HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-07-03, Page 44
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Editor and Proprietor
Mr. M. Y. MeLean takes his defeat
so much to heart. that he has filed a
petition against the return of Mr..
Either. It's dollars to doughnats that
not. a cent of Mr. McLean's money
backs the protest. A politician who
has twice been defeated in a. party
stronghold ought to " g0 away back
and sit down" instead of invoicing the.
aid of the lawyers.
MP_ 1. I I I
Reinettiber the Foresters
July 13t1t here.
Our baud has re -organized and. took
Bort Albert to take part in the
celebration there on Tuesday.
Rev. J. liennedy delivered his fare-
well sermon to a. full church last
Sabl•ath. Rev. Coupland talcce charge.
aext Sunday: The Methodist churelt
looks vastly Improved within.
Rev. • Small returned from Arthur
last Friday.
Mr. James 'Yates of Goderich visit-
ed relatives lwri: on Smulay.
Herbert. l'elnox 4)1 Harriston is spend-
ing. .a few days under the parental
Air. William Caldwell has dropped M
on us egainas a guest of his brother
Lontlesboro's .ten crack shots out -
shot ten from here by eg) points on
eir. AL Armstrong has another small
item haud 'on for the fail and wears
the smile.
School closed for • holidays until
August 18t1i on Monday last.
Miss A. Pfeffer of ,Michigan and
brother Ed. also Are visiting rela-
tives here-,
service on
Mr, and Mrs.' G. Farquhar of Stun-
inerhill vicinity Sundayed tvith, rela-
tives and friends: here. '
Mr. S. 'Series, who has had a con-
tract over at Brussels, returned home
on Saturday laet, • • •
Mr. and Airs, T. Clark of Dungan-
uou spent a, few holidays in the vil-
The spinsters of this neighborhood
are gong •to take a trip down to
Brucefield this year for thetr picnic. .
Mr. Herb Knox was home for a few
days .froin Harriston.
- Mr. and Airs. William Schenk of
Zurich were the . guests .of.Mr. C.
Schnitz recently.
Mr. 'WilliamCaldwell of Bolton wee
the guest of his sister, Mrs. S,
Airs, J. Ciark and daughter, -Mrs.
Etimoneon, were visiting at Air. Hen-
ry Lawlor:s. • They are froni Toronto,.
Mr. 0. E. Erratt•attended the nicot-
inic of the 1. 0.0, T, Oran& Lodge. in
liam•ilton last week.- •
Mrs, Bert Riddell of IoWe. was. the
guest of Mr. Thos. Riddell on Sunday:
The Auburn brass band took in the
Picnic Ekt, Poet Albert on the Jet • .of
.1 e 1y .
There was a Very Mee little social
held • at the parsonage I:last Tuesday.
The proceeds eatounted to. about $31.
The affair was a very pleasant one.
Alre Wee. Ainistrong of Brussels is
the guest of • his S. . at
Messrs., Dave Lochert . and -Dave
Lougheacl Lf Wingham were the guests
of Mr. Lochart .on Sunday. "
• Mr. • and Mrs. H. 'Snider ef Nile
Sundayed , With the •latterlS •p•areitte
Mr. and Mrs. J. .Ferguson. ' •
Mr. Weilwood.. and his' sisters • and
Mr. Anderson were in, the village On
Sunday. - • . ". , •••.
Mr. ...and. Mrs'. Yatee of Goderiele
wee -gee guests of Mrs. Blair on Sue-
,. .
The Paisley Advocate of last week
had the following :
" Mr. Samuel Archer, who has.' for
twenty years been a resident. of the
12th et Deuce, died quite suddenly on
Sunday last. He took his tea on
day peening and was then apparently
:J.; hearty as usual. During the night
he took sick, sinking rapidly untii.
death occurred 031 Sunday morning:
Deceased was a native of Ire:lame
When his father clone to Canada and
settled near Oshawa he was only- 'a
child three or four years old. He af-
terwards lived in Hullett township,
Huron county, where he was married
to Miss Mary Ford of the same town-
ship, who survives him together with
a family of six sons and two daugh-
ters. The funeral took place on Tues-
day, the remains • being interred in
Stark Vale cemetery. - The esteem in
which the deceasedand his family are
held was -manifestedby the very large
turnout. of sympathizing neighbore, one
friends, the majority of • whom' drove.
to the cemetery. The cortege was ,onts
of the longest that has passed through
town of late years. • Rev. -T. A.
Iffoodsworth conducted , the services.
