HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-07-31, Page 6Os' so-.• • 1 Historical Sketch of Huron Coutil y ***414;10#3**40444#*#+*4*##0*#####444f*i**iwif, TEM CleeINTON',IsiEWS-Rzocavo July 31t, 1902 (.4. 444. ••• I 1, Toter =Weber At taut settlers up to A GREAT FAIR. . THE •DELIMOVS. FLA.VOR AND I. aporeertaite "eat. ei. is time Purchased their laud for In these days of marvellous achieve- GREAT NUTRITIVE l'RO, "Ilit lettrtinly do till die els besot ob insos mons work on the roads to ,pay for it !tact inenta nwo bave almost ceased to be PERTIES OF • Mhos Wit JoY." began ths Rev. Flat- 11,4111111115111 of $1,5t) per acre and those who did not fine years in which to come sloWn Strprised, no matter what strauge foot as the las•t vrall (rem tba we:eon With the dust." There were compare- novelty May appee.r and yet we have , Matt Breakfast Food Orgau eecaped tbrougla en open who Woman's 111s . tively few of Om, however, as by /list learned .of a sensational feat of slow, "ter see sct ;nem strangera pre* . ta aitaast • • /O. 1104 -ooly Paid for their land, but ce.rn- tom erSal woltder an a in a lf OR INVAL • At, this ett a livelihood for tbentselves and tam- wherever it is seen. It s called the Lyele Dazzle and was originated meeting Daniels Ltzars was called to Mee • the • while by workittg on the VALESeENTS. n for torn- Walla which the Canada Compsaly the World-famous leing of haearoone It cati be :served in a variety of ways •-,‘ )1* ^ts The act is performed on Malt Brtakfest rood has become . . . . .. , - TOWNSHIP' OF COLBORNE. Statute Win. IV.,. -cap 8." ent galor1011a Babbatil atownin% suffers from illepeculiarly fel:Moine the very eese where woman tke te number of the pioneers moan: skill and. daring that comPels hfao- • • an, ir AN EXCELLENT DIET 4 • Afl VI. De good book hit say: 'Ile war or cense le to be found in A weakened and etrattger We Ab tank' Win itt.' Deilea- exttausted condition ed the spinet. The cons Will now Perceed ter take tip de nerve, are depleted end the blood thia clerk taking place Janice Mc- were building. Money Was an artwle the settlers collecsillon." and watery. If medicines liavefailed to • most • oartherly range of townships ,ship and flea Smallest raeing track ever eon- fatuous as an artnels i . cure, it is because the wrong treatemut oe which were purchased by the Canada Clean Was elected by a matority of almost unseen among. ' has been used. Clark, s Porte yn biloaxPses.o? Ont,, a nonipany front the nrown. It wilt; two over .1. C. Titus, laut Mr. Henry for several Years their condition was ' structed and one built at an angle ofo valids, convaleecents aud for 01 who Cassitly3)-71Ttor IIILuck, yer , etagterssi-14"afbrYavCe Colborne is the lutist westerly ot the the allow once .0a, . borne, Sir Francis 'iced's Predecessor gainst his eiteetten on the gfound that they commenced raising grain their t t" men and two. wonaen on bicycles etntrated nutritive properties are well bard Illek. Muni Bottle inorolle Yell Chases Nerve Food for nervousness and panted in honor of on. Sir -John Col- ayndman itteffectually protested ae . terY tliscouraging. In fact, before 174 degrtss, In this strange structure stiffer froln weak digestion. Its con- • This he was reither freeholder nor house- lahOr was the only .• legal tedero at perform -feats $Q Marvellous that they known to physicians. Malt Breakfast wane ilp on' tind yersell famoris. • a completely run down system, and can eownsnip, which contains a sliPerlics lio,der, Finally " it was agreed that their =Inland for it must be remota. ttelY description.. One can scarcely in1. rood quiets and strengthens the frra, Cusey-ortilth, OM bet ye whin thot heartily recommend it as a wonderfully ial area of 35,460 acrea, is bounded on. the following persons should be put in bete(' that they came in with little or agine the terrific speed that must be Weil a.nd wiralt stomachs and in a mortal,. comes 'twin be iste loco to effective treatment. Before using thie the west by Lakellurenn ma the north, nomination as continissioners, viz : no. cash capital, but were " full ot attained by these daring riders on short time will banish. the -most obsti- (warship° mesa. . . remedy I bed been in very poor healthier, as Clovernor of Upper Canada. east by A•shfield and. 'West Wawanosli, Daniel Liars, Henry Ilyndanan, Day- head dayd work" and the u.se to eiteh a track to set at .naught cont- nate dyspepsia. No other food so some moans. I seem to have no and ox. the east and eouth by thehlait- id. Clarlt, John Anand, Richard Dar- which that capital was put is roiled, PietelY th?' law of gravitation. We quickly enriches the blood and builds • energy or Ambition, felt tired and listless : lam' River. lbe very torttions course I lington and Michael Fisher. Mr. Id, v4 in the splendid farms and are glad to know that the people of up the shattered system. Ihis (We- most of the time, and could scarcely drag in these sketches, of course has an et" 1 Eastern Colborne ; Mr. alyndtrian was . ausi elected for tblurielditnoiLswithwie.h x+11,14s financial ency continued, though in a somewhat . 