HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-08-14, Page 44 LI.11 T hh e N ews4Recor4. is publisid every Thursday at The News -Record Printing :louse ALBERT r. RI; N 1 STREET I:T CLINTON INTO LB Trams of subscription -$I per year in advance ; $1.50 may he charged if not so paid. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the o,>tion cif the putelislter. The subscription cx' is date to wlticlt every s abs > I aid is denoted on the label. Ad.ertising rates -Transient nonpareil adver- tisements, per tisentents, 10 cents p line for first- insertion and 3 cents per lite Ior ea.h sutsequent insertion, Smell advertisunents not to cxeeed one in:h, such as " Lost," " Stray. ed," " Stolen,"I•.tc., inserted once fur 35 cents and each subsequent in- sertion 10 cents. Communications intended for publica- tion must, as a guarantee of good f..ith, be acco:ulanied by the name of the writer. To insure publication in current issue copy for advertisements should be sent in early.. Ct.ntract rates -The following table shows our rates for specified per- io-'.s and space : 1 yr. 6 mo. 3 mo. 1 mo. I Column... $70 00 $40 00 $25 00 $8 50. Column40 00 25 00 15 00 6 00 % Column25 00 15 00 8 00 2 50 ,g Column,., 18 00 10 00 5 50 2 00. 1 'Itch 6 00 ,3 50 2 00 125 W. J. MITCHELL,- Editor ITCN I,L,Editor and Proprietor. TISI: FARMER AND 1'REE TRADE. When the Liberal government came into power we were to have many things that are evidently still on the road. We were to have free trade - the freest measure of free trade -and the farmer was to be the beneficiary of a policy which, if we were. inclined to be visionary, might almost lead .us to the belief that under its benign in- fluence farms would look after them.- selves. heta-selves. At any rate nothing needed by the fernier was to go oat the free list. The time for action, notwith- standing the government's promises, has evidently. not arrived •yet:.In looking over the list of articles trans- ferred to the free list since 1897 we do nut find included in •it orae- - that the farmer has any use for, The. rec- urds show that hundreds- of articles have been excused from paying duty, so that there was certainly ea chance to slip in an odd and end for the til- ler of the soil. The farmer. who has waited for the clay of free. trade trust be really restless. It is time for hila to open his eyes to the emptiness of the whole government pplicy,• • TEE CLINTON NE.W B R,BOQRD ., watlthiest nation on earth. The min -1 isters, however, :seem loathe to part' With their recipe, even their iuuncd- iate followers being debarred from their leader's confidence, Perhaps the Libertal press will take the matter up and persuade the " powers that be" to divulge a very valuable secret. SUMMERHILL, Mr. and ltlss. Harry McVettie of North Bay are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W at - ltn:, andfriendsto this district. They willbe -here for a few weeks. Miss Mary Watkins has had a bad attack of lumbago, Mrs. W. J. 1!4cllrien has been unwell for a few weeks. • Little Miss Scott, daughter of Mr. Frank Scott of 1,onclon township, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. George Tyner.. Mrs. G. J. Stewart of Clintott vis- ited friends here last week. The first threshing of the season took place at Mr. Josh hill's last `Thursday and at Mr. Tyner's on Fri- day. • The fall wheat turned out fair- ly well. The work was well done by lUr. Fletcher McCartney's machine. Mr. McCartney is assisted by George McCartney and John Cantelon. Miss Lily Butt returned home a few days ago. from Chatham where she. had been visiting friends for several weeks. We are giacl'to have Mr. Will. Miller - itoute from South Africa and looking so well. • itIr, R. E. Reid and the Misses. Reid of Stanley visited friends