HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-06-26, Page 22 allISINIIIIIIrlisesue .11 [ 1 pi 44444+41**********4"14***4"144+1444"144444414444+141141444(4411 fp ELOISE E. sKimivas 601)ERICII CORRESPONDENT • 4.44,14,114.101,144efielehafief***+/-f+1+14+1444itH44+4.' Mr, Thos. Berrows has retnrue front Owen bouzul Where he represeat L1 Court td. O. V, Goderich, Burioars is an euthuSlast. ' From .the report of the Shingwan Indian Home, Sault Ste Marie, . w Mon that one pupil is partibll supported by the Buylield Liottelt England Sunday school, -Tile bells of ,t.:keter's chimed Judge Carpenter or Detroit was here with the exeursioulets from that city, hlr.Lang, town clerk of litratfotd, und Mr. Cavan, Iuland. Revenue, were both up in the &A town last where, . Miss hetiginiller, awl the Mieees Lang will spend the summer vacation at the British .h,itchange. Mr. George Bissett left on There - day to spend a few clays with friends, ! Lt Stratford. Miss Letitia Smith of Clinton Spent last week the guest of her friend, Ussf I, a talt Vivian Mrs. (Dr.) Hamlin aud ! little daughter, Miss Kathleen, of De- troit, isnd Mrs. 11. I,. Beaman weee in town last 'week. Mrs. Win. Grinnell and sea Rus- sell of hetroit were the guests lest week of Mrs. J. Bedford. Mr. and Dirs. Meliwan anel sots Fred. of Detroit were also the guests el Mrs. J. Bedford last wit:. • Itir.and Mrs. Will. Green and two little sons, Bedford and Awns, were the guests of Airs. Greene's inother, Airs. John Bedford, last week. ' Mrs. Alfred Green and son Master, Fred. spent some days last • week the.. guests of Mrs. Green's father, Mr. Malcohn McLean. . We were presented on Thursday last - with a Coronation badge by Mr. Cav- an of Stratford for •which we, are duly thankful. Friday was rather cool for the Guelph excursion. Among those Who went front here were : Mr. and Mrs. - Stoddart, their daughter Maggie and son, Mr. Stoddart, and wife. Quite a family party. Mrs. (Dr.) Mucks remained at De- troit. to pay a visit to friends there. Mr. Farr, conductor G. T. R., has the posts of his pipe fence painted red • with dark green tops, tubing, dark • green, too. Mrs. Blackstone, IIarold and Miss Victoria all visited Mr, Charlie Blacke • stone in Detroit last week. .- For the news of Godcrich 'and all parts of the county read The News. Record. We think every reader of .The News. Record must feel Interested in the • History of Huron which is being gihen every issue in. sections. Col, Peters was quite gratified with the Collegiate Institute cadets. He inspected them at the agricultural • grounds on Thursday last. The • strength of the 0. C. I. corps is ho rank and tile with Captain Kielev command and 1st Meath- -Jordan ; • . 2nd Lieut, Lane ;• Sergeants, lye., Horton, Knox- and Whales,. •Bugler Saunders and Drat -tuner Leo.. Elliott. The corps was put through maiihal exercise and .company inspection, ex- tended order and eompaoy in attack,• etc., after .which they marched to the • station, gave three cheers for the.G.. - 'O. C. and saw him all _on the afternoon • train. ' •I Rev. Mark - and Mrs. Turnbull were„, in London last week attending. the an-. neal ineeting of the Synod. of Hurem.. Commander Schetky- of the U. S. navy, wife and daughter of Philadel- phia are the guests of Mrs. J. -L. Alt-. I Huron Road.