4).AI grace the en- . string-Weatern Ontario are' soon to have the toes health food for. the strong and "That glielie7t InAlittitit.'ercrsittd:not &ware ' myself about the house, I was weak, isl‘nassa‘Joan. trn Fair Assodation hovel fortunately j oth4sell)iirgottohriss ;:trittiialeralilieelsettl. weak is sold by every greyer, the most Important la evidenced," re- irritable and tierSons, could arnb000toucitelbetneae.i.o.. responding with that On the boundary wootern consorne ; David Clark was milder form, till thetbuildnig of the GODERIC11. Wool the Stork, "by the fact tlint hwesaillith and nftt Chtsce?rtigeerdve of this river, so frequi,n y a 1 d to t ,is le of Goelerich township just to the south elected Assessor John Patterson Col- Buffalo, Brantford and Goderich Rail - London on. Sep o to my strict attention to very little my fame ntal reputation are due selely things." taken away these symptoms and given back my usual health and vieor, cense- feet on the boundary of Colborne cor- elected by a majority of votes for of which it fonus the boundary aud Mrs. McGregor a stratiord are quently $ endorse it fay," so cents a box, at all dealernor Bataan- bligenn four tesefutliwinu securing iwntothweittvrial- 1. • very oions adopted at this meeting was one It'Y °I canii, an weU es °I the "stem' the date of the. great exhibition. tember x2th to won Mr. McGregor of II. M's Customs -it leaves the borders of the townships lector," Arnoni, many other resoles road, and as an example of the scare - sweep to the south it allows Colborne shall be treated as stray cattle." The 1V1r. Sturdy *xi one occasion took a. l'Ae " Western" of lee2 goes far be, Picnics are the order of the day and son, Bates feCo., Toronto. year will surpass itself in tbe beauty, Dr. hase/s- speak, and at one point by 'taking s- snail be liable to be impounnett and may be interesting to mention that I „But this is not all the program for at the•Parls Houee. much ou the " ragged edge " so t°'' to the effect that " all stray, dogs of " barter" which then prevailed, it The first farm settled in Colborne force but from 1842 onward there was • . worth more than flour lie was unable t. f the highest tenees aroutur town and IT PAYS TO ADYWrisu THE NEWS -RECORD. TO CURE A. eou IN ONE DAY. !Nerve Food to project about five miles further in local .governntent continued to be ad- harrei of flour to Goderich and en_ prod tutything ever ettoupted in the the weather is most delightful for eleavored tit exchange it for a barrel same hue., It has always teen the Olean that direction than the line a it$ minietered that manner till x85o ut general southern border. when the Municipal se.ct came into -of leader in these departments but this The burdocks are outstopping sotne salt, but as salt was considered ••••••••.1,,,. 1Virs. (Dr,) Jukes Johnston and-fain- 1- lets. All druggists refun4 the motey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove1e sig - Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- • . • • hcesP tgos arOvAe tghlaatil•estItaetiraetaligsetinseinif; good amp next year. y4a,riertoy le? thrilling inagnificence of yet nobody sees them. We'll have 7a , nature is oh each box. 240. • need of the ebiniber of death. ne tit the thin, comes: when one feels the w" the °ne afterwards Owned and t3c-' a Dlistrict Councillor anaually elect- thInegacedtdittilioarrtochanthegsearly settlers al- • mill of a tolleunie day oue reels the • need Or weather deep.. , A NSW DEPARTURE. . envied by Mr. Jantes C, Isefouzel, a ea and our municipa ts y brief note of the circuntetances leading who were the representatives of the to the settlement of which may he ins various townships. The following re- terestiog, so We here relate them. Ill port of the financial status of Cot - 183o Mx. IVIichriel Fraser, who is al- borne for 1844 is not without interest• hided to in the history of Godericli, The receipts were : while exploring the land along the Cash from Tree.surer of Lon - ?1 aitlana discovered the creek which. 4 s d traverses that portion of the towns Balance from last year ,.. .. o 7 6 ship and on followinrit to its source Cash from Treasurer of Lon - discovered that it issued from a molt- don District . .., 7 15- o ' ster spring. Being favorably impecsee both with the water privilege and the land in its locality he purchased of the Canada Company the next • year a 9 • 440 ••• 4.4.144. 