The pallbearers. were : Messrs. . Eh
Barnes, Arch. Stewart, Don' McGillie-
ray, James Watson, Arch. Rankin and
William Stafford "
The deceased Was one of the pioneers.
of this township where he settled ire
.1847 on lot 29 on -the 51.1) concession,
coming from Darliegton in 'tertian
county in his gist year. He bore tla
burden and heat of the day, • endurine
a full share of the hardships .of thi
period when. chopping and logging
were the daily routine. He was hon-
est and industrious and much resPeet.
ed by a large circle of friends wile
were sorry to lose him when he left
tor Bruce county in 1882. -His brother,
Mr. Thos. Archer, -had intended going
up to visit hint -he would have dole
so weeks ago but_ for the inclement
weether-but was fated never to see
him alit e again. He received' a etele-
gram on Saturday stating. that .his
brother was dangerously ill and start
( d itt once, hut. before -he reached his.
destination -death had intervened am:
the veteran pioneer had. 'crossed to
that country froth whence no travel-
ler returns. AIr. Samuel Archer was
an English Church man and a Conser-
vative and the very large -funeral' way
an evidence of the. respect, entertained
tor hint in Bruce.
The Hullett council met in Londes-
boro on Saturday, Jane 28111, • .Witll
the members all present: A,t the last
meeting (Way 2600 a Slumber of peop-
le were present !nth' the Base Line
petitioning for a grant to be made te
the ratepayers on the west side of th•
Base Line along the M. B. southward
to the school house for the purpose 0,
aiding to erect wire fences because 01,
that portion of road being so •elillieult.
to keep open in winter, and With a
view to betterimprovetnent of SHOW
roads and to stave the statute labor
from being altogether. expended in win
ter tiine in that and other localities.
The said petition was -granted and: a
resolution passed appropriating 525o
for the purpose' of condensing the
building of wire fences along certait
leading roads in the township, but on
account of the lateness of the seaeon
and that some •fences were already
built to which the resolution 'woithl
not apply, it was therefore rescinded
at Saturday's meeting.
Mr. Ansley, county engineer, exani-
ined the locality of the .proposed new
bridge+, and will scnd an estimate Of
the cost as soon as possible.
Aioses Holtzhaner was appointed
poundkeeper in the Manchester divis-
ion instead (if Alex. Robinson.
The offer of H. Livermore was ac-
cepted for building 1. stone and ceinent
culvert on con. 3 at 75c a perch, the
council htfnishing the cement.
A number of accounts amounting ill
all to $15o dollars were examined told
passed -James Campbell, Clerk.
Ile loyal to your town. Buy what
you want here. The merchant you
patronize may some day be able to
direct a dollar into your pocket, in
any evetit you ricedn't look foe work
or patronage from Toronto. When the
" &pat tmental'' shark gets yout
money he is through with you. The
same is precisely true of the travel-
ling stock jobber in and out of date
and counter worn second bawl truck.
When the surplus cagh has been roped
in hell bid good-bye to yon ad the
The Temperanee Legislative 'League
way; organieed by the prokibitioiliste
enebting at LOItdon, Onte
The tea -Meeting held at Bethel on
Thursday eveniug lest was it grand
success. The proceeds amounted to
over 1;60.
Loyal Orange Lodge No. 153 Alt:cid-
/id at their last meeting to celebrate
the glorious leth of Jelly in Goder-
An Orange eertuon will be given in
the - Nile church on Sabhath. MOAN;
lleXt. Rev, Mr. McNair of Ining-annon
will preach to the brethetn.•
Afr. J. T. Goldthorpe of SaItford
intende moving to the Point Fierni
ehortly which he lutends to rua for
the* summer - months, The two Miss
Ooldthatites will take eharge of the
store in Saltford during his absence.
Miss Ma May of the Nile Was the
guest of lwr sister, Mrs. John Treble,
Mr. .Girvia of Nile- occupied Zietb
PulOit on Sabbath. in Mr. Shaw's ab -
„Quite a* number around here have
been -shingling their barns this spring.
.Mr. John Walters hae. been improve
in; -the •looks of his dwelling • house
with anew wet of paint which makes
a big improvement to it. •
Mr. . and Mrs. Richard 'Ithyan were
the pests of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew
Wham ou Sabbath evening last, also
!Mr. and ISTre, George Curry were the,
guests of Mr. Sameele.A.Ilin.
; Mies R. Million cif Goderich Sunday-
' ed under the parental roof,.
We are glad to say that. Mrs. 1 ms,
Malian is Mil/roving in health.. She
has been under the doctor's care for
the last couple of Weeks, infleuntna--
tion being the trouble.
Miss 1111an4 Treble of. Goat:rich . is
spending a .few days with her sister,
Mrs.: jatnes" Manning,
Mies CeLawson and Miss GenSmore
were down to Brucelield recently,'
Messrs. John Symington and Thos.
Robertson have had cement .siios
Mr.' Ed. ,Mole and Misses Aliee and
Annie were Clinton on'Fridayllast.
