HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-06-26, Page 5June 6th,19O2 VIE CLINTON NEW'S 44,400110
ILI 11 10 111 1 0 0 111 1110 1 Yr 11. 11 111 1.1111.111111 NOM 11111 11'k1.711 90/.06/9/' ***101/100114/10111,4&:_ 1 '• , '1110.1100141110111r,.
::÷44•:+s-•-•40••0+4"••••••1•44+i•÷1•4e44,44" 0+•••••••••+SInili•Hi'+*:**:***1*•os"4 +4.0"0-1•101$S14
• .
• •
• •
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• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
See Fred.T.Jackson fm: Solid Leather Shoes
Don't Blame Your Feet
if they ache. Temper trying to he
SUN.. But why ei.nfound the effect
.with the cause ?
The Fault is in the Shoes
Better Get a Pair of
Hagar Shoes
free] lectson, then yetell have
coin f. la as well as st y le, tit and
— - Best Slsoe Values in Town
41 1rriZI.S and •1.5.1•1. for men, women
;old (11111 1441.
You aleays get the best from
The Waterproof
Paste Shoe Polish
Produees Patent Leathee
Takes the place of all liquid dress-
ings which injure the leather end
seale oft. •
• •
• •
Anybody can use it 144 d ge, the hest
i•eeillts. It is another. new thing at
the New Shoe Store.
No Shoddy Fred. T. Jackson. Patronize. The New Shoe
No Paper Soles Store and get New Shoe s • t
• .
Mg 011
..... 1.11.,16.1bAbetw.a.
Single Harness
. Cheap .
A ltricE.-.OWN.
(.00 -
• A rAs of training In the 0
Silt AT Ft) It 1), ONT.
enable- ) mott; men n11.1 women to secure
111 111 .0 sl woges immediately
on leitN't 14 tile Still01
that 1 11,14 (hi. of doing the
best work in 1111..4110,444 The
grad nat es of the 44011 01 are in strong de-
mand as 01elivN 444busint H. colleges in
Cantata end the UM t rl Si o. T11:8 is
tile shoot for on tid your friends.
W. .1. ELLIOTT, Principal. 0
O is
levers ssose (06b4 00000000000600
Boots and Shoes
$5n0 worth of Boots mid
Shoes to he cleared out. lit
less than it lmlesele prices.
Our annual clettrIng Salo
cottimenees 31n y
,,r go Is' shi.es,hut ton -
ea and laced all eizee, from
1111 2 goiter al. OSd. 20 pis.
mem.' IIIW shoes,gaite1 s (40(1
114 (IA, all $2.23 end
$2.30 !shoes geing et $1 30.
Big hal gains in all I1l14S 4444
WI' reduce nur
Butler and:Eggs 'taken in Exchange.
The building known us the Salvation Army
Parrneksi. lrer..1 for 51110. The lot and build-
ing will he ,-uld to ono party or st.parately its
(lesired. For futther particulars apply to
1.1M). LI VE10101tE, Clinton
Feb Gilt.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
is successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual, Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com-
pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1.1oor
box; No. 2,10 degrees scronger,e8 per box. No,
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8-oen1
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
pgr."Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all
responsible Druggists in Canada.
Nos. 1 and 2 are sold in Clinton by
11. B. Combe, R. P. Reekie, E. Hov-
ey and Watts & Co.—druggists.
' • •
Any Lacrosse Players desiring, em-
ployment in' )2 obtain the seine by
writing at once to
care C. & 11.Hospital,
June 5th 2t
The undersigeecl offers for sale .
storey cottage with live bedrooms,
large dining room, parlor, etc. • Situ-
ated William street, convenient to
the Collegiate -institute..
June 23rd. • • .
- •• - • • • r .1, ,.ra. woo . ,
We represent the makers- of the
best bicycles in the market.
We keep second hand wheels for
We repair bicycles' and keep all
kinds of repairs . In -stock. • '
We sell the Page Wire Fence and .
- do a general blacksmithing and . job-
bing trade.
Notice is hereby given that • the .
Council of the Corporation of. the ,
ToWn of Clinton intends to construct
granolithie sidewalks as Mentioned be --
low and to .assess- the final post there -
p1 upon the properties benefitted .and
not exempt by law • from .assessment.
A Court of _Revision will be held on
Tuesday, tith day of July, 1902, at 8
o'clock p. m. in the., Council Chamber
for the purpose Of hearing pomplaietn
against the_ proposed. eesessment or.
inaccuracy in frontage - measurements
and atty.- other complaints wliich per•
NOUS interested may ' desire --to make
and which arc by law, cognizable by
the said _Court, . .
