HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-08-14, Page 1TELE CLINTON
* 23rd Year
.••-•.••••••+ •
Souvenirs of Clinton
Post. Office
The Drawing of Clinton's New PostoffIce bits been krone.
let red to China, by a then in England, especially to our or-
der. The goods are now in stock and are becoming very
popular with our cestomers. The line consists of Plates
in different sizes, Bon Bon Dishes, Tuniblers,Trays, Cream
and Sugars and Cups awe Saucers.
Prices from 25c to 50c each '
The Iain Street
Cups ad Saucers, Plates, Cream and Sugars, Vases,Trays,
Etc., in eeveral different styleand tintings, with a view
of Clinton's Main Street.
Prices from 10c to 50c each
Many lines of Novelties such as Paddles, Reales, Mats,
Frames, Spoons Napkin Rings,Etc. Some of the lines
are decorated with flowers and are very attraetive.
Prices from 10c to. $1 each
Paper Weights
Made from heavy glass. with photos of- Main Street, Rat -
telltales, Street, Public Library, House of Refuge, Bayffeld
River. Three views at 13aytield, London Road and others.'
Price 25e each' "
Hammock Clearance
1Ve lieve too many Hilmar' ()eke of a .fine which we should-,
get $2 for, but to clean there out, we willeell them at the
low price of $1.25. .
It is a splendid F!anim�ek, fufl •size, fast colors, cloiely • '
'woven, complete with pillow and stretcher.
See them in ,our.east window •
. .... . . .
W. cooper. & co.; .cuNT0N.
Agents for 0. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express : 1
Money (elders, also for Butterick Patterns, ' • '
Whole Nutnber 1225
$beeu run for. several years by Holmes
The Standard elevator, which has
er. Smith, has been leased by Mr. D.
'Urquhart of Hensall, wile takes pos-
session on September est. We under-
etaud Mr. Tom Smallacouthe will
have charge of the elevator. IVIr. W.
G. Smith has not yet decided what
he will do, but he will In all probe-
bility continue hi the grain business
with which he hes been connected for
so many years. The patron; of the
Standard think W. G. is 0. X.
A. member of The News -Record .staff
lost his watch the other dey while
out wheeling and hardly expected ev-
er to recover it. Little. Willie Doher-
ty, grandson of Mrs. Chidley,. howev-
er, Pseud it and running over to the
postollice with it Miss Porter posted
•up a notice that the lost had been
found. The holiest little lad thought
. he was only doing what was right—
the result of his grandma's good train-,
ing—and objected to 'aceepting the re-
ward which was pressed upon him.
I A Few Palate .Ticklers' ' • • 1.
• . For Picnkke,s ,and Ifoysa Wives ,
We have Canned Lobsters, 'Shrimps, Lun.ch Tongue, •,Chicken, Duck
and Turkey. • A good Sardine for fie per tin. • • •
In Bottled Pickles we have Pattersou'i-Stuffed Piekleie:Flinit Sweet • • •
• Try a bottle of our Jubilee Pickles' at The or type foe 25c . •• •
Hintz Sweet Pickles in bulk at 35e, per quart are extra fine .
For Sand wielies try a Oen of Devilled'Ham • • .• • • • • • • •
Midgets, Crosse and. Blackwell's, Moeton's Vinegar And Chow Chow
Ole Cooper & C
• ••
(Fal-s—e Economy
Do not practice false. economy in the purchitse . •
of spectacles and eyeglasses. •If it prescription
be taken to a druggiet to be filledit is not hand-
ed in with the request thatb the -cheapest drugs •
• may be used, although,. perhaps, theenedicene
required is for Berne trivial ailment only. Why,
then, should so light an estimate be placed up-
on the roost -precious of all the senses, that
those whei•cati and dc afford eitravegences in
• uselessor at least unnecessary:luxuries should
begrudge pitying a fair price' for an article at
once so essential to comfort and welfare. ?