. Mr: Charles Askwith lute returned
lutme from. attending the Collegiate,
The L. 0. I. Made an addition' to
its membership at. its last meeting.
The brass •band is' preparing for: the
glories:es :reth. ,Mr. Fred 1Vintch, ' the •
leader, comes up from his home at
Clinton every •.Saturdey 'to. aseist: itt
:the 'practice ,a,nd• Will be. at their ireted:
in the processiOn.: Frede has been.. a
inember of the heed ever. since it *was .
organized • several •• years ago. His
brother. William was once the,leader.
The band •will look' well in 'its, 'new
coats and caps. • Mr: Henry Sturdy is
the efficient master f thie:L. O.: L.
. .
• H01,31ESVILLE.
Mrs., Ladd is.visieing friende' in .Aly-
.Iner. ..• • . -
Miss .131ackevell spent A. few • (lays
with friends in 'atid aroned
WiIb Co.ertice of' :Nile is home ,on
his vacation: ' • • . -•
Mrs.* A. Birks 'and children of
London are guests at her fathet's;.Mr,
El -ford's. . ' •• ' : •
Mr, AlcRoberis• and Wife of eiVlitchell
arevisiting at the hriek.•
Miss Whitentan•of Detroit Visiteellier.
eousiii, Miss E. Holdsworth. • • • •
•Evilena. McCartney, Gordon and
Stapley. Ames' wrote. at • the. entrance
examinations lase week. We Avisli
them stiecess.
Mr. W. Elford of Ooderith 'spent ,
Sunday with his father,. • ' -
Mrs: Hussar. and children. and Mrs.
*Al•lan drove -to Crecliten on Thursday,
returning oFriday. . • •
Alie 5, S.: gnd• E. • L. garden' party.
held on Thursday last realized $115•
tied was an inaritose success, notwith-
standing 'that the weather was rather
tOo. cool .for outdoor functions.. The
ettendance was very large, people be-
. ing present from Chnton, Goderiele.
Benmiller, Bayfield mid other •places..
• After ice cream,. strawberries, ete,,
had been (toile ample justice toe a prO-
gram was furnished.- Rev. Hussar pre-
sided...' An address was given by 'Rev.
irelltted 6 T Bayfield. Mr, Nortnan
Meech of Clintou gave a eotiple of sol-
os which delighted everybody. It is
a• pleasant to hear lion sing, Miss
Brydgee of GoderiCh recited Solos. to
win hearty' applause: The Clinton Se
A. band plc& good satiefaction. The
affair passed oil very pleasantly and
the committee .of tnanagement is en-
titled to inuch.credit for the thormigh
nnimait • in' which all the details
werecarried out. Mr. , George *Ache-
son was chairman and was indefatig-
Ale, •
TheRev. Mr. Abey of St. ,Toliit's
church, • Brussels, and Ste George'
Zlitirch, Walton, preaelied his farewell
sertnon to a large congregation at
Walton and admodstered the sacra-
ment at the close of the service en
the largest number of -communicant::
lit the hiseoret of the church, showier
, that Air Abey's labors as a minister
lta.ve.not beett in vain Mr. Abey
moved to Preston, carrying with him
the good wishes of his late congregae
tent which trust that his labors well
go (et in his new field as they have
for the last five years in this parish.
Mr.and Airs. Kenny have returned
riten lTallvilli where they were sa-
llies up the estate of the late Mr.
Wel /ace, Mrs, Kenny's father.
Mr. tont Mrs. ,Tolin thieves' have re-
tuned after a visit to friends itt Galt
end vicinity.
Mrs, John Searlett is -not improv-
ing as her frietals have been wishing
The Rev. Mr, Dever preached hist
farewell sertnon to large congrega-
Molts itt the three thatches on the Wal-
ton Circuit, The reverend gentleman
has InoVed to Elgin county. • The good
wishes of the people of this district
liolte that the Climate of the south
will benefit hie health as .he luta been
afflicted by ittilammatory rhettinatieln
tor several, months.
Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor of -'Kip -
pen spent a couple of days last week
with friceds here. •
Mrs. Harris of Petrolei spent last
week with -relatives aroutul 'Alma.
Me, and Mrs. W. B. •Jeolcins of God-
. .
erich township spent Sunday with.
.friends here.
Rev: Mr: Steadman 'preached his
farewell sermon here .on Sunday last
and :leaves this week 'cite his new field
of labor at Point Edward.
. The garden party Which was held
on the lawn of Mr. Dale • on Friday
evening. last proved to be a decided
success. Thi. night Was clear and con -
Sequently • a large crowd assembled.
An abundant tete- was provided by the
ladies and all kinds .of . refreshments
were served on the grounds. 'The 33rd
regiment band from SeafOrth Was in
'attendance- and provided. exCellent mus-
ic. • The. proceeds ainderited 1,0 over
' •
. •
Mr; Robert..Vannottran aad family
of Ryclal Bank are, visiting .with Ale..
on atorman here, .. • .
