HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-08-21, Page 1ON. •
•41. I
1 School Books and School
Supplies for School Opening*:
Publie School Grammar, New Edition
46•A 'th tic " ..... 25c
14 Geography
a Practical Speller 25e .
". PhysiolOgY & Temperrince..,25c
if History 30c
7. Agriculturea30c
Outer to Readers 10e, 1.5e, 20e, 80c and 419e***PiiiliCS ....... *Cepies........7a
Catholic Reader s 1,0 • 15c 20c 300 and 40c " Drawing Books...5e
Morangs New Geography, Part 1 40c
,c Part 2 60c
.. Part 1 and 2 combined 75c 0
Morrings Phonic Primer -10c M orange Modern English Grammar...60c
High School Reader Me High School Grammer (new). .. .75c
" History of England ..60e " History of Canada•500
" History of Germany,75e " Geography (new)...$1
41 Art tb tneti C . .. ..(300 • " Euclid (new), ......50e
B k•k • . 60 44 Algebra ..75c
nigh S.chool Physical Science Part 1 50c
High School Latin Grammer and Reader,...$1,q0
High School High Algebra .. $1.50
11, Supplement„... ...Mc
Part 2, . ... — „
" German
61 French a 4. ....$1.00
• 66 Advanced Chemistry, .. , .50c
" History of England (Green)......$1,50
" Zoolegy..,........,...,. 75c
11 Botany , . • .$1.00
Coleridge and/Wordsworth, Paper 301!, Cloth. .50c
Virgil Aeneid Book 2...,600 Horace 04082 and 4 each
Feniletts Le Village . a Landers Traumereien
Whites lieginners Greek Book . ,$1.50
Williams Composition....50c ' Chemical NoteBook.
Physical Science Note Book 2.5c
Cassels French, German, Latin Dictionary each.
At the Meeting of the Wesley Inter-
mediate League on Friday evening
Mr. A. T. Cooper will give an address
giethmeetnlitroaf aldr000licoeorkiTn.g MarswhaVotno.
a treat and will be out in, full force,
THB DUCHESS suiryzn.
Mr. 1), Cantelon will this week ship
two carloads of apples to Winnipeg,
Man. The variety is the Duchess and
h i»•jcc fifty cents icr barrel This
figure is Let handsome, but neither is
the qualityf the fruit good.
The cool, bright weather of the pot
week has been just what the apple
crop needed so it is improving int:
meiscly aiid inay yet be much better
than the—experts some time since ex-
pected, • Let us hope it will.
Rev. Mr. Hamilton of Londesboro
occupied the pulpit at both services
last Sunday. At tne evening service
the choir rendered the anthem, '1 Sun
of My Soul"' the solo parts being ex-
ceedingly well taken by Miss Mamie
Houston and Mr. W P Spaulding.
The regular meeting of the C. Bf
Was held on Monday evening with
Rev. Dr. Stewart presiding. The top-
ic, The Life of Fatell was well,
dealt with by Miss I illian Coats
Yesterday Mt. Onslow Crick com-
pleted. his first year's service as care-
taker pf the cemetery and. during that
time there were thirty Mae inter -
meats, Crich is a conscientious
earetaker and has "God's Acre" look.,
ing its best.
Misa Fisher of Colborne is the new
organist of Ontario street church,
The NewseRecord will be sent • to
any address till the end, of 1902 for,
25 cents. •
Mr. Thomas Monaghan lost his 275
Jersey cow last weelc. fever car-
ried the bovine ofte
Herb. Alexander had his right hand
badly lacerated while working with a.
rip saw at the organ factory yester-
The Women's Missionary' Society of
the Ontario street chureli is an active
organization and annually raises a no
thconsiderable sum ft= the benefit of
the missienary •cause: It meets regu-
larly at the, houles of the members in
turn where after missionary topics
have been, discussed a five cent tea is
served. The spread ia a simple one,
the rules forbidding niote than bread
and butter, one kind of fruit and tea.
it h n annual lame and
VP THE LADDBR that f this ear tares place next
• • .
kr. John Irwin, 'vello has been as-. Tuesda.y at Bay. eld. allie presence of
sistant superintendent of the Denver that " notle amulet" man is not des -
and Rio Grande Railway', has resign- ired at these outings though the par-
son is taken along to hold " the rib -
that of superintendent of the •Aaneri- bons" and say grace. •
....350 ed that position and has been offered
• 60c
MiSs Brewer, dangliter of Ildr. H. C.
