HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-08-14, Page 98 Just Between Seasons ... • TUE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD This is a good between seasons store. Good for buy- ers of summer goods because all wanted lines are kept well assorted and there is many a bargain in. last lots and remnants of summer stocks. Good for people who happen to want fall goods early because handsome fall materials are beginning to make their appearance in all departments. Bargain news and some hints of brand new fall dress stuffs make up our weekly story today. NEW GOODS These Dress Stuffs and Fancy Waistings, are fresh from the hands of the makers. They are made from the best and purest wools and any that we call all wool have not a particle of shoddy or cotton in their make up, If. you ,want a fall suit or waist a little early you will find a wide variety of new materials here : Suitings at $1 All wool spiting mato lrtls, rough Cheviot. finish, heavy enough to make up wit bout lining if you wish, shades of grey. brown, black, special value for fall per yard , 1 ,00 Suitings at $115 Fine Cheviot Suiting., made • from clean pure wools,, will give excellent wear and retain their appear ance to the last, ' blacks, greys, browns, etc., very special value per yard.. 1 ■ 1.5, Coronation Suiting $1.25 This is one of the n.ohbiest clot ltsshown thisseason,neat lack • little white checks on b ground, very popular and stylish, 54 inches wide, per 1125 A 5 yard r ■ Venetians $ 1.25 Extra good quality. Venetian and Ladies' Moths, full 54 inches, all pure wool, .will. retain their good. finish until worn out. black and all pop- 1 25' alar fell colorings, per yard ■ Church Souvenirs Ontario Street Church -Front Rxtcr- lor view and west side taken since it was rebuilt and before the tree 101 - rage prevented a good view of the butldttig. Wesley Church As it was on Flower Sunday, giving a good view of the decorat,ous, and especially of the or- gan. These souvenirs are circular in shape, three and a half inches in di- ameter with wire easel and metal back and are well finished. They are not easily broken and can he sent by mail. Just the thing for an ornatnent in your own home or to send to dist- ant friends. The price is fifteen cents. pqe•csekes. Tess. ivarti)0Gear !D'ttsri=Gi0tYliel a®•0tD'sf.t➢•Aeir4 SUITING SERGE 75c. 1be it, the bargain ain list but asit By rights this should. gQ 0 is new fall goods we place it.here. • ' We could mark it $1 0 © s peryard and still begivingyou real good value. Just .„. ne piece to sell and heis -gone. no 'more` at this e price 56 inch Suiting Serge, hard worsted finish, every thread pure wool, heavy enough to make up without lining,will•. not catch the dust, will snake a handsome or' serviceable suit or skirt, worth easily $1 •p.r yard; special bargain 75. per yard 1 WHOc>♦.OKeieree ts•0Ot*.O'�ta40ve.O•to.iellieeirv0•rera•ar.O' ir4r'ie .et Agents Parker's Dye Works. The W, D, F air 0 Often the Cheapest, Always. the Best, About August 1.4th,1902 • � Building Sale ,w,.._Bargal:TH FORFRIDAY AND SATURDAY INHERE THEY ARE People OR WHERE KY ARE ,GO1NG We Know Miss Bartliff of Brussels is the guest of the Misses Cliff. Mrs. William Stewart of Mitchell was the guest over Sunday of Mrs. Mc- Cool, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kin visited the Mutch homestead in King 'Wawa- nosh on Friday, Mr. Israel Taylor of Brampton spent • from Saturday to Monday with. Clinton relatives. Mrs. William Young of Goderich was • the guest of Mrs.. Alf. Barge from Saturday to Monday.. Mr. J. Thompson of St. Marys spent part of the past week as the guest of his son, Dr, Thompson. Mrs. John Brickenden and Mrs. E. Rodaway spent from Friday • to Monday with London friends.. : Mr, A. T. Cooper was from Friday • to Monday in Kincardine where Mrs; Cooper is making an extended visit. 'Miss . Gertie Abel of Clinton is . at, present the guest of her grandmoth- er, Mrs. John Abel.