HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-08-07, Page 7r
August 7th, 190.2 -
1111110101.141-11. Leimeeifill 1. zedellie 11 it 11 j 13010,11
he Molsons Bank ' Directory,
Incorporated by
Act of Parliament, 145.
Capital - - - $2,50o,000
Rest 2,i5o,0o0
Molson Macpherson, President.
James Elliot, General Manager.
Notes discounted, Collections. made.
Drafts issued. Sterling and Amer -
icon Exchange bought and sold.
'Interest allowed on deposits.
Interest allowed on sums of ,/;if and
Money advanced to farmers on their
own notes with one or more en-
dorsers. No mortgage required as
II. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton.
O. D. McTaggart
13*.inking Business transact-
ed. Notes discounted. Drafts
issued. Interest allowed on de-
. posits.
Albert Street - - - - Clinton.
`,./1 .••
Money to loan.
011ice-Elliott Block - - Clinton.
Notary, Public, Etc.
011ice-Beaver Block - - Clinton.
Conveyancers, Commissioners, . Real
1(,state and Insurance Agency..
Money to loan. •
Wesley Chnrch-Sunday servicee at
m. and 7 p. m. Sunday seliool
at 2.30 p,, Geo. A. Rorke,..Sue
day school superintendent * Sibley,
choir leader ; Miss Itallie 'Combe, pr
gaoist 1 • Rev. H. Maiming, pastor.
Ont. St- Churele-Senclay services at
n a. in. aed m. Sunday
school at 2.30 p. in. Jacob 'raylor,
Sunday school superintendent;
Gibbings, choir leader ; Miss Azie
Gibbings, organist ; Rev, Pre Gifford,
St, Paul's Church -Sunday services
at eX•a. in. and 7 p. tn. Sunday
school at 2.3e p. in. Sunday school
superintendent, Rev. C. R. Ginnie, M.
; ehoie leader, Mr, W. U. Litter-
nell ; orge.nist, Miss May 13entley ;
rector, Ouune, M. A.
• Baptist Church -Sunday services at
, ie a. m. and 7. p. in. Sunday school
at 2.30 p. in.Sundayschool superin-
tendent, Mr. D. K. Prior ; choir lettl
or, Mr. J. II. Hoover ; organist Miss
Lcla Hoover ; pastor, ROT. C.
' Dunlop.
nillis Church -Sunday services at
it a. in. and 7 p. m. Sunday school
at 2.3e in. Sunday school superin-
tendent, Mr, Jas. Scott ; assistant,
Miss Wilson ; choir leader, Mr. W. P.
Spaulding ; organist, Miss Maude
Goodwin ; pastor, Rev, .Dr. Stewart.
St. Joseph's Church, Catholic -Sun-
day services at io.ao a. ni. and 7 p.
in every 2nd Sunday, Sunday school
at 3 p. n. every end• Sunday. Sun-
day school superintendent,. Rev. D. I'.
McMenamin ; ehoir leader, Mr. Chas.
Gravelie ; organist, Miss Alitinie Rey-
nolds priest, Rev. D. le McMenamin.
Plymouth Brethent-Serviee at Ix a.
on Sunday. Reading meetings at
7 p. in. Sunday ance.Friday evenings.
• Town Cottucilef arer,•Thomas 'Jack-
son ; Councillors, H. E. ContheiJ. A.
Fore, C. J, Stevenson, Alex, MticKere-
zie, C. -Overbury, Thos. MacKenzie
Clerk and Treasurer, .W. Coats. Meets.
the first Monday, in each moetle
Public Library Board -President, W.
Brydone ; -Secretary, -• • W. Rand ;
W. R. 'Lough, Dr. $haw, W. Coats
and E. tel.:McLean. .
, Public School 'Board -Wilbur Man-
tin,C. B. Hale, .W. T. -49 Nell,. J. W.
Irwin, Dr. Agnew, F. Rallodgens,. T.
Beacom, Secretary, J.: Cunningham° ;
treasurer, W. Coats, .•
Collegiate -• Institute • 'Boarde-Ohair-'.
man-, Jellies Scott.; secretary, M..%
McTaggart ; -treasurer, W. Jackson;
1.), A. Foriestere 3, Rensford, -11,-
Plumsteci, W. II, Manning, Meets
first Wednesdate in eakh moxitla •
DR. W. GUNN, • •
R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. •
' ' •
Night calls at Iron door of residence • Township C.0iiiicil-Reeve, • ThcanaS
John -
on Rattenbury street, opposite • Churchill, -Clinton; •CouneiDers,' John -
Middleton, • Clinton John. Woods, •
Presbyterian diurch.
'Porter's Mill Jeines Cox Porter's
tario street - - Clinto„.
:Hill ; James Johnstone,' ;
011ice-Ontario street - Clinton.
• Opposite $t. Paul's church.
Special attention given to diseases •oi
.1Am Eye, Ear, ,Nose and Throat.
Oilice anti Residence -
/Inlet t street. East, Clinton:
North of Rattenbilry- street.
Clerk, Nixon Sturdy, Godard' ; As-
sessori Jelin Thompson,: Clinton ;
Treasurer, Whitely, Goderich ; Col-
lector, Louis Anderson,'Clinton.
Board Of Health-Recie,' ClerlOohn"
Cox, John Salkeld, Sr„, Albert . Can -
Township „ Cottezeil--Ieeeve,; John
McNaughton, Varna. ; Couneillore, • W.
3. Stinson, Bayfield; L. Keys,
Varna e James .Johnstone, Bayfield ;
MeDiarinid s Clerk, J. E.. Harnwell,
Varna; Treasurer, ;Tan Reid, yenta;
Assessor, John Tough, Ba,yfield';' Col-
lector, Thos. Wiley Vern
telon. • e •
Will be at Baylield every .Wednesday
afternoon. .
