HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-06-26, Page 7As - June 26th, 1902 TheMolsons Bank Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855. Capital $2,500,00o Rest 2,150,000 HEAD OFFICE - -MONTREAL. Wm. Molson Macpherson, President. James Elliot, General Manager. Notes discounted. Collections made. Drafts 'issued. Sterling and Amer- ican Exchange bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposits. • SAVINGS BANK Interest allowed on sums of $1 and up. FARMERS. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more en- dorses. No mortgage required as security. II. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton. G. D. McTaggart BANKER. A General Banking Business transact- ed. Notes discounted. Drafts issued. Interest allowed on de- posits. Albert street - - Clinton. J. SCOTT, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to loan. Oalee-Elliott Block - - Clinton. W. BRVDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Notary, Public, Etc. (Mice -Beaver Bleck - - - Clinton. RIDOUT & HALE, Conveyancers, Conitnissianers, Real Estate- and Insurance Agency. elon.y to loan. C. B. HALE JOHN RIDOUT DR. W. GUNN, . R. C. P. :aid I,. R. C. S., Edinburgh.. Nigat calls at iron door. of residence on Rattenbury street,- opposite Presbyterian aurae • . - Office -Ontario street - - Clinton. DR. SIIAW, PHYSICIAN .'NI) SURGEON. Oftice-Outetio street - Clinton. Opposi le St. Paul's church. DR. C. \V. THOMPaON . Aal) aleRGEON.. - Special atie :aeon given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and Residence - All at street, East, -\Clinton. North of Rattenhury street. DR. AGNEW, DENTIST. '▪ Will he at Baylield every Wednesday afternoon. °face - Adjoining Henry's Photo G.allery, Clinton., ill; ca• eRNEST HOLMES, Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. D. D. S. -Graduate of. the Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontar- io. L. 1). S. -First vlass honor graduate of Dental Department of Toronto University. Special attention paid to preservation of children's teeth. Will be at the River drotel, Bayfield, every Monday from to a. in. to 1). M. DR J. FREEMAN, VF;T1RINARV SURGEON, A member of the Veterinary Medical Associations of London and•Edin- burgh and Graduate of the Ontar- io Veterinary College. Oflice-Ontario street - • - Clinton Opposite St. Paul's church. . Phone 97. . MACK/eel', a BALL, VETE1tIN.A.R1 SURGEONS, GOV- ERNMENT VET ERIN ARY IN- SPECTORS. • Office -Isaac street - - Cainton • Residence -Albert street - Clinton. THOS. BROWN, LICENtiED AUCTIONEER. Sales conducted in all parts of the counties of Huron and Perth. Or- ders left at ;The News -Record, of- fice, Clinton \ or addressed to bca- forth 1'. vall receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guarau- teed or no charges. Your pat- ronage solicited. IPPINCOU MONTHLY MAGAZINE._ A FAMILY LIBRARY - The Best in Current Literature 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY MANY SHOF31; STORIES AND - PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 PER YEAR; 25 CTS. A COPY/ NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY ',JUMPIER COMPLETE IN ITSELF Tneoe Mines ea• aealeetall Desteas Placa ' COPYFIKIErre &C. clify aseericfn our ren witetlier an Anvenn gentling a Facet eli andfcleeetiption may qtit invetiNen nrohnbly antentab e. conneuntea tientAltrietly confidential. liandbottic 011 Patenta ilea fr.,. °most 'money foleaoeurineantonte. Patents taken through Munn et co. r000tte epeclal notia, without CitftWO, in the SCItiltifile American. A hendrattnely Inicdetdett :weekly. lareelle eft. enatm..n ef any t e 1l.ntraeltaorael.oerrit ear ymenu.., 1, Fod byd, noamaoeUN1& oNw Yx Oran otnee, 4.24 ea, Wittithatioe. D. 0. TI -IE CLINTON zmws-Tmcoup 0, gospel Minister. alto Morner 'lane .1 Directory. Ay? left Penni2e88, with a large tau:111Y clared, "The longest half ot a Mena* CLINTON. deaa father seemed hopeless, but the ITOW CAN YOU liEe • upon her hands, The *wish of the earthly life is that in which he livee Wesley Cliarch-Stinday services at If 4. m. and 7 p, Sunday school at 2.30 p. Irt. Wilbur Illanniag, Sun- day school superimendent Sibley, thoir leader ; lVtiss• Halite Combo, or- gamst ; Rev. W. 0, Houston, pastor. Ont. St. Church-Suuday services at II a. . end p. us. Sunday selzool at 2.30 p. Jecob Taylor, Sunday school superintendent ; J. Gthaings, choir leader f Miss Azie Gibbing, organist ; Rev. Dr. Gifford, pastor. St. Paul's Cluirela-.Sunday services at zz awl 7p. to. Sunday school at 2.30 p. in. Sunday School superintendent, Rev. C, Gaunt, M. A. ; choir leader, Mr. W. U. Latore llCll; organist, 13Iiss May Bentley ; rector, C. R. Glum, M. A.. Baptist Cherelt-Situdity services at it a. 10. and 7. p. m... Sunday school at 2.30 p. Sunday school superita tentlenta Mr. D. X. 11rior choir leaa: eT, MT. J. 13. Hoover ; organist, Miss Lela Hoover e pastor, Rev. J. C. Dunlop.