Brewer, who is summering at Bayfield,
has sent out invitations for a dance
to be held in the pavilion in Jowett's
grove on Friday evening. The invita-
tions are neatly written on. birch bark
and look neat as well as beiug novel.
Mr. Hooper, one of the teachers
in the Ontaxio street Suaday schocll,
aye hie class a picnic at Payfield on
"aturday, Mrs, Hooper accompanied
him and the boys were entertained so
well that they will remember the oc-
casion for some time to come. Mr.
Hooper is one of these teachers Whose
interest in their classes does not end
at the • closing of the school for the
Mr. A. King has applied himself
so closely to business for years that
his health has become Unpaired and
rest being imperative he left this
morning to spend a few weeks at gel-
ita and other points in Manitoba: His
customers, there are many of them,
will wish the genial J. .A.. a pleasant
sojourii on the prairies and a com-
plete restoration to good health. Dur-
ing his absence the business will be
• in eapable hands and King's bread
will continue to be the standard. •
Mo. Ogle Cooper has disposed of his
grocery business to Mr. Peter Mait-
land of • St, George, who is now in
possession. Mr. Maitland, who comes
A special missionary meeting will
be held by ()aerie street League on
Monday evening next when Rev. W. A.
Gifford will address the meeting. A
cordial invitation is extended to all
interested in .missionery work to be
present. A silver collection will be
taken in aid of the missions.
The baseball team played in Blyth,
on Monday but lost. the game, as they
exptete no having their winning
nine. Tie best of feeling prevails be-
tween t ese ,two c h
cries when the other wins. Code and
Johnson, the Clinton battery, did
good work,
$7 CWT,
Cantelon arid Wallis shipped. two
carloads of hogs on Monday to the
White Packing Co. caf Stratford and.
on Tuesday R, Fitzsimons sent a big
double decker to Collingwooci. The
price • still keeps up to seven dollars
per cwt. with a firm tendency. While
the farmers can command this figure
they are not likely to be in a, hurry
o getou o g g.
Three rinks from Stratford won
from Clinton on the local green on
Tuesday afternoon, bat the latter
turned the tables in the evening
matches and in the aggregate -score-of
all the matches Clinton lead by Que.
The local rinks were in the afternoon
made' up as follows ; .T. Harland; D.
L. Macpherson, H. B. Comae and J.
J T lo B Ho ard W
........25c the Gould system of five railways: on Mary Street and moved Up his fame DrYd°ne and D, A. Forrester ; 3. IL.
The salary to start with is $3000 and The setead annual tournament of Uy on Saturday. we welcome him Hoover, W. 1;f:. Lough, J. Fair and
$1,60 expenses with a. probable raise to -the Dominion Trap Shooting and to• Clinton. • -------Jackson, . .
. Mr. Grigg Irwin, who has been in held in Hamilton on Thursday, Friday began business and by straightforward '
• well recommended, has rented house Ransford ; . ay r, w
can Refrigerator Transit Co. covering TRAP SHOOTING, •
$s000. Genie Protective Association was It is seven years since Mr, Cooper Venue IN HAND.
SPringfield, Mass. for some time, and Saturday last. Y. B. Cantelon Three • rials front the howling club
cluiline anti close attention to business
Baldwins Pbychology applied to teaching..., $1.50
has gone to Cleveland, Ohio, where R. Graham and. G. E. Holmes mere- he 'milt up a, good trade, mat lw drove lo Brussels cm FrIday last to
• Miller's School Manarent 1.00
he has accepted a• lucrative situation, seated the Clinton gun club, ,but as, uow sell ceet has occasioned "rf coi c'us'ons ' with the Iccal club.