The complete entisfaction and. comfort glyeu. by our made-to-order
glasses are making our'Optical Deseertment dailymore popular. -
We hive bed 12 years' experience inlItting &Asses and
believe we can be of service to yoti. • „ : •
iddiecombe's ald Stand
Jeweler and Expert Watch Repairer,
Refractionist and Dispensary Optician,
77.-mormviis5,rtwi" -311"-----
we are selling our stock '
of Tweeds at 25 per
centdiscount off our usual -
I , •
We are goilg to have a 85c Bargain Window in the
Furnishing Department for Saturday, There will not be
an article in the window worth less than 50e, while there
will be many a one thatyou would pay 60e or 75e for any
*co else.
Straw Hats, Pelt Hats
Ties, Belts and Shirts
M1 at 35 carts
On Friday last the Messrs. Ranse
fold shipped to Vancouver, B. C., the
first carload of salt ever shipped from
leurosi to the rabifie province. It will
retail at e considerably
higher price than dcitiC salt heeeehe the
freight on the cousigntneut amounted'
to 4%275. This shipment is one of the
fret tesults of Mr. John Ransford's
trip to the Coast a few weeks ago: It
Wasonly two or three • years ago that.
the energetic head of the Salt Assoc-.
iation succeeded in piecing Its prod-
uct on the market •itt the Maritime
provinces.- • - •.
' The .12anclsome trophy, donated by
• W. Jackson gave an additional
interest to bowling in this sec-
tion. All the plebs took part in the .
preliminary games and each sent its
winner -out . to .the competition which
took piece here on Tuesday. • The
weather was delightful, the • green
looked 'its very• best and the games
were well • conteeted,. all oombining to
make • the tournament, a 'splendid suc-
cess. •contestants for the trophy
.wereas follows
• , • • s ..Won • Lost
.W.' Elliott, Mitchell` e • 6.. • '• x
Is, Davis, Goderich • '5. - 2
J. Irwin, Brussels • •• •• 4 . . 3 :
5: Norris, Kinearcliee •4 ' 3 • .
. W. Brydone; Clinton 3 4 •
W. Corboiticl, Wingltain ;. . 3 . 4 .•
M. I-Iumber,. Stratford 4 .
'J. .Skiiie,::Seaforth o 7
• The Mitchell bowling • club also sint.
one rink Amwith their representative.,
skipped by. genial W. G... Hinds. He
was beaten in the morniug by s
rink shipped by. „J. B. Hoover,
but .ie the afternoon he had the satis-
faction .of .trimming a rink skipped by
W. Jackson. •The Mitchell players
. were •: E. A. Dunbar,' J. Se A. Hodge;
, J. Detighepey. end- W. G. Hinds
' eGoderith .. came down in the after-
noon With two eines,' Seefert.h. erect.
• Witegham with one eack•ancl• thesgreen
WEIS kept busy all day. • • • •
Wingham defeated a Clinton rink
skipped by Lack Kennedy.: Speuld-
ing's tink •• elefeate<I. Bright's rink of
Seaford% by one shot and Goddich
was clefeated by Mitchell in the aftere
noon,. •hut woe . femee Jackson's reek
itt the 'evening. , • • • • .
At the coeclusion 0e:01S:day's Pro:
eeeilinge.. •W, 'Jacksoncalled' up
•Ilir. Thos.' Davies of.•D,eteoit, • who was
.skippingea GoderiCh Hide -to make • the
'Presentation to. Mr: Elliott end Mr.
Davies delighted the large crowd
present by a brilliant fifteen minutes
address and there was great applattie
when he handed Mr, Elliott the
trophy which •eonsisted of A silver'
cup' • mem-fedon an ebony • pedestal,
The day 'e proeeedings were brought to
it close by a . song /roil]. Sheriff Rey-
nolds which he rendered in a, pleasing-
-manner, . ' •
Me, el', Norris of Kincardine was the
delegate from that place. He is on
the staff • of the High school • and a
splendid- player.: Kincardine bowlers
won the eliampioneltip At the Dniin-
ioti tournament at: Toronto in
Mr. James Irwin of Brussels. is a
newspaper matt and comes frotn it place
that s very 'enthusiastiein bowling
Metiers, They have a strong Out) and
are' splendid fello%ve • to meetoit the
green. Had he %%entente more gamic lie
would have tied Mr. Elliott.
have tied Ellior.t. •
Mr, M. Attinber of Stratford was
sent to represent that city end be put
up a .good strong game.. On the .start
he put up a thee genie but went a
tittle off in the afternoon. .
