HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-08-21, Page 44
The News -Record
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Editor and Proprietor
The Montreal. Witness, one of tlie
strongest and most respectable Liber-
al journals in Canada, expresses its
disgust with Mr. Tarte'e open handed
generosity in this way :
" Mr. Tarte--our neighbors now call
him Lord Tarte--is as ubiquitous IS
Harlequin. Every day we hear ef, him
Mrs. S. itt Boyd, Mies Boyd 404 Er.
Fletcher Boyd of Toronto sad Er. and
Mrs. Terry Polon of Toni*, Mich., are
summering with Mrs. Johnstone. Me.
Boyd, who travels for one of the lead-.
wholeeale houses of TorontO,
spent from Yridoy until Tuesday with
his family.
The new Presbyterian church will be
fermally opened next Sunday. The
Rev. A. McAuley of Mitchell will be
the PreaCher and the services Will take
place at lit 2.31? elid 7.30. The opeu-
ing services will be continued on the
following Sunday when the Rev. Dr.
Stewart of Clinton will preach both
morning and evening. Liberal contri-
butions for the building fund will be
gratefully received. On the following
Monday evening,. Sept. xst, Rev. Mr.
Irenderson will give his popular lec-
ture " A Ramble Through Wonder-
land:" There will be no admission
fee but a silver collection at the door.
Miss Boyd of Toronto, who is'spend-
ing the holidays in our village, is a.
gopular soprano. She had expressed
her willingness to assist in the con-
certs' given In the town hall recently,
but unfortunately on both* occasions
was too ill to take part. We hope,how-
ever, to yet have an opportunity of
hearing her.
Mr. Arthur Peck, who was home
for his holidays, left for Cleveland
last Friday.
Mrs. William Perdue of Goderich
township has returned home after
spending a week with Mrs. James
We have been informed that Mr. T,
J. Marks intends building a dancing
pavilion forty by fifty feet. As
balmy, breezy Bayfield is growing
popularity as a sunoner resort sueh
a pavilion ought to be well patroniz-
The members of the Varna Presby-
terian church with a law of
their friends picnicked at hayfield on
Wednesday last. 1.hey all report hair-
ing had a„ good time.
11,1r. Geo. Snore, our popular school
teacher, has returned from. his vaca-
tion, and resumed his school duties on
Monday, Mr. Shore did not come
beck alone but brought with him a
handsome yOung bride. They have
taken up housekeeping in Mr, C.
Ward's house. We wish Ur. and Mrs. BB eruNG pee,
Shore all kinds of happiness and pros -
While Mr. Will. Moffat was out the
end speed of his driver to Mr. J. W.
other evening showing off the style
All. Purdy of Medford, Ont.,
and Mr. John Purfly of Cleveland,
eer, Hill, one of the shafts broke which
Ohio, visited at their uncle's,
frightened the horse and it made a
Williain Purdy's, and else with other
determined effort to get away. bk.
friends one day last week. Mf. and
Hill very quickly made up his mind
John were Stanley boys. Alf. has
that he didn't rare for a longer ride
been in Thedford for a, number of
years, but John has moved ebout
awnrido 'hung on and by dexterous man -
jumped out. Not so the driver,
trout place to ploceeetritil he finally
agement soon brought his badly
landed in Cleveland where he secured
frightened horse to a standstill. With
•a position with the Sherwin Williams
n less skillful driver there would prob.
Paint Co, where he has worked up
have been a bad smashup,
step by step until he now holds a ably
splendid position with that company.
Mrs. Ker of Clinton is„staying with
her sister, Mrs. leolloelt, during her
Mr. and Mrs. Qcorge Dewar were
visiting in town over Sunday. We
are pleased to Pete that their little
daughter Eva. is much improved in
Mrs. John Whiddon has returned
fronr Edmonton, N. W. T., where she
has spent the past few weeks in vis-
iting her brother. Mrs. Whiddon
thinus well of the West and of Its
great prospects for the future.
Mrs. (Rev.) Currie of Belmont and
Mrs. MeLauglifin two ladies who
seeut a few weeks here this summer,
did 0, very graceful act for the people
of St. Andrew's church in re-covering
' with plush and varnishing the large
pulpit chairs which now present a
appearance and will be in
keeping with the rest of the new
church outfit, b‘irs. Currie took a
very active • part along with Mrs.
