HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-07-03, Page 7• July arcit 1902
TheMolsons Bank Directory.
Ineorporetea by
Act, of Parliament, e85$.
Capital - e $2.15oo,o0o •
Rest 2,154,00et
Molson Macpherson, PreSidetit."
Jetties Elliot, General Manager.
Notes discounted. Collections made.
Drafts iseued. Sterling and Amer-
ican Exchenge bought and sold.
Interest allowed on deposits. -
Interest allowed on sums of 111 eted
Money advanced to fanners on their
own notes with one or more en-
dorsees. No mortgage required • as
H. C. BREWER, Mauager, Clinton.
G. D. McTaggart 1 -
A General Banking Business transact-
ed, Notes discounted. Drafts
issued. Interest allowed on de-
Albert street - - - - Clinton. •
Money to loan.
Office -Elliott Block - Clinton,
Notary, Public, Etc.
Ofliee-Beaver Block - - - Clinton.
Conveyancers, Commissioners, Real
Estate and Insurance Agency.
Money to .loan.
R. C. I'. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh;
Night calls at iron deer of reeidence
on Rattenbury street, opposite
Presbyterian church. -
Office-Oniario street - - Clinton.
Offiee-Ontario street - .
Coe, •Johti Si., Albert ,Cate-
telota• •
Wesley Church -Sunday services at
XI a. me • awl 7 p. n, untley school
at 2.3o p. In. Wilbur Mantang, Sun-
day. sclto01 superinteUdenk Slidehr
chotr leader ; Bliss Hallie Combe, or-
ganist • Rev. W. G. afouston, pastor.
Out. !St.. Church -Sunday services at
n a, ,n, md 7 p. ne, !Sunday
school at 2.30 p. jaccib Taylor,
Sunday sebool superintenclent ; J.
Gibbings, choir leader ; Miss Azie
Gibbings, organist ; Rev, Dr. Gifford,
pastor: '
St. Paul's Church-Seuclay eervides,..
at . asm.- and 7 p zn. Sittalay
school at 2.30 p. n Sunday school
superintendent, leev. .0 ..R. theme, AL
• ; ehoir leader, Mr. W. IL Lator-
null ; organist, Miss May Bentley ;
rector. C. R.. •Guurte, 111, A.
• Baptist Church -Steele), screams at
11 a. In. and 7. p. no Sunday .sehool
at 2.30 p. UL. Sundayschool stiperia-
tentlent, Mr. D. K. Prior ; choir lema
er, Mr, J. 3. Hoover ;. organist, Miss
Lela Hoover t pastor, Lev i J. C.. 1
Dunlop. • - ..•
"V illis Church -Sunday services at •
xi a. in. Red 7 p.m. "Sunday school
at 2.30 v. m.• Sunday school superine
tendeut, Mr. Jas. aeott ; assistant,
Miss Wilson.; caoir leader, Mr, W. I'.
Spaulding ; organist, Miss , Maude,
Goodwin ; pastor, Rev. Dr, Stewart.
St. Joseph's (.hurch, eatholie-aun-
day services at 10.3o. and 7 p,
in, every aid Sunday. Sunday selmol •
at 3 p. en, every 2nd Sunday. Sun-
day, school superaiteedent, Reve D, 1'.
elealenainin ; altar leader! • Mr. • Chas.
Gravelle ; organist, Miss .elinitie Rey-
nolds ; priest, Rev. D. la McMenamin.
Plymouth. Brethern-Service atn a.
ma. on Sunday, Reading -meetings at
7 p, in. Sunday aitd Fraley eventugs.
Town Couneile-hlayor,Thornas Ueda
son ; Couneillers, H. 13. Combe, J. A.
Ford, C. J. Stevenson; Alex, MacKen-
zie, C." Overbury. Tho. MacKenzie ;
Clerk and • Tee:earn:a W. Coats; hleets
the fast Monday. in "each:month. •
• Public Library Board -President, W.
Brydone ; acieretary,- W. he •Rand ;
W. R. - LouglasDa .Shaw, • W. oats,'
and .E. M. lttctcan, . •
•Publie School Boarda-Wilbur Man- '
Mega C. 13. Hale", W. T. O'Neil, J. W.
Irwin, guew, F. 11. Rodgens, ",
Beacom., Secretary, ..7...Ceatilligheme
treasurer, W., Coate. ." • "
Collegiate ' Inetittai • Board,.Chaire,
man-, aanies Scott ;. secretary, .M. D."
McTaggart ; treasurer,, 'W. Jackson e
1). Fpereeeer, J • Ratieferd, 11.
Plumsteel, W. 11. . Manning: Meets
first Wednesday in 'cull month. •
• Gongiucii-tepwNsinp.: .
Township CoeneileaReeve, ThonteiS
Churchill, 'Clinton ; • Correcillers,.John
al• Ill t • '•cr t Jolui. W''' d , •
Porter 's •.. Hill ; jetties • "Cox,' • -Porter's
• Hill ; James Johnstone; .Goclerieh ;
' ci , Nixon .Stt4dy,. soden(' As--
seseor, Jahn• Thottipsoa; • Clinton; ,
Treasurer, - Whitey, Godefich •; •Col-
lector, Lotes Maltreat, Clinton. •
•I3oard of Iieattle-Rceve, .Clerkarolin
Opposite St. Paul's church.'
Special attention given to diseases- of.
the Eye, Ear, INOSG Mid Throat,
Office and Residence-
All,ert street, East, Clinton.
North •of Rattenbury street.'
STAaTI,leee '1`0\1'N.SIIIII.' • .
• . • • .
Cormeila-Reeve, •••••Jolai
McNaughton, Varna •,..Ceireeillairs, W.