Listowei. was the Only club that had
been invited that -did hot set.d a rep-
reseetative.. . • • -
Mr. W, Elliott,. who represented
Mitchell, is mincepal of the Public
sehool aud father of bowling in this
sectioe. He ' organized the Mitchell
club eleven yeare ago and through les
efforts talked up the formation of • a
club itt this place. • .
Mr, John Shine ol Seaforth is the
youngest member of that club, only
.taking tip bowling for •the first time
some two- months t‘go • and it is great-
ly toles eredit to win out from eenne
of the old players of his club. •
Mr. Pied, Davis of Goderich is mei-
prietor of . the. Hotel Bedford and
learnt bowling while f. member of -
the Mitchell Otte He is a strong
player and :ably represented the God-
erich elute
Wingliant stele eirgatezed this season,
but W. Corbould, who played for that
eittle put up a strong' game. He ie
an enthusiastic bowler and is takieg
kreat interest in the nuccess of the
Winghain club,
Mr. W. Gel -Tiede of Mitchell is local
manager of the Merchants Batik and
this occasion %Vas the first time that
he 'undertook to skip a team. He had
good backing and put up a splendid
game, %le is a. gehial eoul to meet
on the green. .
Illeesrs. W. Lotigit and J. W. Ir-
win were the scorers for the day and
they witimeeed .sottie five games in the
single conteets. W. hot become
an dithusiastie howler. • .
Mr. James Illelllurchie of Blyth wet
a visitor at the tournament Mid how
thiiike it would be a good thitig for
Myth to have a elide
Word conies from Saltcoets, Asses,
that Mr. William Weir, who went out
to that country a few .months ago,
lies met with a very sad accident.
As the story goes, Mr. Weir eves
blasting a stone and the charge not
exploding he returned to °emote it
when it went oil and he has lest the
sight cIf one if not both eyes. We
hope to hear that he lies stot suffered
So severely as reported. The. loss of
the eyesight is • a terrible affliction,
particularly to a man -of Mr. Weir's
energetic nature.
At the meeting of the Peblic ;school
board held on Thursday evening last
Miss Blanche Sheppard was engaged
to teach No. 4 division for the Model
term.- Miss Sheppard is. a Successful
teacher' and but recently passed her
Normal. school exam. Poe the .'prim-
ary division Miss -Flossie King has
been engaged at a salary of 53oo. This
ie the room seer which Miss Minnie
Cooper presided with so much satis-
faction to the board before the holi-
days. Miss king is just fresh from
the Normal and an .up-to-date teacher,
HEAR ! HEAR. 1 . • -
Mr. W. A. Gifford., who has been
supplying •itt the Askin street Method-
ist • church charge tiering the absence
.01 the pastor on holidays, eaye the
London • Free .. Press, leaves this
week for Stratford. where he will take
. •
work • 0 • Charles Brown
for a .short time. - While hei-e• Mr.
Gifford' won the adtuiretion of every
'timelier of. the Askin street congrega-
tion. He is a young man with proin.;
Mc of a remarkably bright and useful
future. His pulpit delivery and the
thoughtful discourses • delighted all
who heard him here. - •. • .
AN UPSET. ' • , . •
• Mr. and Illrs. James Connell of God--
erich township and 11/1i., Tisdall with
hie automobile approached the Bay-
field •. Road. railway crossing at the
. ,
same tune ettesday from oppoeite
directions, Neither saw the oener un-
til just " about. on the track and it
sudden glimpse of the • Auto causecl the
horse -to 'Wheel and tent Mr, and Mrs,
Connell out on the. road. ,James sew
the . constellationslee says if his
neck hadn't been a stkong .orie it
would have been broken: Mele Coe -
net' was badly shake!' up Mid the
buggyand harness were 'also smashed
sotnewhat. .
• The financial District inectieg • of
the Godeeich Wetted washeld at .
Holneesville on Thursday ,10,St COM-
marcirig at • 10,30 a. tit. The: chair-
man, Dr, Daniel, wee hi the chair and
Dr. •Gifforcl, financial secretary, in. his
place. •All thsininisterse with the ex-
ception cif Rev, J: Holmes cif Blyth,
were ,present, theether. with a goodly
/Mintier of earner:,
The ioreemen was taken up in
tang -Mg ' for the missionary and cell-
nectioeal anniversaries.
