HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-08-14, Page 8August, 14t111902
• , "
1 heMolsonst3ankf Directory.
incorporated by CLINTON.
Act ei Parliament, 1853. Wesley Church-Sundag services at
Capital $215901000 .
Rest 2,250,000
Wm. Paulson Macpherson, President.
James Elliot, General Manager.
Notes discounted. Collections made.
Drafts issued. Sterling and Amer..
ican Exchange bought and sold.
Interest allowed on deposits.
Interest allowed on sums of ir and
Mouey advanced to fanners on their
own notes with one or more en-
dorse, s. No mortgage required as
H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton.
G. D. McTaggart
A General Banking Business transact-
ed. Notes discounted. Drafts
issued. Interest allowed on de-
Albert street - - Clinton.
Money to loan.
Office -Elliott Block - -
Notary, Public, Etc.
Office-- Beaver Block - - - Clinton.
Conveyancers, Commissioners, Real
Estate and Insurance 'Agency.
Money to loan.
R. C. P. and le R. C. S., Edinburgh.
Night calls at Iron door of resideuee
• on Rattenbury street, opposite•
Presbyterian church.
Oleo -Ontario street - • Cleitee.
Unice -Ontario street - - Clinton.
Opposite , St. Paul's church.
Special attention given to diseases
the Eye, Ear, aose and Throat.
011ie:: alid Residence-
Alliect street East, Clinton.
Nen!' of Rattenbury street.
'Will be at. hayfield every Wednesday
Adjmning Henry's Photo gallery,
Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work
D. .1).. S. -Graduate pf the Royal Col-
lege of Mutat Surgeons of Ontar-
L. 1). S. -First class honor graduate
of Denial Department of Toronto
Special attention paid to preservation
M. children's teeth.
Will be at. the River Hotel, Bayfield,
every Monday from 10 a. 111. to 6
le a. nt. and 7 p. in. *Imlay ci1O0
at 2.30 p. in. Geo. A. Rorke, SIM- .
day school superintendent ;
choir leader ; Miss Hattie Combe, or-
ganist; Rev. H. Manning, pastor.
Ont. St. Church -Sunday services at
n a. m. and 7 p. ne. Sunday
school at 2.3o p. m. Jacob Taylor,
Sunday sateal superinteudent ; S. J.
Gibbings, choir leader ; Miss Azte
Gibbings, organist ; Rev. Dr. Gifford,
St. raul's Church -Sunday serviees
at 11 a. in. and p. in. Sunday
saint]. at 2.30 p. in. Sunday school
superintendent, Rev. C. R. Gunne, M.
A. i• choir leader, Mr. W. U. Later- ,
nell ; organist, Miss May Beutley ;
rector, C. R. Gunne, M A
Baptist Church ---Sunday services at'
it a. in. and 7. p. in. Sunday school •
at 2.30 p. no Sunday school superin-
tendent, Mr. D. IC. Prior ; choir lea.t•
er, Mr. J. 13. Hover ; organist, Miss
Lela Hoover; pastor, Rev, J. C. -
W illis Clittreh-Sunday services at
e1 a. ni. ehd• 7 P, in.. Sunday school
at 2.30 p. ni. Sunday school superin-
tenclent, IVir. Jae, Scott; assistant,
Miss Wilson ; choir leader, Mr.W. I'.
Spaulding.; organist, Mise , Maude
Goodwizi; pastor, Rev. Dr. Stewart,
St. Joseph's teherch, Catholic -Sun-
day services at x0.30 a. in. and 7 p,
in. every end Sunday. Sunday school
at 3 p. 111. every end Sunday. Sun -
lay school superintendent, Rev, D. I'.
McMenamin ; eltoir leader, Mr. Chas.
Gravelle ; organise; Miss Minnie Rey-
nolds ; priest, Rev. D. le, McMenamin,'
Plymouth Brethern-Service at n a.
no on Sunday. Readiug meetings at
7 p. in. •Sunday aud Friday evenings.
Town Councie-ele.yorerhoroas 'Jack-
son ; Councillors, H. B. Combo, J. A.
Ford, C, J. Stevenson, Alex, MacKen-
zie, C. Overbeiy, Thos. MacKenzie ;
Clerk. and Treasurer, W, Coats. Meets
the first Monday in each Month.
Public Library Board -President, W.
Brydone Secretary, -W. E. Rand;.
W. R. Lottgli, Pr, Shaw, W. •Coats
and E. M. McLean, •
Public School Board -Wilbur Melte
ning, C. B. Halee'W. T. O'Neil, J.W.
Irwin, Or. Agetew, F. R. Hodgens, T.
13taeoni. Secretary', J. Cuuninghtime ;
treasurer, W. Coats. • e
Collegiate Institute • Board -Chair-
man, James Scott ; secretary; M. D..
McTaggart; s treasurer, W. Jackson ;
D. A. Forrester, J. Rumford, II.
Plumsteel, "W.. II. .Manning. Meets.
lirst Wecleesday in each month.
A member ot the Veterinary Medical
Associations of London and Edin-
burgh and Graduate of the Ontar-
ip eterinary College.
.0flice-Ontario street - - Clinton
Opposite St. Paul's church.
Phone 97. •
ffillice-Isaae street - - - Clinton
Residence -Albert street - Clinton,
1I105. BROWN,
Sales conducted in all parts of the
counties of Huron and Perth. Or-
ders lett at The News -Record, of-
fice, Clinton, ot addressed to Sea -
forth P. 0. will receive prompt
attention. Satisfaction guaran-
teed or no charges. Your pat-
ronage solicited.