Diditsow in securing the bell money
anti we hope the church people will
not be too slow in carrying out their
good wishes. '
e;Mr. G. W. Helman, after a term of
fhe years as principal of our school,
leaves this week to begin similar dut-
ies in Eginondville and is followed to
his new home by the well wishes of a
large number of good Weeds,
the hest people ol Bayfield and
vicinity, who have appreciated
his a.bility as a teacher and his
worth as citizen. During Mr. Hol -
man's five years' term his work has
not been barren of good examination
results, • having to his credit a list of
seventeen who passed the entrance,
four the Public School Leaving, 'six
Part .of Junior Leaviiteeethfee Part
I Jr. Matrienleeditii and one third
class Cettifiate, a, total. of thirty,one,
or air overage of over six each year,
'Which, considering all the cireum-
stances, is very creditable to Mr. Hol-
man and is no doubt satisfactory to
the parents, who should be the right-
ful judges;
Annan those enjoying holidays in
jbwett's grove—in addition to resi-
dents of the Bankers' Row whey,e-ere
the families of BalikersItelriggart;
Tisdall Brewereeofe''n.linton—are ;
Mrs. and Miss bleeetva, Mrs. Manning,.
at some new place, collingwood,
qe---165s Boles, Miss Robson,
Sault Ste. Marie, Fort -William, Owen Meer'
Sound, Chicago. And wherever theaie--vi.nton •, Mrs. VanEgmond, Miss
Gray, Miss Dalee.S. Dickson and fam-
ask him •to build docks or der liar-
ily, Mrs. and Wise Mcl,ean IV IC
bors he books the rder •-e'r
ertness of a commsnier er. the al- „
traveller who
old rectory::
Seaforth. home Londesboro.
eearce a.nd. Lathan
mer w c lenge his
ill I The " which has.stooa Mrs. Vorby of •Buffalo is the guest
Mr, Brunsdon Surelayed at his
is afraid his cineter
her dau hter Mee J. Youn at
mind. 1-1 _ •••••••-h 1 . i the storms of between sixty and sine. 0 g , .. g)
i something else. Why this line: ehty years • was razed to the ground Present.
While writing,. 1VIr. Tisdale • of Clin-
thin .
i y comes to half a million or so.• The building
last week b ' Mr. * James Sturgeon. ' Miss'. Gidley of Blyth Was the guest. 1
•tirvas Of hewn cedar and .of Mrs, James Moore last week. ton. Passed here with What ' the little
Can't we put you up a nice elevater calls his " ought to go. billy." .
the sheeting ' of white pine, snch • tim- Mrs. Graves of Seaforth and child- boy
designed by my own lancy experts
ber as %cannot lie. got 'nowadays in *eon Sanclayed at her brother's, Mr. ' •Idie • S. C. Rathwell, who has been
learranted to give Jatnieson and .Ken- these parts and it was as sound es. Thomas Redcliffe's. : in the shoe business here fee the Past
nedy strains. 'thanks,. that'll' ti
ec" c when. the " raising" took place: The - Rev. Mr. Curtis has been theguestten years., left this week, for Gorrie
to about two millions., And now 1 Sprung the past week. where he will engage in the business
must be going. But Mr. Tarte rises '1 old rectory" saw the birth •of Bay- . of Mr ,. Q .
field, its growth to a place of consid- Mrs. 'Kraeling of Blyth is visiting more extensively, Mr. Rathwell is a
to his height at Chicago. where ' he .
orable.importance its palmy days in under:the parental roof, Mr. J. Mills., sterling youhg man whose simple
spends a few hundred millions on pro:- word is equivalent to a bond, as the
speetive canal's and so Wall with kaa the early sixties, l'and lastly itsstartat present, ' , • .
on the 211). grade once More. Next &ea- Mr. Wightman of Detroit was the - people of Gorrie will End by exper-
.. .
abandon that Morgan would envy. son .0., reskrenee 'will:be built Apon the guest cif Mr. G. II. Youngblut last ience. lie has been an active worker
How pleasant it is to do good to in the,Methodist church where, as in
somebody. At Chicago Lord, Tarte site for Dr. Metcalf of Detroit who week.. .• •
, thiiiks there is • a no more desirable Mr. A. Plummer of Blyth Sundayed other circles, .he will be much.rnissed.