here on. Sunday week. • ltfr. George Hill .bought another heavy horse the other. day. I;Ie picks up many a good one in the course of tike year, . Mr. •Archie Smith, who has been en- gaged at Mr, Harry McBrien's for a couple -of years, leaves for the West • on 'Tuesday , of this .week. The Public school opens next Mon- day. • It hardly seems, possible . that we are so close to the fall Months. • The Sacrament was dispensed in St. Peter's church. last Sunday.. Mr. • George Johnstone has started his •second season with the Cole threshing. outfit. - . lair.D.. Barr visited at the home- stead of Mrs.- John' Reid, Front .Road, Stanley, on Sunday, Mrs. Dodsworth has retited'hcr farm, lot 36 °nettle 9th concession of Hul- •lett, to Mr. John Edmanson of -the 40 concession of .Goderich,who takes .possession in the spring. Mr. Thomas Mair-has.had-the place leased for a' term. SIR RICHARD, PAST- - :sr. BELENlS. . The funeral of the late John Weath- crliead • last, - Monday . was largely • at - AND PRESENT •• ..t During• the " dark days of opposi- tion" • Sir Richard Cartwright said 6 For m own part I -do not hesi- tate to tell him that I consider ' an f ended; • l)r. James Gordon" and Miss, Bella McCrostie spent. a 'few days visiting u Helens. ` t s x St. T Id friends around nd Mr. John Webster of I'ordyce left or Manitoba last. Tuesday with a• GODERTCH TOWNSHIP. 1 he township council met 411 August 4t11. minutes of last meeting react and passed. Moved by John Middleton, seconded by J. C. Woods, That the following accounts be paid : A. 111us- tard, cedar, $25 ; News -Record, print- ing, 1~3.50 ; O. W. Potter, spikes for bridge, $5.4o 1 N. Sturdy, services at court of revision, Sip.; A. Wilson, use of hall for court -of revision., '.c'4. Mov- ed by J. Johnston, seconded by J. Cox, That bylaw No.. 6 now reed be passed. The .Clain, for damages of Miss Cressie Elliott was. not granted fur repairs to bicycle, as council' does not consider municipality responsible. the• following rates were • struck : Ct>nnty rate 1 mills, township 3 1-2o :Hills. Council adjourned to meet on the first Monday in October. • The following is the standing of S. S. No. i t for the past two years : For the year ending June 1901 six canditlates wrote for entrance with the following results, _ the pass mark bung e5o : May Holland lite, Hattie '!rick 790, Francis Jenkins 748,John 1c>t 743,Norman Disney 73o, Ernest s t Iz'ard 651. . For the year ending June 2902 three wrote for entrance with the following results : Lillian Lawrenee'803, •Olive Holland Roo, Clara Lindsay •590. For the year ending June 1902 two candidates. -wrote for.. Junior Leaving, 'one of whom•, Miss. Hattie Trick; was successful with -one year's preparation. Mr. H. 11. eantelon sold and deliv- ered a Horse to an outside buyer this week. • The services held in Middteton's and Sharon church last Sunday were•very largely attended. The unseasonable. weather is inter- fering with the -harvesting. BL SY, J. G;- Seale & Co. have erected. a large Scotch granite sarcophagus in the •new cen_ietery at Luckuaw to the • memory_ of the late Mrs. William Percy • and similar monuments in. Port Albert. cemetery over the 'grave • of 'themes Blake and in- 'Turner's. to • mark the resting piste. of .George Crich. In Clinton cemetery, they have Placed a Swede, sarcophagus in neem- -c. ry of G. D. Gilchrist and . granites -over the graves cif'John-Anderson in Baird's cemetery. and Robert' Watson in Blyth cemetery., -This firth also made' the. window and door sills. for the fine ' 'residence of ' lttr. ' Edward Glean of Stanley. • • AUBURN. Miss T of Whitechurch is -tlic guest of her sister, Mrs. I. Jones. Rev. Mr. Coupland went to Holmes - elite last week to attend the district meeting. Mr. and Itirs. W. D. Wilson and Lorne