. Ip the afternome - some :time was
spent je 'relation to the, St. James:
street; Montreal,. Church debt,- 'Rev.
Mr. Baker of Steatford was present' as -
a deputation and laid- the matter
clearly before • the meeting; resulting
in a satisfactory areangerneet where-
by, the =Omit expected from' the Diste
rict was. secured..
' Dere. Leech, organizer of. the Dist-
rictefor the W. Be. S. was introduced
presented her report which' was
kindly received , arel acknowledged
iti a suitable resiguticen. e •
The balance a. thetime was spent
ip conversation eouceening the
interests : cif the ‚work and also
the preeent attitude of, the temperance
question. It was decided that e We
use out best endeavors to secure the
largest possible :vote on the referen-
dum." '
Our local artist, author and elocu-
tionist, -Miss Clara IL • Mottacaetle,
is again a • prominent. figure . our
theme Last year N. • B. Henry im-
mortalized her as an eloetitiotust in
a number of 'character sketches which
he, exhibited in his window on the oce
rasion of the Old •ffloys' visit and ler
long • afterwards. Last week this
triple genius, her own . veritable self,'
was on exhibition,. on Huron street,
near the Salvation. Army barracks, to
anypasserby, eeltuly, sitting ' a
camp stool before an .easel alt Which'
rested a partly finished sketch. Unlike
most paintersMies IVIounteastle . is
always ardatically 'dressed and on
this occasion was clad in a black
sleet and greywalk finished at the
throat with a .black collar trimmed
with jets, while on her boecen rested:
a trailing bunch of whit clover.. Tbe
whole Was surmounted by a piak sun-
bontiet of the old Noel -eau type, such
a -.bonnet as would have inspired' a
man a. hundred years ago to fancy lie
would risk death to: get a peep under
die brim. With pallette .• and brushes
in heed Arid a. box of paints on a
steed, perfectly .obliviolis of the pres-
ence of anybody and everybody., the
artist worked on, with a desire to
immortalize. " -The . Wigwate," her
home, In a group. bellied aticl beside
her etood a. nurnber of small children.,
their agesrauging from three to eight
years, to %elven she was 'teething the
beedite to be derived /roes end -the
, that are avoided be constaut em-
ployment, mid the grandeur of the
upward walk itt life. While. this %vela
011 the three-year-old began .to med-
dle with the paints when one Iwho
appeared to be foreman of the meet-
itig• whispered :•• " Don't touch them ;
she won't like it." Mid the pained
eeeked on conhdent that Iter wares
would be protected. Bliss Illotteleastle
is strongly magnetic attd wherever
she plants her ease' the children gath-
er like flies aroung jam. She has
many attractions, but the thietest is
" that sweet smile which haunts me
MAI." Miss Mounteastle is the seventh
daughter of the late Sydney Haman
Mounteastle, gentleman, who fit rep
purchased and milled on a. farm two
miles west of Clinton where le lived
with les wife till 186e and reared his
family, twelve fit all, seven of whole
are Itow deceaetO. The picturesque
hewn log house, the houteetead of the
efounteastles, is to longer to be seen
alt the Huron Road, but hangs itt pie-
theed beauty with other relief; of the
past on the walls of " The Wigwam,"
We eunlerstand that Mr. Urquhart
o Hensall, who lies rented the big
elevator, will Metal machinery to
clean barley, erush peas and convert
. oats into food her the breakfast table.
, The fast to deliver wheat, at Fair's
.mill this year were Josh. Hill and
-Walter Layton. The former's weighed
62 pounds to the bushel and he was
well satisfied with his crop.. Others
say otherwise so tlie yield likele diff-
ers with localities,
The Salvatiou Army brass band
purpose giving a series* of concerts in
the surrounding villages cominencirtg
with Hensele on Friday evening, The
band. - with its brass quartette ane
string band gives a varied and inter-
esting programs
Mr.- Se H. Smith 'shipped nine car-
loads of .cattle from Clieton station
this . week. Included 'in the shipment
were 72 big bullocks from; his. own
(erne They heel: au average weight of
over 1400 pounds. Mr. C. IX. Reid
made his weekly 'shipment; ter6 car-•
loads this dive.