3. Stinson, Bayfield.; . W. 'L. Keys,
Vertie ; James. johnstanc, Bay:field ;
illeDiarmid ; Clerk; 3. "Hartigan,
Varna; Treasurer, john Reict, Varna;
•Aeseseor, "Jobai Tough, Bayfield ; Col -
letter; Thos, Wiley; Vartue. ' '
• , e
DR. AGNEW, . k • • . . .
Will be at Baylield every. Wednesday ; •. .
afternoon. .1118Uhaha.003111/ally
Office -
Adjoining Henry's Photo. gallery, .
• .Clinton.
a Text Hallowed to Rev. r. De wItt
Tannags es the abet 1114 Yomolla
Pothole "'reached From -its Lesson4
and How 1110Y Are Brought Qttt In
Timm WistIP the World reola Their
Entered According to Ace ofParliament °Man.
ada. In the year tea by:William Bella of To-
ronto, at the Dope, ut Agriculture, Ottawa. •
• Chicago, Jane 29.-Ileversing the
'usual course, Rev. F. De Witt Tana
age in this sermon, on tito approach -
Mg national anniversary, takes a
look forward. The text is Matthew
88, "The Mad is the world."
Every country- has an annual Italie
clay. It has a birthday celebration
or banquets, fire-worIcs, aatorical
PYrotechnies 'and for the arausement
of patriotic enthusiasm.
The French Republic's holiday is
celebrated on the lath day of July.
This Is the anniversary when the
grim fortress of a, prison kr state
criminals was. razed to the ground,
So on the • lath day of July every
car and 'wagon is stopped In the
Per/elan capital. Then the 'young
men and maidens, decked in holiday
attiru,. turn the broad boulevard of.
the Champs Elysees. into a ballroom.
Then in the French titles can be
heard the songs of the rnerrymalcers
and the music front , the different
bandsplayilig• up and down almost
every steeete The Brazilian Repub-
hbliday is celebrated on the 16th
day of November, the itenivereary of
the time when Dont Pedro's Empire
vine Overthrown and the exiled • brie'
Perini family had to sail away froni
tbe waters of the Amazon. . One .of
the first acts of the Cuban, Congress
-which assembled after the American
soldiers had basil withdrawn was to
appoint a national belie -lay to com-
memorate the day on which the Cu-
ban Republic had gained. Iter inde-
But there is an unwise. as , well as a
vise way of eeIebratiag the modem
bolidaa. The fleet way is • to glorify
tIte past. The other way hi to tille-
d, national 'retrospect for the purpose
Of rousing our rualaitions to go ahead
and win: the further victories that
must :be won in order to fulfil the
mission, and : if. any minister
tries :the- latter .Way hq Cannot take
in the full 'stveep cif our future
enes.and war} unless he discusses •
them from, a worldwide standpolet...
.11e Mast attune his sennot to • a•
, P
the moat •beloved man of. New Eng-.
lead in. hie, "clety, keyed lul mita try
"te ea. internationaj. tote when from
a European city fie pent to ,a 11
at -head .a .letter whieh read:. somee
.thing like this: "Dear Harry -al wish
youmight do • as' I do 'every year. I'
wish' you, would aineuelly spat) two
:Months alit•otta ifi travel.. Stich. a
,vaeation• teachea you the 2itimeneity
.of Cod's pi•ovidenees ruld how. genet' '
are the eIreaniecteptiores 'of Our eine
indis idual eaves and how- smati •evere.
the Enitteopelian church 'appears to
be,when. iteis ;focused from abresse the
• seas.."- . • . •,
Emphatically .the atost. important.
(*all futurenossroes is the .epi•eact-
ing of, tategespel until it shall "be
rite •Killop Illattal.fire • • areached allathe world for a wit -
hese .unto. ail. nations." The.. Bible
does not state • • that the Millennial
day shall wale gradually, as the sen-,
rise first. doe .eastern hills with
light,. making. it . 'appear ;fte though
the underbrueli upon the tops. oe the
Mow:Mains .had been. set afire by some
.ctireless campers. •• It does not state
•that the Millennial • dna, shall eome
as when the dawn fa' the beginning
;shoots- tts long,. slat* bars of yel-
low:goal:across the heavens.; It does,.
not "state that the glory of the Lora
.shall ' cover the earth as the Waters"
cover the eon,, as' the fated tide grad-
ually creeps up the beach; • .13ut the
Bible cams teach that when, ehe gos-
pel of • Jame "Christi shalt be
elaateed: eyary town, village and
pity: of e.veraSatteiOn; avbee .it shell
be aroelainted Goa Mountain. lo.g
hilt and in. the', stelae eabin; tvlien At
Ina :proclaimed • under. the. ehae
dow of eeteeer. legislietiee hall and by
the 'camp -fires of every heathen .tribe;'
what it shall "he proeleinted. in. eat
the world for a witness ente ell na-
tions, . then. shall the , end cotne.."
Thee the Millentilal. day shall be•
:fleioded with light, even as a darken -
ea hall Is instantly Illumitiated when
•the many . aiflerent eleetrie. lights
nests atilt at the touch of .a single
button. Then the millennial day
shall, be aill •of brillianey, as the
hlackness of inicinight was changed
•ittri the brightness of inidnoon when
.God' spake at the morning of creep
• teon the four simple • Words, "Let
thane be light," and eliere woe light.
The millennial clay shall come as
suddenly as the tongues' of fire leapa
ed out of the heavens when the Holy
Spirit hovered Over the heads of the
Praying," Pleadieg, exultant Pentecos-
tal worshipers.