and 311111on of Bruccfield were r visitulk in this neighborhood for a few clays. Miss Pearl Ferguson has gone to Clinton ih're s ti secured situ- ation. it1- t vicet h ae eda.t i 14 a t' • Miss L. Ct'ell.wooct of St. Helens is COLBORNE TOWNSHx1'. Mr. and Mrs. James Tewsley return- ed home on Tuesday to the Soo after e, month's visit among friend's here. Miss Lily Fisher of West Wawanosh >1 , John Mrs. and It r5 Mr t visiting at is Young's at present. Mr. John Treble purchased a -good working horse from Mr. Nathan Johns one day the past week at a good fig- ure. Mr. Wes. - Joints is spending i1 fevr a tc>n days under the parental roof. • Mr. henry Breen has returned from visiting friends here, the Soo alter a couple of weeks' . vis" flac . bf • for that c i HenryIic r� hes no love ,Urs. William ok spent and child- • lMe. Alexi Robinson and Mr Ed. ecu 6f 1)otuiybr001! spent a few days Heine 0# Carlow leave purchased two with her sister Alice last week. iiew DIassey binders from Air. Brutis- ltliss 1?lussie Mook: of Londesboro . duct of Auburn. -was the guest of Miss Annie Coupland lairs. Beckwith of Winglitent is visit- ast wee, . tugat her sister's, 1t1rs. Ji$nes Mittrh- Miss I+;, Nicholson .n£ 11rOof. is vis- ell's of Cedar Valley. . ' :ting nutter the parental roof. RIF. John Mills is no better and in- , A very Heavy rainstorin passed over this locality on Tuesday of- last week tends going to Toronto to consult a followed b"v thunder and lightning. It • spcafalist. Mc- 3.1r.11Tiss r ver ill. Itis y ltiills is v Y ll_tat steers belonging to Mk lung three r. Dunk Mc - 3.1r. v ctor Whitely and sister did considerable damt.ge,and=Curvey and one of Mr. Richard-. Jew - Miss Colbert of Dungannon were ell's which will be quite a loss to guests of 1tir.S.Nicholson last Sunday. _ them. Mrs.. George Beadle is - not improv- • Mr. J. T. Goldthorpe Itas Purchased ing. a new threshing machine, -and intends . Mr.- Thomas Nicholson. is on the to make things limn this Seasotl„Joe sick list at time of writing. is a hustler. Mitis AnnieCoupland is visiting . . friends at Lc>udeshoro this week: •- : Mr. George Anderson, wife and fans- ' ily of Dungannoe and Mr. and Mrs: - •• M•KILLQR TOWIJSBIF. th Isaac Richards of 13rassels Sundayed in the villa c.The fall wheat is nearly all in e Miss Walters was a guest of Rev, . beans and we believe it will give a Small part of the week., good average return. :Hiss Nellie: Wetherell has returned We regret to learn that Miss Rester !ruin Manitoulin Island, having visited . Godkin, who has been ill ' for 'some relatives there for i>ver a month.tine, is not improving -in health. Bert Fowler paid the village - a fly- Mrs. ' A. Galbraith is ill and her liar visit recently: friends have fears for her recovery. Mrs. Alex:. Mackenzie :of Hensel, is . Mr. Robert Scarlett has purchased a visiting here and in the vicinity. large number of steers. and will feed Though not a .Cornish man "James them ler some time. Carter. had a corn stalk over ix feet •There •is. trouble in Walton Methodist ]sigh among the others in his garden, circuit at present and the -members and still they grow. This ')las not ' fear they will lose their new pastor; been thus far a good corn year, - so 3D-. Carseallen, .to, whom they, have, beat the' record• who car.. A. 6 • foot become Hutch attached, • . oat straw - is also -a novelty . obeeeyabe The raspberry, .season still continues :le. - - ." - • and the women and girls are having- Mr, avingMr, -..Tones Voting is. into the • head- lots .of hardships, and some' fun , picke ing business at present.