HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-06-26, Page 3June 20th, 1902 .nadboII1,4,4,...,0.1.1 1111 110 II am iimItis.4* 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 111 1111 11 11 II 111 11 1 1111 1 1 •••••••••••••••••4040**01•3*stwoe*O*C.0+0 I My Heart's Darling • III $ BY W. HEIMBURG . Auther of "A Penniless Orphan," "Gertrude's Marriage," ! "Her Only Brother," Etc., Etc.: •••••••••••••••••••••110.0•0.1011.608444111•11.42 ! fl i itehe, do it in silence. "The fault was partly mine, too," he whispered, at last raising her head and kissing the tears on her lashes and her fair hair. "Mine too, Lucie!" CHAPTER XXXV. As he descended the stairs a few minutes later he found utademoiselle looking very pale, and waiting anxi- ously for him at the open door of her room. "Is it so bad? 'Y ou were upstairs such an eternity!" -The child is asleep," he answered. "It is a slight sore throat. You can go up without any anxiety, ma- demoiselle; indeed, I beg you will. It will do my future Ntife'good to see you. She is very much worn 00 t ." "Comment?" asked the little French woman, and looked at him as if tillable to understand him. Ile held out his hand to her. "Lucie is mine again," said he. ••Mais non—[ mean—I think—are you engaged?" "Certainly we are! Cood-night, mademoiselle." Ile kissed her little plump hand and went out. The old lady stood a moment quite bewildered, then she mounted the stairs, and went to I.ucie's room. The girl was sitting again in the arm -chair by the bed and gazing at the sleeping child; her hands were folded, but on her face was a happy, peaceful expression. "Lucie! quelle surprise!" cried ma- demoiselle. "I most be dreatning; how can it be true?" "Mademoiselle," she whispered, taking the hands of the astonished old lady, ''if you want to seea hap- py, thankful being, look at me--" "Really, Lucie? Mais je no comp - rends pas. Why only now? You could have been as happy as this. a ou m o a e long ago? What, odd creatures you German women are!" "Oh, mademoiselle, my heart was so weak and sick; have you never heard that sick people see everything differently from well ones?" "And now the crisis iS over?" Instead of answering, the girl threw her arms round her neck and kissed the good kind face. ••Wonderful," murmured the old lady. ''But lie down—he wishes it; you must be fresh for 1 o -morrow morning. If it is not infectious— really not infectious -1 Will watch the little one." "Oh, no," Lucie declared. "The Aoftt 15 ver:' comfortable; let Inc, ma- demoiselle; I have so much. to make up for—here too." * * * * • • • "I must thank you very much, my dear Frau 'Adler," said Selma's mam- ma, who had suddenly become very very wide awake, and was taking off her wraps in the Frau Counselor's room at four that morning—they had just returned from the ball -- "very much, for the excellent care you have taken of Selina." Frau Adler looked at her friend in surprise; she had already been much annoyed at her son's disappearance fro.it the ball. What was this now? Fraulein Selina was sitting in her tumbled green dress in the corner by the stove, sobbing. "You may well cry," scolded her mother. " Your father w ill see to drying your tears, you ungrateful child!" ''I can ' not help it," sobbed the girl. about her lips, and requested some coree. . As the day began to tla‘Vii the lit- „ 'surely Ilonnylitt could not Rut Miss Rochester coldly repelled grey traveling -dress, 'with Its bright 1 N\ e make a liminess of taking 110 maid brought a, letter from the For the love . of ITeaven let ine • ItlYseifl have invited him here to -night.' " the handsome young gentleman's ruby bows, and jaunty hat with ite 1 Puss." pleturt•s-make a featur0 a art Herr .Doctor to t,he Frau Counselor. - overtures toward itequaintealce, and ritseoPing Ideates -a, tall, (lark figure I, pootographs, The stern, obsequious servant usla "And whY not?" demanded. Dontiv The old lady had not retitaal, as her briskly. "He was poor papa'ff •lie'si Le Roy Pierpont, the /3oston nill- stood motiouless in the dense slta- . We study the atrangement "of' ' visitors were about to deptirt. She friend. Of course I sent hull en In lionaii•e's son, who, had never known 1 (low watching her. groups and the mistier of individd- ' ering in the merry guests that were gathering at Uraystone ./Iall to par- , ( was sitting clown gazing out into vitation, but, really, I am a little a wish tine,ratiffed in his life, xvits ids, and our work is lite sort that • t - 13 ',lin Dare's 'billow- One„ glanee at her lovelY fa,ce: then •• the gray morning light, her heart .9•• surprised that he came to -night; he consequently in .clespair, 0 en Perla', had Stalcitmly encountered turning, -he walked. ew it.1, away. full of anger and disappointment,. clad . is so much of a recluse, Yott knoW." many on shipboard would hare "Far more beautiful than--,.." an uninyited guest-aan illy 'then came the note. Oh, heavens, what does he want? And 'what a, sporided.I.e IleY 