Tilley's Methods in eaching • 1.00 ' lefe0lianical engineering is his forte through an oversight, the club's mem- Amid,
inech surprise, 1 hey went in style their earryall be -
Strong Manilla. Covers are supplied free with all our Schobl Books. • and he is making rapid progress at bership fee had not been sent in in ng to:racial Ly a fenr-in-hand, Davis'
We hope howettei• that this does
See that you get—them. it, . ' • , thne they could only compete in ' a
not imply; that ie intends len-vine :lair well matchcd and handsome
These .yraung men. are natives of limited number of 'events. Mr: Cm- c rr .s h weather was hist what
Union' We cannot aord to lase'', a3. • c.
a -e Clinton and sons of Citizen R. Irwin telon, who shoots best when in corn-
youlig' man of .his business
they would hat e ask, d lei- and the
Ws t.-•ooper kso CLINTON.
and we are pleased to see with what petition with the best trap shots _in
access they are meetiag in their the land, broke 29 out of ao bluerocks A PRUSENTATI N, • a ii roads good, so the trip was a very
Pleasant one, especially the journey
chosen work, al the 8th event on the first, clay atd ° ' • boine by n 'there were a
. , : .
Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph Ein4 Dominion Express $
Money Orders, also for Butteriek Patterns
A Pew Palate Ticklers .
• For Picnickers and itouse Wives -
et' i We have Canned Lobsters, Shrimps, Lunch Tongue, . Chicken, • Duck •
and Turkey. •A good•Sardine for 5c per tin. ` -------
In Bottled Pickles we have Patterson's Stuffed Pickles, Hintz Sweet
1 '
Midgets Crosse and Blackwell'a Morton's Vinegar _and Chow Chow
Try a bottle of our Jubilee Pickles at 15c ortwo for 25c" ' •.''.. Hintz Sweet Pickles in bulk at 05c per quint are extra fine .
For Sandwiches try a Oart of Devilled fiVin't
ade Cooper, &
• . .
Do not practice false economy in the purchase
of spectacles and eye.,glasses. If a prescription
be taken to a druggist tii he filled it is not band-
ed in with the request that the cheapest drugs
may be used, although, perhaps, the medieibe
required is for some trivial ailment only. Why.
then, should so light an eetiinate be placed up-
on the most precious- of all the tenses, that
those who can and dc afford extravagances in
useless or at least unnecessary luxuries should
begrudge paying a fair price. for an article at
once so essential to comfort and welfare ?
The complete sotisfact ion acid comfort given by our made-to-order
glasses are niak Mg our. Optical Department daily more popular. -
We have had 12 years' experience in fitting glasseeand •
believe we can be of servite to you.
s Pa Cre.Wfigf,
i.ifdlecOnOe's Old 'Stand
Jeweler and Expert Watch Repairer, •• •
Refractionist and Disperearry Optician. .
asa—ar, 1,/pfmervir-4,m4,4111erriur.--4 '•-\--1—ersirmosolf—,,,,-,...,----i-fr,r4r-+Ar-, iosmomoom$
• • ' • • ' • - •
On Saturday Mr. J. W. Chidley
crossed " that bourne from whence no
traveller returns," He had' been 'in
declining 'health for ipoine time., and
during the past couple of months titicf
disease to which he stietumbed ma e
rapid progress. For some days he had
been part of the time unconscious, but
the .end • was calm. and peaceful. Like
as a tired . chili:11as asleep in its;
mother's bogoin, he passed into rest,'
He Was born in Clinton thicty two
years ago and was the only gen of the
late Joseph Chidley, a proininent res -
Aleut of .this town and a member of
the widely known 'firm of McTaggart;
MeMurchie a,nd Chidley, manufacturers
of fanning, mills.. On the death of his
father about ten' years ago Mr. Chid,
ley succeeded • him ,in the furniture
business in which he embarked' after
retiring from. the .. above mentioned
firm. Subsequently he accepted the
management of the ' branch which
Broadfoot, Box & CO. Of Seaforth op -
cried in this towe. This position he
held until the end. Between his em-
ployers and himself there was mutual'
respect and eonfidence. During the
past couple" of months Mr. Chidley
was not able to pay • much attention
to business' which was looked after by
his mother and sisters, who were en-
tirely devoted' to, him. •
Mr, Chalky, we all knew him bet-
ter as " ,Joe;" was a meinber of the
Independent Order Of Foresters and
was for several Years Chief Ranger of
the local court, . . •
He also belonged to the Woodmen of
the World mad as Counsellor Com-
mander presided over the delibera-
tions f of the local camp, For .sonie
time previous to his death he filled
theaposition of banker) in some other
societies called financial secretary..