5 4 to a•—•-• Total .. , , • . £13 78 44 Whilethe disbursements were rs block of 5,465 e.eres In the wenn y, for " postage to and from London, comprising a. great portion of that and £3 133. 6d, " paid Thos. Morish which lies in the bend in the river. per order of David Clark," leaving a Ora this he built a log shanty the sante balance of 49- 123. six& This state year, 1831, the first clearing. being was 1' examined and found •correct" made where the orchard now stands, by George Fraso and. J, B. Woodruff, and• it were as well to remora District Auditors.. here an elsewhere that when he built a In 1850 when the Municipal Act stone house five years later he wa.s, o- came into force the ratepayers absurd:le bliged to a staff of mechanics led at the school house, Lot 5, on. from York as well as a good share of 8, to elect a full council of five mem- the material used. Of course Mr. bers, when the following natned gent - Fisher resold the greater portion of lexnen received votes as follows, this tract as soon as a. demand was !toying first been ' nominated and created. a poll dematided I3en Miller complete should we neglect to mention have spared-- neither trouble nor C. ay of Toronto are here . ready named this sketch would be ut- Dense to give their friends the most 'tier. They have handsome shada for the Cox brothers -John, James, Geo. unione, instructive and amusing enter- their verandah Windt Wets quite Fermanagh, Ireland, the former two in this province. • ' tainments ever offered to the people of aouthern. and David -who came from Coonty 1832 and the others in 1833. Vety Dlr. Neale of •Sackett and Wilhelm's f scion thereafter came Joseph White- Another sensational 'marvel who has Publishing Establishment, New York thrilled thousanas in the States will Lity, has returned after spending tits Dob - on, who located on Lot 4, Con. 6, is. tvio weeks' vacation -with his parents. Sadie Smith, manager of Dot - head and several sons ; and. John wa- be at the Exhibition in the person of one of the very earliest settlers, I r°I4-Intehis°n, the Hunten (3inh' Be•Miss though we have not the precise. date takes tremendous flight in his hue ie's millinery emporium, Thesialon, mense a eon and mattes a parac in e Of his settlement. drop by being projected from a bomb, scli 11 1 - ' 1 t is the guest duriitg her vacation of , In regard to municipal ',government, suspended at the lower portion of the the Misses Craig. s , , , it would appear that such a form ex, Mrs. Campaigne is in receipt ot a isted at least as early as 1835, for ii°ating gas bag' Ri.osa,•_;Nzaytion and her wonderful letter from Mrs. W. Shannon of Daw- eon City, formt rly cs: the Park HoubO, sboold win unstinted adiuiration frOm in which she says that: they had a de - from. the minutes of .a township. meet- a trained tropical birds 1836 -which are the earliest in exist- lovers of ornithologieal study. ligntful trip witielt. took them only log held at Goderich January 4th;- """' '''• ea ence-we quote to show that the.meet- birds are mostly nockatoos andAlite- Taase two woke. : The weather was ninth ing was held " at Valentine Fialter's saws and show phenomenal intelligence. warmer on their arrival than 'When hotel, pursuant to a public notice givs they left Qoherich. The ladiea a Dow- ell by Mr. Gallagher, Township Clerk The tricks. they do are results of son •City dress in the height of lashioo, Har - for the preceding year. George Gor- illustrate ''the 1/4i68 lile 'Bali gitni Mina Irat.ti4 tidily mtd well. long months' on patient training and don yea proposed and unanimously el- in a remarkable way re - venous Monopoles, or one -legged acro- risen. took the trip :to Detroit ou of eonscientiotis effort. The mar- teted Township Clerk for the ensuing , Stilt year." At this meeting George El- Manning and Du Croiv, will 'fuesday week, • • fiat; W. F. Goodiag and Robert Shaw bats, present their high-class horliontal bar Atasters Dan. 1'. and Doyd S. IIayn were elected Cominissionereand at the act •which' 1 as 'filled vaudeville houses of Chicago are the guests of their meeting of the Commissioners on the • • 11 1 g,tandmother,. Mrs, - Mesner, and mint, on a parts of the continent. • The Miss I -1.41'n• Among the •earltest settlers were t e• 6g, Jo in 26th of the saute month some sixteen • Annand 6i" P E'sher of the householders wen. feats which these men perform, each with a limb oissin have excited the Miss Anthes and Miss.Dodds of Wet. ort,„ . young 3,, : ef,,ty tom we ve werefined, two eases a (11' 11 t a 1 sa MOO. enthitaia•stic Among the other acrobatic special, praise und,...wcynaer, eiloo while hoe were the guests of Miss Hayn. They are now visiting Dunlop Bros., who selected thesvicin- 4t, Sohn Morris 39, R. Ryan '313, F. • • • ity 0 the present hamlet of Ilta,itland.