GOOD CATTLE. . . • '
. Mr. Re J.: Miller of Hullett deliver-
ed to • Mr,.. Sell. Smith on Tuesday
thirty' six export .ca.ttle which- weigh-
ed 48,775 pounds and netted him well
say not far short of $3,900. Mr. Miller
IPies°17:It;od.DRUG COMPANY.'
judge of stoek,as is his bro-
ther W. J. who sold Several head on
Tuesday .averaged over x4oci
Several ,of our moneyed inert have
formed what is known as the Huron
Drug Con -mazy. • And, if a suitable
place can .be secured, will engage • in
the. manufacture of a number of phar-
maceutical preparations to be .placed
uponthe market. The • promoters had
the , creamery building m view and
Were negotiating for its purchase
when Mr. Spaulding stepped in and
bought it for a knitting factory. •
Another fashionable e wedding took
• place 'in town this week, says the
• Listowel Standard, when -Miss Mollie
Macdonald, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Pere. ,Te H. Macdonald, was united in
; the bond§ of wedlock to Mr. R. F.
Stoddard, 03., 4., 'classical inaeter in •
the Clinton Collegiate. Institute, and
formerly of the Listowel High ethOol
ste.ft. theernotly took placeat the
residence of • the bride's parents on
Wednesday efternooe,. in the presence
of, a goodly number of relatives and
friende, Rev. J. S. Hardy of Knox
church officiating. • The .bride looked
strikingly hamisome in • a gown. of
white. chifton and wore a PearI sun-
burst, . the gift of the groorri. Miss
Lena. Macdonald was brideseiaid and
wore white organdie. Miss VenKleeele,
the bride* cousin, and Mr. ,John Macs
&Maid were ribbon beards and little
Miss Francis elllacclonaldwas flower
girl. The groom was assisted by Mr.
T. Browitlee of Toronto. • Many hand-
some presents attested to the popular-
ity of the bride, who is one of Lis -
towel's • fairest cleughters. After the
wedding dinner Mr. and Nes. Stoddart
left on the afternoon train: for Toron-
to'. inaeY of their friends gatiferieg. at
the station to see them off and express
their good wishes. They :will reside in
Clinton. •
.cmioNATIox sOcur,. •
The Coronation social given by the
ladies of the Oneerio etreet church on
Friday evening was; -a. successful and
ehjoyable: affair, •A liberal display of
buntine transformed the basement aud
large pictures of ' Xing Edward and
Queen Alexandra. occupied prominent
ppattions. The familiar features of
.the late Queen, of where recollections
will live long in out memories,. were
draped in moureirk. After refresh-
ments of ice cream, etc., had been par-
taken of Rev. Dr. Gifford took the
chair and the "intellect:me" program
followed. ItIrlielt we easy:that the, follow-
ing eciok part no. doubt Will be ex-
pressed of the eutertaintrient being of
.a high order; Mies Graham of St.
Thomae, Blies Houston, Miss Wash- •
iegten, Mieses Gibbings and Combo
ane Mews. Norman Meech and Tans
eey. The church orchestra., which ale
"So tontributed, includes ; Messrs,
Eftrinertom Watts, Borland, C,
feed, Gibbings, R. Downs, and Mrs,
Watts and Bliss Sybil Courtice,
Mr, T. J: McNeil, who' went to Al-
berta six weeks ago to launch out itt
.the book. and stationery business itt
the growing town of Neteekiwin, re-
tureed Mime unexpectedly last vireek;
A.- good opportunity for selling out -
presenting itself he took advantage of .
it, It was his first trip West and will .
be his lest for some time to come-.
•Likea sage of old he says : ",Dis-
taftt fields are not as green as they
' look." •• . - • •
• Business -Men in Wetaskiwiti, as in •
all other places in the Territories,
eeed capital, for when there is a fail-
ure of crop they must tide their cus-
torture over into the next season. '
The villagers don't " slick up". for
Sunday and as a rule they( doiet go
to church. Wetaskiwin has a popula-
tion of noo, but the attehtlance in
the Blethodiet church which is as
largely attended as any, averages
sixteee, men, vvoitten and children.
