HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-05-08, Page 6Sunday School
May 11. Lesson V1--Jeees Acclaimed
As King—Matthew 21: 1.11, Golden
Text—Hosanna to the son of David:
Blessed Is he that cometh in the
name of the Lord; Hosanna In the
highest.—Matthew 21: 9.
INTRODUCTION—The last journey of
Jesus is not described in any detail,
but we have enough to recognize the
places through which he passed. It
is the inner struggle in his mind that
is of chief interest to these writers of
our gospels, and we are told of the
severe strain and dark forebodings
which he had to face, IIe knew that
he was marching towards death. All
the more won lerful, therefore, is the
courage with which he thinks I` others
and eaves for every little detail in the
duty he has to perform,
V, 1. During the last week, when the
city would be c..,wded with such a
multitude of pilgrims, it was neces-
sary to arrange for a place in which
to stay, and Jesus chose as nis head-
, quarters the home of Lazarus. It lay
aver tht. Mount of Olives to the east,
and each morning Jesus came into the
city. While in that house he was
among friends whom he loved.
V. 2. It was a strange request to
make, and the disciples must have been
greatly surprised. They could not
imagine what it all mean., It gave no
bint of the pomp cord circumstance
with which, in their minds they had
associated the arrival of their Lord.
Perhaps the disciples had hesitated
in undertaking this strange enterprise,
end may have asked Jesus what they
were to tell the owner of the ass. It
did scent rather unusual to I iy hold
of property not belonging to them,
Some have suggested that the owner
of the beast was a disciple of Jesus,
and that there was an understanding
on the matter, however, there is an-
other way to regard :t. The kings of
the east never hesitated to take what-
ever they wished, and many a valu-
able possession was seized from reluc-
tant subjects. Jesus is also a king,
land his royal const ousncss shines
through this incident, But Jesus did
not exercise his royal rights as others
did. He demanded very few outward
things. Once he destroyed herd of
swine, and here he asks for an ass, so
different from the callous claims of
the lords of the world. Yet Jesus was
Lord of all.
V. 4. This was iikeb an application
made by the later church. After the
Resurrection the disciples tried to find
, 9.. the Old Tes`ament prediction of the
different events in the life of Jesus,
'and it was•natural that the passage in
Zechariah should be thus pointed out
as a prefiguring of this incident. Mat-
thew is especially fond of calling at-
te:.tion to these proof passages, for
he was writing for Jewish Christians,
who were often attacked by those Jew-
ish brethren for setting forth a new
heresy, and it was, therefore, import-
ant to show that Jesus was the fulfil-
ment of the Old Testament.
Nor is it of less consequence for us
to see how the religion of the New
Testament is the natural sequel of the
prophecies and rev,la:ion of Israel.
In the Old Testament we find the pre-
p: ration for the manifestation of the
truth of Christ.
V. 6. The disciples had long since
learned that there wer many things
gout their Master which they could not
understand, and they were coating to
see that aimple obedience was their
chief duty,
V. 7. They had some presentiment
that something important was about
to happen, They put their clothes
upon th ass and colt in order to deck
them out in special festive attire, and
they place Jesus on the ass, see 2
Rings 9: 13.
V. 8. There is a spontaneous rising
of the crowd, We would gather from
Luke that it was his disciples who
were the chief actors in the scene;
ort we must also notice the part taken
by the multitudes who had come from
all parts of the world. They all feel
that some notable event is transpiring.
They cut down branches of `Tees to
make his journey like that of an em-
peror, It is to be a triumphal entry
Into the city.
V, 9. How easily the multitudes are
stirred into enthusiasm! One moment
they cry, "Hosanna!" and efore long
'the sante rirowd will be crying out
"crucify!" We cannot trust the emo-
tional actions of the fickle crowd, nor
can we always rely upon cur own
feelings, which are apt to carry us
away also. Feelings are meant to lead
to action, and this multitude failed in
that they were content to enjoy the
excitement, and to assume none of the
in this incident. First, there is the
distinct eh.im to Lordship on the part
of Jesus. He is conscious of being the
son of David, the fulfilment of the pro-
phecies of Israel. The destinies of all
lives rest with him. Ho does not re-
fuse the triumph. Secondly, this tri-
umph is quite rnlike that r£ any earth-
ly ruler There L no gorgeous display,
no military parade. The triumph of
Jesus consists in 90500, humility and
holiness, the conquering power of love.