-•ing the luscious fruit. . Thursday, the 140, is oar civic lad- ' Mr. .A. Gardner has got. his grass :day, 1.. ' . - .farm on the Leadbury bine well stock- -A' few of our Foresters took An the ed..ith steers which.he purchased rec- C. -0 F. service at• Lonti.esl>oro •on ently. • • Sunday'. - ' •• ' ' •• • The oat crop in this• section is by • A,.party of our - young.people drove far the heaviest- we• have had -for to Clinton on..Tuesday. eveoing and many years. .The straw is long -•and • were` well .entertained by3-liss Dell .rank -anti in may places it has , gone O'Neil. . down flat to.the earth, expenditure of forty >ittllio.n clollars.or. .c thirty eight million dollars altogether tun large•for the present resources of Cainada: I say that it is a -disgrace-- h and shame to the governuient that. l have been entrusted with our• affairs, that they come down to us .and esti f for an expenditure of $38,360,000 'a year .fur teeleral purposes, Sir, the thing is utterly unjustifiable." .' ' A short time ago Sir .Richard,, With. ' a vision of his espectecl occupancy of Governnient House, `foronto,,.elouding e bis recollection§ of the pest, _and 'Hon.• f J. Israel 'Cartc's axe suspended above his head, excused the government• .1 tht s : " I este' the hon.. gentleman does he consider the. people of Canada -1.are any poorer -with the .addition . ofe this•$5,o00,00o for the purposes i.have enumerated, or do any of the. kon. gentleman's friends contend . that -the. , l.eople of Canada are any poorer. on I that account, -or •that it should be i_ fa'rly counted as a'part.of the taxae tion to be hold against its; in stating as he did. the fact that we spent-$50,-- 000,uUu a year as against' $49,000;009 . spent by our predecessors ?"'• arload ' of horses. - . ' . Miss Lena Gordon left last week for trip to Muskol'a. We hope she will ave a pleasant trip and return great - y benefitted in. health., Miss'• Violet Buchanan Was home last coni Lite:now las week 'HULLETT- TOWNSHIP.. Mr. Sohn Hughes has sold.. . his' wenty five acres to Mr. John - Taylor or• • fi135o. • Land . must be :increasing n :value. • . • - Mr. John Cartwright had number ,f sheep killed.. by doge.. One 'of the clogs was shot., • - • Mr. William. :-Hutchison and Miss Lucy of Listowel have been Visiting at Ir. Andrew lycrman s Mrs: L. Lawson has been attending ler another in .Auburn who is serious - y . Mr. William _- Wallace • bees- engaged with Mr. William I«indsay to run his threshing .engine. . Mr. \\''tlliatii Stewart has purchased a• horse front Mr. John Hughes. Mr... \Villiani . Knox has the brick haukd for,his. new. house. Mr Eph. Ball is offering his 15n aero farm for sale. This is one of . : the finest, places in the township: and will •bring a big figure:. I 1,IBERAI,S AND- AGRI- - . • . CULTURAL RAI. IMPLI;117F,NTS. The farmer should remember -that one of the strongest pledges given. 'by • the Liberal party was to• wipe out titse duty, on agricultural implements 1'Ite solemn assurance that this tvoulcl • be done has been ignored, along with - many other promises: The governe. ment have not only failed -to do..as they said, but it is a uotorious fact. that among the men who have the greatest claims on the Liberal party iagriculturali r - arc the lead ng ml lt. iiiunt manufacturers of - the country. One of thein, Senator Melvin Jones, is - a grit appointee ; and Mr; •Frost, thee headed the Frost & Wood Company, -s likely to step into the a red chamber" in the near future. Tims..the agricul• - tural implement Producers are -doubly strengthened and • all .possibility of the - l.iberals doing for the. farmers what: they agreed to do is gone. There - is no other way of looking at the situa tiuu. The grain_ raiser, of the ,fest have been -deceived and now the Ltlier- - els are rubbing it in. 