HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-08-14, Page 6August, 14th 1902 III IM I. 1 III mial The Hagar Shoe . . . is the best shoe in America for men or women. Prices ranp from $3.00 to $5.00 You ( 'an procure them from FRED. T. JACKSON. SHINOLA S is the hest Shoe Polish S H Beware of imitations ti which an. named to 1 Aft N sound like Shinola. N 0 1.Shinola is the only L A The Original. A SHINOLA. Patronize the New Shoe Store and get New Shoes. - Fred. T. Jackson. REAL EST.1TE 1:OR SALE. -- 1 Part of farm, lots 38 and 33, on west side of Maitland con., one mile north of Holmesville, eon- taining 97 tures. 2 The north half of lot 25, Con. 2, and West part of lot 24, con. 3,0110 half niile from Clinton, north, on gravel road, containing 90 acres. 3 The brick da•elling including lots .18, 19 and 20 011 corner of J oseph and Isaac street, in Clinton. 4 The frame dwelling on the west sitle of Victoria street and next. north of railway. Liberal terms to suit purchasers. Apply to W. W. FARR.kN or C. C. R.aNCE, Clinton Silog 011 1 11 Lt.. DOMESTIC WANTED. goldwEvrx.x.x. Mrs. Melliae of Goderieh visited her (kneral survant wanted on the "" daughter, Mrs. Hilton, who returned September. . Apply to Mrs. John to Goderich with her for a few daya. Ilialge)s, Albert street. Mr. 0. C. Wilson of Sestforth wee MRS F• R. HODGENS• in our village last week. M 1.1 well and bride of Coder- • THE CLIDTWON IsIEWS-REIOORD PART 1 JUNIOR LEAVING EXAMINATIONS. A LIST OF THE SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES. !August t2th. .. TUCKERSMITH FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned oilers for sale part tit bot 41, Huron Road, Tuekersmith, the last farm east of Clinton, con- sisting of 50 acres, all cleared and in a good state of cultivation, brick house, bank barn, acre ymung or ehatd, etc. For further particulars Lowly to JOHN PICKETT, Clinton 1'. 0. August lith. Single [farness . Cheap A McKOWN. l». 1,1, TERN( OPENS SEPTEMBER 2ND. " MM. Irl.0•001.•••••10•11.1.1! I 1' .1.1i1"t FARM FOR SAI,E. The undersigned offers for sale Lot 42, Con. 13, 'Township of Hallett, con- sisting of 150 acres, 110 acres cleared incl in a good state of cultivation, to acres stump land and balance good hardwood bush, never culled. The lot is a L11 watered and fenced and is 14 1111 111 iron) a church, 2 miles Dom .4.u- 1)1111) and 9 miles from Clinton. A Public school is located on the corner of the lot. There is a good two-stor- ey brick house, 3 hank barns and out- buildings and a good bearing orchard. For further particulars apply to EPII. BALL, Auburn P. 0. August sth. HOUSE FOR SALE. Mr. M. o Mt visited Mrs. Holmes one day last Mr. Fred. Leonard and Miss Maggie Kiel visited friends at Wiaxton. Miss Addie Stephenson has returned from Hamiota, Man.,after spending ni early three years n that country. Her inany friends are glad to see her agai 0. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mackenzie of Goderieh visited at the latter's moth- er s, Mrs. Hollins', prior to their go- ing to Manitoba and British Colmn- , bia. Rev. .T. Hussar, wife and family are visiting friends in and around Lon- don. The Methodist church is being repaired and will be greatly improved when finished. The W. M. S. held their sewing bee on Wednesday at Mr. Elford's. To ascertain the correct age of a horse ask the owner and multiply his answer by two. A WELL KNOWN COLLEGE. Mr. W. J. Elliott, principal of the Central Business College, Stratford, ' Ont., is certainly a strong believer in a newspaper advertising as his adver- t tisements may be seen in nearly all , the newspapers of Western Ontario. ' His school. is well known from one end of Canada to the other and it en- joys an excellent reputation for first - 1 W t the rinci al for The undersigned oflers for sale a storey cottage with live bedrooms, large dining ruom, parlor, etc. Situ- ated on William street, convenient to the Collegiate Institute. For further particulars apply. to James Scott, barrister, Ce) ST R A T FOR I), ON T. A school that occupies first rank a- mong the laisim.ss colleges on this conmm tit. Many leading commercial schools tinploy our graduates as teach- ers. We do our last to place all our grado graduates in god