We ate selling, our stock
of Tweeds at 25 per
cent. discount Of Our 'usual
prices. •
He was likewise a member of Clin-
ton Lodge A. P. & A. M. and after
passing through the dilTerent offices he
was elected to the honorable position
of Worshipail Master. His last nieet-
ing with the brethern.was on the night
of his installation.
in the eth event of the second day 22. On Monday evening members of the s,rcs f wcil contested games of
out of ze. He tied for the Robin ' company vvho have regularly or occas- which our rin' s C id not win all, bet
'Hood prize and had he beeti. alloavcd met in Dr. Illrcicall's office, they ' are too thorough sportsmen to
to compete ' i all 'the events would Iota ly I noun as the ‘. Wer Office," mftd that e'nd report being well "',en-•
have won. a big purse. 'Mc ssrs. Gra- r se t d jbe pr. , with. an addre:S* txr'ai id 1 y the Briissels club. Tam
hani eta Holmes *ere , also in 'the div• altch in teat terms reviewed Auld • CI mon rin-a consisted of : 3. W. Tr-
iition," but not with as goo71 result s. • lap a. Syne and w'shed a prosper - aceil\*.4\J. Rattexibeey, Fair' anti W.
The. club win:hold a shoon
ot Lator • rms. future: Tha
e dwre
dress as ad by . ac J.' Taylor, ',T. Wiseman,
Day, in which members of the Ripley, Mr. Nornian :Fair ufterfattich Mr. ;01- A. a orreatet and Dr. Shaw ; E. liow-
• Goderich 111111 I-Iyde Park cluhs are ex- fiver • Jol nsori presented Dr. Blacken arc', 11. Wiltsie,11. B. Comae and Dr.:
• •
in Clinton. '
Mr. J. B. Hoover was in n London o
Monday atteading a meeting of tile
board of managers of the Woodmen •
of the World.
Master Will. Rattenbury spent his hol-
idays last week with Mr. Brewer's
family at their cottage on Bankess'
eted to take part and on October with .a gold chain and charm togeth- AAgnew.. •
Whole Number 1226
While a.ssisting his son-in-law, Mr.
John McGregor of the and con.. of
Stanley, with his harvest the other
'day. Mr, Archie Macdonald sustained
an injury which has since laid him up
and. necessitated an operation Well
was performed on .Tuesday by Drs.,
Gunn and Shaw. Mr. Macdonald will
be F.F, well as usual in a few days, it
is expected.
There are several chicken hineiers in
Clinton, among the niiinher being Mr.
C. C. Rance, who lia.a tried variety
of birds but now gives prefetence to
the Buff Orpingtons which have good
laying qualities, size and " extra
juicy" meat. Mr. Rance has just had
built one of the niost complete hen
houses to be fotind anywhere and
which will enable him to get the best
satisfection out of hia birds. He has
incubators and brooders, in short a
complete outfit.
Miss Helen Watters of London. visited
1Vliss Alice Reid last week,
Miss Florence Reynolds of Sarepta is
the guest of Mes..W. C. Searle,.
Miss Macpherson of R. Coats & Son's
staff is enjoying her holidays at
Port Stanley.
IVIiss Ida Thompson and her sister
Gertie Of London are visiting Mrs!,
D. B. Keunedy.
Miss Logan and Maater Ike Rotten.
bury are spending a fortnight with ,
Toronto friends. a ,
Miss Coats of Brampton and leis*.
• Kelly of Morris are gnests of .Mrs
John McCaughey. .
Mrs. W. H. Treleaven of Winnipeg',
- Mane: •is a guest at her brother's,
Mr, J. A. King's, -
Mr— I. Vette:emu was in Blyth on
Satt rclay attendina the funeral of'
the late James Binigh.
Miss Flossie Wilson, who had been vis.
iting i u ---sister, Mrs. S. Cole, left
lor her home in Toledo,' Ohica on
Monday. •
Mr. and Mig. Alex.. ariounge Miss Bu-
chanan. and Miss 13oggs of Colborne
via cal the House of Refuge on
Mr. Rpbert Coates; assistant editor of
the Labor Gazette, Ottawa, is
spending his ' holidays at his home •
• • Oth fthe 12th annual tournament will er ' With a. gold .ring for his better ----' . • Mr.. and' Mrs. Ed. Watson of /Myth
Row, tayfield.
take place. • . half. ' - • . . ' A FAMILY GATHERaca.x. . • .... -
' . The Dr. was o • take sur
$ n by prise, .
re- . guests of Mr. - and Mrs. D..33. Ken -
and Mrs. Hole of aelgrave were
"knock- . unTiohnereof vete:Ilse .ofeamMuyonodfaymra lam.updpymrs. uedy
AN AUG/1ST WEDDING. so to speak, you could have
on Saturday. • .