Clad lit a met that had seee better
clays and with his trousers outside his
boots, the appearance of the pastor
did not . appeal to any Eastetner,
though quite in coeformity with Do
itt Rome as the Romans. pa...
There isa faseinatioe about. life itt
Alberta, .says Mr, McNeil, And if a
triau can but reconcile himself to
roughing it for a few years lie will, in
aIl probability, have tithe -mutated
more weeeth than in the East. The
eoft coal used for fuel smokes furious-
ly tout mirth of the water is thictured
with alkali, but these are as nothing
ecilepared witli the largessand inertias,
fug number of Galaciaus, etc., who
are locating itt the eountry. English
ereaking settlers cannot .theotteile
thseis.lvee to taking up lettd fit a
district where these itittaltders
bound. They are the big: fly hi the
Governor remelt of the Mame of
Refuge this past , week took Annie
Hermiston to the idiot asylum at Or-
To the appointment of Mr. IIenry
Stevens as inspector of the new post -
<Alice The News -Record says amen,
Oxt $mulay, morning a Coronation
service such as was held in the Angli-
can thurches throughout the -British
Dominions, took place in St. Paul's.
The reetor delivered a powerful and
patriotic sermon and the choir, as-
sisted by Mrs. Chowen and' Mrs. E.
Hovey, aequitted itself splendidly.
Rev. Dr. Stewart made an exchange
of work last Sunday with Rev, A.
McLean of Blyth. The latter resemb-
les the doctor in that . be wears well
and long. He: is regarded as the
Not= of Hutson Presbyterianism. The
eorigregation was enuch pleased with
the solo rendered by Miss Houston.
Miss MacKay, who . Was for eceue
years a membee of die teaching staff
of Clinton Public school, but is now
first assistant in the Seaforth school,
has had her salary increased. by fifty
dolletes. This may be accepted as evi-
dente that her work it; -productive of
gond results, as it was in Clinton,
Good eeaehers are not overpaid,
Mr,Spatieding has bought the :cream-
ery building and will convert it into a,
knitting .lactory.' •The machinery will
soon le installed and it is. expected
that in s six weeks or so • the 'factory
will be turning out -hoeiety . to which
it will be eonfined. Itis gratilyifig , to
see .these new industries being estab-
lished and • to know that •the manage-
ment is in, tapable hands, . - •
Miss Annie Haye of Kinkora is the
getest of her cousin, Mr, John Hays.
Mrs, Ritchie and daughter Miss Ruby
are the guests of Mrs. Wm. Centel -
Misses Viva Heywood and Millie Stev-
eavvisited Seaforth friends on
Mrs, David Steep and her daughter,
Miss Sadie, spent Sunday with
Goderich friends.
Mrs. T. H. Cook and two children
spent front Saturday to Monday with.
Weigh= relatives. •
Mr, 'rhos, Carrick, who has been in
Sault Ste. Marie for several months,
has .returned to town.
Miss Maggie Brown returned from
Detroit yesterday and is visiting at
the homestead in Ilullett,
Illise Estella. Latta ramped to Lon-
don <in Thursday after a three
weeks' visit with Miss Minnie Cook,
Mrs, Jane Johnston and Miss Emma
etathwell 'aro visitiegat Mr. Ed-
ward Johnstone's ot the Goshen
Line, Stanley.
Mr, D. E. Munro, the genial post-
master of Auburn, was itt town on •
Moeday accompanied by his two
boys, bright youths. ' •
Mr, Thomas Jackson, Jr., and family
eolidayed at Go Home, near Pone-
' tariguishene, with the family of Mr:
J. T. Clark of Toronto,
Miss Ida Stewart, who has for the
past vouple of months been visiting ,
.the homestead. in Stanley and with
• her. seder, Mrs. Harvey BleBrien of
teeth, returned to ',option on, Tees. -
Me. L. Houston, alter severel weeks'
visit with his mother, Mrs. Taylor
of Ontario street, and other rela-
tives in the district, left for his .
hone; itt Rolla; North Dakota, yes-. •
terday. He went West. rather soon-,
'er than he expected as he intended.
:to have kernainect until after the
Toronto .Pair.