- illis Claudia -Sunday -services. at it a, na and 7 p. in. Sunday school at 2.30 p. ni. fitinday.schooi ettperin- tendent, Mr. Jas. 'Scott ; assistant, Miss Wilson ;. choir leader, Mr. W. P. Spaulding ; organist, Misa Iffaucle Gaolwin ; pastor, Rev, Dr. Stewart, St. Joseplae Church, Cataolic-Sun- day seeviees at 10.30 e.• and 7 P. every end Sunday. Sunday seagol at 3 p, every 2nd Sunday. 8un- day echool superintendent, Retv. D, P. iticklentimin ; leader„. Mr. Ches. Gravelle ; organist, Miss Minnie Rey- nolds ; priest, Rev. D. P. MellIonatiiin. Plymouth Bretherna-Service at II it. tn. ou Sunday. Reatliag meetings at 7 p. In. Sunday and Friday evenings. Town Councia-Mayr, 'Jack- son ; Councillors,. H. B. Comber -5: A. Ford, C. J. Stevenson, Alex, AlacKeza zie, C. Overbury, Thos. MacKenzie Clerk and Treasurer, W. •CoetsaMeets the first Monday in each month, '• . Public Library Boarda-Presideut, W. 13ryclone ; Secretary, -- W. E. Rand ; W. R. Lough:, 'Dr. Shaw, W, 'Coats and E. M. McLean, • - Public achool!licierd-alIfilbur Man- ning, C. 13. Hale, W. T. O'Neil, Irwin, Dr. AglieW, F. Hodgens,- a acorn. Secretary, J. (2unninglinine.; treasurer, W. Coats-- • .. - Collegiate. .Institute Board -Chair- man, James Scott ; secretary,. M. D. 111cTaggart ; treasurer, W. Jackson ;- 1). A. Forrester, J, Ransford, .11. Plamsteel, W. • II. Nanning. Meets• first Wednesday in each month. • . . GODERICH TOWNSHIP. To aship Couneil-Reeve, 'alionaaa Churchill, Clinton ; • C.ouncilloas; John' aliddleton, Clinton ; John . 'Woods, Porteep Hill ; Janie.s cox, Porter's Hill ; James Johnstohe, Goderica Clerk, Nixon Sturdy,- Gederiche .As- sessor, John Thompsen, • -Clinton.; Treasurer-, -••• Whitely, .ClOcierich ; Cole 1.ctor., 1,00 IS Airchasola• Clintim..- Board of HealtleaRettyc; Cox; John lialkeltl, Sr., Alitert:'Can-,, teloti. • • • , mother went to work, She scrub- bed, she owed, elle etruggled. She Timely Words to Young People made her boy study night and day. on Graduation Day. She pushed him through the prepar„ atory school. She fitted him for college. After awhile this boy was " THE LORD BLESS THEE" mother atilt had to bear the brunt able to help himself a little, but the • of the battle. The young man enter. In tha Battle of ',Ito It 1* Absolutvii Necessary few, a YOuox Moo to Have Is nigher bldlloation-flerole Sacrifices 71114110 11,,rents--131. pipltrais Taken 'from the Lamb's nook of LIftr. Entered Aecerdiny to Act ef Parlialnentotean- atia, la the year ma. by wIllitati Nally, of To- rento, at tbe Boa, akrictitidtTe. 010VAIL C.hicago, June 22,-Tarnely 1vOrde of advice and encouragement to young men, and women who in theS0 mourner clays are g•raduating fret college are given by liev, Prank De . Witt Talinage la this discouree on theLats6t4vVeek received an ineatatien. bless the." vi! 24, "The Lord It tame from one Of the largo' • col- leges of the east. That invitation attractea ma because it was sunt by 0110 old Squatty -school schoa ars. Aa I held the square card in zny halal X seemed to be standing again in the sacred room of the dear old Seeond Presbyterian church in Pittsburg. I could see 'this • young man, then it little boy in sluert•trou- sees, sittingat the feet cif his teach- . er. could: hear the sweet. young Volces'singing the old songs we , al - was loved to eing. As I -read ae- tween the lines of that invitation soliloquized: " time. does slip' away t My Sunday school echolar is now -a grown Man. Willie's Dame has been. changed to William. - is -no longer .a Graduatingetiont one Of the greatest uabeasities of the :world, he is -ahOnt. to step earth to the. battle of, life a..fully equipped re- cruite Haas about to take his post- -1.1on by my aide in the eanks. We must hereafter look upon etech other OS brothers." •• • , • Then 'nal still read that invitation reiy•atudy room shanged again. I seemed to- be te, thousand miles away. I was walking through the lona cot-- . lectors of memory.' It seemed to the though L had -gone ..back to- .thq time when .I -myself; .gowned and cap- ped, -was marching with .the seniot class to- participate in the scopes, at» totaling my own graddation. The 'classmates wile, were then seated by my siae nave scattered! Sonne are ministers, sonic lawyers, same dootbre. some electeiciaes, some mer- chants and some .soldiers They tir'e living in the porta e mai the south, , the east dad the 'west, ..Some . are dead. That graduatioa scene was a mid; time, for netny. -of am. • College affections eve % eey ateong. We. yoking meet: know that we Pleittild riever. :be to 4,,,;‘,1t pother. theaitiale tegain, • Tlien • 'ea 1 s th tUCIC 0-1 my kLittly with the libres• anxie: etiee of . own. gracluatipa alay . Passing in realms': tadoee Ine, le sitar ynytfi • "1. wOnder 11 mune thd.. young people wheel 'e allow Mid hiee eyaostire gradutteing ,fromeachool. oe ("allege this ...lune ..Montii would not nie 'to come and"eit by thole Fide - reed tell them. What. the -eemmenee- 'tient .exetaiseS. truly 'mean .11 their nave." -I wondered its 1 at there boldia 'that levitatten hand if 'could not at this critical thee or their livep say eomething -o inspi.e- thon, to, uerae them and to encoar- age. them • not nay' with.. faith in themselves, .1)ti t oleo with faltb ' .Cloci, and I hewed' my .head over, Hate White enxitatida Old. Made this sim- ile, cermet prayee: ,"0.