1 ternont, impatietd:- their . inamorata, but, young W. ly, a. new thought ha, in, evtt LI1 y long note! She found her spectacles, tiered( In with the throng. .. . . and went to the light and read. father's -I do not credit that. Sea the only correct. formtila-an intio- "If l'ito will it, that, beautiful lit-• HENRY S PHOTO STUDIO "Who a.re you, and what are you 1Y, ' Lind as for being n friend of your nerpont was a gentleman, preferring- taken POsSession of him. f What? Had lie done that to her? doing here?" •he (1010031(1ml, brusque - confronting her. Verne cotild be no raan'e friend,- Ile ,duction. • the creature would be 111100(' he she stared inotiohless; Red the • IY. - .. "" 1 I I, t t tudstill? or the love of Heaven let, me is a modern Blue -beard as well, if ., He •aPPealed to the caPtain, hut muttered, twist•ing the ends of his ------- - •••,- ,•-•-•-•-•" -•'''''''' - • i re Ided fou • l • • Miss I el h t b • •h 1 he v black moustache with a white 'TUB OLIN:TON' NZWS-R4OORD The Grime of Hallow -E'en THE tiEnzp.ss OF GRAYSTONE HALL. By LAURA JEAN LIBBEY, Author of "A Broleen Betrothal," "The Heiress of Catneron Hall," Parted at the Altar," Ete. OIN., CIIA.P'TE13. I. *•••%. . I felt like thrashing 'What is little beauty booked as Bonnylin • train that evening -the prettie•tt lit- A Family Group \aa: had not gone nIone. pile of stone and mortar than her 1 Ileleti Rochester had .gone With predecessors have done." ' her. With a sudden iMpulme he arose, . It was on the retarn trip that crossed the room, and teok from cut . Bonnylin met her fate. old cabinet a long,, thin, steel key The steatner had scarcely steamed heavily crusted With rusr out of port ere Bonnylin became "Pshaw1" he muttered, thrusting aware of the presence of a, very it back in its reeeptaele again, "why ,handsome young man leaning care- should I look back auto the dark; . lessly against the rails of the deck, horrible depths of the past -my ree ' Standiug seemly ten feet from her, venge is complete! She arrives by gazing at her in intense admiration. the sac. -train to -night. I may as For one fleeting instant the blue well see what this young mistress 'eyes and black °MS met in a swift of GlaYstone Rall is like; fair of glance; then I3onnylin turned away face and false Of heart like all the was a confused blush, , rest of her sex, la pt•esinne," he The gentleman smiled, ruminated. grimly. "A beautiful s. In vain lie sought to ingratiate butterfly whose life. ought to be just .himself in the good graces of the as short." i ' •. elderly lady who had charge of the Ithen. Donnylin sprung from the 110 11 1 I 11.11 1 , 1 1 , 1.11,1,111 I 1 1 1 , ' that fellow doing here?' I said to Dare. tle figure iinaglnable in her silver- " t tt rtin r to %nu r le an excuse to have spoltea to ' Re stopped short, frown' ch 'I- sa "Ire is a hermit and a intser„" re- found jestires sutisfaction alraround • 'I- , Life SiZe enlargements, $1.00 iewe Inter km Wesley Church Flower *middy, 85 eta, world sit( ten came a t Muimured the y011ug• the story Otte that le ( 1 , alun ss c es er 'was low et y, "I hope my maluir will endeavor to be a£4 kind as possible to the.girl piteously. "I must see Mass. Bonny- Viung brides', within assmany . on the subject, a. decided objection hand, on which a. diamond, stt a who holdit in her hunds all- the.earth- h1 Dare." • years. Each was fated to meet a was •the result, blood -red stone, glowtd "Must," repeated the man, cote;- tragic death ere the. honeymoon WaS ' She declined on the ground that "There need be no wedding fcast, ly happiness of her son; and she may temptuotaly; ataaes pretty . good; Welt Vrer. 1 hitve my deubts•w_hether, her charge wasar hy ftoo young foe if 1 so will it, at Glay rest assured that two thankful heart stone Mit let me tell you -you Wea'14. see one really lost her life in 1,ailWay gantlemen's society. Ilallh. or, better still, I -might be the rest assured that two thankful her to Conte, mn; ove odou't accident he telin about, and that an . Of course Bonnylin knew othing brm. idegrooEieatt-and-thirty. I ' heartill trive in every way stand here making a scene (ma other was thi•own frm oher horse; of all this, aud spent her time be-. .feel old at, that age; bh ut 'thaw 1 s wsto make the evening of her life bt•ight, blocking .up the entrance. Move on, the n et fell dead in her pew at tween anger and pique, watching be- there is a reason why she clais) not ancl happy." 7say " • • . chino), and the last and most beaut- hind her long gold(n ladies the hand- , 'refuse me though I were tWice th Is it so? Both—or neithershe at "1 mast see- intrl'i. retee0001ed the eoof them all died abroad. This some, winning strahgWW er ho as al- ae. er r gOne of hu brokmy e "," ' - rend between the lines. 