undertook about half the expert busi-- place in which AO spend •the summer. at Mr, Henry Sturdy's. . Mrs. R.athwell• and the children will
ness of the United States. 'At :Owen than in our village. ..•. ' Mrs. D: -Coats of the Soo is visit- remain here for a few. weeks, • •
Sound, though a member of a free Mrs. Charles Donaldson And her two 1..rig.. under the .parental roof, Aire John
trade government, he is going to build children, who have been, spending seve ivinards, at present. • •
a tariff wall. as high as the sky e". eiral weeks with friends in Bayfield, - Messrs- William iVicde and West.' *4- . .
gainst United States trade. To sug-: Stanley and Lueltnow, joined Mr. Don- Dungannon speht Sunday here: -
gest for a moment that sad: bright aldson at GOderich 011 Saturday and - Miss P. Ferguson was Called honie Mrs.' Blcoat of Beueefield •and Mrs.
visions might he unsubstantial is to left that evening by boat for home at from Clinton, her 'mother being ill. Alexander and grand -daughter . of
make oneself a sort of 'Dick Deadeye...Thessalon. - • - ' . . *Mr. Duff. of Dungannon was the guest Hamiota, IVfan., have been the guests
from whom. everybody • shrinks. To hlr, • Charles Donaldson *who is of his - sister; Mrs. Jan; bledde last of Mrs: Statiley. . • •
raise the question es to whether there carrying on an exteniive• livery busi- Sunday. .. - . • . • ' Miss Edith Tebbuit of Goclerich is
may be money to pay for them.. ii, ness. at Thessalon, left on. Saturday Miss, M... Walker of Detroit is elle home for a week's visit. •
banal and vulgar," : ..• • -
. for that place with 'the two span: of guest of her sister', Mrs: George • . Miss "Gutterich of Seaforth has been
holies. which he bought • in. this sec- Youngblut, it • present:. * . .
visiting Mrs. F,' C. Elford. . .. ..
. tion. They were fine . animals, partic- Miss Robinson • of ' Colborne- is the .. •
THE LUCKY AND UNLUCKY. . datly. a mien of well Watched beye. - guest of Mrs. Blair. . ' :. Miss', BeseieePiekard visited friends
in hayfield:. - -- : - ' ' •-
This was, Mr. Donaldson's second trip • • 2r• ' jolin. Lawsdn and Wife Visited , . ..,_, e ,..
Friends of the now we
. . this season and fie expects to be back - Matlock relatives recently.: ' Mrs, G. p..Stanler. and. elnittren ot
again ' before the close of navigation. - Mr. A. E. Weatheral and eister vise Sault Ste: Marie are visiting their
of the Laurier goneenment have an ex-. .
planation to oiler for the. sudden 'and . ,The -following is a .partial list of Red at Leadbury Saturday and. Sue- uncle, Mr. William •Stanley. , • .
unexpected enrichment of the luck _. Rev. G. W. Andrews . and. wife of
Y. suminek visitors : . • • Y• -
ones. The pecuniary v.ggrandizement Mrs. . Wilcox arid "child of is
Mr, Henry Youngblut paid the burgh Wyoming an.d Rev. J, W. Andtevis and
is said to be due to fortunate specu-' are at Kiss Simpson's. This is Mre. a visit over Sunday, . • - . wife of Peek Hill visited friends here
lotions.. Their positions as cabinet Wikox's first visit to Ba field and she Mese Jas. YoUng's • mother is her on Friday. •
Mr. and Mrs. Leroyd of Seafoith.
spent Sunday ,witli her mother; Mrs,
. .
The Huron Old Boys' Association of
Toronto will have a tent on the fair
ground during the exhibition for the
accommodation of visitors from Hur-
on. who are invited, to call ,and mak.e
it their headquarters while at the
fair. The secretary, Mr. R. A. Walk-
er, 45 Leonard Ave.. will gladly fur-
nish any inforinaion that may be
M s Sim son of gthet vis- "
ited friends in and around Varna. last
7:: John Sparrow had svorth of
twine stolen from his driving house
laMstreweePketcy Wanless has selected 6P --
connection with Mr. B. A. Higgins
and taken a position with Mr. Oke of
Rev. John Hart, Methodist midster
bf •Wotedhain, is, around this week re-
newing old acnuaintances. Ile had
eharge of this circuit some years ago.