-God,:heap me' to Say: sothethiag that Maalie help- ful to the. yotiag epeople who are gradaating thief spalag and about to' buckle on the armor. of lire. 0., Christ, inay..l 'be 'able to bring ' yoting friends 'nearer to thee, so thou, shnit • bless them., May --this pleae be apewered in tile eoble livea thetee young Men .and wonien, :welch shall 'be censeerated to thee' and thy ser- vige; For areeusa eake ask it. Aill.lectlein"gatittatite the YenfrSg'nten and' •Wonten who are graduating teem the , di ffereaa higher inatitutione this June because •now . the efinancia.1 struggle , which 'Many haae undergone for • the 'sale of :tie educatiOn' Mypoitietnegtienailulyn: :.over, • Here and there who recielves a 'caalege dildeata 'Pay - be 'tem son of a pich .father. Ito indy • ba,ve had attiring his seltolastie caretea ao ambition; . he may luta& goae. .throegh, school and college Merely ,because his righ• -parent? .ceenpelled • hint to go; ,he may 'have spoilt most of - -is time in idienese .ttod only- worktd enough to juitt slip through' the different examination§ by what te known •ht college es' "cremming" with theatia 'of a tutor. But a ch youoie mari apes not represent the.. great limes of college graduates': For anost yotieg men and women the ac - mulling of a, -higher educatioe htis been a struggle, an awful financial • etruggle, •Nost of :the college grade eates come from humble homes, . and . the eatmatien of.. these: young. men and women -represents intease saezi- fiee lasting through many years not only on • their OWn part, •but also ori the part of their loved oaes. - one day a, clueeteate •was looking, Verer• 1)1(10 and depreseea, paid to hina "What is the nzateer? Has -any-, thing gone wrong?" "yes,.'.' he an- swered; "something' : hint gone Wrong, and awfully wemige 'You •know• fete thee end mothee do rtot drese very well, As 1 went around ill the homes 'Of the diffeient, boys ' and saw houe„ welt tilde. patents dreeeed. I, began to, be. aeliatited of any pareitte' waraa• robe.. Lately 1 haye been upbraidieg father for Wearing such shabby elothes. Last night I again asked hint to get a new ,'Why, fa- ther,' ir eyou have not bought a new suit for three years, end moth - pr's dress is . sp. old and has hem Made over so many. times that the e a . T ) • a Wire netting' all full of holes,' . With that my father terned and look- ed ttt me, Tears catee into his esieS 08 he said: 'Harry, 1 am sorry you are ashanted of the way your Mother - and I dress; het, my boy, have not Very. much money and it is hard to , , STA:NI:EV ' TOWNSHIP: . •• • . Toe nship Cot -mil -a -Reeve, • : .Joha -111eNaughtoh,• Varna ; Conacillors„ 1V, J. Stineon, •Beyfield ; MT,' Keys; Varna ; ..Tames Johestoile„.Bayfield ; MeDiarmid Clerk, ' E. Haenwell, Varna ; Treaseitira John Reid, Varna' Assessor, John Tough, Bayfiela ; Cole actor, Thos. Wiley; Vaena. , • fne, Killop Mutual Fire: • InsuraM., ompany Farm and:Isolated,Town ty Only Insered. . • • • OFFICERS ' a.a .•- .T. 13. McLean, President, Kippen Pe. 0. ; Thos. Fraser; Vim -President, Brucefield P. 0;,;. T. aE, Ila.ys, Sec. - Treasurer, Seefoeth 0.•; W. G. Broadfoot, Disetector .01 Losses aea- forth P. O. . DIRECTORS.. , W. G. 13roadfoot, Settfogth ; John Grieve, Winthrep ; GeOrge Dale, Sea-. forth ; John Watt; Harlock.; John 13ennewies, 13radliagaa e James Eaans, Receive:0°d' ; James- Connolly, CI igton; John McLeata.Kippexte . 'AGENTS. • • • • - Robert Sinitia• Harlock ; Robert Seafottli.; 'James Curninings, Egniondville ; J. W.' areo, Ilohnese ville. a • • • Parties clesiroas to. effect itiatirazice- or transact • other business will be promptly attended to on application to any. of the above calicers addressed to their respective postoflices. GRUB TRUNK. RiliLWAY SYSTEM' .TIME TABLE. . • . . Trains will arrive at and 'depart from Cliuton Stetioa: as follows : • 13UlarAI 0 AND CODERICH DIV: • Going East laxpresS : 71:358ar; 101 0.. 5 p: I 1 14 • I 4 Mixed .... 4,15p. ne.• 1, West '" • to,e5 a. en. " Express , 1p, ni. 7,05.a. tri, I I t rt 10-.27 ate 10. L.H ONDON, pv,.ox AND BRIICR DIV. Going South Express 7.47 a. m. 'Mixed 4.05 IL la.. " North Express 00.15 a. in. Mixed • 6.55 p. A. O. IP: R. HODGENS, Agent. • Town Ticket Ag. M. C.- DICICSON) District Pass. Ag„.:Toronto, • pa 1 11 . 