- Elliott 32, David Clark 28, Is. Robert- 0 to: ierio nee of their t t de 1 b a or ilence, and soon thereafter John Fielwr Messrs. Ryan and Young • being equal ,* cusOmisserts" in. one, that: of Rev. R. ties will be those of the Ostiatos, • three of the cleverest artists in the friends at Eineardiue. . Miss jessie Lockbart Miller, trained vine Or Saltford as a place 'of' resi- son • to; H. Bruce 26, and family and But Miller -an Eng, the Clan. gave his eastingsvote for Mr, c •• cdamPheti, the eision /Arys. 0 res- erye ," clod the other• eaee was dis- athletic world ; aud ' the font" Bard ' Pitalf nurse at the Woodstock general hos-. • missed oftth• costs against the cams . returned to Iter antics on Weds r h -and family settled near the Voting and then declared Messrs. 11/n - 0f the tatter gentleman, in the locals elected.• The Cciuncil subsequently el- Bros. famous for •the: astonishments . Deaden efter a de l'gratfill outing at present village Whieh bears the name, ler, Anaand, Fisher, Moots an ming . ity of Michael Fisher; who had come ected Mrs Andiancl Reeve, a poaition in a short time previously.' In ' 1834 .to which he was re-elected the two Henry Ilyndirian, the Mot -rises, in succeeding years, find yeas followed by. Sellers and David Clark came tn. On William Young, who held the office for the ist of July of that year William twos years ; giving place to ,Robert Young. mine to Colborne and slept Hunt, viho held itsa, like perhsti• Ben that night under a tree 'cm Lot n, Con. 'Miller succeeded Mr. Hunt with. a one 8 on which lot he located. Mr. year's .. inemitheney, and was in turn The Chicago, •Ntlwaiticee & St. Paulo • '1 a has receutly put in service ou. its Pioneer Limited trains the, largest and handsomest dining car ev- er built. It is 82 .feet length -from tip to tip •and is body is 6 inches wid- er and higher than usual dintug cars. It seats 36 people comfortably in 10.0V.. able• chairs and has a kitchen .large enough to permit. the working of six cooks with. whieli six waiters, and a conductor • make up the crew. Dining ears 'heretofore in service did not pro... vide sufficient space' to properly care ter the large number of Patrons of the Pioneer,so that. it became necessary to have a larger car. 31* • • AVII r •graduated 736". 1.0", 't'ooa's The Great Riiaish Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in °suedes only reli- able ineduene discovered. oke oft e8 gitintulteed to cure air . • tonna or sexua Weakness al 6 430 t of abuse or execs's, mental warty, Excessive use of fro. • bamo, opium or sumulants. matted on receipt of Price, °tie peoltage six, ss, one tont please, taz wile aura. ratatenets tree to any address. The Wood company, Windsor, Ont. • Wood's Phosphodine is sold itt'Cliro ton by Ii. 11. Combe, P. Reekie, B.• Hovey. ancl Watts & Co. -druggists FOR OVER. SIXTY YEARS. Mra, Winslow's Soothing Syrup ,has been used by millions of mothers for their children white teething. If dis- turbed, of uight and bra= of your , rest by a sick child sunffering and crying with pant of cuttiug teeth send at ,once and, get a bottle, ol " Mre. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child' ren teething. It avill relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake th their backward And for- s011se weel4 ago and .about it. It cures Diarrhoea., regu- and twisters ; and then there will late," tbe Stomach and I3oivels, cures darning overseer. • Two of the Partle4 they have broughtsto spell -bound Stud-. er "le " fined were magistrates, E. C. Taytor • - • • and J. S'. Ward. • • ' , • ' s'wonliersaults elitaw 1 bl wears 1.1 int a , • . Ford d 0„ but site furs th mit in allstlie•time she Wind colic, softeus the Gums, reduces • silo revions, • • • •rensteething is pleasant to the taate lost • • caused • by • her illness : eoine: Diflammatioa anti' 'gives tone and . en - i i • ne cif the For. 1837 the Commissioners elected • ' • John Peacock, and for 1838 jaspar were Billiton Reed, James an on band the. four iuirnitable -Maus mnrs. .1;z0b4„.1 K. Gooding, Andrew Whitely d with their turniaing ocentrieities . and n S Thursday enen- oldest• and best female physicians. al& of nottts ste, and is the preaer pt on o .0 Salim' Splan. Front t838 to 1856 the l'irarie cams "ewlsttc° ettin in than nurses in the United Statea. Price an-. novelties. 'they are unritfalled corn- • reCotds Of the township are lost'but a 25 •cents a :bottle. Sold by all •drug - idiots, singers and dancers, in an aet -lig. They wer • er g g . 1 . 