HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-07-31, Page 2NEW 10P108 Of 1 kik
Important Events in Few Words
For Buy Readers.
The Buoy World's Happening" O0rota1l7
Comp3o%I Ana rut IDU. a4ser
suraotivok Shape or the RV;*Oro
of Our papor-.1. Solla Dour's: UAW*
went iu Paragraphs.
Predictions are nude that anthra-
cite coal will be $1.0 a ton in New
York soon.
$50.908.80 has been subscribed for
the firemen's relief fund in the city
of Toronto.
011 has been discovered in large
quantities in the "Wend of Trinidad,
and is being worked under Canadian
The Pan-Americen Medals have ar-
rived al the Parliament 'balding's,
Toronto, and will be distributed to
the winners at once.
Captain Strong, in London, seed
that he had pawned about $8,404 -
worth of May Yohe's jewelry at her •
reqnest and for her benefit,
The celebrated Royal Caledonian
Curling Club ' of Ed nburgh, . has
decided to send a number of rinks to
Canada next winter to compete with
the Cenadian curlers.
In the match Rifle Association Cup
competition, Major Gibbs, a gun- •
maker of Bristol, perfornied the mar-
velous kat of making SO consecutive
bulls -eyes at 900 yards.
Hon. Edward Blake made his first
appearance in the House of Conunons
Thursday since his recent severe ac-
cident. It will be remembered that
he was struck by a hansom.
Revile:makes have occurred daily at
the Bunder-Abbas, Persia, since Ju-
ly 9. The inhabitants are camping
on the beach, and there is great: suf-
fering on account of the alaermal
There was an advance in the retail
price of anthracite coal at New York
on Thursday to $8 a ton, for • all
sizes. This is an increase .of 50
cents to the users of domestic sizes,
and of 75 cents- a- ton to the users
of steam sizes. •
Deposits of black magnetic ore- at
Whycoconiagli, Cape Breton, held by
Messrs. Hart, (Mlles and Living-
stone. were Saturday eveatin•g sold
to officials of the Dominion Steel
Compuny for $100.000. Theore is •
estimated at many millions of tons. •
To the great satisfaction of the
Cailadiens at London, tted the people
generally,th3 police are not•te have ,
their way in the •desite that the Can-
adian arch should • be pulled down:
it has been d icided that it idled ie -
main standing until the eleventh ot
August next. -
The Ne* York .I3oa.rd. of • Rapid '
Transit Commissioners have accepted.
the bid made by the Belmont-Mel:eine*
aid Syndicate for the Conetenction of '
a tunnel under East River to.Brook-
lyn. The syndicate offered to 'build *
the tunnel for $2,000,000, and the.
terminals for $1,000,000 additional.
• casual:Tues. '
A cloudburst in a farming district .
eight miles south of Fort Plain, N. '•
catised great damage. •
The body of Pte. Espie of the C.M.
R., who was drowned. on Wednesday
Inst at, Winnipeg, Malt., ilaS been re -
en vered
i s m let Virldent chornotor. 2t-tanY of
et, , 1 di . a. n es
telig rti11.717 Otriet ftgrig ,!z pe
The total number of easeS of chol-
era at Cairo and at leloUchtt, near
Assioot, since July 15, is 207, of
which 227 proved fatal. ,
Cholera, which had been diminish-
ing for a week, suddenly inereased
to 78 eases in Manila, Thureday, the,
largest since the outbreak.
China as a Mission field was the
topic of the last day of the Toronto
summer echo(/' for Methodist Young
President Loubet signed a decree
submitted . by the Premier, M.
CoMbes, ordering the forcible cloettee
et 26 congregationist sehools in
Paris, and in thedepartment of
Seine, which. have 'refusedto disperse
The remains of Charles Beaumont
are being brought to Gananoque for
burial, Ile died of fever at a post
of the Northwest Mounted. Polite.
'rhe body of the late John W. Mac
. -
luny, who cli,d in London last Sun-
day, will not be tal.en to the United
States until September. Mrs, Mac-
kay's health forbidding her earlier
sen,noeto twetatileds.
Grand Trunk Railway System earn-
ings, July 14 to 21, 1902, $579e,
601; 1001, $517,149; increase, $62,-
d he eareengs of the Cunadian Pa-
cific Railway for the week endlitg Ju-
ly 21, were $681,000; same wee':
last year $634,000.
TIRE 1,1111Z RECORD, .
Thursday morning .the ' tower of the
First Methodist Church, London,
veleich is 150 feet high, was struck by
lightning end began to blave quite
freely. The firemen succeeded in eon -
fining the fire within its limit. • The
loss is about $2,500, • '
A Cross -petition was filed in Haan-
ilton on Saturday against A. R,
Wardell, the unsuccessful Conserva-
tive candidate In North Wentworth.
The C,P.R. ,will continence .the
traneportation of' the 20,000 farm
laborers from Ontario to the North-
west en August 20,
. .
-Fred Ems, Hamilton, •Was kicked by
a horse in the T. II. & 13. 1ac1el:1.w.
yards Thursday evening. His , ••ieg:
was broken. .