- They intend re,- .; maining the summer with their neices merrily 0ih 11 onelity •at 9 a. In. in Juni- or (il the nuptials . i‘lity,. elated (laughter of tdoveruor Grinot, aud Joseph thihrtighlin, merchant of De- troit, formerly 01 Ktngsbriege. The briedwatehel up to the altar on the arils of her hither. She. was bewail- lully ischantel meow la oadeloth with -cream colored NUR wuist and lath • to inaleit the gowit, with white. erowit, and carried. w eltoer boquet brid- al .roses, Miss Winnifred, her voting est sister, was. bridesmaid, Lresseci oeautifully in white organdies white :hats eink sash and carried a shower Limpet of .pink roses. The .grooinsinan WAS Mr. Will. thl,aughlin of ihiutail. A great wedding banquet was peeper- eil in the breaielkest room of the Gov- ernor's house.l The guests were Many at the banquet -and a- large number at- tended the setvice at St. Peter's. Rev. hail= West ollietated. shIrs• Kicieh Peesided at the organ end played trie wetitittig march When the bridal party marelnal in. Mrs. O'Ctinnell• sang the beautihil solo "%The 3esalins” at. the ofierthry. happy coisple left at 5.30 p. for-- their*hm . Ititare oe at Detroit,' . On Tuesday of last week we Intel the. pleasure or beitig. inhited• to ettend the 'annual meeting of tlie West . Eartners'- lnstilute held in the draw- ing etione of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mor- ris of Illorrisdale Farm, Colborne'the • Mime of Mrs. Beek, :Aire. Reid, Mrs, r. Ilarry Morris and sev- er• al .others •the same large family. it is quite. a large two storey stmstan- tial residence with green shuttere. The • hares are very_ commodities, the • ore (hard large 'and •the. hearts of •the prceent owners filled' with:generosity. Tliti Meeting was:held-in the drawing rooms, ' at the. finish , of which all went (int in the orchard' :at the rear 'of the- euilding to hette an address -Il'out Mr. lime of Ottawa,: Who is as well versed in the care of pottiCrY,aliVe., and dead, as Mr.. tillford at the poultry station at. Ilohneeville. Mr, • Hare said that lie: hoped that• the young men Ou the .arma ,wothel.soen tai.e a greet interest .11 agriculture • • espiali in raisin, etock end poultry for th-B e. ritten; ine.rket, :Ile' • etnettle assign no. reason wife, theeyoung men -Lit the farming he leave' • -their 'homes 'foi. the. city, ' Expenses are. higher, and .ositi ons Scarce,. Wyandot tes • and thyrabeilf Reeks., were •the ehoice-. • M. the British natiOu,•. They....were• ,siety Shoice in. their. seleetionsof .Canadian :paltry. They • would not. .parehase, -hiekeas, With black Nio nor, yet, With it spur and only fatjtuey chickens are bought aerossthe water. They only, •ike '.a three or four • Refund chicken. she - shape of the ehichen after it .has Wen "killed is another feature . the' irittelt merket .which . obliges the 'driller to try and study•lioW t� mike. he. Chicken eotiktempting to the pur- litteuri After lieing..pliteXtel .(feathers are to , lie left on head and ;neck, and loch's.) they. are preseeh into e'groove eke •it trough; where they get a "set': kliteh. pleases the •eyes The feet- -are ,rawn sip to . the 'head, .which is - owed to !mug :clown. ,French ehickeis re last on the world's. list. •Chiekd is can" be raised in -September and tetober very well. Chickens should be • eIT ,StrtialiS old and our farinets) 'Airs said', ehouid begin itt (wipe to • afee. Chickens. °foe export,: - After the hutereSting address *as then all were hirdited- to .tlie front 1 the .hotise where the ladies. had pread lOvely white table .clOtlia over . 'table at .whiele eighty persona sat . omfortably.- 'Piee;tarts, • .seeidWichee nel different kinds. of cake,: hickles,.• °fleeanel teawere heartily relished y the, gitests,-..-The day was a perfect ne •,• and •everyone 'enjoyed 'the picnic ineheon. . Over. two hundred persons -ttended an.dwhplc • fainilieS. drove: tit. .3.t was, as Mr; Rod. 'Young said, he. finest 'meeting ever 'held• ithsehen- eeit years, .A Vote of .thanke wes.give.