'levet witnessed by the Can dian titan 'the time scheduled as Captain .a: . , • Young came (tom the north of Scot- succeeded by nt, hamg• glance at the Municipal History of the ii _ c' re - - a '',. , France Of the Xing Edward was ()Wigs" is s t throu hout the world, Be sure land the previous year aceompanied tain The great Gay mid his 'wife are toes e 1 - s • i a 1 Wioslows Soothing•Syru i d t i c('nform to the tviShese of the ergY - to le whole. system. '. Mrs. in 'el ill i f 8 8 t eounty will 51)05 who was the retire Th Al senoative of the' toweship in thLe Dias' most mysterious wonder-viorkera and Mackinac ctio, who • oeid re ' aud sk for " Mts, . WiosloW's Sooth- ed the Reovesh p rom x 5 0 ih ok few hours a.s far as Kingston by brother Al -e .x862 inclusive, In 18 0121a$ . Counic3i1, duringt the tittle from magicians appearing on a latf rn excursion, wh c to tPa mg *),•rup,,, IlY P 0 i• The waiters on the Xing Edward. w re exander, and ni 1835 the rest of the Hussey was elected to 6t3he chair; but - 1042 to z 5o, out curing lose, 1857 G r ati • ay can moo Inuits( came out from Scotland aod rave 'place the next 'year to suenry Aitenl.oury Street Wotks Direct importer's. :Workman. ebi p and 'M aterial guaranteed G.: ' SEALE. saHind • PROPRIETORS, ' t • ill t e rs and 18,58 John Holmes. occupied the an Collegiate studeuts. • e • • fastened upon him, al y pianiorsifinhsatriaculcttatilti.e.. • . mentioned, where they owned a mile and • in ifie6 wan kill stb -evoildeting that iit, stands in In ,ang 1865 these geatlemen retained a guests of Mre• Xirltbride and Mrs. . ot • and from this time up to and t • - • settled in the 8th concession, Eastern for a number of years ,afterwaxds. their aespeettve ..positiona by annual. doss by itself. . • i Logan on Friday.. Mos Logan, also .Z Crisme Morrison Sone.% Canada's Caw and Robert Camped!, who also tinued to •hold b'y annual re-eleetion 3.";eall re,- ectioo. In t866 Henty- Ford was greatest lady Cornet Virtuoso, will .a,otteraillietclrscitahye, S. S. coinientioo, here an e ected Reeve and David Patton Dep- appear every afterndon in nowhere de- 1 4 Division, On the 7th concession John 1875 the township elected their first . the north of Ireland settled the same Milloy. . , • - uty, V.41 I le In 3.867, which was the first mantling the maximum. of tedhnical 4 ' Patterson and the Darlingtons from Deputy Reeve in the persore 'of Alex. c"i las- A tar e -percentage Of the land in . 4 all settled together in the locality 'pence who held the o ce w0 ;i a , g e t dotal trunk mystery att.rielk. f Alias Logan .'of Clinton And Master ...„. owe& b . . . 1 , positioo a Reeve and wok follciwed hi Followittg the Youngs came 'k' 5" gain eleCtect Reeve which. office he con- leattenbusy of Clinton were all the II p 611k . abr 1) t his greatest turn' is the twilit- ' tt e Pattenbury • and Miss DorothY Si000so****.6.016atost*„.**#***.nnonestb..e.esnolto-tonessts+-4*tt******W Y • t 8eg by . Wilhant Piper, John Church- eous y, in a manner en ire y •inexp e- • along each sideroad. • Hussey, •Ifti 1867. la. Young was a- 11 1 ein le Deputytdh' e ve °. a Tia 1 Y d Of • general - The firewores display has heen, j THIS POLICEMAN'S EVIDENCE.. year and Robert Young from G year of those officers being elected by 1 gow located in the 6th coneession. Colborne% l't ran iti kohl -• ,Iillat;ed oloog lines calculated to pros j ' ' . • - The price paid for land in this toteio. good . to first .c ass an. e g 1 , :;,re°tPe14.144roveoyteelafilVdm. D..4. $vilcitepip,aatrtdo4lirwaSas el.:: shin prior to the launehing of the thrift. and nrospoity of its peop e ins gain returned as •Denuty Reeve, • In solo in Western Ontario and is a feat - duce the greatest luxury of ecilor ever Polteeman • Poto aflorria, i ottinto, Menesetnitg, which the Canada Coin, didate that this great oateral • advant-. . 1868 . Messrs. ' Sheppard and Soartoel I .with habitual =011ie:don and. though.. says that for afears he. was troubled company built in Goderich in 1833, tage.han been turned to good acco Pollock held the offices of *eye and ire of •the shove none should miss. Other special' attractions am being ars I he was llo per acre s but as Soon as thet TOWNSHIP OF •GODERICIL • Deputy respectively and for the fOur ranged for and each steeds: prioemin- Was: only disappointed With the res - spent Much money for 1111.1 IC vanced to $2.50 and on her return from , This 'is the • fifth tOwnship in the Messrs. Sheppard and Patton. In IR73 • sults. Ile note reccniunentle Dr. thasejs stearner was launched the price ad- , , , , . Sl'eces-elink oYears theY • • Were held hY wit ill 'its class, tut those accorded toots , oi superficial 'areas the nember and again in /1374 Dayid Patton ores, brief mention will initiate intending Xidney visitors into 'some, • it leitan• of the , cause it "red hitt' °i tlii8 tr°tthinr4 Liver Nile- tO his irtends be - the first trip to Sarnia another hall. ,.. .r. s s dollar Was tanked onto the price,all of acres 'Within its borders being 56; honored .by hii election to the Reeve. -secrets, of the /saws •pronoseo success:1 tiOn by this :tread -ileac • One p a of which .goes to show, of course, that fine, exclusive .of the 1,400 acres Which . •diit? and Henry Ford . to the:Deputy's•Everv department of the Enhibition ' dose. 25c a• box. the members of the Canada Company were taken, from it and incotpotated • diens In 1-875 • ancl 18,76 Ileory Ford is, bolag strengthenedand improved . were really „the disinterested, patriotic as the TQWa of Goderich..