HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-07-03, Page 8poop mili1111110$1116-717
Our Creat
July Sale
Is now in full swing. We print today a few remind-
ers of its money saving attractions. You are not
likely to find goods of equal quality selling at prices
to match these. Two causes combine to make these
July sale prices. The•first is the purchase of many
clearing lots .and lines much below regular prices.
The other is that all broken lines of summer goods
must be cleared in short order, The qualities are
good, the values big and here are some of the prices..
July Dress Goods Prices
These are among the best dress goods values that ever
went on our counters. A big dress goods trade has been ours
and now we •want to clear the last remains of spring and sum-
mer stocks before fall goods commence to arrive :
Lustres for Skirts 35c a yard
75 yards good quality figured black lustre, neat design and quali-
ties that will wear well and keep their appearance,sold regu•
larly at 50c, 60c and 75e, for our July sole we, make the price
Three Big Specials
AT 20c THE YARD -300 yard's plain dress goods . also fancy
we.r ves, blacks and colors, lines that sold at 35c to 50c, all at
one price for July sale and that price
AT 39c THE YARD -250 yards fine dress goods in black and all
the leading shades, popular weaves, also fancy materials. •
suitable for waists, etc., last ends of lines that sold at 50c and
60c, clearing for July sale at per yard '
AT e0c THE YARD—About 200 yards fine wool dress goods,
some ends only sIfirt or waist lengths left, others enough for
a full dress, last of lines that sold at 75e and 85c, for July 50
sale, per yard ,
Sense for
The Sensible •
It's Writing Paper sense. Everybody
who writes uses Writing Paper. That
may he trite but it's true. We think
our Writing Paper stock is pretty
close to perfection. All the newest
styles as well as the standard shapes
and shades, Blue, Grey, White, Cream,
Etc., Etc. Envelopes to match. Pric-
es soc to 15e per quire (that is 24
sheets) for the paper and the same
price for the envelopes per package of
They are not cheap papers but the
best moderately priced goods. Coron-
ation note' is the latest. It is in box-
es, 18 sheets in each box and the same
number of envelopes. It has a very
neat design partially in gilt' in each
sheet. The price is 25e per box.
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
The 'W.. DI Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest, Always the Best.
About o o
. 35 THEY ARi GOING We Know
. 39
Skirt Lengths $2.50
If you want to save the price of lining and part of
• the making buy one of these Skirt Lengths we will. sell •
at $2.50 during our July sale :
20 Skirt Lengths of homespuns, tweeds, cheviots and fancy . /
blacks, last ones that are left of lines that sold from A cn
$3.50' to $4.50, all at one price for July sale .........:... L. U 5►
July Millinery Bargains'
Millinery stocks are getting just• where we want them.
This week we are taking all remnants and last pieces of our
expensive trimmings and using them to make up hats to sell
at $1.50 and $2.50. The demand for these hats• :has been
phenomenal. They are wonderful . values. The last lot for
this season will be ready Saturday morning
Trimmed Hats $1.50
20 trimmed hats that are worth
$2.50 and $3, all this season's
trimmings and styles worth'
every penny of these prices,
your choice now.
Trimmed Hats $2.5O
25 trimmed hats that are worth..
from $3,50 to $5.00, made up
'from last ends of our hest
1 5 0 trimming, some very. stylish 2 50
hats in the lot, your choice.: ■
French Feather Boas at 75c
18 French Feather Boas,very stylish, a French maker's set of
samples, would sell in their reguli,r way for $1.25 and $2. .75.
We got the lot cheap and our July price will be, .each
Half Price for Sailor Hats
New Hats, too, everyone of them. Correct shapes and
good qualities. Marked at half price because we bought a
quantity and got thele for a good deal less than most stores pay.
SAILOR HATS 50c-100 ladies' SAILORS 25c-75 Ladies'Sailor
Sailor Hats, plain or rustic Hats, rustic' straw, black or
,traw,black or white silk rib• white silk ribbon hand, tined,
bons, nobby shapes, a real an extra good' .bat for half ' a
good dollar hat. Our July .dollar, our special• "for July, p
price choice .50 choice :25.