- ir Mr. and Mrs.. Harry. Morrish• A' very • pretty home ..wedditas took. lomat -the .resitlenee of 'Vies. James I. Ilarris of London on. June .411; the - ride. being Mies Grace 'Maud, 'youlig- st dattgliter of. the: late Sidney •Bowl -s, y • of.. ..Toreato, • and 'sister• of Mrs, - antes H. Harris of -London dad- Mrs. .Parsons 'of The Fair, Gocierich. The ride • came iuto the.drawing room bit he . arta "of . her brother-in-law, Mr. The two Harry Megaw and•Sturdy „ took a trip to Detroit ors Monday e week with Bert Tilt. They also vis- ited Windsor. 1 . Mr. George II. Nairn .of Windsor took a run up on the Greyhounhto see his brothers and sisters here.. M Miss S. Willis of Halifax is: visiting' -; her sister, Mrs. A. F. J. Naftels Mrs. Rhssell (awe Kate Morrie), of. e Waterville has been visiting her sis- tcr, Mrs.• Mangus Swanson, and other ri ends . • We learn that ex -Alderman Centel, e on, wife and family intend removing• to Kamloops, B. C. It .is regrettable g that Mr. Canteloa met with that aech dent for he tumid it impossible todatd tend to his business .auy longetaad , s sold out. Mr. and Mrs: Cantelon are 7 1110St estimable people anh we -know a the town will lose. generous friends . when they go West.. Mr. Farr's residence on East •street is being touched up . with red- paint and looks quite attractive.- .•'•• Henry II. Humber of Vancouver, C,, is 011 a visit th his parents, Alder-% inan and Mrs. Humber.. Mrs. Zebe Tolsma of Detroit..aad _ son, Mr, Charles Tolstua, wife and • hahe were in town last week. They kindly called upon your • correspond- ent. Mr. Zebe Tolsma is one 'of the 0 wealthy citizens of Detroit today and we wish him :militia family 0110m/ed. , prosperity. They. lh eft Goderic•aleput 25 years ago. • • a Patrick George Lynn bit per steam- e „ er Greyhound last week for Detroit. •• TiZ OLINToN Nviivs-RzocnEti) June 26th, 1902 BRIEF -OUTLINE OF THE CORONATION --• GONhEOPIATION ANO PfediSENTATION. OF ROYAt. ORNAMENTS. eervlea la 'three olvishinie-tieei len of ttko KinCr 11)!' 140 1 *opts eci 0410-11ye Stag of ITnatfoo- o ro...r • er thnvo, e oruatithats sea thEn e - throb:in: oi ,hKin -.1 Ki-. ite Onacn :on te o 18. TI8,1 conservatism ot Englatal has been showo 110 way iaiore Absol- utely than Lt welt:es tteedine upon the coronation of her Sge inend queens. .01 edi•ortai 10115 are comparativehy yare, but the anelent rites such as unction and the deliv- ery of the Royai ornaments are lixed rites. and in return for these gifts the King has .always boned himself by certatit promises.. The nake.:1 ()aid 'OD of the coronation ser, ice eneatie 1110140axed rites -the consecration of the- monare.h end the presentatioa of the Royal oreaments. Many additions re m to, these baeereonies have . been added but once an addition .made, It remains. Whatever hov ceremony King Edward VII. Introduces will be faithfully observed and carried out by the heir to the •throne when • his time for reigning eomes. From 1007 to 1683 in spite of the Wars of the Hoses and the religious confusion. of those far times, the coronation pray - ova remain the sante. The proces- sion from the Tower to Westminster remained until the coronation • of Jainee 31. when it fell into clisuati. • 4t..t1L:it .190 1 . . Queen's, used when they come to the , cOronation; the cloth of the King's I table; the eloth epread behind the 1 King at clittiter, and "the chines ot ' all swaps .atul crane' anserved UP,": SD ince 1483 the ultes of Norfolk : have 'filled title office. This Duke ix the only man in England who hes the privilege of Wearing his hat in the presence of Itoyalty. . uoietv,it ee(e (Meer. :The Lord Great Chamberlain is oue of the greatest lay officers- 00 the day of the eorimation. Ile -hits to dress