•Ita weste•rie and •Gabriel Elliott occupied the two aiid - in each ease a diatinet advent° ' -•-•••-•---7----Z-:•;':•-- --- .---,,--- ----- • ed to be. Along the Lake Road the • • •.• ,, . soeept Where • goderieh• hitervines- named. In 1877 -Mr. Elliott Was •ele- eailient: • whose shore at this point runs almost vated to the 17..eeves chair, and ,Mr. •Altrigether the' Weatern Fair .of otroz FRIR -. phdanthroptsts (t) whieh •they alainis • boithdary is • formed •lay Lake Huron-. hil liest township offices in. the order over •• previous- •yeaxs has been. stored. • is eonfidenny expected to excel ita in settlers were Henry Hynclanan, before 4iireetly north and south.. Its eastern Itiospli Whitely to the Deputy's, both luntrious predeceseors in the wealth of• ' • ' mentioned, who took up Lot 4•east boundary also runs north and south, gentlemett being re-elected in 1878. exhibit, the excellence of special pro - Daniel Lizars who toolt it Biotic 3 i heing formen by the Township of Hid- The surface of this township pilau- grains and 'the consumiiirinterest of David Don, Block 4 ; and a lidr. Chris- lett, but the exceedingBerookedness of lates gently, in the interior, but near visitors from all parts of the prov- tie. There was a considerable . village the Maitland and ayfield Rivets, the lake it Is, very level, except where as early as 1836 at Gairbraid, h h which ' ,bound it on the north anti, bronen by occasional ravines' In point ince; and indeed to help to the oic-- waccum- ulated glory heaped up ity this eschibi- the Dunlops flatted after a place in south respectively; make those beim- .f I wealth its people rank a least hence they came; :but many don during •pa.st years Scotland w . daries very irregalar, so much so in third in • the dist of :Huron County • e of the eatly settlers subsequently leit fart that the length of the township townshira while • from an intellectual their farms and went across the bord- along the east and west sides respect- point of view they are unsurpassed by . er where land mottopolies had no ex- • ively is nearly twice' as great as at a those of ani( other township. In short b'ELL zxnAnsTBD istenee. point slightly east• of midway between • . AND UNCONSCIOUS. Iiispite of the disal ran-eigee Illen- those boundaries. a tioned, however, the popidatton of the • The first actual settler in Godetich township kept steadily increasing and Township. outside the limits of • the as early as 1834 Or a835 John Morris present town woe probably a man opened one of the most inevitable at- naatied Taylor, wno settled as early as toidant on civilization --a tavern called1828 or 3829 on Lots 20 and 21, Mait- ed by the high-toned natne of the land Con. Ile was killed hy a falling " Crown and Anchor" . on Block D. tree soon .after, In Mao, 1831, litign The first house raised in the townshiP. Sturdy came front York's -having come was Dunlop's and Robert Gibbons, at- from Ireland the previous year- am! terworals Sheriff, was one of the cor- settled on Lots .30 and 31, Maitland' ner oleo at the raising: The first Coto .At, (hi time of his locatioti the teacher in the township was J. C. - only settlers between his home and 'Bins the place where the school was Goderich wore the Taylor brothers re - held being the house of Captain Inerr; ferred to, who had a considerable who afterwards ,tan the Goderieh and clearing effected. The nearest mill at was ultimately drowned. The first this time was in London, then a: small school house was built oh Lot 5, Coll; village, but : the following year the 8, and 1'. Gallagher was the peda- Canada Company built one in °oder- gogue who officiated at its dedications :ch which during the first two years Herd the township meetings were held or more • of its existencehad only for mealy years but the building, enough business to keep it running which was a frame oite, Was a long one or two days tit a wee,: , The year titne since replaced by•pne of brick. previous to Sturdy's arrival, ho v • we er, reader, if you are unfortunate - and sufferilig. A