Miss . Stitison, who has for several •
weeks been visiting friends in Poet
Elgin, Paisley and other pointe in .,
Bruce county, returned to town Mon.
dale evening and on Wednesday. she
left for Denver, Colorado. Het sis-
ter, Mrs. Mckenzie, AO one or more '
of her brothers are residents of that
state, • Miss Stinson secured her
tieket from Mr. H. E. Hodgetts, ,
' MM. IL Cole Evans and 'daughter,
:who , haft been the guests of Miss .
•Cole: of Huron: street ' for a few
weeks,. left for Toronto on Tuesday '
and after a few days there will pro-
ceed to their home in Yonkers, New
Yeirk, 1t. vans took. a trip to
znglana for the benefit a his health
• and is expecee4 home abeut the same
time that Mrs: Evans reaches there.
The followingparty of young ladies
• an& geqletneit Iteen Auburn were
guests of Miss Dell O'Neil on Tees- .
.. day evening: .Misses Patterson,
• Spreng, Cora and Hattie Ferguson,
Dora and Mabel Eriett,• Knox and
" Coupland, arid bleeds. A: E, needs-
4tirnbulti E. Robertson, T. '
,a1.714, CoarEter.
rFeacQtri itgr, coetil , C. toh
. .
• • ,
. . .
et wecu,..,.tairey • aete forty members
of the Epworth League es( the North
street church, • Goderich,_ paid- the
OntA40 .street League a ,return Seale
on Monday, evening. Ote• of. the Visit-
ors presided and ewe othereeMr. WilL
Thomtreen and Miss Laura Brydges.,
coetributed to. the ' program; . The
.feirpier Singe :welleeedetbe latter has
a county thputatiteneas nit eloeution-
1st. :Miss Clap, •lVfotinteastle gave two
ofher ever populate . recitations.
This . talented. lady is always enter-
taining. Of Misse .Geeheen. of St.
Thomas, • who Also assisted the pro-
gram, it can well .be said that th•e oft.
eiter . she. siege here_ the mere Popittar
the becornees 'Refreshments , Were .'WV.'•
(Id and a very enjoyable eveningespent.,
It wbuld 'not Op • to miss- a. reference
to the address given' by .Rev.. Dr,- Gif-
ford, IS Was the North. Street 'divine
svho was to have done the talking,
bet owing t diet getieletrian'e nen-
appearance the De. was quite eeitale to
emergeney. • - • -
The Ontario , street Temperatice
Leagtie: invited the Royal Tempters
to :their: regular meeting on Wednes-
day- evening of last week, the visieors.
to furnish a eregrane. The usual
routine work' was conducted by De.
•atid Mrs. Gifford a.fter which the Sets
eet Councillor of the Royal Templars,
Mr e le W. Watts, took the chair and
the follbesieg • program wasrendered :
• Addrees, Formation and Progress of
• Loyalty Council' Itpyal Temps
: ears, Mr. Watts. • •
Instrumental Trio, piaea, violin and
cornet, Miss sills Andrews, Mrs.
Watts and kr. Borland. •
Readieg, Rev, D. Gifford. •
Cornet Solo, My. Borland.'
• Recitetiott, Miss Dottie Caetelon:
Ineteutheetal Trio,' Miss M. Andrews,
e Mee,. Watts, Mr. 'Borland.
These • two societies, are the latest
organized ' our town. The league'
has a enesithership of 150.• The
pledge is abstieerice and discourage-
ment of the use of intoxicating liq-
uore and tobacco. The Royal Temp-
ters !mite quite recently completed
their organization artd received their
charter on which is 'enrolled the names
of softie 3o members. The oificers and
members ere -workeig earnestly • and
faithfully to exteed their eeembership;
With good prospects, a tomes& of ap-
lineations being now en file. Loyalty
Councii announce that " There is neeit
of Otis line of work and we are come
into the field to stay."
Mr, George. Robb has gotic to Chica-
Miss Foote returned from Toronto oit
Mrs. D. A. Forrester ie the guest of
Orangeville friends.
Mr. Fred, Pritchard, apple buyer Of
Liverpool, England, is in town. -
Mr. George Thou -mewl of St. 'Marys is
the guest Of his brother, Dr. eeltornp-
ssjenitie -Harris. of Tonawanda,
. Y., visited at the home of Mr. Thos.
Meech this' week.