Toanship Cottecil-Reeve, Thomas
Churchill; Clinton ; Councillors, John
Middleton, Clinton e •John .1\epods,
Porter's' Hill; James Cox, • Terteree
Hill ; James joheetone; Goderich';
Clerk, Nixon Sturdy, Godetich Aee-
sessor, • John Thompsen, Clinton ;
Treasurer, - Whitely, Gtederice ; Col- -
hetor, Louis Anderson, Clintoue s • .
Board 'of Healthe-Reeette •telok,John
Cox, John Salkeld, Sr.; Alliere Can-
telon. • • • •• 's :
• • •
The Best in Current Literature 1
$2.50 PER YEAR; 25 CTS. A COPY
Any n ,nend1nd a sketch and denerlptIon mat
Ince ton In probably patentab eV commentate
quIrki Inertain our otentonere whether an
Dona forietly entinaeuttat. Mb brook OP Patents
tient free. Oldest agency for 1141euring patents,
Patents taben through Muria Ce. receirt
special nonce, without charge, in thee
Scientific American.
bandamnelo IlInntrnted weekly.: tattiest dr.
onintb.n nf at.) ararYille journal. TAMIL 834
air: eel* tumuli% $1. Sold by all tioteeteeiere,
uNN g e.9,3r1 111141(1t6V' New YOM
brallgit 116 NV p.Lingtor.1).
• .
Township ..Centnciea-Reeve„ .• John'
MeNaughton, • Varna Councillors,. W.
J. .Stinson., Bayfield,;
Varna J 1 - B find ;
, ••
. Clerk, J. Z. Harnwelle
Varna; Treasurer, John Reid, 'Varna;
Assessor, John Tough, Bayfield ;. Col-
lector, Thies. -Wiley; Varna. •
The Killop.Mutual Fire,
been found out by the wet LI, the hone." It is only the warm, gentle,
more apt are we to condemn the proletting, outstretched arm
shortcomings and weaanesees. of friend that draws the sinner toward
others, even as 140rd -Jeffre,ys, the un- God and 'pay( n: GOt the clenched list
, ..
just English judge, wits inercilese to- of an enemy. Dict you ever "e u . LEssoN VII, THIRD QUARTERINTER
him, although he himself at that later through the
ward those who re brought before minister ho became
fault!tnbnedtitne; onlf hit; Irri portsnt Events in Few Words NATIONAL, . SERIES, AUG. 17.
For .E3tisy Readers.
Text et the ruxusoU, Num, x, 11.48 sta4
England. It is not the good lather wife who became a better wile be -
has gone astray; it is the had to his neighbot st, Do you know of complied and rut Into Heady n$Ent3 en Too,. P. sIxt, a-commentarr
father who is not apt te forgive the one human beiu,.1. who was brought ' Prepared by Rev..% N, streams..
wayward child. It is not the good ' closet to yoar heart uud to God hy ' Attractive Shape For the Readere
brother who is unwilling to Save the being deinettnt•d in the eyes of hie ee Our paper -..A. solid 4444.1.,• Eujor, IDOPYright• 1992, beratActiomercalt Prose Ass°.
wayward sister; it is the strata, fellow nwn through bitter denuntia- , Went to Paragraphs. 1148. And they drat took their Journey
brother, who would and does demand ' IMCLAstinrimP accordIng to the cotnrnandrnent of the
tions that you hurled against him?
sight while lat himself auty.be moral.. and traducement and disportegement Beeiders the moralise., salute, Whilst -
troops. Lord by the hand of Moses.
In the third month •of the first year
that his sister should be morally all Ni Nol Slander and vilification
ly ail wrong.
To illustrate the truth that. the , line,
end evil rumor, repeated by your NS' had leo teiaolvaelndwaitnevrefreitaei.
never scat ned or purified a Ealifax•bad a big regatta and a re- ., they came to Sinai, and op the first
the more we are apt to condeum sinner farther away from you and I.ord I)
firing of the royal salute at Ottawa. day of the dr,st month of the second
year the tabernacle was erected and
more we ' ourselves have gone astray . 8111101 heart' '1 h ty only drove the view of
underlaid ouperinteruled the
shortcominge in others, I would read ' 101.ther 1.1.°414 (1". accepted by God and filled with life
from a leaf out of the book of mem- , It Is possible to criticize even the St. Johns. NU, had special cor.. glory (Ex. xix, 1) xl, 17, 34). Now,
'IN story Is told that o„nation services in all the churches just fifty days later the cloud lifted,
ory. 1 remember many years ago a 'wet 01 ieele•
lady's character was being assailed Zeuxis, the factious .Greek artist, SundaY, and they journeyed from 611141. to the
Oa a hotel porch. A. member of the held at St. Battl's wilderness of l'aran in the order de.
painted tt.wonderful picture of a boy At Lottrion, Ont., union thanksgiv-
ho ding a &sit of grapes. The pie- Ing services were
U Was the greatest criminal in all congregation'? 1nd you ever know of A
who is hardest uPoll the daughter cause her husband tallictl against her Ths neg. wapp.ologo Carefully 29•80-41"4"7 Verse', 33, 34-61014.
The bin of gyp:wise-The Further Ws
Nave GOoe Astray the More 4p1 Aro
W. to Consside!ljefoyerobly the Short-
eoutinice of osis.r.-.0 tog. Net s has
C. is. ries judged:,
Entered According to AA of. Parliament of Can.
awi. 10 ole )eaI1' O411=r,,,t,t440it•it.u.