011ice- •
Adjoining Henry's Photo Gallery,
D.R..- 0,1M;S'r 1.10LMES,
The Killop. Pilutual
Insurance Conipany
Fenn* and Isolated TOWn Proper-
• ty Only Insured. • •
le. B. 1VIeleeati, President:, Kippen P.
0. ; Thos, Fraser., • Vice -President,
Erucefield 0..• T. E.: Hays Sec.-
IN 01.0 AGE."
Tislo Dl000nroe Per. Or. Talmage Ito.
tnimo repoilor gollooy emit Old
Ago ter the Chrifilen 11 Merely
limo ter 'roars, for Per Oval and Man-
tel Peitzi omi Deptosolog
ronto, at Mellen% o't Agriculture. ovowa.
Chieitgo, Aug. 3.-4 measage of
reverence and,appreelation for people
who have passed life's meridian is
eontaieed bz this discourse by Rev,
rrank De Witt Talmage on the text
Psalm. xeii, IA, "They shall bring
forth fruit in old/ age."
Old age ie a, haunting spectre. it
-has terrorized the generations past
more them even • the fear of death.
The most hated and feared of the
Grecian philosophers was he who tie -
ed to stand upon the street corners
of Athens frightening the paesersbY
with these eolenin words: "You -will
im an old men: Yoll Will be an old
woman." He frightened the passers-
by because most people do not want
to become old. They are afrain of
coining to the time when they will
be a burden to their children and
their Mends, They are afraid of the
time when their earning eapecity
shall, cease, for then, in the race of
life, they will be jostled and left fat'
behind by the speed and the, strength
of the younger generation. Tbey are
afraid of the years when. they will
haere to walk with a cane or eruteli
or it in an itivalid chair weitiug for
the time when the eoffin emeer will
nisi. their casket and tho undertak-
er will order their grave to be dug.
To show how depressed -some people
are over the fact of growing old I
would' read a letter which. I received
some time ago . from one .of muy
people': • •
Dear 111r. Talinage-Littst night in your
sermon you stated that this is the lige for
rourig men. You did not nave .thite to
speak one word favor of the usAulneie
of the "old• -people. I was sorry.. I knew
orne sitting neer •to me who would.. be
heavy hearted on account of their oici age
Dins .morning an aged member of yoer
ehurch called upon ine. He said be was
so depressed over your.remarks Ilist ulglit
Viet he could not sleep. With-tears.in his
eyes, he sald, "1 woluhr it old po.plv wl I
be wanted in heavee." Now, inv. deer pos.
tor, I would like you, if nosallile, to ere 1
a serinon upon the blessings of •old age.
1 t3 oula Ince you. to preach it sermon te
cheer up those who, have plui:seil tile feilitti
of their earthlx Ilfe and areWing down
the'. other side and' nearing the finding
place, of eternity.' You win, will you-aet?
. .
It is in answer to the•request
this letter that ,ant going to spea!t
. this morning.to the old folks. I Will
:gladly try. to refute the popular fal-
lacy that' old. ago Air 'the Ohriatian
18•inerely, thrte ter -tears, for phyei-•
cal .nlid..inctital pains, and. for- dee
pressing .helplessnems. It: a true
thing that an mod quit -aster said to
J• ob A. • 'is, the. 'txv Imik. reform-
er, 'IMY 'son, 1 . ant 011 the sunshiny
. , ,
.side of sixty, !rectum° ; Mu. near to
the glories Of heaven..,.',... The words of
zny 'text do. not • state that 'tin aged
Christian's twilightof ife upon.
earth is a ,gloomy and it' sullen sult-;
'set. 'They do . eirtPhatikally irnply
•that the last dams of vet aged Chris-.
tiaWs earthly life should be among
his -happiest and mose ..eseful days.
Those• days ehould' be conipared to.
the time- when the orchard's branches'
. are bending; under the heavy load of .j
Specialist in terown and Britige Work. • l'r9"uer,.. 'Sellf°61' R*- .;(3' ; ?W"... Ge.:,
D. il. S. -Graduate oi the Royal col; • Broadfoot„ -Inspector • of .1.,osSee, ...sea-, 1
lege of Dental surgeons ui °utak- " --.-----"e"- ..: '
. . mrth p n
. ' DIRECTORS' • • 1
to, .
L. 1). 6.-ekteet. class honor graduate.
• 01 Dental Department el forouto
Special attention paid to preeervatem
ol chitdreies teeth. •
Will be at the kiverjIote1, hayfield;
every Monday i n 10 a. in. to 0
Elatietealte SURGEON.
A neanteor 01 the Veterinary Medical
Associations of London and Eation-
ta1rt;11 and Graduate al the Ontar-
io etermary College •
Unice -Ontario street - Cleave
tepposl Le St . Paid' s church. • . . .
Phone 97.
W. . , , Sea r , Jo n
Grieve, Winthrop .; George Dale, Sea -
forth ; John • Watt, Mae -lock ; John
Bennewies; Bradhagan ; JameS Evans,
John. McLean Rippen:
Ileeeirivciocl ; lames "Connolly, Clinton; ,
AGENTS. _ .1
o em Smith, Earlock ; Robert. Bic-
' ri 'I '
, i • mi gs,
Egniondville ; J. W. Yea, • Holmes-
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or tralisact other 'business will . be
promptly attended to on application
to y o e a ove o leers ac resse
to their tespeetive postoffices.
Eke 'Miter lerafeeN A le 1 ee-
(Uitice-Isaac street - - -
Clinton -
_Residence -Albert street - Contoia.