• , .WII,LIA111,- COATS.
Clinton, June 2oth; 1902. , • .
Schedule of proposed walks.:
On the- north side ci.f Rettenbary
.street_ from Orange _street td,.e, ..•paint
138 feet west of North. 'street.
cost $63o.45, ' towns share of, cost •
On west . side of Isaac:Street from
Mary to Joseph streets... Totale. +cost'
$257.85, town's share • of 'cost • $ier .25: •
• ' •
Take notice that the Municipal Conn-
, cil of the Corporation of the Toivn of
Clinton inteeds to construct. n gran°.
lithie sidewalk, 45 feet in width,. .4011
the east side of Victoria street,.•from
the southwest corner of Rattenhury,
liduse. to the corner of William street,
and to assessthe- final. cost thereof up-- •
on the properties abutting thereonand
to be benefitted. thereby. and that a
statement showing ,the lands-liable:to
pay the said assessment and. the.
names of the owners thereof, so Jar as
can be ascertained from the:last revis-
ed assessment roll as tiow on file in
the offiCe of the. Clerk .of the: Munici-
pality and is open for inepeetion 'dur-
ing office hours.. •• • .
The estimated cost of the Work is.
$262,13, of which $5.18 is Provided out
of the general funds of the 11.1uoicipal-
A _Court of Revision will be held;
in the Council Chamber of, the Munic-
ipality on Friday, the 41.11 day of
uly, 1902, at 8 o'clock- in the evep-
ine •for the purpose of hearing coin -
paints against the proposed assess-
ment -accuracy of the -frontage
ineasurements •• or any •other corn -
plaints Which persons interested. may
desire to make and which are by law
cognizable by the Court.
Dated at Clinton this 12t11
clay of June; 190e: • . • . . •
Persons wishing to petition the
Coencil against the proposed work
must do so on or before the 2ist day
of July 1902 . • ,
wir,LIAM COATS,.,Clerk,
_ . . . _ , . •
pivelteetevVeestees" iseereeeleskeeseaAlkeerWeArWeIVOIVVVkAAAAWIts•i0.0,1A0V
Mc N
33 'I' I it
14 never 54.4 jell .,1. W • lceep everbiatingly at it, trying,to mike this
store het ter. ttre'le 110 V4 lagging in our efforte to within. the right kind
of weals nml miltmg ll111V••1 bpi tor. D,4111vs lievt.t. lied stiell pitrehasing
pox. r they have wit -at this store ---and businese Ileter 'Was So tleh
to our ItIt;tot 0 11 itimeash g tee inspirat ion for -reetowt,ei 'effoet dn
o ir p tett° 1 1114 $ithere of 1,1118 stOri, S UsfIftlittPSS. Belo W 'we quote
11 test le ice, ss hien you will find iuteresting reading
L •-• dtk Uml,,ralsirt4,made of mereerizeil satana with
f.ille rind Heine:v.4,in ell sizes and lengths, regular, price
31 ,et $1.
'White Shirt Wniste, in rill 1 new tleSign14, trimmed tvith
ruck, embroidery and lace at 50c. 75c, $1, $1.50 end $2.
Flee ( ;lees(' we Dress floods et 50c. 75c end $1.
1:1sle 1111(4111 Hose, ciyi., Wi th ne-
t ova I wi0.1 feet, al, 20c and 25e.
',tidies' Fast Back ilose,in Wein and ribbed, gi•erit vet tie ist
15e. 2 istirs for 25e. •
Moo's Wool Sneksoitslied lisps. worth Ilio, 2.paie for 23e
Stens' Beery Cet ton Sneks, ribbeti lop, 10e or 3 pair for 25e
\V hit e Mir for dresses and wrists, iiI checks -nod strip-
rs., reenter tie for 5c
PI inter] Mitstins, fest colnrs yst wide% 20 tritt,64.ns to
clionse from, regular 12hes for. Ole.
TIP/It nt f'4 1.01. sale nt the DressGoods entuitee,
But ter ick's Fashion Sheets free foe the asking.
Lot 6, eon, 7, Colborne, containing
xod acres, lot 67, Maitland con, God-
erieh township, , containing -45 acres;
Both farms are Well fenced and well
watered; good buildings and first class
orchard on each farm ; nearly all tin-
der grass. Sixty per cent. of the
purchase money may remain on mort-
gage at 5 per cent. For particulars
apply to •
T; BURNS, Carlow.
June 23rd.
As I wish t retire froin farming I
offer to sell, for $5,000 my splendid I00
acre far111 situated on the Front Road, •
X mile east or Varna. 90 acres clear -
ea, to acres hard and soft wood bush.