Chicago, Aug. ittfa.-A plea ler Or-
Izettrance and tere wagtatanuom treat -
meat of ofIentiete imele by Rev,
Frank lie URA, '1 alwage this ser-
mon en the text llaatthew vii,
"Judge not, that, ye be not judged."
After. 'Massillon; the great • eourt
Preacher. of ..France, had linished one
of his sermons, Louis XIV. summon -
ea him to his side and said: "Masa
how is" it. You -impress me as
vie do? 1. have tweed Many great,
oraterti preaoli. They nearly always
please. ma But when you preaeh, .
stead of bon pleased With you, 1 rene
always .discontentect with znyeelf. I
olwaYs Joel that 1 want to be a bet-
ter mate as well aei better Xing."
"Well," .answered the 'great preath-
er, "the only way 1 Can account for
It, your Majesty, is because I ain •
&Ways. preaching against myself.
Mee I am abont Act' make up
mon, .1. say- to' myself, 'Mass
what is the sin which you have hard -
when I preach against. my own Asilrlitsil-
est work to battle to-dCiy?'
. generally find that there are simil-
Ate 'sins in other hearts which e ant
also preaching against." lf there is
any truth in the words ••which Mas-
sillon spoke • to -Louis. XIV., this ser-:'
mon Carry a message to eVorY
pew. Of. all sins :there is none more
easy for. Speaker as well as hearer to
..fetiesunte than the -sin of hypercriti-
*. The sin'. of , ConsPrions . criticism • JO
elinost universal .because one apt
to 'Oalinuit it, tit first unconsciously
and • withou t ptemeditation or 'fore -
:thought. :Li it party. of. yoeng people
are togethete it, is • net hoed to .find
'faith with the .minister, and the doc-
tor, nod. the, dressmaker,. and. the
neighbor's Wife and Child and hous9.
and all that he ..lt not dielie•
cult to hey the repueation "of an
'absent member unpa the dissecting
• table of traeucentent and out and
hack -it into pieces With.. eruel, sharp,
morellos 'tommes. la, is, euet always
•• . •
a, disagreeable opportunity to repeat.
the. slanders and the vilifications and
the' defamations . and the wholesale ed at. leifst onee and most•of them . T i 1
,ctr- )001'0 1.)11111. once. fot• crime, Thirty-F•ix' • • Raman. was hatur,ed upon
„,rocatcy.... .nso co,.1111 and its 11113tafl. et eyes: • . . ,
presegt state of. ellleieneYe •
ed ahOue :the ncighhot hoed. in of those cleseeliclants have been inur- lows' he had erected for the despised The' Connell. of• the Orttario College' • .It looks as'lf, for the moment, Moses .
CO:110.0 11111 tiVi (lus have .been
partv at that time denounced the ab- fleribed in thik chapter. Whether it
tut%) was so wonderful that the birds athedral.
sent Won't= so severely- that 1 turned waste tabernacle and Its erection or
flew through the open window and Hamilton spent the day half work- the priesthood and the sacri5ces pr the
ing, half holiday, and the mayor sent
cable of congratulations. journeying through the wilderness
A royal salute wag tired from Fort nettling was done and no step was tak, •
Dewy, Kingston,. and in the alter- en except as God Conntanded or guided
from Liverpool by the steamshl
The Caoadian pettier team will sail part of Moses and Israel it was simply
by the pillar of cloud and Bre. On the
noon there were games, ete.
Lake Siencoe on Tuesday next. P a matter of obedience. Concerning the
cloud and Its guldings and their °bed!,
framilton, Bermuda, held a public ence, see carefully chapter lx, 15-23,
holiday regatta, and an imposing
display Of fireworks in the evenin
Toronto was like Hamilton in doe co29n
El'• theo good, for the Lord hath spoken good
29, Come tib4roauetwIth us and .we will do
ing it half way during the day,' but, Thus said Moses to Hobab, the son of
she blazed out on island and main- Rogue), or Reuel, or Jethro, the father
land in six great bonfires. of Zipporah Moses' wife (Ex 11 18..
and said: "Madan's, you hose no
to •publicly make a chterge like
that against any one, Even if you
had ,positive proof that whot you say
is true, yEal bhould keel) your liPs to praise, there were still many cell-
ecn•iotts critics who condemned the
flimly sealed, beeause no one Knows picture. "For," said the evil mind -
en that mute day.. the blocisehoends (01 . (Titles, "if the boy had been
of slander may bo Minting your own lainted as perfectly as the dish of
tractss," This lady was very inclig- fruit, tae weds wotad have been
neat. She said that 1 charged her afraid to approaelle the dish which
with the same crimes' of which the the lad ie supposed to hold in his
abseat Woutan was seppoece, to le.) hand." It is possible to harshly
gitiltye Within pee year that woman judge-. the tendons of even the best
who was so bitaer in her criticism Of men. Therefore, it is very easy by
her sister was .proved guilty of the bitter criticism, to destroy thous-,
seine offence which she .charged ands who might be Fayed by the
against another. g.ndlcness of loving, forgiving,
•• My father in his yoenger days had t. heistlike tongue.
almost the same experience. •
.enalt should raehly :condemn.an-
o t her, beeeelse it is oi ten impossible
hini 10 .what woe the mit.7
Jgating. circumstances in \Anode tee
sia eas conceived. • el an- men .were,
novo feee. and equal, as the American.