11 .1 0 .101.1 W1. Gray? trielataaaameefeatoznmsamal "My hair was falling out and tatting gray Very fast. But your . Heir Vigor stopped the failing and restored the natural color." --Mrs. E. Z. Benornme, Collect, N. Y. It's impossible for you not to look old, with the color of seventy years in - your hair! Perhaps you 1 - are seventy, and you like - your gray hair! If not, 1 use Ayer's Hair Vigor. • In less than a month your _ gray hair will have all the 1 • dark, rich color of youth. , OA s bottle, MI druyglitt_ ul otie dollar And we win express If our druggist Minot Supply yen, I - bet 30010 'bottle. Be sure mul tr,WO the , of your mutest teenTektf Afi1e0. Address, 1 J. Or ATM (10,, Jowell, MASS. ' - solseir 1100trilins 1 ed college. Ile passed through his four years of study and came to gra- duation. Ire went to the president • of the institutien and ttsked it his mother could sit by his sicle when he greduated. The President, who knew• of her noble life, gladly consented. 1Vhen the day of graduation came, the wealth and fame • of sozile of the noblest heroines about the region of the college town were gathered with, the college walla, The exercises went orT Until they reached the clime ea, The valedictorian was about to make his addrees. This young man, the sea of the poor widow, stepped forward. He was not only a brilli- ant scholar, who. had captured every first prize in his elem. • Mit he was a natural born orator. With his first -word a hush fell tiPon the assembled audience. At times his voice was as low and sweet as the singing birde making love to ea.ch other In the harvest fields, Again that voicaroll- ed. and swelled as though the storm - clouds were crashing together after the forked lightning had hurled its bolt and ripped open the heart of a mighty tree.- At times, the stiletto of the tongue of denanciation cut and , slashed; then the message of love would sob •and plead.' When the per- oratioa was fluished, the bouquets of flowers began to fall as the apple blossoms tumble it the shaking of the wind. The youeg titan gathered up the bouquets and piled them into the lap e of .the little old woman,. pre- maturely aged by oVetwork, who sat there in her faded gem'. As he threw those 'flower's into- bei• lap he said:. alVfother, they ere yours. I have done but little; you have, done every- thing." Then, when the president of -the college came forward and pre+ :sented the valedictorian with a. gold medal which had been voted' to him . by the faculty because he had grade,. ateri with- the highest- 'average ever, heal by a, Hampden -Sidney student, the young man terned- and pinned get along. 'We do not dress as well as we might • beemise we want yon • • and your younger brether to be able • to get an education at co)lege, 'Har- ry, we do not dress. poorly from chcace, 'We are doing it for you awl Charles.' Why, Talmage," added laY clatismate, "1 felt so bad when I re- alized all that my father and moth- er were doing foram that I wept and tabbed 11 0 a, little child." To show what a struggle a higher edueation might mead, the president of Hampden -Sidney college once told this Incident: Many years ago a wife and mother was left it widow With four or five fatherless little children to support. The dead fallate s wit& tette to have his eldeet nen f011OW bis fopulteesi into the oUleit and ha • TIM SUNDAY SCHOOL. before twenty years of ageis reach- ed." I think that statement is true, LESSON X1111,8ECOND QUAFtTERfINTER- No matter whether a man lives to NATIONAL SERIES, JUNE be seventy, eighty, ninety 9r evert a 29, hundred years old, the longest half Text of tke of life is that which he passes dur- 4,1surte,v17 tei:„.:teres:::::iall'realri7ellgvte. in g the first twenty years, When we Luke 1.1, 82_„vonunentor, prepayod were Young, time seemed to have by Re -v R. li. s leaden feet, Tittle, like a snail.would ' • crawl. It never walked or ran or 1Copyrieht, 1102, by American Press Awe- fiew. To a little boy the last week • ct before Christina$ is endless, Every LesSON Lli -Saiaotirl Tarsus converted second has the longevity of an ad- ult's hour. The week seerne as long (Aets IIC, 1-20). Golden Text, Acts Hi, as the average adult's year. 19, "Repent ye, therefore, and be eon - • 1314 as we grow older the years seem to have seven leagued boots. They grow so fast that they almost seem to be born with gray halt's. To verted, that your sins may be blotted out." Saul had an excellent cliaracter tind standing in tile eyes of his fellows and In his own estimation, but a eight the man in active life January seeme of Jesus Made JAM Count it all as dross almest to tread upon the heels of December, and spring and autumn (Mil. al. 4-111. He was wholly sub - seem to be twin sisters, My Yount witted to the risezi Christ from the day friends, though you maY hardly be of bis conversion, colt of your teens, Yet In the sense in which 1 speak You have already liv- edhalf of your life. During that first half you -have had a leerd strug- gle to*get an education. At timee you were almost in despairBu . t in answer to ayour