HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-08-21, Page 3August, 21st 1902
The Crime of Hallow -Fen:
1:3 •Eg
Author of A Broken Betrothal," 41`rfte Heiress of
Cameron Hall," Parted at the Attar; Etc.
. Pr. Montgomery met him at the -
• •It's all right, my boy I" he cried,
with chewy netu•tiness. S'She'e get-
ting along capitally; a day orotwo Of
absolute rest, and she will be as
good as over. Dui: 1 wont eep you
standing talking here, She is in
the inner room; you shalt go to her,"
Ah, what a reunion that was
'Tow he clasped Bonnylin to his
madly -beating heart, kissing her and
caressing her and weeping ever her.
A few words convinced him thett
she had no idea as to how- she es-
caped from her prison house.
Ile saw the doctor had wisely spar-
ed her the recital lest it should prove
too much for her and overcome her
completely. •
lerapk Fenton and Dr. Moutgom-
ery were soon called into the room,
and with his arm lovingly claeped
around the sweet little bride who
had been so miraculously snatched
from the grave, Le Roy arranged his
future pinus.
it was decided that they should go
abroad with as little delay as pos-
What more natural than that the
bereaved husband should seek other
clinics at once, leaving behind him
forever the story of the sorrowful
pat? •
Bonnylin, heavily disguised, was
to go on the same steamer; find once
across the seas, a new life of hive,
hope and happiness was to begin for
It is useless to go into detail ex-
plaining all that happened within the
next week.
Le Roy had nurchased his ticket
for the Servia, bound for Liverpool.
His friends had engaged the stateroom
adjoining his for a 'widow who was
booked us Mrs. Black.
Was it accident or fate that caus-
ed Basil Severne to take passage on.
the same steamer bound for Liver-
pool, and a still crueler fate that as-
signed him the statei•ooninext to
Bonnylin's ?
forward, •grasp her' In his strong,
steel -like grstsp, crying out
"Ilonnyliu, •my wife, What are you
dein bei?" '
Then she must tell WM. Tell him
how she had believed hint (lead, and
married the Mall she loved. •
God help her, how his harshlaugh
would ring out on the s• mmer ate,
aed. he Would cry out with fierce ex-
ultation • . ,
'Yea are not his wife; you are
mills n YOU must leave hira and cones
With Inc." .
Then he would tear her front Le
Roy's arms and force her to go with,
him, that inennt the darkness and
bitterpess of death. If she demur-
red, made the slightest resistance he
would in malignant fury' cry out: to
the world who she was. That would
be the revenge he would take upon
her. • •
• These thoughts flashed with light-
ning rapidity through. her brain, and
all in the space of the moment,
which seemed like long ages; in
which he had been standing there.
'"X beg your pardon, xnadam," he
said, ia the harsh voice she remem-
bered so well; "I hope I haVe not
startled you I"
. .
A faint, choking cry broke from
13onnylin's white, stiffening lips. She
tried to turn and fly', Mit Heaven its
self seemed against. her; she had not
even power to lift her white, trembl-
ing hands or •turn her face away.. '
As no reply fell from her lipsliasil
Severue turned his eyes from the
star-Sowa wave & and looked at her,
He started back, with o !terrible
oath, . • •
"Bbritiylin .1" .he cried hoarsely ;
"ala, • fair of face and .false of heart,
I have tracked you down at last,
heve 1 ?"
In. an instant he had gained her
side, and was grasping •the white
arm that was Upheld to -shield her.
Then' foie ore awfut moment, while
the sea 'waves moaned .around them
and the silvery moonlight drifted
down upen her terrified faee, there
was profound silence between them.,
As a: 'frightened dove stands mes-
merized, petrified before a deadly ser-
Bonnylin stood on the deck of the pent, • Bonnylin stood- ,before
steamer watching the blue line .01 Seriatim, In the cairn of the, sumiter
shore as it faded away in the • night her '-doods• had 'overtaken her.
tame with childish delights sadly at His. otiger-distorted. /am lividwith
variance, it is to be feared, with the arotised hatred • •and triumph,. was.
character of the quiet widow she had terrible to see: Bones/in.'s tees
assumed. . Whip to behold in its pale; pathetic
But her happiness was short-lived. • Icivelinese and Unutterable fettr..
Berme the st( anier had been an hour "I have found you at last 'res-
at sea, she began to experience sea- 'putted- Basil Severn°, harshly,• "The
sickness, and retired at ouce to her . hour that :1 hev0 longed for'hae
cabin. it was fully eight days be- • come at last !",
fore she was able to leave it; and to • His foce• darkened., • and in a single
mitki:the matter all the more pitiful instant . it •• seemed to grow •almost
Le Roy dared not go to her. Shefiendish .in its awful •fierceness. •
was .elitirely in the charge of the 1 "You are 'shecked to see me alive,
steamer's physician and the ste: I can. readily 'believe," .he went on.
harshly. "But let me tell you, I
011 the evening of the eighth day, .wotild. hove come' back' .from mY
i ‘ • • •ry 0 the physician's or- - grave to have haunted you for what'•
der, she stole silently out an deck, you have done," he Vent on bitter -
eagerly scanning the laces of the.. IY•'' "How dared- you Marry the.
