HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-05-08, Page 7t1INARDS "KING OF PAINT" LiWIMEN1 OWES HER HEALTH TO PINK PILIS This Weak Anaemic Wonsan New Rejoices in Health and Strength. it is a scientific fact tha. nearly all the ills that afflict women are due to poor, thin blood, This anaemia 1s the one cause of low splritn and languid- ness, the poor appetite, breathlessness and aching hacks that make lite a bur- den for so many women. But suffer - sae Mg women could banish all these miseries by taking Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, for it is a known fact that these pills create an abundance of new rich blood—their wonderful reputation 1s based on that. Proof of these state- ments is given by AI's. L. Deschencs, La Tuque, Que„ who says: "Before I began using Dr, Williams' Pink Pills I was in a badly • un down condition. I appeared to be almost bloodless, had frequent headaches, and the least exertion would leave me breathless and worn out. My husband advised me to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills anti got for me six boxes, Almoet from the first d noticed an improvement in my condition, and as I continued tak- ing the pills my blood 1 ecame better and I steadily grew stronger, till to- day 1 am enjjying the best of health. I am now able to do all my housework without feeling the least fatigue; my appetite is better and I sleep more soundly at night, A11 this I owe to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and I unhesi- tatingly recommend them to all w} o are run-down in health." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at all drug stores or they will be sent by mall at 60 cents a box by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brock- ville, Ont, Balkan Crisis—New Style "One touch of powder makes the +whole (feminine) world kin," and the hearts of girls all over the globe will go out to sisters in distress In Ru- mania. There, it seems, tine Minister of Ag- riculture is trying to turn back the clock by forbidding the Ministry's fe- male employees to use either rouge or powder. He also expects them to wear a black office dress, covering neck and arms, and reaching to the ankles. From time to time similar efforts have been made to prohibit "make- up" and to prescribe the style of dress to be worn by women at work, None of them seems to have made any d1f. forence. And the denunciations of modern fashions by some churches haven't had much effect, either. .an.. So perhaps it's wasting time to sym- pathize with the girls in Rumania's Ministry of Agriculture. It's the Mtn• aster who really needs sympathy, LOYALTY plan's first loyalty should be to him - soli, No one else can live his life for hhn, no one else can be expected to discharge his obligations. Acknow- ledge all you owe, you; be grateful for all the help you are given, sorely; but if' an opportunity to advance your- self comes along grasp It at once. 010110 110 mistake about this: though you have run a drill press or a lathe for ten years and have rendered good service to your employer, the very moment it beomes plain his business can be operated without that ma- chine no foolish ideas of loyalty will save your job, We ill must bow be- fore economic progress and he best eucce0110 who does his bowing quickly and straightens up to look ahead, The world needs loyalty. It is ono of the finest virtues. But it needs the teal thing—not a silly Imitation of it, Stoney—"Hasn't Irene got a fresh complexion?" Tony — "Yee, fresh every daY." TAPEWORM REMEDY 'et. 11. L. lIulveney's World Famous Tapeworm Remedy has expelled those horrid monsters in two to three hours. No starving necessary, no stcknes ^n ,trouble whatever. Write for full ' nformation. Dept. A, 211 Ossington Ave., Toronto E1 MiCInuteEnds Itch'cMAf E "SOOTHA-SALVA" AMAZES DOCTORS "Baby had temble eczema. `Sootha. Salva' ended itching in 1 minute. Disease soon lett:'—Mrs. 9, Laurence. Stops itch, burn, pain In 1 minute, Eczema goes for good in few days. Skin becomes clear, smooth, All Druggists. Owl Laf fs Mother's Day — May 11th Who'll wear n rose for Mother's Day, A half -oiled rose and white, Plucked in the morning while the slew That gathered over night To kiss its petals like a gem In its pure heart appears, As pure and sweet as mother -love, As rare as mother's tears? Who for a Mother's Day will wear A blossom ptu'o and white Above his heart, wear It from dawn Until tho shades of night, Come in upon the perfumed breeze And wrap the world and him As softly as the mother -love Wrapped him to days grown dim? A white rose just to honor her Whose rose was purer far Than any gent the world has known, Than snow-white roses are; A white rose for the mother -love That knows nor slop no' stay, That up the heights or in the depths Goes with him all the way. —Judd Mortimer Lewis. Blue, for wearing apparel, 15 beyond criticism, but it wont' do far mutual equipment. It is claimed that people's minds close up, but anyway they keep their mouths open. A Lesson For Shrimps Pat's left eye was badly discolored. His wife asked who did it. Pat—"Mille Murphy.