Wes, Charles Denig and her •yourtg -
child were burned- to :death dhuise
day night in .e creamery builditig
Callicoon, N.Y. •
. .
J. fI. Kelsey, a guest of the, •ste-;'.
ward of the Provincial
onto, was capsieed from a canoe in -
the Humber Bay, Friday afternoon. •
Ile Was rescued.. • ", •
Arthur Briquet,. 29 years-- old, • of' ;'
Montreal, was droWited hureday,
while workings on a slip' in tha Bute',
falo dock. Ile was standing on- the
anchor when the engineer started. the.
boat. • •
Murray Scott, the•2-year-old sotiof '
Andrew Seott, who resides meate DO-
erton, near London, strewed across a
field near his parents'. 'mese. Titers-,
day, fele iuto a pool of water,*
. .
WatS drowned. . „ .
A balloonist from Greenville; by
the mune of Johnson was decwrted..in-
the lake at Lakeview, Mkt., Wednes,
day evening. Johnson. dropped. into
the water and- failed to -corrie.to the
surface. Later, his body -Was found
tangled in the.. weeds.
. .
More than forty people were 'poi-
soned at I•laryvelle, Tent., by drink-:
ing lemonadewhich had been care-
lessly surcharged with•tartarie acid.
The lemonade was being sOld by J.
Warren .Cerr, a merchant, _who hime.
• self drank freely of the deadly Mix-
ture, and he and four others will
probably die. . .
Two negroes, who namesare,iinee
known, were lynched at Womeleddrie
near Phillippe, -Thursday, by'
nn angry mob, numbeeing several
hundred. The trouble griewe out of
the murder of (.Thief Bud eiVilmoth,
July 23. . • .
A daring hold-up took place on
the Mexican Central, at. itheut 12.80
o'clock Tuesday morning just as the
train had left Derniijilo. 'Three Aill*
eriCallf4 boarded the trein, .end cov-
ering Messenger .13ucciter with their.
revolvers, ordered him- to throw- up
his 'hands. el hi inessmiger Offered 'no
resistance. '1 he robbers then went
leisurely through the Safe, 'securing
$50.000 in currency. ,
About 7,000 ctgarinakers of Manila
have gone on. strike. They demand a
material increase in wages. .
President FoX and all the eld offic-
ers of the International Moulders'
Union were re-elected in •Poi -onto •
Friday, but. Alex. Faulkner of Cleve-
land was elected to the position of
Treasurer, vacant by the death of
Mr. Henze', who died in offiee. Mine
adelphia will be the next place of:
One hundred and twenty. fresh Metes
of cholera have been reported in Cai-
ro. Egypt. The •drinking fountains
have been closed. The epidemic is of
north Grey's Member Succumbs to Its-
Auriew Received by t1;e Ilursting ef
a Clywheel-lils Career.
`.0Wen Sound, July 24e -About 5
o'clock last night Mr. William P.
Telford, of Telford, eee .c 9., beillterti,'
and one -of the directoTh of the Sun
Cement Company, visited the inill.
and Pr. • • forsey • t conducted. -them
through the various departments. • At
six o'clock, Man closing time ceme.
1he •gentleinen • werein the .engine -
room, in which, •in addition to the
powerful prineipal engine .• of 650.
.horse power; there fe itit accessory (ne.
• gine, which is run when the big ate
gine is closed deevii, and, aleo -to Op-
erate various lighter -running sections •
of the mill.
. Dr. Horsey' had just given instrec-;
lions With negard to' closing • down
the- smaller engines and starting •tip
,the. larger, •and had turned :to speak
•to Mr. 'Telford, when . the flywheel
burst into a 'hunered.• pieces, almost
wrecking the building, and ehrowing
large . section out t hroUgh the roof,
nearly .100 yards , distant. •
• The „chief engineer and .his assist-
ant -wore -in
ant Were -in the room, and, with Dr.
Meatier. and •Mr. TelforeLe were ' the
seee opcupants, 'When the .effects of.
the . bursting had been realized,it
was folind that • Dr. • *Horsey. was
stretched 'on the ,flo.or, with his skull
0 -tattered baek of- his 'ear. .S.O. .badly,
that thi brain was oozing •out.-
. Drs. lame and ?Hershey were called
rind. had t he Ai:tiered .Man rent ovcd t o
the General • and Marine Hospital,
Where he died without regaining con-
sciousness.' • . . •
• Dr. Horsey ..wa.e elected to .1 he
House of • Commette for. NOM b Grey,
as • di- Liberal,. • hi •e900, • defeating
Charles Gordon by a majority of 28;
.11e,was • 35 years of age .and . Was a
medieitl practitioner, wilh.d he ,goed-
will or a large sectiote of the com-
munity, . both Liberal and Conserve -
,He married a daughter •of Dr.
McDona'd • -, of Wirterhane, Deputy
SPea, erof the Hotta° of Commons.
• Two'. sinall'childcen . are the reselt-pi
the union.