PttSsengers loitering about, in search week afteis'inyseettppoeed,deatii?" .
of ls. Roy. She could net siatesenewered 'hilt).
I se st see him. I" she told her- if her life had depended on it. The.
•• self, desperately. . .. very. !lir, that he breathed seemed to
. Ile was pot there. Walking to ae stifle her, and his livid eyes seemed •
s .
. , isolated part of the deck, she made scorching into her very soul.
up her mincl to wait patiently for "t did, oat 'die to please you,". he
him; sooner or later he would be 'Wept on. ''I was spared—saved by
s • sure tosinake his appearance. ' , a sailor—w.hile rays assailant drown, -
.t As Bo n nyl in leaned over the rail- -ed. After a two, months' dangerous
ing, drinking in the exquisite beauty .illness I recovered, and weak • as I
of the ocean scene, and listening to was, nutde my ' ways, to Graystone
the melody of the song the wild hall. - • s ' ' • .
waves wei e singing, the hours flew . • "I. hove always • been a Cold, harsh'
by unheeded. •stern mon--the last persoa Wheat you
One by one the passengere had would suspect ef .being -.Wrecked on
quitted the cleck, leaving the lonely the rock of love, yet. •that has been
night hour, and Lo herself. . , . ' . ,..,
ing to look on a woman's face, But
figure lettning on. the railing to the'
my fate
solitude of the fast -approaching mid- . '`I have lived all'my life never cars
And s•et Le Roy had not put in an love comes to every human heart
appearance.• sooner or later, At -forty I Met my .
Still she felt sure that he would doom, for. it. was then. that. 1 looked
mine if she waited. , into Your blue eyes • and. was lost.
'Oh, how heavenly it would bli to Fool that I ' we& ' to allow myeelf to
remove this heavy widow's cap from be charmed by your dimpled, fails
1k1, head, and these horrid blue false face ! X couldahnost cerse
glasses froin my eyes for one little myself for inst.fallys The wisest and
minute," she murmured, taking a bravest men are Seldom ferttinate in:
hasty glance around and seeing she love aftairs: • . • • •
was, as she supposed, alone. • "There are sone men who cen nev-
i Tastily unts Mg the widow's cap, er , win the. hearts. of *omens Who. re -
she let it fall bac upon her neck by pel love, whose very preseece is'irks
• its string, and with deft fingers re. some: 1 was all of,this. to you, .
moved the odious, troublesome ' beautiful Bonnylin. You hated me at
glasses. •first sight, yet the more .you despis-
How the night winds caressed the ed and. shrank from. me; the more •I•
lovely, golden curls and the sweet,. worshiped you. When a mart of
d 1 in pl ed face. forty, loves,. it is with a paSsion .as ,
Iler surroandings carried her beck deep as his 'own soul ; such Was my
to that 'memorable night on the • love foe yeti. Forty tints -old in
ocean steamer, when Le Roy, her . your eye's,, I was riot young and gay
Oaring, handsome lover -husband, had enough to please you :and though
risked his brase, young life to save, you married. me because of the tee-
ters. • rible iwoi d I ' held over your, bead,
Through what strange scenes they we were further apart than the earth
had been together since then. Was and the stars," . .
she the same willful, petted caprici- A low moats broke front Bonnylin's
OUS darling of those days ? She ask- 'UM dying (WO • cry"' the Pitying
ed herself. . %Voters ; but Basil Reveille was so
sBut still, though I have ouffered engrossed in recalling the Past that
so much, I have Le Iloy's loves" she he.never heeded it, but Went on sloW-
murmured thankfully. ly 1. '• . •
A slight noise directly behind her '",PhiS..beings me back . to the time
Stn.rtled her, and glancing hastily of my illness, how I ealled for. you
around, she saw a genleman tend- by night and by day as I 01.4sed en
ing beside her, with both of his arms my feverish pillow, s I shell never
Ironing on the railing. . forget the snowy. afternoon I opened
Why did the very sir seem stifling the gate and walked up the serpee-
and oppressive? Why did the gold- tine path that led to Groystone
en light seem to die out from the MIL '
moon, the stars to fade, the beauti- ' "X had said over and over again
fel sea to grow black as hades, and ' to my famished heart, 'When Donny -
the heart in her bosom to beat With lin heerd . of my death, did -those
onc• terrible, awful throb ? blue 'eyes fill with tears ? Did one
The do -bell:tied man took a step kitul feeling 'thrill her heart for the
foi•ward, and Bonnylin raised her husband of an Maur, whom she hot
white arms, es though be: eeching never lOved 7' • And •when. X stood
Heaven to ectve her; it chill so bitter, Safe end tinhitemed on the threshold,
so deep, she thought it must be I fed my • fond, foolish heart with the
death. crept 0 er her. Even before belief that you would fly to itte with
his voice fell upon her terrified ears, open arras, crying :. '.0h, Basil, My
she knew the horrible truth. --it was husband 1 . Thank God 1' •
Basil Severne, IRO the grave given "How X pictured by night and by
back its dead ? The man whom She ditY 'What that meeting between Us
had believed to be lying cold and Would be ! 1 protnised myself that
still in death, the man who had fore-. X Would devote my life hi trying to
ed her into that hated marriage on win your heart and inake you love
that fatal ITallow-eve, the Man from itle. /nstead of that, what did T
whotn she had believed Heaven had find ?" he asked, fiercely, old almost
freed her, stood in the flesh tefete' involuntarily his hand crept to her
lovely White throat, and Ida clasp
.\_Ilis dark, burning fierce eyes Were tighteited around it,
AXed upon the water -..it wits only a
question of a fete fleeting Wends be . 'CHAPTER; XXX;
fore he would turn theist upon Iter.„,
face—and then—ehe dared not think- "Instead of that, What did Iliad?"