July Sale in the
Clothing Section
There is many a dime and dol-
lar to be saved in the clothing sec-
tion during July. Liberal price
cuts have been made on many sum- '
mer lines that we find we have.too
much or too many of for this sea
son of the year. Here are some of
them :
$8.50 Suits for $6.25
Mens' Tweed Suits made of good quality all
wool Tweed, goodlinings, and well made,
will give satisfactory wear, gond • value
at $8.50. special for July sale Q 2
each .
Men's Hats $1.00
75 Mens' felt Hats, soft & hard shapes, good
styles, last ones and twos of lines that Hold
at at $1.50, $200 and $2.50, your choice
to get a good hat for very little money di I.
clearing during July sale each tp
Pants 98c
25 pairs Mens' wool tweed Pants,
good weight, in assorted stripes,
good value at $1.50, special
for July sale, per pair ■98
Shirts 39c
50 Mons' Shirts, assorted cambrics
and Ceylon flannels, last ones of
lines that sold at 75c and $1,
cleat ing for July sale, each NU
Boys' Suits $2.65
Regular price of these Suits were
$3.00 and $3.50. The sites are
now broken and we want to clear
the line out at once.
Boys' two piece Suits, made of
good tweeds and surges, regu.
lar $3.00 and $3.50, for Allyn 65
sale L,
Men's Linen Collars 10c
200 Linen Collars, assorted styles
and sizes, not every size in each
style, but every size in the lot,
regular 180 quality, for July
sale each . I 0
Cashmere Sox 17c
40 pairs Mens' blackrcashmere smite,
seatuless feet, summer weight,
all wool, for July' sale, per 7
$15 Shirts for $11.50
Diens' flne worsted Suits, narrow
stripes in shades of grey, very
much wor
n this season, one of our
beet lines, well lined land equal
te' cnatorn made in eyeey way,
clearing for July sale, i l ■b0
each .
liodgens Bros,
Mr.. Wilfrid Stevenson was in' London
on Tuesday.
Rev; W. G. Howson and family
leave today for London,
Miss Jessie Biggart has returned from
visiting Brucefield friends.
Miss Ida Zealand of St. Thomas is
the guest of Clinton friends.
Mrs. Arthur • Twitchell. visited her
daughter in Palmerston this week,.
Mr. I. Rattenbury paid a visit to' the
• geld mines at Madoc this past week.
Mrs. Peter Dodds and her son Thos.•
were guests of Clinton friends on
Tuesday. • •
Miss Mabel Callander of London was
the . guest of `Mrs. J. Rattenhury
this. week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Kemp and !!faster.
Georgie spent part of last week with
friends ,fn Port Huron.
Mrs. (Dr.) 'Smith of St. Thomas was
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. R.
1'. Reekie, over Sunday. • •
Mrs. .TI. B. Chant and Miss Helena
Holmes have been visiting St. Cath-
arines friend's this. week.
Mrs. R. P . Reekie and little Miss
Katie left' Tuesday to spend a week
at the parental home in St. Thomas,
Miss Irwin of the Exeter Public school.
Was the guest of Miss Lily Johnson
on Tuesday on her' way to her home
at Bclgrave. '
Mr..D:. B.. Kennedy spent 'a few days
of this week at his old home in Cal-
edonia. He .was accompanied by his
grandson, •Master Will. .
Mrs. Whitely of Londesborowas in
town on Friday . evening on her way
home from Stretford where she had
bectt visiting her neice, Mrs. Neil.