positiu ons nd we have been more succes.,1111 this year than in any previous year. Those des- iring the best in business table:aim) should attend oar school. Write for catalogue. MRS. LAIRD. Clinton, June 23rd. M CIICE FARM FOR SALE. $9,000 will buy a choice farm of about 120 acres, situated a half mile Iron! Clinton. Good brick house, 20X 28 and 20X20 ; barns 4ox40 and 40x60, with stone stables underneath, silo, windmill, ete. Will be sold on easy terms, For further particulars apply to JAMES STEVENS, Clinton P. 0. April 2Ist. TO WFARMS FOR SAI,E. Lot 6, con. 7, Colborne, containing too acres, lot 67, Maitland con, God - eta* township, containing 75 acres. Both farms are well fenced and well watered; good buildings and first class orchard on each farm ; nearly all un- der grass. Sixty per cent. of the purehase money may remain on mort- gage at 5 per cent. For particulars 41)14 to T. BURNS, Carlow. June 23rd. • STANI,EV FARM FOR SALE. As I wish to retire from farming I oiler to sell for $5,o00 lay splendid too acre farni situated on the Front. Road, mile east of Varna. yo acres clear- ed, to acres hard and soft wood bush. Good fram' e house with cellar, barn and shed. Good bearing orchard, good water, hard and soft. A rare chance to get a fine farm cheap. l'ossession given early in the fall. HENRY MAKINS, Varna P. 0. Jane loth. TUCKERSMITH FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale that choice 150 acre farm on the Huron Road, Tuckersmith, one mile east of Clinton. New frame -house with sum- mer kitchen, first class bank barn, 41rive shed, hen house, pig pen, silo, two wells, windmill, and small or- chard. The Hayfield river runs across back end of lot. Thirty acres of flats, the finest of grass land. This is a splendid farm, well situated, and will be sold on easy terms. ARTHUR COUCH, Clinton June 9th. c ass work. t e o a catalogue if you intend taking a course ir. a business college. MARRIAGES„ . STODDART-MACDONALD-At the residence of the bride's parents in I.istowel, on August atb, by Rev. J. S. Hardiy'Manic, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. .1. II. Macdonald, to Mr. R. F. Stoddart, 13. A., clas- sical master in the Clinton Colleg- iate Institute. DEATHS. • SHIELL-In Fullerton, on August 4, Hannah C. Rintoul, wife of John Shiell of East Wawanosh. • GILES-In Howick, on July '3oth, William Giles, aged 76 years and 6 months. BIRTHS. HOLLAND -In Goderich township, on August 7t11, to Mr. and Mrs. t has. Holland, a daughter. HOLMES-At Whiteehureh, on August 7111, to Mr. and Mrs. • Joseph Holmes, a daughter. . BARNARD-In Wroxeter, • _on August ist , the wife of Mr. Joseph Bar-. nard of twins, son and daughter. MeCREIGHT-In Turnberry; 'on Aug- rst 5th, the %tile of John Mc- Creight of a son. PA ULIN--In Fullerton,- on July loth Mrs, John Paulin of a son. WOOD -In Logan, ou Jtily 31st,. Tig Word of a daughter. - • SIIMONS-In Logan, on August said, Mrs. John Siemons of a son. RAMSAY-In Westfield, on July 2911,. the wife of Mr. D. Ramsay of a daughter. FARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE. South ;4 of lot 15 and the north '4 Of lot 24 on the 81h con. of the town- ship of Stanley are offered for sale. The farm contains Ito acres, all clear- ed, in a good state of cultivation and well watered. There are two barns and stabling and a frame dwelling house. Two good bearing orchards. 'A mile from school and 2 miles from church and postoflice. For further particulars apply to MRS. S. MeINTYRE, Hensall, W. .T. ELLIOn, STRATFORD. .Tune 2101. y P1/411:1CNNON & 00. 131,-vr-rti STILL GFIERTER BRIININS This week we offer very special bargains in Shirt Waists. We bought 5. manufaettirer's stock overmekes at half price in new up to•date goods 111 flee pet vale and fitney 0111411n, detached collars, fast colors, some trimm- ed with inset tion, rt.gular pi ice gle to $1. We sell the $1 lite for 50c and the 50c line at 25e. Move quickly if you want any. We wont have them long at these prices Children's Hose We are (leering nut (thildt en's Hosiery regardless of cost. We hive picked 0111 :11 broken Iota and odd times ranging in price from 8c to 15e per pelttold h ive them on our bargain table and give you your choice of the lot at Se per pair. W e w 5. nee range of Children's Fine Cashmere Hose in double knees, high spliced 111114 1111(1 (/011hIP 8(11eS, line ribbed, fast black, in all sixes at Eie, 20e, lie, 30e and 40e pet pair.' New Dress Goods We have tereived our fleet shipment of New Dress (oode. Wrapper - it) 'Venetians, llomespiins'Viettnits, Broadcloths. Cheviot:8.