What would happen then. • he repeated fiereely. "Miss Thichest.
The shock was gm tvWful, So hoeer met me at the door, and the hor-
rible, Bonnylin stood like one dazed, rible Words that greeted .me when, /
rooted to titer Spot, /healing like a... called for you *ere., that you had
Married, and gone atvay.
leaf III a Wan,
$ho pita eXpeeted Mai to WIN( " 'Urri4d 1' I Cried 404_0'4 quite
believing nay ienSea were, playing
false—that I had not heard aright
'When did she marry, and whom ?'
" 'On the week following your Hal
low -e'en party,' elle informed me
"and the happy gentleman was 1.41r
Le Roy Plerpant, of Avenue A, Bos
"I turned on ixty heel, cursing, lik
one driven Iliad. Alitrried—and th
very week after my sulMoSed death
You would, not honor oven MY fleRM
•ory by waiting it few months 0
"That thought turned me into.
fiend incarnate. I Vo*Ocl a terribl
oath of vengeance against Yon,
vowed that I would hunt you dawn
and tear you from your lover's arras
and force you to go back with me.
"Yoa shall rue the day you wed
decl—one week after my suppose
death -‘-fair, false lionnylin. 1 wit
show what love turned to hatred ca
do. •
"It will be it glorious vengenanc
to force you to return to me—t
snatch, you from. love ond happiness
to torture you with the knowledg
that you are aline, and mine yo
must be while your life lasts. Th
shackles you hate still bind you fast
You ehall find that I, and I alone
am your lord and master. Love ra
you initY not, • but obey me yo
"Go to Le Roy PlerpOnt, ana
him what X have said—tell hire all.
"Tell him when the steamer land
X shall quietly 'claim you, Let him
denser or make an outcry, if he dare
and in that moment your freed=
ay, your very life, will be lost to
you. IWouki rather see you die on
the gallows, innocent or guilty than
see you happy with the man who
has won your heart, and whom yoa
"He will realize this ; he will •un-
desLand hew completely you are In
my Power, and for your sake he will
not -dare raise a firiger to aid you to
escape your just fate !"
• Ruffian nature toad stand no more,
. It was quite true all that he had
said, ; all terribly wrong, yet none
the Tess time;
He could claim her—this stern,
dark-browed man, who had vowed to
take such terrible vengeance
against her ; he eould tear her from
her darling's arms, defying her•loSe,
scorning and jeering at her agonized
Poor Donnylin: tried to repress the
moans Of mortal terror that sprung
to her pallid lips.
{ been saved.
fo Then Dead Severne was still alive
, to persecute her and hunt her down.
That he would search for her until
ha found her again she well knew,
, that is, if he had but the slightest
, inkling of what her fate hod lame-.
- that she had been spared,
But lie should never find her—neV-
• pr. She would hill herself before
e, his very eyes and thus end it all ere
I he should ever again lay halide on
, her.
✓ Poor Dormylin tried to look the
future in the. face—the horrible fu -
a ture tvhieh seemed doubly dark to
• her now.
X "Heaven grant that he may not
, lind me and part me front my "love,"
, was the pitiful prayer she sent up to
• the Great White Throne.
- Poor' child, she Was too innocent,
d or rather too ignorant of God's laws
1 and man's, to realize the grievous
• •ivrong she was committing in cling-
•ing to - this honorable, noble youug
e mans -it she was Basil Scdterne's wife.
o • She was blinded by this mighty
, power of love.
O "Let me try to forget that hor-
u x•ible Hallow -e'en, and that one act
e of folly that accrued from it," ;she
. cried out Sharply to herself, "let me
, -blot out the past as though it had
e never been, and think that my .life
U dates from this moment."
' Poor guilty Donnylin's conscience
1 needed no accuser. It would have
• .1•-•wn teors from. „the eyes 01 the
$ hardest hearted, even though they
realized 'her position, to see how ,she
, clung to Le • Roy's • love, the love
,'.• Which should never have been hers.
• She might as well haste attempted
to beat back the waters of the
mighty ocean.
• The darknessof death seemed to
Close in around her, she threw out
her white arms With, the imost pites•
ous -cry that " ever arose from a
breaking heart; the lovely bine, eyes
dilated wildly. •
. She had heard a footstep swiftly
approaching—a footstep she knew but
too:well. ••
"God be pitiful 1" was the cry that
fell from .her white, quivering Hoe, •
• It Was Le Roy Pierpont.
• This was the one secret she had
kept carefully locked in her own
beeast.'froin Le Rost,' and now her
Mortal foe would drag, the skeleton
from the eloset • of the dark Past,
and Le •Roy, her heart's leve, would
suite •the day ,his fair, lismorable
name had been coupled With herstup-
•on the lipS of men. •
• She was not Le Roy'S'bricle. Ile
would never porde!' her for 'keeping
the crime of that Hallow -e'en A gie-
cret from him, for. inthe eyes, of
Heaven that forced. marriage was a
crime that nothing could blot out.
