HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-08-07, Page 5Augustt7t1, 1920 •'.444,4-2-•-•—+-$.•$+4,4,410;t1,44.1444i-• • 4 •• ▪ • • • • • • • • See Fred.T,Jackson • Don't BlarneYonr Feet .• •• • .• • 4.• • • ••• T. *▪ 4 .41 .0 If they ache. TeMper trying to be sure. But why confound the effect with the cause? The Fault is in the Shoes Better Get a Pair of " Hagar Shoes fi oin Jackson, then you'll have comfort as well' as style, fit and wear, — - Best Shoe Values in Town •• • 4 • • • • ••• all sizes and styles for men,wouren. and children. You always get the, bes0 horn Jackson. . TUB CLINTON NF,IINTS-R)BCORI) I1 1 1 II 1 I il_,Ij ,+..-0,*•441+1,14,4 Solid Leather Shoes S Wool a The modern Waterproof Paste Shoe Polish Produces a Patent Leather finial. Takes the place of all Bendel dress- inga which injure the leather and scale off, Anybody can melt and get the best results. It is another new thing at the New Shoo Store. No Shoddy Fred. T. Jackson. No Paper Soles -1-:•-les-l-e-e.•••-t-0••04-•••••••••1-0.14+++.14.1.•••••••+040 MAN WANTED. Man wanted to take exclusive con- trol and small interest in a Burglar Proof Lock. Steady income for 18 years. Address E. S. ARNOLD, 237 King $t., West, Toronto 3f* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 1 Part of farm, lots 38 and 33, on west side of Maitland con., one mile north of Holniesville, con- taining 97 acres. 2 The north half of lot 25, eon.2, and west part of lot 24, con. 3,011e half mile from Clinton, north, on gravel road, containing ec, acres. • 3 The brick dwelling including lots 18, 19 and 20 On corner of Joseph and Isaac streets, in Clinton. 4 The frame dwelling on the West side of Victoria street and next north of railway. Liberal terms to suit purchasers. Apply to W. W. FARRAN or C. C. RaNCE, Clinton CHOICE; FARM FOR SALE.. . $9,o00 will buy a choice farm of about 120 acres, situated a lialf,mile from Clinton. Good brick house, 20X 28 and 20x20 ; barns 40x4o and cloacae,' with stone stables underneath, silo, windmill, etc. •Wilt be sold on easy terms. For further particulars" apply to April 21st. - - - — Skill JAMES STEVENS, Clinton.P. 0. -7— Single Harness Cheap ............ 41•••••••11k.411.11•11•41..111•41• A McKOWN. A school that occupies first rank a. snong the business . colleges •on this continent. Many leading commercial schools employ our graduates as teach- ers. We do our best to place all our graduates in good positions and -we have been more successful this year than in any previous year. Those des- iring the best in business education elioulcl attend our school. Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, STRA.TFORD. po,AAAPW4A0VVVoWtAAArie 1 cKINNON 49( --- Patronize The New Shoo Store and get New Shoes !••••••+++.844•444.4"•-••40.40+••-•,•••44,444 HOUSE FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale a 1X storey cottage with five bedrooms large diaing, room, parlor,etc. Situ- ated on William street, convenient to the Collegiate Institute, For further particulars apply to James Scott-, barrister. Clinton, • June eiea. MRS. LAIRD, .' GODERICH FARM FOR; SAI/E. The undersigned offerfor • sale lot 16, Bayfield • con., Goderieh township, -consisting of- 184 acres, .including 25 acres mixed timber. 'The farm is well watered and suitable for either -grain or stock raising. Good 'clay 'soil, Comfortable dwelling, heated by far - nem, summer kitchen and woodshed. Hard and soft -water convenient. Two barns, 30x50, 25x60,- driviag Sjled, 20X 30, hen 1101.1SC; 17x35. 3 acres of or- chard. X mile from •school, X from church, 6 miles, from Clinton. •Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply on premises .or address • • . A. WELSH', Clinton P.O. Goderich township, May. x3t.h.. . ,41,21144.44. I . ./±41i. . . TWO -FARMS FOR. SALE. ------ • I,ot 6, con. 7, Colborne,, cortiatining leo acres, lot 67, Maitland con, God- clich township, eontaining e5 ares. Both farms are well lenced. and Well watered; good buildings.a,nd first .claes orchard on each farm ; pearly all wi- der" grass. Sixty • per' cent. of the • MARRIAGES: CURRIE-MII/LER-In Victoria, 13. . C., on August 4111 Orfa IVIiller, second daughter of Mr. .Jacob Mil- -ler- of Clinton, to Henry Currie of Victoria.. • ,TUDHOPE-THORNTON-At 'the resi-. donee of the bride's father, near • Ingereol, on July 24th, by Rev, E, R. Hutt, 11. M. Tudhope of Wing - ham to Miss Margaret 5,, daugh- ter of W. R. Thornton; . JOHNSON -du Clinton, On July. 5th, to Ma. and Mrs, Oliver Johnson, a BLAnC01I1‹.