Mt. Chas, johns and wife of Chi -
mg° are visiting at the home of the
iormer's parents here.
Mr. Jas, Foote, a college studeut,
preached two elomient sermons in the
Presbyterian church here on Sabbath
last. The large congregations that
came Calt to hear him go to show the
esteem in which he is held. Foote
is a. youeg matt of more than ordinary
ability and is sure to be successful in
the profession he has chosen. He is a
son of Mr. John Foote,of near liere
and he will reinain at, his father's un-
til college re -opens,
r .Wililain
. •
• •
ministers, we are told, enable them is much pleased with the place.
to get inside information of a valu- At Mrs, Tippett's—Mr. Lochrin end
able nature. The knowledge so gained wife, the•Misses Thompson (2), Steele
has been used hi a masterly way and ford; me. mak, wife and family,
opulence has come to those posseseed Torentd.
of it. It is curious, however, that At Mrs. Peckes---Howard. Hartrey,
the four men in Ottawa who are gen- Will, Leatherdale, Messrs. M. Hart-
erally credited with having speculated reye young, 51. mayille, ee.
to most advantage, are the heads . of Robert Kemp, Seaforth:
the four spending departments, }DA. At Mrs. Ferguson's—Mr., and Mrs.
Clifford Sifton, lion. A. G. Siete, II. Tisdale, Mrs. Walsley, bliss Wats-
Hon. J. Israel Tarte and Hon. F. W. le lere B r. ee• ee.
Borden are good examples of men Kitchen, etre, B.: Boyd, son and
whose advent to power were followed daughter, of Detroit. -
by business successes. Perhaps their" At Mrs. ,Cowie's-.4tey. Mr. Currie
handling of large sums of money and and wife, helmont.
their extensive transactions have nt- •
ted them for their money making vee -
tures, Hon. R. W. Scoet, Hon. Day -
id Mills, Sir Louis Davies, Non. Win.
Patterson and others have been no
doubt as eager to beeome wealthy as
their fellow ministers. They have had
access to the same sources .of informa-
tion as those wile succeeded, but cur-
iously enough they are not known- to
have made fortunes, aid two of them,
Sir Louis Davies and Mr. Justice
Mills, have voluntarily retired to the
Supreme Court 31 ench and removed
themselves frone the hope of sharing
in knowledge which :begets cash in
abundance. Of course none of those in
the poor class had the same, opportun-
ities of learning the value of money
as their successful friends who were
handlipg -enormous sums each • year.
Really wealth and its ettaimnent are
curious ptoblems ; very curious.
Miss Luella Sterling. of Mirilette,
Mich., who has been welting friends
in Kincardine, Kinloss and Ashfield
townships, spent a few days at the
home of her. uncle, Mt. John Demp.
sey, prior to her return to Marlette.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wise of Cleve-
land, Ohio, arrived on Tuesday even.
ing and are visiting at the old home
of the former.
175 boxes of cheese, consisting of
the tnake for the last half Of Ju,y and
the first ten days 01 August, were
shipped kora the lloiniesville fac-
tory to Ingersoll yesterday, The
p• ike Was 9%c.The past week has been so favorable Goderic for the use, of the harbor
At Mrs. Parson's—Miss MeIntyi-e,
Strathroy Mrs. Sims and family,
Wallaceburg ; the Misees Combe,Clin-
The Misses Cothould gave a most
successful dance to their many friends.
Miss Ethel Marks and Miss Daisy
Middleton eatertained the campers to
A dance Thursday evening.
Misses Nena, Gertrude and •Joie
Glass gave a ball in Cedar brove pave
W. Caldwell and wife, Bessie- and
Theo. Caldwell, of West Bay City are
guests of Mrs. Caldwell's. parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. T. Moorhouse.
• Mrs. Sturgeon, Ruby And George
Fisher of Kincardine are.visiting Mre.
