HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-07-03, Page 22
11011101111 litax1010141110.11'..iit41.PJI
• f+++44+444444.44+44444++01.444444+14-141-14444.14++1
We attended the joint meeting ins
North htl L1t litirch Eat Titeaday even-
ota meek of the two Methodiat
Leagues. Mr. Howells was chairman.
'L he speaker (.1 the evening was AL.
W. tlitioid of Chalon, who gave a
v cry interesting culdresa.
air. Galord s )(mug hut lie is like
St. Paul, searching Etfter rigIttetate-
nesa. lie says that the Church—the
Methodist elittreh-latk done a great
deal u; evangeliae the heathen, bat
Ulu* she cullid do far more „titan she.
allots, that only t•ne peraon. in -Gina
',flows n ng of Litrist mime.;
them. Ile showed from the following
thus suith the Lords' thatit is a,
bounden duty tip '12 hi 1121.241111 to ev-
angelus:. with only a very 1411021 nuta-
la( . lie said the t!,. L. was- the great -
eat work of the church Eyed that the
stialents• volunteer movemeut was
binned to help extend the E. L. in
eign inissitmary work. Ile spoke of
the heart ot Christ being as large as'
the whole world cold that he wanted
ail to kpow Him and that the
Leaenes wcte 1 ii,t• 1 itt le eitildrt•ii Uv -
11g 1.1) to do hia w 11. lie also said that
vs1iat 1 out did (andel be done now. A
V( te ot thanks was unanimously giVen
In Mr. tofford. Dr. Daniels wilt• ad-
art•ss the Epworth League of North
stre,t elatich at their meeting, ist
tt Nit 11 Prosperity."
" Throw out the life line" was sung
h ull tild \vith the benediction by
Rev. 1)1. Daniels the meeting was dis-
missed. Victoria street choir remain.
"d to hay,: a talk with Air. Gifford cm
the advisability of purehasieg. stnne
new works 011(1112.1 v, to missionary
evangtlititg to have itt their S. g.
library that the S. S. pupils froin.
tune lo time might .get iuterested in
missionary AN ork.
Mr. W. Craig and -family are not.
cl )111 1(It tably settled in 11 r, • .1;
Sis rough's rt.sidenee cm East. street. •
AIrs. James Strong left Mr Brant-
ford on Friday. Quite 9 few frienda
estot tett her to the train.
Henri Jordan of Brantford was in
town on :Wednesday. •lie has several
offers to leave his position in Brant .
ford and go to other cities, American
well as Canadian. •
Dr. Frank Turnbull, his sister, Mrs,
Neilson and her lovely children of Au;
ibm were the guests of Dr. L. Turn -
hull on Saturday.
Miss Fergalson of. Irodgeitsestab-•
lisliment at Clinton spent Sunlt's..
week the guest of her - relatives, Alr
, No band musie on square on Thars-;
! day night.
Airs. A. Muirluted of Port.Iittron re-
; trrited to her home ou Monday per
stemitr Osaitrage after a pleasant vis-
it with her another and. uucle, Mrs.
1Iiti le. and Mr. McCarthy.
, Airs. William lieymour of Detroit
-was the gut 51; of her cousin, Mrs. !
taieley„ .duriett the week al the , ex- •
)1'152 211 frost that Oily.
Mr. Kenneth - t.satt paell of Colorado,
whohas. lava SlAtutiug some time_ bt
Ashileld witit his family, took Et round
triP (11 the 1%ing itOwar1l. in company
with Lis ;dater, Miss Elora. Ahredon-
•alil ..1sl11ie1d. 'they left on the King
Edwatd on Friday bad.
Miss ,fessie Macdonald, book-keeper
at i.e_e ST Shepherd's, took passage on
•the King Edward on Friday last for
Detroit, .where• sha will • speo11. her holi-
dat s, „• .
-Miss .Aliee Campbell of Scaforth
spent a few days with -her anut, Alas.
'I Mt. •
Wo had the .pleasure of meetiug Airs.
'Monate Baotylitee of Sault Ste. Marie
on ,Vriday 'evening' i11. company with
Iitr' Airs. J .13 rowultas,
with whom . she is visiting. Mrs,
-.Brownlee came down on the lirst trip
, the King Edward from the Sod and
:he said that at Kineardiutt 11 great
many people preaented 10 1119t5 to Cap-
' ta1n, La France, We Wel 0• glact that
WO set thent the- example. .- AIDE,
• Browalte when at ' •Duldin its the
• gaest of her brother, Mr. James Long;
Worth, and lie.r •sister, Airs. Burke. At
Seaforth ..ahe was the guest .of her
friend, Mrs. John Armstrong, 'and at
Clinton the guest- of her stater -in-law,
1)ice.001. Sirs. .• Brownlee, lef t on
Snaday • for Sloth -Ste, Marie, ;Her
ist.lter, William Long -worth., lived here
,otl owned .11 gOOd many.,aeres. of land
',al the t0\ 11241121). •HU Wor:kel at the'
pisas of :our firsthart the, wreck.- of
which. we pointed out to her. •
- The.. Aliases AVestoott and .11.1iss Reid
of Detroit •and Mr. McLaren and los
• ;ittle danghter 'all registered at Hotel
Goderieh last wtelt: • .• •
Little Miss 'Battelle Waters of Chico,
,aceompanied by -Miss Alice Cum-
• inings (11 1.119 same city, are the guesta •
this week .of Airs, Carroll, • •
Mrsltitii.thead has returned- to tier
`Ionic E.4. Point Edward after .a .pleasa
ant .visit with her mother, Alas. Hur- .
'• Mrs. j. A. at Plainsville,
loWea is the guest. of her etniaias, the • .
WellOf the,-Baalletd. Road. •
itir; A.,;.Praaer IlallidaY. of Cerrings
apa lus 1.ride. Spent their
:.;ioneymoon visiting -their relatives
• here, 'Mr. and Mrs. .W. 'Green' being 1
Mr. IlalIidtty'S. grandparents. and Mrs..;
• W. J; Smith ••bis • aunt, • ..They return-.
to : -Detroit Ent Tuesdaya Mr. •
day: left....0Ealerich• who. ten • Years of .
•age. with. his' OarentS, SD:. and . •Mrs.