mother's and lath- er's prayers, and- also to your own, God always came to your rescue, You were able to get through some- how, Bete you, are at graduation day, So, in .the latter part of your life, if you trust God and do your best, he will- surely see you '8010111 through. You are going to have trou- bles: You are going to Stumbleov- er the hillocks of new made graves. .You. are going .to have injustices practiced upon you. But if you will, P1000 your. liana in the. Divine Fath- er's hand, He will never let you go. Re is able to 'deliver as well as to guide. To illustrate this tenth Dr, Newton, the noted English div- ine, 'teed to 'tell a, wonderful ' story of Vicarious suffering: The scene was laid in the little German village of atagetrbach, One day a•nutnber of People 'were gathered in the • large room -of the village inn. As the,Par- ty was merry -making, suddenly a huge dog appeared at the open door, the only 'do*' which afforded egress. Leseon IL -Peter, Rims and Dorcas (Acts ix, 32-43), Golden Text, Acts ix, 84, "Jesus Gimlet Maketh thee wbole." The healing ef Eneas and the raising • to life of Dorcas eacli led to a greet many turning to the Lord and believ- ing in Him (verse e 35, 42), Peter was the instrument in the'Lord's hand, but it was God Who wrought mIghtilY thraiglt him by tae Holy Spirit la the ;mule of the Lord Jesus (Gal, 11, 8). LESSON 111. - Peter and Cornelius (Acts x, 34-48). Golden Text, Acts x, 84, "God is no respecter of persons," The church thus far was gathered only from the Jevva, but it was the purpose of God to gather an elect company out of ail nations, end the parting commis- sion was to preach the gospel in all the World (Matt. xxvill, 19; Mark xaa, 15; Acts 1, 8; Rev. v, 9, 10). Lasalle IV.- Gentiles received into the cherch (Acts xi, 148). Golden Text, Acts x, 43, "Whosoever belleveth In Him shall receive reinissibe of sins." The apostles at Jerusalem, hearing what had :happened and not under- standing the will of the Lord, contend with Peter because he went to the un- circumcised, but wheu Peter rehearsed front the room. The monster's eyes, the Matter to them tina told how God.. . were bloodshot; his long red tongue* had ordered :and done It and that was protruding from the mouth;. his lips were covered with he was only Ged's walling instrumeet, , a mese of then they were quieted' and glorified • thia inedal •uPon the bosom Of the ' ulitte . loam. At - a glance everY one saw that the dog was mad, Some , L • ' . • God -• . faded dress oi 'the little •old woman' . aV. Th • le h t A 1 • as he said:. '''.1.31otaer, that medal is of •the guests were too irightened-to '......e 1 ., even Pray. From every lip went the• ae r a (Acts xL .. 19-30)a Golden Text, eb In all yours -it is all yours. You won . cry: ' ' Mad . dog! Mad dog!' Ally. -Go& : Acts :xi, 21: "Tae hand of the Lord. it; not I.". a. : - . Again ' r congratelate. you, . • young what, eh „il we'dor With that tee .i was with them, and a great number graduate's; because, while yourIntel- swat thy' blacksmith rose. His -arms : believed .and turned unto the Lord." eeet has been liailned and molded by 101u „ were • it mass of knotted meseles. i They hear of it In Jertisalem,.and Bar- Stozill back, men!" • youe.hearts have been epiritualla I iu- the eapert mines of a aoliege faculty, is need only .Of One Man daYing !)-ere..• he criad,''There , imbasa being sent a man full .of • the' Holy GhOst.' and: of faith, he is: glad ' auenced •and, helped daring all these • If necessaiey I will be 'that mail.' So, yeas by the prayers and the encour- 'elate , the, village ..blacksailth leaped d to see thograee•of Gad and gives thein m . goo counsel.• ' ' • ' agement of ,.. godly ' parents. In this tor a sat and •clatelied. tit° iintd . dog LissON VI. '-aPeter delivered' from, age for thea peenilization of talent by the tht•oat and. here the struge peison (Acts xii. lah. Golden.Text, PS. it is • tamale ely necessary for . . a, , : tebileindaarile,oeapelea :itnoo,Lhet tifeloi tor;jsctblyen.aeseine . elle 4axlv, aa "The:angel of the Lora en. .yitung man to have 0 IliiTher educe-. a maul/en) Foetid about them that rear- - tiona allie held is So alled N,T1th (ol; Mad dog buileti lele: teeth in the arms aeges and heal •sehools, and iiistitutea . •Ol. the b(acksmith, but he would riot' Iaiin• and.: dellvereth them," Thislea of .tecbnolog,y and echoers . of let go until . all his friends' were eav- .son.takes as baek taJertisitlein. where ' 'sorts ebat the ''yopng :man who elate ed. Talon he flame the mad dog (11- we find that lathes, the 'brother or .no educationor a media defective One to ihi roOni, 'where' the brate. • was :.1011n, has Just been ;beheaded, and Jsiiitilogs htily: handicapped • 'In: the: race .,'Iti1141:11t 3a vii'dicau as,11%.(t)tu.t t'01],g1.4171a 1,1•;•:bit,,:nk-:. Peter is beta in 91180)1 mw iobably, no ot, f leg the same nite. 'The, elitirea in its' .