'1110S. BROWN,
Ideitese.D AUCTIONEER. ,
Sales conducted in all parts of .the
counties te I 1uron ante Perth. Or*
ders lett at The News-ltecord, ()t-
hee, elinten, 01 addressed to Sea -
forth te te will receive proMpt
attention. Satisfaction guaran-
teed or • no charges: Yottr pat
ronage solicited.
A .EAell ILY 41111ARY •
The Best in- current Literature
$2.60 PER YEAR ; 26 re. A cOPY,,,
EVERY NM/105R COM N. 101 Metter
OoPvniamts &C.
Anyone sending 881(016 eq,desornalori met
quletcly rtinertoni tier oemi2Ntree whether an
hrtenttOn teorobeeiteenten ft ie. f!ommumea.
tionastriettyeettetiented. Iiaildbobk on niacin*
sent free. Oldest agenty./Ortecorltig_patents.
Patents taken throutet & co. receive
'peeled fletroe without eithelte,11/14hd
Stitittifit ilititrialle
A. 1)11.'1(13'40101yTeteett518
cuiolkai OM
f I, m A tome; ileertint. $2 8,
flar Mink Mommein eitettentete •
.td BIONSI& (i Of4w7, New YorkUtate (Mae, es, r Ate Witteineter, late •
glig$11 TRU$K
TuvrE TABLE. •
Trains Will arrive at and depart
from Clinton. Station as follows :
Going East Express 7.38 ai tn.
2.55 Pt In.
" I' Mixed 4,15 p.
• " West '1 10.15 a. GI,
" 9 Express te.55 p. m.
7.05 a. tn.
VI it 10.27 p.
Going South EkPresa 7,t41
Mixed 4.15 P.le.
" North Express 1o..x5 a.
-1' '1 Mixed 6.55 p. ot,
Agent, ToWn. Ticket Ag.
District Pass. Ag., TortInto
: 1 • • • 1,,.
Cou ghing
"1 Was given up to dle With -
quick consumption. 1 then began
to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 1
improved at once, and am now In
- perfect heilth."-Chts. E. Hart-
man, Gibbstown, N,'.
Cod's. goodness. when he wrote, "I
have been young. and now eta old
yet have I not seen the righteous
forsaken nor his seed begging bread.'
Ire eau testify, as did Joshua whet
he Assembled, the people together a
the close of his long life and said
w"13ayeh(.)olfda, 4onflagil°1.1111eRgotoild
things which the Lord' spalte all ay
come to Pass, • and not one thing
hath failed thereof." Ile testified a
itn hOnest witness carries tonyietioi
in a, court -room. because he tells 0
that which he .has Seen itlid perscen
ally experienced. testiftee es on
haying uthot it y.
Never let. any man tell you tha
the aged Christian's influenee is i
useless Influenee. The hible distinct
ly •saye, •"l'hey shall still bear fruit
in their old age,'" No bet•ter find
can it bring than the personal testi
Ntr(tIoutity. eh-0111,1(El:: f twill ritietvheirulft,i)ersgs4t
Oki:Mirk/ assail them with doubts,
they will be able to say, "My father
put God's promises to -the proof, and
he deemed that ho had foiled them
agell Mei:dean enffueeees toi
good those. who are near to hen be -
cameo he is able to. lavish upon thee
a wealth of boundless, fervent, ten
der Christian affection. 'While we ar
young and e• en middle aged we spend
tnost • Of Our time doing for others
rather than in showing the sweet
manifestation of 01,13: affections, 1V
are like Martha, who went into the
kitchen to cook Jes110 a dinner,. ra.
titer than -like Mary, who sat at the
feet ol Christ.
While we are eotmg or' middle age(
we are like the• busy merchant, who
spends most of his time in the site.°
aud the •office in order to earn money
enough to support. his children, ra-
ther than - lik'e the. old grundfallue
and the grandmother, who spent
mie.st Of -their time in spoiling thuli
grandchildren :titan at last the mar
• •says:
thee :and mother, I believe you loy
my .children better than .you ever
loved me when 1. wee young. .Any-
way, you pet Ger far mere than yet
ever petted Ole,' Many a' Mechanic
has. but little. time to fonale or ear-
ese his own children. Be has to
leave ,home for work before the Child
ren are out of bed. He dees bet 're-
turn • until late at• night, when the
babies bay° been 'again teeked away
in their cribs. Itrany.ti, gate have '3
heard grownup wonian, say; -"When
I wile youpg, I used to eon-. for
mether to take um up into her ileum
and have her love Me and kiss inc.
But Mother never had any •time: 'We.
Were' large,family of children.. Af-
ter mother had be.thed. and•dress-
.ed .uS' and started us off to school
..and -cooked meals and . Anished 'the
. seeded she did- nrit,- briee a lutinient
.•• to spare.. .She bad. to work far eeto
..• the 'night: 'Because. mother had • to:
• work see hard end had such Melo
time for affeetioa uSeid:SometitheS
to think••'She did.not eal.e.for
The, 'stetenient that:the 13,14'441 Chris-
' tion can re i se -• a • mighty--
for goo,1 Over th; lives of •those .who
ere uoarest. and dourest to -hint, is 'es-
iettially :trite if those • clear Ones- , -
in • have elifti,en of their •own
do. not he'leye a nuen..ever fully AP.
predates.- the loVe of a •Perent• tin -Il
ltheeelf is married. atal has hablee
ithotie, his own -ftemile t tilde lt is
1 fee.' •• th s h 'd it
• Worries and the enxieties• of Ilia own
_home troubling his heart, it Wordy:
.a.fier hee• has stood., by the side.of the
cradle. otad . eursed. 'baby' :hey.