the King on the Tnoniing of the coronation to provide the coif gad linett gloves, to bring the •oblit- thins, or offerings, to strip the King fOr his unction -which means undo. ing the specified garment at the neck, whereby the Ling may be anointed . on the breast -to provide the crown end robes -used after the service, and at the bauquet to bring water for the. King to wash. In the proces- sion he walks by himself with his White wand of office in his band, be- hind the Lord. Mayor of London, Garter, and Black Hod. His ."fee" le enormous. It Is forty yards of erirasen: velvet, the King's bed; bed- I ding, and apparel, and all the furni- ture of the ,room in which the :King atept the night before the corona- tion. The Chief Butler serves' the King with wine at his coronationbanquet. and he .has to provide the wine for all others who hire present at• ' the banquet. His "fee" consists of the •hest gold cup with it cover, which' is 'on the table, • and all the wine 'dun- , • 4 J1. . 11 1.! I 11. - I .1. . _ 1 ; ,111.111011111=10SaillilarV"r7vr.0211.111101MNIONISONOIlli_ Of all ;)1.-'y in the l'itrk eet people astir at the dawning. All the epare about the Abbey was thronged with people, and eitrriagee he eatt tO rattle along the steeets and tine e was the buzz and rumble of voices and the sound 44 merry lallebter. Tile Plitt - form front 1Wistiniteiter Ilan to the Abbee• wits co , sides 0.11(1 floor - log, with illie blue aloth, The etinopy to he boree th•er his Alajesty by the Barons of the Cinque ts AVAS ;yellow ellk profusely ornamented with heavy gold Stipa.. mai The King pros:Ma la the officers of State entered the hall at ten o'clock, anti took Ids seet lit 1 hi. great ehair at the head of the Itoyal-'1 ebb*. tbui . big gun tired amid et ghteral silence, told outsiders that t1 it rites wore about to begin, kike 14 tee( ontelaig, The» came such high officieb its the Lord (treat Chamberlain, the IDOL Coustable mid other:4. The 'sword or Stale was laid upon the table; the Curtana, or swerd of Mercy, with the two RWords of .111S111,' were itraWil fri»0 ecabbards and presented . to Ole king: after which the hot(' Slows wore (helve...eh Theii emirs the procession a ith the regalia. Dp the great hell wallost those of- ficials Whost, titles sounti. so etraiige- ly odd to the peoples of this •contiii- tett, such as the Rouge Dragon Pur- suivesit, the Blue Mantle oPursuivant, =Iva EDWARD'S CROWN. • • But the. actual service, rentable as it • . was in remote •thues, A coronation service is the con- . . .drination of the 'elected lerince as ' Ring. The ICing-or Priece rather - 18• actually elected, for,. on entering . 'If' / • 0 t.:400 ; . . - •et7eme. ei.exiexonet'e ('BOWS,. . . . . .the church, the Archbishop addresses the pe9Ple,. en(Miring if they be will- ing to .accept the ..Prieice• as tlieit• • sovereign. . mere .cereinony, -of course, but still tv•modera .one and one likely to be' part of the 'coronae . tion .sertice.of otir King. • Rohe sahos• il001 seeetheods heata, ,' • The theory that the' reign .hegetn on the day' of corimation lasted in Eng- land' down to the time of:Edward I. .whO was the. first 'King' to • date his reign- from the death of his father. The chief hitlerenee ..between the con- fiecration of a Bishop, and the conse- •cration, oh a King lies in the. atiSeace of the. imposition of hands In- the steering Of the -Xing. Not ad -was it ' •iti the dusty,' ages, King Edward mak revi e the custoin as it is ;said -he will revive many. of :the' old quaint customs,: Queen Victoria cut dowit - Many of these curious cevemenies, for at her ccikematicin. there. was neither. champion Ler banquet; it wits retlec- ed, it . is