- Bea .1yey- young feteiea, men' Who t • 1"g• aL'a"la 610/1111. alaa • helplessuess•glyee itself to eitimest end is 'limited merely:to a inental•-educa- (10(1 (1110 'el ri or that ehatia about his aaceasing .prayer; and, to -their gt•eat • tion hail edueated . . ti°1141.11 11.:1 en '°•11t atrendt nal eti to 'surprise, Peter' ie delivetad. by an.ana , whose intellectualla •d,e.velopeciabrain is uot ballasted by a morally .•devele his friends awl "Now • .".r am .gel, and 8911109.f 1.18 09.01111es art! 811116 - V• -oped heart Is -heading toward eertain. -.safe and can . do .no. harm, Bring LEsson 11, -The earlyChristian: hipivmekThe shrper tile 100 toad and water M •.live. missionaries (Acts Xiii, .1-12). • Oolden- ' s. a that is peaced inthe hand, of a little -Keel> .. out of lilY 1e00e11..r:hen •1 ain Text, .Matt. xxvill. 19, "Qo ye, there- •s:hild the 'easier it is for that child to to od The rest I leave to 1111 God." :fore, andleach all nations." The par- • do iteelf Aaeon Burr evas-an•aSoeri the awful 'paroxysm of , hydro- pose of the Lord Is that from the na-' intellectual ginnt, .but Aaron Burris 1 hobie: wtte• clutchinget his Ou'eatt. • tiona.He may gether' a people for His • wasted life was caused by a heart le ee • clays tate brave blacksutith's •natuee(A. t 14) ' Thi doos b • IDS Seilriet tShrrovu' wsord eby neais 01'Thomas. Paine •had one of' the. geekte Poets ihle for us all to Decal:fief:a; for • :williug and Spiritlled inessengere. ekell 'a men: but Thomas Paine's, la ; only Ietgoteca Son for- usa eat • I4Es,son VIII.,Papl at Antioch- WTI., • that was Morally enawarted. by sin, , agony- was enc ed.. _God. hos •Made it 'est brains eVer pletact. awithin. tbe. time and 'for eternity . by' sacrificing , Ivart was so diseased ley sin that, he elle villaea lattelamlith died in the sidle (Acts xiii, 43-62).. Golden "text, was a drunkard, a reprobate and a: ( h !in whiill ha had riveted to • his :eats xiii, 38, "Through tbis man is practical outcast, ' Lord Byron ow011.11 btohdey,elsocs's• (..sillirlitecth dhioedb inifso.eea c41.1.11p... . spLe!sityshelyd iuthntsoolfzioeuoit)hpoesiftoi6rgniN:tenudeassonolef "dranlc t;very . cup of fatee, drank. 41 early deeply drank --- drank drafts alitti to -Calvary. • - • ,.. • encouragement the apostles have eorne which. might • have • gutnehed the Now, MY. young friends, who are tie ter as thie other A.ntioca and are theoitts .01 'millions, and then died or• about to •geadertle,.- cetemit your ',here Invited to praiieh th iarateiwdeas,1,,, tames° we mare nem earthly „end ' heavenly life intii the mce•ally diseased. ." It is absolutely - PrOleeting' care 'of your Divine "Pattie er. .. :A nd as your 'days of leerning necessary for every, young 0000 rind • •woman. in order .to•lead a happy and ...are not eloSaa, but have . just com- menced, ,us. you: go- from college into , successfal lire; to have a' :truly'. devel-- oped Christian.heart, .yoked to..a tru- ' the great 'school of lifa, I bid you ,. ,•peeform. Your tesliS. Well.' If you will ..lyNanewve, ict3.iont,idri•ginItie01011e1clet,ttito‘l.hijelrealtatt.', um- 9.... this by: the power of the Holy rvirit, theie. 'shall . C Ciln 6 a day when, versity, teachers ha' been develciping • You shall be •Pattielpants .in another .your bettin, in• all' arolattlyility •the , gra,duatien scene. Then you shall notal teachers, 'filo your .Christilat Millet and mother and 'sisters. awl have a 'dialenta• taken from .the liinte.the ']hat;jiooddinpfloixelse: loved ones,. , hate been developiN .Ietnallbl bwiTiktte-orft your h,art. By your training a us christ. ' That diplolna shall • *Our' eastreligious life yen. know al - what is right :and -what is Wrong, love you to graduate from an earth- ly eprepaaatory'achool into the great On the • day When a •eoung nian, aniveesity.of heaven, where higber • James Ramer • left the home. of his ' lessees: and nobler service await Yee birth in Nee toweaeL.L. his mother and • where you shall never eintse • to ' placed hee blend upoo. his head and.' w.aboot to learte about the goodness of Cod make a success er failuae... Iterneni- aalth' "JilanlY, Yoe are no redeeming love. .. left for dead. But 'God gave him back . • go ihto the great, -wicie world to', ' to sing. the praises of Christ and his': Opposition that Patil Was stoned and her my boy,. yoti. go.from a Christian • • ' to. them,.and they went on andpreaCh-- home , Laid -do not disgrace it, If • , ad the gospel, . . .. • . Yew disgrace this honie, remembee • •Httitisu'8All'riNct cola F111416. , . ' - .._,..... . . L'EssON.X.