.A social eitent Which has been look- .ed him over with 'a feather,t but he George" Harland ,of Goderiche form- • 'Mr. George I.odgers represented Court
. , • : • '
he residence of Mr. hearty terms characteristic of hi
.m re -
mon tea44 turned thenks and invited' Chem one erly af Clinton. It was the first Clinton at the rimmed meeting of
took place at t
time in fifteen years that all the the High Court I. O. F. held . in
ed forward to with Muth' anticipation Milled. himself together and in bluff,
"when hia fourth daughter, Miss Azieand all to pay hi
; m. a visit When he t
members were enabled • to assemble it Windsor last week. ' • '
he parental home at the one Aline Migs Lavan, who . had been home foi
John Gibbiaga at .high
was milted in marriage to Mr. J. W. got settled iii 'Jensen, -
andthe oecasion .was taken advantage ' the holidays, left on Saturday for '
Treleaven A. A., principal of the •Al- A few hours 'were theft spent in the of by hearing the iinmediate family near •Berlin where • she resumed . •
monte High School, • . informal and jolly.'" War Office"' style photographed. In the group were t charge of her school on Monday. •
-The ceremony, which was witnessed and after again individually wishing Mr. and Mrs. George Harlaad incl Constable . Dan. MacICa.y of Goderich '
by only thc. immediate friends of the the ' Doc". Prosperity the cOmpany' MisseS Ida and Lena Harland Goder- came to towa on S,aturday to take
contracting parties, was performed by dispersed.• • • • • ieh. • charge of a prisoner brought down.
Rev. • • Mr. Treleaven of Glen Allan, - •. Mr. Will.• Harland, Clinton;. , • from
mWingham by Constable • Van -
brother of the groom, assisted ••by CLN
INTON'S AD. A14 • Mr. George Herland, Jr., Detroit. Norman- . •
- T St d t r d .1) Mr. .Bert. Harland, Mitchell,. • Mrs: J. W. Chidley , and- ..her twa.
Teo years ago'he married Miss Gregg,
who survives hini together with their
two danghters, jean and Mary, aged
respectively eight and two.
The funeral took place on Monday
afternoon. Services were eonclucted by
Rev, Dr. Stewart .at both the
house and the graveside. • The
Masonic brethern assembled in
their hail and marched to the resi-
dence where after a short service had
been held they reformed and proceed-
ed to the cemetery. The beautiful cer-
emony which marks the interment of
a Mason was conducted by Worshipful
Brother Tierney of Myth. The secre-
tary deposited the parchrneut in the
open gi'ave and the warden the lamb-,
skin apron of him " whose memory
we shall cherish In our hearts.
R Dr Gifford daughterg, . Jean and Marv, leave '
-, on Thursday for an extended visit
to her sister, 1VIrs. J. S. Jackson of • -
Winifipeg, Mao. )
Mr. James Long left today for Cara- .
duff, Assa., and will take up a------•
The eliaxming bride wits most 1,e- Irwin, has been leased by Mr. 1VIrs. Kinegan, Detroit.
comingly attired in white. silk. Brides- D. Urquhart, 'Proprietor of the Hen- • " Mrs. Georg.e Page, Marnock.
maid and ' groemsmail were dispensed ''-'
with. • . sail oatmeal mills, who. takes posses- 'The fol w ng were. also present to
lo 0
After .the' ceretimny, the congratula- sion. on September ist and on his find- participate Ira the. happy re -union and
ing that stun -clout, grain product can picnic ; Mrs. George Harland and '
d ootl wishes and the wed- t ' ' h' district children ' of Detroit, Mr P d
ag an
tions •
drove to the -.G. T. R. station
ding luncheoli, Illo.. arid Mrs. Treleaven .:A •
eqUip . it WW1 . the most modern rind
and hinlitY of Marnaiii, Mrs, Will. Har- . homestead next to. that Of • his. form,
left by the 2.55 P. iii. eastbound • train
n'aild .ian;rolveca-Lachinery for. the manufac- dfland-ariamily; f Mr. 'and .IVIrs. 'W. S: . er employer, Mie Noble Lovettalata
f!* Alt will fit np .