Archie Halliday. . • • • •
• Tiros: • BayrowS, 'delegate •tho .
High Cdurt meeting -at Owen Somata' e
.1a111ired the ••O.' .S. hart= on'.which .t
carriages are driven to •the end of the • -9
-tans -,eround and epthe back. •
tlodirielt ream cr. give. anyone • that; It
'Oeitsure....- • .• 'I A
atk Wilson of (
• Secepted •• p012 214111 with -atr. . House 1
• ,•,
as asaiStain harness .Maker. Mr. Wil: •
atm trill . take 'lip 'his resideace. .With
his mint,. 3, C: lierrEnt: • '•t
Alra. C..Crabb• and grandaotta Maater. ! -r
tom Mrs. James Reid. -
Alisa Buchanan has had a ;very neat
wire fence put in front of her proper.
ty on the Britannia Road.
The garden party to be given. by. tilt
oi on Friday last ip • Mr,
Stileath's garden 'has teen indefinitely:
Captain Montagne 13aker, wife and.
thrce children, Who were the gueSti'.
o some 'lays of Airs. Llorace Horton,
Mrs. Baker's mother, left last Thum-.
day to visit the Captain's relativeS
London, Enahual. Mrs.. and Alis.s
boa aceompanied them as far aa' Mot -a-
rc al,.
The King ValwEerd had .to stay -at
Depot Hareor daring theagale that .
raged on Take Huron laat. week.. .
Llai k . Weditesdity: 10090-
ng St. George's eliareh was • Ha
seem. of it quiet tut. very pretty .a.ed
<ling tylan utir well. knoten citizen 31214
' and -Minnie Alexandra, .eltiesy
daughter ;if %1r (111(1 Airs. 11. W.. Balla
were 1111 1 ted in marriage. Xitliongl:.
the wedding WaS • at. an. ea.rly 'heal •
alld ry (11114' then.: 11 as a large at
!andante zit the church. The
Rev. Mark Turnbull, performed the,
tereimmy ;end the organist., Mr.. W. A.
II. Cull, played Mendelssular.'s •wed'.
ding maul). The bride .wor9 her 1;0
ing aWay gowd, a very stylish •tailo.S
made 14t11111e of inssiet brown. ladies
cloth, with. which she' wore a hand...
:cane ‘taist !..1 Welted 'white talletzr
er lat. NAILS all extremely beconillit
reat ion in shad, s of broa. 11, w ith
(((22.2. 11 of raJsea. She carried a 'Bowan,:
(,1 bridal -rost.s. The bridesmaid, lie...
s sts. r, Miss '14;•- -Ic•atlileen, wore a
dainty amen ef white orgatulie tritir
111) (1 with yalsaitienees' Mee and :inset;
• tion and many Wettings, with 1911 id
•• •• 11 a Mack pier:tire 'hat., •••Ilet-
!mama teas of roses. 'the ;i4rocin-•
. asst,ted 1,y Mr. W. La Itertott.
1 he elinr..11 was pr,ttily theorated 101
the oceasion with palms 2111(1 1101A• •
I'S. 1111111(.(liattAy alto- the sereiee -Ma. •
and Airs. Clark left for Et trip (0
nem Sur
1*1 , Cap:titian ' citits. Tilt
groom's gift to the bride maul a peat,'
and opal ring and to the 1;11(1641mb
a pearl pip. 1 here were very loam' '
. gi Ls, aiming which yeatr • :1••
handsome silver water pitcher ban;
' the members of St. George's 911011-.0.
which the bride has' been membei •
lor almost 0 quarter of :a centurV.
. 11111(15 WI 34 tit the station 1,, ,
wish. the hricie und groom .good for,
tune and dowers Were plentintily•SIMa.
eyed me n them.
511. (1(02 go Elliott has ladle recove.
ered from his recent indiSpositimi.9111". '
is at the counting desk Etioaiii. •
.1,oseph Doyle of the Bank of liaMil;
ton .t1 inginon is visiting at Oh
• family residence,
Victoria street. dim eh lieldathe ,firsi
parte of the seaSoir Ala
grounds of Mr. A. Davison.
WaS nut so propithats for mit-
door njoymen as Julie .shouftl, afford,
but all enjoyi'd theinSelves. Orgai
%vas 1110114k out to the .verandah.
the opening polo " The Powder Mon
key" teas well rendered by Air. Ileleh. •
I. S. was most ipspirating toulawm
lollowed by a trio, Measrs.' Ilelehet
and olerick and Miss thaw' tander.
ing Faded Flowers" E xtreniely weil..
Aliss intrroyed the eleirus witi•
the mesh: of tlw kaataa Tia'y 19091
he (rule encored. Several members of
t he ell oir render( (I the pretty sada-
.. When the t /limpet of the very
plessiagly. 'I be rt eitatit n Is7( Ily
1)1 ('11211'' by Miss Tittle delighted eve.6,-.
1 ()Ely. Air. S. ha it non :s speech 'was
short but highly enjosable. Ile Said
that the weathur gave (heat: a eool
re eapt len and that his sperch would
have to 1,e very Mira as his vole(
WI in 10 24 throat, lie made every.
la:Ely latteli. The tablea were filled. 'and
he thinese lanterns ilitimitrecl i1
garden. The lipwort Leapt; 'ilia&
good waiters mid the 5191191s rides 010
cream and lovely rate were delicious. •
Tire hot coffee was notch more ip keep-
ing with the evetting.t.listit ereitin.
The grass .was lovely tutd dry (end -all •
went home 101 pkaseil as if the even:.
teen Wanner, " Clod ,nta.e.
he Eittg" isht tr• t evening's en-
'Voting, Everett. lost two fingers last
week at the organ faCtory. lie .is 1101
4 vet.
Miss Deborah Halide:1d of Detroit IR -
the geest of her father, Mr, •If.
221 14!
Mrs. C. N. Whiteman mid her sis-
t(r-in law, Miss Littira 11'hitelmot, all
of Detroit spent last Week at the rosi- I
defuse ( f Mr, II, Halstead,. the forin-
Sr.§ Inthera
,i w il1A1,Ffixxxisiiiiiixo: ..,„:".-z-ji".•''';-,‘-‘7.--T.Z.':::.---`,T•riai.r'',5,=.74"...1`441.1/011!?:!4.5 , 5 1 4 1, ,, 1 ! iii ,0 ..