It is as a peaceful ruler that Jesus
enters the capital of his nation.
Work for All
Montreal Le Monde °eerier (ind.):
The division of work will be the salva-
tion of the people; the redistribution
01 tasks between a greater number of
hands will increase the markets for
our products, by increasing the num-
ber of people who have the means to
afford them. This is why tine wolc•
men's unions are doing all they can to
have the five-day week, and the eight-
hour day adopted. Wilt they suc-
ceed? It is our conviction that un-
employment will only be reduced in
direct proportion to their success,
Give work to all the members of the
working class and there will never lie
any question of establIsltiug unem-
ployment assurance; with no one out
of work, there will be no need for as-
What New York
Is Wearing
Illustrated Dressmaking ',Cason
Fto'uished With Every Pattern
The ruins of old Fort Prince of Wales, opposite Churchill, at the end of the Hudson Bay Railway.
Lord Balfour
Basked in a
Fine Sunset
Old Age Seemed to Develop
Rather Than Lessen His
Tenacity For Office Puzzled
His Friends
Smart young things are including
many silk crepe frocks in their Spring
wardrobe to be worn with separate
coat to carry out ensemble thence.
The youthful animation of hent
makes this model especially attractive,
for it is equally smart worn without
a coat,
Tho cap sleeves of the yoked bodice
are outstandingly chic in pointed
It is nipped in at normal waistline
by narrow belt.
style No. 2846 comes in sizes 14, 16,
18 and 20 years. In the 16 -year size,
255 yards of 39 -inch material with a
yard of 39 -inch contrasting is suffi-
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for oaah number, and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto,
Talent alone can not make a writer.
There must be man behind the book.
Two important facts are to be noted —Goethe.
Lord Balfour alone, of the states•
men of the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries -- except Palmerston and
Salisbury—basked in apleldid sun-
set at the close of itis life and career,
Yet that Career had seemed definite-
ly closed in defeat mid even humili-
ation in 1911 when, chiefly through
the persistent worrying of Lord War-
grave and the tariff Reformers, he was
driven to resign the Conservatice
Then came the war, and gave Lord
Balfour from 1915 onwards an In_iiin
summer of renewed power. But, glori-
ous as the setting rays of hts ilio
were, it must be remembered that
they were not those of his noontide.
Old age seemed to develop rather
than lessen his charts. Anil there
came with it a tenacity for office
which puzzled both his criticcco and his
whose Intentions are excellent,
Through all this he was marching
directly towards his third phase—
the succession to Lord Salisbury and
the alliance with Joseph Chamberlain
he inherited from his undo.
Two linen of every diverse minds
may work extremely well together—
so long as they can Iceep step. The
diversity of temperament heightens
the personal attraction. The wide
range of powers and interests cover-
ed multiplies the external effective-
ness of the combination.
So it was for a time with Lord
Balfour and Joseph Chamberlain,
And thea they made mistakes, or the
luck of the political dice turned
against them. The Khaki Election
of 1900 was an error, and Balfour sue.
ceeded to this bad heritage as Premier
in 1902—a Premiership which left us
nothing, except the excellent Balfour
Education Act 01 1902, which to the
great benefit of the youth of the na-
tion has for a quarter of a century
survived every turn of electoral for-
His Fist Career
For instance, his administration of
the Admiralty in the first Coalition
of 1915 contributed to the discontent
which led to Lord Oxford's fall in
1916. Yet he took the bait of the
Foreign Office offered him by the as-
tuteness of 14ir, Lloyd George, and
joined the latter's Administration at
an hour's notice,
Lord Balfour's first career—not the
afterglow --consisted of tlu'ee phases,
eaclt to some extent overlapping tine
other in time. In the first he is the
young mat of birth, wealth, and in.
tellect playing with life in many
forms—politics, music, metaphysics,
As he moves through a rarified at.
mosphere suggestive of tile Dolly
Dialogues he is admitted to bo brit-
liantly clever, but condemned as too
lazy to turn his brains to account.
Elected for the close bofougir of
Hertford, he 1874, he did nothing in
the House until, in 1881, he drifted
into the orbit of that fiery comet,
Lord Randolph Churchill.
Taking up the Fourth Party tactics
originally as a game, he was snared
into ambition. His speeches began
to take on a fire beyond that of the
academician or dilettante. He plung-
ed with ardour lute the political fray.