- Eu%, in shellea of brown, grey, oxford, navy, black, myrtle and heather Id) ixt 11114 frnin 50e to $l 50 per yard. We will he pleased to beve mir lady friends call and inspect our New Dresi Goods whether they are reedy to buy or not. TEACHER WANTED. The following ara the names of the students 'who were successful at the recent examinations in Clin Tite atadvilMigat(rieulation rcItir't Leaving rseesouilotrs fo i (Part I) are not yet reported. . Here- after there will be no Part 1 examina- tion for -junior Leaving or for Ma- triculation. Part I Junior Leaving : Prod. -Airless Lorne Cantelon Marion Coats neaaCdc:viloiciplielsr lIisial gblei 1 °Orel igngt, Lela Hoover W. x.l .CTalasr.axKooceolotlier J. W. Mustard tititirilliltoPses41° 1e . Matricelation Robert A. Stewart Hattie Trick Pearl Wise Part on Junior Leaviig papeth : • Fred, Chant Mary .Cluil. Maggot Macdonald • Victor Miner Donna Parlee Edna Pennabaker • Commercial •Diploma : This being the first in which. a class was organiz- ed Lor this work only two girls were prepared .and 'both Were successful, namely, 'Jean Z.. Carling and Pearl Macdonald. . It may be added that at Clinton a much higher percehtage of the candi- dates passed than in many Othea plac- A second class teacher for S. S. No. 9, Goderich township, duties to coni- menee on August 181.h. Applications received up to August 151.11. Personal applications preferred. - • GEO. HOLLAND, - Sec. -Treasurer. Hohneseille, August 211d, 1902; WANTED. General Servant. Apply, to MRS. MALCOLM D. McTAGGART. Clinton, July 23rd, Wawanosh schools, No. 3 -Wm. Smith.. No. 4-L4llian J. Clark,.. No. 15 --Ida Davidson. No. 1e-4). V. Patterson. The registers for 1902 have -been sent to the teachers. The literature Wee - tons, the listof authorized text books, program of studies, ete., for next term will be found on pages 3 and 4 of the cover. The results for Part I Junior Matriculation have not .yet been received. ' We give below the names of the suc- cessful candidates who wrote c..t the examination centres ot Brussels, Wing - ham, Blyth, Wroseter and Fordwich on the Public 'School Leaving, or as now called Part I Junior Leaving ex- amination. The subjects examined on were 'Eng- lishgraminar, arithmetic and meusur- ation, history of Great Britain and Canada, geography and English com- position. Each of the five papers is valued at 100 marks. In order to pass a candidate must take 33 1-3 per cent. in each paper and. 50 per cent. of the aggregate. A candidatcyttat fail- ed on the total but obtald class standing (33 1-3 per -tent.) in English -granunar, arithmetic and mensuration and history of Great Britain and Canada is accepted as having passed Part 1 Junior Matriculation cm these subjects. The geography paper this year clown- ed Most of the candidates that failed. The certificates of those that passed and the marks of those that failed were mailed on Monday last. The Education Department does not give out the ntarks of successful candidates. BRUSSELS. Part I Junior Leaving. • Ruby. Clegg,: Anna Dunlop, Erntner: aon Fulton, Eleanor R. • Ftinaton, HarryC. Gooding, Frank W. Hain, 13er.triee IL Howe,Alex, aont, n.A Dunca'. Macdonald, .Lm d,. Barbara Mc- Kelvey; .Susan IVIeNair, 'Beatrice Mc- Nair, Irwin Kayttard; Ada Ross, Luel- la RoSs,Bribe Scott, Kate Teller, M. Wright, Albeit R. Zim- mer. - SUGAR. We still lead in Sugar by. Selling Redpath's Granulated at $3.85 per cwt. in• bbl. lots. • W. 'I'. O'NEIL. CS. 'Hie following candidates who were prepared in the Publie schools have 811(cessinlly .passed the Public School Leaving (dr Part I .juniee Leaving Examination) Their certificates and also the marks of the uitsuCcessful eand'dates have been sent to:the teachers of their schools " Goderich • Collegiate Institute- Christabel Anderson, Athos Beevers, May 13issett, Emma Craig, Alma Dancey, Minnie Dolan; . 