-Seafortlr Sun. Miss .Nay Rance of Clinton,. .well and favorably known to many .of us, is visiting .Mrs. Laurier-Lucknow Sen- tinel. Miss Malloitgh, her niece, Miss Vera, and :nephew, Master Willie, of Wing - ham were guests of Mrs. R. J, C1ull from Saturday to Monday evening. Ur. and Mrs. George Swan of Belfast. were, guests of •Mr:.:and Mrs: Alf. Barge of:, town and at ,the .Swan homestead on the 16th. concession,. Goderich township,- on Saturday and Sunday. ' Mr. and . Mrs. Albert Babb o • f Mil verton; together with 'their sons, , 'Wilber :and Clarence,. spent - a few. days of the past week at .Mr.•Arthur Couch's. Mrs. Babb is a li• ster .of Mr;, :Couch. • Mr,. John• Archer, of near I'aisleynaa the guest for a few days of the past week ' of. Mr...• Harvey *Brien •of. town and his uncle, Mr. Thomas Archer of. Hallett. He returned home' on Tuesday.. Mr. Albert Albert McBrien returned evening from the Northwest where' he: spent several weeks. The fact that he• is, here, not there, is ample evidence that the boundless W not reach up .to his expectatiotis, Mrs. Edeny, who' had. been spen • few weeks with her brother; Mr. Lou •. Thrower, .left on Friday, last for Toronto • to• join her 'husbanii, Mr. and Mrs. Eden), intend gotng to Cuba . where • they will make'their MORE FRENCH FLANNELS', We are having a big trade • in :French Flannels. More new patterns came in this week and you have dozens of hand- some designs to select from if you come here. `Best Quality. Best Assortments. Newest Patterns,, ' . 50e a yard.. FANCY WAIST MATERIALS 75c Waist materials plain colors with .narrow striped borders for trimming, in shades of.blue, rose, grey. etc, all pure wool,. will make handsome waists, kimonos or 'dressing; sacques, double fold, per yard 75c. Ns '��111N !'0•Nw, �•rrNN . ThE BARGAIN -LIST Here is aj List of Special Bargains The saving on each and everyone of them is well worth considering • and you will be money in pocket if you take ad, vantage of these real money saving chances Embroidery Remnants 9c I Muslin's at 6e 25 r emnants of narrow Emhroi. dery and insertions; nearly all 21 yards in each end.clear- iug at your choice per end... Embroideries 8c per if undreds of yards fine muslin and catcambric EmbroideriesEmbroideriesand Insertions, good qualities and patterns, easily worth 121c and 15c, your choice of the lot per yard Gowns at 69c • •The last of one American Dress Muslins that sold at 121e and' �r 15c; .choioe of'the lot per yard 0 U Muslins at 12c yard•Although double price -these are !welly the best. baegain of two, the lahtnf tan• flee •roes A soap in Gowns for week's shoppers. 17 Ladies' Gowns made 'front . good quality English cotton, yoke hemstitched and tuck- ed, a gown that will be good. value fora one dollar hill, 17 of thein to sell this week at each Laces 5c 200 yards cotton laces, assorted dinds and widths, worth 10e and 121c, clearing at per yard line that sold int25c and 300, :• nn now clearing out at per yard- 08 ard 1:L O ]Ten's Shirts 75c Men's Colored Cambric Shirts, hardsnd soft fronts, 'last of this lines that solei: at 51, $1.25 and $1.40, now -cleating at . �75 each • Undershirts 39c • • • 'nests, Ugdershii t a are worth, in the regular way 75 cents ■69 each, they ate light weight file HMO III er IV OAP. Beeause' of the cool weather tory have not sold as well its they should have. Rather tlinit Carry thetr'hover tt•o.cleat out • .05 thnt eae wholech lot for your choice 39 ....• ,.., . ,,. 4‘31e•.ts.eits*.omibeAeec&e.lb.e-eltege.6it.0t1b.eebeit. e4o,.*-m .e 0 A BARGAIN WINDOW .;. 0 # Watch our Albert street window Friday light and o Saturday. We are going to make a special Bargain Dis-A tplay. Every article in it will be marked at prices that b # are positively motley saving. • i cwo,•*�•� 044rm4iD44, ➢�W8.0.z...'t1e410^441 0.41.04b.04111.4•11; e Monday est did ding a. Mrs. W. L..Clucas, who with her lit- tle daughter spent a couple of days as. the guest of _ her ••brother,' • Mr. W. D. Fair,, left on Monday to. spend • a month with: friends in Ayr and Paris before. returning .home to Sts. : Louis, Missottri Mr. A. J. Grigg is in Toronto attend- ing the Grand Lodge of the I. 0.