said, : to' the .10west gbh; shorth ef much of its ancients grane , deth deur; buheeing 'that it wes it child- • queen. who was being crowned, no doubt everything "wee redneed to the haost. simple form,: as indeed there • -was prceedent, for in the eorcinatiaa • 'of. William anti Mary, 'and that of William IV, and Queoe. Adelaide, On Sunday, 15th June, to Mr, .and Mrs. W. E. Corey, 567 Forest Ave., West, Detroit, a son. The Goderich harbor sawmill dosed a down last week and will .reniain dos - td down until the raft now enroute s to Croderieh teaches this harbor.. Tho faneral of the • late Abraham s Gathey took' place On Wednesdaym ' af- ternoon frothe S. A. barracks, The body was found not far from- the lad s der which he himeelf had bailt en the h. face of the breakwater, the bridge he- 's ing talan away to allow that portion rt of the harbor to be dredged. He timid ,0 have lost his footing on the ladder g his boat may have upset. Coroner d Holmes said na o inquest wanceessary,. The &ceage sed looked years younr as el he lay so .peaceful and calm in • hisli casket which lay in state inthe bar- racks with the S. badge upon his breast. The casket was covered with ) flowers, a great portion of which were presented by Mrs. Young of Elgin at avenue. The pallbearers were Ahesers, James Buchanan, Sr., D. H. Ross, James Hyslop, S. Knuckle, Thos.- Woosten, Lane. The services at the 8.. A. barracks and grave were conducted hw Adjt, Cooms of Petrolia, Ensign. Crawford and Ensign ilohnan, now ss command. The flag was carried by Armor Bearer James S. MeMath, Who .„ has taken the place of deceased, eild h the muffled drum was carried byjames Io.rris, while Mendelssoliths march as being played by one of the guests aid was beautifully dressed in tine • of whit grgandie tastefully rimineh with valenciennes lace ation and peail trimming, white nd pini k roses n her hair and shower.. oquet of . •bride • .thses. The • little iaid of honer, Miss Alyrtle Harris, ohm of the bride, was. eltartningly ressed in white organdie, tacked and Med, and carried it basket of White esi pink roses which the. wedding ng Was placed. Rev. Mr, Burke :pa- roled the wedding ceremony', .The . room was Mr: Andrew Oke, rner- tent of Seaforth. The groont's press it to the bride was a handsome' gold min with pendant in form of it gold eart with cross of pearls in centre, lid to the little maid. of. honor.' a gold . •acelet. The presents were very val.m able and naerous. Ile. bride was iloiet in Victoria street church choir liad.many friends and well wish. '8, among our towuspeople. Knuckle. The S. A. procession was A; h.d by the Army &lints •singing " Shall we gather at • the river ?" 111 The funeral numbered it large humber Les of each week. Mr, Daniel Geddes left on Thursday ✓ Myth. where lie will take mho 'itself a Wile 10 the person of Miss • of carriages, showing the respect . so s, many of our citizens paid 10 -the late S.A. worker for Christ. Three is daughters and one son are left. The Is youngest daughter lived with himmi the island and is aged 13 years. The remains were interred by the side of his deceased wife in Maitland ceme- tery. Airs. nozziewood and two children of Port Hope are the gueeis of Mrs. H's sistcr, Mrs. Jollies Robins(%) be- fore Mrs. It obinseths departure front our town. Wedding hells ran for Governor Griffin's mtptiale hi Dttudaa on We& hesday. Miss ASSIO Miller graduated with honors this month ttt the Woodstock hospital for trained 1ItIT'S0S., We wel- come Miss Miller batk to her Old.- Windt 13EDOEAVE. Rene Mr. Thistle ad bride have got ttled (Iowa to the realities of wed - et lite. Mrs. Iiastie left her father's sidence ate Sydenliam, Australia, on .