, With hurtled • footsteps Le Roy
pierpont was crossing the- deck. He
had seen and.' recognized: Bonnylin,
though her back was turned toward
him. Re 'mistook the tall figure be-
side' Iterfor one Of the sailors-. Ile
.could not hear what they, Were say-
ing; for the.. wind 'carried the 'sound
• of their voices away from hint• ,
"How imprudent of Bonpylirt to
talk to one 01 the sailors, and at
. this time • of , night," • he thought,
with sudden feet—she was So . inno-
cent, thoughtless, and childish. He
• Must 'certainly wara her. against re-
peating any •such rinpruslence.'
A death -like despair fell over Bon-
nylin as Le Roy approached. A sud-
den impulse surged from her heart to
her- brain tO spring to Le Roy's side,
Clasp her miens about him, awing
"Oh my love, whom I have loved
better than. life, Protect me; rather
than giveine over to in5i mortal foe,
strike me dead with your own hands,
dear, and dying X will bless you. • I
cannOt live without you, LeRoy,nty
darling, my. lost love f"
'the impulse had no sooner entered
Bonnylin!a dazed brain than she act-
ed upon it, •
1Vith a wild, agonising shriek, that
startled the Sea birds whirling about
and arottud-the• steamer,she wreache
ed hei• White OM free front Basil
Severne's grasp, flew over the deck,
and cast • herself with wild cries,.
heart-rending to hear, into' Le Rey
Pierpones outstretched arms.. •
"Oh, Le Roy, intt loVe !" she.
panted, bllt that sentence never was
fihished. • •. .
Over the water there rose shrieks
and groans and terrible 'cries, mingl-
ed with •the sound of hissing steam..
and crashing timber. •
• It was the story of a careless en-
gineer, who had gone to sleep at his
post.The result. was, the great
boilera had burst, carrying death ahd
destruction in their path. •
• In an instant the =Jostle steamer,
Withitt such • a few hours of port,
was a total wreak, and was rapidly
sinking, and its lying freight 0
Minion beings *ere precipitated into
the sett.
There was no time for life-boatS.
Wite shall picture that horrible
Scene upon which the pale inoott
beamed and the light Of the stars
fell ? With a strong clasp that no-
thing but death could sever, Le Rey
Pleepont clung to Bonnylins exclaim -
""I'Intult God we are together, dar-
ling. If God intends it, we Will be
saved together, if not—we will die
together, lionnylin, My lore 1"
Even a:midst the horrors of that
awful moment, it atm& him chill-
ingly that she should wafer :
"Dotter death than life, Le Roy.
No one eould part us from oath other
in death."
He had eatight onto a plank of
driftwood' and though his arms Were f
strained; bruised and swollett, Le Roy
Siteceeded in clinging Lo it, and hold-
Donnylin up, until day broke,
and With the (limn help Cane to
hand. The tereible Wrtek bad been
The life -boat had landed the..pecti-
e'd steamer Passengers at a small,-
• isolated English village.
Le Roy was glad to ncitice that
aulidet the fright and confusion the
passen.gers had paid no heed to Bon-
• nylin's personal appettra.nce, and the
absence of the• blue glasses and the
widow's cap. indeed they could not
place the little golden -haired crea-
ture, none • of them remembered hay.-
.. iindgenstseitoy.n• her, •
on ,the stearaer, Even
the captain was puzzled as to •her.
• Li- Roy Pierpont lost: tie ' time in
engaging . a conveyanc.e to take Don-
nylin and hiniselt to an isolatedvil-
lage out of the range •of general
. •
During the drive' he was fizna,Sed
and not a little •anxious at the
great change that had eome Over
11°IntlYWiina.S. e
only ''.nat./ al, he thought,
t"that she should be highly nervous •
. and agitated 'atter •puch-ii thlilltng
escape frotnit watery. grave;" . but..
he. Was test prepared for what fol-
171etiing er white: arms 61.•Ound Ms.
neck and ;slipping down on her .knees
before.him in the coupe, and looking
up into his face with a look. in the
paitss--blue eyes.: he had never seen.
there. before,. 13oinlyIln implored•shim
, not to remain, -day or an hour,
abroad that they ayoid, and
to return by thci next • Ocala:ter to, ,
Dosten or New York. • • •
Le lioy looked sit lier aghast. . • .
"You forget,. darling,. how licippy
• we peoinised ourselves we :hould. be .1
over here,'! he said, attempting to
chier her up. "We are to. beginlife
anew together, you knew. , We will
perchcise. a Villa. Jo some. beautiful,.
' ' plettieesque Sind, 'and five only for•
each ether. What more. contentment.*
'could this. atorlit'hold for us 1" „ •
• • "If You love me take me, away •at.
• once, LeRoy I" She sobbed bitterly, ..
burying her golden headinher teens!
• blings hands,
"If thiS s a caprice,. there was
-never anything heard like it, ,Bonny -
" said ravel "'Sureo
was not ill—she must have constant
change of scene—or die.
The hapless young husband renew -
° his tenedrelperh'sl°eIsisenap
to lh
hint more pitifully than ever.