-In Goderieh, on July:28th, • to Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Black a GAL1I1,11A.GHER-At Salem, in Howick, • 1 On July 27th, the•Wife -of Mr., Al- c bert GaBaglier of a daughter. . Howick, on July 26th,:. • the wife of Mr. GeorgealIebbarcl of •. a. son. ,IIENDERSOhi-fn Seaforth, on July • 31st, the wife of Mr. J. P. Header, see of a daughter. BACHAND-AT ' •St. Joseph, on the ' 28th of ,July, the' wife . Mr, L. ' • V. Bachand of a son. . • i FRENCH -In Fullerton, on July 30t11;;', . Mrs. tit illiare French • of •a sou, PATTERSON-In East WaVverioSh, on :rend, the' wile of. Mr, Alex. •...1.)11C er'smi of a sOn, '• TAVI,Olta-On July' 2, th,.1111:8. 1110111as Taelor, of Mist Witekanosh of a ' sori. • • '• • •' • • f 1+14446+41+1444114411, 4444,11("1"14444++++++4444444.144.141 NO MARTIAL LAW, ELOISE E, SKIMINO$ GoDERicH CORRESPONDENT I ' +++++++++4"1"1**i÷l••14'i !1•14-14+++++++.,44,1+ • • On Friday week at Ridgewood Farm Foreman John ThollipSon and Assist- ant James Dunbar loaded, hauled, un- loofahdaeyd ianfi andputiutmuar,Ehdw wsays:evenitoeaen ird; average one and one half tons. Mr. Joseph Barry of London spent Sunday the guest of his father and sisters, Mr. and the Misses Barry. Miss Mary Amelia Campbell, late Of Toronto, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George Campbell Was married On Tuesday evening at the Catholic Cath- edral in Duluth to Mr. W. M. Haley of that city, the bishop of Duluth per- fortailig the ceremony. "The bride- wore a rick costume of royal blue figured velvet with hat to match. We wish them joy. Mr. Charles Humber won great praise for his rendering of " The Gar- den of Life" in North street church on Sunday Mr.S undayeventinevens of Plymouth, preached in Victoria street chzuirrchaonnd SMurnsdar,aresvoennsan evening. d their lit- tle daughter Effie of Loeclon 'were guests of Mrs. Richard Parsons of town im nthsisppassotn,.a week Mr. '.; of Marlton's crew, stepped upon a piece of wood at the island in which a sharp spike had been left. 'Hie. spike penetrated the. Tenter and their little son and deugh- foot, its whole length, and we fear he ter. may be laid up for some length of t. Peter's congregation held their time. Those, accidents seem -to come -0,11-7 n 1. ienie i the ha bor ark on just when people are most actively en- Friday Ta*.,p The day as aglorious one. Rev, rather McMenamin of Clin- ton, Rev. -Father Fogarty of Dublin and another clergyman were the guests that day of the Rev. 'Father West. They had a delightful tea and .a pleas- ing program was rendered by the pup- 1so1 St, Joseph's convent and music and recitations were the attraction, A. pretty are light illumined aim park. . The long, expected raft for Thontp, ii so's harbor sawm. ill 'was seen slowly snaking its way to our port On Fri- day p. m, and was brought in at 4 a, ni. on Saturdayby. two tugs. ..The whole raft comprises about 5,500,000 Toot, the greatest 'quantity of logs ev- er consigned -to this port, . . Miss Connie Spence left -last week to accompany her, father, Revenue In- spector Spence of Berlin, on his trip to.Toronto Where they will spend a few days.. Miss IVIaoVicar of.13arrie is home for her holidays. • Miss lhox of London 'is the guest of frieinls and relatives here:a • Mr. and Mrs. John Erninerton, Sr:, of Clinton were the guests of Mrs. J. W.. -Smith ort•Sunday last. Henri Jordan 61 Brantford is spend- ing his vaention i,n the old town. • Miss Jessie Thompson of the Berlin kindergarten is enjoying her vacation here with her parents. Miss Mtwara of London la spending her vacation with Mrs. John Macara, Mrs. (Rev.) Hamilton Wigle and family of -Winnipeg are the guests of Mrs. Wigle's mother, Mrs. Geo. Cox. Dr. Jukes Johnston spent Sunday at his summer residence. ' Mrs. and the Misses McColl left for Sault Ste. Marie on Saturday ev- ening. They will spend a few weeks there with Mr. McColl and Wilbur. Mrs. 0. Simpson left last week for a sresit to her sister at Sault Ste. Marie. Her brother, Mr. Bain, who is studying for the ministry, is spend- ing his holidays at the Pucks' with his father, Manager Bain, and sister Mary, who also came down r•ecently but has returned to the Ducks. . Miss Mackay of Rodney is stenogra- pher at the orgathfitctrary. Miss Vera Whitely has been aesiet- Mg her father, Dr. Whitely, during her vacation, in the surgery.. Master Fred, Brophy 15 spending his vacation with friends iv Mackinaw af- ter being for sonic time.the guest of Detroit relatives. • Judge Carpenter spent a three week' vatation here with Mrs. Car-. 