THE orawrort vrArada
Mrs. John Creilly Killed and Her
Husband Seriously Injured,
W. stealth. e Houttlton Trwrolor ror
Fisher 14 co„ Loot Ms LIN by Mg
Upoottlur ot Rls Yacht -Norman Itridl
Whits Rortzum:our Soros, Mitmlee Creek
Throws Up HI. Hands mud 151tOot-Two
Lkdo Drowned la he welieed River.
Tororito, July 28.-Iligh Park,
Where thotleands of
ienickers were
making merry on Saturday after-
noon, was the scene of a distressing
fatality. Mrs. Creilty, wife of John
Oreilly, a foreman at the park was
killed by lightning, her husband and
a young lad were injured, and con-
siderable damage was done to the
house. The electric storm accompane
ied the rain and drove all the merry
makers to shelter. Mr. and Mrs.
Creilly, their family and a few
friends had been out in the park, and
when the rain came down they hur-
l -Jed into the house, which is situat- •
. ed at the head of Boustead a enue,
• just across the ravine. Me house is
a one -storey frame structure. About
5, o'clock the lightning struck the
chimney, shattering it and wrecking
the roof. The current passed •down
the chimney, near the bottom of
which Mrs. Creilly and a friend, Mrs,
Forrester, were seated on a sofa. lo
front of the 'women, lying on the
floor was a dsg, while Mr. °redly
and a young lad were standing near
,the doorway. The lightning strock
ars. Creilly, then killed the dog. wed
knocked down 1ir. -Creilly and the
young la,d, The current then struck
the opposite wall, tearing the wall-
paper and wrecking the woodwork.
•cSatpreadn.ge to ,say, Mrs, ..Forrester es-
Damilien Man Drowned,
Haeriliten, JOY; 23. W. ,Griffith.
was drowned yesterday afternoon by
the upsetting of the . yacht Hully Gee,
.off Newcastle,. in a stone, Hie cetne
ininion paddled ashore 'before a.ssiste
(ince could reach there. Theari fort tie
nate youngman was a. son. of Wil-
liam 'Griffith; and had been a traveler
for Fisher . Co., wholesale .sedcilers,
Nerman•Deld Meets Death..
Toronto, July 28e-ellortnan Reid,
a yeungeman 17 years. • Of age, Was
•.drowne(1 .Sunday afternoon •about 8.
. o'clock- in Mindere Ceeek.. 'Ile • and.
Burt ..Nentey, 07 Shaw streetee were
in . bathing. . Neither .--of them: •.were..
•good ..swimmers,,and-.11eid, encleavoe-
• .edito'Swiin across tho see,
•-ceeded and .wres returning, but when,
about half Weer across gave .up sue-
• denly .and sank. d'he body was.soon• •
reeotered- .ntid.talierf to .Nurse's
--el,,-ITumber Bay; where Dr. Orr, cer-
,,,Oner for :the' district,. Viewed.:.1.110 , re-
• -mains and- eleeided -that. an. inquest
• was not neceseery.
„rte• ileys,'Aced 16 "1 20, •Lost • Their
Lives. W1 1. Bi.0,k Inn'. • •
Wellaad, July 28.7 -Two yodng encre-
Gordbn Beekett.,•son•Of Williaill Beek-.
_ at., and Fred :Riddell, a -young Eng-
' lish .Iad, aged .16 and- 20 respectiee-
were. edrowned in the Welland
River, at .Beekett's , Bridge, about
• seven Miles weet of Welland, Fri-.
'day. eteeiting...,''They ,'eveee in beth:ree,.
and weee heard ii ete.ne and btu h.
'ing ..foe Some eitne, but -after 'a
• while; • • . everee hing becaine quiet 'and
• When parties. -went ..to 'ineesti.grite
what was the matter; 'there was.no-
th,ng.,. but, an overtuenedeneee. te:-fie•
seen. • The bodies . were 'felled ,shortly
eftemeards, but life. WO. extinct.
. ,
hilt! • 013:iiii3.4F,: •
.Liout; Johnson, or itifte.IIT'lkitile, 611111011,
• Wall It. vooro 3IP1,1ho
• 'Three Canadland CoUrly..
. •
, • Cairto, . .1 uly 28.-e•Seturday •
the final Steete . • df the King's Pelee
was shot, the rengeshen g bee,' 900,
and .1,000 3 ards. . •
'1 he eceees„ of the three' Celt ol'ette
Conipeting were us 'fol � es:
$01! 900 ,1;(,06
• yds. yds, „eel's,' tel
('apt; Rennie, .Q.0.* ." '
It.: .. . . ..... 3S ••
88 • 15 86
ellajor ilicitolibie,
St, John, N.B. Al. '85 .11. 90
•TI oe. le9 1.0 , 99
Lieut. jolateen- of •tho prigade
with a 'total Seore of th ev 11 n Ired
and seven, was 'the what're of tee
meted King's I - • . •.
'I heherricane here 1Ws •aittro 01
%vas lo StrOrig: that It lelew down 111e.
umbrella t• n', sre the dietri bution
of Prizes takes place.