* Wife—"What! Do you mean to let a little shrimp like Mtekie Murphy black your eye?" Pat—"Martha, don't speak disre- spectfully of the dead," The "daily grind" is absent from the work ono likes. An elderly couple had stopped in front of a neighborhood movie and were looking at the billboards when the man noticed some picturee of bath- ing beauties on them. He shook his head and said: "My! My! That's ter- rible!!" Turning to his wile, he said: 'Well, let's go le," and then led the way. If somebody else is doing your think- ing you're doing somebody else's work- ing. Mrs, S.—"I want to give mp hus- band a big surprise for his birthday." Mrs. P,—"Why not show him your birth certificate?' Common sense is the father of those Popular children, Dollars and Cents. Another thing the talkie needs is sense enough to stop talking until the applause stops. Ile—'If you keep looking at me like that I'm going to kiss you," She—"Well, I won't hold this expres- sion much longer," A man says his wife declares he is like a flying machine, because he is of no earthly use, Woman Customer (to haberdashery clerk)—"My husband is a conductor and I'd like to buy him one of those railroad ties I hear him talk about," Now that smoking by ladles no long- er shocks anyone, the girls will not enjoy it half so much, Judge—"You are charged with beat- ing up this government inspector. What have you to say?", Grocer—"Nothing. I am guilty. I lost my head. All morning I held my temper while the government agents inspected my scales, tasted my butter, smelled my meat, graded my kero- sene. In addition, your honor, I had just answered three federal question- naires. Then this bird came along and wanted to take moving pictures of my cheese and I pasted him in the eye," hubby—'That girl over there shows distinction in her clothes," Wiley— "You mean distinctly, don't you?" Building a modern giant liner means work in the shipyard for 2,000 workers for 100 weeks, while the outside work represents one year's work fon' 12,000 men. fpr M kfs4 dduue foo Acid INDIGESTION AGM S�Tr5O���NACti� TAbAG+0.e GASES -NAUSEA Slew Many people, two hours after eating, Nutter indigestion as they call 1t. It is usually excess acid, Correct it with an alkali. The best way, the quick, harm- less and efficient way, is Phillips' hlillc of Magnesia. It has remained for 60 years the standard with physicians. One spoonful in water neutralizes many times Pa volume in stomach acids, and at once, The symptoms disappear in five minutes, You will never use crude methods when you know this better method. And you will never suffer from excess acid when you prove out this easy re- lief. Please do that—for your own sake --now, Be sure to get the get,1lt ue Phillips' Mills of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 60 years in correcting excess acids, Each bottle contains full direc- tions—any drugstore. ytsalP 6RAHtl'Yb'j Y� at ranurt CAMAOt0N Na0nn t 005055 The Portal of Ten Thousand Shriners: The entrance to Temple Park, the Cana- dian National Railways' coach yards, at Toronto, where 10,000 Shriners and their wives will live next June in the most unique city ever constructed, Temple Park will be a city on wheels and nearly 500 Pullmans will he housed therein to accom- modate the Imperial Council visitors of the Mystic Shrine, Temple Park has its own post office, barber shops, beauty parlors, telephones and telegraphs, streets and avenues. It even has two hospitals on wheds and is truly a city within a city. HEALTHY CHILDREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL The ]healthy child sleeps well and during ite waking hours ie never cross but always happy and laughing. It is only the slekly child that is cross and peevish. Mothers, 1t your children do not sleep well; if they are cross and cry a great deal, give them Baby's Own Tablets and they will soon be well and happy again. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach, banish constipation, colic and indigestion and promote health- ful sleep. They are absolutely guar- anteed free from opiates and may be given to the new-born babe with per- fect safety. You can obtain the Tabs, lets through any medicine dealer at 26 conte a box, or by ]nail, post paid, from the Dr. Williams" Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, 'Ware Lightning! It May be Safe Under the Trees than on an Open Heath During a Thunderstorm Thunderstorms are now apt to be- come more frequent. Lightning, it should be remember- ed, is more dangerous out of doors than in. For those who believe in "safety first," therefore, their own home is perhaps the best place dur- ing a thunderstorm. 1f you are caught cut in the open, there are a few simple rules which will greatly minimize your risk of be- ing struck. Avoid hills or slopes to- wards which the storm is approach- ing. Try to find a depression in the ground and crouch there until the storm hag passed. Avoid trees, especially tall ones, but a posiilon close to a tall tree may be safer than open ground, for the tree acts as a lightning conductor and protects a circle of ground three times greater than its men height. For this reason a forest is, despite popular ideas to the contrary, a safe place during a storm, providing that you do not actually star close to the trunk of any tree. A tree may be struck, but the presence of a man under a number of "conductors" will not cause the lightning to seek him out and go to earth through his body, as often happens in open fields away from covet', It is inviting trouble to shelter un- der an iron root that has no metallic connection with the ground. Water always attracts lightning. Avoid, therefore, wet and marshy ground and rivet'-banits, and keep 00 far as Possible to dry ground. Proteting Our Houses The notion that lightning strikes twice In the same place has no foundation in Tact, for numerous cases have been reported where the same house, and even the same tree, has been struck twice, sometimes duh'iag one summer. There are, indeed, some houses known ns "thunder houses" which have been strmak repeatedly. usually because they are built over ironstone or subterranean water which attracts the lightning. `Every flash of lightning is accom- panied by many "side flashes," and for this reason a single lightning con- ductor on a house is no guarantee of complete protection. The up-to-date architect isrovidec for all the metal- work In a building being intercon- nected, so that if tine house 1s struck at any point, the discharge will be carried safely to the grsund by way of the 11111!11 conductor. Finally, don't be afraid of Glendea'. A clap is only ]heard after the per- sonal clanger from tho flash which produced It las passed. 'When you serateeh of lightning you are ai- !eady out -of danger franc that parti- cular discharge. ' Toothless Dog Fined for Biting Chicago.—For a dog without teeth, John Guara's mongrel is some pup. Twelve Shen, good and true, decided that recently they saw the dog occupY a scat in the witness chair, heard its color described as "nmckledun", two feats few dogs ever achteve, and then decided Guara must pay $100 to a wo- man neighbor who had been bitten. Not so bad, for a toothless dog, said John. Durham, a new synthetic metal pre- pared from resin, is so strong that it will not crack under hammering or melt under high temperatures. Use Minard's for Burns: Mr. Amery's Escape From Germany Loudon.—,11r. L. S. Amery, iLP., at a reunion of Monica Leaguers at the Guildhall School of Music Theatre, re- counted how he eluded capture by the Germans after the shit) of which he was sailing home from Salonica had been torpedoed. Mr. Amery, who was then Captain Amery of the Intelligence Department, said that he was sleeping the sleep of the just after lunch on the Caledonia, when he wag awakened by a terrific bang from the torpedo, which hit the ship Just behind where he was sleep- ing. There followed a long drop down to the boat, which had already put off, and there es found himself with a small company. They saw the ship sink slowly down, and then the submarine came back to them, Wisely, he crawled into the little three -cornered space at the stern of the boat. The Germans tools General Ravenshaw and several officers, but missed him, and when they had gone he crawled out. Campers Carry Minard's. Seven Times and Out A Greek professor has discovered seven to be destructive. Writing for a Greek paper that appears in Paris, he produces a mathematical curiosity, which we reproduce from the London Evening Standard:— "The magic figures are 142,857. It they are multiplied by two, the result is 285,714. That is, the same figures and the same sequence. Multiply by three, and the figures (428,671) and the sequence are still undisturbed, Multiplied by fou`, the result is 671,- 428. 