-A. F. A. ',7. is 'an enthusiastic three- linker and will be able to give the brethern a pithy and interesting re- port of the proceedings text 'rites- ' day night. s e I OF THIS WEEK AND AS LONG AS LOTS LAST On Friday and Saturday will be the chance of the season for those who have Dry Goods needs to 611. We can't afford to sell goods at these prices every clay—but for this time we will make an exception and give buyers the benefit of the biggest bargains ever offered in Clinton. The builders will be e �g g re on 1Vfonflay to commence wovk and they must have the room. We must getdrid of the goods, and have harked them so tow that selling should be lively for the next week, Do,rot stay away while the builders are here -we may not have much room, but we will have lots of Bargains. • READ THIS LIST THROUGH 250 and 30c Mullins at 7c 65c Table Linen, at 45c 150 yards of Dimity Muslin in assorted colors, all this season's goods, regular prices 25c and 30c, all at one price to clear ■07 60 inch wide Table Linen, extra heavy quality of all linen, regular price 65c, sale price per yard.,.,, ,..,,..,. 600 yards of Light and Dark Prints to sell at 5c per yard. 12%c and 156. Prints at 81Ac 300 yards of light and dark prints 80 & 32 inches wide,best English and Canadian snakes, all fast colors, regular 121e and 15e quail- 0 O12 ties for 't. 60c White Shirt Waists at 30e The balance of our white. Shirt Waists (about 4 dozen) all made thisseason in newest styles, regular price 600 each sale price..' 790 and $1 Shirt Waists at 40c .30 36 Shirt Waists of white lawn, also a few eolored,,ll the very new- est styles, our regular rices were 70c and $1, to clear at each.. ■40 y g P • $1.35 and 1.50 Shirt Waistsat `75c $ Tne balance ofbur'White Waists, also Linen Waists, that. were C $1.35 and 1.50, during this sale to go at ■75 $1 95 :and $2.50 Underskirts at $1.50. Your choice of several lots of. Underskirts of black and colored Sa- lana regular prices were •1.95 to$ 2.60 sale rice , g $$ , P ..1.50 A5 25 per cent Discount given on all Lace Curtains, 35c Corset Covers' at 190 Two dozen Corset Covers, nicely trimmed with lace, embroidery, etc, regular prices up to35c, stale price. ......... ..., $1 and $1.25 Skirts and Gowns at 75c Two dozen Gowns and Skirts, made of very fine white cotton, all nicely trimmed with embroidery, eta, regular prices -$1.00 and .75 I $1.25, Building Sale price l 75c White Skirts at 50c -.10 Z .9 I .19 A 18 Skirts of fine white cotton, trimmed with cambric• frill and tucks,regelar 75c value, sale price 15c and 18c Vests and, Hose at 1O0 Ladies' Vests of fine cotton yarn rind childrens cotton hose,tegulrtr 15c and 18e values at. 250 C'ashmerette, Hose at 190 dozen lashmer tt hose fine fleece bred in sizes 8 9 and 9. Edo ( e e)i, ';, regular price 25e, sale; price .. . . . . More Ribbons at 200 /y -Remnants of Dress Goods Lin- 200 yards more of those 30c and 35c Ribbons go on sale Friday {: morning, they come. in shades of old rose, blue, turqu ors red lugs, 'owelings, &c., marked at ` black, cream, white, regular values up to 35c, sale price.:., .., Black and Colored Kid Gloves at 59c very :low. prices. 450 and 5o0 Wool Delaines at,30e, About 150 yds. of Delaines;in,assorted colors, regul.ar.priees45cand 50c, sale price 50 20 12') pairs, of black and colored kid gloves, in assorted sizer,' many9 . G stores sell no better gloves at $1, our special price per pair, c7 $6,50 and $7.50 Dress and L. n. t hsat�. 3 50 • Skirtt. egt : • Your choice of several of otir finest black figured dress.. and skirt• 65c Silks at 45c...• lengths, the were ,$6.50and $7.50each.rtt..........::..:.... 