0h, and girl, breathletisly; "if you refuse me, man,. who proves So.dangerously fee- wayd gazing at her -with eager ad- heart, ruined ,my life, made nie curse there were - so many rich, . pretty mating, .ought never to have enter,. miration,. but who held aloof so the beauty of fair W0111011,. changed (iLt. will regi'et it• to your dying girls! She crushed the latex,- aegrily X ed these doors -no good- can . come strangely. ' . • .. • me feom a hrilliant man•Into the de - in her hands. Just' then her look thlY''' ' • Neithethreats Por persuaSions - of it Donnylin . My heart tells me . It was certainly a ease of reeipro-- mon they. call me. 1 could pay..it "r ..„ • • - : - . • cal, ardent love between . these two all baek•With a vengeanee, if this - • fell upon a little da:euertatetype that will prevail," declared the man an-, se,•,wo - . • must not believe that absurd at Arst sight, for many a night girl Were 1113' bride.. •She is a Pare,. hung on the windowaframe 'over her work-table—a curly headed boy in a .gril'317 •••""t"ar "lir busiiiss is' 4 num* ' bout LI i'ff t 1 •"I I • I . urtait keep . Until teanorrow. You 1 ai.11e c I, eren to..t. es. . Bonny's lovely blue eyes Were wet, but, 1 eceald crush her .daring spirit . pleid blouse, with honest loving ent stire t 0 al a base fa8 •c talon. with tears as she tossed' restlessly - .-ctush her haughty will. I , know cannot see her to-nighti. that's cer- eyes. That WAS he a8 he used Lo sit Ali! here he cornea now. I nittst be - on her pillow,. listenine• to the wash 'how! Why. peeder over the matter. iii her lap and throw his arms round tele." • - With a, cry Of frenzy she attemited civil to him, Le Roy; remember he is . of the •waves• outside; and a longing. 'longer? 'Yes, she shall be miner - her neck, and she would think . with • • Wish:mine to Mt that the stLarnet . —s . —mei ..e -smiled grimly when ji. il R. i'l pleasure of his future. She had had to dash post - ,him; but the Man • 1111Itt4t-iii(-(1‘ssttn?I'n Le •P P' oay . icapept 'Oral.. r lal t• . f catight her elemler. min in al 'grasp ., , i. . ,,,1 AL...I,. sail on 10101,01 for when it he found' the 111-1'itrition for the Hal - but one thought all these•yearS, and of steel. .' . • . ., on ma is. with something very hae came into 1)01 and the handsome •'low -e'en party on his table the next -that Was to spend the evenirig. of her : an imprecation on his lips And t,ti angel (Imam/tat ed and she should day, , • • • • ' "I believe,you Iwo an escalied luna-•• k days in his family, honored and. bia,' : ett•ode away, leavitig Bonnylin• stand- ,see him no More, .a -cold, chilly' "Of course .1 Shall ' go,'. he alit1. tic,"• he..deciared angrily., "I have . loved, her advice sought in kitchen, itig alone Under a blossoming • aloe- blight would fall over ' her life,: -fer .r. -.And this brings us. back to the , cellar Lund nursery.. • the' greatest mincl in thd. world .,to . , , ,, • tree awaiting the approach of'the oh- she had learned to love him. , . ,..• , seene beneath the blossothing hand you .ot .1 to ihe authorities. ..nexienn nest.. . . ' - • 'My. dear mother,'.' she could hear ' the sound of his voice in those days.. The beat t if u girl grew deathly Th g . . •• tree when Bonnylin Dare stood be - I . • ,neatli the light of the anther -tinted . g tan onnylin Dare as she • • CHAPTER II. . , " chandelier, with hand •outstrelehed in startle& cry; her while hands clutch- • ing nerVotisly at her heart.... stood there maid the blossoms, the it -is (mite true that love laughs.. wedcome to her bitter foe. become a man; an upright, henest man, with a strong will of his own; pale, and she. recoiled with at, vir :cre 1.11115 nob a prettier tn all Ile was no longer a •ehlid; he had 'A. have done no harm," .She. pant- light from the .chandelier.falling up- at locksmiths, for triie and loving There was the usual forinuitt ' of he was her pride, her duly ' What words- of praise she had heard • • floating' sky-blue . . tulle, of evely obstacle. d t • t f 1 • • If fromen . pher slender figure tithed hearts will . find. their mates,in saite . greeting • exchanged, then Bonnylin •• y., • Our Glasses satisfy because they are right. Spectacle fitting Is no guess work.with us. We are experts 111, rernedseng all eye dee; facts. • .We guarantee sails. faction. 4/ •'.'l•-: ":, .4 io•••• .,, ,„.. , 1....-----„-g ) i A. J. GRIGG . Scientific Jeweler and Optician • CLINTON, ONT. Y • b t hi hly f w 1 ours before in his grasp.."If you :won't let me see and her • ink • aad • white • Matters might have gooe•oo far•!• . • It, -trap a gftla,.night and . gala • • er, whose comfort he had been by a• • •:."I snail see that yealtle...nt, have, ,dilliPledi •satiey, rosebud. face framett:.. ever in this 'Very unsatisfactory way' s sCene. The ."old •roolits, gorgeous the ball-rooni. One thankful meth-. ker, ;release me Auld . T. will go. away." , , ; ' ' tdo harm,' be en_ halo' Of .geldeir.•ctirlinh g air. " if Fate had not taken'. the 'affair .in with . banks . of rosea, and waving sick bedhad pressed her handan- ie thiince to 1111.3''. tt. girl of. seveeteett, and rt• most "ro- . 