Miss • Kathleen Gunne, .daughter. of.
rector of • St, Paul's tlrureh, has,
returned from Toronto where she is
taking an. arts, course in. Trinity
Mr., and" Mrs. R. Penhale 'of Stanley
were in Clinton on Tuesday. One
of their daughters, who has been at -
'tending the Brucefield school; is
writing on the exam. here this week,
Messrs. William and John Ford drove
to Paisley on Tuesday of last week
to attend .the funeral of their broth-
er-in-law, the late Samuel Archer,
a former resident of Hallett town -
Postmaster . Porter returned on Mon-.
day from Elmvale in Sinteoe county
where he had been attending the fun-
eral 'of the wife of his eldest broth-
er,..11'Ir. \Villiain Porter, 'who. •lives
upon the old homestead of the Port-
er family.
Mr. Ilarvey Read of London spent a
few'. days of the past week' with rel-
atives in Clinton prior . to leaving
for Winnipeg where he may accept
lucrative position or engage in
Business. He is. an expert jeweller;,
but ring making is his specialty anfd•
it has been earning,-hini'a handsome
salary. • •
The following of our citizens attended
the races at Stratford •on Tuesday
W. W. Fartan, Capt. .Rance, C. C.
Rance, J. and I. •Rattcnbury, H.
Davis, ' `A. Couch, It. Doan, — Ma-
hon, I -I. Fitzsimons,' J. Flynn, S,
Castles and John Taylor. The last
named, who is an old, turfite, says :
" the races were oil color and the
• boys not at all satisfied." `
Mr, E. H. Howard returned 'to town
on Tuesday after. an• absence 'of sev-
en weeks spent ina bicycle trip; to
Yankton, South Dakota.. Owing to
the heavy rains prevailing he.. was
not able to make the Whole distance
out awheel; but did so Qn his return.
from Yankton to " Clinton is iris
miles • according to his cyclometer.'
In all the states, which he traversed
there has been the same cold, wet•
weather .that Ontario has experienc-
ed and the roads were accordingly in
bad shape. The Michigan highways
are the worst of all he wheeled up-
on and those of Ontario the best,
In Indiana there are many miles of
cetnent roads which are of course al-
ways in' good condition. Mr. How-
ard takes long trips like this every
year and has wheeled through nearly
every. state itorth'of and iltctudiug
West Virginia. Ile rides la high
grade Wheel and can cover a long
distance in ten hours without much
Notice ie hereby given that the
Council of the . Corporation of the
Town of Clinton intends to construct
granolithic sidewalks as mentioned be-
low and to assess the final cost there-
of upon the properties benefitted and
not exempt by law from assessment,
A Court of Revision will be held on
Friday, s8th day of July, 1902, at 8
o'clock p. tn. in the Council Chamber
for the purpose of beetling complaints
against the proposed assessment or
inaccuracy in frontage measurements
and any other complaints which per-
sons interested may desire to snake
and which are .by law cognizable by
the said Court,
Clinton, July 2ttd, 1902,
Schedule of proposed walks,
North side George street from Al-
bert street cep, feet west. Total cost
8132.60, town's share $16.80•
West side Kirk street from Iligh to
Towttsencl street. Patel cost $sr1.6o,
town's share 830.80.
East side of William street from
Ontario to 'li, Stevens'. .Total cost
$419.60, town's share $83.80„
West side Queen streettrothPrin•
cess street to John street. Total cost
$324,80, fawn's share 830:40.
July 3rd 1902
* ****** ••
Our great Sale .Continues
4+i-FBF»F+++.F-t-t-F-3 FBF-TMF,+F»I»F+F F .1 t. Y 1 I W! 7: 1 I 44++
. Crowds Show Where Bargains Are
Last Saturday the first day of our sale this store was thronged with hundreds of people , who know and care for
�-4 bargains, This week the crowds will be greater for news of the big bargains will have been passed along to
friends and neighbors of those who shared in the special offerings. The prices advertised last week hold good • dur-
ing the 30 days sale. r l
hast Saturday we sold more wash goods than ever before in one day. These prices account for the wonderful
20,c & 25c Muslins at 12%
Muslitis, Ginghams, etc„ 27 to 30 inches wide in a fine as-
sortment of new designs, colors pink, blue, green,,
• navy, etc., regular prices are 20c and 25c on sale at per 1
ya;d .122
30C Dimities, Ginghanis, etc., at 15c
400 yards of the finest Dimities Gint;ltaws, Satanas, etc.,
27 to 30 inches wide, in a good range of new shades of
sky,, pink, gold, linen color, all fancy designs and
stripes, these ase very fine goods that are warranted
fast colors, regular prices are 25c, 30c to 35c,aIl to clear
during sale days at per yard ■ 5
12%0 & 16c Prints and Muslins at Sic
450 yards of 32 in'��,�,hes wide prints and 27 to 30 inches wide
musline. Prints in navy, red, black witll white spots,
stripes and 'figures all are warranted •perfectly fast
dye. Muslins in while and colors regular selling. 09
prices are 12ec and 1.5c, on sale at per yard . 2
U a7
8c, 10c; 12%c Prints, Muslins, etc.; at.6c.