How the different religious denom•-•
inatione are able to work side. by
• side in America kr 'the scattering of
the goimel seed maybe illestrated by
an incident • in the life of George
Whitefield. One nay the great. evan-
gelist etopped •dramatically in his
sermen and, leaking tip as. though
addressing the throe° of the Al-
mighty, cried oae. in itterregation;
"0 Lord, are there any Presbyter-
ians it beaVen?" "No," came bark
the answer. "0 Lard, are there any
Episcopalians •in haven?"
again came the answer. "0 Lord,
are there any Methodists inhavven?"
"No," "Who then, are the denitens
of the skies?" "Christians one,
Christians all," Flo in the scatter-
ing of the gospel seed by the Ameri-
can nation there are no religious
seetti. In the. sight of the Goyerne
merit there are only Christians. The
Calvinists arid the Arnierilans, the
• Close • communicante and the emigres
gationaliste, the Vrotestante and the
Catholics, can Work eide by side lea -
Catlett these different religious. donor*.
• Specialist in Crown and Bridge \aorta-
l). 1). S. -Graduate of the Royal Col-
lege of Dinital Surgeons. Me Ontar-
L. 1). S. -First elass. honor graduate
of Dental • Department of Toronto
Special attention paid to preservation
of children's teeth. .
Will be at the River Hotel, Bayfield,
every Monday 1.rom 10 a.• in.. to 6
p. in.
• • .
, Farm and Isolated Town ?ropers,
' ty Only •Insured.
• J. B. McLean .President, 'Kipp= P.
. e
; 0. ;. Thos. •'Oraser, "Vice -President,
Bruceaeld., P.. 0. ;. T. E. Hays, Sec, -
Treasurer, Seaferth 0,.; W. (a
Broadfoot, Inspector' of Losses, .Sea -
forth Pi .0. ' •
' • . .WRECTORS •
W. G.. Breselfoitt, Seetorth• • John
Grieve, Winthrop ; George Paler • Sea-
; fortha Jobe: Watt, Harlock ; Jotiti
Bentewiei, Bradhagat ; .James Evans,
Beechwood ;' James Connolly, Clinton
. John IldeLean,• Kippen. . • •
• •• AGENTS. " • ' • .
Robert• Smith,. Harlock ; Robert Me-
• Milian, .Seaforth ; James .Cumminge,
Egmondville ; W, Yeo, Holmes -
Parties desirous to effect insurance
.or transact' other business will • be
.preiriptly .attended • to ou "application
to any: of the above °lacers addressed
to their respective pestollices.
A member ol the Veterinary Medical
Associations of London and Edin-
burgh and Graduate of the Ontar-
io 1 eterinary College. se •
(Mice -Ontario street - - Clinton
Opposite St. Paul's church..
Phone 97,
Office -Isaac street - - - Clinton
Residenee-Allart street -
Sales conducted in all parts of the
counties of Huron and Perth. Or-
ders left at The News-Rcieora, of-
fice, canton, or addressed to Sea -
forth P. 0. will receive prompt
attention. Satisfaetion guaran-
teed or no charges. .Your pat-
ronage solicited.
The Best in Current Literature -
S2.50 PER YEAR 25 Ors. A od1:01..
'Nana ilfiamor
4 • Cdslintures &O,
Anyone sending 5 strata nait deo:ration met
clutekiy rocertaln tar caution free whether as
Invention 19 :inanely peteetribui, l'otinnenletu
tins/Art.:All/ confidential, trandboolt on Patents
.sont free. °east tamest for noeurinionnents,
PAtente taken ..thrennth Munn St (0. tOeetil
iptelaZ raft, wituoutechsree, in the •
A hnurl*otnolv IllOOfteted Vffieltly. •Intsrest oitt.
"nlintion of nor geleatiln inarn.d. nowtolo,11i65
f2,r tali
.1& ION
v4tv i
• Trains will arrive at middepart
from Clinton Station as follows
Going East Express • 7.38a.
• e 0 ••2.55 p. ea.
" ' "' Mixed • 4.15 p. rti-
" •West ." . 10.15 a. to.
" . ' Express 12,55 p.
t,• •,,•
7,�5 a. t
41 14 •II 110.27• p.
Going South Express • 7.47 a. ttl.
" Mixed 4.15 p. tn.
" North • Express 10.15 a• lea
Mixed 6.55 p. i.
Agent. Town. Ticket Ag.
• M. O. IMICSON• ,'
District Pose, Ag., Toronto
1 1
"My hair Was falling out and 1
ternitiggray Very fast, But your '
Hair Vigor Stopped the felling and ."
teetered the natural celota'a-Mrs.. _
E. Z, BenoMme, COliciese N., 'Y. 1
It's impossible for you I
not to look old, with the
colorof seventy years in -7
- your hair,l Perhaps you. i.
are severity, and you like. 4
. your gray bald If not,
use Ayer's Hair Vigor.
In less than a month your :
gray hair will have all the :
clark, rich color of youth. =
SUS a Wile. All dearest& •
V year druggiet eennot supply you, -
tend ue One dater MIA IVO will express -
- yes ale:date 110 thim atatalve The nem -
of 2011r/learellt exptess time. Address, -
• 1. Ot Aelliat CO., /await NUM
Mations" believe In the atenernent.
They Oen and shotdd scatter the gos-
pel eeed Unto all nations beeallse ths
Altera:an nation( wee settled and eon -
secreted by our forefathere to the
service Of the Lord Jesus Christ.