1301)1)3 lin hada strange historyfor . her own hands and sinoothed out, banners, and rose7hueti. lights,- . re- • lied said to her, Flow hapPY 3:our tine path, -and through' tite gate o man* one. She had been left an the rough path leading. these two sotinded with girlish! ItUighter. , and , other, whose husband he had saved,. ' ewered; 3)1 1111, her dow.n. the serPen-f .. i • • • . orPhan iti.lehtneya-or so. the • note Nty0agya.i.h:er;-yet it .hapoened in a tt•agie freSh young vOtees; 'wed the :strains. it Side 011 1111100 that ,openan out into niust be to possess such . a Son!" • ' ... Of soul -inspiring dance Music set Alai: the wife of a 'nervous invalid... a iftlie, .• • • ' • • .. . . least' hi . ' stated whi6It had been faun& pinned - One night; in .0.-vpry • fitee' of the nimble ,feet • to whirliug 'an tho. giddy mazes of the alluring Waltz. • • : had been loud in :her praises; not • ' New, go,"%lie said, re ng ...- $ .to her Poreon-fer she had been a terrible:storth that '.1108 raging, Bon- • ' only had he helhed the "sick body, he Itiold of her arm.: • . . . • . had also cheered and quieted the - -Puce fr i . . g , , . stray iVeAf...,•;:felind On the dearsteP.•Of,'.. ny 'hal Stolen' froql the -cabin.; anti - ";-11.onnylin was the gayest of :, the . the Village' :' seniiirary one sat:mime •macieher. wity• out On: derit. • : •••• .gay; 'she meant, that' her new friends tied i: f •om his rasji She troubled brain. •• And noW she be_ -.turned upon hilit,with the fury, of •it, iel' l' ' 11 011 110(11'SCI " Morning.. • . • •• • -a. • ,She had: scareely Advanced a rod, -Tshould remember this Ifalltiw-b'en grudged this son. the. happiness he . SetILIW'Panti . ., .e i g t ' '. ' -A sum of money'atia.'found- aiming clinging, step by•Stelo• to. the rail, ere' InirtY. • . . • • -: . . longed for. . on 0 '.1)4.11••(1 11 will If it w ere otily some ope • eisti ,htit • lo'Ovkl111-(!lnetlicinteliN%.tilliSc..nig la arid 1 hi • , her effeets, •whith, the note 'stated-, 11. (illiek .tread Sounded: behind her, - Games..Were indulged in, and ' for- - • ''' was ..• for the purpose of educi 1,'. ing and - a husky voice • cried • out sharp- felts paid ttiale.r ille SWillfl'illg 1101•140 - every right-minded malt taunt choose- . hOor. with a (.131 ,4, 011 Y0114'. UPS, VO 11 and autway,..too. her; and' What was. striate:or 'stip, a, lyi - • • - . • '. .• ' . • . ' •. '• Shoe; evei'y one voted it a suit pity . one above. reproach.. . I -1110W a. cleaperate •-straeger .pleadaa ,de.ed. •, was. foLtild.„••••conveying..to..tha , • *."1:',:beg •your ptudon, Mies •Dare,.•• the jolly Party shotild break up even . child IL stone house and t ' •• -I 1 t 1 f ' , his wife himself.' No, he must: have 1•.will .reiriCiebcluY,.. ' . . ands or British subjects • • from. ail. • .parts of the lihnpire andthe•.thoue- • ands ',of foreignet•s 'who' are pouring .• IMO London .e.ager tO. witness as much .of this week's events - -poi". ,5 1 14'1101e, -.ann'eunc,;.m•ent• 'that. ICing Ed-. Ward, • Queen. Alexandra '.•and.the.• -.court would return to London from Windsor to -clay at nOclil. increased the . aniversal aitticipations for that day, and serv'ect -to quit. tri' seine. extent„. the . hood of. extraOrilinery rumors conzerniag the King's.. physicial, con-', - (1141011.'v'aried In; Some...mitirter§', by, wierd • tales 7 of plots to assassinate • is .Afajeetyaand other fictions, all of which hater been proMptly denied by • .oincials, intimately connected.. with. the King, .••• ' Edwards health t110.8' authoritative- ly. declared to • be • good :at Windsor • .•CaStle- yesteeday and Its -Majesty tended chereh, accompanied by other . members ,of the rival. family.; Last .evening he '.enjoyed drive through • the reYal gardens" at Windsor Cas- tle in closed carriage., .• The. Court will:tterive. in:Buckingham. Palace Us - clay before luncheon , ` • • The • congested condition 'of the :••steeets• of London throughout -.yea- terday furnished 'an ' amen. ef the . .conditions of . travel through .theSe streets the latter . days. -of -this week. •.•Vesterday it. was ..inapossible to pro- • ceed• aster . then re • snail's, pace throngh the thoroughfaree betweea • Park- and .the. •Alitnsiatf Ilouse. The crowd's out Were ei naularly good. riatUreid anti a.ceidents were few and • • . • , • *Of --a minor, character. , ' ..• t t when the Village tolled the And this Selma, this—. Just then .. with • 3'01, to -tweak with Bennylia, laical in the. western:part 'of •"Vir- • the cable, the deek is ,no'splitce :for .hour of one. ' • . , night' • It • "Many 'years ag:C); this Place. was- • escort you baek." • - • • • Would. • terrainate the, effait• bY she looked; how 4*, 4,.), her aoropiea_ iminute-this t th act. of rut e ine• st 5.6u .to Ma. o: clofli • you in sUch atorm; to . The .yeting.. gentlenUin deelard.&.1 h she came in with her -mother, ' lIcety;. liar(); for on'e Minnte-only '.one ' • • you' refu.sed. 011.., 1021 will remeaiher . note ne• of one of the •Pares;" the • Bonny. turned 'with • a start, • and. reusing. cheer ler the lo I wly; . yaung ion, how awkward ,her.,figure la the • was not, much out of a•lifetime, and; the hoi .. •Lucie's graceful, slight figure; her •, •it to. the tast day of your life." . , .read"and no deabt it will .