1.,..1se 11 wo , Miss La Fay of Detroit was called away on Monday by the illtess 'of Ir -lends in that city, Miss La Fay had just arrived last week to spend her vacation • with her sister, 'Mrs: Saunderson. On .Tuly 2oth, to Mr, and Mrs. Ras - sell of Victoria street, a daughter, . Kingston street was lively -on • 'Fri-. day night._ The lawn. Tteituis chib..had .hop an Oddiellews' hall and King Edward's hotel had a' geaMoolione coacert. The windows and doors of both places were open and we feel gee- tain the ..dancers muet have. felt fhere was more music in the air than they tatgained. for. • About . midnight • the gramophone got tired and so the lancers had their Own- muitic all .. to themselves. It . Was a lovely cool ev- ening' for Emancipation, Day, 1st Aiig- 1st.' Refreshments- were served at mid- night.• Messrs. M. Macdonald • 'and Philip •Kieley got up the impromptu affair. , • >Heti'. _Maggie. MacKay of Toronto, accompanied' by • , her nephew,- .,1tIr.- golert MacKay of -the. same city,, are n• town, Mr. MacRay bas, -been quite a sufferer fax some. months• With some. etifTness'..of the joints. • • - • Mrs, Stulft-of Listowel is the: guest Iles. (Captain) .Willthightiv. of De-:""' of her sister, Mrs.•Na Beitrich. • roit and babe .are the guests . of...Mrs. •• Mise Edith Stull. after a. Pleasant V:s pa,rents, . Mr. and. lire:, q. visit with her aunt;' Mrs. N. Deitrich, Graham. ".• • • liii.s.,returned to her Urine .at Listewel: Mrs, Card, .Miss. Mina -and. Master M. R uggl and babe have returue,d #ilhert "eeturhed anaSaturdair .eveuing. to their hoine.at Florldale, accompan- roin their pleatmat trip tat iltuskegan ied by Mrs; Ruggio's .youngeat sister, purchase money may remain on whit- DEATHS. gage at 5 per cent. For particulars. CURRIE-,In Goderich tOwnship, hy epply to, T. BURNS; Carlow, STANLEY FARM FOR. SALE. As 1 wish to retire from farming I, offer to sell for $5,00° my splendid Too acre farm•situa.ted on the _Front Roecl, • X mile mit of Varna. 90 acres .clear- ed, so acres hard and soft wood btash. Good frame house with cellar, barn and shed. Good bearing:orchard, good water, hard' arid soft. A rare chance to get a fine farm theap. , Possession, given early in the fall. HENRY 1VIAKINS,- Varna P. 0. June xoth. • • TUCKERSM11.11 FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale that choice 550 acre farm. on the Huron Road, Tuckerstnitha one, mile cast of Clinton. New frame 'Mese with'. sum- mer kitchen first class bank barn; • drive ' shed, 'ben houSe, pig, pen, silo, two wells, windmill, and small or- . chard. The Bayfield river runs across back end of lot, Thirty acres of flats, the finest of. grass. land. 1.'his is. a splendid farm, well situated, • and will be sold on easy terms. . - ARTHUR. COUCH, Clinton June 9th. •• FARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE. South X of lot 15 and the north X of lot 14 on the Stli con, of the town- ship of Stanley are offered for• sale. The farm contains no acres, all clear- ed, in a good state of cultivation and well watered. There are two barns • cIrcisviiinia On August 3rd, Arthur, , ' son pf Mr. •Josepli,•Currie, aged 22 • BtrieNF,V1--In. Goclerich township, by • . drowning, 'on August 3rd, Fred., son of Mr. George Burnett, aged 2.'2 years, • MUTCH-In East Wasvaaosh, on ;rely .29th, "Mr. Rbbert •Mutch, Sr., aged J 76 years- and zo months. CAMPBELL -At 1VIOlessytirth,. on :July • 251,11, John Campbell,. in his' year. • • . • • , . Morris, op July 3oth, . Ideagaret' Hunter, relict of ,the late t josephGolley, aged 75 years. 7 4 .e - • - - 1 TEACHER WANTED. • e ' • I A second Class teacher 'lot S. S. •No.• 9, GOdcrich township, clutiee .conia • mace on August 18t11. ApplicatiOns received up • to August i5th. Personal t aPplications preferred. .' • • • • • t . ' GEO. HOLLAND, ' p Sec. -Treasurer. s Ifoltnesville, Augiist_.21.1d; 1e02; ' " , .c • , 1 , A.UCTION SALE OF FURNITURE. 3 • ' • .• • ' The undersigeed has been instructed i by Dr. Biaelcall to sell his household • effects by public auction at his resi- i donee On Albert' street. oxi, Saturday, 'August' 16th, at 2 p. ne. There will t he an :unreserved sale aa Dr, Blackall t is leaving Clintoa. • ' • . ind .Detroit, . . ' . : - • 'M'sis Florence Delleich. . '. a • . Barristar • and Mrs. Glasgow (Miss • Mr. 'Hays 'late of AshQd,*Who pur- Jian Macera) '01 Roenote, *A. est 1.r- rhs$ed (e', property of the late Mrs: gipia, are ependi trg their vacation •. in Duffy, has ternodelled the two beild- Faaan,e. , ' • .