Lt was such a quiet, beautiful j lace
Le Roy decided that despite Donny-
lin's protestations they should re,
main there for the present.
And the day following this ' an-
nouncement Bormylin heard that
guests Were expected there soma thne
during the next fortnight, • '
"Do you know their names and if
they are Americans ?" milted Donny -
lin, faintly.
"Yes, they are Atnerican gentle-
Men—toutists, traveling' for plea-
sure," the landlady answered, men-
tioning the twines of five or six.
"There was one name I eould not
quite make out among them," con-
tinued the lady --"it seemed to be
Herue—or Severne—it was blot-
ted so it was almost illegible." •
The earth seemed to reek • beneath
Donnylin's feet, and the _odor of
the roses ainongst which she Stooi
to stifleher—but she. recovered hew -
self. by o mighty effort. Theywere
not comings -for a fortnight; and even
though her deadly fear were realized,
even- though it were Basil Severn°,
Jia should not find her here.
That afternoon, when, Le Roy re-
tut•ned from a drive, he found Bon-
nylin in a state of nervous excite-
ment, and he' blotted himself . for
leaving her by herself even for .oue
short hourSthough she had begged
ltlm to go;
How fair she looked as she ad-
- vanced 'hurriedly to meet hire. He
:carried that picture of his young
wife With Jam for many a long day
as he saw hees-thart, standing on the
stems porch, -the dark -Crimson roses
that •climbed over the archee! ,,stoor.
forming a glowing background for
- the little figure in the white mull
dress, with the pale •white blossoms
on her breast, and the slanting rays
of the red gold suplight falling on
hercurling hair atid upturned face.
' 'When they were by themselves,
I3onnyl1n brought
•• knelt down 'athis feet, telling
that shci couldhappy
longerhe must take her away 'rit
once. . .
For a. moment he • caressed the
golden head thoughtfully;
"It is quite intsoesible,
.he declared, "we' xnust wait until we
get a remittance frinn home to set-
tle our bilis here and take us on; it
will be along in the • courae. Of a'
• week 'or so I dare say," • • '
Hew was he to know that down
deep in her heart she was moaning.
-Out. in agony ; .
' "A Week or so: Heavenhelp me, •
my life might'. be blasted by: that
time laid in • ruinsand the bitter-.
ness of death surrounding me." .
• No WOridOr she pleaded With him in
• words eloquent and tearful, pleaded
• with.all the agony a prisoner feels as
bo ,raises his 'eyes to the face Of his
'..juilge to stay' a, death sentence. Yes,”
, it • was life or 'death with Beinnylin.
s.seelliolena.et„ -her' very soul. _ lay. in hi
For : the first time in his life she
Conlil not ohange his resolution.
•She rase from her kime.s altd•loOke.'
ed•at him 'with a whltc,. awful face.
• ."Be reasonable,my darling," . • be
ealds holding out. his amrns to ; .het'
"t wotild do anything 'in tba• World
to please Yoe or aria fronis.You . one,
Smile; . hitt this is impossible, . • You.
know nothing .of. businesS• affairs,
. -and I Wouldn't'. have your
• pretty head 'nsaddled• with • it • for
worlds, for if there is:anythirig 1 ab-
hor. it' is a, hard, crusty, .
business womitn 01. course .you did
net know, dear, that affairs 01 ties
kind.neecl it Sew des% and now . that
I have explained it to you, say .to
yourselfs • 'Le Rey, know? best,
Week will not matter; then he will
tole° Me wherever I choose." • •
For answer Bonnylin drew o deep
breath, • then fell down tit, his feet in
it deep swoon. It Was dusk . when
she regalned consciousness. • Le RoY
'teas sitting •thoughtfully by her
couch,. She begged him to leave .her.
alone; o'brief hour, she told him; and -
:to Milner her, -he left, her by herself,
and went down into',the,office. •
. Creeping stealthilyto a Werdrobe,„
she qpiekly donned' her hat and sack;
and.. glided 'noieeleesly . from the
room, taking care to lockthedoor
• and slip the key in her .Pocket, •
- et strange, . desperate resolve . had
• come to her, and she trusted to fate
to help her .carry .it out • -
"A• *mean, has been -known to de
'eteanger things than. this. for love's
• sweet sake," she Muttered .pantingly;
as slidhurried on her fatal • errand.
bply Heaven could have • ioretolld
the bitter end so near.
reason •will tell you • My clazding
is better, for 'us to •renattin here." • ••
Do not tot ter° Inc Le °Roy 1" she
..answered. ''We 'must :leave here I
Es•eey hour we remain 'here is killing
me 1 • I shall • never restuntil • we •
are: safe on the 'ocean again I". . .
•A• strange suspicion flitted throush
• Le' • Roy's mind, frightening ' 1, en
''Was his beautiful -• • 'little htide's
reason becoming' • dethroned ?" • he
asked himself in •disinay... . . .