'Helen Drys- dale; Arthor ,-Gelinas, • Loretta 'Griffin, Etta Henderson, Maggie Leigh, Mabel Part Junior lVfatriculation. Rtissel Brown, Frank McGavin, James M. Richardson. . , - Twenty eight candidates wrote at' this centre,- ' Thurlow, Gordon E.: Wightman: • . • • • WINGHAM. Exeter.' P. S,--. Witnifred Carling, , Part I Junior Lea.ving.. ' .. flit 'torsi Vera. •Cobbleclick, Dolly .Dick .: ' Laura A. ' Ansley, John 'E. Currie, • scin, Lillian Elliott, , Jcihn T. Gardin- Cora G,, • Curry, Pearl I. Davis,. Olive er, Winona Howard, Vittoria Miners, K, Ferguson, Norman Gowdy, Wm, Mary E. Parsons, Arthur Wood.• • A...Higgins,. 'Willie F. Finkle:ter, Ar - Dungannon. P". S. --E, W. Durnin, HO- , Oar., McKersie, Willie J. IVELein, Jim ;Murray, ' Albert Patterson, Alma M.- ena Glenn, John B. Young. , Cuitralia P.*.a,-Vleecla BakerClip- Pearon, Jennie Rintool, Robert M.. ton Hoggarth, -Tholes. P, Windsor. . Slieill, Mary Troy. ' Ilensall P. S. -Oliver Jewett. . .; . .Part:.I. Junior Matriettla.tion, .• Ashfielel. ,seliocile, ., NO. . s -Myrtle • /role. Canipbell, Annie Gilchrist,... Marjorie Goedon, 'Bertha J, MeNague, Slils:inol.!..2.--. Cassie•Pinn. . ' •. - Alberta. •Rintoul, Herbert .11. Sheriff, No. 4-Maigaret Pinlays011, Eliza Mande P. Troy, Gertrude B. Troy:: Pinlayson. . . ' . • Twenty eight candidates wrote .. at No. 'ti--Oliye Poster. • - . ' • this centre... . 13. Lynr.. . .. ....• ,,• ... No. 12 -May Boyd, Itr.. C. MeGreg- . or, • Rodelick McLennan.. . . . • Part I Jimior Leaving:. • • • ' Isto. 13 -Elizabeth. Rutherford-. ; . William 0. -Heftry, Edith E.: ,. Jen-- - • No 16-1obert J. Revitt. .• . ' kins, Raymond Redinend, Annie :M.. Coltorne schools, NO, i•-,.1sTetta E. Toll. • • ' . • • • . ''• Tyndall.' . . .. .• , . • • ' . • • Part . x „Minor Matricolation. • • No. 3-ireati. 'Whitney. . . ; Annie Cowan Katie Marshall. : . . - No. 9--41arry.' Williams. .. . Twelve • candidates , wrote at . this. Goderich township schOols,. No. 1- centre. • .. - ... .: .. . . ' • • Helen Drysdale. . . ' • . WROXETER. " No. 2—hlattie "A. Johnston, .• • • Part I Junior Leaving. . : No. 6 -Arthur . Mcchisky. ,. ... : .. ' Garnet ' Campbell, Ben. ,A. Higgins, No. 8 -Charlotte Stirling,. . Stanley Bendel:ton. . ' • - ' Stanley.' schools, . Union No -Jolin Part I' Junior IVIatticulation. • ' Johnston, John Dtysclale. ... -. , • Etta J. Burns, 'Robert Higgins, .Er- .. NN.00.. 3-5_EdciotliiiiiRathewttlp. ii..e. ii,. : .E1'"idith ...1.-le..§stiXWelalneYclid.ates. Wrote it this :ct:ittre. . I Sparks, Edith Stogilill. • .. . • '.. - •. . • VORDWICH. ' ' • • . No. 9 -Percy 0...Keys, •• . . . . . . Part I• Suitior Leaving. - - •• No. to -Grace Murcleek,' Elizabeth Percy S.. Ashton, Henry A. Carter, McGregor. • ., • . ' • Jaines• T. .Canter, .Jetnima E. Gilpin, NO. re--Prof/0in 'Johnston, . Donald Mabel . McGuire, 'Ara/ninths, B. Mc-' Grassicks • . - . ' Lauchlin, Essie Mwiillnseo,n...Edivard, .... A. .. , usborne schools,*. No: To -Clifford Strome, "Lindsay . . • Ten candidates wrote at this centre. Whillock.,• ' . .. • ELOISE Et SKIMINOS GODERICH CORRESPONDENT • ii -.-0.-4-1-1-1•44+++++++++++.14,111t 3'D i ;444+41 IDDDDDI; Mrs.. (Dr.) Clarke (nee Nina Strachr Mr. lire Stewart returned on Friday an), Orangeville is spending a short last front his delightful tour through did an. vacation with her aunt, Miss Straelt- stlaniriteaiiit(.)veliiye souvenirsiwoirtgeth hitmo btrroinnig The bazaar in aid of. the marineI Scotia. 'Ore loas wonderfully im. hospital was held on Wednesday and proved in health and appearance. He Thursday. All the wealth and fashion will finish his vacation here. of Goderich attended., including sever-IMiss R.uth Wiggins has taken a pos- al Americans who are holidaying I Won in the studio of R. Sallows. here. Indeed., it was quite cosmopol- At Knox church on Sunday evening itan, everyone seemed to be there, the congregation was so large that The rink never looked so gay before. the tate comers remained outside of Miss Jean Wilson. of New York is doors. Rev. Dr. Meldrunt officiated in the guest of her aunt,Belearrs.sAtalahmIs 111- rthoawttritrrsiceeniloanndirdpeinlivertehde taexiitiobste Mrs. Fred. Runt (n lier) is ill at her Chicago home with niortlgiinvientlitYts' fear, typhoid fever. Mrs. Hillier has gone hatk to wait upon her and itliss ilirdue HU. buitrl,of, pouetiveriaatntderopf alrotveolanwelhioefhsmeuanddo lier of Toronto went last weele. inu Mr. R. S, Williains has presented the a strong basis for his serinon. 