The second please had been reach-
ed of the great House of Conmone
career. But it was some time before
the politicians would realize the trans.
formation of the academic into the
debater, or the Irish changed "Pretty
Fanny" into "Bloody Balfour."
It was wrongly supposed that a
student of philosophy must he incap-
able of argument, whereas, the whole
process of logic or metaphysics is
that of setting up a series of proposi-
tions and then trying to demolish
them by dialectic,
Lord Balfour's opponents were dis-
agreeably surprised when the meta-
physician started knocking their
Pasteboard castles of principle about
in a polished but very destructive
manlier, They had not imagined It
Possible that a Liberal front -bencher
night sheet an intellectual superior.
The Irish Secretaryship was the
strongest episode in his career. He
exhibited a steely moral courage, I -I0
supported his agents through thick
and thin. With an intolleet that could
penetrate the superficial at any time
the realized that the Irish prefer a
strong Government even when its re•
sults are had, to a weak Government
American Imperialism
Quebec Evonement (Cons): A re-
cent address by President Hoover to
the daughters of the Revolution, de-
livered on the 14th April, makes very
clear tine determination of the United
States to become tate most powerful
country in the world, Ho celebrated
the recent victories of bis country in
the international sphere. For ex-
ample, instead of talking of the naval
parity of the British and American
fleets, he declared that, for the first
time in history, the Republic of the
lilted States possessed a fleet at least
tate equal of the strongest in the
world. While putting his faith in the
BTiand-K'eliagg pact as a satisfactory
method of preventing armed conflict,
he stated with emphasis that there is
one kind of peace that no proud and
free people could ever subscribe to.
This Caesarism has been ehthustastf-
cal1Y greeted in the American capital,
as not so long ago the imperialistic
vows formulated by Mussolini were at
Mr. Chanmberlain
Lord Balfour sheedd, of course, have
takes the first opportunity for an
early dissolution. Unfortunately he
decided to hold on against the flow-
ing tide, Mr. Chamberlain determin-
ed to tura that tide back by the Tariff
Reform appeal. Hence followed woe
on woe to the Tories --a fiscal quarrel
inside the party and a cnlshing de•
feat at the polls it 1906. The major
part of the blame for all this cannot
be laid on. Lord Batfour's shoulders,
It is true that be had a kind of in-
curious disregard, part intellectual,
part aristocratic, for the movements
of popular opinion. On the Brain
point be wee right. Ile preserved
the thing which really mattered—the
unity of the Conservative Party re-
garded as a great national instru-
ment. But after the internal strug-
gle of 1903.1906 came defeat, defeat,
and defeat at the polls, until the
thrice -vanquished leader vanished,
None could excel Lord Balfour in
personal charm—even when dealing
with chance -met individuals. Natur.
ally, lie was surrounded by an ador•
Mg coterie or friends not always to
his practical profit. But his political
friendships were colder,
At tate end itis figure grew greater
if only as the reflections of the past
threw a longer shadow. He had seen
the I-Iouee of Cecil's second predomin-
ance since the time of Elizabeth ap-
pear and vanish. He had seen the
creation and fall of the German Em-
pire. He had been at the Congress
of Berlin and at the signing of the
Treaty of Versailles. He had known
in intimacy all the great men from
Disraeli and Gladstone onwards. He
had given a Ronianes Lecture and
founded the Souls. Iio had held his
own with, even when be had not sur•
Passed, politicians, metaphysicians,
and wits alike.
And in a time when world opinion
was so important -- in the darkest
days of the war — his dignity and
faith did more for Britain's c0.110e
than can aver be told. Tho Eliza,
bethian Cecil lived again.
The Wheat Pool
Montreal Patric (ind,): The initial,
advances on their crop to rho farmers
alone justify the existence of the
Wheat Pool, One can imagine what
would have been the critical condi-
tion of the Prairie farmers at iho ned
tion of the Prairie farmers at the end
of their bad harvest year of 1929 if
they bad not been able to rely on the
consolidated strength of their associa-
tion., Titmice to the Pool, they found
the necessary funds to pass the win-
ter and
in•terand to prepare for a new (mason
of production. They have not been
made to staffer because their crop was
not sold. Even in spite of the reduc.