"leh.e second natation le emphatically .
the establishment. of an International
Court. Of arbitration tio that bloody
tile future shall be an im-
poespaitty, That a great internee
timed- court of aeliftration can les
eatablishea •by the united action of
the ten or twelve principal' nations
of the world is undeniable, and that
suCh n, (toilet will be tatiinately cies
talaisbea Is also unquestionaala
When, such e. tourt is catabliehed the
Milted States, England, hartneta
Spate, Austria, (jernatuy) Italy, Rue
• sia, japan and China will each have
representatives upon that tribunal.
Then When international dialetaticie
arise these difileultlee will be peace-
' fully settled, tie tlte Alabama eittime
were ' amicably settlea before the-
GeneVa tribunal which asseinbled in
11371; composed of the live represent-
ativee which were furnished by the
United States-, Great Beaver), Italy,
Switzerland and Brazil; as the Vene-
zuela claims were settled before a
tribunal which met in Paris in 1900;
as the Alaska, boundarer ino teas
amicably settled and as the war
claims agalest the Chinese G'overa-
ment by the different allied forces are
now belug amicably settled.
Revogiazina the fact that mealy
People are looking forward to
the time wlien War shall for-
, ever he abol1$hOd ni inutgin-
ative • writer once . deeeribee
•how the biesseti condition was to: be
accomplished. lie declared that the
time would come wile)) all. Europe
would be convulsed by a great inter-
national etruggle. He pictured that
'event in the dim ftltill'O. Ire arrayed
every European nation upon op•e or
the other stele of the combat. But
the night before the great battle was
to. • open an angel in human shape
would be seen going through the •
eampseet the two 'armies. This vis-
itor would stop tong enough to pin
upon eaerysoldierat breast a sign.
And when tbe two vast armies would
next day prepare for battle .aud the
command Would be given to ,the
troops to lire, not a rifle would flash,
not a swood would be unsheathed,
not a canticln would speak, because
the rign pinnedupon every soldier's
would be the' sign of the cross.
The picture drawn by that imagina-
tive writer may be aceeptea as a
truthful one except in" two or three
facts. He describes that day as is
in the dial future; I believe the day is
now almost at bnild. ' Again, ' the
writer describes the peacemaker who
will attach the emblem •of the cross,
to the breast of the commonsoldier
as a mail. I believe 'that peacemak-
er will not be a ellen, but a nation,
and that peacemaking " nation the
American .nation. America tliciul pin
a. sign of universal peace. upon .every
European nation:by tae "Warm of a.
Supreme court of international arbi-
tration: • This tapn shall decree that.
war; • •bloody, "fiendish, demeniaeal
war, shall he no tenger; that war
shill\ forever be as dead as the mul-
titudes of •cleted soldiers, whose'bodies
ate now decomposing 'in tile geave. •
trenches tilt round. the world... •a .•
I would specially plead for
Anterfeen nationato start 'fotith.
Old stiecoi,• the helpless alul . weaker.
nations because Cod always bleeses
the it dividttal, as well as the Mighty..
natiot that is. true: tei • those svho are.
week. Do- you .Itnotv eh)/ the colony
f rcnnsylvaiifa mrsrer had anv• lar
rullies With the Ainerieen Indians a
Satan MessialriesetaVirgenia
were -beam tieel ay I odien wars, "-
realise Ivo nip .c o oil !es were lev rig. in:
Peace . and hapten is VI III •the rod -
Skins bee:luso William lean was al-
" ways tree mid hanereble wail th
e •
ni jointer • st Gees of •the' • Amera aa
soil. laben I:he greet cheistion Quit' -
or wile about to sett for America,
King •altarlia., of aingliagl, asked. Wit -
'titan peCit if 'he iltoula net send ov-
er a regiment' of soldiers to protect •
the young colony. "No," answered
William Penn; "a 'do not want a• .
iMent of English soldiers. shall
eha.ee iio trouble Wi 1 h. the . 7nd tans he-
cauee" a intend to bay elle laud from
them!'• "13uy 'the:Haul' from the In-
• dates?" . exclaimed • Kina Charles.
"What do you mean? :-Why 1 have
deeded you: that tiatet .of land. It is
Mine, and 1gpve it to you. For what
then, Witliani Peen, aid you pay • me
te16,000?. '.1 paid you the e16,-
000,'' .rotilied'i ,brave Quaker, ''to
psuehn'sa your good will, not . tho
. land. That land; :saint, nertjesey, does,
not belong ta•yoil atty. more thatt it
does, to, ine. -.The land of ..Pennsyle
, tattle does' not belong.' tie you any
more than the city of London worilet
• belong to a party of Antericat , In-,
• dianS elle in" a •..canoe • might be
blawn.aeross t•he Atlantic and land
uPen.oer shores aled .who then might
go .up 'the Stretiel weving their tottecte .
hawks mad ihineting, "eliee•city , Of
'London is ours learuise,we •diseovereci,
ier a. • SoWililani Penn, believing
thee all Weak Mal 'fielplese People
• elimild"be justly lame -Meta Ceoesed
the • Atlantic and localis. his famous
agreetitent with the Indian chiefs an-,
: der the aCharfer" ottaa.' Art•tr as • a
reetat of that egreeinent the Ponniiy1-•
vairia coital lit ed io peece and •
happiness bemuse they were tate to
• the • helplese. aeo. Gott pi•epper
Atm rice's,. retiree if the A iteeierta tias
tion is true 'and faithful in its 'pro-
tection and care of ijle weaker tont
hapless nittletis.. • .
Brit " .perhaps 'the ,greatestmiesien
neat, to scattering the- gospel of Jes-
us Christ is to ;wove OA people can •
he t ate to Cod in i L3 cleys' of prime
• perity as well as in its .days ef ad-
versity. . When it people are poor,
weak and helpless, when a troubled
and bleedingarea suffering people are
straggling foe Utterlyand for their
'tray existetiee, when it collection' of
ex -slaves ate following their leader
through the, weary jotti trey df t forty
year traiiip through the, wilderness, it.