Good frame lioirse" with cellar, ba.in
and shed. 'Oood bearing.' orchard\ good
water, hard mut 'soft.. • A rare chance
.to get a fine farin cheape. PoSpession
given early in the fall, • .
HENRY Varna. I'. 0.
June loth. " , •
—7 -
. .
. , • .
• The Undersigned -.offers „ for sale hid
house' • and .lot- situated • on Albert
•etreet. .The house contains six .roinns
and has a sumniet kitchen and woocV.
shed,. 'There is • a -frarne stable, hen
lionse ,ancl.• pig pen. 'Smallegarclen.•
• .• • - BLACKALL.:.
Clinton 'June. nth • '
The -Undersigned offers for sale. that
choice'. 150 acre farm 'on the Huron
-Tuckersinitli; _one rnile east of
Clinton; New frame beuse with .sum-
mer first class baek barn,
drive , shed,. heti house, pig pen, silo,.
two Wells,. Windmill, and small "or-
chard. The Dayfield.riVer- runS across
back end, of lot. Thirty acres of flats,
:the finest of grass land. 1.1ns is a
spleedid farm, well ' situated; . and -
will be sold on easy terms. '
Jitee 9th. • • • '
• • .
' ' " "1 . ' • /' ", ' 7 '
South X of lot /8 end the north X
of lot 14 on the 8th con: of the town-
ship of Stanley are offered for sale.
The fern, contains no aeres, all clear-
ed, in a good state of cultivatiOn and
well watered. There are two barns
and stabling and :S. frame dwelling
house. Two. good bearing orchards. X
ildle from -school and 2 miles froln,
cherch and postollice. For further
particulars apply to
• Hensall.
June end.
Messrs.Wes.and Rob. Boyce of IVIitch-,
Selulud.vsay.erelasPti.ests at the parsonage on -
Rev. Mr. arid Mrs. Davidson and
Willie and baby left on 310nday for
Scotland. They Will be away for .a
couple of months.
Mrs. T. MeAsh left on Monday on a
visit to her son John and daughter,
Airs. J. Hamilton, Ai Michigan.
Mr, Oliver Keys, traveller for A,.
Tyler, Loudon, -spent Sunday and
Monday at his home in Varna,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Keyes aed: Miss
Mary JOhnston visite.d at Mr. Thos.
Keyes' on• Saturday last. Mrs. Keyes
and Miss Johnston will spend a week
visiting friends in Bayfield before re-.
turning home. Mr. Keyes returned
home on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. P...dward Ward, brother of Mr.
Ward, visited hun over Sunday
and returned to his home near Bramp-
ton on Tuesday..
Mrs. R. Haxby and daughter Mina
left on Monday morning for Winui-
peg to • join Mr. Haxby vvhere he is
.running barber business,
Mrs. Weeds of Listowel is visiting
under the parental roof at present,
111111 1114 t
BALL—HAYWA.RD—At the residence
el the bride's parents on the Lon-
don Road, on June 25th, by Rev.
J. C. Dunlop, Mary A., daughter
of Mr. Alfred Hayward, to Ed-
ward B. Ball of Windsor.
dence of the bride's parents in
Goderich township, on June x8th,
by Rev. John McNeil,' Annie, sec-
ond daughter of Mr. Thos. IIa.rri-
son, to George W. Proctor, also
of Goderich township.
WHI1'E,SIDE—WII414IAMS — At the .
residence of the bride's parents in
Zurich, on. June 18th, Laura,
daughter of Mr. John A. Williams,
real Conference. ,
to Rev. R. H. Whiteside of Mont-
SMI."111—t-IIIANNON—At the resi-
dence of the bride's mother in
Clinton, on June 16th, by Rev. W.
G. Howson; Maud, eldest daugh-
ter of Mrs. Shannon, to Mr. W.
B. Smyth of Detroit.
WEBB—EASOM—In Clinton, on June
201,11, by Rev. W. 0. Howson, El-
• izabetli, ' daughter of Ur. Eason].
of Goderieh township, to Berrie-
niin Webb of Oshawa.
DUBLIN. vow, on June nth, by Rev. A. G.