Deaaration of Independence
feel iy declares, you could judgo. them.
the bulk," You eould judge any
two to0,0 -aa yew might test two. bat
of steel which -come' from the, saute
mold, • You. could _judge them, as you
inighte say. •that. o -pound of coffee
.ought to -weigh as much as a pound
of• tea; but all men aro, not bornfree
and equal. We are dificrenteine eyed-
itary ter:clones: Only a. short Hem
ago' at. 'a convention of. the Womeas
tehristian Temperance :Union a dine-
gette•tiatei the record of 'a, woman with
crizeinaletendetaiei whoedied in 1827.
Tile mime of this Woman, for- obvious
;reasons, was not told. This. WOman
of. crimittat •tendendes had had :etp to
date over. 800 descendants, • Seven
hundred ef. these ..descendants • have
• been criminals. and all were eonviet-
with their bills pecked at the grapes
which the artist had ,draeln. But
though there were thousands ready
Arrangements have been completed '
ill, 1). The Lord had truly spoken good
by the Minneapolis Prohibition Com
zufttee for a camPaign tour ot Mine concerning Israel, as In Ex, ye 6-8, that
wondrous sevenfold ef will," beginning
and ending with "1, Jehovah." Moses •
believed the word of the Lord, and,
heving•respeet unto the recompense of
tlie reward; be forsook all his prospecte •
in Egypt and felly Identified himself
With Israel as their leader under God .,
(Ileb..xl, 24-27);
No Iran c•hotild condeum his neiccb-
his - • Janie Burk, Ontario Factory In -
in a giant automobilo.
bor, because when he destroys
broth •r by evil critinein he oleo eifector, has completed his investiga-
e maily destroys himself, Some Peo- then s of the recent- accident at the
Sun Cemezit Works-, Owen Sound.
pie suppose that my text, "Judge s
not, that ye leii. not judged," is on- Dr. Spankie, inspector of Schgole
J. to be applied in a temporal way; for Prontenac, •.has • 'Wiled a writ
against James Joyce, Wolfe Island,,
this world; 'hat it is to be inter-
preted n the si. n•e - that'll we are
that - it elite' alludes to' things of
claiming ef,2w,10101100 etaimweaagtesensfoirr oarlolengtead,
slander. • r, ' ,
I•ll'USt to, . others in ' our censonous.
and, as far as the salt jobbers can
A salt .
The iniustice which we do to others
The extraordinary demands for the This was what Naonal afterward de-
ci•iticism, others Will be unjust tolls,
. discern, there Is no. immediate relief. '
with the tongue will 'always 'tes • ' a tared Rath. and, Orpah to do, for she .
ineemerang, come back and, strike article in . the Canadian Northwest. is did not say to them Come With me and
oursel t es, • As ler. CI u i I be tin in his the alleged cause for the Scarcity. • 'I Will do you' goo& Flobab saw no
, The MieWere, . reached Victoria,. 13. :such prospect as opened up to the mind
old age it said to have 'been execute
•0., three days , •late frozn Australia, of Moses, and as far as appearances
ed ueon the fatal inettennent which
her condensers. after oft '
went he felt that be would be - better
Ito had invented .in his younger days: :having broken down, as a result . of
as aid prime minister of one o1. the tr°11b18 with .
leaving'Sue•a. Among her paseengers with his awn people. It is .diffieult
French loon pets Ware confined in the.
Was I,ord XIopetoxin, ex -Governor- to many believers to esteem the re-
. .
tory cage of torture he had !minded proach -of. Christ greater 'riches than
General of Anstralia. . ' .•
for his enemies, a cage so short that' Bandmaster . reel; • of St. Cathere the vietble treasures or this. World, yet
the prisoner- in it could not lie down .. "
l'ites, Was -met at tho depot Thurstie,y . - Jeeps 'and. HIS sufferings. now, with
iiii 1 s 0, few 1 hae be could not 'stand ' night, and . escorted to the parte, eternal glory hereafter; bi the pro- ,
eaeriglitin it; as Regent Morton was
huggtd to death by the .spikes,of the • where he was presented 'with .a purse , 'gremlin Rik the Christian.' • .
of $100 by. tee cititens as a, mark fn. Leave us not 1 pray thea forasmuch. .
eatal image.ot torture known as the
-Ma d ti" •which he hemsell 'heti' in- • 'of their appreciation- of rItis efforts in la thou knoivest how we are to encamp in -.
b 1 i • theleth Bund Up to its . the wilderness and. thou mayezie be to us •
• • 30, And he said unto him, will not go,
but I will depart to mine own land and to
my kindred.
reference to ot her ree•Ple' s cli to.fteie re. du u', ,And," • °said the: . Morale 1, 'sct, the la njuet criticisms of phaernacy,has reSolved. to ask the was forgetting God and His cloud and.
Ontario 'Minister of Edudation to ine' , guidarice. So uestable
.Now, my text:'.1's a• divin" Pretest 1>11 blood. of that. one woman: of .Wh'elf \ye Mete .0 at -,to others 'are of-'
gams, )
and -the- uneust (limited tendeneice baseeos1 the ha- ' ten the very .eoetlemnations with maneven at'b1 beet. We -think of
troduce the .tectrhing. cif the metric.
judgments with •which 'We condemn tioe in eighty. years•ever 13,e00,000 Which- we ours.ilves shall be eondemn- .The .Simon :Peter one mob:lent confessing'
.for etml exectutions and for Vii(, ',ed otir. fellow men,
our ..fellow men, 'It is a :divine pro -
system. into th • Publ' • •
Datninion• Goyerument oleo
esiee(1. to introduce and make oblige
Will: be thatJesus.0woads, at.hne4.etiltlerins
text the Son ot
ea cA3,4Lrocs. Seetuee•mouthpleee to tempt the Lord
• temetoe of tee :weal; ..0.0enage thq... not • the blood that flows' in your wine er moulting 1,1111. merely. the %biter-.