13e- 5. S. of St. George's church with sils fore the offertory a lovely sacred solo' ver medals commemorative of the eor- ;:yTitivieislwAonC4triseosn,"olvaas,orwoenitloreannddereatit ()nation of King Edward. the offertory a fine anthem, " This is the day," was beautifully rendered by a very large • choir, Mrs. Harry. Ed- wards taking the solo parts in ex- ceedingly fine voice. At the conclus- ion of. the •service " God Save the King" was sung by the choir and congregation. The morning. service at Knox: church WAS all in honor of the Coronation, for which Mr. Passotore, tile organist, composed very fine music for " The Coronation Hymn " written by M. 13. Whiting, We musit congratulate Mt. Paesmore upon the beauty of his composition. Miss Cochrane of Toronto, who was .• the guest for ScrtliC time of Mrs. (Judge) Holt, has returned to her home. : return their sincere thanks to their Dr. Clarke and Ur. Harry Reid left many kind 'friends- who showed so on. (at(..;t.rdiitt..ye-oatiftrrinttisonin at te ii,.,otrtoenntdot(h): touch friendship and attention to their son Edward during, his late illness. Monday. Mrs. McCorntick and Tottie return.... 1111r. George II, Fowler picked about ed.to Hamilton' on luesday. . . On Sunday all,that was mortal of the late lir. John Morricion. McLeod waa kid to rest beside • his first wife's re-. mains -in •Maitland ceinetery, the young wife whose death he. always de- ploted. He had the •misfortune to fall the previous winter 'frets, whielt acci- dent his nerves .becaine shattered and although his demise scented sodden to the eimrtnunity it was due to it grad- ual. decay of the nervous .system. On the day on which he died Ilc. was in his laboratory preparing Medicine ,to I e sent, north. by express end made his secretary,•• Mr. David* McKinley (nephew) read the correspondence that tame .by the late mail. of the . pre- teding day. But about 8 p. m. he felt the (11(1 severe paia dinning 011 11111,1 • ‘a.• sufloeatiOn from I Which kif late. lie had .sulfered (and.' told .• theio. he always feared) followed' and death came )eace-. dellY .to cad .all -his suffering. • With the death of:Dr. "McLeod many of 'eine- eitizens, and not., only .these..wifom he 'befriended here,. but eleit'whore, 'have 'lost :kind -.aril toeing friend who sitrved • the Master in word and deed. 11C. was a atria Presbyterian tit' ev- ery sense. of the Word and a great loss, er • of, the. sacred. •seripttires,..• having 'portions of them: 'read to him. every clay. He was born in.'Tarbert Harris, ofi• the northwest of :Seotland and ear- ly showed stgus 'orrare intellect. His hither dying early; he had always to thank his • mother for :trebling' .his mind tor .higher education. He stud - 01 the Univeraities.of Glasgow and Edinburgh, having evil -teed •desire to become misaionary to some foreign clinic. •Ile spent. four veara. in St. • Barthelomen's hotpital, -Loticlon. He eventually gave np all...Aden's of berotning, a. inissionary • nitd; aettled. 'here. ..1885„Ile niarriecl Augusta,. YOungeit. daughter of the late Martin •McLeititen, by Whieb is:see-be had one daughter 'of whom he was devotedly fond. Ile built his presentlaboratory in 1888' and began ,the -manufacture of his .thany patent* medicines which are keown. He •was a thorough, business man and a • man well reacl and in touch with all the topics of the day. 1894 :Dr. McLeod married. Margaret McLennan, Sister of . his de- ceased wife, who survives him: The casket' was coveted with floral trib- nixes among which. We noticed a lovely cioss,or sweet .pea blOsainitaithe Offering of Mrs... Jelin Dicks0e; .Scar ftirth, . a large • casket lioquet frorti Miss Christobel'Anderaon and a lovely basket- of white geraniums and 'other lavely:flowers from Mrs.- James Stew - ant. Rev,. jantes. Anderson Officiated at. house and • cemetery. .The pall- bearers • were : Ex4dayor Wilson •and Messrs. slailleS.Mitehell,' Hugh *Dunlop, IL Stoddarti S„ Sloan and Wanton. Acheaon, itlanY. . carriages came -from it distance to• the funeral and among those who' were at• the futtetal were s Mrs. John '1,celewitk of. Detroit, Mr. awl Mrs. John Dickson, Mr...and Mrs. 