The Iron Duke a on Thursday last
defeated the Clinton contingeut, the
score being 15-14.
'llie litelatry society Clf Callow had
Etfl exeeedingly plcamant ontitig
their Point Farm picnic Ent. Sattirday.
c.,Atile a number from town attendad.
.11Ir. George lhouipson of the hatbor
mill left on Monday for Owen l,:ionnel
on business lor the will.
In our gardeu on Stanl.y ;street a
vi.lutel.le plent true lailill with fruit
was (lest IEJ tad by last 'ilititi•tlay a,
in s gales, It was snapped oh like a
twig. •
Alr. Clendenning was stricken with
paralysis or soinekiling of that nature
1st week.' We trust he may rally
519. Gatenby has lout his P.M cot-
tage i/11 I".taieX litrtAtt V1.1Wer4:4. WW1.
V4111.1.1 brick..
Mr. Gerrard ims returned from Cali-
fornia. He held forth Ent the sapiare
on Sunday la tn. last,
Rev. Mark Turnbull has 0 fine prom-
ising yield of trait for this season's
ripening ill the rector'm garden.
- 'the' pienie held at St. Peter's. no
lhursday was -moat enjoyable as-athe•
long . table testified. The Irish piper.
was in attendance and the marine
Land so that anode lilted the 'air- in
Hee of the daily. patter (11 the dew
drops. The ladies of St,. Peter's woeld
have 1)0 12 glad to have welcomed a
larger numlur but the wet weather
kept a good many away and the saw-
onatou falling through had a dump -
',tang elleet•: upon the anticipated
pleasure. An excursion • traiu came 'in
irout and intermediate points-.
Sir. Moruirigstar had peer luck with
1Cs. atrawberty crop last year owing
to the continued drought, but this
p ar ulthonaly the- yain has beam a-
bundant he -has far less crop Omit
what he annald have for the imlliena,i
strawberry patch Widen he cultivatea.
Berriea were eight -cents .last 'week, ;
--Ails,. A. J. Reggie cind. Babe Edward
ol Vlorachtle are the pests of Mrs;
Rtorgle's parents, Alr.• and Arra. N.
Deitrielt. • •
; Miss t Amelia .7.11cLeita of Spreee
Farm attended the wedding -ci-f• her
iriend Miss ihtlius one of the finest
elocationists who• ever visited .Godere
ich,- aud . Mr. .Charles Sheppard of
Bothwell. The. marriage took place at
the residence Edathe bride, "themes --
un Saturday, Jane; 2251, We
wish the. bride and. groom amiaterrupt-
ed Idias. ' • • -
Mrs. Charles Beam. luta returned.
froni her visit to her mother' at Clin-
ton.• "We ;levier saw patients. whit were
so ill as -Alr, ant1ZUrs..11ea'it).tevoyer-
their health in so short. a space of
t.1111 before, . bey ... -hateo growa o
Verily one„. aandEl 'seareely: recognize.
1).. f.-..itollthirt „Tr., who '.retarned rec-
ently with itia Manitoba,.,
las aceepted a lueratiVe positioa
••1)r. 1V.. F,, Clark lies:purchased frent'
,), Flodtlaat, •residence Oil
yietorla. end N(wgitte:•streeta:. at prt'si,:-
ent oecapied by I). Munro "•
James ii,lreeketiridge lias ahm re -
('1)199(1 "a diploma. front the t.ilaagoiv
xhibitioa .for .fruit. showa' in ..eenne.e--.
ion.witit the Canadian °section. of the
t ion . •
. Altercery 11:11.SS Tt Millers'
.ritined nurse,. - Kincardine, • and Miss.'
Bag 'Eraser, Gode.rich., spent : day
sr two • :at. the- resideuee' of . Mr;
,• •• • ,
Bliss .'rens.:' Stiller,- trained • nurse
1. Kineartliints addict .1;1- goderiell was
he -guest of •the .111isses _Fraser. She
et mated • Vo • her"holue' at .1;in:cardiac.
in Friday. •
'The pantie 1.911(2(111 .14(11111 has deeitlecl
o. "tisk. the emnieft to 1112115 11 bylaw,' to•
royitle •$..tocao • for prollos.tlanne
-rciv.amenita .•ta- ••• the' Centril. 5e11061-
Yhtelo inch:ale ileVe 116ors fOr- feur .
Ite•rooms, new..sesh all throtigh the
'cliool, :new' roof encl -0!•eininaletes
ent liatt Ling and ;sanitary plum:let
: •
•.roetlen AleAtatli, returned, on Satan;
day front . their •viisit. with . Mr. and
, ars,' -Josiah 'Melba)). .of t
On Jane 511. Eald MTS.. .1): 1%,1.ee 1
(Ile held• ...their silYsr wedding. 011.•
1,111:: 8(11 18-a Mk.; ATeClill
. mai ' •inarrUd • at Belleville bye ReY. • t
.atlier Earley to Mr• I); `Neville .ot • s
the -same jilaca.-- Later .they.'reSitl,a1 t
yearia., in- Flint, Michigan., . Pots .i
od a ye ark they 'have resideclin Urtea
..ehere they hope :to end. their days.
MF.s.a. ;Imes, .'Neville•of,..larciokla it was
l'inne:•ftlr• • the;' weddina..• The
i di(' tier' Was; •serVed saiast •
191) toest'' beef ',and •evgythiag . t
•e•.'SS.31-• .-tor 'Ey first cleaSs dinner, pre-'
:.!stily • at 8 p. to:a-Allow; forty gee:its.
,jivtire; preaent.. Many. • speceheg were P
iftele eimgratanst.a.ry to. the happy .t
011112 .whi; - with. their enjoy •
• .1wait. :of • health; %After dinner Alr„ c
-'tter 1)01.218.01 .Sault Ste. :Marie, the: t
. -tisk .piper,. took • the 111.9ra-end dam12
..rta 905 1.119 Order Of the evening with
..011g 1111: 11111Si.' 1)C1.1 111(14... -TWO' 1410.
1110(14 dareed •the 141111.
1131a ,0therS 1.11e' Iriali steps; •Al-
ogether ' they 'had- 'Et delight Int :tittle.