1111.6110e eke. %whit...sic:Knees. ot dilate
therie. -it Is only . aftee ho has . got
his . own family burial plot arid has
dug. therein -a' little 'grave for .0110 of
lie/OW11 ,babics; that .heeliegios to fat -
]y' appreciate nhat 'his'. father antl
mdthen in' their,. time. have done , for
then the Lord letzowe that the young
, man wants to honor hint because the
- Voting r has tried to honor
' • tiod's aged iPseiple. Vilten the
young phyeicion respects the Chris-
t lean physielen, then the `Lord knows
, that the yoeng man would like to
e he as the old phyeician is., What we
admire In others, that we Would gen-
e crallY like to rept•oduce in ourselves.
The aged Christian is a living eel-
s deuce • that for most •of es earthly
life is to be eery short. Therefore
1 whet we ere to do for Christ we
nulet do soon. or we shell never be
O abIe to do it at .11,11. Sixty or seven-
ty or eighty years are long time
t to live, bet most of us •will never
t live so long. Aye, most of us will
- never reach even middle life. if you
speak to air aged. ChriStinn, you will
t find. that he is like a November leaf,
- hanging almost solitary antl alone
1. after the thousauds and the tens -Of
thousumis of autumnal leaves have
been torn front their brnitches by
the equinoctial winds. You will find
that most of his contemporaries died
- when hi. was comparatively young,
that nearly all the rest died when he
was in middle life and that only a
'very few compen'ons of- his youth
1 aro alive to walk by his side, The
statisthitom d ;dare that a third- of
e human race die in.infancy, At
letoa ope-third of thl rentainder die
before twenty-one years of age have
betel reached, otni ouly• 6 or 7 , per
O t. f • t f. V t
Le sixty years of age or ever. So
- the Mere presence In this world of
an aged Christian, with, 03 . 94,
. per cent. ot his contemporaries gone,
1 is a perpetual weaning that we must
be about our Father's business or
the death summone come, . and
we ellen fine that, we have .o.ccomp-
- Relied nothing'.
• Perhaps the.; may be a chimerical
I, fancy., but. I believe that .some of our
. aged. Christians now living -mew be
lineering upon 'el.de of the river
of death in order to terry to heaven
O .to • our derarted loved ewe the lat-
. est news about the• dear ones on
.earth. Yoe know -the Bible declares
that the celestial messengers lit•e con-
•aseetideng aed descending- bee
t \even earth and heat en. Jecob's
'dream'. Ives • not - -all. a fanciful
• %dream. • The sleeping !son. Isaac
saw' t 401140s ascending._ and de-
' 'wending. the hit:der:which emmeeted
meth -with heaven.. So I believothat
the aged- lheistionS are lingering this
sole of Jordan awhile in orrice • :to
carry the gospel enewe about. two -
selves to our beloved ones. • I re-
xnembee .well when -n, clear •old -elder
of _Brooklyn • Tabernacle was dy ing
My fat Ace tut ned. -to him . and said :
."Well,. Mr. Nitholit, gem-WY...for a
'little • while.. -• We 'sheet. soon .rtmee
Perte -as yeti. are going ahead
of me to the eeleetial lend, will ,you
• hunt up My boy De Witt and -give
- hint ,iover '•Aini the :old _• dYin;
e d said. es, Dr. Talmage, • •
w t, , , White the widower
lideet1 'was dYlog, 'he aureed
hie mother -anti
al ter 1 I- • ,t) fleet seen •
. .
te • Mint 'up. My •tlear•Wife..
peve- to eta your. love, : 'then
•I elite I Want .to .rest for thee first
thousand ;vents' in the grove pasteres
- the sole Melee. still waters, Wi th
itolta• i lap •-oe• nee' ittury,'!• '•
. And if ,•SQ11,16. OI• 'olw aged . f. heist inn:. -
ftn-lide • are Wait Mg adr 0,- little while:.
in .order :1 o arry the latest. gospel
•ne*s los the •dear ',ones on the other.
side of Jordan, .what hey
beable to tell our fatherte tued moth- .
ers, Our. le•others mei eleters;- .•, tier •
peal 'little children,- who., have
.goed beyond. tool are awaiting • dur
•cominee • Will they •be, able to. tell •
oer • beloved •onee that they muet
keep a ea /tee by heir •sido for tie in
one of theie--.heatenly niarisione.? 0e, •
iny beether •and eistee, se.e.'hy the..7
- tears. n teotte• ey ee - that you, gre4ing.-'
efietmee to the message •otie• •
. aged. - Christian' trends Will hateeto .
bear: Shall et plead • with God that
our dear relent's. may- be aelieteed to
•juet a little while -longer -so-
the ripened autumnal. fruit. .;
The- eged.Christiari IS able from his
.oWn .exPerience'* teetify ef the PrOe'•
tecting care of a divine. Father's
love. ,The differenee, between the
teetintony of an old Man and a Vei•y
young man is. the-, ditTerenee .betWeen
knowledge and supposition, -between
fact and etirmisel It te the cligerence-
.,betweee the words, ole. veteran .who
carries the sears,. the sword cuts and
the bullet wounds ; :of many .1:tittle-
fields. and the words th.e ruddy
faced, youth who has'-' not yet Won
.) ' 1 • . • . 1 d
btit the reeruitiag officer's Papere. It
.tee . difference , bet•Ween the expert-
. . ,
.erice ol Old Pilot at ilea lietgli
river, the mope •iineigereits. navigable:,
'river: in the world, who has for many
years guided the boats up to- •the
wharfs of Calcutta and' the .experi,
. once -.01 the ctibin boy who has not'
yet teemed *how to handle the wheel..