, Mr, P. Welsh 'of St, Augustine Spent •
laStThursday at 'Mr., 5. Vannotinan's
and- took in -the picnic in Proctor's
. , .
Myth beat: Belgrave foothalt team
at elle pieuic 5' to o. .Blyth. beat. Bel -
grave at : baseba.11. :sante day. 6. to 5. -
The, tug • of wa1. did not. inateeittlize..
Altogether was a great day.-
Coneidetable excitetnent preyailed'
lzere on Ftiday•afternoon last when it.
was reported that the corinie, of an
'unknown. man hed been eliecoyered .on.
Reeve isbisteres ,farin by: some young.
ladies gehile. picking berries. One in-
vestigation theresivas foetid beeide: the
body, , which was very much• decom-
posed; a tiaantiey of Boris green, -and
Scime of .the .dreg stained. the fingers of
the right haft& , Varioue articles. of no
value were foetid in , a esinalt bundle
and ie. one vest • pecket...0. piece of pale'
er ..on•whicle evag -written in ,lead pens
ell, among other thing's, hie intention
to take his own life. and•signed " M.
.Fitzpatrick, , Quebec Peovince," . 'No
date ei : Were given and it is eeppesed
'the body had bean there since. January.-
last, The fact that in the bundle* a
quantitY• Of . leaf . tobacco was found
w'otelcI einlicate that possibly 'he had
hem"... a ...ciga.r maker -1)Y
Be Cotiltes of Clintfin
ed, :at Mt. John Coaltesg 'Met
•week... • - • • :
Mt, and Airs. Ocorge,Teetier of Simi-
fermerly of • near here, spent
a. Couple- of days among old neighbors
end:friends last:week, .• •
Rev,. Mr. Jewitt, .wife• and family of
IIensall spent Eritlay With their hrothe
er,. Mr. Reuben Jewitt. •
Messrs. 'George and Will, AreCully of
$tratfercie spent ,Sunday with their
mother. • • . . • '
' Mr. .antl Mrs.. J. it Med& attended
the Wedding of their' she George at
Aleditm. We understand the bride is • a
ilfis$ Gregory. of . We' wish
them 'Snitch happiness.' • :
Mr. and Mts. .Tewitt of Brit:480s vis-
ited their son Reuben test week:
Alt. and Mrs. J. McGaviti • visited.
,11*.‘h,ceikr.stster, 1VIrs. E.. MeGregotelaat
• fettite it 'number of the young folke
took in . the Bandon picnic on Friday
while others went to the Social at Al-
tha, All report . having had a good
'time... •
Air. and Aire. W. Lindsay and. datigh-
ter,. Me, .and Mrs. C. C, AlcOregor.and
5011 and MisS•AlcOregor visited Mende
in Gorrie oft Sunday.
Mr. W. B. Cook intends raising his
house next tveek and putting a „cellar
tinder .it and also raisieg. the roof gild
putting- a. top storey On, .Mr. S. S.
, Cooper of Clintou has. the 'contract,
IVIrs.. Taylor' and son of Iiarristou
are at • present visiting. her mother,
Mrs. A. B.; Snell. '
'the Wises Polities of Brussele vise
lied their friend, Aims Maggie Mac -
&maid, on Inimlay.
Air, and, .hirs, Jolin •lVfills and (latigh-
t( SittitlaV with • their mother,
Mrs. W. Mel ti 1.0S11.
Mr. George lied children visit-
ed his • to other ilt Seciforth on Sun-
The moist weather still continues, •
bet it is hoped that :when haying
.starts there will be it la up and fair
Rev. Mr. Dever preached hie fare-
well steemem on Sabbath last.
Mr. Je 3. Irvine is away oft an out-
ing at Goderich this week.
Mt-. Pitallay McIntosh had it good
bee hauling gravel for his barnyard
and lane. .
Mr. Hugh Ross, who had a long
spell of sickness, is out doing busi-
ness again,
The Bell Bros.,' with Mr. Stitherlatid
as foretttan, have drilled twelve wells
eo ler !thin season. They are good at
the job.
Mrs. P Morritlon hag gone to visit
her daughter fit Manitoba.
Mr. Attroti Miley ie putting it come
ent fouadation water his hark:
Miss Tessie Crooks, who has been
in Coded& attendime the Collegiate,
has returned to her home, the :Attorney
holidays having begun.
The , garden party held oa the
grounds of Alr. C. J. Nesbitt on
Tuesday evening was a largely attend-
ed and suceesslel affair.