1000 mid women to the • PropertY. stolen: 0e. destroyed.'i Is' . But the text hag • . . 11 a
st est to bring .deepee and Wiel-
are.. doing theinselt es; • as. es leappilyfe .dreeent .frotiliii that .which , tretatinn rid h ini .that. if. we. to pity hiniself and.turn from the goes
atory the Same system.
12011 1 . ,: . . 1...b11108 e el. • t 01 ' • two 'French. tourists. and two. guides
- • • -" It 4 a • rotest of. \\b'ett'ia)yre• ditIereate.itethe sarromyeding: • li.re.liers. ow brette•en will ie are
• , hood and bo hood. and Min . s meek similar condemnations -against . PI • • • • . . . 32. And. it Shall be 11 then go- Wale Us; • • •
(Matt eye 1,0 23), ' •
.otherS; •by • the Petnielous hal it of . • [hatred ii 1, a vdns Cif . those 'cliiltiven? 't.. er :',. etnidex n i ..1 .- . g ns t..ci -
Lo.st • their . lives.' • Sunday , on .Mcirit
to preee that,etheugn we.ictin lionoi• • At Bloseberg, five . miles • *est of
..N.111. a eloudbeirst •YesterdaY :unto lima .. "
Yee, it shell be, that who( goodnesa. the .
fen • •
men and love • Med , and pi•aite men 'Manhood.. Seine men never knew•the. us. It means that if We'. eondemn
men. or deride men
rind help men, yet we must not •hate
or condemn, men:- .
love of a permit. Their father and .our brethren, Christ will•coodeme. us .• ,.n116°11'
/Ito thee e I eY, .1 0 rJ • - ..: . ' e •
died. wh n t i we • ve , It maize; that if we do not .speak . drOwned ,foni. persons. ' . • . • Lord shall daunt() us the same will we do
. . . •
1 . - • Thutsda,y's clevelopineate show that Moses ow talks more correctly,. for,
1 i dlY f IT ose who- hay gone wrong . •
- we tire fully authorized to offet all the
: ! . - voting., nsteod Of being able to et V a 0 1 11 NV r killed and' forty': • '
Ciondeineat on s • .- divine,- g
e • injured in • the freight wreck on. the • . riches of God's grace •and glory' to ail
Ito. Condemnation is a thenderbeilt ite etlecittione • its.. . you and 1. have Christ will not . beconte oue divIne•act 1.1t
which; w-iileshattee every lonnen hand i 'been, theY Were. mislaid, out into the' vocate'elid.plead for oar orgiv nese. •
Milwaukee .read Wednesday. • - who will accept aita through' Jesue
Woied impro Lived fer the sere - . What does 'the Bible saY' in order • te•
• Insurance Company lb.+ ty,ps to gi aen 1 am • o.
eninterimation is poisonous feng • • gle of and told tO shift for. imnress thiS tru• h. upon our hearts.? : I' • 7 '- witt, an eta loye .of the Genet hut we are not authonted, to
John .13ertram, & SOns CoParedes, seek either help or guidance from those .
elVeg eitee as differentflower' t'lleist•gave us Hoz Lord's Prayer as • •
Varm and Isolated 'Town' Proper- whirl' will Ilesli'Oe' %owe • ou'll lives es 8 • • .
..t.i•hdis fesot eaught in an elevator, who arenot His. ./t will help us to re-
. ty OnlYIneured;• • well as •htcerate and . instill the fatal . al V 4 I el.ellt• Soule nre planted in rico. the 1110 id of 00e apnlimitions. -Our
• ...soil. .others iii••Poor. Some eire ..car- Fatten; ' W high art . In heaven, ' hail ow- rs-ao. and may lose, sit. • • ' • • . Member time Jesus said concerning His.
0. ; Thos. braser, s Vice -President 'men, .beettese,, Me ing linperfeceions. in • tce fight for %filler, aged 23 years, vitere drowned • - h;t1 have them, an ae , on.
eheir lives. among the •TilY . Will he clene in earth, as it • size .
otieselves, we bee e ne eight. to expeee : • Meet IY th erne and the. overshadowing lit le avt n. . Fen give us . our • trespas- . Into -the world, even sie
Brticefield P. O. ; •T_. E. Hays: See.' • ia the :Housiteorile .River Thursdase bY • b s sierii le
'w. G. itud demand peels:I:OM:in (Allele. 'if . weedis. Some have eneugh ' eunlight. pee' - as We forgive those. who tees- '
Treastirer, Seaforth P.: ' 0.. • the •ctiOsi*tng of a•skiff. • • • • • ' . •
we were heiy;- perh4ps we utigete etcee : to nit -elate an(' develop them.. Mae .ease * againit its.." : To other. words,
Broadfoot, Inspector of Loesles. S .
OFFICEees • • poison into then flee , 001, •
condemn ed. -for- by loterig hands; othees have. td tley: name. Thy kingclein come. own, "The glory Which Thoia gayest
At St eaefor d, Conn., Captain .Geo.