It is• the- diffeeence betweenthe d' -
e zeg,
noels of •the old; geay .haieed. phyei-
efan who lies prescribed for Itter.dreds
of fever patients. and the diagnosis of
-the inedical'gradmite who bite
jest received his diploma. •
My aged Christian Mend, there wily
be othe.t. bt•aies.'u t at; lee ei . 9 ,
Thgra`:IlItty be other hen:rt.:4 Net. its
'willing • to make Sacrifice for their
.IAM and IllitSter: yours.. bet no
a ,
So, my aged .'CliriAtian :friend, lf•
you' hat e •thltdren wile have eitildren
not yet. don, -• Now ,thatonyoT,91.11ein.8
of heir • own your work
thildren :feel so: grateful' to you on
• account. of•.Your. pas .tin . .f.reseirt
iove, you ean -niduld thein 'end in-
.• • • .
!mime, their and jinni y thorn by that,
sante lox e better.. than ewe; eee,
Perhare by •that love' yeti eau thee-
- on 'e theel evee 11101.y. 401' Chri 91; '11111
yoterft men tind.,yoting WOIttellit;W:1.1(1-
- upon the theethold .ot :•
Christian. can • as,•powerfully te
of the pi•oteeting mire of a Heavenly
loather as., You can testify unless he
can truly speak otit ot. his onli
Perience. lite saint who. as nearing
the end of life has the cleaver NieW"--
*of heaven, You cell speak, about the.
goodeetai, of God from personal Px•-•
perience, tny lather spoke to me
a few years before his death by 1011. Ing this • remarkable int idea:
When be. was a young minieter, he
used to keep a diary, in . whieh he
ma de a recoed of all the,requeets im
Made to• God concernine' niattem
which were then .weighing upon 'his
.heaft. By seine mishap he lost that
diary, and. he " forgot about time
prayers he had offered. •S'onn. twenty
Oe thirty etears latee . fotind that
diary. When' he opened it. and read.
the many reetteste thaf.he had elude
neatly a quieter of it century before,
he found opt that Getti,Ined answered
every one of his prayers. • tiod had
anserered them with bet -ter results
than even his faith at. that time had
dared to hope. So the aged elide-
tia.n• (Melts the book of memory. As
he fingers the many soiled 'more of
that •bo0k he testillee how God certel
foe him When he was a. young
mart. Hir testifies how God eared
for hini when he *its middle aged,
and -'he testifies hos' the love of God
Is protecting and caring for him liow
that he is an old mata 110 teetities
Just as the aged psalmist testified of
leS too risky, playing -
with your 'cough.
The first thing you
know it will be down
deep in your lungs and •
the play will be over. Be.
gin e;Vt?er with 41yetr's
err , cto-al an sop
the cough, .
_ •
o. AreaV..0111,14 311$$$.
tet ity now than when teee Neel e
vete. Town'. Gift t; I erd Miele/mar Vett-
seated; to tee peiontrutsesa soldier
In 1.,fonaoff Ifursiflar Sigh, t.
London, Aug. 1. --Amid trentendous
entlitudasm, Lord Eitelanez. wus lase
night presented with a liWorti 01
honor. the gift of Cape Toe n. Sir
dese1.11 Dlatsciale, Lord Mayot. of
I•mul 00. made the preeen t at 11)11 .1*1
the r0111141 Of a Month Afrivun dinner,
which was attended by many notable
Wizen the. entin is lasin had sit i
subsided for Lord Ketch nor to
make Ith»self beard.- he modestly re -
twined thanks foe the gift, end ex-
pressed. the .tomident bow
South Africa, at any rate. Rat sword.
would rot again be drawii from its
• Referring to the mineral a.nd agri-
eultnral wealth of the new territory,
Lord h titer said: "You may tve.
sure yourseltee that you have melte
ing less, than the makings of it pew
Amerlete in the Southern :Hemis-
lie said the question who woind
' -suPPly the energy. !trent 4 41,1141 1414411 '
ey to carry mit _this greet develop-
ment was ono more for -hearers -
: than for himself, hat wh n, its in
Soul n Africa', patriotism W118 join-
ed with self-ititerest, he was . not
afraid they • would fail to sow the
seed am•I reap the liaCvest, for width
1)0 hoptd that those'.who lind re-
cently bun In South Afrien had pre-'
ou.etiorotaele IsvIree noens.
Will Discuss With Thom the endltion5
ut r
. London,. Aug. 1.-9 he Pat-ls eOrre-
spouckult, of '1 he Tlineti says a pro-
. Boer telegvaphic tigeney which often
reed el nut hot•i t ative int o..inat 1011
from Doer sourees. states that ' Do-
i IVA., DOIrOf Deineey, and J.ticits
Meyer are coining -to Europe nt. the
express and d reet foe of 11(10
.1 eeeph lieenbeelein, Co' o n i al tette- e
retary. it le stated elicit eIr, hem-
heel:tin e•lehes to consult with tho •
Doer' generele on the construction of -
the coedit Ions of peace in Simi li
Mei: a. • and the general situatioe
:there -
5 tiiT'N THANK.; .Bittf1511. •
Togir,11 t o. Jou rney From Southriot ;Aim to
• it don.
. .
I.ondoe, Atte. Ex-rreeiclent '
Steyn, of the Orange. Free State, ar-
i•ivid in Soto hemp Gott yes: tet.de v
with his family, un 'the .stetenell p
en,ri5brocike 0:051 le. 110 Ircts met by
'Messrs. r, Weseels, eittl • lir,
. Prityn; ...the • l'ornier• Pp/T.:delegates.