- .• . 'e •• ' Jogs, . Making one. residence' of thern Walker • Murray' who, 'drive% Mr R' and gettiut it mee painted. • , Cutts grocery wagon, • met • with .111e. .Fralik Sattoii .hee acetpted • a a serious accident 'Cm 'Saturday even a pciaitien at the • furniture factory. lig., The horse brOlte away from .the Frank but recently arriVed from Old - wagon, throwing Walker, out and in- liana. Lancashire. • . - . • • • tiring h.1111 by the fall.; He lay un- Mr,. 'And Mrs. J.7...11. Merritt of 011SC30115 at his home, which happened ' Loodon Sunday at '',T -be o be In 'that neighborhood, for th-ree Maples,'" reeidente Of Mr, „ead Mrs. • : , • , John .Salkeld. . .• 1:°.tuttrst. he •I'rtcognitiou Service there was • • 'Mrs. C. Belcher, Mr, J. DaCurry rind Mr, and Mrs. Curry, -who :arrived a grand rally .of the Baptist congregtia lay, 'evening: .1\lany ,froitt the other • hall mi.:recta: with their family ori. Saturday night; all went out -to the residemie of .their jolt at the teinperaitee. h • tt 1••1' Rev.C E•• ure esa a. tnc,a . Dena bereaved relativesMr. and Mrs. :Toe:. op of Clinton, Convenor .of the• Coen,' eih Curry, 'S•lindaY. evening and 11, preeidgcl, Saunders'• of rowed thern. in great grief. • ' . Mrs, WadditigtOit of Stratford spent astowel. read'. scriptural • selectione- fesis,:days in town the guest of lier iearing upon the-6tablishing 61 a new friends, Mrs. 41eIntosh a.hd her (laugh- Iiiirelt for the :WorShip . of God... Mr. ter, Mrs. Chaelie Reid. korge C.; Loree sang Most acceptably he • solo 1.! Pilot Arti‘" ma. Rev. Mr...Hamiltop preached most, Soaes, the present' pastor, in taking acceptably at Varna On Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Slcalitzky• have return -- he. platform said, he had .eeceived . eaue df. regreta•a6 the invitations e1:1 lr9.111. he .wedding . of the . tatter's brother at Preston.: ent out to . the different • toWns. and ities; among thein being Rev.. Elmore D McCormick, former,ly.. of Dune:omen' and , now of the .Central iarils D D Toronto and elergy-• rotel,• Hann, ton, is registered. with lier; from Gladstone, Kincerdine,. 'her dairgliter, Mies IVIcCotiniek (Tote Stratford, Guelph' 'arid • many other' tie) at the Saults House. ,Mrs., • Mce 'laces. • He thanked with lunch sincer-• Corrnick finds. Goderieh very quiet ty rill thosie who so Mildly Came tie ter• residing in Hamilton, assist both the clergy and laty • :anct . ntrothiced Rev.. W. E. Norton, super-., r.rMeset.90andsrBelnrst, AtinitliTnyhoSnkeariIiitozoliky.. ion! ntentlent of the Home Mission,Board,• 6 , the emaieme. •goataa, "lied Goderieli as the guests . Mr• and he " What .does • the • Mrs'. $7nlitzkY• ' . .• • • • 'lurch need those days ?" - )e Said good -preaching, for we have . PORT' ALB1f,RT... . • dents> of that ; it cannot ' be good ,Or- ganieationsi welieve Y. M. C. As- Mrs: 'Alex.. McNabb and son ;AV of ociations,', Y. W. C. Associations, l3bind ,Rivet are :visiting 'Hernia in Dorcas Societice,, W. C.' T. U., Ladies' *the Village at *present. • Aida and a whOle host more. of Christ- - Mr. W. 13. Hawkins is honie • from. an societies that he nated; and yet Ins trip to the. Soo and Blind River. re want seinething. We wane peWer Miss Alice E.. Hawkins,. who has oday, . Holy Ghost power, itot Win- been 'visiting her Mother for some nee itifluence never awakens the soul,. tont, left for. ,Detroit McAuley. . rutting activity into it. The Chtirch... • Mr. Cunningham; who has beeti as, he said, many pOeverhil preachers iting. his Uncles here left for his home D. DICKINSON, Auctioneer. 1 August 5th.• WANTED. and • stabling and •.a frame dwelling TreOpo, 1,200 ffutobor, il•wever, oyee. iiirn Strikers in tins Town of Bison- andosh-,-Forolgueri Aro Slanted, Shenandoah, l'a,, Aug. 1.-TweiVe hundred state troops were camped last night on a hill overlooking Shenandoah. Down in the town, where raiders and policemen fought the bloody battle Wednesday night, all is diet, and the indications are thheatpese.ocolongas of tchonimmittlintlitay wll not again be bra -ken. Ten thousands of idle men and boys in this vicinity who bad been gathering in largo numbers and 'xi:welling from place to place, did not repeat their, demon- strations yesterday', and the author- titufivn.sx ctoons0e0o.viently had little or no: - The major portion of the Impute.. tion here is made up of foreigners, and, as a rule, they kept elose to their homes during the day. It is claimed by the citizens of the tow, that, the foreign