200'yards of Prints, Mullins, etc., in -assorted colors, these
' goods are all 'warranted fast and come in light and
dark shades regular pr;ces are'&', 10e Mne. aon sale at
one price
■ 06
121A0 White Checked Muslin at 61Ac
500 yards of white checked Muslins in assorted email and
large checks verysuitable for children's dresses, This
line we cleared out from a wholesale house at less than
mill price. The regular value of this muslin is 12ec, 1
while it lasts during sale we'll clear it at per yard ■062
600 & 75c Shirt Waists at 45c
Several dozen fine Percale Shirt Waists in assorted colors
and all warranted fast, regular of these waists were
60c and 75c sale price .45
Whitewear Bargains •
Corset covers of line cotton nicely trimmed with enibroid- 22
erylace, etc., worth up to 35c, sale price...,...... ..
White Skirts and gowns regular prices of which are $1.50 1 25
and $1.69 sale price
White Pique Skirts Half Price
Ladies .white Lawn aprons on sale at each
35c Silk and Satin Ribbons at 20c
250 yards more of the most wanted ribbons in shades of
• old rose, sky, pink, gold, cream, white and black the
regular price of this ribbon is 35e during our sale. The O
price will be
eauti fu:l Summer Millinery.
During this 3Q days' salewe will sell. Trinnmed Hats that are well worth. $3.50for $1.50
Trimmed Hats at $2.50
The Hats we advertised for $2,50 for our 30 days' sale have
been,going very fast, This week we will be ready
witb another lot and if'it was earlier in the season
the price would bade, to be double what We ask for 50
• them. Sale price, each u
Wrappers Usually Sold at $ 1, for 69,c
Ladies' Wrappers, niade'of good quality print,. assorted
colors of red, blue and white nixed, warranted fast,
Waist half lined, very full skirt, sold itr most stores at
$1, sale price
Many Bargains not included in this list will be found Here during our Special Sale.
60c,.75c & $1 Sailors at 25c
Dozens of these Sailors were sold last Sltturdny but wP still
have a large assortment and while they last the price
•will be, each
$150, $1.60 to $1.9.5
Lace Collars at $1 .
Youe choice of about one dozen of.. our finest Lace Col-
• Tars in crinin and linen color. These are all new this
season and are the finest we 'have ever had for the
money. Prices aro $1.50 to $1.95. All at one price
' rlurmg sale...... '.•
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O F• ."
Semi AnnualBargain Dav
Saturday, July 19th
Our Bargain Days are so well known that it is
needless to say much about them, except that we •
promise you a bigger and better one for the above
date for several : reasons.
. • The Next Issue of This . Paper Will Contain a List of Prices
We have 2 days in the year that we
slaughter goods and July 19th
will be the first one this year
Just Now
You can buy a suit made to your measure at $10 and $12 fitted on and
made any style, which is the biggest value we ever offered in a suit to or-
der. If you. call 111. and see the goods and let us tell you more about them
you will say the same as we say, that they tare great values. Anyhow we
are kept very. busy making them up.
Clinton.'Jackson Bros.,
It is a day,. that clothing and furnishings
can be bought for less than they were made
for. It's your faint if you don't save upforit
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