F. A, Edwards'. • '
Mise Sttiart, Maybelle and Marguer-
ite Stewart of London` ; Mrs. 3. Stan -
bury, •Freida and Dangles Stanbury,
Teronto, are holidaying at Dr. Wee-
Mrs.. J. McLeod ar.d •son Royand
Miss Grace Cameron are visiting _
Wends at Southampton.
Among, the new arrivals are : Rev,
Hodgins and family of Seaforth ;
Mrs, Roberts and family, Seaforth ;
Mis$ Hamilton and irk:lids, Attwoncl ;
Itev. Mr. Avery and fainily, Mrs. and
Miss Rathwell, Seaforth ; Mrs. Cor -
!Amid and family, Wingliain, and Mrs.
Prank Glass and family of London.
guest at present. • . •
Mr. Bennett and wife of Lueknow
Viiitect. in :the neighborhoodrecenely.
Mei. Carter, Sr., of Clinton and
daughter, 'Vire. P. Mutch, are guests
of .Mr. 'Jas.. Carter. •' •
• Our civic holiday turned dui an
ideal 'one as the weather was propit-
ious • and the villagers in the humor
for an otiting The Point is an 0. K.
piece for , a day the lake and a-
School started on Monday with Mr,
terms Yee in charge.
On ,Satuiday Miss Stephenson vieit-
.ed her sister,Miss A. Stanley in
Constance. •
Dr. Holmes of Goderiek called on
his mother. on Monday
tout ahundred assembled to take in ,. .
Mr. Andy Courtice is ,pi:nctising
the sports and
drove thither) where •with• Dr. Maybee: • ' '
Amesements and leziness were •indulg. _
Miss ...Cooper. of Hewick township
ed in at pleasure till •the that for the
dtive home. has been visiting Mrs. Holmes, •
-Miss Thoinps�h, -teacher, returned -to
her dirties 'here on Monday last, as
school ()Petted then.
Mrs. Neilson and, family liaye re.;
turned to the village,
Misses Ella..andYdonne illeyors of
:Marine City are guests of bliss BIN
Miss Maggie Wilson of Seaforth has
returned Innue after a pleasant
inonth's stay with her friend, Miss
Ada Rouatt.
' A tug brought some scows from
for farming operations that the bulk contractors the other da. •
of the grain is now in. , • Rev. Mr. Metcalf conducted services
The members Of L. 0, L. No. 289 in St. Andrew's church Sunday while
passed the following resolutioh of Rea. Mr, McNeil took. his work ill
sympathy to Bro. Joseph Curie ninth.
To Bro. Joseph Currie Mr, G. W. Holman returned from
" We, the members of 1, 0. L. No, the High Court at Windsor on Thurs-
i8e, wish to express our heartfelt spit. day evening. Ur. Holman was re-el-
pathY fox you and your family in ected District Deputy kir District No.
your deep sorrow occasioned by the 28 for the ensuing year.
death of your beloved sou. We con- Mrs. (Dr.) Sihith lute returned from
dole With you in your sad bereave- a pleasaet trip down the lakes.
merit and extend our deepest 'seen- Mrs. James Pollock is at *present
NAV and would gladly console you lying very ill at her home here and
in this sad affliction. We also realize her illness is considered of it very ser -
how feeble are hutnah efforts to coin. imis nature.
fort under such sorrow and we earn. Mr. T. A. Stinson is worried much
estly commend -you to the care or our over a place to store his jinn:le/me
Heavenly Father who atone can cone. crop of oats this year and is' thinking
fort the sortowitig spirit, and We pray seriously of tearing, down his barns
that he may be your strength in this and building bigger once.
dark hour,
John Sturdy, 'W. M.
Geo. Calitelon, R. S.
James Connolly: P, W. M.
Mies Flotence Connolly is visiting
Kincardine. friends.
Deuces are now the order of the day
and several of our townspeople are
vieing with each other in their at-
tempts to elo the right thing with the
visitors. Mrs. (Dr.) Stanbury gave
a very pleastilitl hop to her friends in
Sowett's pavilion Otte evening last
week, while the young ladies did a
eimilar honor to the young glutlerneit
Of town in the IOW's hall!,
Miss jewitt is atpresent visiting
her brother, Mr. R. W. Jewitt.
Mrs. Robert Armstrong and Mrs.