element were solely responsible for the trouble. Can-. trary to popular belief Shenandoah is not under martial law. ' The mine workers are greatly in- censed ' over the Oalling out of the troops. They assert that the action was entirely unwarranted and is an unjustifiable expense en the state. Of the twenty or thirty persons who were beaten with clubs or struck by bullets during Wednesday night's rioting. one man, Joseph Poddall, died last night at 10 o'clock. . Most of the wounded strilsers " that they were merely Onlookers. The district attoroeY and the slier - 'all those who participated' the irfflote:re prosecuting an investigation, with a view of placing under arrest PissIdent•Mitohs11, 'rkialnigi. , • Charleston, Aug. I. •-• Preaident John Mitchell has been enioined by a coal Company that blanup, the strike for its inability to fill • con- tracts. Coercive Ineasures on Part of. 'strikers is prohibited. ' . . . . . • SUSS AMY' WILiON., • FlasAot Yet Boon Pound -Local Ocipstablo • AsksProvinolai AssIstamoe, , ' *tfanliaoh, Aug:. 1. -High Constable ThiSS has asked the Attorney-Ceaer- alie Department to send a provincial detective'here to work on the case of Miss . Amy Wilson, the . 1 9 -year-old . girl who • inyster•iouely . disappeared. from here. The ...girl. disappe.ared . while her mother was on a visit to a neighbor • less. thana1.00 'yards away; In. her 'room. was found a. rather strange. document, to the effect • that she expected to be kidnapped,- and which wee published at the time . ' Frank Collins and John Davis of. .•ThincIns state that they sew hers in !' the ;other who '. the •litfle giel was 1 . 'Miracles between ,5'.80 , tied. 6. o'cloelc . a of Tuesday oi' last week. .0lie .tiered • • with . Amy • Wilson. 13othepersons knew 'Miss Wiltion Well. , • . • . ., It haa been leiti•ned that Miss \Nil- • son fete .beers ambitiotee to beitmee •a; Manager °twine large -poultry ,fritIll• in the United States, and. she went so .far as to. est....her niothcr • _if they 'Would ; all o her to 'go away if 'she' secured a good position.: ' in'the last iesae. of 'The, Dreptleu' .Advotttiey poultry- -and- dog., papers theee 11 RA article on 'poOltry • and, eggs., -eigned: . by 'Miss -Wileoh...• •In the same Palley was Miss, Wilson's ,adyertiaementa 111, whit:11-.0o offered; her •fancy •stock ; at cut .yet her father says • .she ma, only re-entered the phickep nese • in May. This advertisethent. Might go' to • show • that Miss -Willson •Conteniplated leaving. these .farts, A nunther doctors think ehe, be- came insane, and ..Wellt to woods. . tots 41, lc tr. 44'0 3:4. ft bg., ' • . • • • • • — • • , Firs at reeevetaet esecie a nide. eweep Newstadt, 'en .1.4•AWnsgil.ac.3-11*Ariti171141.•0;2;lo. ek 1 yeeterday• Morning fire broke out at ..13inkley• .13ros., • foundry. A • strong 'Whitl was blowing' at • the' time and the .fire '50011 'reached the aciloierng' . A sawndfl,' ehing;Ie-mill, foundry and dwelling house belonging • to, Ilinkley Brae, were • como lately 'd e- stroyed. About .o'elocic IlYteas embers *Set •,•aire• .Lo Sta.1/it" and. • 11; dive! iig :honse of Pool hli abont ' a, quarter of a. Mile from. the .first ' fire, 'clestroyingsboth, two hogs being burned to death.. 13iekley Bros.' loss will be $8,000,' insured for al.,600. .Mr.' Miller's loss is about 8800, with insurance, The firemen . from 'may brought...over their fire engine, • • -and did good work in protecting sure rotualing buildings, .11111101101111.11111.111Niralhili MARKET fl VOUS. Itavorpoei ea a Xfoliclar 'rill To490415.., , abeptoinhoz Groin options llighot ; 1 ot t/nosatloos. nall tin Tues:anytu.rdar. Evening, Aug, 2. exchange valley urei the marker -will 'wt. There was a hvlIday at Liverpeot Corp, ,otitt:pm,teti;. btu. grata eetteno were higher . kola yesterday, Sept. cora 1,M,c and Sept., r..11,1cago to day. Sept. wheat advanced yet! New York' ...... WA 741 74% cotel.04.4...;),I.M1 WILE 4.1` rnIrfo.41.ti•groaWnitl4whaert7t tchAterek)ssi(inlo18:-Aila.rtip:::::1). 7 09% ,NNoo., 11 liNttgil.Q..)!..1.1' 7311, 0us 11.:(2•44.. - orioxro r. 1....4.W11.KNC140 M.h.tIKEIrd %rain- ti,mriicatt. hush ........50 75 to 50 80 , Wheat, white, bush.- 0 75 0 84. , t, goose, bush 0 IT !".± , 011 ti:ttb, us :ring., bush „, 0 78 Baxley, 1:1)11415114 ..... uo :atk ; nye, hush 0 84 . 7, tray and straw- 0 rani .• • Hay. per toe ...... 5108 5002 to :18 005 ; 0 52 0 52 fray, new, per ton 10 50 12 00 1 ' Never, per ten . „ 8 oet- Straw, loose. per 'ton 5 00 Straw, 'sheaf, per ten 11 00 ..,, I Wrong and Vegetables- :oeiltnen:VoitivoyPs,0_;retiS),,z1 r bash..5000254000 to 560.: it C.Obage, pe,r -dos 0 fie' 0 74 ; • tcl , pair .. (4.1zzi.