Mr. Greens fotemen, for the Thinlops, Thomas Ginn came in and settled Dear reauon ly numbered among the deftly and turned the first furrow •iii. the town- Leas ir and 12, Con. B. Mr, Ginn weary mortals of today it is now time ship on the fiatS near Gairbraid. Was subsequently the first man mar- • to a.wa,1e . to a true realization of your The first marriage which took place ried in the township, his partner on in Colborne Was solemnized (?) under that iuteresting occasion being Eliza- 'icner' `rit". weakening end dePressit g eitanostances rather peculiar to say beth Sturdy,hot weather will only add' to your and the aeremony was miseries if you are careless and indif- the least. The contracting patties performed, by Mr. Prior, a magistrate ferent, were Captaiit It. G. Dunlop and his in charge of the Canada Company's •the tournsh'p contains itt an eminent degt•ee all the dements Of intelligence, respectability and prosperity. Nee's Celery Comoound .N.A.Ttnivs tyrAle 1-1VALTli • , fT .1strIstEIES THE BLOOD AND ATULTYVLIES THE NIIMBER OF VITAL RED CORPUSCLES, • •FEEDS THE NERVES AND TIS- - suus 'Axn GIVES TRUE PIIVe SICAL STR.EXGT$1. Weak nerves, exhauated tissue, poor, thin blood, impffired digestion and sleepless nights account tor inuch of the present existing summer misery • • 'There is absolute relief and 0. posit - Mrs. R. V. Edif'ards, 33 Murray street, •Breattford, Ont., suffered for fire years with nervous exhaustion, headache and dyspepsia. " The paina' in the head would almost. drive me crazy. / could not sleep at nights hut would walk the floor in agony until Jell ethausted •and unconscious. For the past nine months have used Dr. Cha,se's Netve Food. and from a mere skeleton this medicine has built me op in neat' and weight until I alit stroag and well." It would be acarcelY Pos- sible to proauce stronger evidence of tile wonderful power of Dr: Chase's Nerve Food. GODERTOH. At precisely to a. in. the Clinton citizens band was playing as it march- ed to the harbor park from tne station. They looked exceedingly cool their white ; ioats and caps. Coming from the station they played two lovely airs, the W. M. IL march and the Dallas march. We think ahnost all the rarey spent the day at the park and harbor. The bandsmen setnied to enoy the outing ...very touch. If a steamer had been ut port to give aft housekeeper, whose maiden tame we bust:Jess nt Geiderich did not learn, and the cerettiouy wao About 1830 or •183t James .71)12113(011.71)12113(011. Oee e :re for you in Paine's Celery Com- excursion the ettioyineot watt d have . performed by no less a personate than also Ideated in. the Ma,Aland Coe., near pound. liiik wonder-woraing. medicine • been. ideal. Some fishing craft and the Captain's negro butler, who read the present village of - Holniesville. in s successfully conquering such trout), tonall beats took a great Many out in the. Episcopal marriage service out of , July, 1832, John and Samuel Holutes, terified- Ly able physicians aiid thous- 'area •IIP es as yours every day. It is a fact the lake, 1V/ise Babb must have gathe a great many pieces of skiver a prayer book. Some s years later,. •who had tome fromolreland two years ., ands IA' toe =onto& that poinefe non • at the bathing house. Otte itretty little however, WS. Dunlop was convinced previously, settled on . tots 35 old se ery,, Goiapouna mates pare, new wood, lass saht she tried to sw.,on 014 got by her friende.that the hymeneal tenet respectively of the Irlaitland Con. The bit 1' up the nervous- system, regto along, very nicely'. At precisely sot the tied .'alid •being eirstiotta to " make as- Ford Brose-James, llioniati, SOliti atm , lates digestiOto whets the appetite and , band =relied up to the square and glace vigor and. strength to combat PlaYed the Canadiatt Club march Itti- had been' incompletely and insecurely same year Robert, ,Vroctor and four Captain to consent to another mar-. Holmes, When they Carrie in tliere wait h '1 ,.' f te f the h ated term der the trees before the Hotel Bedford, . tau •dot bl • sure'' ersuaded the Oeorge-came in and located titer the• liege which was performed by Rev, only One frame buildhig in Goderich . ...rot years e have suffered from Mts. R. Wilcox., Cretinous,' Out., says : it being the hotel patronized by sever- al former citizens of Clinton, Mine Mr. 