• clueel- Eegland). where she was Met by r. liastie and alter the necessary sidence of both parties they were , arritd. They will be at 11(111111 to siLors .Wednesdays and 'nuts - Nellie Stalk.ers After epending a fort- night's lioneyluotni' at Galt and other itiaces the will r t • II ‘Ig • mai take up their residence in the house formerly' occupied by W. Wat- son. Congratulations', lian. Dame Rumor states that. the bridge oti the' river, c(m. 6 and 7, East Wit- wit:nosh, ' has •been blocked owilig to . some procedure hot 'being legal. They laugh best Who laugh last. • Vatriek'S iitoek barns at Ildertoit were destroyed by fire, only the live stock being. saved. The loss is esti- Mated tit • THE couriT OFFICERS. • Description or thele and SerVricibis •Ot the rorocittion. • e poison. to anobst and .crown the King le the Archbishop of Can-. .terbary. The right of ..thio Arch- . bishop. seeme to have rested at first On tradition, and' on the fact that he is the (fret .prelate 'of the realm. P • , • erhaps the most •thiphrtanf on the • day of the ebronht Ion is the F.'1Afarsh•V al. or it is he who, as ehief heumatism No other disease makes one feel so old. It stiffene the Moto. produces lamenees, end makes every motion painiel. mes It 14 sometiso bad as whet', to din- ble, and it should never be negleeted. M. J. McDenald, Trenton, Oat" fiad ft after a severe attaett of the grip; Mrs. Hattie Turner, BOUM. MO.. had ft so severely she could not llft anytiong tine could seemly get up or down Oaths.; W. H. Shepard, Sandy iloos, Conn„ WAS laid up with it, was cold even in July, and could not dress himself. According to testimonials voluntarily given, these eufferers were permenently re/loved, as others have been, hy Hood's Sarsaparilla which corrects ttareetellty of the bltod th on widrheumatism depends and builds up the whole system. Sleeve riass eardeonstssiuon. twee 0 alas, — . 1V. was crowned. • That the pageant will be even more magnificent then It then WAS is assured, as Ring Ede ward is determined to make his core dinette% mat that of his beautiful Queen the most splendid that has been soca 811111(1the old walls of lenglend's great gray Abbey. . • The 114.1quet, The banquet, after the coroaation, ' when the procession again moved back to Westminster Hall was ob- served at the crowning.of George VI. It spread upon the elevated platform 41 .0140ct 0909•0011 00000000 000: to nti r Li • 44 : i VidZ 0 0 t! • S• ....0,,,,,,„,..9999.."."..." , • • : We have a large a'ange : 19 of earner AS hut the : 0 : best for a cheap eamera 4: e 0 0 ----18— a a a • a a tIl i Brownie No. 2 f i Which we sell at I aho eln • tiDad.1/4/kJ R 0 9 a e Pet 13005 in neighboring town.* he 0 e Who are I. i ei king of porches- ; O ing a camera will reeeive an • Best man ye 1 lio erue•• buy dropp, 0 h hos use, card. 011301' cameras • hesidee the ..Easintan cite be • ik':11)1viCiek;(1.011(111'11111111731:rdleigvIt;it"Is)iniplg, :440 a p.4iVs e110 he 'sent, by mail: a • a a •thir cheap Exposure Meter e e• at 33e gives he coil vet expos- 2 • toe under all conditions and hi• & iiehs for itSelf in a 'Short time • i,eltxyp(ttuvriettgiu tilvett.;ta, tiatets11, tower :a. 13, * 9 H.13. COMBEv e a a 0 e Chemist and Druggist. es 0 • 0 • a oacieateeLtoavooet-zrecea ass)* _.4,....:42...:x.,1_,.......t...2.L. -, "...--..,_..=..:. 7-...,....,-,..-...4,.•::_:.2._:_L!_ ethehetheeed 1 4. • its't • ;. eee.e....,-,'"3.7:-` ( ,.. ' . ','•••e.‘,"4;.:ee.2-5`-'7.:1-(7-"'"'", '''':',:eesee:',":.