(71‘ rear •86g1) to. 511 00 1 Chickens, per Mill' 00 oln!uirrylcarrs,r4pzilcbe_ 0 10 0 12 50 10 to 50 18 • )eltctigtste,r;o1111,)_,Iayag.isa.clz 103.1 1.4 LtVla sr0o1o8K. • 20- -- Ilecetpts of live stock were light, 29 car- loads, composed of 419 cattle, 421. hogs, 630 sheep and lambs, with SO calves. ishifixxeorrat Csaotitille--aCt boolceolosttotimos of meaberuvulY • mporters $5.50 to $5.75 pet cwt. idxport Bults-Cholce beery export bulls sold at 55.25 to 55,00; light export bulls • MI5 to tr.,5 per cwt. Export 'Cows -Export cows sold at 54 to 14,6o per cwt. Butchers' Cattle -Choice Waked loth of ' butchers' cattle, equal In quality to best exporters, 1190 to 1350 lbs, each, sold at 45.00 to •55.85; choice picked lots of abltist.erilaelu;141', all:Merest 413naroat5e5e.14Ta. 9-00perto :1w0t2.9 WO of goad butchers .sold at 54,50 to 55.; loads of inedlum butchers, 54.40 to 14.4; common butehers' •cows,• at 52.75 to 53.50 per ort. Exporters and Butebess. Mixed -Loads of Inbred bluchers end ' exporters sold at 54.60 to 55.26 per cwt. Feetlers--he(lne)sr.s: easreebe,rss,olecielaztliins4g4frc.rotani :1:400;7) i05. a:toe Ptkoiror 1100soLe Nki tt; 'evil, 'thrifty young steers. lbs. melt, are •worth 53 to 53.25 , per cwt.;. steers, 81111 to - 900 each, are worth' $3.50. to 53.75 per cwt,; off-color, ill•bred steers and heifers are -worth about • ea..ao to $2.15 per cwt. , saheb Cows-41rh COWS and springers . Irgill'Ieti--7,4)111.455:1001(let111Vib to 510'.eitch, 'er Mtn $ to $5.00 e'er ewt. • ' • • amine, rannes-serree iambs- are wortri, $17- per rn't l's,r;!,1.1.e01:1-wyrti)eneetts5341.1,04o.ri$3i06053.er cwt,. for .• 1I;. --Best select Nicoll hoes net hies . etalreich1111:ts10 g1140)13d. tl n.nailtr 17.20 v'tehrauc72t0.0: 143. 54,59 to 15'0"]),4' Ilgs474 per cwt. "1: r ' I? (1,4. cr.ts :1(ft KT: . , •East • lied do, • ',tile. 2.-cattie-ne.eetpts; 115 ; good- cattle, 'atenil,y; . connuptt;: vetY reafa, 'steady: tops, 57.80 To. ' it7.75f fidr. to .gboil, P.25 to 57; cow on 14111;1;frils-.-t' fir.;1;itt c4;,11;2;4g0v41.81sieL3;.315)10tNov 51:14 .10a • to • t;••,.; irtwex; heavy, $7.05 to 58; mixed, 1,7.00 to 57.03; Yorkers,: $7.bri. to. 57.90; 11„,ht 1 4 at) s g weak -45113S156% rt16118' 5•1' • giT's. ,1000,, !ttlters 511(2)13'; top itit't(1111US_, 143115.72d fair 10 .goo< . 50;25 to 55,tio; •culls tcr conunoni .54.23 t.o. 55; • readings; ' 54.75 to 55.251 wethees, • 54,75 to 55; . sheep; top 15!"11.21lt' c5,14ill3s0 to ifair t24.25gootod, 101.5(Ti •HR es, 54.25 to 54.50. • • nit t r sit CA 11Altith,"f, lAntden, ,2,--4.1ve cattle, Steady, at, 1.1.1/4c to 1.1,W,c; refrigerster boar, 1.1%e . pee 10, . . • ;WIRE; 91111.1.11ce.:N iN gUnisito, • . . Ontario 5howiti Decrenso in 100alatioa,• " • oi•infantl.. • ' • Ottawn„,..Auga: 2. --The • census de- .' Partment has. termed a -bulletin on • . 'ages, Which. shows that 0)06 • .are.. More children under -IIVe years -- Itt Onehee then' M Ontario-, although • • the. iatteis ie- oneethird larger in -pop- - tilation than Quebec... • •.. Since 1871 there has been 'a. re- merkable'rriecrease in the population .of infaete•ia. petal*: .end.Drince. • yard Island'. • • . • „ • • • The provinces elle:wing the /argest, . proport ioe Cr 70 - years are • Prince Ed ward. Island, Nova Scotia; New "Brunswick and' Oritatio. 'Thirty ' out • •of ;every thbusand in • Canada are Moine ,over 70 years of age, and 28 are children • up to 9, years. The ' largest proportion of Children under 10 is in the Nprtnwest, with Quebec . and Manitoba closely folloWing, ' i house. Two good bearing Orchards. mile froxn school and 2 miles froth, • • • t chureh and postoffice. For further, General Serva.nt.. Apply to • • particulars apply to • , , MRS, S. McINTYRE, ,IVIRS. MALCOLM D." MeTAGGART. 1.1 Henson. Clintor. 