.She 'had passed tlireugh so much
it would be little wonder. •. :
"Prof/Ilse me we ,sitall go hack at
once, dear," 'she urged. . "Listen to
my Prayer,or the hour will come in
wh telt . you will be Seery that you
did not heed you- iriu- remertiber
',.that I *knelt at year feet and im-
plored you, if you loved me, to take.
ine back 1". " . • ••
• 13Y this time they had rea.eb.ed their.
destination—a 'small, 'retired inn on
the mei iitainsside, in the hecirt Of att,
*lilted village. ' '
With fe:u.fui eyes Bonnylin . regard-
ed the green etanding. atetind 'the
door ofthe hesteley, as she stepped
fi•ont the coach. She quite expected
to ste it dark form etime quickly.for-
• ward from among therm snatch her
hand •it'oni Le Roy's- aens,' and cry.
04 fiercely:. "You are my wife! You
must . leave him, and ,•coine with .
me I" • . • . ' • • .
• 'Inquiee if there arnany strangers
here; Le Rey," she Said 'faintly, as ,.
they 'catered the cozy. Sitting
• The information that there were
none comforted her slightly; yet the
torture of the week they passed'
there :nearly drove hermad.. At the
sound of every footstep, every -loud,
harsh voice, the bitter evy•would tie°
tit Tionnylin's. white lips.: •
• MY doom hail ladert upon me 1 It
is Basil Severne 1"
Only these Who have knetvit the
weight at some pitifui secret—who
have lived with. a sword suspended
ever their head—can feel foe. her, and
Vealize what poor, helpleSs; beautiful •
. Tionnylin. suffered. ••
Hew long could she live dreading
exposure with the light of every
day, wondering how near She was to
her • dooin, as the, sunbeams marked
the flight of each passing hour?
How long could she keep her terrible
Neeret away from Le Roy?. How
many days, hoere, and weeks Was
Heaven to let her live in the sun-
, shine of the love she was periling her
Soil so piteottsly to cling to? When
was the volcano to burst beneath
her feet? When Whettd
asthle tiloQ•nwadloon,tog
sweo over her
could she endure this terrible' MIS-
pense without goitig mad?
Poor Bonnylin had wedded Le Roy
Plerpopt with a heart as ffrOm
guile as a littleee e child's. Her.
oily lay in the fact that she still
citing to him, branding her soul by
cooing the truth front him when She
1i:revered that Basil SO erne lived.
She could never tell what day or
vhat hour fate would bring Iter face
eighted from a lighthouscz in the
gray .dawn, and life -boats had been 1,
ordered mit to the rescue at. once, I
"Saved, my darling," murmured
Le Roy, faintly, as she was taken
front his arms and placed in one of
the Ilfeeliegig but When he elattiliers
to f tc w't) hi Th
to mercy for her after thgtt. She
titsvv better than to ex. eet it at his
They had beett stopping a week at
Ci charming 'villa on the Ilhine—when
1. became apparent to Le /toy that
ed In after her she clung to hint with p
ravel; She had need of 11oate4are
Whitening Cheeks and dilated eSteS.
and reSt. Still, She persisted She
She had heard the captain isay not
a foil ba4 been Iost—every 011,9 Itad
oor JittIe ilonnylin 5101.8 tO0 111 to
• It was it daring .venture, bet Does
nylin resolved to riskit; her life,.
her lotto and ell her.ltopes of hang
11088lay in the isene.' • .
Pausing before the office of the In-
ternational Cable . Company, Bonny -
lin gianced hastily nround. No one
Was 'in Sight, and she herriedly
tared. , •
One of the young operators sat at ,
his desk, deeply absorbed in ' the
evening copy of one of the London
papers . •
A faint \odor of • roses • floated
thi•ough • the office,' and 'raising his
heed, he sew standing at the • win-
dow before him the most beautiful
vision: of girlhood he Mid eVeebe-
held—a lovely, .white, Tiathetic .face
fronted in curling golden hair, . and
soft, appealing blueeyes gazing at
him • from lieeettth long, goldeft.
In aa instant the youtig man Was
On his feet. The paper. had no Ne-
ther interest for him.
"Hoovered What a gloriotle little
creatisre!" Was his Inental ejacula- •
thin as he gazed at her with admir-
tng eyes. e
• "I—I—want to send a etiblegram,"
Said Ileiliesdin, faltering piteously,
studying his face withsone swift
The young Man placed paper and
itik before her, handing her his owe
gold pen.
Stilt flonnylin hesitated, Dare she
trust this young operator? 1Vottild
refuse her request with horror too
great for words, or would he gt'ant
Donnylin nerved herself for the or-
"I—f—want to send -Cablegram,"
5110 repeated, raising her great blue
eyes to the young man's face, "bet
hardly know how to go about it."
she murmured confusedly.
"T shall be very pleased to tleitist
Yoll•" refilled the young operator.
Prolatbly you Wish the message sent ;
Orough without delay,"
Uotitiyliit flushed, then tuened dead.
ly pale, then flushed again,
"You are mistaken," she Milled,
with still more confludon. "I want
the eablegrant sent to it person In
this very villege, and 1 Want it to
wear its 'though it tante #.014 g
5.1 ton." the witter...-in Des-
' ypheoerrusnognpretty raleirtee:111.d. possibly get into
The young man looked in bewilder-
ment et the lovely, flushed face be-
fore him. Then. be sanded, wondering
what stranger freak; than • this it.
ca'bilWegre acomulhderneo, 0.111)tddlabtlYe
Cone from over the water," he an-
swered. "That would be a deception,
you know."
over the blank she had
filled out, which :an As follows:
"Yr. Le Roy Pierpont, Westlakp
. Villa: •
steDeitomo;inrgtnheciant)e at once. Takm first
"Dated Boston, tAo.n..,
"I Ain sorry I -cannot send it fo
is impossible," he -said, mil
A sudden dimness seemed to creep
over rionnylin's 5011508, and her biu
eyes filled with the bittsrest tears
which touched his heart deeply,
"Oh, sir!" she asked piteously
"haven't you some friend over ther
—in. Boston, .1 mean— whom you
cotild get to send it hack here?"