„, •.• ,
cOtllie1 1 111e1.: 011 :Nile 71.11 paiR111111
il4)11r1111.1ell ber8 present. .••
oart . reyision • was- re -opened, •
The 'appeal Of:Matthew Lochart .
nst tht; a:Sete:Multi ..of the
ownship: brought am, "discus:Wit: -.and
Malty .disatiss,d, the' Opinion (11 21)4
oart, -• that it Was
heir'- juriadietieu to dial 2.9111 13114
tipeal..'• :fan A:_. Alen:ies., • lot .37•,.
.0n.. to. mid.H. 1121e06e, lot CON.' '1;3,
appliCation each had- Et • dog streak.;
M. • • • . ,
• the'.:.aSsessurcad.
on • as. aoty -revised 'and Correeted• ao
1.) as -.Hui Lour vita' is ..rotteerned. be
%Ts. NeVille %vat; the 'recipient di some- 1
:Etssed; and the •emirt elOSed fOr the
• ary • handsome...1. resenta. ' trust r
. Airs. 1.): Neville Mai- vele- 1
rate theiragolclen wedding in •ye °lila
•IMAM. ' • • . ' /
. SITS, 11'. Smith Will leaVe this week 1
triage oil river 40115. .6 and 7 conttiio-,
lialtalo. 11e9 clanging, AIrs: J. 1
ilobertson, is ill.. • • • • e
Aliases itlassou.of -New Vork and- .1
•Ottawn Are the glleRt8 •ot *heir ;Os(er, 'i
'rs..(Rev.) Jamas A. Anderacer, • . 1
Atr, Nalter of.Toronto, .eldeat stm
,f, the late J. •NaTtel. of. Ocalarieli, hs 1.
•peading his vaeation here the guest.' 1
ef 11's relativEs.• •
•rea:. .• year:a-Car:A . •
Council • resented; aninetes. Of last
iteet big .read, • and certain. matters re;
ating to:.the 'Of a lune' iron
cl in said m•iiiiitas, were Stronaly 'olta
vela El to by Councillor ElliX :being
11. opinion froil InformAtion col-
ecled by him, •irregalar and Illegal
H. was then unanimously reeE IV 1
lint h'efore going any ferther.with the
aniding of the .liridke, that tin: reeve
;et legal aciviee as to•the proper steps
;Ow lo take this Matter. ,
A. deputation tousisting- of Walter
'colt, .Itts. lielpS and
Mrs. Ws aels ia recovering rapidly
lar late indisposition. •
.Alra: T.' Tilt of the Brilisb Ms:clump .1,
;tetra. Edwards weee Mapient '
ent 111a. first part of this week • in I
Blair' the guest of Air,' Tilt's mother. • f
• Mr. J. W. Maris 'returned do Titers- 1
day from 'Detroit where lie attended 3
Eli •the 2,51.11 of June the fulieral of his
'*2 11019, Mr. W. ..T; Limiter, late city
%at nt at Chicago for • Pitigree, • latt •A
1.11080 lionie Was in Detridta Mr, -tc,
'. Minter spent several pars in Gotl,
rich with his male and aunt When a
ley rt ;ark d 111•011 Wcst. street., •Ire b
tettaS•his mother, Ali's. Hunter, toed s
11 ster; Mrs. Dweek, toe Mourn Ids •cle- p
( r some aasistance Irmo the • ecntial
0 erect. a :mow:fence on hill aidelime
and 37, eon. 6, lototrit tt,tt Edteard s
VD, it being, as stated Ify. the p912
10129414, impotsible 'at. • 'times in the
tinter •1e118011 *0 .1184 this road at ttll.
Carr—lieecrofl--1 hat. hav fag lteard
he deputation urging, the 110468811y' of
11.11 a ft•ftce in that locality 'being
nilt, (and not less thEnt 15 rods) the
ern of 223o .1 e grmtted for that ptr- "
°se.- -Carried,'
I' e.....e.4700a+9.0.0V;CNO4X 0,7;e:•Ci 4 i'; ' ; 7 '. :.. ',:...il
. .My ilearts
,41 King's Evil
0 That is Scrofula.
V' No disease 10 older.
No disease la really responsible for a
ei larger mortslity.
Consumption is commonly its outgrowth
There is no exetise for neglecting it, it
makes its presence known by so many
signs, such as glandular tumors, cUtaneous
eraptlons. Inflamed -eyelids, sore ears, rick.
ets, catarrh, wasting and general debility.
Children of J. W. AfcC/Inn, Woodstocg.
Ont., had scrofula sores So bad they could
ot attend school for three montns, When
differed kinds of medicines bad been used
Author of "A Fenniles3 Orphan," "Gertrucies 1Viarriag'e,"
"Her Only Brother," Etc., Etc.
• to no purpose whatever these sufferers were
been composed of. slie 11110 -•
lauderstood: there 111:e.. f fas. a Mem
• Itt•(s•N Lk 112g. the Webb'. in. the re,
goat; tool site la:nevelt that in -
1..he 'sear /11 the Paria•,•!....1 Mot •ort.e.
pared giraffes and ()stride. so 'that
they really tabled well; 2.2. 1111 such a,
Sallee Ethything would taste .wtill-a-
even•shoe leather.
•"Ilow- is Taia9- Deti.chen?" ,Askea
to waft tilt Tante • Deficient visual
111S ItY. the little on..."
She bent. oVer tile bard of tli
grave woman who stood slit( as a
statue, and seemed to wonder her-
self why she waa here.
• ••ne good to me again," begg,tal
Lamle, "Avila if you only kileve how
. v
haVe tormented. inyeelf ((bout ;
him " "
The 1.•'rati C0005001- looked at th
thin face and pale cheeks; they prov-
ed -the truth' of what the lipe RILL
She was 80 1110914 alld 801.11..11011 0111*
811e 90211d acarcely preserve her com-
PosUre; but she would. net shoW her
feeliags. t -the bravely swallowed
tv n her incline t ion tO sob, and -
biSsed 1,0410 on the forehead.
"Let us foeget it all," she said, ,
and gave her hand te.lier son. 1
is good to see one's faults if it i• -l•
in time to make them good. . What
Is the matter with the child?"