14 riot so difileult torthemto pray
and Worship: (loci;but it hi difficult
• for a :People to beetrue to flocl en -
lees when riches come and.proeperity
cornea and irelittrited influence comes,
they have •an 'espeeirta grace given to
,thein, It es daliceit . to be true to
.clod when the mighty . fortresses have
beim .buildod at .the mouth of every
..harlior to keep out the foreign.. foe.
'and When the Tattle of the factory
and the whietle of the steturtatatinez
and the•blow of the hammer end the
raea of the saw Arc all pleying 11.11
accompaniment to. the tune of a na-
•tional financial success. It IS dill:le
cult for a people to pray to a super-,
meter& being, "0, God, give usthis
day our daily bread," when the
• granaries are full of wheat and 'corn
ancathe bank vaults are tterholce with
solid gold and the sevetit years el
plenty hay° 'crowded out of ' the pab-
. Ile mind the fact that there ever
emad come seven years of abjeet and
• unrelieved went. And einee the most
prosperous days Which • have yet
• come to a people nre now crowding
erten our tuition the American people
: will .have to bray harder than Gm
people ever prayed at the • Ply-
mouth Reek or the Perniztylvaiiiit col-
onistif evee Preead about Willhon
Penn ot• the Virginia planters over
prayed at JetneeloWn to preeeeve as
it nation our Chiletian integrity, ,
As the American nation is a gore
trilmeet, for the people and by the
people, 1 Would have every one 01 tte
this season recongeerate our nation
to "God by reconseerating otait
pereolial heats to this 'divine service.
Whet tbe enthaesachir from Gertatriy
apPeare at, the White /10•0.40 and
preeentir liIs effielal .doetterres, Ite
t10418 net 001110 ne a representative of
the German rattiest, but ne titO pee-
tionai reprenentative of Brinier or Wile
Bata. The embeeeedor of
representes King Edward. The hepre-
seittative of Italy represents King
Victor alnuntontel. But when Anieri-
eit's anbaseetior goes .a.broael he does
not represent the president or the
secretary of state, taut he represents
enetpe:01.And11"e-•it e „Th0
e 0111111,T 11.0 rpejohleileconov.1
Mon people of Atnerieu, we can here
end uow begin to reconseerate our
goverionint to the Lord in its days
of prosperity by reconseerating our-
eelvee. 0 Lord, our Go.1, can. any
one have e greeter work to lie in the
evangelization of the world than We
Americans if we will only Consecrate
our lives to thy service?
1 eeleetert this text, •"The field is
the world," for two reasons- first,
because ths live words spoken by Jes-
us Christ to his disciples exactly
eonvey the idea ef the worldwide
sweep of America's future influence in
the evangeltzatiou of the two hemis-
pheres. A Christian nation has no
more right to close iti. doors and
live for itself and let the rest 01 the
people of the world euffer and die
than an individual has the right to
leek and bei' the doors of his own
home and lot his neighbors be mute
.dered in cold blood or allow his:
neighbots to maltreat their own
ehildren. As Cain was his brOther's
keeper, so is every Christian nttion
Morally re-sponsibie for the educa-
tion, evangelizationand the protec-
tion of every other nation.
Tett, the second reason why 1 sea,
ected this text is because it always
hashad an intense personal interest
to Me. This was the first . text
which my father as a theolegical
student ever preached upon. When
rny father was a young•rann et Now
Brunswick searinar.,y, he went to vis-
it my unele, who was then a pastor
In leasthatripton, N.Y. Re Went 'to
visit inthe same old, parsonage
wbere the great. Lyman Beecher, the
.father of Haney Ward Beecher used
to live, and where many of the • fain-
' oue .hrothers and sisters. of Henry
Ward 13epelters wus porn. Ana white
my father was .visiting his brot her -
in -Jaw the Rev, Stephen Mershon,
the, village mirtister, slad heit. to
protect -le So, he preechea in the
•stboolhouse there in the village . • of
Easthampton his first -sermon, The
sehoolhouse ie now used as a barber.
shop. itis not, larger than the or-
dittery sized parlor of • en average
city house. In that little tc, hoolhouse
the . Unknown theological student
took for •his text,' "1"he • field is tee
world,'' He little realieeti then that
there ever ,would come it: time when
1*18 gospel field would literally be'
• the world. .Ife little rend:ea:I that
befor•e he died • his .printcdsermons
every weee would appear . before at
least :211,000,00h reitclerti. . Ile, littte
realized how Goil would some day
blas his pen end lip.. Ho could not
I roe • • his.1 t • .ivorldwi de power
• any inorci 'titan :some of tie ean -foie-
see the worldwide influeace that -will
resicat from eta liyes if we will only
bettain. the clays 'of nation:el prosper -
rev to atolicate natioe to. tbe see-
..vte.e. of God:
So may the met:tonal holiday ever
be to ell 0 stieren day. May' iE be
time eat. a 'by retrospect-, We eleaen
h it ptfee andenoble •ancl cpueeerated
ancestral blood is .-11.0Wing in • our
veins: • May it he. a. time when .
Peeele •bow their beedS etoeleithe an
earliest, iiiten6e elea, thattheepreeent
generation "shall be .as true to ear
gospel' treat as our forefathers. were
true -to . theirs.. -Then, •alter • we have
hoeltin prayeramay we ,go forth in-
spired by the Holy S /frit to ilo the
work which haehecio gi us . to do..
• .• •
rieo t•l• Vint ion.