71;428. Here again the same figures OM the same undisturbed sequence. Multiply by five, and the result 1s 714,285, by six, 857,142. In this last example the result is even more curi- ous, because the two seta of three figures are exactly transposed. "When, however, the doubtless weary figures aro multiplied by seven, the magic formula breaks down, and the following curious result is achiev- ed -999,999." DO YOU SUFFER FROM CONSTIPATION? Countless remedies are advertised 1'for constipation. Arany relieve for the moment but they are habit form- ing and must be continued. Others contain calomel and dangerous min- eral drugs, which remain in the sys- tem, settle in the joints and cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe and leave a depressed after effect. Avoid lubricating oils which only grease the intestines and encourage Itature's machinery to become lazy, A purely vegetable laxative such as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to flow, the bowels move gently, the intestines arc thoroughly cleansed and constipa- tion poisons pass away. The stomach, liver and bowels are now active and the system enjoys a real tonic effect. All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. A Plea for the Deaf The Duke of Took, who presided at the festival diluter of the Royal As- sociation In Aid of the Dem and Dumb, held et. the Mansion liau0o London, made a forceful plea for the deal, The Duke said:— "Here, In the very heart of the Em- pire, In London itself, are more than 4,000 people who aro deaf tend dumb, the largest aggregation of them in the world. Handicapped throughout life, constantly misunderstood, often denied I.he chance to show their ability to be- come self-sttpportlug, knowing lone- liness and isolation in a way that we who can hear and speak can meet fully realize, their lot would be pith able Indeed were it not for the de- voted work of the staff of the As- sociation. "For 50 years the Association has labored mtcensingly to befriend, to so gist, and to save from utter despair these afflicted people who are our own kith and kin, English, and yet cut off from ordinary intercourse, like a strange community in a foreign coun- try, ' Think for one minute of the dill]• catty of such people in securing em- ployment in the tense struggle for ex- istence of these modern days. It is a stern battleforall, bet for people so handicapped it is heart -breaking, A good deal of the time o the staff Is taken up in tramping round interview- ing employers and persuading them to give the deaf a chance. Yet they prove themselves quite capable work- men 11 they aro given an oppoetnnity, "The real grateness of a nation Is often shown by its regard for the weaker brethren, the poor, the aRlict- ed ,the blind, the deaf, the maimed. "I commend the wont of the Associ- ation most earnestly to your genero- sity and your practical sympathy," WORDS We are students of words; we are shut up in schools, and colleges, and recitation -rooms for ten or fifteen years, and come out at least with a bag of wind, a memory of words, and do not know a thing. We cannot use our hands, or our legs, or our eyes, or our arms, We do not know an edible root in the woods we cannot tell our course by the stars, nor the hour of the day by the sun. --Emerson, FOR SALE FIVE D.C. MOTORS 1/4, 1, 11/2, 4 and 8 Horsepower, all In good condition. Cheap for immediate sale. H. Watkins, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. The cleansing, healing service of a soap that's meant for you Cilticilia Soap rah a heritage of SO years of highe,l commentholon Sold Everywhere. Sup 25e. Ointment 25e. 500. "Skinny! 