Harris, Sadie Bell, eldest daugh-
. The peoples' popularpicnic to be - ter of Mrs. W. H. Johnston, to
held 611 Dominion Day promises ,to be Harry G. Armstrong.
a grand success. doocl prizes are BERRY—SMITH—In Port Arthur, on
sure to -bring good sports and keenJune rith, Miss Lalla Berry,
competiticin. The magnificent purse of _ daughter of Mr. G. W. Berry of •
$24 for the tug-of-war contest will cer- . Lucknow, to A. G. Smith of Port
taenly bring the beat teams that Log- Arthur,
an, McKillop, X-libbert and Tucker- 'FINKBEINER.—MAUNDF,RS—At the
smith can produce. This .is billed for residence of the bride's mother in
20.30.a. tn, so come early. Other ath- Morris, On June x8th, by Rev.
letic ' sports with dancing and music •' John Holmes, Lizzie, second
by Brown's orchestra will entertain
daughter of Mrs. S. Maunders, to
the publien during the afternoon. A g
royal good time is assured to every- rinvg.Cviiiletrles Finkbeiner of Seb-
body attending. Come and enjoy O'LAUGHLIN—GRIFFIN—In St. Pet-•
yourselves, er's chureh,Goclerich,on jurie 23rd,
by Rev, Father West, May, eldest
daughter of Mr. Griffin, keeper of
TEACHER WANTED. the county gaol, to Joseph
A fetnale teacher wanted for School O'Laughlin of Detroit.
Section No. 13, Stanley. Appliea-
tions received up to August 5th. June 28, Mr. George Watts to
I. T, KEYS, Sec.-Treas. son
, Varna, CA1VIPBELL—MeNAIRN—At the rage
June 23rd. ' " dance' of the bride's parents, Log-
-- ______ . mano.,Aounieyj,iinme r1,8tcho, lbiay the Rev. Aoi
. MiLCH cow FOR. SALE. . . Elmo, to Mary L.,daughter Of Mr. •
The unclersigne—d offers a. new mulch- john Melt/alter of Logan. .
cow for sale. ' TUCK-1V1ILLER—At the residence of
the bride's parents, Grey; ..on Jene
JOHN HOLMES, •Huron Road. 18th, by Rev, H. Curry, Mr. Al -
Clinton PO, Jane 23rd. ebert C. Tuck of Clifford to Miss
- • • •• • • • • • •.• .. .Aggie, daughter ,of Mr. .Frank
CALVES VOR SALE, • • . 1Viiller of Grey"toWnehip. 0
deem of •the bride's parents, on
I will be at Ole American hotel, '
June x8th, by the Ret,T. Render-: I
Briteefield, on Saturday, June 28th,
at i o'clock p. mwith a number of son and Bert, Mr. Iffilliam White I
-calves for sale. This will be the last of Hibbert to Eleanor, daughterof
Mr. David Creighton -of Illon-
..- ' . ---------• • denee 'cif. Magnus Spenee; Morris;
TEN0ERS WANTgpl. on June rith,- by R.ev. W. J.
• — • Weil, U. A., Samuel I'lastow of
Tenders will be received by , the un- • Rockton, ner Galt, to Mise Mary
.1 II II le I
410,111.-4110,11bellaelbellieeelo•elleellarelieelftel&eleseeiseebeetineereee, -vie.etibeite.noso
lot of the season. • . • •
clersigncd up to 6.30 o'clock.on 'July .. Tcirstoh, !mice of Mrs.- Spence.
9th for the building .by Union School STRETTON—IRONS—At the Presby7
Section -No. 4, Goclerieh and Hullett, terian -manse „ Blyth, on June x2, -
of a brick school house. on the north- - by Rev. ••A'. Metean,.• Mr. John
eaet ,corner .91 16t .164 con. .x6, Goder- . Stretton Of . Brussels to. 1Vliss Mil-
ith township: Particulars can be had . - lie ;Irons. eldest daughter of 'Geo'.
and plans and: specifications Seee at ,.‘ leo" of. 'myth.... _ .
the '• residence of the, secretary, • The .. , . _ - . -0- _ '
building is to be eoppleted on or be- , • . : BIRTHS.. - . .
-fore the isth day cif September,RNAGES—In Morris,' on June . i9th,
the 'material -in the% present brick .,. , mt.,. •J... T..:Brydges . Of 'a daugh-
school fit for. use is to be used in the .
construction of the new*.buitcling . and FELLS -In Wingharn on June nth,
the tenders are to be based on an al- Mrs: Thos. Fells .4 it sim, .
ldwance being made, for such ina.terial,, FLEIITY,---In Southanipton,. on June
Cash tenders will also be.receivecl -.for .x7th, Mrs. -W. J...F.leuty„ of e soh.
the- purchase of the old school buildine
e COUGHLIN—In • Stephen; •Soitth Bonn -
and else �f the old school site., • . dary, .on June 160, to Mr. • and
Dated .at doderieli township . ,. IVIrs,• Pat. Coughlin, a -son. .
this -25th day of June., i. 02: . • , - -
PTERSON—In Barwick, , -Algoma
-O • District, ' fornierlyeof Eireter,• on
-June 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. -Nelson
Peterson- a daughter. ' -.- .
the -•wife.. of .R.ev. 'George. ItifeQuillin - 1 ITIlle• °Sunday. Ysehool . and.. Epworth
B -1E I' th . Jo • ti e ,Leagee of Dounybroek intend. holding.