Ho will. go to The :fragile, where
Preshlent • Kruger Will go • froet
treeht • (e.; ineet him M ontley •
.. Stetta waS' 00 111 to ler he
learney • to Londoe, aftboligh spe-
. saloon' enerhige had hetet Mist
cel to 'the regular bout. train. ,quit-
. • 115 physician nronld not 'aliont
(tint to he n v lowed by .11131 pr3.5.4,
but Mee Steen:Seize -word filet ' •ho'
•Withed t express Ills eimees for the.
courtesies eN ecb;r1 to 'blur - by,
iiriii511 • 4j1illorill,a (h.; m)rrtit-
ifer,•.• and feel In!. Tare gi VI 11 111.111
tho 01 age. . • ' •
'1 h.? Pet-Pm:std. tif wee. rem Ove on a
etretcher tieeth MICA et-arier • Pa -
tarter '111., hich •wite,
to 15 rishrooke -Castle. iTe'•wift
be tended at, the 'thank ef
end eoneeyed in an nuillutence to. the
• coetiige reserved for him near . •'••-1 he,
•Ilutrue. • ' •
nettiret•e•raye or AONI11,.
X.ondon„ Aare, 4.-et'ormer, President..
Steyn of the -Oratere Finn .tet ate 1 as •
• .
toll teed a t, Sob ye et ninon.
.gee. • hae sent him essa ge, in
h.e 11.1. tvs for his earl v recoV-
; • —
80 1111 1.11..13,, cie..anc a.1011,,•gite
our • heette to eTesuse Then. ye aged
. . . „
ahrietten. Mewls, earre the emus ae.
some tie you .inight to thee bright,.
• entlehapPy d.. Carry. the n :we
• ill at , ',v. eh:: Jewel of • Christ,
• Mix° n11 lee% eloanSed:trof4.,9111, '1"?1,1
.,•1114.en that •we11t.,•0 been mimed
1 he , aged Christian:is able to •
sPhe the spirit' Of ievereike itt •thr
• begets' of ninny_ u tit It hum C0111f'S
fri • (milt -act.. el his- spirit -is a groWte;
not en act, ..lt 5 a geria seed
•whieli (erten takes year's .and :Years to
.,dcyclon, mad not an 'entity. • whtelt
sprinee into .being. at a jump.' or, 0,
...gencrally Ste, Is away'
• brick in the itureery. If tho child
teamto*. respect his 'mother, abon It
is :very . easy fOo.- Li 111 to learn as .a•
boy to respect 'file leachers,' then it.
14 very 01147 ter:hint es a you» man
Ca 1t. an to rreepeet., his 'Christian eme, •
ployers. .It a young. man artsp-ects his
•Chrietian timployers;• hen it, . very
. .
t ssOp 1.11.1i .Ot0. eaten,. that
We. have 'been. washed . ante. tve *00.
W11.111.11' (had FrtOW. •
• And .e0, 'Aged Christine .
beligya .that you -are, the •• favored,
(a fee • • • Volt are t he Christie:lie Whoa,
wi 4 . carry ...the niesgage t tr:oin• dear :
ones tui well es• io ydur own. • 11 hen
eott go, eramt you 'Personally ••• 1 0'
a si 0 my meth:- an tether .niy
• leve, juet nte father sent: bie
to his• boy, • Tell them for me Aimee
b tet he era:, e•of ell" went. to
11 te,t. them -soon.. ..
ye itg,_!d Christians, I 'waitt.
70,1 10 1 at 1 i hat the words of 1117
.text were Written foe you. "'They
06e,,, for bit . 1114- a memo .eope. than.. shale se111.. bring forth fruit in .t heir' .
te(,),,en..3.,s1,1i;.1,1!„,-1,.,lis 1.1 18,?;:evitet,',1•)y‘ (2.11 ariNS'; 1.°1 19t11: At: gn ;..":1. 1-11;11: 11.11?1.1)10! ;v11;111511 -ie. N(16'1.1C-.1111j11.1d1 ,
• been lie ng at-, the• di -vine Mesterei 1 Yoe (1)0 0' • your. hrOt; 10. int 11 ••
• rie
speet ods agad Chrietian_ servautse
then . it, ie 01'3' 01114,V hinele learn
.to resPeet ,t,he God whom .1.1) OSO
Christians. s•et•ee and to COMMullieitie
that reepect•lo othere..• •
Thuti God uses' you!. thyeeial weak-
nesses mid your mentut helplessness
for. purpoee. When he reee• yeti, 011aged Christian perent, 5,1111.tentler-
• ly • .rtteoct for. in your old WV. he; a
joying- • son; when he sees son
giving to tionehe .best .vooni 'in the
hetiee and the eaeies.t arm. (liter(1t().
the- softest 'bode 01).'))01).'))Oat
.13tt trying to make yew. lavt clays
tit(j)Ottfixt11 heel*" ond.iteareful, t hen
Ave mit imegotie him eayinge '"rtiat
•young maze who is caring so. tender-
ly . for his aonel Christ inn /invent is
capable. of great love for mt. and
my Whiten, • '1 he timing nem Who ie
true to hie old •inother, lay gr4001-0will always be true to hie,. T will
honor him,. 'because he hits ht.nored
0110 Of my aged eervants." 'Did not
Clod say in his Ten Coimmealinehts,
"1 loner thy father end thy mother,
thet thy daye may be long upon elle
lend which the Lord thy God- giv-
eth thee?" 11 hen the, young minis-.
ter respeete the. old .inieleter and
trete to honor the venerable, It hite
haired miesionary of Oesus Oh t
. ,
Ont. If the middle Lle,ed
yert these yolir 'glorious denwrture.. 1
wm nt you to; realiee that Yeur . work
is ittet the same I•tind of work
an' Wit$. that agod farmer's whe wire -
.Plan ing '$..otoe young trPfll • one (lay,
)i a iii.ighboe came along. • and
said; "What are planting CUM?
ms for/ You 'Will Ileyet.' live long
emelt h to See ••thaut grow • up."