• It is well .knowit that aortae Savage,
'tribes .are accustomed •to .abtrati fire
by the friction- :pt.: day wood; lett
white 'teen trying. f,he experimentusu-
• ally fell. : Theanethod used by a. na-
tit e "-anthem tribe, the Yarutdis'•
Madras presidency, is described an a.
lailletin of " the-- Madras Goverament
museum. In" a sheet stick .91 square,.
cavity is inede. The stick. itt then.
laid on thet.rotihd and held fienily in
phtvo lia one opinator, svhile enother-
.rapialy twirls 'between las hands a •
.longer stick, ;one end of which 'rests
•en: the enerity . From the fire thee
produced' dry "mates- of a raa,.•caltt be
• ignited., •;•
. - •
mita se, . aerate te;,
• Allying the stofiee'being tolit of the
'late Cecil IthodeS is this: When.take
big leave of the' .Gerinan Emperise.af-
ter seyerah inte.rvietas eri relation to
Altera, his. Majesty said, • " 1 • Wish
you weren German. ,Mr. Rhodes, for
then I Would ask. you to become my
nanistereof foreign affairs." The Kei-
ser was' Soma -tent stertied at this
chaerteteristie •bitint reply: "If your
• 'Majesty were only an Englishman, 1
• would have suggested that you tome
to South Africa With • Die nlid• be-
come ray btlaineSs initztager."
2' me aetw 04 rrf aveinteeelosa:tue4onnis.„0/3 4.0014 :10, rte-x15t:
itoPyright, 1902, by American Press Ass°.
Mete vt. ea-Commentare Prevared
ay gee, ei. steerage
1. And they took their journey from
awe, and all ths congregation of the
Walton et Weal came unto die wilder -
nese et $in, which Is between Dem and
month : olter their departing out of the
alalinidueo:n4gtyltpetlifteenth day of the fiecond
• We tarn back in Our studies to the
great reeemption ittaik of tee Old 'hes-
Minolta and in God's own picture Donk'
we see not only real happeniags, but
also the foreshadowing of amuy things •
Cor. it, 11-13). Tbe deliveranee
death and from the bondage of Egypt
in connection with the blood of the
Passover Inane and the glorieue power
of the Lora's right .nand setsoefore us.
Gal's. great redemption provided for
• us by Christ, our Passover, wane the
sueeeedieg events suggest the too coal-
men experience of the believer is
watch there Is apt to be mere murmur-
ing then rejoicing.
2; 3. And the what) congregation of the
children of Israel murmured against Moses
and Aaron in tile wilderness.
• At "Menai it • was bootees() they did
not like the water, and now It is be;
eause they cannot see what they. are
going to eat, failing to see that Ile
who delivered them from. Egypt and
divided the.sea for them would surely
notfall to care for them in every way.
Butin • them we see ourselves, for
Which of as eau. say that Rona vill, 312,
delivers us from all murmuring?• • :
Vs. Then said the Lord unto Moses, Be'.
hold, 1 tait rain bread from heaven for
eat, and tho people shall go out• end
gatnheorf • dayeern h
taiterete d
e everyay_rnvaer:111(r that
nary prove them. whether they will went
In my law or no.
. he It Is written in Ps. lxxvili. 24, 25,
"And 'had rained down mantle upon
.. them to eat +tad had glaen.them of the
corn ef heaven.- Every one did eat the
bread of the Mighty" Onargita.. Jest
think. Ma it, food for ;Milieus clay by
clay right front heevent• He woulit
"teach teem to look to Him alone and
be content to liveby the day. • •
• O. 8. Ye shall know that the Lord bath
brouilet you out from the land of Egypt,
: Your murmurings are n.ot against tis, 1)1.4
, against the Lord.
As to their Munnurings.it ,Is written
' in P. eve 14, 24., 25, 'They lusted ex-
. ceeClingly in the wilderness and tempt- :
ed Cod In the,deserta They trolleyed ;
• net His word, but. murmured In thelr
tents and hearkened not ante the voice
OANADIA.NA C0311NO 11911114
1.14151 Oilleoro Returning itecolvoili at
firm wo he 1‘. roe* Also. '
Ottawa, June 30. -That the Cana-
dian troops in South, Africa are re-
turning Is now no longer a question
ot doubt, the Governor-Oeneral yes-
terday received the following de-
1Vinrafredian sailed June 27, due
IHalifax July 22, has on board Se-
cond Canadian Mounted. Rifles: Lieut,
Col, J. II. 13, Evans, Lieut. C. It.
Trion:, Lieut. II. S. Doyle, itt Man
jor W. IL Merritt, Lieut, J. C. Rich-
ards, Lieut, S. B. aleeKey, Major J.
W. Cameron, Lieut. It, Ryan, Lieut.
J. II. Kiswick, (3apatin J. 1). Moo-
die, Lieut, W. It, Marshall, Lieut. E.
P. Clerksota Capt, W. II. F.linley,
Isieut, A. F. Astuneeel, Lieut. IL
Meat, Capt, J. E Loekie, Lieut. la
II. Dixon, Lieut. II. G. Brunton,
Capt. .1. a'. Macdonald, Lieut, T. Ia,
Callaghan, Lieut. (3. W. M. Farrell,
Capt. P. E. Thecker. Lieut. 13. Car-
ruthers, 13. Lieut. II. J. Larisin,
• Capt. 3, B. Sinclair, Lieut. J. 11.
Kirkpatrick, Lieut. J. D. Graham,
Lieut. and Adj. la Church, Lieut, J.
W. Allan, Lieut. and Doctor W. J,,.
Graham, Lieut, S. J. A. Demerit,.
S•ageotaMajor J, A. Devine, Lieut.