"She hus taken colil, arid must
atay, in .bed,
"And is, her father here too? 1911at
reeklessuees 10 travel W1111 .8 tlith
Young child at this time of yearl
Where laS? The 'then evidently
halee .110 idea of 1102.9 children Should
be cared for."
"Aly brother-in-1,tSitting 'with
the baron and talking to him *about
the recent hunts," said Lucie, still
holding her lover's band, "Ile goes
home tO-morrow; and when the 11II1
girl is .better Tante Iiettelten. will
to Ica- to him.
"And stay with- him . for the pre.:.
Sent," added the doctor. • .
"Does. he wish ill IloW is that'?"
."I hava proposed it to Waal', said
her soii,
"So? And you?" •
The ,doctor drew Lucie close to
him. • ., "I am •• to be cared
for," said he, with a happy Smile.
."11efora the year ends hope my
wife win be in my house."' -
. , As the 'Fran Counselor was leaving,
11. , I Wallt, to •ItnOtv Whtithe , you ort
Lucie' begged her lo take a let ter for
itort Emma
'Very well; the ehildren are de--
oted to her; encl. tleorge• writes,
now ehe is there, everything' is com-
fortable once more,"
...Will he tintrry apatiti?"
. "1 eau 'not .111.1y. • sit. down,
Hortense; or shall we go tipstaire to
my room?" •
But llortepse • wail aleeatlY seated.
. my the clued, by -the stove which
elm had given' to latele tont 'was
looking earnesEly at her.
"ilow blooming you -look," she
said, mailing; "that is your old face
once more." •
. young. wife blushed deeply.
1"to"..(1)1(.1slahl>elsiZs',' .B1111:1e.s'L'I (11;eggeEl or -
tense; clad as. the'y sat side by • side
the baroness whiSpered. to her: "Are
you, still angry with me, Lucie? I
.avanted 80. 111(1411 to ask atal at your
-wedding, bet. you looked. So grave,
so lost ever;•thing but what• You:
were doing,• that I .did not .slare
to."' . ,
"Ali, let that rest; Hortense.
WaS never. .angry with you, only
„grieved.' I shiver. \viola I think of
•that. \ellen aye. both 1 111Elgillea NAP
wove free. and happy Unet so 'superior
to other people, - 'and waS really •
Yvetteing .• -xity • heart out„. God be
thauked, •it •ia over now." •
Hortense was Silent 'for a. tithe'. „
. are' right.; it seems sometimes
to 12101109that, I Must have been
in: a terrible feverish. deeittn: It • is
bestatiftil ., to wake front it. But
curc,I. according to Mr. McGinn's voluntary
t est by
1:479od's Sarsaparilla
which has effected the most wonderful,
ratUval and permanent curer of scrofula
In 014..1 and young.
. .
lte Ashlield Council met. on nog,
.11242, iiii-Mutirs all prtscat.
itt.t, meeting, Wure react tout-
0.,:prouttl, The lodowing accounts
,O.001.1.i118 were paid : 0101 ,09411,
w.u,410111, and • tv.o 1,:erts.
1/. R... 9 'and 10, 1.25 ;
1. .
rtpaarlag. tad:tea-CD. la" and .S. R. 9
(aeon on laiunclarta ; Jae: Lotelfett,.
at.d. to, $.1.25 ; Jake Aletice, toy. cul-
vert tam. 4, «3.23 ; C. Dalton,
township statute laeor team, ;
Stylltvatu delivering plank, cutting lake
Lill, «to ; .Datton, repairing hill
at ..a.ingsbralge, ; Clare, rep.
-two eulverts, ; Thos. -Hall, grad-
ing S.- R. 9, and to, «8%50 ; Wit(irtin
Morita, repairing 3 (Adverts on 0,
:is,.1.25 William Shackleton, repairiug
(Overt. Ra 3 end 4, 1,1 1.50 1 Will.
McQuaid, repairing bridge eon, 6, 500 ;
N. J. AIEtekeetie, cleannig ditch eon.
12, 14 ; II, ChantherS, gravel, $1 1.44 ;
;au:canoe, shoysellang gravel,
John Fithav, gravel, ;
13.75 ; A. Boyd, ..grEivel, $3.6o ; A,,
Macdonald, .shovelting gravel, $7.1.va ;
.11. Horpey gravel, «1.2.32 • 'IS. 3ohn-
stall, • 91 Ealing, •«so ; ‚(2.11110111 John- .
July 3111, 1902
• .
aw...(7araiote4,73.4:00:470011104.0 iteavioa.taesasesvaae:as,a,a
fa •
0 . . 0
0 c:
2: Calla.. erit,.*IS 0
le 0
.. fl
II. 0 1,./,, •
0 ,
le 11 V e have a large .range' .81' . P---
• •
0 Of eameras but the :
0 best for a olicap•caniera a
0 "4
0 ,.
. 4•5
• e ,......a
---IS --- 0
e. 0
i Brownie No, 2 El .
0 .
0 . 0
• i ITillich we soli at z
. --
* *
0 • . $2.00 • .
0 ea
* . 0
c P... so" in lit• ig II borit,g"tow,,,, 0
o' ',' , "" 0
0 woo at e 1 1111,k Mg uf pit teems- 0
a tug a la 1:11,111 1.1 I 1 1 1142(194 (10 0
: ivitatilifiti eatlitotom by divvy- 2
e4, 11,r,i,g,widisolasellItliod1.,,trthitt,11::rgelittiti8(iti::: ;
e hesules the Ea k I. n i• t 11 earl be 0
0 i,1111i111(.11, • Viiirts, avvt•lt,p;fig: NO,
4.. 1411.'4, UM) he sent -by Mail. ca
6 so
Es- Oar eland 0 li:x misfire Meter 0
g al 1.1.ie ate es 1211* curvets, expos- at -
toe «oder all rotalitiona and i
0 • pap, lot. 11141411 111 a Atm t time •
0 by aretatig over arid under 0
0 t xpostie e In oegatived. . e
0 'a
0 . • ..
0,9 H. 13,. COMBE a
6-0 ri
e 3-- Mendel and Droggist. • . f
0 .
0 . a
.n.,.........,,,,...f Awa,..................,ti..,Oux..A..K.avregrsam . . .•
Recl"c4-'o -
u. ‘ti.a. xi An .