'They are as ,ranch subject to Messrs. Jones • and Frost as the servant is subjeet to his master. For years . the. farmer kept faith with .the men who -have betrayed him. Is he going to blindly follow the future bidding of- his deceivers ? IlI1NIS11+RS If'.L a \l+ VALUABLE SECRET. It is curious that a few of the men occupying positions in • the. Laurier cabinet have amassed comfortable for- tunes oinr- u cpelmet*. t nes since a their advent to 1896. It is still more curious that the• liken who are at the present time so well situated financially were not regarded as having too much of the: world's goods prior . to 1896. • Their seats on the treasury benches seem. to have inspired thein with a business tact for which they previously receiv- ed little credit. Several of then: whey were reputed to be in straightened circumstances, when in opposition, or discharging their duties as provincial ministers, suddenly discov?reel the ' sesame"of wealth, , TodayShe have palatial homes in the captal and live like princes, With a salary of 57,000 per annum and a sessional in- clentnity of $1,o0o from 1896 to it3ol and t oo during 1 to Igor $ , and 1 ox they 5 1 9 fs 9 , have, in addition to maintaining themselves in a style in keeping with ci their soa rank, auk, S v d sufficient a C to 1•rovide them with a: good working capital. their success in placing their 111011ey tog, o d advantage v 1 a go oust have been ter above the average because the results c, t, are phenomena. It would Fat- ly ire a bonanza to the general public if the ministers n question would re- - veal their exceptionally clever business tactics. If the methods are sound their employment in the financial world would quickly make Canada the . _PORTER'S HILL.. plies Grace Newton of \1'i the guest of. her cousin, Pea While 'out. taking' a walk day Mrs. 1ticPhail,'Sr.,. lbs • fortune. t0 fall,•and fracture •her .ankle. Mrs. McPhail slt cit rful „pluck. and present having herself • get the bon • claged. the break before medi r ubhaln is .. rl :yew ton. . the other d the anis - a bone in owed won= c of mine:, • c end ban - cal' 111(1 wrr, We are pleased to know that, Mise- Ruby issRuby Sterling, who has been ;mitering: from ,illne a severe ss, is able e to be of t again. -.• • • Mrs. •Thos, ' Betties is still ern . the • s'ek• list and doee not to r ve aS rap- idly as we, would lire to sea, - : Mrs. William - Macdougall of .11;g • - rncntdville is spending a few nays L- thong friends here. - - The Kisses Ramsay fit, Detroit are guests' at the • home of ltfr,..1, R. Sterling of the •6tli con. - The little, son of Mr. Peter - Mae- . ceur `Il suffered asevere attack of congestion • of the. hangs which neecs-' sitate.l calling medical attendance..' Miss Margaret,Macdougall, who Itas been. ou nn extended visit to friends heie, returned to ligtnondvillc 011 Fri- day.. Before, going to Orangeville where she holds the position of head milliner i!- one of the leading stores of that town she will attend tile. milli-'. they :or enings at - Toronto. Iktiss Maude Macdougall after a pleasant visit with friends in Godrr- ieh returned home on Friday. • . We are pleased to see lair. James Morgan in our vicinity once more. He has been absent in Detroit for several months and looks as if. the Yankees had used him well. Miss Hannah Ivison of Kippers is , til ending a kw days with friends at lirayside. - Miss Lily Weston of Clinton spent Sunday tinder the parental roof: , 111r.. Patterson of ,hayfield spent iinutlay at Mr, John Torrlutce's'. Miss Annie Macdougall Itas -returned ,e <. , o her home in Goderich , after spend- ing her vacation with friends here. itir. Chas. Johnston and Mrs. John-.• stun and daughter of Galt are. .gu•ests at the home of Mr. John Pickard. Mr. Jas. Harrison intends starting g tr�h tl estthis week. Owing so )w g to niuclt rain threshing is somewhat lett. er this year. Rev, 141e. Richardson of Wyoming rgnducttd service hi Bethany church last Sunday, Mr. McNeii having gone to Varna to preach. ' ' A nuinl:cr from here attended the service In memory of the late Arthur Currie on Sunday at Sharon. Mr, John Morgan and wife spent Surclay itr loderich, .111 -1..ill 1.. u1+11±r11 'i... • 1111 1.1.1 1116,1.11r' ,0:11 .