'No,''' answered the man; "'l
never expect 10 800 1.31001 grow up,
but my grandfather planted yonder.
aged trees' so that •1 roUld play un-
der them and: Work their fruit, anil
, 3 want) Want these. teens eo thet
my ileilren and my ehildren's chil-
dren eon eat of their fruit tenor .1
am • dead." • So, aged Christians, O'S
your aged parents sweeeeried youe.
lile wheie you were young, you, • 'hy
thd blessing. of Clod, are sweetening
otos. Aley yonr week be to you a
11091)7 *ark Mall at, last the angel of
the resuereetion comes to call you
to yotir eternal 'reward. Mny we be
art faithful•to our trust as yoo, Who
are. still faithfully bearlike 11.1.tit in
your • o'd age.
Is tlie United Kingdom.
A utile If hedge and iliteh occupy
citi rat average, en acre of land.
Widows in Great Britain outnurre
bet witloweis b allnelst tWo to ono, elesed, I
ted . ith
.L01109/1. ,Aug. Lueas •
eleYer, • Who \flea recently in, cone '
Mewl of h , Orenge Pt -nn: O,
forces,' .and 11Ieyer lit tt..w I Hi.
etre. Cluonbertain tit) day, te e
Edette (1. bee ittViltti:tif:liertf) -anti z111.:1:
Meyer to wane:4e th 1 coronation cer-
emony' \Veh tts t Alil,ey nexti,
Satatdae, bit as • fit novel •31, ever g0,1.14'
I. f • (10 ; •
tel. e.: 11.t. water:1. they Weil` • tiinible to
tiecej,t, .
1'., 81 41 1; it hot to -•••. .
• ..)oltaint slnirge. Aug: Whilo
1 CI I» l'e.'ore the Trade (L'infi4
mission, • Mr; Jai dine, C.ommissitm•e'
ot Cann. :Geyer:I:melte said
'•Canittieut treders eould aote 'compete :
:axe esfully teo•alt Africa; eel 11
•sali time ive a direct. titerimship tine
betty' en Smith Afelea and Canada. it:
, toot d. :ea et•din ea t 1
if. iepoet tritele. l'1'° 1(18 .in
b Will( It 'Witt, $1111 1 eta oi t to
tut thiyound'11(; '.ht'' would Ire
.evi • li nix o de vote ntoney o such .
• 3-
f) 11.1 0-e, ;And 1 /ha 'fie hoped to ite
. .
, a stetuusliip Hee teeming frent• I lull -
eta to f,•.011111 .Africa Within
so;.1 ng LIAO 11: ( .
7.0110011, A tifi. 4.--eir. Redent d
tete math a charitetei•Istie seeeth :it
h • opte n•r of U. milltavy rifle tinge -
at. eet thethein, Kent, elettlielay. Ite •
seid 'n the cottese of his reniarlis ;
110311311 ezeperie it et hes , taught us
thet. wit must. ma 11.110W.11 p09- '
llitt1 1011. 10 grow. up 10. it...iterative of.;
shorettet. Rite. hooting :dieted ie. •
otegle the Sallie 118 the A,-11, C.
tenth a emetic. Would 1101. proluee 1,11r-
• etuen ns ef vet etleng. •intist he elite
Ordieated to shooting quicklye,
1110 •P Ot11.14.11111 rtkit1111 1044,
MOOf Aug. 1 • TI. Pagtit it, •
Wes. Leto t t t dr) goods man, it as talf-
- tog hie wife ell:it five Childo.-n to
Back Rivet yes leedue ;to see 0 how e
lie had 'rented teal 1 he cut, 3t111,p,ri
Ili,' erect., Taiipil» lea to the Arm /el
41J1‘loalciLrli 1111 (11.1 ninl 1‘.1"elj(t.itiTier,1
Yestkn'tfttS 51 foot of' the
La( bine ltapitle.
Golontal. teem aty Ohaneherlitie . 0 '
•. • • • .
Tao 01 the tomlion, Lee, 14Ie
Memory Verses, Sell-tOolden 'Text,
X 'Vies% v, fe-Commen(uey Prepared
Iebereeirtheeliv1,1)19.137b.yStA:ver7an Prods asse-
t. And Nettlab cainadt19A.nbilhu, the sons ot
Aaron, t **offered etrenge Are betore the
Lord, which Ho comme.ndee them not.
The opening chapters of thie hook
telt of the differeut offerings, all typi-
fying our Lord's One great offering,
and of the ceusecratfoU ef the priest%
the Lord accepting the atoneinent
ferings by tire supernatural (Lev. IX, 7,
22-24). Now, right at the beginning of
the rainistry of the priesthood we see
this Sed failure on the part of two Of
Aaron's sons, "Fivery man et WS hest
state (apart front God). lie altogether
vallitY" (Pie Xxxix, 5),
2. Ana there went out fire from the
Lore and acivoured them, and they died
before the Lord.
Thus at the very beginning of the •
priesthood Jehovah made it very plain '
that .IIe would have a whole hearted
iSleitrIvalcoet„.otheenone. So also at the begin,
0111.0 story in the case of
AnnulaS and StIpplairit (Acts v, 5, 10)
Ile shelved unmistakably how kle
luttes.deeelt and half bearteduess.
3, Then Moses said unto Aaron, This Is
it that the Lord spoke, saying, 1 will be
stmetified in them that come nigh Me, an&
before all tile people wtil be glorified,
And Aaron•lielti hie peace.