Stoll, new Culvert b. It. 6 told 7, «6,
aso ; Fattish, repairing snow
name, ; It. A. Carrick., overeharge
. tat eollectiw'S l74,55,. and services
Eta 00A:a tar,. ; 0.1 111111
rvpair1111,T ellIVert S. R. 6 and 7, «1.50.
Council adourned to meet again' on
bealthy • state of mind; 'I .pOiSoned all. iellt ... .-!.80 BUggies for $68
' yoli,' •Imeie, you came here in. a .
V.U.ni $75' Buggies -for $65
eau forgive me'?" . • • • . " • • . . . - $65 Buggies for .$60. . . -.
"Ah, Et thousand times, liortense. . • • • -• . . .
Hero is a good chance to
secure a first class litifx4y at a
big - reduction. ' Note- these
her 't o •the !poet. llort"ns•
,Weber," was.' the batch -ass. The old
•ladY"slipped it into • the box, and as
she noticed the postmistress• at the
window,: she tappedwith her' um-
brella against the pane'. •.;•.:
"Did pit 'riot sny yesterday • :that
Yeu had aaprieb-list of ready•anacle
gentlem('n's • nothit•elotties from Dere-
lin ? 1)0 1011(1 it..to,:me, my dear:
Alfred by to ...he auarri(Yd'imPlediatelY
after Chrlatinas,and the time is so
T°Irtie'''''.1dtiniti'••• • lit tl'e.wonta• n at
elagi)ed her hands togeth-•-• •
r, • . .
"011, lieavent11Is it really -so?
Whet, • last • •iven.ing? 'l'o. whEnn?.
r.81):1?"7-.T..11:tr• t. • .w.as .1.1eve'r.' quite .dn".01E•
•"•Tatele. Walter; --who else 812.0111(1 it
of% thay had 11. littleH,-Well, "What -
ten • happeas, .1. oar little boy. can
. •
'bring the' • Catalogue rourat, Good-
iliCirning, my deer: So,"•: she said Mt
She • walked aleing, "they'ettn ' not
send eitt notices o2. the engagement
•. • •'• •
. •
".. " • •
It . wns SylveSter-eve. ;The •Anow
wa's falling fast but silently: A thick
•1,9 11 1 E9 careering was over the giatan
• plot .131 the doctor'a garden and oh
every twig...of:the high trues, aind
isle window and -al o o . ri 'Was
spread like a ,soft Canopy
over the, root ..of :the little hinise.
From' 131.illeit1 11. 2.21j0.01A14
loOlted 'out • In tittelt tt friendly; WAY.
Across -one of them; a.sliatelow seem-
ed 'flitting every,: 1102.9 111111.. then' ,
1411k1 the whi1e. cuetains. 11 was tlas
diningeromstaiatrad • Fran •Iarcie was
arranging „the table-.. • •She eVidentlY
expected visitOrsa 111qr6 .tvt,re. fear
places, • and •• the middle of the
table, under. the ,hanging lamp, stocid
glas's alien on. a Pedestal ta. which
Were arranged. little $priga of ever-
-green and sohie Christmas rohea.• The
table-eloth''and napkins 'Were 'of 'old-
fashioned. danieskthey were part
of hen iniitlieeX dOWz•V--and
,beatitifully fine, • and Sheaf) like Silk;
.Ah, 111 .these Maya they 411i. not have -
any more. ' like- them. 'Bite YoUne,'
'wife •• arimetlied" the Shining- daingsk
with Et caressing hand; • • • ' • ••
The •aviim-glasses, the plates; • 'and
•AlMons all dated ftann `the••saitie time;
..11. here, padthere the gold edge atatiff
little rubbed oft what did' it mate
ter?' 1 lonot•able • •atid -distinguished
• people . bad Mien.. trim' o41..0m221 in
joy and contenitnent, The. large
glasses had • been tiaed -to drink the
tonat at Lochs'seltriatening., a • -
Thesweet young wife rooked 91-th
a contented smile at 'her work; She
•thought aim had never seen • any-
thhig so 0083' and attractive looking
12141 *2118 ithuple round table,. in the,
low, but well-proportioned room; and
.shs folded her hands; aff If .full .of
hankfulneas an4 hoppineesa 'Just
then a gentle • thp Scninded tin "the
door, and (in' 114.41 Moment 11 ortyetse.
Stood it) the Eldora ata Iser :fur eioak
Mid hoed coveved with the light
1 akea of 'snow. •
I know ..nOW how to •Prize my hap-
piness- aright. ReSi eotitepted about
that." 'She leaned *over atul hissed
her „friend. ''1121214!'' she cried,.
apriegiate. , "there are . sleigh-'
belbd".. • • • : • • •
.• alto • la Errual • out and 1*h'4\'41. the
snowacovered. 'Path. A- ateiga . had -
stopped' befoi•e the geiltiert gate, and
•0 man in 'Et •fur coat sprung 'but. '
she cried, joyously. ,
my foolls11 wife!"• he • (111 -
in tt...103'oU1 . lOnei • "I'yealtar,
•must 1*e0,1E1 you, thotigh We are Only.
married --three '11413'8, .1' on' will take
cold... • Cinad . 12.0( 9, •yon natiglity
garl," Ma continued,: and drew. the
.slight; :figure fa hina wrapping his
big fur 40111 Eirtnind them both, find '
so they came 1414)12. 15' ..up the walk in
a Cloae astubrace—like loyers..iii May.
•',Inuit has my little vs, ire been .iloing.
In iny absence?" he asked, allele 'on-
01e13'.; "has she been thinking, of
itte?"-; • • • . .. • a 1 • •
haVii-l'utel no time to.'miss yoU,
..I have been mating aalieliing salad'
for otir giteSts." • • .
Are. Mashed:loud and balmily. They
how stood at the house door, 02.e9•
Wllkh 1 he evergreen. 'wreaths atilt
hung ay. i •t he .• inscrip t ion '• El
:blest; Teary :eat rartee.".. They looked
earnestly.. at• !melt other, and hp bent
. dow n • 'arid kIsSeil her. They could
.,hear • the: chinas ,beginning that ware
• .to ring 1411.1 31(5 (Ott -y(ar. • . •
• "'rake '1)18 under your. 'coat tool.
ion'cold ''. • 8131(1- hilighings,Dlan's
, .