'Sul 23td June and, "1 OUR GREAT CLEARING SALE Grows more interesting every day. Never in the history of our big store have we offered such bargains as we are giving during this sale. We are clenring out the balance of our stock regardless of cost to clear. Our space will not, allow 115 10 quote priced in every department. Below we quote a few prices which will give you an idea of the terrific reductions you may expect if you visit this store early and often. Remnants of Dress Goods in 2 and 5 yard lengths, in Meek and colored cashmeres, serges, instres, venetiane, broadcloths and fancy dress goods, worth from 25c to $1.25 per yard, all at half price to clear. Ladies' Gloves in silk taffeta and lisle thread, in odd lines and Eh. es, in shades of tan, slate, brown, navy, hlaek, nit•hlood and drab, worth from 20e to 500 per pair, your choice for 10e per pair. • Men's Snspenders, made to sell at 20e, for Sc-, Men' heavy Cotton Socks worth I0e, 4 pair for 25e, Ladies' Sailors, with blacli and colored hands, from 25e to $1, at hall pt:ice. Ladies' Trimmed Hate, filial $2.50 to $0, all this season's goods, at half price. Ladies' Parasols, rrt black and fancy eoldri and etripes, from Mc to $3, all at half price, Men's Suite, in single and eoubie twenstea tOnle, !Strictly up•to. date, Shorey's make, at 24) pet cont. off. Boys' Suits in greet variety, at half price. We will be pleesed to have you come and look through out stock, 1 1 1 1 1 cQ Mciaki4NON & CO. EiLYTH A0414§AMMOVAMOSAMOVVIAMMAA~OW"M•414444MONOWWWW4 till of magnetism, but when they are thhe week at Toroutio. gone their influence !is dead. 'rhe good Rev. Mr. Softly of Toronto eiliciat- ANADI N .organizationg keep the people swinging ed here an Sunday moraing in the like the pendulum of a clock, but they English church. . must have the power that only Christ Rev, M. M. Golliberg. Will preach a. can give. Some churches think that , coronation sermon on Sunday morning PAO FIC numbers have peat influence. Others next at 55 o'clock, thirik that social standitig has great .20,000 Farm . influence and some think that weelth has its influence. The next speaker ' was Rev. C. 11. Emerson of Mount Vorest, who is quite ail original in his way. Ile wished them Always to remember who they were, " sons of Laborers LA13ORERS world." He extended the hand of fel- • God without rebuke," ".lights in the , - - lowthip - to, them.. He gave4 this - '- charge to th 1 Excursions child for tee." Ile told them always e church here "'Train this .-WANTEP . toremember their own pure spiritual- • ity, Miss 13eatrice McColl was then culled up•on to steg a. solo winch she dict in it rieli contralto voice, Rev. Mr, Dunlop said that between the student and his teacher there were ties of veneration, love and sometimes Lear and that he had the pleasure of calling oft his old revered teacher „bvvho in his sehool days he called Professor IlIcQuarrie and would invite him to give an address by the same title, /It •theii called oir the deacons, Messrs. „Tames E. Lewitt, Mex. Clutter, and Duncan Cameron, to come forward. Rev. 11, McQuarrie then gave an act., dress and confirbied the deacons in their . work whiell Was to assist the pastor, not to jiidge him, but to help him. He teed the 3rd verse Of the Acts of the Apostles : • " Wherefore bretherit look ye out among ye for $even men of hawk report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint, over this business," Ile also read that " the pastor and ilea. • SECOND OL.a.SS Will be etin to stations On C. P. ft. in Manitoba and A Rein iboia West,. South-west and' North- Weet. of Winnipeg AS far • ae Moosejaw,Hstevan and ' Yot.kton, On A1101.1ST 25ST from all statious iii Ontario 011 Male. Line Toronto to Sarnia and North, 'except North of Toronto and Cardwell Jet, Ofte-way tickets to Winnipeg only Will be sold, with a certificate extend- . ing the trip, before .A,:igust.,32st, with- out additional cost,to other points • in Manitoba and Assiut:dada as above. If purehasers engage as farm laborers at Winnipeg, providing such farm lab- orers will work not lees than 30 days at harvesting, and produce certificate to that eflect, they will be returned to original starting poitit at $28, on or before Nov, 3oth, 1902, Tiekets not good on " Imperial Lim- ited." Pot further particulars atid tickets apply iCk nearest realway agent, A. XL NOTMAN, • Asst,,Geni• Pam, At., Toronto, 'DONNYBROOK. . The wet weather'. has delayed hay- ing, which will be finished up this week. . • Mrs, John Thompsonvisited at. Mr, .Edward Plowman's on 'Sunday, ' Mrs. T. Wallace 'went to Markdale last week. to visit, friends; Mr. T.oin Callan of Adierta. is. visit - jag Mr. John Craig on his way home from South Africa where he fought for Ring and eountry. Mrs. Geo. Beadle is on the sick list, Fall wheat cutting is the order of the day. Mr'. Will, Crosier of Ashfield visited at Mr. john Chataney's on Sunday. Mr. • J. rlynn has finished up this year's franthig. Ile heal, a 'busy sea- son, • Mr. .7, Harrison i5visiting at' Mr. W. H. Campbell's for a week. Mrs, John Ctimingliaree of Illarkclaie has returried