01:eltd leyiuome.ng opei•ator ' drlt itt
eW .hac
The -very suggestion , stag
surefy cannot be aware. O
*hat you are asking inc to do," h
'rigid; not unkindly: and readily see--
ing. 'ehe •did not. comprehenth
xnatter as a deception, ."Will you
tell xne the object of this?"
"Yes," said Bonnylin,- amiling
through her •tears. "The gentleman
adelressed is my hushand, We con
here front Boston lately.' X haV
been pleading with hint. to retur
home; but he is deaf to my prayers
I thought this would he sure to in
fluence him," she faltered. •
Re Was relieved and glad to know
ho •
he .object of hueh it proposition was
.itfim.ent, only .ft *young girl's Schein
to hav er own way and outwi
her husban'a":41esscould not • under-
stand hew a husband, Mid' pdssilil
refuse this golden-hairett
titre anything: Ando thrill of
pointment shot throegh his hear
at the thotight that she wet.; married.
"Then you absolutely refuse me?'
said Boneylin, piteously.
. "1 must," he replied. "If I sent
it,. do • you know -what the result
*mild be to me?", •
-"No," faltered Bonnylin, tri3mbling
"As eoon as the deception.was dise
covered,' Which 'would be bound. to be
the case ultimately, 'I shoeld .not
only lose my place here, hut would
be thrown into prison, The company
is, mate' as parole' ahout the mos -
sages that pass in and out . of our
hands; as the insPectors.. of the
mails are in regard to what passea
through • the niails. Think of the die -
:grace, that Would Soliow Me, for it
never would -be forgottea While 1
lit ed; if I were accused. of lending
myself .to such a scheme," he • Said
'earnestly. . . •
think , I comprehend .what. you
'mean'," answered Bonnylin,
"I 'did pot .keotte.it would be:looked
:at in that ,way. • Please fOrget •such
a'reqUest was nuicle„." • '
. Before .he could' reply, the little fig-
ure .in the long, -dark' cloak, and the
sweet ' fa,ce' fronted ..in. 'sheen , of
golden hair, had. vanished, • .
. Hurrying heineward, BonnyliniseireelY tensed 'for breath until • she
found herself once' More in her . own
apartMents.' She had hardly. thrown
.off her .cloak and hot ere there was
knoac at the 'doer, and she hotted
Le Roy's 'voice calling:
"Bonnylin, I say., 'Bonnylini why in
Heaveit'S •namo ,••• dcin't yeti- answer
me? open the door, dear.". '
Mechanically, she pressed the room,
sr I back th • 1 It d flu • h
What shrunk your woolens ?
Why did holes wear so soon
You used common soap.
Ask for the Octagon 'tar, pa4
hear her hent beat as she asked the
r question.
- "On the ninth—that will be the end
of the week," was the thoughtless re -
e Poor hapless llonnylial How often
, a slieht mistake --a word, leads to a
tragedy, and wrecks a htunan life.
; tuadvertently the landlady had men -
e tioned the ninth ns the date on,
which • her guests were to arrive„
when she Imd meant to say the eme.
normYlin breathed freer. The ninth
Was .the day on Which. Basil Severno
f , Would reach the villa, Ah, Well! She
• was to leave on the eighth, and en
the etehth the steamer on which Le .
e ltoy had taken passage was to egtiL
Why need she tremble'? By the titne
her mortal foe reached the villa she
would be on the broad; blues ocean,
He would be surato search for her
e for long 'Years through every part of
e Fitment), never dreaming she had re.
A. turnedtoBoston under the existing
circumstances. •
-•,Thus ,she fod her poor, fluttering• .
heart on false fencies, and. her doont,
came upon her quite unawares. Slow-
ly the days glided by, and the fate- .
e fill morning of the seventh dawned
t .
- The .eventful :morning brought with
t cloud tO warn. Bonnylin of lin-
' • .
teway, she strolled out in7'000 gars
• den, down the highway, and on "-
ward the margin of the stream that
.' skirted the village.
. Suddenly the 'sound of .swiftly ap••;.
preaching footsteps fell upon . her.
' eag, and through the interlacing
branches of -the trees she sawn man
.approachingi but Instead of raising
her blue eyes as she walked along,
• she kept them fixed 'dreamily upon
the pretty wild floaters at her feet.
• • The man did .not• pass, herg'instead;.
he steed still iti the path before her; •-
and the harshest, ••bitterest sneering '
laugh thatever was booed fell upon
.• the sunlit ale. . • .
With 'a swift..intnitiOn of dread', .
yriorinylin raised her blee, 'terrified .;
'eyes and saw standing before her •
Basil 'Severne. She tiled :Ago fly past
hien, *but he put' out -his hand •:, and, .