A 13. Groat, SurgeonaMajor H. les
Duff, Lieut, W, J. 1 otidon, Vet. Cap-
' tato It. Riddell, Limit, C. P. B.
Sampson, Vet. Lteut, A, EL James,
Lieu t. W. llu dd ate
Non-counniesioeed pincers and melt
• Tenth Canadian' Field nospitat :
Lieut. -Col. A. W. Worthington, Capt,
71 11 T I
berte, Lieut. IL B. Trenoyre, Ci 4
• Surgean "Whitton, Lieut. Drtun. N.
• 0, cancers and men, 40.
Canadian sisters: easter S. Forbes,
Sie ?Jet/tumid, Sr. A. • Septa Sr.. la
Forttstate. Sr. la Pete,: Sr. M.
las, barged inagit litre 8. The Quar-
teraefester-Getteral enforzubd.
• • (Shama), Gal/oral.
' . 471 ga'l i'rt.m. St, 1-140VM.
• Island of SE ITeleta, 'June 80,-Tht
first censiannient of •Boer prisoners,
numbering 418 men, sailed feom here
Saturday for South Africa, •After
taking cm oa • of allegiance tq
Great netball, the prisoners marched
to theelemets singing the National
• .
n'eer 4 Going to stantrabit.
• Moittreala June. L3,0:-Twe smart
locating. Boers front aPe ColohY who
were passengers by the .Lake,Onterio,
; left by the Pacific Express Saturday.
' to •talce up land in elanitoba.a..They
are about 25 years of age. and their
• Mora's- • are IL .0; Cal/elle" and W.
fairleatustea They speak good Eng-
lish and said all Doers were now,loer-
al Subjects of .the Ring, . •
• •
i•. Fotal.,1 lre tut IComloOps.
• •
• 'Kamloops, 11.0, June 80. -About-
' I 2 o' el ocle last night lire broke ouir
• la Gm old J. A. Mara store. The
• followine buntlines ere' a total loss:
amerefioliten Hotel, insured •In. the
, Guardian and Seottisli Unian for Sly
• aO0 siteli. ThIS PrOPerla- was (Wil'ad
"lw J. T.:. leftwards,: and wits. 'one of
• • "Ill ••• latuanarks ot tertmloops.
hoxt emits; alara's late store, upon
.i lash there appears to be' la) inzeue
• A. dwelling owned by 11: e0.'
itl,iudtey, attet to • this store, was' an
' old betiding, watch was. In former
. days uscil sitsa provincial govere-
• 'meat .calledaanct jail. Estimated•loss
'Is aaptit 58,000. A guest ef the
Cosmopolitan .narned Wilhiani
13.astow, a youtig Englishman; . Iasi
Itis life in the flee. "•• •
or the .Lon.t."- They .poseihly diet tea
• Glint; that In inurtuuringagitinSt Most e
• they Were inurieuringeiguinst (Sae bat
when : Israel• deintifided a king- lei 'elite
dept. cif 'Settle' the Lord .stild', Ciao.
•SP/Duel. •"rhey .hitee:not l'OJVC441
but they have Vejeeted Me, tbat
should pot reign over thenia (1 sam.
viii.• 7). •• •.
9, 10, Come neer :before the Lord.; for HO
heatel year rnurnturIngs. •.
Thus Moses cominiesielied 'Aaron to.
speak unto all the congregation; and its
hie semke at) the people they looked to •
ward -the wilderness,' and, behold, the-
' glory of the. Lord. appeered itt .1.1i0
cloud. . Tints tile Lord Iliteself ultimate
. • .
ed..ter them, ..asstiritia•thein that they
-aleere dealing with •Him and net, with
• •. • . •
Moses and.AttIon.. .
11, 12., And. the . Lord . spake untoaaiese's, •
saying; 1 have 'beard the murmuringsat
the eleideen ot Israel. Speak 'Unto ,theta,
saying, At even ye Shall eat flesh, and In
the morning ye'shall be filled:with bread,
_and ye• shall know that 1 am the 'Lord
Year God, • •.
What great grace on •.Efis Part to -
Canadian Troops 'to Parade on
' 'Tuesday and Wednesday.
chaiiiheierin itut GIVI.111 ills Hearty
-Suohnet, rale, WW1.,
111:kelc oftd lirown'Soldieryigt avere
• crime or rile 2.,nit, 1,0 %lilt Pais
li Ceyfew Befote lier
Iesly the Otirlutp,.
tral(10i1, ;tone 80.-Xo body of men
Were more tacitly disarpointed over
the postponement of the eoronation
than the hi Ilan and cotonial troops
uho have to ne • from all end; of the
world to take part. Itt. an hi:Ow ic
event. '1 ha coloaial frontiers, with
the hearty support of Mr, Chamber-
lain, Seeretitey of State for tht
Colonies'have now arranged, to the
great dellahe of. tat Se troope, thet
an Indian and coloniai review shit
he 'held at .the Horse Gem; ds lea
side on Tuesday nerd Wedueeday next.
• Representatives of every Indian l'c•
giment are mew' beta, lifehiding 1hr
Sikhs, Matrices and Vegans. WW1
them Will be the. Canadianie Austral -
Imo, New 'Zealand 'Maoris, the Hong
Kona pig -tailed . sappers, the bare-
footed Fijians arid the fair, white,
yellow, black tted brown soldiery of
every clime.
Queen Atexandra, es at Aldersheit.