home after spending it rupiah with her brother, Mt, Geo. Wallace. Mr. Mid Mrs. R. rianigan of Dun- gannon 'visited at Mr. Edward Plow- man's on Sunday, Mr.' C. Anderson of South Africa is on a Visit to his brothers, Messra. and X Anderson of the eth coneetsion of Wawanosh. Mr, T. Robb and sister Aithie of Ilurou towitship are visiting at Mr, eons could •orily be the husband of ohe Saliba . wifeln so that it woilid ae, incumbent Mr. Robertson of Ooderich addtes- on, ,otie of the threeeefeTv deacots to kit the Donnybrook League on Sett - get married as gitiekly an possible. day eveerlit'aftd gave a clever andiab- Revs. 13aniel and Anderson spoke brief- le address 011 the Pledfld of tflo d the latter proncnlileed titelea ue biction. There was it large number of " ThnitIPSen spent Sunday at elitists present from outside places, Xt.. William nallif°r(1'9, • ; • • • • .A.ilsr11•at.i.2. 11 irot nisasvEn. 149 31111151% Itsscoetl,. 100 5(111 Entotnbeti,. . 27 11ndlen itecover,43.-, . SYd•ney, Atg 1.7-An explc- , . '.g. y oo ti has occurred at the Mt. Klinlai co l- lfeiesry at Wollongoag, a poirt forty aniles. from Twenty-stven hod have been recoveed. The bend- ,. ings at, the noeth of -the pit were wreeiced.. • One hundred. , and f orty- nine miners were tesened, .but it hun- dred. are •still tatombed. It is feared their release is hopeless. A portion' of the colliery is on fire. • • • • IVionian Starragti in A. mortars. London, Aug. la-Echaund Barton, ?Honer Of Australia, replying •lo ' deputation a Womai) eulfragists, beaded by Lady Henry. Hornet eet, aaid the . out look for . woman suffietge was excellent theoughout, tlie Attetralian Commonwealth. , The• succor: the nievement had already met seitli four out of the SIX. States prat:aged the uitininte adoption 01 :the .systein throughout the 5711010 reiteration, he Amid, Lincoln's Ltas. Crow A, story of, Abraham Lincolk„would have to be older than the one below to lose its characteristic savor. In the summer of 1857 Mr. Lineoln Was !Sitting in his office when be Was , visited by one of his neighbors, an ex- . eellent farmer, but one inclined to in- . crease the size of his •trOpri even after • barveSting. Ile hadgiVen on this per. titular Morning a skillfully padded no. Count of the hay be had put in. • "I've been tutting hay, too,» remarked Mr, Lincoln. "Why, Abe, are you farnting?" . Yes. "What yoU raiser" "Just hay." •:;;- "Good crop this year?" "Nxcellent," !Vow many tons?" "Well, I don't kuoW Plot how tunny tOns, Simpson, but my men stacked all they could outdoors and then stored the rest In the barn."-.Youtlill Com- panion, • itrof, llobartsnien 1:114 • •• rifontreai, • Aug. 4. -7 -Professor: Rob- ertson, Dominion DevirY ComMissien- er, and ,71r. Pletcher of the Experi-. mental Fatten; .left laSt evening for the Maritime Provinces. While Mr, Robertson is niathe east. he will cote - t wi t h ..t he ' superintendents 'of ed- ecation -in Ne,w Brunswick, . .Nova • • with a, view to. a selection • Of the • • 'Sites lor the' theee consolidated rural Lower, provincem out of the 'fund proa sehools; to be it.st.ith.li.s.hed ' the vidrd by Sir William. McDoneld. • , rete awful End.: • Durli'e Falls:Aug. 4. -While rapid- - ly • wheeling down Yolige. street. on • Fridey • night, ist inst., • Walten 'Burk., j'oung 'man; son of lkfr.'fl 1.", Burk. .ex-postimiSter, •deceasecL•' ron into . teams of horses, striking the whillIetrees, and was thrown VIP-, . lenity itnder the. wagon, . sastaining ter ethic boa HOS. His bowel's . and -chest, were badly torn, 'and "tWO of the wagon wheels passed ever 'him. The unfortunate men died. Saturday night at 6.30 p.m., never recovering front the shock. Mentrialty Yet .Steata, New York, Aug, 1,,„. --Mayor LOW has . issued it statement In which he says., he has been enthorized by the New Volk Central Railway to say that if the eity will approve, the change') whl h the company urielies to make rtt the Grand Central depot, it will tindortalce to substitute electricity Ion steam, not only for its Stibtlrhatt, but alSo for its .1.11.rough traffic. let-rre4: 1,nr- New York, g. 1. -Mayor Low has teem rl a matelot et le which he $ays lu.s n ettillorized by the Nev York reioral Railway to say that if Alt 1;ty . aoprore the that/pa h the emm•any wishes to make at lir.. Grand Coulee depot-, ft will 1.:11`a. taka, ertledittile eleetricity ;or st. Orr orr'e for i t Ptiburban hut ait:o for its theough Scotia. and., Prince ledward qtatind, • IT PAYS TO AnmitTzsn XN TU IMWS-1Z.K0111)4