'Campbell, who was the first to and but feW of any kind. constants sick headache arid itervous. host invited. the bandsmeit over but preach a ;sermon in the township •, Moog the 'Huron Road there were .ttersa • at Once I have been so had the leader and some,of the others re- serVieeit bent 'held in Dunlop's house very kw settlers at this time, but a, that yl have limn unable to step two mained tinder the trees. When their . • fot a coasiderible time. Mollg thein were R. Slattery and. two The first church built in Collaotne brothers Gibson, Who settled about hours a night for weeks. / have tried companions rejoined them they play - Woe the Bible Christian on La h Lot 1, two end alf miles out of Goderich many mednes iciand doetored a greet ed "Ilte Pirate" and theft took their deal; but hever received g limulredth departure for the return train at the - compatatiVely late . date, the people 'Utilities caihe itt there were no settlera ;art of the voltte from them that / Ohe station, where they played in front of Con. 61 E. D., but,' thie was at a. in t830 or 183t. At the timeothe tame(' irom Nine's Celery Compoutid. • the Salsas House before leaving for tontally attending at •Goderich till the in the Huron Tract except those iro home. We WIN% to thank the hand- -titne of its 'erection. That first child Goderielx town:ships-Which then include After using three bottles I can sleep matter for hie courteStr fit iving the horn in. the township WAS Charlotte ed the preaent town --8t111 the Vhn Eg- cv it my 'Model:hes have ceased and / ;Sophe Matilda, afterwards Mrs, 1. frt, monds; who, Impt tavern in nutlet, a feel fu cashier end fresher than I have manta of hot march select ons to ma. The troinbottes were well brought into Anderson, . • ' • short distance north of Sestforth. It .tione for years."' PlaY• LONDON SEPT. 12-215, 19e2. A MEDLEY OF SPECTACULAR. . MERIT, Prof. Hutchison, the, Human Bomb, in a thrilling Balloon Ascensicin and Parachute. Drop. The marvellous Cyc- le DaSzle. The Osnatos, in a sensa- tional novelty. The great • Gay, the Handcuff Xing. The ,Oliiins, COntin-• Cato'. Ecceutriques. Affronting and Du Crow, fammis Motopeclea, Rosa Nay - lion, with her troupe or Trained Trope ieal Birds. The Bard Bros., Acrobatic Wonders. Criss Mojones, Cornet Vir- tuoso. IVIaginficent Pyrotethnies and many other features. Special train service over all Intern Exhibits further ahead than the times. Grounds insidiously beautiful. Buildings irresistibly invithig. Prize Lists, Maps, Programs and Wort -nation for the Oohing front Lt.-Col.W.M.Gartshore J. A. Nelles • President, Secretary. Twenty Years • of itching Piles Mr, Alex. McLaughlin, thirty years reident of liewmativille, Ont„ writes :- ' "For twenty tong years I buffered from itehing piles, and only persone who have been troubled With that annoyino, disease earl imagine what I endured during that time. Abbet lateen yearit ago I asked a druggist if he had anything to Ore me, Ile said that Dr. Chaste's annuitant was most favotably spoken of, and on his tecommendatiott took st box. "After three applications! felt better, and by the time /lad used one box I was on a fair way to recovery, 1 cootinued tlae treatment until theroughly cured, and as that was seven years ego, and have not suffered any since, / am firmly convieced that the ointment Medd a perfect cute " eotisidet Dr. Chase'e Ointment tot invaluable treatment for piles. In ray case 1 adult the cote was remarkable When you sonsider that 1 an. getting it In yore aud had been ea longs% eutferer from thle diseaste," 6o• Otos a box at all llealere, or EinnAnsoti, Bates & Co., Toronto, The first municipal meeting of which ISS3 or 0134, however, the London Mrs. Alex, Johlistott and her &011ie ive loons any record Wee held at the goad, which joins the Ituron /toad at ter, Mrs. Merry Videatt, lett ott the • 14 Crown and /tuella" On the 4th of ClintOin wets °petted out, after which rr l'AVA TO AOVUItTISE eXeilrefOit. jaatatryi 383r,, 11 Tittt trot tho the country was thickly ectticd4 The "NIP; XE113ORD4 Dra Chase's Ointment 4 4 4- 'ea 4, 4, 4tf * 4 4 4 : 4 4 4 4 11 is' what counts in advertising: OM advertisement one time may and often does produce results, but pee- ple,bave many things to look at and think of. To irapress tbena' permanently with any one article takes persistent and . continued. hammering. "It is fl mistake -to suppose a thing has [conte sufficipntly well kn-own to need no more advertis- ing. The public has a strangely short memory, A. &Ea which bad for twenty years spent $50,000 'a ,year in making a particular article public, tried the experiment of re:. clueing their outlay to $25,000 per annuna. 'But the 'next year it took $1.00,000 to restore them to their .positiontnornaous fortune's are amassed by those who advertise largely, judiciously and incessant- ; but all wbo have had exper- ience in the matter will confirm the statement that the latter is tbe one great point. It does not do to relax in exertion."—Extbange. ' * 40 THE NEWS -RECORD 1 * 40 *43 HURON'S POPULAR PAP7IR i- t' • : AF44-44$.4*-44.44...+.4444444.44. .44.44444444