'IVIePaul and Mrs. (Reit.) MeLcod, Sea - forth.. .. • . . . The . Coronation service on, Sunday a. at St: George's Wa.s grabd, arid impressive. A Printed form was used by the rector 'and congregatiort which made • the.' service most interesting. 'the anthem was Most beautifully •ren- dered by. the cheir. The orchestra ob- ligate) was rendered lieatitifully by .1, Thomas, 'cornet • Harold Blackstotte flute, and I -Tarry 'Cuff, 'clarionet, Professor, Cliff tit • the organ. The rector delivered . an impressive and appropriate sermon. The ehoir and front were draped with flag's, as were tlie fronts of the rectory and residettee. of the organist, Mr. CUM Union Jacks Also waved in the rectory garden cutd in Mn. • Cuff's grounds. S. os. 1114 oi 53853,$a0oui Go-ieSuoiertvgeexn,otiyntgii.ahlt,aftoeonrsch inigliatrochceldo iti2inorttc; S. S. No. 6, $230 ; S. S. No. 7, $675 ; .• hurelt was filled to U. a. •Er. s. s. ittlioer.stloio)eritgnupirtrebseernst.of our summer vis - No„. 16, $273 ; U. o. aiti. 8, atop ; Si S. No, • 4, 5160 ; S. S. No. 12, Mrs. Lorne inactionald and her sia- S. Si No. 1,, $80.3o S. ter -in-law arrived together trent Mrs: $150 ; Separate H. No. X, $299,20. IT' Ohio. Mrs.. Bates will spend some Charlek Bates' home in. Alliance, Si No.. is, $xzerato ; S. S, No.. The elerle was advised to enter all titne' here. the guest of her husband's through proceedings Wider the ditches mother and sister, amounts which are due the township and watercourses act on the collector's Mrs. (Captain) 1VIttrdoelt• Macdonald roll, 7 per cent. added', in accordance - held a most successful coronation and said act. birthday picnic on the lawit at her , The following amounts were ordered. residence, to be paid i •Trusteca S. S. No. 0, MisS Skelton, for some years one polling place provincial election, .$3 ; of tlie Central school staff of teachers, is leaving for the Noithwest, Metvor has been chosen to succeed. Albert Carey'. son of. Mr. Oswald Carey, has gone to New Westminster, B. C., to try his fortune in that new couutrv which his gTandfather, Cap- tain 1-3. Marlton, chose on leaving Goclerich after his summer hotel was destrdyed by fire, Miss Mary McCauley, stenographer, Detroit; lathe guest Mrs. Fowlie. lyliaa MacICayl daughter of Captain Dan. MacKay, is paying her relatives at. Kintore and surrounding country a visit. • • We have to thanle Mr. George I -I, Fowler for a basket of his lovely pale yellow raspberries. They. are as sweet as honey. Ile also presented us with some of his lovely tame red raspber- ries earlier in the season. Mrs, and Mrs. David Bell wisit>to isles114*/... 161 • - - - - -• -•- ' • The Sovereign Bank - of Canada - Authorized Capital - $2,000,000 Subscribed Capital - $1,300,000 Head Office - Toronto Extracts frmn Government Returns May 31-02 June 30-02 CAPITAT, PAID UP $ 740,000 5840,000. RESERVE FUND 10,000 740,000 ASSETS 1,150,000 1,900,000 CLINTON BR ANCH -L.P. Sny der„Mgr. EXETER BRANCH -F. E. Kern, Mgr. Notes discounted. Drafts bought and. sold. Interest allowed on deposits of 51 and upward and compounded half yearly. • DEPOSIT RECEIPTS ISSITED. A general banking business .transacted. ; CLINTON MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS THE ESTiMATED • RECEIPTS, AND EXPENIIITIIRES OV THE AWN- • ICIPALITY OP CLINTON' • POR 'THE -ITCOMING 'SEAR: A$ • • POLIIOWS . . , Expenditures... • IntereSt on ,Collegiate Insti-. • • • tail Debentures • - too tio Consolidated Debt Deben- -. . . tures .:*. • 708 75 Doherty. *Organ Co- Deben- ... titres • • ' (lye oo Sinking Fund Doherty Organ... ... • • Co. Debentures The best class of work procurable has been niantifactured here for many years past. ' 930 40 Consolida.ted Debt Debentures . 954 22 TOW1I'S Share Local Improves . ment Debenture No: 2 . 64 59. 'town's Share L. 1...• D. No. 21 . 64 72 'Vfiblie School: Estimate • 2900 (xi Collegiate Instittite .Estimate 770e oo Pelilie •Library .Estimato . • 1.30 oci County • Rate 596. 00 Streets, Sidewalks, Etc, nob oo SaatrieS .. • . .. - ' 1.250 00 Electric Light ..: 83o oo Property 330 oo 310750 00 00 Cciwetureitte;y , soo oo 'ire and Water • :, sod oo Street Watering Insurance 100 Des Printing, Postage and Sta. ., 20o oo tionery . Public Perk ' 25 oo •Board .of Health . 