Will take the salute. The Duee of
Connaught," the Prince. of Wales, the
Indian waive rulere. the cetletilal pie -
azalea; and other distinguished
oi' will be present. The mat even
hope they inity haarrh hp the Vail,
past, Ilitelcinghtuil Palette to be clam
by the King, but herein they are
forealoontea lo disappointment,
holdate of the re.ieet, of
;course, depen.la entirely on the State
'of the Ranee health,
tigy1)t they had tiesO and brod to the
- froin the leather of Lights, with wlioni
' And Moses head unto them. This Is
• gift, la frOM. abOve and cometb. down
that, every good gat and every perfect
ate. bread: Whieh tire Lord hath given you
IS no variableness,. neither shadow of
turning (tea I, 17). • •
• bad the flesh 01'quailsen the
. . •
everiftig lotelananna In'the mornitaaalls
they eoald eat, net beetttise they de;
served it but slimily by elm grace of..
God. 'The. manna Was like corhuidet
aeed, white, and the taste of it, was
• like wafers 'Matte with 'honey (Verse
ill). • They were to. gather It every
moenteg, every intin according to his
, eating everses 16, 18, 21), and A° they
gathered it, some more, sonie lese.' On
the sixtb any they gethered enough Tor
twe days, for nand fell on the Sabbath
If 'they gathered . More then enough
may other day, ..it bred Woritis and
stank. but [lot so the Surplus gatheiad
me the sixth day. All that God. tacked
or them Was faith and. oballeneesaya•
In everytaIng they tralasgreSsed. 801.14
gritheeed•:more thnn enough Ou. the or
Manta' dries, and some went out to
pater It onthe a:talent)} day (verses.
19, 20, 27, 28), and they f mina to their-
SOrroW just n6 00d bad said (Ps
12, 22, 87, 8.0). 10 the great
gospel chapter on manna out Lord Beset
attueng other thing's, "My leather gat
• eth you the true bread from heaven,
for the bread or God is Ile wbieh eon)
eth down from heaven and gateth life
unto' the world." Manna is etiggestIve
of Christ in that it same down from
heaven. It was the Only food, It Was
free and sufficient rot rill, it Must be
gathered fresh otery'morning and each
must eat it for himself.. An outer or It
to be laid 11p before the Lord to be
kept, and it woUld teem thnt t Wee
eta:ele:Lit mb,ixto
golden,po! in the ark of tho
. .
latefarmer welch would inalM Money
must • hat e a • tette knowledge of the
current market value ofathe proautts
of • his. Mein: There is Ms:better way
to get this ififormatiate than .froni the
• eolunnis • of, The •Weekly Sun. The
Fanners'. Sun gives, the aest .market
'repcate of atty paper in Canada. We
Will Seea you The Weekly, San 'and: The
.News -Record from now till •tae 1st
January,- 3903; for. 7.5 .cents... Try titis
emabinatian. and • aott Will, be :delight-
ed.. ' •
A Vcims disturbance is .etintrel • on",
the 28d,, extending its influence beyeed
the middle" of the month. The effects
cif • this Venue period Will be vety.
ineaked dueitig the regular Vulean • .•
storm periodextendilig arom .the 4th ...
to the iota, Oa taci 4t11 and sth .41ciolt is
on Iter vicereine declination north, '.
111 tierfgee, and at New Moon. These:
facte, added to other existing ceases,:
foreshadows .a Warm wave, of great
intateite, kW state of barometric
pressure 'a high • per Cent. Of atoms- ".
fheric humidity, 'rind eoute wicked ,
stones 01 thender, wind, rain died
hail. The Toth day of July is not
strictly . within elle, limies. of a storm
period but at ie the date on which the
Mime crosses the celestial egiettor• aud
• is covered by the combined iitilumices
• of • the Venus and Illetattry periods.
lIenee ,the reationary storms due e•-
• bout • the at to 131.11 will probably
develop on and tem:lung the. loth.
•Ext..eeively warm vagther will exist
• prior •• to the .orin adminations at
• this* time. The opp.osition 01: the
planet Saturnfalls on the t7th end
unless frequent aed general electrical
,stonns occur to break up dine eoneen-
tration of . solar energy a prolonged
terni of intensely wenn weather will
continue through all the central part
of the month. On June Toth, the clay
of the fetal sand devastating storms
in many sections we passed between. •
-Itaaims and the Sem Ott July lath we
will pass beeween.Saturn and the Sett
end en Atigust 5th we will sail in
between the Sun and the great Jup-
iter, 11 we do not have stall a bra -
en up order during July and Augnet,
mid a prolonged heat. .
. are° Mae vie oilers,
tramittoo, Bermuda, June 80. -
Two Boer prisoners who were in the
...atop on Derrell's Island have sue. -
..eating in escaping, but one of them
has been cm aired, Some of UM 110 -
as on, Diterell's Island who retread
to wester for inspection were tereea
Jut fo,ee, An a r eult et a sub
sequoia row Commatidant Milan Wee
• ander la..ten 1,y oilier 1 )'h'( 110; s 0-•
islaect mitt wua ten; 0' dri to th
'wavelet( alaterdity, T elate of
f•esten a eu lue 1 I o.e,S kit"
epi cul ane 1" 1, 're a llnsct lea
:aa.a! to.re,
'pay. Price 25 Ceittse
Every .owner of one or otte 'mucked
head of stack ahd every persoa. who• •
tratkes hatter, whether it be five or
live hundred *pounds per week, Actual
it reader cit the Weakly Sun. The
Dairy Aseociatious atid meetings, as
well as all matters pertaining to the
any other fano paper
Dairy, are fully. reported, The Suit
gives more teehmeal infortnatiott than
any other farm paper the markete.
For 75 COOS we Will send vou The
. The NewaRecord and 'ilia weaty.suit
for six months. Try these papers.
WORKS orp 1.11R, coo.
aaxative Brom° Quinine Tablets
Mire it cold iit tete day. No sure, no