- WV ', by the' swinging - light . of the f 'mistress of Grayetene Rail, .and ea- . thick . cloak, and so .cliseentented!.• . One day become the refuge of . this,. lanterne on the..masts„ the Pale face Other . cheer: , for the happyclient lovely childish • face camp up before :Before tht,. asidnished mail ceuld little otie, who boars the name Bon- of .the • hero of. her. day dreams •--7.- which ,avas te"take Place On the 1017 - . . • . open his 1ips„ She had wheeled about, • 1)aro • •. • •_, -. . . lowing week; . her eyes. '. handsome. Mr. rierpont, . . "She is pretty, and refined: Yes— and.. in .an• lust ant • was lost .' t o• sight , • .nvlin .uare, . . ., . • Se 'Shadows of the The trustees of the schoel iiept•the. ,.1. thank yeu irery •much for your. In the •midst of ‚.ho reVelry ilonpy-: yes—h'tn." • .amfdsti the denchild,. and for her benefit made every solicitude, 'sir,'! said Bo.ntlylinde- lin *sliPPed Lip to .her -room a ..mo - "Good -bye, my dear frau Aciler,7 . beech trces,. . • effort to let the house ,during the inurely; "bet all the, same I am not • ment. said the mother. "I Can not protia . -rshavf " he Illutttlred' 1111."Ying 'years' that .followed, but -"to lie going back to•the ca.bin; I pante out • •There.,Was' a ,sfnile that meant . • • " - • .swiftly., .up the. path to 'the house ise to come back soon. •.I am :toe • aVaildin -I 'shad ) • • . • • here to See the•ocean in a storrit and mischief ori lier. roguish re& iiparand .m.uch annoyed with you." • as; • I ey pa 'attention .te No • -10,11111Y cOuld lomat Who I: 'intend to remain; • It is grand." ' • a dancing light. in • these blue -lid! . . • . • "I want to say: something te• haPh ll'ase117*". . • : ..• . . .• would remain. in the gray. hanee the •• , "Would you mind if I. stayed"here. eYes..-- •' , :. - ,;••• • ,•••• ".., you," began the Frau Couneelo.r. • • As ha reaped the corrinoi, atant- - ,---- 'first month out., eiteli erid every ten- •• too, then, to protect Yau?"• he; in- : •'.7l7wentir- minutes of tWelYe," she , „persuade your husband to give in if . ing• up, he gaw a Slender; girlish:lig.- •...,ant left hurriedly and in gi•eat eon- quired anxiotisly; ."there•is positive mitrinured with a •Start.. "1 really she really hives the man. • A drug . ure b nvoloped in Sky-blueend i . tulle; usion; and no porsrun iSioCould' in-:. (111.111,21 here;• See • howthe vesSel • wonder nem ;if' the storY. is . really store would - not be a • bad thing; my , a 'lovely, dimpled:.face framed in duCe - them to d i vulge the • ...reaSee :"sWit,:s from aide' tb• side. 11one•of.• ' true that the old servants. tell? :.• 11 husband used to say that it ,sva.s ,fleating •golden.hitie, leaning over the, , why,. ..:• - • . : '. ' : .. ...those .inotintelli"•.waVes" should .dash. 'a young•girl•goes,to the 'Black peol better than a farm. One.must Ore. lutiaittInde •Of the floor above, loek-a . • At last the 'attempt to let_ it: wee . secret. :the deck yeur frail hold would . . alone at stnideight, ou Daltirw-eve, . in to their children; .wheii . they ' get . . hlg• :.(1PW11 u'l h thu cari.°"slY • ; abandoned , al together; and. „it W115 ' be- 'AS rifithintyou are al il be w sept 'and 1 ooki into 4513, cl . ek w rate•••'13.1itst an ideain their heads they .will " •-:!. cio .earP,.. .given op. te. deetiY., tinet, and tho : into the sea, without warning." - as the ::elork • strikes..fwelery if she • " Who was , " 'that n f3- 6 carry it.; through. Illy Alfred luta : John, .end what. did she want?" she .. mold of accumulating Years.... • , '. ;"•Vatt.• may .stay .if you • like," ,re- •really 'wilt see- the face of her futaire. stSked, • coming- Octavo the stairway . been for some time secretly engaged': , Thus the matter stood when on- tui,ned Deneylita. *Rh- 0. •smild••"• so 'husband Mirrored there? •'. •,. • to—" . . , .: two stePS at, a: time. ' - .,, . . nylin searched her -sixteenth •birtli:- .coquettisli that. it, 41,1 ,'l „ : ,. : • - •• , . .. • . ' -"Oh it wa• onl a 'drank' . -. . Fraulein Selma stared at the spda,k- ' • • h Y whoday. • the poor fellow; "the deck is justas • , .2 (To be :continued.ia.. "She has engaged her(Ura l'• (rl' ei elm • • wanted to get ipto the hotiae, . She had grown tip. int the mer-, free to . one paseenger as it is- ---------------to • • • said the angry mother, turning to r W • • Donntr, t replied John redileinn r un- .• • . , the speechless Frau Counselor, "en- "To his old love, Yes , -yes, I -e ent flee about,. her. •• . • my child, you did not noticeait. If imss• • .• • • mixture of !good and had; with a Ile sMiled" down late her lovely, : gaged herself to that herr Proviso riest madeep 'imaginable a.