• Penne 1 ittad in it 0Itelt,
London, July. 25.-- Mr. *John Wil-
son, a tanner 'living on. this town line
of Wyton, a few' Miles. west of
Thorn :ale, wati found 'd L (1 • rt.
ditch on .rottdway near Vie ion W11(1-
tlesday afternoon about 6 o'elo 'it by
two Of his get ndeltildeee. ilir. ,Wil-
son, Who Was over 70 years of age,.
was prObably killed by the !terse
running away.
• Hoe troteible entitle* 1..111r,d.
Shallow July 25.--•Nritcyl,
the thrte-yta r -old son of, John Sin-
clair, blapicsmith, had', Iinuotice 1 by
'Mr. :Parley, got under his waggen,
and when the load stafied" was
ktiorkrd down end ran over by the
iron'. %%heel of the waggon, aol bad-
ly ieeired ithout the luck and abe
elomen, Ile (ttehet recover, .
Montreal, J uly 28e -Florence
•Lean, %aged 18, was drowned While
boating in ••thie, 3fontreat Aqueduct
yesterday. afternoon. '
•• 1106.4
Cleveland, • Ohio, July 28..-Antra--
and:Rdea Gime, -aged 6 and 16 yearS
respectively, ;were drowned. in Lake
Erie yesterday :afternoon. .The girls,
With two other :'phildren„'were put
sailing with their father, when a
squall tit dekly • ciente and overturned
• the boat, throwing the, entire party
into the water.The girls went Own
before help edulii be given theme.The
others Were rescued. ,
• • Looks' 1:11te
Montreal, July 28:-7-Udrice perners),
manager of 'the Star •Shoe Company,
was found Aced" to -day Mount
'loyal Park 'with a -bullet in his head.
14, appears like a clear ease ,of
• • . einettiat entwines Reimer. , •
Washington; ' july 28. -Eugene
. •
•eom, Once* well •ktiown as an alienist.
end. neurologist., . reinitiated 44011(10
here -yesterday ;at his 80(1 '5 home, by
'sending 11, bullet' through his brain,
. Grissom- had beeenne phyeicully.
aml mentally weakened'fren • the use
of str.oeg ottecotit.e.• • •
. 11 11 :so 4.41,4Hiti 1 141*k
London, July 2e.- There is a
Me (mg re ()babe ;ty that. 1 he 1411881011
92 cliental for- an int 01'0E1 0011411 (.0110(4, -
enc.() on truSts will be 0,1010,0 by
England and .elermittiy, whetevee a
tion may be taken hy the othe eon-
, ere 'repeest eted at Brussels e he (re,
..niercial relations bet)veett
told the tleti ted ates are eo • int 1 -
mete and, complex that a moven if
directed against American 11,1100t244
and cOinlenatione, cunnet receive
tioverinitent tneourttgentent 'here.
etre' V, -r itowot 111.
• Toronto, .1 tily .e- For the • rad
, several days Sir (MVO. MoWitt, the
: Lieutentent-0000l nor of Ontario, 1 01
• been confined to eloverioneet
. through illness. Ile is stlfiering from
' and althotigh able to 1 ••
abotit, 'the hottee he hae not euilicient
! strength to venture out.
nreetoed 00' For
, Mattreal, juelv 13rut.
; left last evenink for Home, the Vico'
General, Mgr. Haricot, being appoint,.
od 'administrator of the erchtliocese:
'1 Ile NVIV 6,41.0. IU 0 t I$3 ti 11 ell Peel
HIS Jutelltimi of A.Slintlorc Duties
or Ulm 1' Mee IMmedi ;l,11',
Ottawa, July, 26. --The new oflieer
commanding the Cuntailan
Major -Oen. Lord Dundoettlel, had no
()evasion to doubt the genuineness of
his weleome to Otttewa last night.
He arrived on the 1..,e) aegloele Canada,
Atlieetic 'express, and was greeted at
the Central Deput by fally 2,000
The weird of honor wits furnished
by the/Gird liefebutett, lit command of
Cape. ettinetein, ac,outpunied by the
full bend. At the station were Major
i.1 tuide represent ing the (1 overnor-
General, Col. Pinettult, Deputy Min -
ister of Militia; Col. Cotton,'
• Vidal,. Col, Rutherford and- Col.
•Cartwtight of the headquarters stefi,
and Col. ,HOdurns, D,O.C., and ell the
officers of the Ottawa garrison. • Th0
local' ofticets were presented. to • the
new (1.0.C. Ly Lord Aylmer, Who at-
companied. -1,ord Dundonald from
Montreal, • . .
Major cook.' extended gracions
welcome' in- behalf of the city, after
•Whielt Lord •Dundenald carefully', en-
spected the•guarti of 'tenor,questioti-
ing several. men 'who -wore 1110da1S 0.8
to the •place and 'oceasion on which.
they were won. One Man who wore,
somethiog Inappropriate to theocca-
shin was eritirized, piain ly demon-
strating that- the 'new 0.0.0; has an.
eagle eye. and a. sharp business' turn.