. 'J. H. LOWER', Secretary,
, • Clinton P.O.
• • • • ,
17 horse power treation engine
L. D..5., together with a new Mon -
Our Clothing
For July Sale..
Trade in our new clothing sec-
tion is showing steady and satisfac-
tory growth ever since the depart-
ment opened, For our July Sale it
presents a list a money saving at-
tractions that should appeal to ev-
ery man who has a dollar to spend
for clothing of any kind. 'rhe
goods are all new this season and
you will not find these values dup-
licated 'anywhere near here.
• $8.50 Suits for $6.25
Mens' Tweed Suits made of gond quality all
i 6 25 iiiPNU :
wool Twm
eed, good linings, and well ade, ewaiellb give satisfactory wear, good vele()
at $8.504 special for July stile
$15 Shirts for $11.50 Men's 1-1a.ts $1.00
' Mens' fine worsted Suits, narrow 75 Mens' telt Hats,soft&hard shales 0
stripes in shades of grey, .very good styles. last ones and twos of
much worn this season, one of our lines that sold at art 01.50, $200
hest lines, well lined and equal and $2.50, your choice to get a
to custom made in every way, good hat for very little money* #
eleeahring for July sale, 11.5,11 celaecahr ..... during July sale
eit I 0 0
Cashmere Sox 17c
Pant's 98c
25 pairs Mens' wool tweed Pants,
good weight, in assorted stripes,
good value at $1.50, special .9 8
for July sale, per pain.. . •
Boys' Suits $2.65
1 Regular price of these Suits were
$3.00 and $3,50, The sizes are
O now broken and we want to clear
the line out at onee.
40 pairs Mene' black cashmere socks,
seamless feet, sinnmer eveight,
all wool, for Joly sale, per 1 7
pair. . I I
Men's Linen Collars 10c
200 Linen Collar -0, assorted styles
. and sizes, not every size in each
style, but, every size in the lot,
regular 18e quality, for July . I 0
Boys'. two piece Suits, made of sale each
good tweeds and serges, regu- ,
: lar $8.00 and $3.50, for July2
sale • U U Boys' Union SweaterS,good quality,
. n g Boys Sweaters 35c .
regular 50e, for July sale
1 Shirts 39c
clearing for July sale, each...0 0 fast ones of lines that sold at t) c
• and Ceylon flannels, last ones of
50.Mens' Shirts, assorted cambrics -
lines that sold at 75c and $1, On 35 silk Ties, dark and light patterns
Men's Ties 25c - ioiJ
• • • 50c, clearing for July, each,. L U $
:riell'S ieS C
50 Mens' itring, and 'four-in-hand Infants' Vests Sc ,
for July at each. .........,• . 1 U . . . .......... ,........'.. a U U
regular 25c lines, clearing 1 n • special for July sale eech nK
Ties, odd ones that are left of 100 Infants' Ribbed Cotton Vests,
# 4111.0N,011.11M.16.111.K.N.11011.111011; .11.ft.•%,gi..41.1h.,Mfrgfr.,%.46/1#,Afrifr,w
.. .
odgens Bros.,
Mr. and Mrs. 1VIeGinnis of Seaforth
visited Mr. C. Moss en Sunday last,
Miss Emma Craig' is back. to her
brother's, Mr. 3. Craig's, after a
:month's visit with friends in Mils-
koka, • •
Mr: William Burkitt :lies taken the
contract of peeling tan bark for Mr.
Todd of $t. Helens.
Blyth, on June it, .?nite a number took in , the. R. C,
arch ,separatori .in use only so days,
bits all the latest improvements, in- LANDSKY—In Logan, on the 15th
wife of Geerge Baler of a son.
eluding tank, primP, cluster,. pea ptili the 1 wife. of key.. 1.1.• c.,
tiers, clover attachment, .ete. Landsky of a. son. '
health of ovviier is the reason for sre-1
ling.. Will be sold cheap.
Jiine loth 3t*,
• --
Cora mid Chop Oats for sale in
lots. Always on hand. Cash or time,
as arranged. Drive right to ware-
house opposite G. T. R. station..