J. B. McLean Presidente Kippen 13.. .1 ersoistaly •we shotild
ave .a so .senf tbeni Into the world" •
. . Culliver, agede55 yoaes, and Miss Iva Be ' " d " Tb
IV'. Stoudiey, 'et Canadian Pacific (Joho xvil, 22, 28). See also John ivi,
just enough showers and times et° we afloat pra,y .that eve are ready te Railway section • hand, loll from • a • 15; I Cor. 111,•21-23. • • '
, ea-
Irol•jt. If •we • were' pitre „alluded, :. we . slalse t • i . 1 re flowers ate .1111.g1. - . . • . a5'
scontinually being*. scorched. by -the lod forgive us our 'oWn tres asses
'ye the elm •of ethers'. se • in
forth P. 0, a, riglit to expeet other 1)00 le 'to s m .
DIRECTORS • heir th' eet 00 e •
W. G. Broadfoief, '•Seaforth'; .. John 'let , h v a ei lit to expece other 4t, le i•d ; rid G d if
GrieVe, Wintlirop ; -George Dale, -sea_ people to. be pure 'eluded. 11 ;we. deelights,and :deluge4. by the frethets.- • ;
use to 1)21 -citePennieleY111 u° O' . y stettinion.
loved:the Lord oue lied .with.lill our . ,1Ne, tire all. difitti•ent in our -inherited eas to itir iVe• '- 2 ' 7 vitih4r leaves .a wife and one child.:
forth ; John. Watt, learlock ; John . • search out it resting piece tor them.
h.. no inti on. o ere ,
Ilennewiest Bradhagan ; James )vans, - heart and ..soal and , - mind• • and. temperaments and ..otir poWer to re -e.-'•.• II I t h g George Se Mateo, 'a, farmer; living • '
Thie was. Infinitely,' better than the-
. . . . .
Beechwood ; James Connolly, Clinton; • strength, if --we. Wereepeefeet litiebande .. ••siste. temptation. Oliver :Wendell: • I.\ ia. • e tenee have most..of es eor, thy .neer Itiofiet, .Haetings .Uouney, mete .
John AleLean, Kippert. • •. , and. i °Heel.. wives, peisfect pareatt liolmee, •the quaint penzies Midi piffle; 1 111g1Y9-11688.1 e .. :• • • • .. • ' ', • •
, . with a fatal •ateldent Teluredaye Ile 'eyes or. the Wisdom of Hot:alb...Hew •
' AGENTS. • .• • ,' • arta perfeet.. 0>1 (11.1 eetle, tein our • illnelier, •, (mice •, wisely said, '' livery
velop, and then . I am 'donee' s .No, ...
Hetet have one thought more eo.see- : .wne eretWireg'Irohay, tvlied"the :Whittle., . 'coul
God. had led them out and wOuld !rarely.
d Moses Orget Or, seem' to that
Robert Sinith, •Ha.riock ; 'Robert Mce luee I(w our 'fellow nem, we might • . : el% 11 d ' s - treiniree, should begirt at • . ti ees broke, . one of the irtigneents
Illillan, .Seafortli ;• James ,Cummings, expect 01 101 s to 0 1 . - least 100. yeare• befei•e the,t child is. man blaa.a right to comic» n •nie.liro- strikitig him In the sabdientere..eausing .lead them all the way?, Elow.beeutiful • '
Egmondville ;: J... Av.... _ Yeo, • Halle:Les- . NV11.11.i. li[tilt:- 1141S the rav e it to ‚.ioak bent," . Mee' you ' and P.a.rik right 1:11er'.. •11(-011P.•
is once woken it oftcn happens that' ..
af ter' the Condeetritition a. :putieture." -, .. - ' •: • mid all riuflicient the Promise In- Ex.. ' • ••
.ville.• : .. ,..., . . ,.. ... . tiecalie 11e sreehg, ho.e. wilike . a,., to, eondeina a unin's eations unless it • can never be recalled;' n0. mai ter .. Tfarry Sccitt,', of ' •Flavelle Beteg.. xxiii, 20, ,"Behold, I ;fend ea tingel
ronies desirous t6 ellect insitrance ebittek as the night? AVhiet 1 ight 1ms •••
we can puteoUrselves .in that. men't • . sttee,..Lincisay„ Thersday.. elienizi
0 fora. thee to • keep thee In the Way .and
or transaet other 'btisiness :will be. the 'Pharisee to sterid tip and. 'con- . • Plaee ? Then, after eve have put howieruth he iinayi-repelate, tier judg- , while eskainining a -.111aeser bullet - being thee bete the Place w.hieb I have
promptly attended to. on application •detiih the.poer• eubliran, wile '1 001 eierselves .in our erring brother'S i lace in,tcin,.- 8. air? I )''l. Y. a 7 8 spoken.. ,brOught front SOUth Africa : by . a- prepared."• . ' '• • ' ' '
to eny. of the above officere ,addreesed. . afar cdT and heat his breast,. neat 0- .hi1V e we a right to affirm that WO, 111: Jl.; 0,hieh..f.Ti ._ .1e:e ore . those evil,.
a lei ds alt. ele. speak .to • o there about, MOW; hede the mitfortnne, to blow : . . e • • . ' •
34. And the cloud of the Lord was •upon
to their respectiVe postoflices. insr,- "! God .be merciful to me a sin- ' Our owe strength,. %yenta have thine' bsent friend or. manly'. will la , d' •• • • • • .
off ; a part' or a . finger, by the.. bul-
let 8 ' explo mg ..in. his hand. - , • :amp, .. e. . • . . .