1 Gained 11 Lbs, in 8 Weeks and Boy Friend" "After trying several tonics tried Ironized Yeast. In 8 weeks gained 11 lbs., new complexion, r o u n d limbs; best of all a boy friend" --5, 11. Salino. Alen and women are amazed at gain of 6 to I5 lbs. in 3 weeks. Ugly hollows vanish. Bony limbs rotund out, Sallow, blemished skin gets clear and rosy like magis, Nervous- ness, indigestion, constipat.iou disap- pear overnight, Sound sleep. New pep from very first clay. Two great tonics it1 one—special weight -building Malt Yeast and strengthening Iron. Pleasant little 1 tablets. Far stronger than unmedi- Nadi yeast. Results in le time. No yeasty taste, no gas. Don't go round "skinny;' ugly, un- attractive. ,Get Ironized Yeast front druggist today. Peel great tomorrow. Oloney back from manufacturer if not delighted with results. Children It may be the little stomach; it may be the bowels are sluggish. No matter what coats a child's tongue, its a safe and sensible precaution to give a few drops of Castoria. This gentle regulation of the little system soon sets things to rights. A pure vegetable preparation that can't harm a wee infant, but brings quick comfort —even when it is colic, diarrhea, or similar disturbance. And don't forsake Castoria as ,t Si II\ 900 Dnols ASTOR1 p"pv4 him]' aa'�, M s Werale haeRor,lro,h'N il +eQmrrcoMeGt'd^ tr.elhe5a,sxasadsu "d INrAN75 OIII°t!! ihe"b/nwaalntNtnwo OwerfthessmMRea(mhh+ citherOpiem.E,90(^n Mi„erot. Nov tUntor¢ p.pdmmurmeoax s� M re Ahdpwarmadre' tonsepoVoo and 0attte1 and sp $gip RsulOntINrerro a+,Ird0 nrsee( rx( cDnwaY01'a.w^^"^" At lononre,,s wie 35DOSEs-yOC- the child grows older. If you want to raise boys and girls with strong systems that will ward off constipation, stick to good old Cast or i a ; and give nothing stronger when there's any irregu- larity except on the advice of a doctor. Castoria is sold in every drugstore, and the genuine always bears Chas. II. Fletcher's signa- ture on the wrapper. Classified Advertising FOR SALE Al BAnY CHICKS --WL itA'I'Clifr) 218,000 last year to four varie- ties. 4Vrlte for free catalogue. A. M. Switzer, Granton, 001, EASY CHICKS 1IN(l,l: UO1l B Wil1050 512(1110PN ant It: rred Plvrnou tt Reek Baby Chlel s wonderful lel ful ,tinter layers. We have been hatching lar 27 years. Dela- mere PoultryFacia Stmt ford, Ont. FOR SALE A,a NO. 21 Y„lltl l:r, (111 0057 lla No. 1; grown from registered scot., sacks free; 11.1.0 0o.b. Cosh with order. 0. L, Ru(liven, Alliston, Out. HOLSTEIN BULLS ALL A GEN: ALSO 1,10sAL1:S. Greatest Dairy Breeding (AMY Echo, lung Segis). Government luner- v0too. 0unnyslde Stock Farm, 8tan- steud, clue, CHICKS 10 Famous Breeds to choose from. Send for free chick catalog; 1t has valuable Information on brooding Welts. Essex4 1atehery YerveraithrogAryon 2555 257-W, iliEex, Ont, Ship Your Eggs and Poultry 10 GUNNS LiMITED )Established 1576.) St, Lawrence Market, Toronto Highest Prices. Prompt Returns. "KIDNEY TROUBLE:fit BACKACHE VANISHED” tangle, aye 0 r. 'guy. Thousands write kidney and bladder Ills, constipation, indigestion, gas, back. peke end overnight with"rruir-a•tirea". Nerves quiet. Sound deep at once. Get Erulba•tives" from dos ;'et today. • ■ U. ■J ■ Headache Let Minard's drive it away. Bathe the forehead. Also inhale lini- ment, heated. HOWONE WOMAN LOST r 28 LBS. OF FAT This headline ie exactly true, and meanie just wiutt it says. Read her Own letter : "I take a daily (lase of Iiruseiten and 1 have host two inches round the waist and hips and 28 lbs. since last summer. I feel very well on it, and people tell mo I look very lit. Jain 5 ft. 4 ins. in height, 40 years old, and come of a stout family." Mies E. L. IP von are fat, first remove the cause. 11'lien your liver, kidneys and bowels earl'[ throw off that poisonous waste material which is always accumulating in your body --before you realise it you are growing hideously fat. Take Iiruseiten Salts in a glass of hot water every morning. In three weeks' time, get on the scales and note how many pounds of fat have vanished. Notice also how you have gained in energy and health Your skint is clearer, your eyes sparkle with glorious stealth. You feel younger in body. keener in mind. Itrnsrhen will give many fat people a joyous surprise. In May and June I was badly rundown and had faint spells until it was a drag to do my work. In July and August I didn't seem to pick up so I de- cided to try Lydia E Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound because I saw it advertised: I took two bottles and now I am the picture of health, I feel fine, do all my work and milk two cows. If any woman writes, I will cettainly answer her letter."—Mrs, George R. Gillespie, Punnichy, Saskatche- wan, e efable Amaham htetl dd/11 % dd ad eslawg,Omit a ISSUE No. 18—'30