As Lord Dundonald reached. the end
, of tee line some (Me propoeed, three.
cheerS. -were giell..1Vith much..
gust, by the. Crowd.- -Lord. Dondonahl
.afterwards drove 40% 1115' new honie,
Ilk -lean C01 tag('„ near • a overnment
House,. ile was amnipanied by Maj-
o!,"..rITliShi',11.1.(nlit'r' once. -ie.. the -eftY waS her-
0lt160 hy a salute- • of -1.1...guns •femn,
..Ilicliov:..(;),e.atnenneedie -:
tention of. asisioning the (IWO Of his
office iminediately. •
Mow Lilo Nowa of Ole 0.10.11, Offer; Re,
• 'E.;ot A ttuotlo lerviro, l'rus Deceived.
• .: 1...oudoo.
• . ••
. 'Landon, ,July Lifie- The ennouncee
-.went 'front. Montreal, that:. at '1 10. 'ye-
true41. of the Canadian eliniSteesnow.
Londeh. the' Cana Olaf' Pacific ...Rail--
voad .has offered to estaltliSh . and
wurk a 'weekly feet 'eel -en* between
cut bet. and 1-1•1e. f.0,01 n the S11.0110er;'
and between 1T(tifa' nnd. LiVVITC1(31
10 1. lie winter„ :Wit 1 a good freight •
soreice; is'etette•Ing. consitterable'. stir
ill .Engi anti, .where 44 le' be i•lell, :with
delight .un 'being ait. oItsee to .1. Pier-•
poet Morgan's ehippinmith
g • eine...
elle. even lie fteipere had Placards
reading.. • et• ng'bli .coutidnelioe to
: light elle A eie..1( an Trust •.' et c. "
e The °Metals ',of t he • *Canadian Paci-'
fie officials here deny -tine they havc.
any each :intentioit, lett they us • Well
as others I•elleve that the long diS-.
•'• I andion fest service is lino..1,;
ly .aPnreathing realization, The chief
indica tion -of this is the fact • that.;
the -offer w11s. nettle by the Canadian
• Thichic Railroad at, the instance of
the 'Canteelien ,Ministers 1 0.1 hero, and
• that they. W.( re fully aware •. "of ' the
conditions (he Imperial, , COveeninerit
•1S.:.pieptteed to accede to.
. •
• • ieneeexouxeit or coaRA:'
(10ar.tuteee /reit .C.rItstin Julan
e. St. Petersburg,july.26.-eA.sPeciel
despatch recei ved here ••11•0111
Cerea, announces the. conclusion .01
.animportant age( ementbe0Veen the.
11Vitish and a apnese M iniaters ' -to.
Corea On one hantl, mid the J.apanese
'Councillor Knee, special.' adviSee. -of
the, Corean .EMPeror,.. (in other,
.by.' which' .. Great Britein and iv ;en
Mutually guarantee .thirea's indenend-
'Mice,reed pledge her their 'support
•atid assistaece ii) all important ques--
tines affeeting her' inferriational , and
foreign fiol icy,
. Corea ;in tete ; agrees to raise
her naval •and• mi1iiary establishments
to a' footing snflicient . tor her own •(.16,..
fence,. and- altio, in ease of raising.. a.
foreign loan, .stat - agrees to reetrice.
'herseft tc. the markets. of Great IIrit-•
(tin, Japttn, 111441. the United Stattee.
. ir,trAtalis; AN WIND STOItal,
3 Cloud st1d'12 Diswillit Prom tab "Putt-
cottver et.•
. •Veneetlyer , 13. C.; july..26.--eTlirce
men meet drowned and a 'dozen aro
1nissi.11g, as the result of a furious
1"i1id41.0e111 here yesterday. 'flat havoc -
was wrought among the flaking fleet.
The full extent of tho disaster cat -
not. be • learned until tho occupants
of all vessels are heard from. Melly-
housee were destroyed by the WO
wind.. It assumed the proportions of
a toenado in some sections,.
e•therier Moe eit the traln. . •
Montreal, dub,. 260 -Trooper Greg.
8011 of Brewton, Man.,' died of heart
failure about 2.80 o'clockyesterday
of. 0)11000 between Quebec 'and i‘lon.
tow'. rie• was on bin way home -
from the front and arrived on the
The. News -Record, • which Leads- for .Hitron News,
.will be setit to- any -address' mail the etid.-.of :1902
for 25c•
C0310f 111[ IVO 1.k8 Dyspepsia
Chinese and ":outh African War
Cost Britain $1,140,000,000,
, $375,000,000 or Ibis Aollotlut Have Al.
ready nuen Cootvibitted by medal
eaxpeeers-itite exeittel 1 elk., 8(115 elr
Diehael litolts.11eaell, 1 ;Ad !teem isovUe•
D. it hot; 1 •eriniO4 1",1i4.4•y to Couluiorro
-Loolgo VOr Itoml,v.ito, of 'Taxation.