75 oo Itlections • so cio Incidentals • 138 89 xso oo Tax Reftinds WE WON'T call on you a week after. your bereavement. WE wow make the wok to suib the price. WE WILL make the mita t* snit the work. WE WILL gi ve you the choice of the production of the world In design and material We are the ONLY Mac - tical men in Clinton in our line. Do not be talked into placing your order without first cal14 ing on us. LMoKINNON & CO. BLYTH Be HOOVERsPRoP AA.Af_sosyvv.A0v0.4AANNAWAAMANA04 Nett to Commercial Itotel Receipts. - Liquor Licenses Cemetery' Lots keat of Hall, Scales, Etc. Magistrates' Pines Taxes on $625,177.00 at 22 mills on the $ TIENSALL, The residence of Mr. Robert Iloni- thorne Hensall wag the seche of a very happy event Titesclay when Mr, flottithorne's eldest daughter, Edith, was united itt marriage to Mr: Jaittes Machlartin, traveller, for John Gaits. ey of Londoe. IVfiss M. Sloatt of Walk- ef•ton attended the bride, while Chas. McGuire • of London assisted the grooni; $15,097 57 $ 50000 200 00 500 00 15 00 13,752 57 575097 57 ••• HIJR.ON MO.DEL SCHOOLS. .The Medel. SChools .at ClintOn s and Goderich Will open on. Tuesday, Sept: . ard,• at 9 ticlock a... m. TheBoArd of EXamitiera nieet at: Seafotth. on• Saturday,- .August• 23rd. • • . All 'these. .wishing to attend the Model sehoot are 'requested to notify the Pelthe school :inspectors. before the, day of meeting and state which school they. prefer • attending, • • . EXCURSION TO SARNIA AND DETROIT. HAY TOWNSHIP. • Council met on Monday, August 4, all the members present. The engineer's report, re Zurich draM, north, was laid before the coun- cil. After consideration it was refer- red back to the engineer for certain changes. The clerk was instructed to deduce the stun of 3300 freen the assessment of the east branch, north, and $zoo from the assessment of the east and west branches, sonth, and not levy any asseastaent on the west branch, north, this year. The following rates have been 'Struck for the current year : County rate, i -to ; township rate, 3-10 mills ; general 'school rate/ 3-10 turns ; Zurich police villisge rate, 2 ijJJ ; Dashwood police village rate, Mill. School rates have been levied as follows ; $. S. No. /, $350 ; S. S. moo boxes of raspberries (tante) front his' berry patch. He has. some fine yelloW ones ior sale this week. They •ane litter than the red variety. • Miss Nellie' Tighe of St. Paul, a' leading legal light, we are informed, ,is spending her vacation. here. • Mr.•13rowolee and party from Nor- walk, Ohio, are holidaying here. Most . of them :visited our town two years ago and a Merry, party are they. Mrs. Alex. Craigie. is enjoying a trip on the .St. • Lawrenee with her • son, Captain Alec. Craigia, and. . his . wife on the steamer Ionia which left Chicago for Montreal sonic days ago'. Rev. Dr. Meldrtim of Cleveland' . visiting at the residence of his moth- er, Bayfield Road.. . 'Master George Barre of loaded is -the guest 'of his grandfather, .Mr. Gee. wbo. 'is' engaged in etigineering at Sydney, C. B., 'Will visit his 'parents Septeinber, • • :The - Women's' Institute' Met the ••• - Point Farm on Thursday. last 'With nearly all the memb'ers present, but the afternoon's anticipated, 'pleasure. was . Marred . by ..the steady downpour of rain: Miss Potter gave a fine re,. . eipe..for etc. 'rite mixt ..inect.:•• • Mg *ill te. held at the' residence of . Mrs. Cantain. Tretheway on the .3,rd. of ' SciPltieeinfil;itertreral Thonfaa" 14;dWarcl Bell took ISinte: on Tuesday -of last week, . •.knicmg those froin •a. distance who at-' teeded the obset nies were : • Mr.. 'Robert .Bell of St. Catharines, Walter • • Bell of Burlington Mr. And Mrs.. Rob- ert Carter of Clinton 'and Jtahn Bell or:Dtingannon. , The dasket WaS c�vcr- ed with floral tributes, 'amotg• those contributing • them • • being : • 111anelte . Mesdames Tipling,- . .Anstey, Cornell, W. Andrews and Mis- ses: T;izzie.• Acheson and Nellie Doak.