I. 0. L. No. 189 will attend div•
inc seeviett in Sharon ehurch at 2.30
o'clock next Sunday aftereoon when
Rey. James Hussar will preath. A
fall atteuclance of the ntembers is re-
Mr. John O. Elliott and Air. Wm.
Cole returned on Tuesday from 0
it, to friends in. Lucknow and viebeity.
Toronto, June 27th. -There was an-
other day of high prices and good de-
mand at the Toronto Cattle Market
today and the dealers are generally of
the opinion that Otis condieion of
affairs will last for some time yet.
The eoncenses of opinion is that the
postponement of the coronationwill
not have any great effect upon OW de-
mand for cattle as the. recent trade
has been of a hand-to-mouth character
and English dealers have not been im-
porting any more cattle titan they
could dispose of almost immediately..
Some light falling aff in the demand,
-however, is expected. The prices paid
today were high for ail good .cattle,
but there was, as usual, a lot of poor
grass fed cattle offered which brought
lower prices than the general run of
choice, cattle. These cattle are caus-
ing a considerable weakness in the
prices •of cattle generally and it is
lieved that if the cattle had been
more uniformly of a good quality the
price obtained would have been notch
higher than they have been, The -trade
in sheep Was at steady prices and the
demand was a little better. Lambs
were in better 'demand also and scor-
ed an advauce of 25c per head. There
was a good • demand •for hogs and the
Price remained steady in the face .of
large receipts, • .
Export Cattle -Were steady, selliug
at the same high prices which have
prevailed theoteghout the Week., Choice
ones brought from 55.50 to .57 per
cwt. and medium Ones Sold at 54,30
to: S5so per cwt.
Butcher's Cattle -Were steady, sel-
ling 'at $5,e5 to 55,75 per cwt. for
Picked lots and $5 to 55.40 per cwt.
butcher'sforcitc'icseoldorieets 54 C• -1:°orn$115mprier' tctW'tf:4.1.1:
Feeders 'and •Stockers -Were steady,
selling at 54. to 56.50 per • cwt. for
keep feeders an& .53.40 to 54 per cwt.
for. heavy 'stockers, • • .
Sheep -Were steady, selling at $3.6,5
to $3.75 per eVete for export ewes. .
LanebseeWere firmer, selling at $2.25
tglt 41-5 Seliing.at
-per cwt. , for clatice Mies and 56.62S,
per cwt.- for lights and fats.
' The market receipts were 68 loads,
which' • included 990 cattle, • 713 sheep
'and Iambs, 1286 hogs Oil 32 ealveS.,
,Crawford 4' .1-Inenisett 'bongite tWtt.
loads of Cows . at 54 .per cwt., and
some good buteher's cattle' at •$- to
$5.25,per evet, • '
Win. •Levach bought 3tee,catile at the
trade •prices. • . • • • •
R. 3, Collins bought ice cattle,. av-
eraging 1.,100 lbs., at $5..5o per cyvt,
4• cattle, averaging riot)°, lbs.., at 53,e
so iter cwt.,- and 2o cattle, weighing
from eetoo lbg. to 1,200 lbs., at 53.6o
to 55,25 per cwt. . ' •
We J. McClelland bought One load.of
.exportees, averaging 1;000'p/se .at • $5,-.
,z5..per cwt. • • , • . •
,porters, ayeraging. 1,125
.cwIIti D. ean.bot.tgl.it. load exe
lbs., At
Re We Ptingle bought i8 cattle, aye
.:eraging• .85o at. 54.25' Per • cwt„
and two -cattle, averaging 950 ,lbg., 'at
.$4.7e• per cwt.. •: •
0, • *Ztagniatt •; & Sone bought • 45
stockersWeighing front: 400 to 8so
lbs.:, at 53 to 5316* per cwt: •
:IVIaybee & 'Sons' be:eight one load of
Cattle, ,.averaging,:x,too lbs., at 55.62le
per - cwt., -and 54 cattle., averaging i,-
8ote- lbs.,' at 55.75 per- cwt. • ' .
Maybee, at.
Se•Murity It -Ought So
cattle, Weighing front 600 eo 7o•o Ws,*
at 53,15 to $3.45.:Per get.t. •
Whaley Se Macdonald:$.61(1 46 .'exPort
cattle, Weigliiiig fiorn 1,e00 to eieeto:
ths„ at 56.1o, to .$6.80 per cwt
piert • bull, weighing e,350,111se, at $5.-
5o, ; roo ,butcher's Cattle, : weighing
from 85e• to. 5,075 lbs., at 53.25 to.
•:65 for, caws .and 55 to $5.62N for good
butcher's e cow's' at 542.50 pack, • 26
sheep .at. 53..75 per cwt. and 22 lambs.
at:$3.85-ectich. '.'.• •• ;
. Wesley • Duna bOught: . 210• sheen at.