Thoitsaad.' Islands Ana down the St: peas and oatmeal products for ship.- Leonatd Hare ' left t. he o. 1. to. • '
ture. of pearl and pot barley, split f Harland f .and.. MisS" Ma3‘blej.slse.sHamrp.larniadn, . of ...lithaer,Pyasceia4rik,nh.46
Mrs. Sohn 'Hariaint,' „
.for their honeymoon trip through •the
take a positiott\ at Brantford. He
. . • tont to foreign countries, also the . 91'4 Itrnelia 'and Master
ucts necessitated his looking for niee . results ••of the. Part / ainiior 1,eaving
inaking of all kinds of grain foods laud, Chilton, and the. family of, Mrs, was leader Ot tbe S. A. band"' and
Lawrence, after which , they will take -
There" was a large gathering at the for hems, cattle, hogs, poultry,. et*. Kinegan of Detroit. , .,: . . a . . a ' being always at' his post :he will be . '
up housekeeping in Ahlionte. :: • , miich missed On parade and at the '
station • to see them off and the usual _ The growing increase in demand in . a - '
GOOD" FOR THB C. C. 'I, ' .
Mr; •John IVIennel. of the Fergus New -
pleasantries . which' going -away couplea
Britain for all our agricultural prod- Last week The Nevis-Reeord 'gave the - Rt;cord stall came hOzne Thursday to
must enduie if they do • not emoy, . f attend the funeral of his sister,Mrs,
' The bride was one .of the most pop- • d„
ulet „of Clinton's young 'ladies arid
will : be greatly trussed, especially in ditional -supplies to -meet his foreign those of the remaining 'eXerninations ; ' 2
trade . For th • • , . , • 14711Saa.iltdfiird which
afterroon: He retained to 'Argils •
took place Friday "
. rain territory from which eo get a.d.• examinations 'and we herewith give
is purpose Clinton •seems • Part I 1Vratritulation— • '
. ' Inspector 'Paisley was in Hensall on • .
. Monday tied Tuesday acting as val-
. nater for Mr. Frank McCaughey
and Dr. Blacken,- respectively; . who*: ,
, have leased and. entered • into posses -
mon of the hotels iit that village.
.., 1141-N..„ Paisley is an expert, valuator
whoSeseratices are always in re-
. quest at hotel transfers. • .• •
• : Mr, Walter Baker, who has for .some
years been principal of the Egnionde• .
Ville Public .school, has resigned. to .
• aecept the, position of second teach-
' et, on the staff of the Publicsehool
at Darhaan. The Derhaanitesare
loyal to their school and to the
teachers who labor faithfully ' and
• :do good work, eonsequently We be-
. - licve Mr. Daher will get along well.
. Mt.•ruld Mrs. 'George II. Fowler Of the
Ist con. of Goderieli were iii. town
on Tuesday on their way limne front .
' Veaforth where Mr. Fowler annually
caLtries cur flout ra'1:s, salt wor1se, C. Dotter . .
lamas Of the .eitizent of Cliaton in
musical circles where she -occupieda to ,have the best natural advantages, ----.CM. Bell
very prominent position, In her hence /is taking the Standard winch John C. Brown
fourteenth year site became organist of is already equipped with grain ma- Completed Part 1—
Ontario street church whith position
. ehinery that can be converted and us- E. •Button (Physics)
.she filled to the entire satis actioti o ed in the proposed inilling plant. •
both choir' and congregation until the
eve of her marriage. She was secre-
tary •�f the Clinton musical club and u acturing and financial unicorns,
erecting the attention of both man- L. Agnew
Poospectively vim tovint seems to be Part II Junior Leaving—
. • O. M. Stewart (Physics)
1-1•,. Cameron '
was always ideatifiecl with what stood
attention is mainly drawn througITtliitiss'. ,.