.,.catight her white arm. • •
' he •cried aerceiy, "We' meet •
again, Did 1 not tell You 'that you
should 'never eectuid. me? knew yetis'
bad been- saited. I saw •hiin eand yea .
. into tke heat; then I lost sight .of „
.voig.'.T. hen been Zealously searching .
for youever eiiice;SI want you. to
-ansteee me •Ottequestion; have • you. . •
dared to come . here with . Le • ROY.
Pierpont„ after 'whet happened - that
night • on the deck of the ill-fated.
steamer,. knowing that yetis heionged
t� ine-s-not to him?" . • '
"Spare 'me," murmured Bonnylin,
piteously; '."in mercy' spare 'me," she'
kneeling. down in the S long,
daisv-studded grass atShis lett • and.
raisi het beautiful, teri ifled Sae „. .
patli•d with. despalis'• to' hie "X ani • at •
youi• mercy; oh, be pitiful," s'
Pc feoWned . darkly ution.her, it:
Itis igt3rionilips f • lilells.k.01.1i.a: ..cureing,
• .".IA.Sten to what T . have to say,
Deheyln;-fair. bride, — who dared• -
Stand at • the .aitar with 'another . •
.scarcelY • a weekafter rayssimpotsed
clentli—listen to me, 1 Will: be more '.
Merciful tnyod then You, deserve; :1 •
will 1:e what you 'asked Mete he
• • To beecantinitecl.).
. With a...quicle step. Le. Roy entered
the boudoir.. • : ' • :
'"I have bee'n. here ,twicewithin the
7 hour, .knocking for Remissions
Why did .you refuse to open the deer,'
. . . • , .
darling ?".. he . flaked 'reproachfully.
"Did yOu take' it 'so: very . Mech. to
boortbecause 1 wou.ld not take you
• .
away . front here ?" .' . •. • ' ..•
liorinstlia burst into: .passeinate
tore-, • nodding her head, dumbly:
"Well, then, .dry those. tears, love:*
It pains Me to the hetirt to,see-these
precious blue eyes sufinsed by them.,
Yoli. Shall have . yoer .'own • Way. We
.tvi II. go. wherever you. lik.e.''
Ilse nevi', forgot hose she dung her
whiCii arms around •hit and thanked
him, smiling • up at him 'through. her
tears. He kneWit was madness to
humor this whim; but he ciould soon -
et. have died than refused her, He
Was amazed at.the immediate 'change
in 'Bonnylin. • She was so gay And.
happy, No wonder, poor little, soul;
Le Roy had promised to ,take.. heti
awaY, ' . She would not be here When
the -American .ptii•ty cirri ed at the
villa, lf .1)asil- Severn° was among
theth, she would 'escape hints -
The etreniag that followed: seemed
like a dream to Ise Roy. It was SO
much like theOld, huPPY daYe in
which he .and '13opnylin were lovers
. —those days in which he could :never
'coqutttisiittIe:lion;lire11; ..
.• loved him or not, - • • . , ' --
Bonnylin was More than happy. at ,
. the 'prospect of flying the whole
lengththe world out of the mach
01 her m t•tal foe, and ,still 10(144 ill
her breit‘, her pitiful secret from Le
.110,17, . . . ' .
. Tied days later She wee seated Itt.
the pleasant . morning -room, when •
the lanilady joined her.
. "Our American guests fir0 .ctintipg
to the Villa sooner than we ' expect-
71,fialiaa,M171201.7.!...MMANFM .
Our Rimless
Glasses Please
the Particular.
They ore fitted be.
coming's, to the feat.
ores of each patron.
The finish of our
speettielevvere 13 fault'
less, the fit perfect.
Seto r-lific Jevestaer and
• Optician
OltANTit,N,• ONT.
ed," she said, "so one of the party, .
Mr, Basil Severee, writes." ' • • •
Tile shook- of the, worcle Was so
great to Donnylin that the Wonder is • __It
they did not kill her.. She turned
abruptly away, lest •the ghastly pal-
lor that overspread her face should ,
be scut.
elared' she Would faint aunty;
She could have erred aloud in her
fear' and tingillsh, but all 'sound
el on her white lips.'
'Silly dear, Are you 'ill?" cried the
lady, "Your face is quite colorless— ,
even your. lips Mt white. What hall
I do forou?"
The soilinl of the alarmed video
aroused ronnylin as nothing elSe
could have eone. She tented 'to her
with a ghastly smiles clutching her
little white hands so tightly and
nervously together that her coatly
rings bruised her tender flesh,
itul not 111." she said faltering--
ly, "Do not he frightened: it Is a
pain that 1 have at times—it pain et
Iny heart. it ftightens me, and seemni
to take away my senses for it time.
It is platiiing now, and I :doll un-
derstand what you 'are saying • to
"It is really of no Moment." ra.
plied the landlady, "I thought it
Would ifitereat YOu to know our
guests are coining a little • S001101.
than WO expected."
"When are they Cu tome?" asked
Tionnylitt faintly, and it almost etetn-
ed to her that, the nc1lo,d ati,st
There's a Geed Dela
In the Camera
aed a'good deal, in knowing how
to use the camera,
When WO, make photographs we
1150 the best apparatus ntottey catt
buy and we use it all With the
skill that tomes front study and
experience. That's why our plc -
tures excel.