- another, .1:••sapp.ese. . • • ,I had not had my heed SQ lull' of .. c!mifert,tbIly beneathi.the.srrittiay o. f nature as variable As APril •stOrin , sptittling,'!girlish face;. bat .betore he , • there. Did you not notice anything? other things I should not have:been -th4, go! s • `0$11, sl''O'slihg Mau -q•cs••• . and tunehinea : ' '. •• . . • could, reply, -quick' as a• flash, that ' You are generally so observant. "You should have sent no one froin To Imele ‘Valter?" stannitered.the • the door on Dallow-eVe; ,she cleelar- to love :and as quick to• hate;. (midi wes a wild piercing; .aeoniying cey, ' .• • actually arranged everything. Oh, • - • •• • •• Sie Wilfrid 'and Lady- titurier, ae. • • 1 so blind to Wha.t you were doing." , • ,, A willful. capricious dio•ing, quick altich he 'had feat•ed occurred; there 0 , K in those things. And they have . , ed imperiously, "its istiluc•ky. No i t' '1 girl. n resen evi , an alwaYs a a terrific wave had tailled over the • such good hands here!" "Yes; and listen,' Frau. Mahnert; doubt the • Poor i me WaS IIII140.Y startling an& novel way, yet tilWeys deck' and. In nn. instant Qf time he : at add have sent her to th ser ., . "Selnut," cried Frau Adler, are Lucie has nothing-,-nothing•at all• • You ;•„, II ,a. .. • -0-.• • deeply repentnnt air causing • pain - Wes stending •alorte." but Alfred loves her with cal his ' vants ha ' ' the inStent after, and begging hi . And down -far down in the seeth- you not ashamed of yourself?"I'm seerv " be an .lohn anal 0- , .. • :. int vortex below -Win; he could see "You ought to have looked after heart, and the two that are to spend • , „ . , . • , ,g„ , .• - , tears to be forgiven. her better," interrupted the mother. their lives together, they. ought to.. gf Full. of. faults, yet so winninp,* mut . the mad waves. elosing 01101 1301)03 Boriny- tirem,‘,,; !Int toe little. nettuty .c ut . "I shall have a fine time of it with - have the right to chimee. . Now be bon sit( rt. With a wave of a mite of gay, no One could love her the los ••-lin Dave's levely white face and go) - a white 111184. for thein. .. • • - dell head. - .,. • my husbattd. T4, -...,,,yourself, nty sensible and let the young people , , anti we were thinking she was in 1. . • $ • Al Ways ruslong headlong into mis- ln less time than. it -1.30108 to tell child, and pack your things; 11S soon have their way, and let • •1' ,it;ioonsushi tog: tion ifittittvtotreda"n(Sdilleg aoiltilii friends; as we always have been. chief; . her late.st eseapade -had.:lteen . it, heroic Le Ihey ,plerpont had tora - as 0 is light we will go home." And 001110 and drink coffee with me feast lug g°ing en• and a • Pe" crea- f running aWaY from school.' 4.10'hIng * • . • • Fat her might buy him a drug-, . . store," said a tearful voice front be- when you come to town. . . . • hp one finamorniiig nt the 'home of ou coat and hat, -and lied ' $Pring • - Tajo], of Dire like that looking on-perhatiS • husband died i,ota. • ' At •that instant tiM 1141111(1 La Roy, A,If,ioditi.n& sonic fifty miles. distant... ' i headlong into the sea to her • . res- .• hind a. lace -trimmed handkerchief. how 1110011 We hay° 1,0110 1111 to- 11""PxY-e"IsRle of tlw g't.30s• •'lluy hen a drug store. as if it gather. When my is laiit tinpat•donable, . of- '' cub, .i. . •(-)11 know about money? I will tdl me, and when yotir •eldest son Was . • diecharged -froitt the seminary and •iii catching hold of her, and cling -7 ini 3: lin tut tou i ma ce het escape were some ginger cakes! What de sat by me on the sofa and wept with' rierrout )Vas annatinced; Bc ••• • 1 1 1 , fence DO1inylin had. been summarily • It was a, miracle that he succeeded and hefot•e front t o corridor a tall hatalsnme . • • , fin bidden to I efttin. .• , ing to her With•the grip of deathain- you how matters are. You have en- drowned it. WaS I' Who perforated the - , .,, ,, _ yot..119, tenow had come quickly up The nio'ney width was left to her til his • shoute, heard abet 0 the . gaged yourself, but as for marrying, sad duty of breakittg the news to you need not t hink of that, my y CM , Such--" , . account was sent her, togethee• With : storm, brought help:, and they were to her, -rt pitit••of strong white hands d- tVP1'11 chtsping her 0117h, a Pair Of .the deed of the old graY-stone heuSe, l birth rescued by means Of the ' life . • Frau Mahnert broke.into tears an , The little niaid-servant brought in gave the Frau Counselor her hand. • laughiug'• sPlemlia atIrk eY" : 'We" •• No 111000. seb001, no more lessons, ' rope flung out to theta, . ch i 1 d . " t ;rill Me voice murmured inteti atIlv• At. no• more stitdy On long 'sunned. clnys, From that day noble Le Roy Pier- . . • . coffee; hut had to ask her mistress "As God wills," she said; runt 'won't looking• down into hers, while three timee for the key of the sugar.. out, followed by Selma, Tile Fl.at, -I i 0 . • c., e • 'flonnylin was Jubilcat , , 0V03 the pont was regarded in , the light, of -,.........,nistoh---;f.' All in vain; all—this thankkss 'after them rind called out, aS. they. ••11(eal