. them b$ day when they event out et the ..
ner." wheii the Pharisee himself 618, . ,diffe.ren t.ly thao he • has - done? If. we . • 'tt1"111:•airoliithility be re e t d t.'
sinful that he Watke a. Nilliltd. '•
cli) ..tlittS affirm, We are not filmiest and ' I.. .... , P a e • ()- a . lefarstratee Bridge:, .Steckholni, • • The Cloud was the visible symbol of
. • -.second and thted and 'foe th rt
train Thursday, seed several cars 33. And they doper e • om
passed over him, killing him instant- of the Lord three days' tourney, and
the ark of the covenant ot the Lord went
ly. Ilo was' 38 years of .age, and
s before them in the three days' journerto
80 818>1>
RlifIND • TRIIIIK. - . Pa L It 1., .
Se 1 'i • • "VVhich . indeed appetteeil , 1 1.!eieete milefelves, 'fOr : some of ' the
einalit lest and best -men of; God have
. . , f el 01 deed melee jue.iee tote au let, It 111114 just :the oppo.site. telonotts . s 1
, beget if el ou tee a ill; but • • was withi it • • - , - . • . . . cat: red eveleat bes e, And t hen, my
un1Il those ceneortous criticisms are
,. children etellapsed Sintdaye throwing
it s occupants into• tee water, . X ing .: seTe.b it was their guide, their light, :
11111LWRY SYSTEITI ''''''"'. ' And _what right, have you, ' efrilene'Newton, ertaupe. 1 throe, ted John
N. eu ton, Holy Sidi 11; inspited ..) olin el,ofiti.:1eis,emirt.iiii.. damage which we do
unto -others will be past recall. ' • • . in the Town; of. twetity-three
Oscar threW og hie coat and assisted
persons. ttblieelir shieid, their Oracle, their avenger,
r covering (Ex. xill, el; eive 19, 20.
• TIME -MULE, • . . ". . . a. practieat Application as that which The body . pf Herbert -Reynolds,
text shas tee same kind of. who '.Were taken aboard his .yachte - ' 24-2k Num. ix; 10-23; x, $4; xlv, 14); 111 ,
. . 0 hearce , to...sny yon> . it'i, '.
bad Mall Or a bad weiiiiinapidellould • Xewtene 01100. doelitred that he 11,03W
saw - a, murderer . being e n. i
Trains' will arrive at and. depart lie (00(14 >11 alien- you yottreelf Isea e •
gonna's hue , ble.d: stei:t4 a mother tafieht, her little boy while Ind 6 years Old, was takenefeom the
froth Clintod•Station is follows : they \eve 8 entiiiig the slimmer in the .wittela of • To onto bay about. four
BUFFALO AND, GODERICH DIV. an' evil eYe..aul• have 11-)t, :Vet' 11`%1%.1t.he .sitti:i.ii-i'llte,o litinself,- "'There •goes ••'1-• ohn.. • wo.-ods. l 'Trillie little fdloW came run- • o'clOck. on I"rlday •afterticion by -Mate
, Going East Express' . .7..38: at iti.
Mixed • 4,15 p. ni.
West it .
" Express
a 1 Pa which was crowded with wotnen. and
the Lord's presence with them, and
41 14
I 1.1 t e0.27 p. 111,
Going Sewell Express 7•47 a• 111.
Mixed 4.15 P. 111.
" North ExPress eo.ea a. in.
Mixed 6.55 /a In.
A. 0. PATTISON, R. 1-101)UNS,
Agent. Town Ticket Ag.
. C.
District Pass. Ag., I Tacna°
Io.1,5. a. M.
. 22.55 p, 111.
7,05 a. III.
"I had very severe sickness
that took off all my hair. I pur-
chased a bottle of Ayer's Hair
- Vigor and it brought all My hair 7
back again."
W. D. Quinn, Marsalas, =
One thing is certain,-
Ayer's Hair Vigor makes
the hair grow. This is
- because it is a hair food. -
It feeds the hair and the -
hair grows i that's all there
is to it. It stolis falling
of' the hair, too, and al-
ways restores color to
I gray hair.
81.01 lei& All &rub&
If 'your &tweet cermet steeply yen,
= tend ad boa doRat ahd Will *Ores,
, you a bottle.- Be sure and_glte the name • _
of our nearest Unreel *awe. Address,
J.0. Alt= CO,, Ifalle,
1111.010.11.111111111 11 1 1 100111he
•t, all they needed for all their jout-
35. And it came to pass when the ark eet
forward that Moses said, Rise up, Lord,
yott yourself' have an eVi1. hued or . • . • , „rung :Into ..the house in • tears . and Ackroyd, „elle dead boy left his and let Thine enemies be scattered and •
,gi ace o o , c • Newt oit emleee he had been said • ' • •
Riot. and have note yet 'amptitated it?
Moor, twice govertior of New York,, said: "Mamma ehere are 'some .bad home in thee rear of Terauley let them that eats Theo flee before Thee..
by. the grace of God." Horatio Seer -
When 'ease yotteshif have an evii boys out. there ieteckilig eue. • When street aboeft, 9 o'clock .•on Thursday David; by the 'Spirit, afterward. em -
tongue to speak or an evil .etir to 111 a large "110°118 nlecting One° '8°1-• le 'need 'Hello!' they shouted batiks morning: • • • • • .
seemly • declared: "In my- time, as the 'Hello!' . lien Oiled . bodied this in at least tWo of the
listen agltinst the deeds of. Youe . • • 'Keep Still!' llobeet Gihnour,. bricklayer', died ." Psalms (lXviii, Mail, 8). In
neIghbere? the -Ned boys cried 'Keep '>1 11 ' And in Grace lloseital, Toronto, on Sate
Joshe Ill 13, the ark is called "the
. . . • . ,h ef executive of the elate of NeW..
