HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-07-31, Page 84 Better Business • never had in the month, of July than in the month just closed. August must see no back- ward steps and each week we will print in these columns Dry Goods news that will be of profit and. interest to every dry goods buyer in reach of this store. This week Parasols get the most attention and the news we have to tell of therm ought to be interesting reading whether you had thought of buy- ing one this season or not.. Remarkable Parasol Prices For August Remarkable prices that can't help ;bringing remarkable business. Prices that are only possible because we bought them very cheap. Not a parasol in the whole.hundred but is absolutely reliable in every way and priced much below its real worth. Even if you had intended putting off the buy- ing of a Parasol until next season it would pay you'and.. pay you well to buy one of these now : . PARASOLS AT 75c Usually Sold at $1 and $1,25 Ladies' Black Parasols, good quality sateen and Austrian gloria tops, will not cut or lose their culoi; 'minuted on. strong, firm steel rods, natural wood, black or born nandlee, regular $1 and $L25 valuedrepecial bargain at each ..T5 PARASOLS AT $1.00 • Usually Sold at $1.35 and $1,50 Because we bought them cheap we can effect this saving for you. Gloria tops, steel rods, hollow ribs, horn arid natural wood handles, also a few blacks in the lot; special: price .0 PARASOLS AT $1.50 Usually sold. at $2 _ to $2.25 Less than 20 Parasols in this lot, silk and wool tope, will not change their color, strong frames, steel rods, horn and poi- 150 ished wood handles, for August sale, each ■ $2.50 Parasols at $1.65 Less than a dozen of these, exceptionally good quality, tops that will not Cut or turn rusty, extra strong frames, steel rods, Dresden and pearl handles, worth every pennyof $2.50 special for August a 1.65 White Wais.ts $1 We have just a dozen White Waists left .'They sold. at $1,25, $1,50, $1.75. All are this ' season's goods, just now we would rather have the $12 than the 12 waists so on Saturday you can take your choice for one. dollar. 12 Ladies Wh Shirt ti gists, made from fine lawn •' and muslins, trimmed with insertion and tucking, latest styles, good quality, last of our $1,25; $1.50' and $1.75, choice on Saturday, each one dollar. ' E Ca'+ NTO T' 8-, ECQRD Cheap Reading We have about three hundred paper cover books to sell at IOC and x5e; An Embroidery Speela1: for August 100 yards of dainty embroideries at 8e a yard ..: Here is the best.endbroidery 'news of the season, double the price would be, near tbeir real value,. Over 400 yards Cambric and cin Embroideries and Inser- tion'', firm, strong-edges,on good materials, tvf11 wash and wear well, regular 12ie,15c and 20c, special for the first week of August, per yard•' See them in the window. Those 95c Skirts They are in 'size what is called x6 otos, that is about 5x7 inches. They are well printed on good pap- er. .A. few are illustrated. just the• style for summer reading, The list is a good one, all sorts of books in this edition. We will give you three of the ten cent line er two of the fifteen cent line for twenty, five cents; Ain't it cheap reading.! If. yott want something better for a gilt or library ask for our 25c. Each stock in cloth binding. Standard authors .and modestly, ornamental. The August magazines are replete with good stories, some serials, verse and comment on current events. Visit our news stand and inspect them; • Agents Parker's Dye Works. The Wt! D1 Fair. Uo, Often the Cheapest,•Always the. Best. About o «HERE THEY ARE People ORS WHERE THEY ARE GO010 We Know Dr. Thomipson was called to I,ucan professionally on Saturday. Miss Box of Seaforth was the guest of MYliss Annie Bowe over Sunday. Mrs. William .Allan and family of Toronto are visiting relatives here. Mrs. 