W. Meihtosh visited Mrs; George
Brown Oa Thursday.
Mrs. Lottie Sanderson and J. Cook.
leave this weak for Manitobe and the
N, W. T.
Miss A. V. Stephenson of Hamiota,
Man., tied Miss Beetle Stanley of
flointesville visited their sister, Miss
Alice Stanley, this past weele.
'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson at-
tended' the luneral of the late Mr.
Clarke of London. Mrs. Stephenson
intends remaining some time with her
Mr. J. Coombs of Myth paid a fly-
ing visit to our town on Sunday.
Mrs, Geo. Stanley and children of
Sault Ste; Marie, blich,, visited her
Lather, Mr. James Stanley, last week.
is at present visiting at her sister -ft,
Apt. A. Coats'.
Mee, Jewitt arid 'daughter have re-
turned home from a visit to Lamp-
ton. •
The funeral of the late Mrs. Feagan
took, piece on Monday meriting to
beaforth station and from thence to
Galt. The deceased lady was a sister
of Mr. Watt. Willison, where she had
been residieg for Wine time.
• •
Council met at Christopher White's,
Leadbury, on Wednesday, August 6th,
with all members -present. Minutes of Mrs. DeLong and daughter of Goder-
former meetings were read and adopt- ieh have been visiting in the village
ed. Accounts were passed and paid, the past week.
including lumber, bridges and abut- Mr. McLeod °Utley City and Mr.-
ments amounting to $1657.00. By. 'McLeod of Beaumont, Texas, were in
law for levying the different rates Was the village last week.
passed and Signed. ,County assessment Misses Ethel DeLong and Gertic
0297.3o ; township $e500.00 ; re- Connell of Goderieh Sundayed in this
quests of school triistees 55080.00, burgh.
Council authorized clerk to notify Mrs. T. A. Leigh left on Saturday
parties throwing rubbish in roadways for her home: at the Soo.
to remove it. Council adjourned . to Ur. IL C. Hawkins returned to the
Meet at Christopher White`e, Lead- Sao on Saturday,
bury, on Wednesday, September 17th, Mr. Ilia. Hawkins left .Saturday for
at 1 o'clock p 112. a trip of several months :durieg which
If we had township boards of this- time he will visit the following eit-
tees and Le school sections instead of fee : Oshkosti, Minneapolis, Sault
18 as at present school housee would Ste. Marie and Blind River whoa
be better and more cheaply repaired some of his family are
and not need new buildings every so Mr. J. Ben. Hawkins, wife and .
years ; also a shorter distance for children woe in the: village last week.'
children to go- to school with re than Mr. Bert. Anderson returned on Stitt.
With' 18 as we have now, and less ex. day to take charge. of our school a-
peruie as eaeh school Realm carries a gain.
'balance of about Poo for the benefit Mrs. Robert J. Durttin of the 4th
of their secretaries, which would not con. of Ashfield speitt a kw days with
hmcr parentlast Week,
Messrs: Matt. Mains, Williant
ey, John tasham and W. L. Ounnette
attended the funeral of their brother,
Mason, the late J. W. Chidley of Clin-
ton,• on Monday. •
Mr. Robert Crawford, his wife and
eon Wes, leave this week for 'Dauphin,
• Nan.,
on •a prospecting visit. If the
Country suits • them they will stay
• Mr, atid Mrs. Thomas Hazelwood
and family also intend going. to the
Northwest. to 'become residents if it
pleases 'them.
• Mrs. Thomas Hill and het mother
are expected home this week keen
Manitoba Where they have been lor a
The Methodists at Constance will
this week let the contract of building
their new shed which will be 4080
feet. This is the township where the
church people look well to the com-
fort of their horses. The Methodist
church shed in this, is 50x11e
feet and at Burns' chureh 5e5/20 het.
Out threshers are again busy, T.
II, Cole is assisted by W. Watt, Sohn
Johnstone and .Irobert Townsend,
while Matt. Bruce has " Dr" • Gibbs
lot his right hand man and is further
helped byWilliani Griffiths and Thos.
' Matt, has it blower attached
to his machine- which appears to give
geheral Satisfaction.