for the best -in music. AS an aecom- crormous shipments of late stock, sE. Dever
ley •
pan* she was unexcelled and her Bet, ruits ,and all kinds of far* products •M. Dovizer .
vices were constantly in demand. and that are yearly shipped from Clinton, • . K. Hart
freely givea, • btanipink it EIS the principal .outlet for • W. Jarrott •
Mr. Treleaven's work as clesaical the agricultural products of Huron E. johns •
Master of the Clinton Collegiate
In'. couthy, unsimpaased in miality, quan- ' U. Mooing '
sritute marks hini as tt trial' of maeh tity .a.nd value by any other county. it L. March
ability sma one who will come t° tile Orono, and which, without savoring C. Mustard
front in the world of education. •His 0 any utidue f pride, gives us the right • r• MeUwen
record as a teacher of several year and title to the banner. county of the • C. Mcvably ,
experience here warrants us in Iteltev-
eer as principal of the Mei seitool at 611 ' and which as eitleas °f C111' 13' metWell
nutch FO that with already local in- H. Porter
The News -Record voices the senti-i t ••
I a.nner provinee of Canada. No tneatt Ana. IVItEwett
ing that he will have a sticeessful car-
ton we may justly feel proud of, so C. Ouittette
nial:es a big sale of small fruits.
org an factory, loundry, 1 t• mber arid . El Robson Mr. Fowler's farm only comprises
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Treleaven a plaiting mills, s Ile cloth lig mete. C. Sowers twany pores lut it yields him a
prosperous and happy future'. •ufactory, electric light works, mid the P. Wilford larger ret'enue than many fifty acre
The palibearera were : A. S. Heti- near induction Of a. Inittng factory 1 art I Senior facia lig—
Oii Tuesday the choir and congrega. anti a factory for the manufacturing of William Hamilton
1°wigt. W. D. Vaitt W• l''' SPatildingi tion of•Ontairio street aura preiented
N. rair, G. E. Holmes and A. Port- Miss Gibbings with a very handsome all et"). dt.'Y it 'in e end Miele pat- r art II• Senior Leaving—
.T. Anderson ,
er. • silver tea serviee, together with the eat Incillehwi ieg ther with the rerY
best ban ing, railroad an I. publ"c pre.s M. Macl.enzie
Among the 'Mourners Wcte ! 3. If. following address ;
Clark of Tortinto; T. A. Gregg ot • faeilities, we seem to be on the eve of Conti' letcd Part II Junior Matricide. -
Pickering a•nd J. C. Gregg of Sea-, To 114iss Azie Gibbinaes ; possible rro 'wily that wilt show tion—
forth. Dear rrieral,—We, the ineitibers of Cpntolt to be loth a live and pre Browning (comrogition)
, ,
Ontario street Methodist choral in gralisive trainie'pality. B. Jenkins (German)
Atrioitg the members of the Masonic
the town of Clinton, have 11(1011 of Add to ail this rataloree of belay HOU& IVIatriculetioft, Toronto Univer-
order who attended the funeral, front
your prospective removal frmn our activity that of our exrected in the sit—
.1 of town. were i Dr. Kay of Al -
U. )3 31 w's ham . miclat and we feel that we cannot at near future Huron paciciag and cold, 1. M. Laird, lvith first class hon.
' V 1 0 Mai
us without tendering you some tang- very tieeption Is the Outcome of au History, Mathematics, Physics ;
1 IV. L. Ottimette,`,Londesboro " W. W.
• c . , .
••••••••••.i.6••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Vt. mains, Lasitain Nir„ Riley arid lot*, You to sever Your cnnnection With storar compatty, an enterprise whose ors , ,
Sattlts, W. D. Tye, H. W. Ball and ible evide ce, ottr esteem, for you tabSolutely felt necessity iti order that , second class in English
P. S. T. Nand, GoderiCh ; C. IX. Personally and of our appreelatioe of we may get better and more renuiner- Olvetta. 13rigliam, first class in
yOnt- 1011g1 .elliCient services as our ore ative values for Mir howl Mid fruit
35 CENT WINDOVV Saunders W. H. Levitt, S. A. Stew -
Mathematics ; second class in
• Lawrence, 'Stour Wad attd gepial botany tee and Clilitori thus seems to teach thal History, English, 'French, Ger-
- ate r . T w, I h, other 1vi4'1t your tutttring devotion to apex in her histety that mitst inetice 11..111Wan.INTIalitgilliseetind class in Math-
We are going to have a 35e Bargain Window tbe 't` Iceter ;
art, J. A. Carling, Bd. Christie and ganist. products both for producer and dealer
have woe fOr her more than over a centre of (availstory
Furnishing Departinent for Saturday. There will not be s. It. Gidiey sue. W. twin, tlyth your onerous duties, etna ics, vertu ,
lots. re has now two and a half ,
acres in small friths aud intends
d tubl:ng the acrea.ge in the next
couple of years. Raising the best
quality of fruit, Xt. roWler finds no
difficulty in securing a market for
his entire produtt.