3.50 K y Peau-de-ebene and taffeta Silks in assorted sours; very' fine quali- A son Gln am at 6e' ties that will wear•.well for waists, 'regular prices 60C and. 65c r p' per yard, sale price ,. r. -s • 100 yards of•Apron Gingham in navy blue and white check prices Sc' YOU'.WILL FIND A GREAT :MANY BAR- GAINS AT THIS STORE NOT ON THE LIST. YOUR •DtON,dv•.NbC K IF ,YO[Y, W ANT iT. a Tisa 00 CLINTON 4*NNNN•4•4 ••N4*N•N•N •N••*e********************.********************** NlN�� . . KY, 0 - ref tr rrttrrtrrrr r Int tines lir t r' tr Onti 'TOM t r sr tr r r, r� ,rhrt rr err.. ttnrrtrrttrt ter t t ttr rr , r rr serer tt�t ire tmtt�trnr'rrrtrrnr rrmrrt,r��rtrrtr rrrnn� rrOrrnrt JMSW,;BEf.:AC 0 IRA-. III- CLINTON , fer : John Cs was in Durham on (- Friday acid ' assisted the lacrosse`■.- ter m of that town to defeat the Owen Sound aggregation. . The game, we . understand, was a hot one, was witnessed by a big crowd and the Durliamites went into ecstasies over the vietory,. Air John Raiisford left on Saturday 'a. m. for. Halifax to attend ,the an- nual meeting of the Canadian Manu- facturers' Association which is in session 'there this . week. He will be the only •representative that we know of from this countyy. After the Association• adjourns he will make a trip through the Maritime. provinces. '• Rev. Louis G. Wood;: wife and child of Charlestown, South Carolina, were in town on Monday on their way 10 visit a brother of the rever- end gentleman's who lives near Londesboro. Once upona. tune, and • yet not . so many years ago, Mr. Wood was a miller in Pair's, tnill, but he forsook the making of the V. - staff of life to call sinners -to re- pentane. After his ordination he =- labored for a time in Wingham' and then went away down to Dixie and . , in the land of corn and cotton he lir- .. finds ample opportunities to exec - else his vocation. • In his far away ••_. The above are, rices for our. Closin�yF� Out Sale of spring and 3 flame Mr. Wood has often thought p p with sweet affection and recollection summer Shirts and 'i]V a are safe in saying that. no such bargainsI of Clinton, for was it not here that a he won his better half, and likes to ■ get back here at intervals to build ,a have ever been offered in this section.. up on its bracing atmosphere. . ofbrotherttkMr. Keys ReysYof Nash e■.— carrygoods,that wears and the kind and his We reliablethe kind vfllc, Tennessee, were t)1(n Tues. that not fade. You can get goods in soft fronts and starch- 1 day. Clte former carried his good doesS goods r ed fronts. ...411 Y ' I • OP.*• irt •,• •iso+•so+34•••••••o e•,H••N••'ri••.H• •o . . • • Saturday,1 • ••Au • ��t 6t i 0 SI-TIRTS FOR 99c $1.25 SII] TS .POR 74c $1.00 SKIRTS FOR 64c • CLINTON right arm in a sling, ]raving had his wrist fractured in falling from a e barn a few days ago. It is decided- ly bad luck for a framer to sheet with such an accident in the busiest of the season, but Mr. Keys bears with his nrisfortnne•as only a phil- osophical nature can. It might have been worse, says he. Mr. S. .T. Keys is spending his holi- days amid the scenes of Itisy oath and int the midst of a host of rela- '. Rodgens Bros,tives and friends is enjoying hits• .self itumcnsely. Residence in sunny Tennessee has accustomed him to .� CLINTON warur wcatho, artd hes going CLINTON fess that ale would sooner wear a ackson Bros+ linen coat in Nashville than, alt ov- .c.►.+ 7 O"`""� 161.01~1.4,11.4Vil.W.4.11.41w a . . crcoat lit Varna. But then this is -C LI N TON aoldest n , extraordinary season ; even the tr ��1 ltd �1 t� 111 1st 1I 1�1 1tC,��t tt �t� t 1 tl [ tt tt 1i �1 11� �t1 t `11I ��111t 11[ 11t I11 (t1 t11 �(��1t 11� 11� t� I111t� �11t� 1�1 1t X11 Ott !1t 1!1 JIM iv A the recolle t,hon of anything like ii idN4 �4M�i s�N NN1A4tii�It% Nt4i[Nsi�NN1�+1�����i��N�1��N�11N��N/N tlNi�`SNsiHdN/NHlN1ANONt t1M�N IN/NDN/N4H�NiNN1�tNN1/NN1N1 At the above low figures ei stomers should lay in a stock: a. terra i i i •