$.75- tier. cwt.:, 150 lambs at 53.75
each and is calves at $7 each.,. • -
.W. B. Levach bought .200 sheep at
53.75 per mt., 75 lambs at 52.75
each and 20 calves at .$6 each.. • '
Mr. Verral bought '60 .calves at54.-
5o to 54.75 each,. 100 sheep • at .$3 to
53.75 per per., cwt,, .and.zo lambs at 54
*. We quote te
Export cattle,theice,eWt.$5.56 to $7 oor
do Medium... ... . ... .. 4 50 -to $ so
do coves, per cwt 350 to 4'.00
Butcher's, cattle,: picked.e. 5 25 to 5 75
• do choice .......... 5 00 to 540
• do' fair 4 oo to 500
34 00 00 tt ao 40 00 00
July 8rd, 1002
svatazat.mum. • . ,...0,..."..ibelfrilk..... "oily% ....,-410,0",ii-40,-*.iovii, iviii, ..oriblooKii-
Mrs.Smith of Detroit, a sister -of
, Dere. E.' Butt, is visiting friends in
this vicinity.
Mr. George Tyner and wife spent a. Sheep Dips
few elays visiting friends near Myth
and Belgrave last week, ' We keep all the best makes„,. including
•. Mr. J. W. Hill has purchased an-
other horse in the northern part of Little's. Sheep Dip . Persiatic Sheep Dip #
Ilia country.
Scheol ,closed last week for the
. Miller's, Kenip's, etc. 0,
summer vacation•aud the teacher, Mr. 0
R. G. Reid, merited to his home -in
Stauley for the holidays.
do common
do cows .
do bulls.,.,,.• 2 50 to 3 25
Feeders, short keep ...,„:.. 4.00 to 5 50
do medium .... .. 3 go to 4 oo
Stockers,thoo to Iwo lbs. 3 75 to 4 oo
Mitch cows, each „, oo to 45 oo
Sheep, export ewes. 3 65 to 3 75
Spring ltonbs 2 25 to 425
Hogs, choice, per cwt ..;6 87'4 to 0 oo
Hogs, light, per cwt •6 62% to o ea
HOgs, fat, per eevt ,6 621'. to o 00
East Buffalo, N. Y., June 27,e -Cat -
tie -Receipts, 200 head ; sloev veals
steady ; tops, $6.$0 to $645 ; fair th
good, $6 to 56.25; commott to light,
$5 to 56. Hogs -Receipts, 8,5oo head;
fairly active ; loafer on pigs and light
Yorkers, 57.50 to 57.6o ; light do, $7.-
57,80 to $7.90 ; rooted, $7.70 to 57.80 ;
Yorkers 97.50 to 57.60 ; light do, $7..-
35 to .i7.45 pigs, 57.30 roughs, 57
to 57.25' d stags, 55.73. to 56.25.
Sheep anLatobs-Reeemts, 2,300
head ; steady; spring lambs, 56.5o to
57 ; fair to good, 55.75 to 56.25 ; culls
to rommon, 54 to 55 ; yearlings, 54.50
to 55 ; sheep, top, mixed, 54 to 54,25;
fair to good, 53.60 to $3.90 ; culls, to
eommon, 52.25 to 53.e0 ; ceVes, $3.25*
to 53.95.
Chicago, June 27.-Catt1e-keceipts,
/ova, including 300 Textetts ; steady;
good to prime steers-, nominal tit $7. -
no to 58.40 2' poor to Medium54.75 to
57.50 stockers and feeders,' 52.50 to
55.25; cows, 51.40 to 56; harem, 52.-
5o to $6.5o ; canters, 51.40 t* 52,50 ;
bulls, 52.15 to $5.75 ; calves, $2.5o to
$6.o; TeXtes fed steers, 54 to 57.
Hogg -Receipts, today, 25,000 ; opened
steady ; close 5c to the lower ; mixed
attd butcher's, 57.25 to 57.70; good
to choice heavy, 57.7o to $7.85 ; rough
heavy, $7,30 to $7.6o ; light, $7.25 to
57.40 ; bulk of take., 57.30 to $746.
Sheep -Receipts, 5,200 ; sheep and
latitbs steady; good to thOiee weth-
ere, 53.75 to 541 western 81100, e52.75
to 54; riatiere lamba, elipPed.
• An inter( stieg event took place in
St. Michael's church on Monday week
when Miss Bridget Henley, (laughter
came the bride of Mr. John lehalen, a
prosperouii yottag farmer, also of More .7-7-7 ..
ris, The ceremony was performed . by , :1
Rev. Father AleAlinanein. Miss liar- 11
riet AleCaughey cif Clinton was brides- il
maid and Mr. Thomas Healey, Jr., l .
assisted the groom. At the close : of • •
the marriage ceremony the happy I
Couple end a few friends drove 1.0 ,1
Clintou where a sumptuous- dinner es I 7
waited them at the Commorcial hotel.