The bugless peas are not ripening
well owing to the unfavorable weath-
er. There is too much straw and pod
and not enough pea. The other grains
are good and have been well saved.
As the biennial county council el-
ections will take place next January,
the names of probable new candidates
ere4eaearly loomiug up. Among them
is Mr. Alex. Young of Colborne, ex -
reeve of that township, who is aspir-
ing for higher honors. He lives in the
district at present represented by
Judge Holt and Mr. Charribere, both
of whom purpose, it is said, retiring.
Mr. II. Irwin of Pocatello, Ida-
ho, in remitting his sub to The News -
Record says : "1 think The News -
Record is a splendid weekly for a
town of the size of Clinton and I am
inuch pleased -with it. It is twenty
five years since I left Old Huron and
doubtless there .ere •many changes in
it, but notice many fanxiliar names
in your columns, particularly in the
Auburn and Blytli correspondence. I
like to hear about my old friends,"
The News -Record will be sent to
any address until xe03 for twenty five
be tteeded.—.1, C, M.
Mr. .Tohe Dickson of the Mill Road,
Tuckersinith, passed through town
Monday afternoon with a big . bunch
of stock steers which he will. fit for
the Old Country inarket Mr. Dick-
son 13 an extensive feeder and but rec-
ently' made a sale Of 57,000 worth of
exporters all fed on his own farm. He
ie not as young as he used to be and
will .in future confinehimeelf to
grassing, leaving the stall feeding for
those who have not done as rnuch of
it as he has, '
. 1uzzsG2.4gN,
August 21st, 1902
rie,,...tewiaelseee~s, 404041100.01.6.0101,1100.• Iforwo.,-1~sells
R. P., Reekle, pressman/on pRtTG tiTDRE
Successor to Sydney Jackson.
• A. , yd.)* nippy event toolt_plciee at
the residence of Mr. joseph Hudsou of
the Parr Line ,ein Wednesday, it being
the • marriage 'of his Sixth daughter,
Miss Annie, to • Mr.Jenks Logan,
• formerly of the Patr Line, but now of
Moosejaw, Assa. The •ceremony was
'performed by the Rev: M. C. McLen-
nan of Kippen.- None. but the immed-
iate friends were present. -1eour • cor-
reepondent : joins with . their many
friends in wishing than' loan con-
tinued happiness. • Mr. and Mrs. 749g -
an left. for Mooiejew the following
morning. '
Miss J. Smith of Pereter'ie visiting
friends here. : • .
- Mr. William Grein returned froni.
Deekerville, 11/fith., en Saturday last;
• Miss Low. of Liandon is visiting at
Mr.1 Robert McAllister's.
Miss Uthel Hill retursed home from
Walton last. week, •Protol•ite, 1
Mr. Hoggarth, who has been engage -
Remnant Shoe Sale
AT -
Tasrlor's Big Shoe Store
• During this month we will interest all •
• Shrewd Shoe Buyers.
• We are constantly picking out of our -
and placing them on our Baigain Coun-
For Saturday's Trade.--
They will be replenished again with the
best values ever offered in Clinton.
Bargains For Everybody. Come and See for Yourself.
It will Pay You. •
• Clash and One Felon
Butter and Eggs taken as Dish
44•••••••••44.•••••••4••••••••••••••••••••••***** ***
1 11134 6
We have just received ii:lai•ge renge Of Trunks and Valises
at about 257, below' the usual price.
Just what is needed it you are gotng West.
The Boot and Sboe Department is again filled up with-
. • New Goode at Reck Bottom Prices.
• • Spine odd eizeri at greatly redifeed prices.
. .
. .
' •
See our special prices in
• • Meres and Boys' Ready -Made
. •
• • ' during A.ugust.
Witare clearing them out at sweeping reductions as we
need the room for fall shipments
D M. .
ed by S. - S. • No. 3, Hay; commenced ****41.1•••••.14•4 •••••••••••••••••,.. •••••••14•••••0 ••••
duties on Monday.
