HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-05-08, Page 4PAGIti 4 -TME BLYTH STANDAR I -May 8, 1920 INEMIMMENNimmosilli Special Introductory Sale H. A. LOFFREE successor to J. FERCUSON $ CO. Brussels, will offer a complete range of Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings, Ladies' and Children's Wear at Greatly Re- duced Prices, for 15 Selling Days, Starting at 9 a. m. on Friday, May 2nd, in the McMurehey Block, Blyth, Ont. Spring Dress Materials Including Flowered Calan- ese and Crepe Rayons in a beautiful assortment of shades and patterns. Reg. $1.35 and $1.50 yard. Sale price, yard 98c. ti ti ti ti ti Comforr Batts and Quilt We carry a splendid White • i Comforter and guilt Batts from Pretty Cotton Crepes New shades and desig ns, all laid out to clear during sale at yard 29c. 35c. up. Ladies' Hose Special Silk and wool in many shad- es and a lot of broken lines of our regular stock. Sale price per pair 69c. Women's Aprons In one great clearance, re gardless of former price, at each 49c. Sheetings 2 yards wide in plain. Reg- ular sale price per yd -.59c 21-4 yards wide. Reg 85c. Sale price yard 69c. Dress Goods Including Tartans, Tricot- ines, Armure's French Flan nels, Gabardines & French Serges. Reg. $1.00 values Sale price per yard.. 69c. 36 Inch Flannelette In plain white and light stripes. Special 5 yards for 99c. Dark and Light Print 32 and 36 inch wide, Reg. 25c. Sale price per yard. 19c. Ladies' Silk Vests and Bloomers All sizes and all shades, during sale, special _._._..-_. 89c. and 98c. Men's Braces Special clearance of both heavy and light webs,, all good elastic. Sale._.42c. Our regular 75c. qualities in both work and dress braces. Sale 59c Unbleached Linen Table Damask In good heavy quality, reg. $1.00 per yard. Sale 89c. Also pure white and color- ed bordered Damask, blue borders. Reg. $1. a yard. Sale price 89c. Clearing Lines of Silk Hose All sizes and many shades, Sale price e✓�..�C?.�"�".c�- 98c. Ginghams In Checks and Plaids, 27" wide, 15c yard. 7 yards for $ 1.00 32 and 36 inch in great var- iety to be cleared in one great sweep at per yard__... 24c, Chintzs & Crettones 36 inch comforter and drap- ery chintz, all colors. Sale per yard 25c. and 29c Crettones in every conciev- able color and style suitable for furniture coverings and curtains. Reg. 50c. Sale 39c, Full Fashioned Silk Hose Service weight. Our reg- ular $1.50 line. During sale, per pair $L39 Men's Fancy Cotton Sox in great array of co'ors, 7 pairs for $1.00 New Spring Shirtings and Galateas All the new season's goods at per yard 30c. and 35c. Men's Work Clothes We specialize in the guar- anteed Picket Pants, Over- alls and Smocks. Come in and see the quality Turkish Towels with colored borders in end less variety. Special sale-. 23c each, 45c. pair. Large striped Turkish Tow- els, Reg, 35e. Sale price 29c., 55c. pair, A full range of Men's Hats Dress Shirts, Sox, Ties, &c The object of this store is to better serve the people of Blyth and district and to help us maintain the enviable reputation enjoyed by The J. Ferguson & Co. by turning over our tremendous stock of dependable merchandise often in the interest of good service. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mrs. H. McElroy was a visitor in Strat- ford on Saturday. The condition of Miss Lena Livingston, who underwent a \ ery critical operation in the hospital, Toronto, on Satur.iay, still remains in a serious condition, Mrs. Henry Jackson has returned from Drigden where she spent the hinter with her daughter, Mrs. Justin Sinclair, return td with her and spent a few days visiting i elatives. FOR SALE -10 acres of land on which is situate a good brick dwelling and stable The property will be sold at sacrifice on immediate sale Apply at The Standard Ileal Estate Agency, Misses Ella Brown, Rosella Cunning- ham and Elizabeth Mills attended the Perth County Musical Festival hi Strat- 1 rd on Monday, the latter entering in the t pen piano competition irs a class of seven cotnpet,tors and winning the bronze medal Mr, and Mrs Robert C, McGowan, Plvth, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Edna Robertson, to hlr. George Thomas Charter, Blyth, son of the late Joseph F. Charter and Mrs. A llirr. Hanover, the wedding to take place he middle of May. The engagement is announced of Pa• Bence Agnes. daughter of Mrs. Ross and the late Clifford John Ross, of Brampton, to the Rev. Lawrence Victor Pocock, 11 A., Blyth, son of Mrs, Pocock, Brockville, the marriage to take place at Christ . Church, Brampton, on Wednesday June 4th,at3p.m. The regular weekly meeting of the Y. 0. S. was heli In Queen Street United Church Easement on Monday evening, Miss Ruth Barnby