HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-08-14, Page 5emem ws'eoort1
Clinton- August 14th, 1902.
he garden party held last Friday! We are sorry to say that Mrs. R'il-
t\cning 111 kr the ;ntspncs of the V. Pant hays, Sr., is on the sick list at
1'. .\. of the English chinch on their l resent, but hope for her speedy re -
1 e,ttafu1 church grounds was; well at- covt:ry.
ten.:ed .1thouch the cold u;trtls blow- i1L•. .T, R. Guvcnlock of Seaforth
made outdoors ratlttr uucomlort- was it guest at the ]tome of Mr. W. 1,.'
..Irl, Still the proetetls amounted to Keys one day recently and his two
cr <a; . daughters, typo have been visiting at
(n, Saturday .•toning mi interesting B;tylicld and on the Ilabylon.I,ine for
uu:ic , t baseball \tits placed between the past week, returned home with
Go;trkit ,1111 lil.tlt. Thr game stood itun.
v.htn Bili -hod in favor of the visitors Miss Rachael Reid of the Bavlield
by a score of 15 to 1.1 Road was the guest Of the Misses
S„u e 111 the i(ttglah church py„ple Howson of the (loslten Line for a few
• atten.1 ,1 the garden party at ;Ielgrave (lays this w.ek.
, n S.ttut (lay evening„ on \Wtdnes(lay last i -11r. and Mrs.
are sorry to hear that Mr. Jas. Frank Keys and family visited friends
I'.I1i' 1i is eery low nt pn•seut :111(1 but on the Babylon.
little hope is entertained for his re- . Miss ilial cl Govenloek of Seaforth
seri. : has been eugi.gcd as teacher in the
Last Saturday morning a Corona- Babylon Line school for the rnning
(o n serene was ltel,l in the English year.
church. '1'h, rector, Rev. .T. Edmunds, hiss Jean Campbell of Mei' illop,
rrunhetl a etry ani ro•n-i,.te sermon at•contliauitd 1 y Ler friend, Miss I.
r the ottasiun, the forst of service flow of Mitchell, were the guests of
,:-ed 1 ciug the saint. ,ts used in West- the form is sister, 11Irs. .Tolt McKin-
rainacr Abbey. lev of the Goshen Line, for a few
'Misses illina and Louisa Proctor re- days recently.
1ttrut•1 home on Saturday from a few Miss Emilia Ratltwell of Clinton. is
!,ars' visit among friends in Hayfield at present the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Messrs. Watson and Eutigh shipped ' Ed. Johnston of the Goshen Line.
two tarlo;tds of hogs 1„ Colling\cnod
1111 \lond,ty.
.lir, ('ottlticc sill; red on :‘Ion.lay I
•on` this sttti,m a carload of rattle
to Tironto.
Mr. and Mrs. "Tyner of Suns erhill
wire tit.. guests of ,tlr T. W. Scott on
'Air.. F. Metcalf is attending the
Tltglt Court tnteting held in Windsor
this \reek.
Mr. .1,uues Barkley, after spending a
few clays with the Stewart families
in Stanley, has returned to Algoma.
For sono' months past in• has been
engaged in gold mining at Michipo-
toten and though, he says, there is
money in it he intends going back
to his lion at Echo ]lay, seventeen
111:1, s east of Sault Ste. Mare. it1r.
Berkley str, ngly champions the Echo
Bite district which is largely settled
by people from this county. 'There
is a local demand for more titan the
farms as vet produce, consequently
prices are high.
Rev. i11r. anti Mrs. Leger of Jackson,
Mich., tchn Faye been spending a few
weeks with Ihtron friends, were at
the station on Saturday last on
their way from Kincardine to St.
Marys. Mir. Legear began his min-
isttrial labors in connection with
the Canada Methodist Church . hitt
thirteen years ago affiliated with
the Methodist Episcopal Church of
the United States and has filled sev-
eral important charges. Previous. to
moving to Jackson he was stationt11
in Galena, Illinois, the birthplace of
General Grant, where his pastoral
work was very :successful. Ile is 0
clergyman who wears exceedingly
well and is blessed with a wife who
is amiable, tactful and it: hearty
sympathy with his work. itIr. Le-.
gear's salary in Jackson aggregates
about S1700 a year. On returning
from St. Marys Mrs. Legear will
spend a few weeks at her old home
in Gorlorich before going g hack to
1 act/ son.