you frightened me, *Le Roy" • "Al • edema Thorne, the .aleoes old of the Glitivestta :. git•I! were getting into the carriage: !the 'said, drawing her halide' awny • Ailing, • thinks this will tring Me It ended it) the one Way wherever . • • - .. d ri•ont him and• I ()king tip into his. back post-haste, And that. I will a handsome matt -and an impression- ' • ynshin's, After 'Weeks of Rain, Mud and Fag, Floods London. : • • . , A. Geed Omen roi the Cerenatien-Ite. !Anis the Kitts and glICOD .te Tawil liajetar!S Health *Good NO Feundation For tbe, Tales et . Sad. Health and Postible Aslaitinuttion -4.iitiden Streets Conticnied, London; June 'rho reappear- ance yeSterclay of. brilliant sunshine, after weeks of rain and murky weaa thee, gaVe to the first day of ppron- ation week an air of Unusual: g.alety and gladdeited the hearts Of th.ous- box. she stood there so bewildered. Counselor looked out of the Window Loopy, my little darling!" , prospect . a great live° among the Passengers • -:•-• • gusanxixoesouxisoilieuromaxixPrIXIXIMINI "flow did you COMe 0 know each Good lucka send me goo news coinpanied by. Lord Stratheona., ay- rive,(1 at Easton Station early yes- terday morning and at' (nice- drove to the Hotel Cecil. Th.e Caned/AO Pre- inkir a very enthusiastic recep- tion at Liverpool... and the Lord Mayor of that city vainly rectuested. him to remain there' for a day or two. So far Sir "Wilfrid' Laurier has • • succeesle.c1 .in resisting' pit efforts „of interviewers andhas. decided not to make any statement on the subject of the colonial confereece. ..• • • ' • Itainiltom. June- 20.- A dre broke out itt.• 102 North•lieNalastreet, this 'inerning at, 1.80 o'clock, and burned • to death 0 colored servant.. by., the name of Aft.a. Dewart% She 'WEIS .111 /11 ( employ of Airs. Onlingher, Who 02,1,1(1. 11 • house.. She .W318 - prepar7.. lt)- relive, when the latnp her , nu 'exid, (1,n with fatal result, The ileceasea was 40 y'earfi of age. • ." • • • • ' asearma= It 1.pialsoitte face willt a le half be begging on my. knees .1.() be taken t able young gha are coneet•mil-aid- . • . eau,: Xinixrx.jxi xisintixixixixiximsfixixixixtx - • al • "Speak out!" Then she steed .1)&0're-the Picture sii,ey, half -roguish-whollY ieresista back, and •that will have had- ent -love on both sides -and a be:- . other?" demanded her mother. soon. "At the Selo' teeniest, in the sum- of . het• son. "Where else?" untruth," she said, aloud, "but tot. ,a,,,ar,•• . but she don't know me," Donny de-: I.,4' 14' months, which seemed arl 'age a. , , gi•dom. It was settled that . the g near 111111, and then—j wns flier° My son inuat have an answer good lionitylin?". he answ (id,. tit evident, bil (1 w to has 1 01‘n 0 0 1. Zid ceremony should take place on the al with the postmaster's family — Grid and well; but let me sleep first." Pique; ."10 , me the Met week has When the .door was left ajat, taws shan't suddenly out, in tae , )veek folloWing the I111.110.w-een fes- if then we -- that is, Siesel and her As the clock struck twelve the hall., scented like soven 'earS We are nev- • ! "Why., otte wantil think we lied such a scare over this dismissal 1.1031101 ere the steamer reached port,. trier.have never Wished to tell an. been parted, a yeatri tend of a will be' good nand doeile ever after • -1:•he lovers had been betrothed four 1 I sit. dav—I hope Clod will forgive me— ,. You have not nth sod Me then, Oared "Why, I feel just. 1.ke 0, • to the Impatient; would-be hi 1(10-' COUSill and hi, and I rode in the deer at the F'ratt Colin:400es opened er to port agn in, 'Roney," '.4( 111 great, beau tifta, wide van itl, Ach„.0 tivities., • me rev go -round together, and then and she stepped out arrayed in Iter on ettgerlY, "for I)* this lime 11eXt he belongs. . To Miss ltochister's constet•nation, he eqcorted me home " furs, her Sunday bonnet, and her week you will he 1111(10, 30t Dontyfit cottnted over the roll of , . . .he Married at Oraystone IIall and LI • EASONA LE OODS a la .1 . . . . F. AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES • x . . . . . . . . . . . . x 131 tie flameoil stoves and gasoline.atoves; binder twine, hinder . gloveN, Machine oil, itet•Pen doors tool windows, elol hew. wring... , ' LE ers, Knoll washing machines, ready mixed paints, pore white . lead, linseed oil, hay fot•lts sey I hes,sey( he s'.otiettetriallitaapt ties • Ll.„ arid shoVeley Waggoner erritent inn it:elders, einet•y Mower knife . :5- T sharpen era 6 hoses a )(le 'gyepte 1.1)3, 2ze,, . _ . _ ,, ,,,, ,., ,., 14 whe mittreatt fly toiler protects eat Ile and. ht1110,:s front fly ,post. and x vermin, is armee preventative (het k ills n lid ail yes away the x •woist Of all pesiS the Texas, 133111,111i and Ilorti dies, x x tionnylin declared that she would - se "Very fine: and you allowed that, best black silk,. and went along the pomehow, I shall 1 ver feel (mite bank -notes inc (mt. . sa0 noivhere else, and that a Week pre- a Clara? Where else did you see (41011 Walk to the Afeerfeldt gate. ' Peter sure of you until e 'Stand at the al- "TWelve Maidi•ed dollars!" ceding this eVea, on Ilallow-eve, a Ili )t il 1 i opened it, and showda her •ip,. . tar togetherhave rut intangible, cried out in diemay, Why, grand party should be given her ar, att. that I may/ lose.. you fortune-'-ited, (loci; all' this really be- ,• • friends and neighbors as a sort Of x • " 1' 1 • . 