Mrs, (Revs Dr.) Dickie of Orangeville
and her mother, Mrs, (Dr.) 'Macdon-
ald, are guests of Mrs. Pair, Sr. •
Dr. Kay aed Mrs. Kay of Attica,
Mich. are gueses at the latter's par-
•etillt..11:Junne, Mr, and Mrs, John' Gib.
Mrs. John Duncan and her daughter,
Miss •Dieteatt, of London grC visiting
at Mr. W. Delimit's and with other
friends le town. •
Mrs, Ralph Stephetteors of Stanley,
who had been Visiting Mrs. Jobe
Johnstone and Mrs Robert Welsh of
: tome has returned home.
Mr. George Sheppard, the patriarch of
the Nile, came down on Sunday to
visit his brother John and has bath
speeding several days with him.
Mr. C. 11, Wallis returned on Prithey
from the Territories whither he weet
a kW weeks ago with a carload of
horees and disposed of them, so well
that he etarts 'back on Friday with
another load. The farthest point
West he visited this thee WO Ox-
bow where the following from elle-
ton or vicinity have located : More
rish, Garet!, Nesbitt and Sheppard.
Mr, Wallis Says the Westerners are
itt great spirits mid if the elements
continue favoraele there Will be a
bettor than has been crop;
Mr. T.Je Marks is eemovini an old .
landmark from the river -ban being •
the .old grain storehouse which has
stood for years as it were .with finger
Pointing backwards to Ba.yfield's.bet-
thr days in the sixties. '
Rte. Mr. Richardson took 'Rev, Mr.
MeNeiPs week last Sabbath while:Mr; •
McNeil took Rev. Mr. Davidson's
pit at Varna. Next Sunday Mr. Mc-
Neil 'goes to Blyth- while Rev,: Mr. Ms:
Leeen ofthat village ' preaches, here 'in
Andrews' church.' ' • '
Blr: Artlitte Peck of Cleveland, Ohio', . •
and Mr. Edmund Peck Of Torentceare
visiting their:mother here at present. •
Social dances are the order of the
day. The summer visitors are takieg
ehe lead in these functithis. . •
Mr. G.' W. Holman is . attending the
High Court 1. 0, F. at Windsor this
week. Tliis is the twelfth II, C. 'meet-
ing that Mr. Holman has been a dele-
gate to. He is ai veteran Forester.
. The eiampees are bound to have a •
bell oil the titer church atel With that
end inview.lield another very stieteSs-
ful concert on Monday evening when, -
a large audience listened toa splendid
program well carried out. The pro-
ceeds Of the silver Collection :
mounted to about 523 which together
with the previous proceeds and sums
collected by Mrs. Dickson will make
over $5o which will no doubt .go well
toward the price of a new bell.
campers • deserve the thanks of the
church for their enterprise and entlitis-
• tastrt,
Mr. G. W. Holman,who has been
principal of our school during, the past
live years, has tendered his resig-
nation ' to accept the principal,
skip ot Egmondville school at an
increased salary. Mr, aolittan • ere., .
ters upon his new ditties at once and
his family will niece to their new
home early in the fall tnonths, , '•
Mr, Henry Eberhardt has been en-
gaged as principal of the Public
school for the balance of the year.
Mrs. Barber of Robb is visiting
friends in Varna this week.
Mr. T. Jacobs is laid tip with an
attack of quinsy.
011 elonclay evening the members of
the IVIethodist church choir met at the
hotne of Mr. John. Johnston to: spend
a farewell evening with Mr. S; C.
Itathwell, mho has been a niember of
the cltoir for several years. The c.v.
ening was spent itt speial intercoarse
and music. ice cream and cake ,was
served and a very pleasant evening
was' brought to a close by all joining
ittsinging "The. Swett Bye arid Ilye."
A hearty vote of thanks was tendered
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston for the use of
their beautiful hotne.
Don't forget the garden patty on
Wednesday evening of next week. A
big time is eXpected.
• Mr. Will'am Dale sold four steers
rising three years for 588 a head. The
price is high but the steers were good,
Miss Mime IlleCalittin was the guest
of Miss Sennison for a few' days last
Mrs. rred. Mason mut little son of
London.are visiting with Mrs. IL len.
bison for a few weeks4