•4 �0� • •' •• • 116,11111." •• W.•011W7411v1.116. q►q,•lbellb,1116,1111'r411. •moi 4 III ••q*••••••••••••••••••••i••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*is •••••••N•i••••••• • iLast .Day- .. • t The Old Store • • • • .� • I 1 1 f 4.71 r ' „August 1.4th, 1902 likeeklbelbelielbribelbe • 1 ' - ., �! _.'- . rh "�M 011110,11kr. ^1// Our EA.KING f --IS ALWAYS PURE -18 ALWAYS FRESH -- IS ALWAYS RELIABLE • ONCE USED --ALWAYS U � USED. • PRESC11IPTION DRUG STORE eekie u c. n peso 08 J1101030/1. S is x t. d e 7 Sydney -HAVE YOU TRIED OUR FLAVORING EJC.IRAtili$ FOR STRENGTH AND FLAVOR, THEY ARE UNEQUALLED. IlIelleelleellte-legreliegeepee••••••fraoegoveheoeeekeeee..efe,gee.weepeeoe.iyee„„eteeee: Remnant Shoe Sale - -- AT - - Taylor's B*. Shoe Store During this month we will interest all Shrewd Shoe Buyers. ' We are constantly picking out of our Regular stock ODD SIZES AND ODD LINES anrs;d placing them on our- I3al gain Couii- - te- . -- For �' Saturday's . Trade -- They will be replenished again with .' the . - best values ever offered in -Clinton. - - Bargains For Everybody. . Come and See for. Yourself. :It. will Pay You. THE Oi,D RELIABLE. Wm.. TAYLOR LoR & SON. Cash and One Price Butter and Eggs taken as Cash ••••••NN.••.NaN.NN•••.•.H••••••N*.NN1►N• NO • THE QREAT CASH STORE! ANEW GOODS 4-t-H-I•I-H ..14+1 -1!+.+4 -H -1-111t 1 1 1 1 1 '1'-.. • • We hate just received a Intge ritiige of Trunks and Valises. at about 257; below the usual }>t ua:'- Jtist.what is needed if you are going West.' The Boot and Shoe Department is again filled up with New Goods at. Rock Bottom Prices. Some odd sizes at greatly reduced prices. NEW WRAPPERETTES, FRENOEI FLANNELS, •'' • DRESS GOODS AND:SILKS. .: will - be the last day' : t Saturday,urda u • • t ,,A� 16th y� � • for business' at the , • �' old store. �` On Monday the builders will'take. possession : ZZ and the 'balance of the furnishing stock will be moved to our main store. To make the last day. • a memorable one- • . • • •'•' we will place on sale 9 specials that will ensure a speedy e`. 1 • • • clearance. t Special N4 • '1-120 Men's Colored Shirts, all soft fronts, in one of the finest range of patterns ever shown in town. They are all this season'soods and are therefore • correct: The prices ranged from $1,`$1,25 to•$1,50 (mostly' • • $1.•25) but while they last;the price will he 69C • • Special No. 2--100 Meal's Working Shirts, • made of P • flannelette; galatea,' duck, etc., .light . and dark colors, all, sizes from 14 to 17, our regular selling prices were 50c, 600 and 75cFor Saturday Only '. 2 for 75c • •• Specia . NCO s`3--2:•dozen' •only Men's Straw' flats, •three and four ply. ram, all'sizes, :-regular-prices 75c; $1 and $125, • •To : Clear 50C • . Special; No. 9--4 dozen Men's Outing Caps s in all the new shapes, dark blueonly, sold everywhere at 500 : . One Day Only 38c • •S ecial No. 5--3€iMen'3 Fine Balbriggan Shirts ever y • one silk:finished and never sold for 'less than `one dollar anywhere, while they last we will sell them at Each 55c. Special ecial No. 6--10 dozen Boys' Fine Balbriggan Y' gg Shirts and Drawers jiyst he t thingforearlyfall wear, sizes.from 18 , �` J to •30, the regular pried of this underwear is from 25c to 50e each but fo • ne Day , . 