presided. The min- utes were read and adopted, and the fol- lowing program was carried out in mem- ory of Mothers' Day: -Solo, S. Sibthorpe; reading, N. Floody; quartette, Messrs. Lyon, -Bender, McElroy and Leslie; read- ings, Gladys Fawcett; solo, Rev. Ander- sen; reading. "Origin of Mothers' Day," 51. Bell; reading. Pauline Robinson. Tnis service was very fitting as a forerunner to Mothers' Day to be celebrated on Sun- day.., The meeting closed with the Mia' path Benediction. Morris Council. The regular meeting of the Council met on Monday, May 5, with all members present. Minutes of regular and two special meetings wers read and approved on motion of Councillors Bell and Wallace Carried. Treasurer A. H. Erskine banded in 1929 collector's roll to Council Board. Moved by Councillor White. seconded by Coun- Bell that we accept Collector's roll as now finally handed in. Carried. The following accounts were passed on motion of Councillors White and Bell, Carried. J Ferguson,Apr. salary and meal for tramp $70 60 Wm Thuell, April salary 40 00 A H Erskine, exp'se unpaid taxes 15 75 Ii Waymouth, garbage ground rental 15 00 J D Moody, copying bylaws..... 22 66 J D Moody, P. 0. Box rent 1 50 Jas Coulter, work on streets 9 50 C Burling, " " 4 75 0 R Board Telephone debentures 50 00 Donation to Band .. 20 00 On motion of Councillors Bell and Wall. ace Mr, .las. Dodds was appointed a Util- ity and Hydro Commissioner for the vilt- ago of Blyth to fill out the term of the late Mr. L. J. Williams. Carried. On motion of Councillors Heffron and White Court of Revision will be held in Memorial Hall, at 8 p. m. on Monday, May 26, to hear and deal with complaints against assessment roll and that notice be inserted in Blyth Standard Carried, On motis n of Councillors White and Ileffron meeting adjourned, The stock of the estate of L. J. 1Villiams composed of fancy china, suit cases, toys, ti unlrs and fancy goods lines, will be sold below cost, beginning Saturday, May 10. Everything must be sold, The Executors What promises to be something out of the ordinary in the way of entertament, will be presented in the Scotch and Irish Contest Concert in Memorial Hall, this Friday, (May 9) evening. under the aus• pices of the local branch of the Women's Institute. Two distinct programs will be given, one of a Scotch character and the other Irish and will consist of Read. Ings, Dialogues, Pantomine, Vocal Solos, Dancing and Instrumental Music. An orchestra will be in attendance. Admiss- ion -Adults 25c„ Children (under 12 years) 15c, A delightful hostess in a charmi s home R) THEN your friends '1 praise the gracious manner in which you entertain, do they also' praise the home to which you ask them? It is a simple matter, to- day, to keep a house looking smart, gay and attractive. Outdoors and in, B-H "English" Paint and other allied products are easy to apply and offer a complete range of shades from which to develop pleasing colour combinations. With paint you can often transform the dreariest corner of the house into an inviting beauty spot. Frequent repaint- ing also, as you know, helps to keep your home immacu- late. and to win you an enviable reputation for good housekeeping. Brandram-Henderson products are reliable -economical - made by a firm of unquestioned reputation. We will be glad to supply you with color cards and other information. WH' S H' P AIN 'T BRANNQQRAMM'HENDERSON womiu,.wwu.uxn.roxx,mnomo.wnrxivcawxmcinrx�r.awxraoMoxtan,xwnwwu FOR SALE BY C. T. DOBBYN, BLTTH, ONTARIO 43 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The municipal council of the Township of Morris are asking for tenders for the construction of the McNichol Drain and the Phelan Drain. Plans, estimates, pro. files may be seen at the clerk's residence, The tenders will be opened at the Town- ship Hall on Monday, May 26. 1030, at 2 p. m. and a good -faith bond will be requir ed if ybu get the contract. A: MacEWEN, Clerk FOR SERVICE The pure bred Gramandyke Yorkshire boar "Parledale Emporer No. 140022." This animal vas bred by A. Dynes, 01 taws, and was sired by "Valley Farm R.0 er 4" the priye winning boar at Ce.,tral Canada Exhibition, Ottawa, in IlJ29: Eduard Haggitt, Blyth, Ont, SEE OUR FINE LINE OF GOODS FOR jjaZicZay Gfts CONSISTING OF UP-TO-DATE Footwear, Men's Furnishings, Garters, Arm Bands, Ties, Scarfs, Caps, Braces. A FINE DISPLAY OF Towels, Handkerchiefs Ladies' Scarfs. G. A. MACHAN, Phone 88 BLYTH, ONT. 0 %.C) . i'Eial7'r le Af' to' i t4 f� -paw jho `ay „g4 V •g - l^�a�t t-tc,ct>y, m. J(,e, .440 i -,11.4- . to -- moo. -ena.v 7N t•nt .ck1 P,a rr ..Gth,Q) rtQi *-0.44. CA) 22)fr 4:141' 4r1 .44 40- Jee, +46:04 -14444ww "Q '144v tib coir►- 0 ' Standard Book & Stationery Store,