neither fear ,ye the, people"of the landa* * the 'Lord' la wan. us. • ..Pear -them not." Lfsten' to this same Caleb forty-five years later when he asked Joshua .for the moun.' Min Where the 'giants were. "And now beheld, the Lord, bath kept we entire, • as liesaid, these Potty. and five years; • * * it en be the -Lord. will' be with me; • then, I 'abetl be able to drive theta out. as the Lord said" (Josh. xia, 1042).- 11t' 'wbelly.•followed the Lord and re. lied epon.'Hina , • '•,.. • • 31-31 aut ,the • mea that went *up wall him said, We be not able to go up against the people,for they are stronaer, than we. • Thug they brought upnen evil report of the land, .a slander upon the hind (iv, 361. , They •sew the giants, AM they saw themaelops as grasshoppers. It was a case of "we'' and ,"they," but • not a word about God. they are stronger. than we. • We Were in their sight as grasshoppere, oureenflicts with' the enemy usWe.. pass through - this wilderness or sojourn in the plead - ant land everything depends npen Our. point ot Vision.. If we see things .frOIll our standpoint,the giants and walled Cities will seem Very ,real. but if,. like Caleb and Joshua, we stand. with God all 'dltlleultles will 'seetn .as . nothing. When Davin went to Meet Goliath, he diduot consider his own weaknees.. • xiv, 1. And all theaiongregatienaifted up their, voice ana ciao; and the pamIe 'Wept that night.. • ' Ne •• wonder they 'acted thus when they Were se- unbelieving and rebel. llous. against God. ;The); were within eight and reach of, the good land, but ; omitted with themselves: and deepis- ..,Mg the Promisee of God and even God Himself, See the record of a previous Lweening in Muni. Xi. 4, 10, 13, 18. 20.- : and a. later ciue In Mini. 3cxy„ 6, and . note that it was all .bemuse Cof lief, tos-wii% the weeping of Mary Meg- ,. 'dttlene at the tomb °tithe ..resurrection ' tnoreing. 'Joy and peace. -come by 1 tiering, but in noother Way (Rom. =v. I As; John' ray* 1, 27; xx, 27.29), 2, a And *11 the ehlldren of Israel mur. inured against D./mei:and against Amara ., They even wished they were dead or , Might die in the wilderness. and many of them get their Wish. Their thought silts. to get rid of their trouble. They had no thought ordesire that God might be glorified in their death. Con- trast 'Jobe zzi..10; Phil. 1, 20. See reg.. Ords of other. murmurings ha ' Ex. xv, 24; xvii 2; ivit. 8; Num. art.' 11, 4L They did not considerthat their weep.; Ing was In the ears Of the Lord and their tuttrinurings against Him (Nutt.- ita.18:.itiv,• 28, 27; Ex. zVi, 8),.not that • whenthey complained it displeased the Lord (Num. ILA). 4. And they said one M. another, Let itia make a captain- and let us return into Egypt: . • • The Lord Hitnselrwail their captain. as He also Is Mira (lOsh. v. 14; Ir ()brow sill, 2; Heb. II, 101, but they wanted no more of Him. Stephen soya that in their hearts they turned back again into Egypt, and Nehemiah says that in their: rebellion they appointed a. Captain CO return to their bondage (Ads vii, 89; Neh, Ix; 17): Let' no con. alder What Is 'Written about looking book In Gen. Xis, 26; Luke lir, 62; XV% 82, end eoittrast looking forward and Upward in Prov. iv, 25; tieb. 21 Phil. 114 20. There is a large amount outstanding in subscriptions so to those in arrears this is an intimation that there can be no -better tipe than the present for paying up. To ea,oh one the ainount is trifling which is all the,more reason why it should be paid.