• . W. G. PERRIN.
Clinton, June 23rd. 29.'•
• • • 'i .
We still lead in Sugar by Selling'
Reclpathrs Granulated at $3.85 per
JAMIESON—Ie Egmondville, lune
loth, tti Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Jamieson, a daughter. •
Me.A.LLISTEIt—In Hay, on June 16, .
the wife of Mr: William McAllis-
ter of a son. "
DEATHS.. • •
ELLIOTT—At Gremlin, North• Da-
kota.; on June 22nd, Alice Lavine
Hanley, youngest daughter of the
late George Healey of Clinton'
and wife of Albert Elliott.
DEW—In lIsborne, on June 13th, John
. Dew, aged 76 years and 6 months.
COPP—In Seafertn, on June istlis
, Thomas Andrew Copp, aged 47
years, 4 months and 20 days.
VANCE—In Usborne, on June
- cwt. ill by. lOtS. ' Mary Victoria, daughter of Mr.
• W. T. O'NEIL. W. J. Vance, aged 17 years, zr
• . •
. • • ,
. ' The, enclersigned offers for' sale :•lot
13ayfield• con.., G;xlerich township, ' MARBLE
c�nsisting of 184 acres,including • 25
acres mixed tiniber.' The farm is well
viatered: and .sititable for either grain
or stock raising.' Good clay soil.
Comfortable dwelliug, heated by fur-
nace,: summer kitchen and woodshed.
• .
ETHERINGTON--In Usbo• ritelon June
x2th, Harriett Ann Copping, be-
, loved wife of Stephen J. Ether -
i , g months
AND and 28 days.
*GRANITE WORKS WEBBER—In London township, On
june 12t11, Thomas Henry Web -
The hest elites of work ' bet, aged 43 years, 11 months,
.late of London and formerly of
octire been
Hard and soft water convenient. TVvo • ,
• manufactured here f
barns, 30x5o,' 254160, drivirig shed, ,20X •
I30, heti housel 171(35. 3 acres -of Or..
chard. X. mile from school, Y, from
church,- 6. miles from Clinton. Will be
sold, on reasonable terms. Apply' on
premises' Or address
: A. WELSH, Clinton, P.O.
Goderich township, May 130. . •
. • $9,000 will, bity a choice farm of
about 220 acres, situated a half mile
front Clinton, , Good brick hottee, - 2014.
28 011d 20X/0 ; barns 401(40 and 40x6o,
with stone stables underteath, silo,
windmill, • ete... Will be sold on easy
- terms. Por further particulars apply
Clinton P. 0.
April 21st.
Part of iartn, lots 38 and 33, on
west side of Maitland con,, one
mile north of Holmesville, coti-
taitting 97 acres.
2 The north ball of lot 25, con, /,
and west part of lot 24, eon. 3,one
half mile front Clinton, north, on
grave' toad, containing 90 notes.
The brick dwelling including lots
x8, /9 and 20 on corner of Joseph
and Isaac streets, in Clinton..
4 The frame dwelling On the west
side of Victoria street and next
north of railway.
Liberal terms to suit purchasers.
Apply to
C. C. RANCE, Clinton
• Brussels.
$3:.5o to $3.90 per cwt ; steers; 800 to
900 lbs, eaeli, are worth$4 to.$4•75 per
cwt ; off •-e9loi, illbred steers and heif-
ers are worth about $2.75 to ,$3...5o per
cwt, • • .
Milch Cows—Milch cows and spring -
'cis sold at $3o to $5o each.
Calves—Calves sold at 47,2 to $8 'each.
or from 54.50 to $5 per .ewt. .
, SpringLambs-eSpring lambs are
worth In.5o to $3.75 each. .•
Sheep—Prices $3.75 to $4 for ewes
, and bears at $3 to $3.2S per cwt. :
Hods ---Best• select bacon hogs, not
heir picnic on 1 hursday. less than x6o lbs. nor more than 200:
Miss Minnie Craig is getting rid of 1 lbs. each, off cars, soldat$6:87X per
he cold she caiitracted, we are glad ewt • 'lights at? $fi.62X ; end 'fats at'
• .Rev.- Mr. Mack -ay of .Lticknow occe-•
pied. the pulpit Of Calvin chereh, St,
• Helens, la.st Sabbath, in the absence
of Rev. S. M.' 'Whaley; who Was at-
tending the- -General Assembly.
- Mr. and Mrs.. John, Agar, of Luck- -
now_ • visited. at Mr, William Wood's
last week. • , . •
'Mt. jetties and Mise Ramage
attended a wedding at Zetland last
week. .