1 0 nd One DayOnly the rice is �.C Y Y P. • Special No. 7-12 dozen .Ivten's Wool* Sox,in lain • and rib, hght and dark' colors, regular price 20and 25c a... pair, For'SaturdaY 2 pair for 2.8c Special O. 8--.A11 our Men's Grey Soft Felt Hats in all the latest New York shapes, Light and dark shades,' our regular prices are' $2.50• and $3 (mostly 38) but For. Saturday the price is .69 Special ec'ial NO. have p W eve also a few light and dark . Grey Fedoras that sold at $2 and $2.25 each. For"Satur- day's Selling we mark them • 1.25 • •• • • • • •. •:• .• •' •. . •. i • • • .•' • t • . ! : . warerooms even if you do not want to purchase. - • . ,i .,. J•: . Cbidley Manaiter:. I Funeral Director, J, W. Ohidley,king street, opposite foundry.Night.afid Sunday lis tg eied atIrasit0n of our See our special prices in Men's and Boys' Ready-Macle Runs : ' during August.; We ars clearing 'them out at sweeping. reductions as.we need the room fo:_ faltshipwents. ° MBEATH B .T LY H. Pretoria Bleier. •••••••• •••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••« ••••, • Fllrnituro Our large wareroolns are fully stocked with furniture of all kinds and if you -are - thinking of. purchasing • . we invite you; to . call, see our display and learn •our prices.. PAknOis CABINETS ' Gell woNIIlBS , . JARDINI RE STANDS •tVIt18IC CABINETS • PRESSING.TABLEB 'EASLE NS MUSIO RAOKS HALL BACKS PICTURES • • SECRETARIES LIBRARY ,TABLES ' PAPER II,ACKB BOOK CASES •.FANCY TABLES ,UQUCBES . . .t.twill do you good::to see the ' beautiful line of Fancy Rockers, Morris Chairs and Odd Parlor Pieces we are, offering; • We will consider it a pleasure to show you through olr As 11tr Hollow�y has moved to the. Searle block all goods g s • iT: Selling. • Remember after Saturday our Furnishing Stock will be found in our main store where we intend to keepever - �Y, thing is new h g th t aand up-to-date for men and hugs..: at sale prices will be laced ontables Day's p p glee for the One t • r .. -: a o m+i. - " - w W. Newcombe. t 0 • • • • �ZZ 2 • • • • • • •. i v t1 .1 o u • w • s .0060 )64:64+44401 rt►tli•••••••••••••4••►•t►•••••••••If•••ifl`••••••i•i••••i••11i• ..yt,, ti4i a. •y� �►�i►.464,4►',+vr^e► � ,-16-i*4.-ga4^►�a ore16 -a► .1v' .41M x,464/4 416. 064, l✓ r. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. A11 druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig- nature is on each box. 25c. • T ''h1. •royal mint at Ottawa has hceu made extra strong in order to resist the onslaught of the 31. 1"s. Doubtless every, 'sherritt in the State . I of Washington Rail cut a •1'iole the sire i ofullettin his grtttents to be us- a .a b rc1 in after years as a -Tracy soti.vcn- ir,• Clinton .1Larket Rte.p ortt 'Wheat. «„r...,'. ,-. .. • 080 to fI 80 • Chose Wheat..... , 0 75 to 0 76 Marley - 060 to .0b2 Oats... .... 0 43 to `0 43 Peas 0 '75 to 0 75 Itye G 4U to (` 45 Potatoes per hushol 0 40 to 0 40 Butter rolls and Crock , 0 12 to 0 14 Butter in tub .:.... ...,. 0 12 to 0 14 l,t>;tCs perdotsC 12' #.0 01.3 Hay • 8 OO to fl 00- Wool 0 15 to 0 18 Live Hogs per c'trb...:... ■ 700 to 700 Floor per cwt ,..., 2'00'to 228 Tlrat per ton , 18 00 to Iii 00 shorts, per ton 20 00 to 20 00 fried Apples per lb..,... 006 to 0 05 RIVFR. HOTEL, BAYFIELD ' To those who contemplate ' • spending their holidays at the lakeside the River Hotel, Day... field, - offers every comfort. It . overlooks lake and river, has . . i a a lawn for tennis and croquet.' ' • It has a pretty t kat the river- side r Yp park side with swings, etc. This is a pop- ular spot for picnickers. It is'fur- n' ed with boats,iticludin a steel el one, which, havinwater tight cont- parttnents, Wont sink. - Our � nests tellus that the k Ct Hotel dining room service was never so satisfactory as it is this season. -a' When requested rigs will meettrains at Clinton, fruccfield and Goderich. When you seine to llayfietd put up at the River hotel where you will have every comfort. G. n. ORESIstST.AI3R, Prop. THOS. STBVENS, Mgr, do ...1,«« ryi rrw,w.w. �,y -r w+ +na ..n/q'i ).