VO 11014,1(19 ; It, Was -
- mar WO-U.N.: • • • ' ,
(:11815. treaatirer repOrted eash on Itand"•
1 date $4.48511.
P. Porterfield 91124 al/110111 *eft Valli-
lahter instead Of 'Michael Robertson -
or road division xo... 4-1'. •
otrr--TOHN-..-.That the •, "reeve • and
imirniate• of the -Meal liottrd.or iTettith
ttistrtteted to • gCt. legal advice 4114-
o Nth t teas to Le . done with the
cetg.rc ndet it3•.out tst April' against ..
hose en -two -tied in the set era; • ;Mali,:
ox cases within the towuahip- last
'inter and .as yet tittpaitl.-;.tarried.
1)911 ,ntitres ••were passed and signed.
s follows : ifenry l'erdue, draining
•tiling 011 road allowance side line
.1 and. 4o, 0011, 17, $16.50 ; Municipal
of Id, A.' bt. 1 homes, Debenture IZegae
Atari order '1.00% on treasurcri . atur .
,01,,cap wicr, $5,20 ; George C.
1(11111, 14 yards of gravel and dam-
w. 112141. !trips Edna have .44
1(111)112,41 front it, pleasant visit at
Twig. t•Itrings, llerlin and (1(11' n
1 ft:nig- east, • • • f
Ur. IItt t (+25011, 111 MO 11, 1108 ara
d the tons bestwas or -the hit,:
Shier. .1t
On 1Veditestlay evening., the 25th t
1(121/prayer nteetittg ttt -Victoria. a
a met (+melt Watt Mark( . Most t
Japortatit el:( lit, namely a pre:tett:tit,
011 (0 the leader of the choir, Mr. a
Peiriter, who was 'wholl•Y takCii by :Olt.
ri:q; 9112. 1) Rev, Dlr. 1101111120)11• ('22114(1 a
liiisi to the platforni after tlte prayer a
meeting was dismissed, Airs, Harris 3
End Air. Aitiltan also cattle fotward. 1
Mrs. Harris opened out a, paper 9111411. :
Se. had itt Mr: hand and Mr. Belcher • it
12 r the ifirst time had att iiiklthg 'o(. N
the honor which avvaittcl hint (128( 0'.'- 112
e14.119. lite 'address 'was emir:Ise. Mr. it
Milliatt handed the gilt Which was 14
aarse eontaiaing in bills and a 11
lovely • 1 motet presented in a glass N
2l11.11 by Mies Alma •.1Z01110s00',.• the y
lavely little flaxeji haired daughter, of
Lev. Mr.. Robinson, Alr. :Shannon 9228 e
called upon to 1122.2.12e an address whiell • 21r.
laes road division No, 71, S); Alex.
lid Samuel Morton, 45 yards gravel
oad divis:on No.28, $2.25 ; John ibst-
tond, 9 Yards grave1 road divisiou
0, t7, 49 ; 301111 Wilson Auburn; 2o
ar.`a gravel from AleGee's pit, $1 ;
ampson Catter, 2 ditys of Malt shoo/ -
ling gravel road division .No. 7;
; John 1. tattle, freight on iron
he did 111 his usual humorous style, 1)- AV
tustrating SIr. Beleher's complete stir- lf
for their gruterul acknowledgement of
his kehie services,
:heel for grader from ItEtthiltots, 45c 1.1
Audi 91(221, tteasfoer, paymenta
our polling booths Provincial dee-
ion, loth 'May last,. $12.
kesolved that the 001111911 1109 21t1-
111)21 tilt 14111 August next,
prise, Air. Polder was equal to the
occasion, though, and thanked them t
'11 ood.e•een 119, 1:tteiet 1 ciunti be-
fore Waldettiarr lie I'S still sitting by
grandpapit's betheicks. bu't 1" — she
kissed . /110 17/%11 1101101"s •elteeks---
"but I hurried to you, .1 wanted to
have you In myself for a Bide while,
Is Your husband Mill out?"
'Ite hes gine in a sleikli to But-
gon , answered / twie, ',atm{ eau not
-be back before 04.4111 o'clocic,'' slits
tuhled, tithing the cloak front Tior.
tense's shoulderS.
see only follr places,": cried
irtyrtenSe; 'Wearied time ill ber
VOire; "are we ta he /dotter'
- "My • mother-in-law is veteliratiug
the betrothal' at, the Aialoterta.' Shit
conic( 1101; 111i14t4 that: 1111(1 1111.1.th.,111018.
elle 11118 12.180
"Yes, she said she had to remain
With grandnapa-e-hfs companion
doea ilol eotne unfit toemorrove.---
but in reality I think she has had a
fit of indigestion ever Sillee 1/0111'
its Rea, (1'Iac i;
2222 0 nalr:abstain:171 ricgolli
riot 11011 laughing, for her husband
had • Said the sante thing. Vadetn-
obaille hive dainties, and aa the.
01(1 fTerr von Afeerfeldt had 'allowed
her to Choose the menu for that (Elsa
tits, tweasion, it had been 21 genuine
Preneft one.
The Vrau Counselor remarked at.
teewerd it had tasted well; hut
.%%, bat the semrate courses really 'had
. •Iatele blashing deeply, into
the room to" Ilortense.. - •
•"They; are imtli canting," slit) cried..
.• Thf, young bartittesS turned •to •lier
smiling; she haci been standing at 1 he
2.9010• 140011 s'eated 'et the.
.•table--fEnti•• happy peratila• tanaink .0g
everY1 liing under (he. 'sun; 1121' happy
11)11. • .0 (1061.01. nut(Pid lip: he held
13. 'g2111114 in one haml, arid teith the.
1iip,seived 14920sright. „lust then
the t('14)2.111 • on M
the antel 'struck
•: "A .now wail" be aaad with emo-"
'Let ns welcome it. 52243' 11.
the j'rotnise 01 IntripineSS Wi11011
the parting One has 'br(lught tO US
In so .rlch ,a measure)" • •
" 7 ** • tor Ladies' Dresses during' the season. wagon will cat 'upon. yon. •
IL •
, •
• •Remeinber. thePo aro. t1I our
FOR SALE .owu make which plaCes
a•posltion to. gnaran.teo them.