Alr. end Mrs. Mann will reside in
wedding took place at the
the bride's mother, Mrs. ,
Francis .Stalletr, Myth, at high noon I :
on Tuesday. The contracting, parties • :-
were Mr. ,Dan. Gleddes, merchant. tail-
or .of Belgraveiittud 11-1;ss Nellie :Stalk-
er. Rev. A. AeLean tied the nuptial
knot. The bride 'was asgisteS by Miss -
Lieeie . Laidlaw 01 Morris and the
groom by Mr, James Stalker of t_
Stratford, brother of the bride. The •
.briee was prettily goevued in a dress I i
of white mune trimmed with vulva- 1 f
chin -nes and chiffon an& carried a bo-• I '.
quet of white rotas. The bridesmaid's 3
dress Was white organdie trimmed •
with appliquend m
awhite uslin, and . _
carried a kmuet of pink -roses. The- '
newly wedded eouple thole. the 3.35
train antid. showers of rice and heat
wishes, for a honeymoon trip to 13.er- -
iiu, Galt and Toronto'.
A quiet wedding took place at the
residence of Mrs. William MeElroy at ' I
high:mem Wedneaday when hr (laugh- (:
ter, Mary J., was 'united ia marriage
to Air. W. C. Waleli of Loudon. The
wee:tomer wns performed lyy Rev. A.
AieLean in the presened of the rela-
Lives of thee contracting .parti C s. The
hride was beecnnintzlv. attired in white .s ...:
organdie • dress with lace' trill -at -tinge, '
wearingveil and orange blossoms and •
Sarre'ille: a• boquet.of roses. The bride. . .
entered the parlor leaning on the menele...............isksge.....****.......44.44.440.4:4•4** 4.0.
*Of her: brother,, Air, CY. rt: Barrith, to 4a .
mareh *Played by Miss Annie Walsh, •eev'
the' strains of Mndlseeihn's Wedding 0
sister Of •the groom. Presents were re- 4e
• .
ceietd froin 'Chicago, Woodetoeke Tore: . i
• (i,
OD i 0, 1,011(1011, laitkenw, leelgrave, • - 4
Fordyce, Hepworth- and* in...yth. After'
Mach was served the haPpy couple jeft e
'onthe afternomi train for their 1101110
-in *5,011(1611: amid showers Of- rice and - 0
good wighee Olean their feiends. • • ,
e ,
. • ,
R . P . Reo
lcie, et...39r to SydrIOY ,Tackscu.
PREsciairnrroN DRUG STOBB 4
B. -Spray your tires, We have all the t t quisites. including Blue
T.A Stone, Paris 04 een, Etc:.
of Mr. Thomas Healey of Morris, be- 0 eagege.seeeseee-easeeesettegereeeersegaieeeseessee4se-essoseeaseeseqe..gebeetessibegaeggeseee,
Shoe Bargains For You
Never before have we given euch, Bargains
in all kinds of
... First Class Footwear . .
Many of the Lines we tolVerlieed hlet week Iti'a cleared out
and our numerous customers Wrie delighted wit h their portal -
:owe, This week we leplenish (air Biti•gain Countere, with ex.
ceptiOnal values, whic•ii it will pay you to investigate. '
80 pairs Alerts' 131eyele Boots, jest what YOU peed
for Summer Meal' They are worth $1.75 and $2,
YOUP choice for . .... ...... .. $1.25
25 pales youth' e Tait ,Laved Boots, . well WO1 th $3.5U
and$1.75 to clear at $1.00
18 pa5i3r,sgAtl,eittlig'sarbine Laced Boots, new style, worth
30'pairs Misses' Tan Osfords, they are worth f$rot-00
$1.20 to $1.75, you can have.youe eboice for
They are a Bargain 90e and $1.25
See our Girl's Buttoned Boots worth $1, uuly. . 75c
. Some extra 1111,1005 in all kinds of .Ladies' Kid Oxfot•ds
• Oue stock must be teduted. . - No ttotible to show goods
A. Cull Solicited.
rn. _TAYLOR & SON.
• Cash and One Price
Butter and Eggs taken as Oaith
Cow -Strayed .'s
There strayed .from the ;
premises of the undersigned .;
in Brucefiehl on Friday„ Ju ne* ;
27th1 a srmill, red muley bow ;
with . two white hind feet. ;
Any information 'leading t� ;
:her -recovery **ill be suitably ;
.rewarded. . •
111;Actiug, WANTED. , • .
A female teacher wanted for- School
Section No. . 13, • •Sta.nley.. Applicag
Pretoria 131oelt.
t1011S *received up to, August 5th. • .