'rhos Dunford ot• Brussels is the guest of her son, Mr. James Dun - ford. Mr, j: C. Stevenson is a .guest at Mr. . Cunninghaxn&s cottage on. the lake shore. Mrs. Alf, Barge and children are. spending „a fortnight with friends in. Goderich. ' Mrs. Wm. McLeod of Scaforth 'was the guest . of Mrs. Robt. Downs this past . week. ' 'Miss. Maggie Gordon returned to her home in Seaforth after visiting. Mrs. John Ireland. Mrs. • E. Howard and mother, Mrs. Tait of Exeter are the guests of Mrs. Carling this week. • Miss. Florence Harwood of London; is' omeo of uncle, . visiting •at the h Mr. Geo. A. Rorke. Mrs. ' D. B. Kennedy. and . her guest, Miss Carson of Caledonia, are visit- ing friends in Blyth today. Mrs. T. W. Hawkshaw and her daugh- ter, - Miss, Merta, are•the guests o'i her sister, Mrs. J. 13. Hoover, Mr, and Mee. J. B. Hoover and Rev..- * Nr; Dunlop atteinded the Baptiste convention held in Goilerich.on Tues- • MidssyE..Carson .of Caledonia is the. guest of • Mrs. D.`B. Kennedy with whom she will spend part of her - holidays., Miss Marie Kestle of the Methodist •parsonage at Stirton was the guest for a few days last week of . MTs. . Geo.Rorke. Mrs, Albert Downs of Toronto, who has been visiting, friends here for ' the past two weeks, left on Wednes- day for Port Elgin.. • Rev. A. Mahefy and wife and 'little. daughter Jean. of Port ; Elgin are visiting at "The Maples", the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Watts. Messrs. Thos. and Peter Glazier of Hallett 'left on Tuesday for Tetuis kerning. They were booked to their. destination by Mr. H: .E: Hedger's. Mr. Samuel Townsend, who withhis another has taken up house in. Clin- ton, is credited by his friends. with having "covetous eyes on the post office." 111r. • Duncan McEwan called on his cousin, Mrs. Carling, on his way to his house in Hensall on Tuesday last. Mr.Melwan left Calgary, Alberta, last January and went with the Canadian Mounted' '; Riflemen to :fight for king, and country in South Africa. Mr. and Mrs. :W S. Lawrence leave this week for a driving trip which will extend to the county of Oxford and perhaps a considerable distance further In this way •Mr. Lawrence puts in a portion of his holidays and with his esteemed better half has had some . very enjoyable trips. Mr. John Crooks• went up :tc" Goderich on Tuesday totake charge of Hod - o gen's Bros. store in that town until the . return of Mr. P. R. Hodgens from the Coast. Mr: Crooks is a good salesman and a genial and ster- ling young man,. so is a valued member of the firm's stair. Mrs. W. L Clucas and her little dau- ghter, Miss Dorothy, of St. Louis, Missouri, are guests of Mrs. elutes' brother, Mr. W. D, Fair. Mrs. Clu- cas, who as Miss Dolly Pair was one of Clinton's most popular young ladies, will spend a week or so a- mong friends in town and adjacent thereto. There were nearly 175 of these skirts when we .started selling them last Saturday awning. Now there are only a few of them left and this week should see the last of them. • If you have not got one do not miss this chance to get a new.. summer skirt for less than half its value ; LAW fancy duck and pique Skirts, well made all this season's good'' have not been in the shop two weeks worth all the way from $1.25 to $2.50, clearing at your choice for. New French Flannels 5 French Flannels for fancy waists promise to.be more fashionable than ever this season. • Certainly we never had prettier patterns than the lot that carne in last week, They are the advanced guard of our fall purchases. The qualities are good, patterns new, they come in short r lengths and the price is Fifty Cents•a yard. • An August Print Bargain These are the best prints made.. No culls, no seconds but all standard cloths and good patterns. We've got a bargain for August buyers and there is a straight saving of 2ic 'a yard on every yard you boy. If you are likely to want any prints for six months to comae you should take all you will need of . these : 600 yards best quality English Printe, full 82 inches wide, soft clothe, fast colors, good, patterns, sold all over the land at 120 a yard, for the first wee sale et your choice per yard k In'.