Mr. 3, P. Calloway of Victoria, II.
C., waS the guest of Messrs. George
and All, I3arge on Saturday and
Sunday, ne was ono di the pioneers
of Stanley, settling on the northeast
earlier lot on the Goslieti Line in
filet. Mr, Calloway Was but a boy
then, but distittctly retnembers in-
cidents in conneetion with the !lour.
nay into the Huron Tract. The farm
remained in the possession of the
family for forty two years when it
GwViosaollidit,tof.otrheslt9orcoose.nt mokYrir.
I/. ,1". D. Cook, S. L. SOOtt• mid H. yott the affection and esteem. of the tage aid attraction to all outside Mr. Laird's position gives him the way's uncle owned rt. water mill at
an artiele in the *111ClOW worth less than 50e, while there Ingrain, Homan C, tenee. whole community. And we ask you cohinierCial and financial intelligence, seemid 131ake Scholarship in 1V10.the-
to do us the kindness to accept this it simPlY now rests with our busi- maties and Modern Languages, inde- Ilavfield and was widely known a.s
" Calloway, It is How
will be many a one that you would pay 60e or 75e for an - field.
Mr, Chidlev was insured to the a- little gift as an expression of the at. teas men aird citizens WhO by a strotig Pendently of his high .statidin in
ht the t, 0, F. for fectionate regard in Which We ev- and united sthady ail -together pan Latin, Ilistory and rhymes. RAS onaf Calloway went Vest and after 'iv.
some twenty three years since Mr,
.e p10,00 01$0; • • Poop in the W. O. W. for $50 and in
- mount of $3600, ly seventeen Tears of age and deserves
et hold your •ritemory, mid as air to- of public sentiment and practieal
Mg for some yearS in ItitatitOba lid
$aranCe Of our prayers oil yottr beitc.if fort can make our brighteSt anticipa- great credit or Itis higlt standing. We settled in Victoria n, 0 which
the Confederation for the balance. He Straw Hats, I,elt Hats that the God of all goOdtieSs may ev; tions an acoompIished reality or by prophesy for hint a successful career it Ito eau inn +II is 'I' Ite ..,
Ties. Belts imtl 'Shirts -- i lef,t ma will.
14 j'ben oddity was a, staunch Con., et crown rotfor lik With MS richest indifferen51. allow our golden natural at. the ,university whither tte oes w a r (1, all e I.,
, and ever ready to render a riend a everlasg kingdom. ie
S' ed on behalf taff the congrege- ativantages titan uS, and who will during tho last Six ieavs• 1/6 11°Pe
.. other municipalties with less nrttural by the linton o legiate tis ti. e
profit by our inert passiveness. Stanley. Mr. Calloway and the late
Iklt. 13arge were boys together itt
aervite. While deploring his untimely tionign
',464044,1,10,vwrommoimpimo.wwwirma„ :f , _. bdeath tretiextetid our sympathy to the I Gorham A.., Gifford, Pastor. . for e,qual success under the stall as it Yorkshiro, Ungland. .
clTizzts. is now constituted!,
ereaved amilyi , .
j ,fif goes ,stftivifve tv.ivstitlenrgiaramtt)iiingrp °tier feitilgs,
ister to .yoopportunites to ass only to be quick_ this fell..„.`, ,
servitive and Er, member of the Pres.' -------------------------- d
All at 35 centsfifth ae tolars p en
last, an abundant entrance into y appreciated and appropriated by This is'ctte
byteriatt church. Ile was bif hearted t ON (011 ea
lie Sn v 1 ant
CI ve families in
• ••••1,'