Mrs. Geo, Cranston: is visiting
friends in -Guelph •at Present..
There •are now twe beef rings in
St.. Helens. They are well conducted
and "give, good satisfactidit.. '
Mr. Sam: Johnston arid sister Mary
•returned , home. Olt Thursday last after
a pleasant visit ..with :friends around
St., I elens. . • .
Mrs. ;Tames Ramage took in ;the ex-,
eursion to Sarnia on Satitrday..- .
. •
-Tormitos•June eotlt.Reeeipts of live
stock were light; 57 carloads, 'compos-
ed of 549 cattle, . 1754 hogs, 1000
sheep and lambs and Me calves.
many years past SLEMMIN--In Elimville on June 17, 'The quality of the bulk of fat cattle
wE worT call. no you a week titter.
• erier bereavement. •
WE wan make the work to snit
the rice
WE WILL make • the pried to suit
the work.
give yon the choice of the.
nroditetion of the world
' in design and material
We are the ONLY prise-.
third 'men lo Clinton in
OM, line, • Do not he . •
, talked into placing pule
withouttirst, eall-
tog no us,
J. B. 'HOOVER, rgop
Next to Commercial Hotel '
Clinton Market Report
Wbeat • 11 r .0
Goose ,
Oat8.10,11 Oro, re" . ....
Ity0 .10 r • • • • • • ...... • .
Potatoes per bushel
Butt,er rolls and- crock
Butter in ir
Flggs perdoz...-. to If 11111.•
Eliza, beloved Wife oi Mr. William was only medium. Too many unfin-
k t d
O Slemmiti, Aged 42. years, 10 months ishecl grassers are -being mar e e
' and 14 days, Prices for stable fed cattle were un-,
ISAAC—In Exeter, on Jurie i8th; changed and firm while unfinished
Stella. S. youngest daughter of grassers were slow of • sale. Several
O Mt. and rs. Charles Isaac, aged lots of light feeders and stockers
year and 4 months, found ready sale at quotatious in sales
JERIVIYN—in Morris, 'on June r6th, mentioned below.
1.Vhittield Jerilyn, aged 47 years, Sheep sold at about the same prie-
s() ntonths and 24 days, es, but spring lambs were riot nearly
POPE—In Hensall, on Julie x8th, Mr. as high in price and were sloW of
John Pope merchant tailor, aged sale. '
38 years. OalveS also sold at lower prices gen-,
WORDEN—In Logan on June 1701 erallp
Louisa Workman, beloved wife of Prices for hogs were unchanged but
Thos. Worden, Sr., aged 6o years market is somewhat unsettled and un -
and 8 months. • certain.
GUEST—At Kinloss, on June 16th, re'xport Cattle—Good loads of 'heavy
Eftie, daughter of Robert Guest, shippers are worth $6.25 to $7 ;
aged about 20 years.
• $6.61/2 per ewt e sows, $5 to s;; P '
cwt.; and stags, S3. per cwt.: E
Levrielt bought Teo hutch...
er'sand. export 'Cattle at 55.85 to $6.70
Perewt. for exporters and .55.30 •
$6.25 per cwt. for butcher's, .Mr.•
vaeli reports that the fat "cattle offer- .
• ed were' by far. the poorest quality of
theseason: Even stall fed tattle were
generally unfinished, Good crittle,both
butcher's' and exporters, • were wanted .
and-'•xnany more would lia.ve. found
ready -eale at 'firm prices :is theseiat-
ket was very strong. •
• •
Whaley & -McDonald,-ecnrumernone
salesmen , sold 7 exporters, ice. .lbeo
each, at '56,5o ; 15 exporters, l'ee5 it
cltase.le,a'a•Saiti, 5a7.95....1..122,export, bulls
s. catch! at
;_2 export
; 1539 lb e 29. hatcher s,
, 1000. lbs. each,. at 55.255 ; 1)
ro3o lbs.' each, at $5.1272' ;77 -flaltte^eloerWss
1150 Ilis; each, at 54 ; 8 fat cowS, -1140
lbs,- each,' at $4.35 ; 17 fat COWS, 760
, to 1320 WS. each, • at .$4. to $5 s 29
560250 Its.S.; at
tt -5$2.3.3z; 1126.
stockers, 700 lbs. eriell, at $4 ; 8
I stockers, 740. lbs. each, at $3.50 ; 26 '
stockers, 484. lbs.. each-, at 53.25 ;• 6
feeders, 950 Tbs. tech, 'at 54.75 ; 34.
stoce.....1, 753 lbs, each, at $4.35 ; 30
-sheep, at $4 per cwt..; 6 calves at -SA.-
' 50 per- cwt.- ; 9 lambs at $3,65 oath.