-The ceunell at Jerusalem .. that on the grcat '&10 01, judgment otrusumnustosi And Goes into nelliftelei (Acts Ma 22:38a • •Golden Teta Gal. V, .before God, 1 shalt witness agat,nst • Wick 1111011,0pcto)oa capital. . - 1, "Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty • you and ' tell God -that you were brought up right and dedicated bY NO* .York, June '28. -The Herald'a wherewith Christ bath wade free," our prayers to his ScrVice, and .that. London ' correspondent says: The We have seen persecutions from With, you went to destruction of your own British shipping combination, 'whiCh out the church, even unto death, and (Word." You knew' just as much ; intends to compete with the Morgan new We see false teachere:within. the whet .you morally ought to .do-. as , syndicate 'for the North Atlantic and church seeking to binder • the gosPeL, James 'Harper- ijoew. what he morally Pacific ' freight and passenger heal- The Vent enenay is alWays tit tvork• on eSabbath day in the synagogue: Paul, as was his custom. faithfully declares that Jea BUS of Nazareth is the Son bf God, Israel's Messiah, .that He was: eruct; fled, raised from the dead. ascended to heaven and that now through Him is forgiveness of all sine end justification from all things. • Lassox IX.. --Paul at Lystra (Acts xlv,:8-22). Golden Text, II Tim. "Thou therefore endure hardneesas a good soldier of Jesus Christ"- Al- though tbey abode a hang time at aconium, speaking boldly in the Lord, and a great multitude of both Jews and Greeks belletted; yet they had to. flee trent Iconium, and they came to Lystra, where at first there was un- precedented enthuslasta and then such ought to do.,. •• . eiess, is now praaticady consummet- and will be till he Oen be shut .up in ed. 'Po day I learn, oli good author- . .. • So the young ktudent *who works,at the pit (Her. xx, I-3). his - atudies is eometimes Willing to . ity, the following details: d alight them because graduation ti ySi,, Christopher Zairriess ' is to be at , the head of the neve combination. It • -Luason XL -,Paul crosses to Europe portiall o,,ment (Acts 'gilt, 8-15). Golden Tett, Acts take' death, seems to. be far ttWay xxli, . 15, "Theoi shalt be His witness U111 the edge •of the horizon. "1%e More is to be capitalized at 120,00.0,000 ($100,000,000).' The Cunard Conte unto all- men." In this leSson we see the student works, the farther ' grad- . pany Is included in the deal. • an illustration of at least these three uation day seems lo recede, Dut, zny Young Molds', front noel( on you shall The British Goveimment has agreed texts, "Led by the Spirit of God, Do see the direct return e from your sift, arfeesiy twohiini:reacsaentahdea pprie,oaeninits. cd . sub- tahseoe7a,sliolyn .wseorrvde sthhieten, nfoort Oreotdurins wiunttho daily labors. You shall be able to least .a.)0,000 ($1,000,000) yearlytne void" (Rona vita 14; 1 Sam, s, 7; get your payinents for work, day six large passenger boats, capable een, w,,•11),. by day and week by week, - You of 23 knots an hour, are to be • Lessort Xt1.-- A temperance lesson sueeesses will give. you daily inspira- at an. aggregate cosof 45,500,000 • ' • ROYAL ORNAMENTS. lege crown, the Seristrat, Shy Stair or she Wog, Callest "Tho ulna tfJarlsind.11 The Royal Ornaments 44:Insist -of the crown, the sceptre, the staff, or rod, the ring -called "The Wed- ding Ring of England" -and the long since abandoned "bracelets." The latter were a very ancient ornament tor Kings, espeelally among the Tette tonic races. They were known, how- ever, among the Israelitesi for Saul TeX , Queen COZAVEib THE Ortfl IMPERIAL -On =maple/ell , aczerate ZPIRITUAL SSC,EPTSIt • al. .ara vaatia avare impEntar.,.011115 AND •sentaTElls.' was wearing them at -the time of his death, end they wee brought to David by the Amalekite as the en- signs of the power which heti devolv- ed on David.- Edward VI. appears to have worn them. at his coronation. The fact is that in 1649 there were two sets of regalia; Each King had a set :of .regalla of his own,, for his. own use, buta he 'was prowued. ac- tually with the relics of St.•ndward, which consisted of •a; -complete set of regalia. The erown of St. Edward is a circle, on which are placed four: Crosse, alternately, 'with four flour-, de -lis. From the -grosses rise .two -arches, which meet •in.the form �f • a • cross in the centre of the crown,. The junction of the arches is surmounted by a cross ote an orb. The whole • crowa watts of gold, ornaniented with jewels. ,Insido the crown is a .cap of purple velvet; turned up with ermine, 80 that h • •appeared the eircle of the...crown. : Queen Vic- - torte. was not crowned with the crov a of St: Edward', but . with the, • Imperial. ero.Wa; *similar to that - of • St: Edward,- but lighter and• More richly jeweled. • • The large steno,. which, it is said, .was worn by Henry V; in his lielmet at the battle` of 'Agineciurt, is in tact mitre of the croatt, which rives a.bove the Weeteer's forehead, and the orb on the tepas inade. of a single aquamarine. • The 'Imperial • Mown was ..Ina•de anew Lor 1• the 'late e Queen,. and .the. arches' a metre made to represent oak leaves, 1 lnttiitwtitocl,"- „: . • . The present croten of St. Eilwaial• ' dates. only from the time of Charles' I TI, • Charles 1.