• .,. .• as we do not buy arrythingbu
• 1. am agent:in this
triet for tho ()) cm Sound
Pertland 'Cement Corn -
and Et1.11 prepared to
•: supply either large. -
.SmllaqualItitiCS.. Cori trae-
tors and Others who •in- .-
..tend building Walks, ,
or silos of cement Will do
Well to cotrimumaate
. . . •
Ine:. The m
Sapson brand •
cement nnituf.tettired-
by the Owen Sountl Port- •
:land .Cement. Company is
the hest cement' 011 the
• market:.
first-class material. • • • .
Iteptviriug prailiptly a(,ie) tied ti
RUMBAti. a 11 d • TWATH
.' 11 itt plintoii, •
- -" -
'1 TEflJflBiP
. • -Weather • permitting. Stctitn--
. erd will depart per •schedule.'
sjiown below. •• _ • • • . •• •
--• • • • . . ...• .
Thos. A. W„
Winelsor,, Detroit and..Toledo at i,.
• . . .
STR. " ossintAcm.,,-
.Will leave •Goderich, North Bound, .
it o'clock'p.'in, ll'ednesdays, forSault ••
Ste, Alarie and intermediate Portsa, s .
returnittg will . leave Goderich for •
•' .1tIondays, • ., • '
, _CLINTON • .
,• • • ••., • " STI(. -"" KING -11,l0WAR.1)." • •• • •
--a- --;••• Will be on the..route,..leavlpg
47 . • • • Toledo on Friday,' June .6th,..Etrriyiug. • .
kejA• • • at •Goderielt..6...10-p. tra, June .70, and .' • ,
w,11 (al,. Ett. .Parry «mend. 011 both; . .
- 'N'ortlt and :••"ontlt .13oilud 1410. .
. .
For rEttes and further • information
. 'address Wm. I•ee; Goderiela or... ,•
I am...Prepared to hns., this settson's.. • w, \TEAR, .
clip of wool, as ustatl, at the General Traffic Manageta
: Sault SteaMarie, Ont. .
[WLS Hielest Price
• •
. •
Ica:anthe for manufacture, highest 'cash priee or in ex-
ir Produce
chged articles.
I shall have a large assortmeat . .
• , We• pay the highest price tor all
• HOIlleSlin.11 Clatti ItEoincilisvitoy
of prottlidili.)etog
eilunlittetilol 112)se• polreaosCucri
. • 121' W. MUM Brno.
. • • . .•
•• • stories of the Queen. .
•. Afro. . .411,.1,..,,t• notes of • t h 'PAL-
iIte sueeess had laSt year induces me.
to go extensively into the tuanufae-. Par Stoek Of. Dry (limas, Groceries, :
tare of this article of clothing,. , Walt Paper, Etc., is large and 'troll ,
assorted. ' • .•
Jesse GlpdhilL .CITRAP CASH siogig; -VARNA.
. sceistildiNi;g1c,L1(1)01:la 811112(1.1710E4f • itnheneldiitilcg)tvaistillt; '."!•"41f-t716r1;:---r' '1------------'''''.
. . . - .. .. .
, .•
.1(.4;11(iletnel•ta;.;11.01ved• a .-ve11-1. . of naturtii‘' di- ' ' • • . ' - . • . . ,
., .
wilthl ,.. token to soe itei, „Imo.° .1-4iiivaigNiuiririogillixiglymmilminxi.mmixixii twriroFtiH1435117A. virtogiulgiuin. fligixigegy kg
' king" ' anti lielag• asked to chooae ..„14 ' EAS ' • .
she• Eiskect for "(loci Save the •King,". O, INA...,
- LE
what anisi„ th„ b„„ct 1...."'''
Another time the King asked the
princess whiell she lind most enjoyed
Of the )41111)(;1211911 (5 at 'Windsor.
drive 1 (0011 With you, Uncle Isiing,'`
re•,1 icd the little "
1 Tore is another story, different In
character Mit equally delight itt• •
'Hie wag a bravo little peraoit, not
('2 94,')) 1 .crying e011111111.110 R. 0 n
orie 'occasion alio had liven :warned
not loaplay with t dog which...wee
of uncertain 1 eni poi., hut con t pitied
to do so until the animal betrayed
himself bY 0 sudden snap. 'Olt, thank.
;tam,' alai Said; • didn't. bile 1110;
(ltiljto.letlitclo,%• Warned Me,' "—London
A :Motive s:atitlitnilted,
An old Scotch lady, wit() had no
relish for Modern church, Mnsie, was
expressing her • d201i1 10 the sing-
ing of an anthem biller own chttreh
1 ono Eloy 'when 11. neighbor paid: "Why,
. that is tt very old anthem f David,
sang that anthem to Saul."
To itlltrplied: "W]
G. ' sOiot.
• eOn4 e.
D0 .vS
' T .
Msx.. ,.PeR•IneC- T. rS
1311. 111111. 011 Sires and gasolinestoveII( dre twine, binder
gl11)11 ('1)12)1' ((1), sereett domehod *221)41) *%)*, (sot Ma%%'t') 811-
C611 9tattingtruteltincs, ready mie(1 ato! t.))(l)(' whit
• lead, linseed oil, hay fta.kr,s01itey.0:he 24 of,,,;,f,o,,tpea
and thavols, Waggoner elGentian let aOne) y ilioWysknife
boxes 4)2(11' 91ee50 foe We
The Eureka Ily killer protect4otifle ani horses front fly pest and
43amain, is a ,01e.nt e ventatlye tbat kills nini dCIVPS 11 AVty Ihe
worst of all pests 1he Texas, Bufaloand Ilorn dies( .
10% discount for 92281)l oft t11tbe ollowing lios : .
Oanitowae, l'invareShelf 11i13'0 ware, lot hs Wingers
Gasoline >I/111 (1081 Oil Stovs, 1)8243' (1Orni
and Washing itillebillef, 2 biro Proof Saes at it 1322141130.n.
t ?.IXtixx•.14
'•Itt •... •
woell / nee for the Ilrat thimunders ; .
sten' why Haul threw Itie javelin at . . . . .
DwBROSavid hen tholads
•ang for him,"j R," . . • .
sterrnal by Trifles. 2.4
Worry US.
Di:thy—It's the little things that CHEAP — HARDWARE STORE.
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