That they were to be a holy people
unto the Lord .is the oft repeated re:
quirement teem Ex. eix, 6, 22, onward.
fled through the truth" (John evil, 19).
prnyer, "For their sakes I sanctify ,
coJaeismseuvisti,isc.asidin n criecsu nggrell enitfe tricnedss. flori;
Myself that they also might be Bench. -
from before the sanctuary out tit tthe
4, 5. Como near; carry your brethren
Thus Moses commanded the sons of
Ilzziel; the uncle' of Atiren, and thus
they did. But what about.Nadab and
AblinI7 We never Imre' Peeple, strict-
ly speaking; We bury the. bodies in
weleb they sojourned for a season. It
has been a . great' Conifdre to me to
think of this since ever 1 grasped the
beef that -if ley bode ever bas a burial
1 Willi:lot be there that day, but absent
from the body end present with the
Lord; with Cbrist, which Is very far
better (IL Cor, v. E; Phil. I, 21, 23)..
te. tincoVer not your heads; neither rend
'Your clothes..
Alosi3S eonalriand.ed AMOR and ,
lits -two surviviug sons. ,MoUrninghas •
oftlemes a:In-Pee element of 'reheillon
10 Th.ls. we must not: tolerate, lest.
We. 1111c1 -fault tvIth 'GO.. We roust -
nbide on the •Lord's side:even .theugh. •
Uis elitistening falls .00 those Who are.
▪ doer to U9 I welore our •loved
ones mote -then We love (3o11, we are
not wot.t by, of. Ulm.
7. Ye shell not .go out front the door.o.f
tbe tanernacio.of the congregatIon,lest ye
upon you. • . •
die. for ibe• anointing oil. of tbe, Lord '15
eltecause ; they • were the . anointed
priests of tbe, eledsen to ininister
unto ilitie:tliey were 16 ;keep' them-
eeives wholly for Him:
Ell,,Y5 through Peter theitebeffevers are
n holy priesthood to offer up spiritual •
sacrifices acceptable hi 'God by Jesu•s•
Clirlst-a royal priestliciod to show
forth Ills praises (1 Pet ii, 5, le. In.
Epe. iv, 30, we read that we are not to.
grieve the flaly Spirit of (Rid. by whom
eve are.eeithel unto the day of redeMP-
. , .
118(1,0,.. 'he,Lord spoke unto Aaron, saying,
Demo iii•Ink wine 'nor strong thOU,
nor thy sons with thee when Ye go Intro
the tabernacle or the congregationlest .ye
The Lord hadteen•s:Peaking to Aaron .
through. Moses, but Aileen be, hiS puke .
Mission and qbedien.ce• has:come Intoa
petee where the Lord ainiself. ewe
speak -to lihn. Sotticetbilik• beet' nee .01
• - •
this prohibition that ,this wits partly •
teast„the trouble with Mutat) and..
Melia :but In Nti vi 1-3 'we. hewn
that it wile part' of the obligation :of
evere• Nazaritti er specially. separated •
Persele • 'Oat which totals to tnedille
tVonntt's' bi"tith melts him •to worship
God,. ti tie Ws pt.44)1e retleenmed with
peeitione blood nreto live -only and •
e holly "un to ...Eel in., tv joy eth • and
A teolieey cheep,.
Xing:don, Aug, 4. - Napalm. tent
ebortly he teetle the jutted()); for the
Bay of •Quilite and Grt nit Truitt(
teethe. holm onto jenction Will be
%clad tile glory of (lOd" (Rev. 1; 5.
!t: V;; .Cor. x, 31e. A geed. Word for.
the nnse ved intemperate Is, • 'Nor
televei nor covetous, tier drunkards
tantli Mlle/et:the kingdom of Cod". (1
Cor.. vi,, 10), and for the saved intone
petite, "It is good. peither to tett flesh
Hoak) &Mk, Wille I/01' anything wbere-
ee• thy brothel, etienleeth ter Is offend-.
Klee; is wade weak", (Roue xfv, 21),-
10 And that Ye May .eitt diftereriee be-
tween troty and unities, anti neeween me.
dean und efeen.
They were, as a whole nation, sever-
ed from 'other people, that the'y. :night
be. the Lorti'S,(EX. xile 5, 0; xxxiii, 10;
Lev, ex, 26). In Egypt nnd the night
they loft Egypt the teed put a differ'.
owe. between. Ws people feel these
'wild were net /3 Is (lex. vill, 23; *1, 7),
In elem.. 1, 3, 4. He- Melded- the light
from the darkness. end In Cot. vi;
1 4-13. time tlivlsion Anti separation aro
very etteitigly entplinsized. Ey Mauro
ancl• by prate:lee ail are sinners, end
there le no diffeeenee ne to the feet.
though thcre-is as to the degree of
guilt (Rom, lie 22, 23J.
11. And thet ye may teach the chit/free
et beset all tee statutes witleh the Lord
hath spoken unto there by the hand of
They were fleet to do, then to tetteh,
Ond this Is elways the Order (Mark t*I.
80; Acts 1, 1), Unless we ourselves aro.
our lives and sefeir»te trent the
World lying In the Wicked one out ed.
vtee to °there will not Intve much
weight, for we will then be like the •
Pharleees who say, but do tuet (Nina.
xelit, 3J; bet lie like Levi. we walk
With God bn penee find ettitity we shell
torn many ilWay trete Inlettity (Mal.
There is a large amount outstanding in subscriptions so to those in
arrears this is an intimation that there can be no better time than the
present for paying up. To 6ach one the amount is trilling which is all
the more reason, why it should be paid,