SIr Levis'Stelek now Wears a broad
smile. Harvest hands will surely by '
and byn be plentiful in this vicinity. ,
Mr. It. -Stelck resumed his duties on
Molictey. • :
We congratulate Will. Jarrott on
his success in the recent Departmental
exams, ••
Mr. H. Snider spent Sunday in hay-
On Thursday last James, the young-
est son 'of Mr. James G. Emigh of
the Commercial, passed away after a
long and painful illness. On Saturday
afternoon the remains were taken
froth his father's residence to the Un-
ion cemetery for interment, followed
by a large concourse of sorrowing
.friends:' The bereaved CMS have the
sympathy of the whole community.
• On Tuesday afternoon a game of
baseball was played here, Blyth vs.
Clinton, which resulted in the former
winning by 15 to 5. • .
Soine of our sports took in the
Brussels races on Tuesday.
Messrs. Gidley and Tiernay attended
a Masonic funeral in Clinton on Mon-
day. • •
bliss Armando Scott left for her
home on Saturday, having spent a
very pleasant holiday with her broth-
er, IVIr. F. W. Scott,
Miss Nettie Watson and Miss Maud
Proctor left here on -Saturday for
London and expect to be absent for a
short time visithig the wholesale mil-
linery houses,
..t13ell left this station on Mon-
day with another carload of horses for
On Monday Nt. Rob(et Barricks left
here for Chicago.
Mr, John Kelly has sold his beauti-
ful residence on King street to our
dentist, Mr. Jerome, 'and intends to
leave here shortly for Goderich where
he and his family intend making their
home in the future.
SEPT, /ST, nee.
Return tickets will be issued be-
• tween allstations • on the Greed
. Trunk awl Connecting lines at •
Good going August 3oth and vet, re-
tuning good until September end,
few. • •
Canada's Great Pair
• Toronto • •
Clinton to Toroitto aittl ratite, good
going Sept. and to x2tli, inclusive—
Good going on Sept, end, 4th, 60,
8th and Ioth—$245.
All tickets valid returning on or be-
fore September xstli.
For further particulars apply to
P,11, HODGENS, Town. Agent.
A. O. PAIIISON, Station Agent
• Our large warerooms are.
fully stocked with furniture
of all kinds and if you are
thinking' of.purchasing we
invite you to call, see our
display and learn our prices.
It will do you good to see the beautiful line of Fancy •
Rockers, Morris Chairs and Odd Parlor Pieces we are offering• .
We will consider it a p lea:uwre slciolwadyoluetyManager. hrOilgahOetir.r
wa,rerooras even if you do not want to purchase. jr
- Night and Sunday calls answered atjresidenceof our .
• Funeral Director. J. W. Ohidley, King street,. opposite foundry. •
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists refund the mosey
if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig-
nature hi on each box. eV,
Mr. Jack Brown and two young lad -
of Essex named &ramps were kil-
led while walking on the railway,
Minton Market Report
Wheat • 0 80 tti ,80
Otiose Wheat... ,, . , 0 75 to 0 75
Berley 0 50 to 0 52
Okttos..”.."14.4 414-coirtileo 0 48 to 0 48
Peas 0 75 to 0 75
..... 40 to C 45
Potat,nes per hushel...,.,, 040 to 0 40
Butter rolls and crock ,0 12 to 0 14
tterturr: 0 12 tir) 0 14
0 12 to 0 18
Itay...•...... 800 to 000
Wool 0 15 to 0 10
Live Hogs per ..... 7 00 to 700
Plour per owt . .... 2 00 to 2 25
Bran per tob, .. • 18 00 to 18 00
Shorts per ..... 20 00 to 20 00
Dried Apple' per lb 006 to 005
Doubtless every shertiff in the State
of Washington has cut it hole the size
of a bullett in his garments to be
ed in after years a$ a Tracy souven-
To• those who Cohtemplate
spending their holidays at the
lakeside the River Eotcl, Bay, --
field, offers every comfort. It.
overlooks lake and river, haa
a lawn for tennis and croquet..
It has a pretty park at the river-
side with swings, etc. This is it pop-
ular epot for picnickers. It is fur-
nished • with boats, including a steel
one, which, havilig water tight com-
partments, wont sink.
Our guests tell us that the 11.ivie,.
Hotel dining room service was never I
so satisfactory as it is this season.
When requested rigs will meet trains
at Clinton, Drueefield and Goderith.
When you cane to DayAeld put up
at the River Hotel where you *111
have every comfort.
T116S. STUVONS, Mgt!