I,011-(1011, ,I ',Iv • Mit h el
iiicks-ileue•b, wive thi etwee, this e)te..
ing of the Lord eiae-or mei city
ban!cers awl mer hams at a, farewell
theme et the Mititeion
outgoing Chancellor of the lex-
eheener end eh it .1111 Chin •se anti
entt;::::i.:.1.31) itime..1.:.0e; tt.t
Bri Lain 1 , 1 lite i00.000 of winch
t tri
tottitited, d 1e75,000,000.
The L':V14.,141'il.11. 1.111 101-11' 1(31 11-
0(1 striates to et/inn:urea alai
$750.000,000 hell. been b‘e•row eel 00
easy terms, whi h Great 'Pella/I-1'S
011 0 inlet eel; 11.:0 rs t but.
0 .4.1 tate,
is,eit year, Ilices-Detteh
said, lei :0 )etel for a reltlit.Sion. of
-taX.111 i0i1,_ alai .11e Warilt11 ills 11001' -
et 0 11,-.:11. the Vollmtant growth of
1011 1ul'1 eNp..,111111.1 v, to ging thatme-
t-era, lolls ought le he elude foe n
day' of aeleileity, mil that the 00:-
t nee, though iwretteinee'.ehould not
be flat alrea la 'antes of lit ave.
1 N.. ?et 1'. 014
Cape Toe n, .July 27.- -In. 11 ret•ent
:tree. h at lentil, Cal (.; co• pay. Gime
veal Botha said .that all of South
Alt ha. e under ona Mee, 'Out that.
.tlle .1100rS had not Peen vanquisrititi.
Barlatese w (toilt . of them, 'he
1211.14.1, hut fo 12 11 and ,11 wee • would petit ;0
them throee h • 11. Africa wti-8 13-11e-.
1"atLel'I11011. 411 '11' birth. ight mei Deese
i Mime tte .
I lersta foreign ',words :meaning bad cook
I bee come rather te eignify bed stomach: for
the most common MOO of the dismal is 4
predisposing want of vigor and tone In
; that organ.
No diocese makes life more miserable.
Its sufferers certainly do not tiro ,to eat:
they sometimes wonder if they should
eat to
. W. .A. Nugent, Bellville, Ont,, was greatly
troubled with it for years t and Peter IL
%tare, Ban Claire, Wis., who was TO
afflicted with It that he was nervous, 8h -un-
less, and actually sick most of the th,fe,
obtained no relief train Medicines Melee'
sionally prescribed.
They were cotupletely cured, as alien
have been, by
Hood's. Sarsaparilla
according to their own statement vol-
untarily made. Tilts greet nit:divine
; strengthens the steratich .and the whole
i digeotive system. Be sure te get Bated' e
Any Lacrosse Players 'desiring cm-
plo.itiont may obtain the Si1.11111 hy
Nk.tititig at cawe to
• CA1,17111E4', Mich.
5th tare C. & Hospital,
JlIllC el. ..
I •
. We represent the- makers of the
bv§t bicyelcs in the Market,
We keep second hand wheels for
We repair bicycles .and keep ell
kinds of repairs- in .stock,
We sell the Page Wire Pence and
do a general blacksmithing and'Able:
biug trade.
• .8.3.‘00 "'um,
Leavin.g Varna
. - •
'crops 'Around SmirlivIllu '1 bresbecl (s)ut by
too-Numbor of t-er:ous
. • 11r4,41 From Lielttotoi.
• Sinithv i Ile, J uly 25.-A very heavy
stoimi of and nail 'passed ()vete
a sectioe- Cf • the country e short (lie-
tence south of this village, resulting
ie elude elatilage., :Cropsof- genie at
. the -tee:libation. of Storni 'Wei e ltretli-
cf.1 and covered .with. tWo. 1,
of -.0.1', (120 1)1 crops seem to . (1)- '
• tally- destroyed. 11.1.,11.1 . trees • mi...
fritit • were 510)2 113' CIL!11I(l1i'011, 0411 1014
• being •novered flout' the trees. -
some of the' ...hailstorms --measured
three ...iiic116$ 111' .311
:some plaees halls:tol.fes.eolletted to It' .
depth . of sie 1112 hes, .present -ehe
eimearareee br... Mode .0 e 11111 of
8110W 04 1 )OCel111161.. 011 1111
.."1,1;4,1: It
.7111 111 .Jylly. •
''14l-a1•tawa 10044 Ely .inie 111
:Cho worst tletinderst.otens known: 41
this • part • -Tor ,.a -neMberof years.
Li,ghLiliItg 11 10014 • eireesrs.Leblanc
tine -susit , end door
fakery and 'Uwe- Were deStreyedby
fire•. . .
1111 I' (110(0.1v
. . . •
Ottawa, •Ittly 25.-Lighttling .struck .
the . Pei:shy t crime • :-Church . tet ,lenet
'fettleinge e'c'edni,stitte, .1.111.11 did
' 830fy '..The .Wite 1144.lee14i
14 nine ti beconquered before:, the•..•
building wee tiestrOyeek.
..:lemiet, a kier•-e.....
. . . . .