• was the last Monareli who Worethe aecient regalia at %his , coronation; Poor .Charlee .1-1 • . The text that his coeciliatian sermon. was preached from 'as: --"Be thou :faith. fill mint0c.1171,2.1.t,f,' I ttei:.r :.Ingdive ' taco a ciaayn 9f life." .. • The Wedding. Ring Of :England is auppoaad to have, had a miraculous orighe The.. old 'legend runs that Edward the Coafessor gave to e. beg-, gar It 'valuable. ring that he. Wore; .and that soon after a aerie old man • geve alto ring to twer pilgrims in ,Paleetlim, saying • that :he was . 'St. John the leve,ngelist, • end- bidding theta return' it to their King, which they did, la tafeeence t:o thie legend, Edward II. preeented :at • the seeoad oalation of his toronation.serviee, a piece of gold guide In the: sit pe of it map tretching out his firiger to receiatt- a ringThe 10,,, 10,1(1 to be it 'table ruby" set in gold; arid 'Itttee • this ruby hae hem enerayed. with11 - cross: 'Since lsao the •EPiscapal eus- tom has been followed, and a: .sape ',hire has poen. ninde ;the fouedation stone with rubies set like a cross.'of 0-4t. George iri the big stippai re,. Another • tradition imenetreion With the eing ite that the closer the ring fits the angtr ofi tile sovereign, the more -will that sovereign • be be- ande.longer will ha reign. It is euribus t6 netea-in reglad to this traditioneathet • in 1888' the' yaw was . initele bymistake for Queen. Victor - he's' little finger,but that the .Arch- bishop insieleden puteleg itoe the ringefi tiger- the wedding linger, Of coaree--thereby • eauaing the yoting Oman considefable pain from the tightness of the Ong. . , • Por once, at least, tradition. prey- trd true. ' shall have daily rewards, and your boat, 6-k t " he • also a daaan 1 ne 'aug era (Rom xiii 8-14) Galden TeXt, nOt1L Mon. • 1111, 12, "Let us therefore east off the (S;t1hVnertn tjiir°e°'e)apItal, r am told, has But there•IS• another side to this thought.. As yoU are hereafter 10 eeen Weeks of darkness, and let us put en a'underwritten. Ono well-known the Meter of light." The whole story 11 tyou neglect dto (Ito moth. duty, 'yule) capitalist Who offered to take up a of salvation and service and glory is shall also receive swift puniehmentbig block of Stock was told that the ftIlly told in this eW pistle and anner- Heretofore you were only looked up.- whole amouat had been subscribed., bed in this lesson, but the opeclal TWO SetV111) °tit 011'140 KIttttb, point Which the committee desires em - on as a minor, a child. 'If you did anything wrong in the past, the phasized itl the denial of self that vertibui Didaster to a Chinese Cruises. by Chrlet may be manifested. Oad en - world wee very apt- to pardon yott, Belaiyiyirigb:oy"Wole.11g, iriti. Walshothwe raocntgion wofaas taii re:deafen, throned, God Working, Spirit fined, Je- sus occupied end eelf thee renounced. merely the reSult of a tollege prane,o- London, June 28.-A despatch to 'The Central News from Shanghai, Bet front rioW on young graduate/a- remeniber the world does not look saye that the Chinese cruiser Eat upon you as boys and girls. Von I Was v;reeked yesterday by a ter* ride explosion, while lying in tits 'Zang Tao Itiver, Miss Maggie Scott and her mother aro full fledged mon and Women. Ate The Kal Chi sank in 80 seconds, spent Smutty last with friends in full geown /teen and women you muSt and 150 oftleers told men On board BrusselS. tate stair poSitione in life and do a full man'e and a 1011 Women's Part, Miss Sproat of Egniondville is at and if you do wrmig from now wore killed or drowned, Only two present spending a weak With her ais- on the world will neither forgive ter here. Mete On board the cruiser escaped Ch A.LMA. nor forget your elTONL Oh, to -day, death. • Mr. C. Caltoa spent a couple of „S YOU Mat n begi n to 'do a full The trulitese ICki Chi Was of 2,15a days last week in Goderich attending 1 I do court, • FOR SALE. I am agent in this dig-. triet for the Owen Sound Portland Cement Com- pany and am prepared to supply either large or mall quantities. Contrac- tors and others who in- tend buildingwalks, walls or silos of cement will do well to communicate with me. The Sarrippon brand of cement manufactured by the Owen Sound Port.' land Cement,Compamy is the best cement on the market. 01101118W°1111"" w`irkt Pe" 31." ;0e4,8 attig8,1)cnoettenisternitte'he ted Sotstr, r arme" 116'Ve been 1)tisY itt ilwir seek the help, of that Ood in whom $he Was built irt. roadwork, meta to the diecomfort of 64.4.. Your lather and mother trueted and 4:1" .acrew, able e I re to cyclists, wile look upon fresh gravel Tilos A. Walker air) IS •:"-Y". ais0 te perforla well pour part hi the lai.ttle of ill°. ateffsur A.00111 1104.1.nli lively de. Ve PAN'S TO ADVE1tTISI•1 IN NTMS-ItTiCORD barn. foundation as a necessary tv m The asone b s arusy Working at the ol Mr. (Jorge Dale's hew • CLINTON