What would you 'think of a disso-
lute fudge condeinning 0. T risoner Itt
the bar foie the•sanat sins of which he
himself waseetigtatitly geiliele -Why,
. ouch- hypocritical :and tinht4t. Judge
wouldbe submerged. • under. a, tidal
wave of popular scorn. Such. a •dis-
honest judge would be "treated ns
,mercilessly as was that judge who in
the darkest days of Iloine's enenitieil.
undertook to eentence•sinne conspira-
tors •10. death while' he himself Was
oneof the coneferators. Ile would
be &egged from the jedicial. bench.
And. yet this •rio of condemeing'
°there *when we out gelves .are gulity
of slit is a habit which can be Itild itt
niariy a. door. We superpillously de-
mand •perfeetion ie others while We
ourselves are imperfect.
And the.sad fact. about humau eon -
reds of applications; for pardons. Af_ when e . 'woretee ' the bad ur
. day night fromea severe fracture of
York, I' /neve had to exam -line huttd-
I shoald I
toys shoited .• back 'I wpn'tt' " ...the skull, sustained early in the day
hilly entered 'into the lives of. the. "," f Heti an nioth- while at work oh some houses
• . ' A.
ter I•hail carefully"examined then and AliiesWered the Ch
f`OGOO$DZI allrl realized the (flamenco or, "my son, these were not bad 'brick fell out of the carrier • and
WIliCh caused those, crimes, 1 am free inotadeg
'boys answering the • 'elellor The . sttuck him on the head.. His par -
voices that You heard Were .ents Hee at Forges, '
influences' about me as those men had e echo of our 04.211y'You . 'Y'While about 500. women and :child.-
to pottiest; that had I had the MUG only th
Were the bad boy. • It you had called. reit wet•e standing on the Isle Gres
In every case I should Imre commit, .e owe
you!' you 'would have heard Deis. Wharf,. neat' Mootreal, waiting
P cl the same crimes, 'if ot blacker .the sum' osed bad boys say .12 love fol a eteanzer to return. home, the
Oh, My brother,elitetead • of
youil lf ewe had called •Come•and pleoks gave away, and several bun -
' n
e()Ild "n114 SI°11 1"ther p01, Y°11rselt Sing to, mei' they Would • have .-ari-. • dred were thrown into the river.
(lour' on your knees und offer a pray.- llie and sing to me l' " Fertuttately the .water was not deep,
in your •erring 1»eithet"s piece. • Gee swore(' "Co
or el gratitude that you have not So the goepel Invitation to day is go- artd everyone was brought to shore.
Ing to be heard it geeitt deal in the W. 41, DeVetin, Who only went to
echoings of Your own voice. If we• London. Ont., last Week, was riding
been tempted as he °Is tempted. -You -
ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the
earth," and before it Jordan was dr•led
Up and the 'Walls Of Jericho fell down.
When the people relied. upon God, vriltt
dwelt between the therubim, their en-,
Ornies fled before them, but when they
relied Upon the ark (whieh was only
the symbol of ills presence), then their
enemies obtained • the victory (1. Sam.'
Is', 8,.11.)- •
36. And whet) It rested he said, Return,
0 Lord, unto the many thousands of Is.
Thine 'Whether on the march or at
rest, the' great reality of Israers life
ought to, got down on y.ont. knees cry out to suffering and sinful hu- up 1tthmond s eee was Jehovah In. their Midst in pro -
loner temptations you have been
inanity. "I love yotll" tehrist will eall obeerve a Street car .that was backbear-
"I 102e you I" It we'. ..r4 • to ing doWn me Mtn, and was etruck Portion as they reitlized this an&acted • .
and thane, God that. even in your
saved solely, by an inspiring faith in to those who have done us an in- • with great force. Ife Was it on the accordingly they prospered, but when
a divine love which InaY hevec liov° justice "1 forgive Your sine' " Christ head and concussion of the brein re- they forgot ilho they failed. It Is 00
been kindled in your' brother's sin- will tech° back "I forgive your sins)" tinned. %le,- Develin died 'rittirsday With ustle says, "Lo, I am with yOtt
deinnation is thisThe more we our-
ful heart.. Oh my brother n.nd algae, can. we, 0201 iter without rega.ining ceinneious- elways," and when We believe this
melees have gone astray, the more we No human being should condemn shall We not, here and now, while n'le.. • ' • • • - ' , and thus realize His presence (foe, the
ourselves haine folloWed too much the e
.his neighbor', because it is only the.we offer the Lord's Prayer, say With Toronto doctors .noist take i., hack Only Way to realise anything In tho.
devices and the desires of our own loving tear di pleading sorrow that -Silwere arrd truthful hearts, "Fore seat. Down in Pittsburg there is a . spirIttull Ole Is to believe it) and count
heartethe Moro We ourselveshave can
quench • the fires ef sin and not give us our treSpasses as we forgive physician who modestly asks it fee of bn Mtn we hare joy end peace and
, . s
the ts. Pbrth ealteth1..e
t.ose whotresina,sa against us?". .14340,000, . ' ',Victor', but .when 'we forget RIO prey*
sinned in mind er in act and not1 y harp tonguethat
bnee We fail,
There is a large amount outstanding in subscriptions so to those in
airears this is an intimation that there can be no better time than the
present for paying up To each one the amount is trifling which is all
the more reason why it should be paid.