A It.iiieton, the.•
heavy •electi•iettl tetee.ei.,
• • over tlij 1.111e] t yeeterdeee,...0 1 .10117-
; ithle 00 1'44(' .wae Neste .Wdtleit..e.-eleaged
.te,Mreetiellen•el,- a further. leehipeeeei ,
inile ease of:1 hie • 1110( 11. . The titteem'e
oii .the Aguietelteritl• .Vetir 'Mittel:pee ••
Was' 0.180 ,81r.be by. lightb lug; :bat. 110. •
other' damage was. done. • • •
• • ,
.As We are leaving Varna We •
WIS11 to reduce our stock of
• Boots mull Shoes- as love as
poesible, 80 . until the • first of
• ,Angitet. ,•yon W•ill have the op- -
portunity . of 'bitying shoes at
end below cost. • •
• itleit's• VineShoes, regular
prices, $2.25, $2,50. and; $3.0(11 ,
• going at: S2...25. •
Woineu'e 'X.25'and .$1. .so
' • 'Shoes* for eee and SI. • ,
.Childree's $1.25 Shoes going •
at only eoc. •
• Don't Items • this lest' oppor-
tunity, • of getting great bar-
' gaine at the Varna. Boot' and•
t'hoe Irouse • • ' •• •
Ilintse• and Lot for Stile...
All' who 'lave account; with .
1144• are rtquesterd to 'call; eial •
•S(4tele 1114 804)11 LIS 1)044142 010.
‘13r4‘ :(41 P.T14-F11.1.4
S•71. .A ....%•• p •
ortland 01E01
q.14 'S4Lt. • •
. agent. in•Alus
Ariel for the, Os, en Sound
. • I 'ort laud. .(lemon
.p,any.and am prepared to
• sup.ply Other •. large, or
81112.11.' quantities. -Contrae-
tors and others who:- in-
of cenient 'dO:
• .well.to.eommunicate with.
Me.. • 271,ic.• Sain.pon brand.
of, Cement :manufactured'
OWen.SOund Port-,
.• land (lenient Company
' the cpinent on the.
. •
' oR.A. SION S.ra. lex • Iti; E(NE1),
. .
rrif:Stfi find 3IOolco Tenipor-
11r113. It.tillel•••41 0 0111 eletill
efonereal,'Jul,,' 25, -Le tme • of
ftintili ter • an fi nee el se jin t he eht'ires ef
the . eaiete . of elle oun on tile
Meer ()elated,' lets ahem:I,. disnlileeife
ed. , '111.1 WGn 101'611 1.1o111111.1, •Aloottie-
Ivey- of • itlet, which time 3.011)44 . ;to.
1011 1.11•r1i 417. i ts• 'enti
inoliks froin, all oVer .t he '.1.41,1(1
• carrying' out\'�-0.'$ :of per 'Jet 1(111 Ialsij',
perpet uttl prayer: polls!! Flat Noe
enee, is. new • .LL holm of 11-0111111 n'-
. A fire 'started, *no ( enows
heW; • anti theteelt the eritis t s . n
_Mottles' 41.0 (1 L. layultel, cenployed about
the hdlIdiner, •It1e4(11 0 ley Fetter Ced-
uinbian, the ifrior, worhet with 1141 -
their• 111 I) to save the build 0,14,
end thougli Owe were, assisted by tee.
(id of f he A n- i tir I
School,' :leibingerre to thee lientasi ere,
end situnted 11 ell(4) ded-ant
from, their Mettles coidd not .preveni
Vita tidirlee from burnipe
t the glee n 1. t otitlerful
reltete, There tea,/ 11<8 eci .8 of life, Mel
1.1ti 'monks (1 priest s Kcit. 1)11)
1Y4 0.1(11004.11 I IN 0 110111l12, 001
Seeeelle, who 11118 111111:1. ('/1 .1'0(4*
1)10 11 WaS ill 11
44(11T01'21.4 r10)10 40118111111)1 1011, 141.0 1.7;-:
'Toted to die. '1 hoe* .were,r•Svtlori
fl'011t (he top storey nt' thv risk of
the. evaelt(rs 1 jVOS, '1111. .11)141 is place' •
edat ,cloo 000 mat •th 're W•1,4
$167,0o0'inniirttlice, on the bulliriug. •
11. Dvertelt. ' • •
" Kingston,. July - Yesterilner
niotning 11. derrick peed at ilia liveirs
• building oe eltieete's College campus
(woke at the top, and -a leg of it. 'fell
towards the lettid n Mennitoutt-d
to George Richert's, about 6(1 yearS,
to run, lint as he turned, the timber •
struck 11111 ort the breast, knockiner
him into. the 'air, 'lb, fell 30 feet,
and Wile picked tip dead. Richards
lielongod to Nepenee,' aml had been
working at tlie Cou*e • building for
some time,
3111.4. ti....tenani
St. John, N.13., July 25: - Mrs.