1 1 house-warming, 1. ••In the stt•eet, and at the drug Mademoiselle came 1.0 meet the old walefambi st ore " lady in the hall, even then. You inest neVer prove long to me. "Alia! Now I understand why you "Lucie IllistnIrnt she is taking false to Me. Itonnylitt,". he:cried, "for So 1 14111111%. 1111S I Preparations toad reimvation d • I he offer hirriself9'' Mid your son there." . "Oh, forgive me, my dorling," he to invest it in?" sttid llonnylin, the little Village, far off in Westeen wanted SO mach chalk, and cold care of the child. Wilt. you thke the if You 811001d 1 should be tempted -to friend, Theodora Trente. erenin, and soda powders. And when . temple to go upetairs? Volt will you -thea kill inyself.". "Do you linoW what 11111. g°1fig • 'gall 041 a gra1"I sen.10. at once, •eil(1 . Virginia, was thrown into a. state " 1 one agoou t two in onths—" They went Mist tare.. together. Mst- pleaded, as she drew back from him with flushed cluom, an • . "Disgusting!" said the Frau Coun- demoiselle opiewil a emir and let the With a sttit•tled cry. "For it, Moment ' "It will give me the one great long- of great exeitement. . - 111. selor, Totalling her coffee -cup away, Frau Counselor enter. . Dettchen's araystone Mall Was to be inhabit,. -i "selma, \you are a deceitful girl. ls voice cOuld be heard, Was mad enough to utter the wild to Europe and back." the idea oveepowered hie, and 1 ins wish of my life -it Will titite Me - ed at last, and invitations nad been x ... that the way yott return all my kind- "I fl5S11re you, my children,,, I Will thought that rose up in my heart. , "What -alone?" cried Th00(101.6,1 sent out,. for a grand party, to be ,x held there on Hallow -e'en. x ness?" do it with all toy heart. I, am so ' "You 1)1l1 never giVe•me mese for aghast. . A day or "I ant not deceitful!" retot•ted the liaPPy to be able to helit• you Jealousy, will you, my darling?" he " Why, no, ef courne not, yoU ' . so later, the Iove1Y, Ilf goose, ainagaed 11011(13 It merrily, girlish ralStl•eSS sr* ived at the vil girlhalf cryingI never to care for the doctor. If he doctor. "It would serve you right if X "I shall induce that Mier assistant , lage With it retitnte of serventa-MisS i Ji , . "pretended Yo "u e jwel of an aunt)" said the went on, in his deep, winning tone. thought 170—'' teaeher Who Ida her place in the It0elleSter thehead, ' ' up to her full height. - head that Was resting on her son's, heard the startling news front, his "My son?" She edict'. "My son? shoulder moVed, then an astonished In•ettieSt blueAtell eyes in the -anything you like. We can •go servant without comment, him a scornful look out of a pair of me at) coinpanion, friend, ehapinvii "che Frau COUTISPlor dreW herself &ens once or twice before the•blOnde should," rieclared Bouttylitt, MAL tig! her lovely golden head, and giving yillage :School yesteday tO go With Iiitell eleVerrie, a, tall, dark man, The l• ram Cottneelor rustled her ' What luts Inv11148 v on to do with the Pair of (Wes /net lugs.11.1101(3 s. hW ole wide ortil-aand Curling her °Ver. in one steamrid steamer acome Intuit When lie found filinself alone, he W mar? You haw, hot iningined ur m oother! • rosebm ud outh a ant° pout . th at, as T1 rin ping to 4(11.V5e Vent tO harsh, discordant that he -1 llidieulcutel" And she Tattle retreated hastily, pale from ,eVer •sweet.. Graystone Mall to live ever after. " Ir1 rustled out of the room majestically, eurpriec; her r lever followed her 41(101..41(101.."Tt Weida kill MO if you did," he Iknow my be- Wast was the maddest. scheme that "I shall be the nearest, neighbor 01 in her gray silk, a.nd went into har trig. esponded hotly. "Youied , but it was the lovely young mistress of Gray- bedrooni, 1Vheri she earn° back she "Yott---liere?" edict i he girl (loin. sating Sin-JealeUsY-artonnylin, It carried ever carrout out, although lionnylitt's otene MM..", bee, said% leaffreg had; ; /119t $0verhe Oa the Perch ottioulo satiNtled no p TiT be co:Anna:31d had on a dressing -gown, and a Smile "We Wett Ittst, going 10 Your 1 Itad runs in the family blood; Why, when alarmed triendn telt a little better wf oun mace, she I0111 remain longer in that old in his chair, httati nii idea that 10% (1180011311 for cash oft all the following does Gratiliewn't,e, Tina art+, Shelf Ilithiwnre, Clothes IVringer8 Onsoline end 0(311.) Oil Stover:, Daisy Ohorns and Washing Machines. 21' ire Proof Safes at it 13argain. HARLAND. BRO tte1111.130 S., . ;CHEAP HARDWARE - STORE. lispeiRscivwariti ktrotTioiweitToviiiil ortratiziacluvritoeviilicurilroviat