. Murhy & Mayliee, live stock
commission salesmen, scild 20 butch-
er's, average,. robe lbs., at 54.15 ;
so ; 4 butchers, 900 lbs., at
$4.80 ; 7 cows, -average. loso lbs.,. '
5 11)44,
lbs., at $5.10 3 butchar'e, average •
moo lbs., at $4 ; 19 shippers, average
1150 lbs.,' et 56,10 ; 18 ShipperS,' av-
erage 1250 Pis, at e6,60 3 shippers,
avetage 1150 'le., at $6 ;• x bull,
at $5, ;. T bull, 1490 lbs,, 55.50; 3
ISciti lbs. each, at $5,56 ;
53544) 11)5.) lbs., at $6.50 ; bull, 5350 lbs.,
e5.0101otoad8s0(c:fibsat.o, eakterscr, oixtave5r3ag2i5rigtoirsotin;
several lots of -sheep, $4, for shipping;.
.1nieks, '$3.25 ;• also. one double -deck for
Winnipeg, average 552 lbs., at $3.75,
• A McIntosh bought so exporters,
,Stable fed, at 56.65 per cwt.
3. B. Shiehls sold one 3.yea.r-old
heifer, /3.10 lbs., of his own feeditig,,
eSw(tn.is bought foo stock-
ers end light feeders, 400 to 850 lbs. •
each, at $2,70 per cwt for common to
$3.75 for medium..
W. B. Levach bought 200 sheep at
$3.75 to $3.90 per -cwt. I 100 spring
lambs at $3.50 te $3.75 each and 30
CaaViteigplialet0.5t.s6peeracelh, P. : M. Virteent
2 ears cattle ; Maybee & Co., r
ear of sheep to Winnipeg and cat of
tattle to Chapleati ; J. le C. Coughlin,
56 ears, aiid Crealock eats,
medium exporters, ,±0 $6,10 r>er
CARR.0141,--.At kincarclitie on June cwt.
/501 Catharine Carroh beloved Export Bulls—Choice, !Joey export
Wife of Jetties Carroll, aged bulls sold at $5 to $5.75 ; ex.
56 years, Port bulls, $4.25 to $4.35 per cwt.
hteCORMICKe-Tii Heron on June it Export cowe—Expott cows sold at
0 80 to 6 80 , , ,
, James IL, youngest sort of Sallies 04.75 to $5,75 per tett,
0 50 to 0 52 and 9 moriths.
-ec•-ortniSk, Esq., aged 6 years Butcher's Cattle --Choice • picked lots
of butcher's cattle, equal in quality
0 75 to 0 15 'inr r‘
s.. 0 43 to 0 43 JOHNSTON-4n lIstron, on the 17111 of to best exporters, 1700 to 1750 lbs.
:. (01405 tit°, (()'' Lb years.
ojfilheIrtMdraerwy Ajlionlinston aged 21 picked lots of butcher's heifers and
second daughter eaeh, sold at, 55.85 to $6.123 ; choice
steers, 925 to r025 lbs. eaelt, sold at
0 40 ta 0 40 strALest_sa Huron, ott june TSUI, $5.35 to $5.6o per ewt Om& of good
.. 0 15 to 0 10 Elizabeth Warsh, relict of the late buteher'e sold at $5.25 to $5.40; loads
O .. 0 15 to 10 Robert Walsh, aged 87 years cunt of medium butcher's, 85 to $5.30
, 0 12 to 0 12 itio s,
le001“...0 800 to 000
Wool......... .. . 0 15 to 0 10
Live Hogs per mgt.... 0 50 to '1 50
Flour per cvvt......
13ran per
Shorts pee ton • • 11 IP
Dried Apples per lb...
,ssm11.1 44
common butcher's COWS at $3.75 to
$4.50 per' cwt.
Exporters and 13atcher's,
Loads of mixed butelter'S and e*port-
2 00 to 2 00 Miss Clarke of Toronto called on old • 1. ceders -11 eeders steers wog ung
per cwt.
ers sold at $5.50 to $5.70
$4.05 to $5 per cwt.
vont 900 x000 lbs, °A, sold at
xr rAys To AnynkrisE
go oo to 20 00 MitIS Mabel Stewart visited, Sumner- Stockers—Well bred, thrifty young
• A
• I 0 05 to 0 05 hill friends over Sunday., steers, 400 to boo !bk. each, are worth
e le 00 to 00 , acquaititahces here this Week.