&tignst we put this lot on A New Fall Suitings It may be a bit early to talk tall goods but sotrle . new dress suitings came to hand last week and if for any reason you want anew suit early you eau get new goods if you oornes here. Cbeviots, Broadcloths end Mixtures per yard $1,t$L211 and *LSO llodgens Bro July. Slst,1902 A Great Building Sale WILL COMMENCE SATURDAY, AUGUST 2nd AT NEWCOMBE'S In,a few weeks the builders will have possession of the larger part of our store. Walls' will be torn down, the front will be enlarged and the'whole interior!,• of this store and the ono now occupied by A. J. Holloway will be made into one which will be, when finished, one of the largest and finest stores in the county. As you . well know it will be impossib10 to crowd our large stock into the smallespace the builders will allow us, so what what we want you to do is to come and take the goods away and Kell pay you well for it. This will be an opportunity to buy the very finest Dress Goods, Silks, Prints, Muslims, Parasols, Hosiery, Underwear, Corsets, Etc., at ONE THIRD and ONE HALF regular price. These are a few of the many bargains to be found here during our Building Sale, Great ' MODESBAZARGLOVESoy'. BargainsFOR OUR FITTING PATTERNS BUILDING SALT In Shirtwaists • 60c, 75c and $5c Shirtwaists at 38c Ladies' Shirtwaists of white la.wu, colored percale and black sateen, the colored waists are all warranted fast and come in assorted tlesigns,they are all new this season, regular prices were 60c, 75c and '85e, all on sale at one price, each 08c 79c and $1 Shirtwaists. at 55c ' 5 dozen white lawn Shirtwaists, all mtule in newest' styles, all trimmed with lace and in- sertion, assorted sizes, regular prices were. 79e and $1, Building Sale price 55c $1.2$, $1.35 and $1.50 Shirtwaists at 85c Ladies' Shirtwaists made of very fine white lawn, some trimmed with embroidery inser- tion and tucks others with lace insertion, tucks, etc., some with tucked stock collar, Regular Price 15e During Building Sale price will be for Any Pattern e.i ".''� ; , 10c each LACE COLLARS AT $x. Your choice of about one dozen others linen collar,all are very good values at our regular price's $1.25, $1.35 and•$1.;50, of our finest lace We are anxious to get the room so during Building Sale the price will be each 85c collars in cream $1.50 Linen Waists and $1:85 White Waists at $1.15 and linen color, '1hese .are all ' Two dozen of very fine linen batiste Waists .trimmed with lace insertion and tucks, also white lawn Waists with embroidet'y insertion trimming. and tucks down front .ancl new this season' back, our regular prices are $1,50 and $1,85, all at one price for Building Sale $1,15 and are the .finest we have ever had for the $3 Shirtwaists at $1.95 $2.50 Shirtw gists at $1;65,:" money, prices are $1.50 All made of very fine white lawn. some with tucks and hemstitching and lace triminin , • to $1,95,all atone price otherswith plain :embroideryinsertion and tucks, $3 Waists at $1.95, $2.50 Waists $1:65 : • .during sale Here's the Biggest Bargains We .Have. Ever Given in Wash Goods • 121A0 Prints and 15c Muslins :at 8%c • 400 yards' of 12z.c Priuts; and odd lines' of 1.Sc Muslins, ..L prints. orricii.in red,navy,black & white and lightshades,. all are fast, colors, regular piice.is •122c, all at one price -r to clear during,Building Salo • 8%c Black Scotch Muslins' 250 and 35c qualities at 15c; 200 yards of genuine Scotch Muslins [imported by. Us this seasons in a' fine assortment of the new, lace .effect, regu- Goods that our regular prices were up to 30c; . W e lar . p: ices were 25c and 35c, Building Sale price will be 15c want to clear this line out