Hon in market prices of commodities
since tine fall, there can bo no doubt
that the Pool has had a stabilizing in.
fluence on the market. It is in fact
beyond question that the price of
grain would have descended to a much
lower level if the farmers, left to their
own individual resources, had beau
compelled to sell in an unfavorable
Canada's Waterpower
Sherbrooke Tribune (Lib.): Canada
has altogether twenty million horse-
power at the lowest water (for the
whole year round), whilst for six
month ht the year it has at least
thb'ty-three millions. Artificial reser-
voirs regulating the flow would raise
this capacity to forty-three millions.
Of this total, no more titan five and
one-half millions, or 12/ per cent,
have been harnessed. To the extent
of one-half, the task of harnessing
this power has been undertaken in the
last ten years: although for a long
time tho small water -courses of Om
tario, Quebec and the Maritime Pro.
winces have furnished the motive
force for grain mills, and textile
plants, such as were indispensable to
the existence of the pioneers. In com-
parison with other countries, Canada
in the number of its turbine inetalla•
tione, It Is also in the second rank
Is -only surpassed by the United States
"She must be jealous of her hus-
"Why so?"
"She's Mat advertised for a plain
"What the Socialists dreamed of
the new capitalism has made a real-
ity."—Edward A, Filene.
Loyal to Teacher
During the summer vacation o
Young lady was appointed as a subste
tuts teacher in the Industrial School.'
She was quite Young and Inexperi-
enced in reform work, but .had a na-
turally happy an dt'ustful disposition,
When a class of twenty of the older
boys woe Resigned to her she found
that school lessons did not appeal to
them, and that it was difficult to ob-
tain anything like order or attention.
She asked permission to take the boys
on a Nature Study trip through the
woods, and the Superintendent con-
sented, on the promise given by the
lads that they would not attempt to
run away or give any trouble. They
started oft hi the morning, taking a
lunch basket with them, and returned
late in the afternoon, a thoroughly
happy party, Not one of the lads in he
behaved in any way during the outing
and they had unbounded admiration
for the young lady who put her con-
fidence in them,—J, J. Kelso,
Religious Persecution in
Dr. John Dewey in Current History
(New York): All the reports from
Russia agree that Communist author-
ities are unanimous in the opinion
that the "religious" drive against the
Soviets is but another attempt of
capitalistic countries to overthrow the,
Communist regime, Anyone with a
knowledge of Russia could have pre.
dieted that such would be the result.
Although many have protested on gen-
uinely religious grounds, nevertheless
they have entered upon a campaign
charged with dynamite. So far as it
as regards tine number Or horsepower has any religious effect in the U.S.S.R.
generated per 1,000 inhabitants, Nor- it will intensify opposition to religion,
confirming the belief that the church
has at bottom a political and economic
ails. It will also arouse the sane
feelings that would be aroused among
us by any sign of foreign interference
in what we regard as our own internal
way alone exceeding her figure. Per
capita Canada has nearly 111,0 times
as many turbines as the United Slates.
Making the Best of it
The New 0)1110011: Doing common-
place things well may at tithes seem
a rather humdrum business, while we
are engaged at them, but there is no.
tiring in all the world that tells more
significantly when the whole record
of Ilfe's enterprises and achievements
is counted up. And to fall in the
every -day life is one of the very
worst failures we can mane, The
man who finds fault with life because
It does not give him a place In the
front row has not yet come to under-
stand wherein life's finest opportun-
ities lie. The man who is doing the
ordinary things has quite as many of
them as any one else, if lie would see
Prince Lucky in Aerial Trips
London.—Mr crashes follow and
precede the Prince of Wales, but he
does not seen to mind.
A few hours before he landed at
Windsor Castle from Marseilles on his
return from bis African trip, Pilot
Sergeant W. IL Fern and Aircrafts-
man Leslie Charlton were killed in
the smash-up of a two-seater fighting
plane at the Royal Air Force airdrome
at Cranwell,
The plane in which the Prince flew
from Khartoum to Cairo on his return
from the African jungle crashed on
the way back to Khartoum, killing
two men,
"Almost every • problem becomes
leas bard under the softening infiu.
once of time,"—Bruce Barton.
Meet a $50,000 a Year Man.
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Buy A Tufo ccNT-
'The girl with a yiddish boy friend
does all the talking so his arms wills
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The green grass is bowing;
The mornnig wind is in it;
"Tis a tune worth the knowing,
Though it change every minute.
"lie "a tune of the spring;
Every year plays it over.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson,!
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