-• • •Jg, T. RICVS;..See..,4reas..• ' 4440 •••• 4.404 1444 #44* 4040•11 4411 ••••••••••:40 •••••••••• • ••••
.02014 Big JulySale .
cernmenee•on Wednesday, July 2od., and. 'continue. for 30
..daysonly.Dur tug that time you will -find ail surnmee'goode in
Musling, Tnffettute Batistes; Organdies, Ditnitye, Zephyrs, -
Prints. Hom.ry,i_inderwear and MillinerY.will 'he sold at. sweep..
-nig reductions. • • ' • • • •• • • -
• Paerything pertaining to 'summer goods thusb bercleared oub
before -August to milike room for Fall shipments,
A-hig job in Irouth*Suits, sizes.30,,31, 32, •33,.
•Bargains in several lines of Boots and Shoes. •
Dont.fOrget. the date, July 2nd 30 days only.
Jutte 23r4. , ........
COW' l'ort
, The' tifideenigoeil offers 'a :new pencil
-cow Sr sale, .
;EMI>: :.1,10I,INIES, Iiiiron Road,
Cliuton. P. 0., June 3rd.
• • .
. • .
.. .
. Our large' warerooms are
. Tenders will be rectivedeby the an- . . .., : . .
de'reigned •131-1•1•(.)•6•3°-°'cl°ck " jul•Y ftllly. stocked with furniture . .
(Ali for the building by tinion SchiMI r. .
Section -No.' 4, Goderielt and. I -lunette
s Of aniou. are
' ', all ' 1.;..ixid. d f -y
of . a brick•seliool hth
house on e north- '
'cast er
corn' of 'lPartiot if), lcoarsn. 16, Gothic, thinking . of purchasing- we
ich township. cucan be had . , ...- .
te • residence of :the secretary; The
and. plaits and. speci•fications seen
. :invite. you to ' call, . see. ..our
Imilding is to be coMpleted on -or bee. 'disPlay and learn Our prieos: • ••• • I-7- -77 ---.-- --t,
• : •• , . . ., , c• • - - - - ..- ...'----' ' ...
fore. the 15th day of September. All .. s • .
the. material ' ia the present briele. .
,E'aReort 04ieteeenTe . CliegneeeilEtts. . -.1.1.RDINERB STANDS
school fit for use is to hesused lathe
MV.Sio CABINETS • DRESSING' 'rations Easine •
construction- of tin: new building and • •
the tenders are to lie• based on au ale
lowanee. being Made for such material, SnotteltAitinte . LIBRARY TABLES Parna RACKS
Ca 11 tender11 will alito be received fot. Patio•VLemons • COTIMES.
the purchase of the old school building
told elso of the old school site., •
It will do 'you good to see the. beautiful' line .Of Taney
:Dated at Goderich township,. . .
this e5th day. of June, 1902.
H. LOWERY, *Sceretary,. We will consider it a pleasure to show. ,you through 'our
• cli"th" r'9:• wareroorns even .if you do not wantato purchase:
./147 • *: Cil.i
A 3•7 liorSe traction engine
• •
Night and Sunday. ealls anewered`ofe,tesidenee of -our
Is D. S., together with I ,new Mcnie
Funeral Director, J. W. Obidley, King street, opposite foundry.
arch' S:epartitor, in use- only • 50 days,
, hate till the latest improvements, ' •
.clueling tank, pemp, duster, pea pule
•Iers, clover .attachinent, etc. III
health , °weer fe the reason for sel-
ling. V'ill be sold *Cheap.
Auburn I', 0.
.Tun e Toth 31.*
Rockers, Morris Chairs and Odd Parlor Pieces we are offering.
• •
We etia lead in Sugar by Selling
Reditatles Grattuleted at' 55.85 per
ewt. ill Md. lots.
W. T. O'N1,31,.
• ^
Ohnton Earket Rept
Wheat ....... . . 0 80 to 6 8 )
:loose 'Wheat . 0 75 to 0 75
13aricy.......- 0 50 to .0 62
Pate ... . 0 43 to 0 43
0 75 to 0 75
Rye .. 040 to (43
Potettoes per hoshel.....„, 0 .10 to 0 40
13titter mile and crock .. 0 12 to 0 13 .
Sutter in 0 14 to 015
There is no better shoe
Eggs per doe, e . ..„ . • ... 0 12 to 0 12
Hay .......... 8 00 to 0 (X)
Wool . 0 15 to 0 18 Than the G20. A. SLATSII0t
Line Hogs per .. .. 0 60 to 'I 50 . '
rioter per cwt...."2 00 to 2 2,5 gee* Sold in Clinton only by
Bran per ton ..... 18 00 to 18 00
Shorts per • r 20 00 to 20 00
Dried Apples per lb,,,.4. 003 .to 0 G'
':--e-•aegeeee •