• 'Rev.. Di. ollicia.tecl at hoase and ;Maitland 'cemetery, Thc. pallbear-. as were : Three uncles of deceased, Willis Bell, .Thomas 'Bell' and Walter Bell,- and. three nephews,. James' Bell, . John Bell, ahd Robert Carter.. The funeral Was largely 'attended. . • . ' • Mrs. - Jones and lovely ' children of Dewar, Lambton -coeuty, are: the-, ' guests of ..Mrs. Jones' • parents,. . and Mrs. LeTouzel; . !• • Miss Kerr .o • Clinton' was • the• .guest last • week .of ler • sister, ',Dr.) Taylor.' • Miss' Gussic. Taylor is spc.nding. her vacation. with her uncle, Dr. Taylor, • Mr, Walker has almost fully -recev- ired the use of .his ann. '.He. had :his ahoulder dislocated by his horse tieing frightened hy some boys pea:flog, whieli caused Mr: Walker's. fall. out of the vehicic,.... , From the Detroit Evening News we Clip the icilloiving. paragraph •• The• departure of Rev. L• M. Webb, curate of the Chapel Of the Ascension, for Brussels, Ont,, where. Ile has been of- fered a parish, is causing trouble. he congregaticin"of the. Chapel is anxious to secede from the maker churelt, All Saints, . It WM be tiecessary to -Obtain the consent of the committee on 'Ves- tries of .A.11 Saints, Wiodsor, and of St. John's, Sandwich, to beeotne . a • separate parish end' thereafter of the. Synod 0.1id the bishop of the dioceae before the -separation is complete." Mr,. Sandy .McLeoct had the mis- fortune 1.0 fall into the hold Of the Myles on Motiday etthile she .was in pot t unlearling, • Mi. Munson and fatuity have taken the •new brick 'residence lately erected by Messis,e-Goldthorpe. • The I,, 0. L. annual exclirsion, und- er the auspices of 0, L. No, 794„. Wingliatre to Sarnia and Detroit will take 'place on Saturday, August 53rd. The usual low rates and time table will be announced later. The return fare train Sarnia to Deteolt will be 50 ceitts.-It, McMATIL Winghatn, ODE TO •BAYPIELD. . , • . I come to thea for change and rest, Front city trammelled to. be free ; Of. all resorts I love thee best, - • Thy. biliny'-breezes brace -me. 'Your shady nooks and sunny peaks, And tinted pebbles line the shore ; Where yacht and rowboat gayly leap, :And 'the Bayfield empties .everntore. I love to stand upon thy bank, And watch the sun in glory dip, In rainbow colors as it sank ; Fond lose for thee steals' from my hip. Thy cupid hides with- bow and dart, Within the coves of foliage green ; I dread the time when we must part, • After thy beauty I have seen. provincial election, $3 ; trustees S. S. trustecs S. S. . No. 4, p g P The laughing gull flies to the beach, tioh, $3 ; trustees S. S. No. 4, polling her. Miss gentile Robertson, who has And tells us when a Amin. is nigh ; Miss Meteor's position. , been teaching at Exeter, will take And flocks of geese each other greet. NO.. 3, polling place provincial elec- place provincial election, '$3 ; trustees 'The pleasattt . t of Mr, Harry ' And the hawks circuitottsly Ry. • $. S. No. '12, polling place previncial Rotiovell of Toronto Was interrunted To thee the artists come to Sketch, election, $3 ; Jonas Itartlieb polling tho other ditY hY receiving a telephone To thee the angler comes to catch, Their pictures proudly they display ; 'Bachand, polling place proviecial el - place provincial election, $3'; I,. V. message from some one in Toronto - with whom he left the key of his And 'sportsmen love to spend the house, the message being the question: day. Letion $3 ; tOWnship clerk, postage, indigent, $3.80 ; Thomas Welsch, lam- anyone to ask tne for the Icey oPyour Among the boughs of evergreen ; " Did you give a written message to With thee so many pitch their tent, etc., it0.73 ; R. R. johnston, flour for ber, $24 ; Thomas Coftsitt, bridge 'and house ?" The man took the • message And merry groups for pleasure bent, ditch, con. 4, Veot, $21.25. as genuine, bet after giving the Just id 'from bathing eall be seen' stranger the key he thought better a- ... , . . Iorseand rowboats at conma tti I • bout the matter and sent the mes- • sage. Mr, Rothwell sent back " No"At the hotels quite up-to-date itte.y. be true that some animals for an " are subject to rheumatism but they Mrs. mut Miss Mary Wilson of o- . Dayiield, you congratulate. A treat to those who live' inland,' answer. don't have to put up with people, imlatnr. ming are the guest S of MrsT. C. S, S. SEAM', having Stitt cures. ,Clintolip August 6th.