Ketchum, wife of Mr: 33. II. I<C1( hum,
a. prominent eitizeit of St; ,1(
instantly kilit el at Iliverhan'....about
fifteen inilcs from this 41 43., 3.2-14401,11,.3.
morning by •thl. nut 51)11,4 collodion
Faeifie freight train. S1iwu ualk-
ing up tho track,
l'he ntipeitob t760,1.8.,
Aecerding to the Unmet, the neer:Age
English cook "utterly declines to
weigh materials for cooking; she will
not rook ntent, but prefere to put it In
the (Well, Or If os n greot favor she
Mite .it Iii freint Of the fire, she Is tee
lazy • to baste It Or to put it Sereell
round it." e
Laxative Droino Quinine Tablets
tete a 0014 In 0110 day, No cure$ no
pay, Price 25 cests4,
Thos. A, Walker.
Cool' Cotton Boot Colnizontl
Is successfully used monthly be over
10,000 Ladles. Safe, effectual. Latlies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Con-
found. Take ni) other, as all Mixtures, pills aed
PriOe NI 1 41 plr
box; No. 0,10 degreee stronger, 48 per btot, O.
1,entiVaq,Plir iiroe:atootilltiriiiieyaVtglitAg.nt.t
1124111.0.5.. and.2 gold and recomtuendedby
responsible Dreggiste in Canada.
Nos. t•and 2' are sold in Clinton by
IL 13. COnibe, It. P. Reekie, 1i), Hov. •
ey and 'Watts & Co. -druggists.
eeezee...eeeet-e•-ee:-eeee,'..ee-'-i-'' •
a- -
I 1
et e
J41,1137 titstg '002
AT $2.
Persons in neighboring towns
who are thinking of perehas,
big .camera. will receive • an
Eastman 'catalogue by drop-
ping us a care. Other cameras,
besides the Eitstmen, can he
sonnet'. Films, developing
powders .4 other light ,sup-
plies can be sent by mail,
Oar cheap Exposure Meter
at 35c gives the -correct expos-
ure -under all conditions and
pap; for itself in a short time
by saving over- and under ex-
posure in negatives; :
Chemist and Druggist.
Redue uion m
liere i. a good chance to
secuye a first class buggy at a
-big reduction. .Note these
prices :
po Buggies :.for "68
$75 Buggies for $65 '
$65 RuggieS.:for.. $60.
Remember them are all our
own make which places us in
f:;p0s,i,tion to :guarantee them •
aS•ive,, do not buY anytbingbn''
iirSt-claSs material'. -
:.• Rem -thing promptly attended .
ber expeeienced Mete. •
RUN1BALL and itileMATII.
Flurrin St., (Jiinton,
Highest Price
For Produce
pay th highest price: for ail• '•
:4inds.of 1)00614140 and will. be' pleneed•
. .
e • •
to ha.ve yoa beteg. it..0 es: . oe oer , •
• Wagon will call,:epon yoe.
bur etock-. of brY
Wall Paper; Etc.,' is large and well
assorled. ,' • •
.,Tor,Ebo-.-$A.th„T.STM, MAIUEDIv-
•,112.141GIIT & PASS,p.::NGUR.
Weather permitting stettin---,
.ers will depart...per schedule
shown below. •
Will leave Goderich, North Boatel,
fx o'clock p. in. Wednesdays; fer'Sault
.8te. Mario and intermediate Ports ;
returning will •• leave .Goderich for
Winclser, Detroit end 'Toledo at z
o'cloek p, in. on Mondays.
LCCIVeS G4i11011iC111 Mirth bound,' every
(4abll'elliv at '9,3). 111.. for Parry Sound
and Stoat Ste. Mario.. .Lca.ves Gocler-
ith, south tiound, every Thursday at'
12.3o p. in, fpr- Windsor, Detroit and
.Toledo, • calling. at intermediate ports.
• Yew rales and further information
address Wm. 1,ee, Goderich, or •
W, 3. RosEvEAR, • .
General' Traffic.'Maitager,
tite. Marie*, Ont,'
O Off all the following lines Where the purchase amounts; to
a il0a of" Mere t ' , ,
a Ginnitownro; Tinware, Shelf Hatelteare, eintlieS
Si '
o W t. i 1 i g pt $, , ( I a s 0 i 1 11' (1,1)11 coal oil Stoves, Pumps and Sinks,
Win (1111.1 bilitnn, Daisy Clitirtn, 'Born Door' .11.4111c1$, Cul pen.
O 4er1? Tools, Cutlery ;old ritit.«I Ware.
D . ..
0 . 1Vo give 1,elow a few special Prices for. next weekts•
d cash hoye es :
o. 2014. Woggoner Extension L:1.11(108 iiiil:75..
O 2511, " ,, 8'
O .
Peerlenn Machine Oil 4i5c,
a Itogers' Extra Machine Oil 350
a. ' Golden. Light ''' '' 10e -.
• Machine Oils in 5 gal. lots, 5c per gal. less
• PuW
re hito Lead, in 25 lb. 1108, *1.55
• 8 lbs. Wire Nails for 25e.
a 10 1 its , Cut Nails, for 25e
6 boees of Axle Grease for 25e
Get our prices on 13uuler Twine
ilttrelta Ply Ciller
• •
1.5 $14104041100041111b 4000.111100066001,11114114.011.111.0