at once and have marked $2.50 TABLE CLOTHS AT $1:50 • •2t -yards long Table Cloths, Made of pure linenNand bleached, elegant designs. On account of them being slightly. damaged we place thein on sale at each $150 with lace effects. The colors are.. all •warranted by :w14., be makers• to be fast dye, regular Iirices.were 30c mid. 35c •This store willclose'1`IoliZday,�.Atig. 4"th, but wwI_ Building Sale price will be; 15c ' open all day 'Satufday, ''Aug. 9th Odd lines of se and x.00 Prints at 5c Your. choice of about 150 yards of Priuts in navy with. white stripes and figures, also light and dark colors that are warranted fast,regular values are 8c and 10c, Build- ing Sale: price is 5 3oc Giughains, Muslins, etc., at- 100 400 yards of 27 to 30 inch' wide G.ingllams;,liItislins, cite:, .. in a good assortment of colors, some •sta'ipec,others flancy. . designs. ' This is a very choice lot of •.the newest Wash • .. • them for Building Sale at per yard . • Our.Finest 35c Wash Goods at 15c 300 yards of our finest colored Muslins, also plain Linen, Miss Graham, who is the guest of Mrs, •.R: P. heckle, favored the congrega- tion of Willis church with a 'solo at . Sunday evening's service. 'Miss Gra- ham. is otte•of the leading soloists of St. Thomas and those citizens of • Clinton who have heard her once are glad of anotiter opportunity. of list- ening to this popular soprano. • Mr. J. 'A. Pont of Woodham Was 'the guest of Mr. W. H. Newcombe this week. He but recently returned from taking a course in the training school of the Dry Goods Economist of New York where the most up-to- date methods prevail, Mr. Ford- is a younger brother of Mr. R. S. I'`ord of Petrolea, who is not only a leading merchant in the oil town but one of the most progressive business men itt that pert of the province, Mr. Smith itilty of Dryden, Mich., has been spending a few days with Chilton friends. Be •catne up from Hillsgrecn where he spent a week with Itis sister, Mrs. Thos. Farqu- har. This week he goes to Delhi to assist his brother, Rev. 0, M. Itis• - ty, for a eouple of weeks. The lat- E ter, we all regret to learn, is not. yet in robust health anti' was in con- '"`• sequence compelled to decline the M parish of Ciandeboye which the bish• .v op offered hint, lay the way, tar, M Smith I i1ty is also engaged hi church work and has charge -of a A 25 per .cent. discount will be .Given on all Lace Curtains During. Building Sale: 1 Curtains for 75e .• 1.50 Curta iris for $1.13 • 2 Curtains-for..$1.50, Ee: If will. -pay you to buy your Cour. tains now and here There are several hundred pairs to choose . from and. all. in'the newest` designs.. r' r �r 9rt mini PTi r9rtrifimiti914t1r frtIr 9rntmtrt fr?IrlitiltiM ��ti9199191r1lrirr9!l9911�19rhr11rT19P191.7lr99P9919tP!l.f991i$f 94199199 :!f rP 1 ! iS law Ow. • r • • 'Tw jilaviti*iiii..CLiNTON •issiou at Dryden. He looks exceed BRAS. • ako August a bus LI TON' 411 44 144.1 16 0 We are going to offer you a lot of Good Bargains in Summer Goods that you cannot afford to miss. We would rather have the money than the goods just now. A lot of Boys' Coats at 69c worth $t. ,Boys' Summer Knickers at 25c worth 40c Men's D. B Summer Vests at $1.50 worth $3 Men's Tweed Pants at $1.40 worth $2 Men's Straw Hats at Haf Price And.Cut Prices on. Boys' Straw' Hats • Boys' Bathing Suits Summer Underwear .And just now it �nnill pay you to leave your measure for a Suit. To make August a busy month we are offering a lot of good`Suiting'at very low paces. Our Suits to order at $10 have never been equalled. It will pay you to buy your Clothing from us. 1 anwormonanorsananumnionimenosimmorann newer"strangenssos -.s ackson Bros., Clinton. win 44,4440 .4.4414110 gti n hemunch of jii ald.tintelvivg vigor: �Ri1 �:�+��t ��t��t��t it%�t�it�ui�t�u� ��tiN� � li� �tu i�ii��u .l��tr�i�+,�ld���►�u��ti �+��kr{�t��ti�t s�� �it+�uti�i�i��` �`t u� �i�� i�,l �lll a •