--e. . coitteeeermx e..e'reett.,. . • the ' Dean sof thedtininster, carrying ' St, Edward's Crown on -it cushion of eloth of gold; the first Prebendary, -with: the Orli; -• the Second Prebend- .. . . . • 'sow, :carrying the .Seepthe. •with ' .the . . . • - hlthi hoick 01" NolIVOLK. . . Do e; the , third, with. the Seept•re. ,. . . . , . . .. . h tut the. (dose; I he.. fourth. eitheying. • . . der the bar of the. Hall, and all the pots aud ,cutis which are not of gelid or silver, which are in :the wine cel lar after dimier,'' • .• • • . : &art alarshal chief Butler. • The Duke of Norfolk is Chief 13nt- •ler wen, 'al Earl Marshal'. • 51. .Tedward'e thie fifth carry-- • ing the Chalice emit Patina; the eixth Prebendary of elVvetniinsf eareying . .the• Theee cligiditerias • being • in‘hden.lidi bo ilisshInfesty; tlte. vegatlia sva.s• dal d. Open' thio It oya I Table,. • • • • • '11ii; Orsh.l. of 'i.i,frenttiA • • • • The SdVailli. gun asts then fired, MO the procession formed upon .theeliblik ; e loth speetol front • the' to lee great steps in the Abbey: (hatch., and moved forwerde the" anthein LOrde. Orient the King a...Long, Life," . being' 5ll0'144 putt, .itt. suvcession with the plasiiig of the Isaiah the sounding of trunniets niicl • 'the, Netting of 'drums. The th si. persoue order ot 'procession, at Gem cbronation, were the Kies's, . ITerb Womaii t Miss, Fell owe sh . her'six'amiels, strhiving the way with heybe, then ‘..'eetiae. nunterous • •grand ottisialhh• . ecitriet cloitkh .• arid .earehieg stal'eS ; ' 1 truhipet- ere " %eh h, "their sil s or 'trumpets; the' kettle- eireifii t. of hrimeon claitiadie fringed , with "gold, the 44,q111 t Trumpeter, with his 'Mace,' and • the.Clerleh and dfiretere la Chancery, sentlemen of he • ideivy Council, • Ptir.-, wivants of Scotland and 'Ireland "le ;their tabards.," foli(iNdest by bus dfa- hesty's band fii full State • habits.. Mate sillete,s,. E rhy ohmillore, 211 lee J ust tce14, 4-(eig Deagolis', ).,.) erre. the King's .Iniusehtelde 'the. Stat,da os. . II atm vets 'thee .Stitehard Of leelanct, thihhitatidaed di Scotland, followed hheia .0y, oiehops.. • heraltts 11134081i th, !a dr abreast,'arraytd ..0 iriruson. seleet, and, :aihrvine their their. heeds.. • . :. • " . rhe 51•11110,11(14, •• gie:iat, 'Standard i, Eagle:11d, -itea.fe . the • aext .pitet of ,hie dOghth prosessi on,. then 'the Delon dtanclard, followed •.• by hie Royal' Sta ndard .Nowdearne the Regalia, the hielter.; of he Green Ilhd, • and • the Will to: - Itoch. tho Lotel Mithor of.1..ondon; the .the horttleman Oshee of the Black . Rod, and the hopety Lord Chamber- lain of Tho Royal Princes. eitinet next tit soleadid State : au:Mad. walkingalone, their trains herne (V • offiCers so appointed. L'ach Prietee: caratd 1ul>u coionet ' hi, Ids . left head. Alter them walked certaia digit i Levies bearing Lite . Hovel ()Ma: - »ante, um! then came King Cleorge, in his ltoyal llobess with the Cap of initintenanee aeleerned with jewels up - ort 'his licatl,• traiking tinder *a canopy of •cloth of .gold, supported by six - ten -Barons of ••the Cinqate Ports; his Majesty's trai1). borne by, elp,ht eldest sons a/ Peer. The King's holniehold • followed. • 1,ortis of the bedchamber, grooms of the bedchamber, 'ushers, eqaeihies, PhYsielans to the court, pages, the ftoyitl apothecady, surgeon, and' 'so- / el tor; while the yeoment of the guard closed the procession. .•.1 have not ment toned (he t itl es . of Ones (Martel, of these goegeotte ofTlcIahs, ne space will • not permit, :but et slight . idea. may be gat 'bored 'ef tli I eng I h ot this., Kingly inetrel. when Gtosge " Li ,01.4 1§44 b9V tal ++401÷14,4444444 . The Chief. Sewer is the officer who Arranges the 'dishes. .at. the King's table. The Office hits Jong been :exe tinct. It is rumored,• however, that Edward .VII, willdreviVe it.'' • • The Grand. Carver's duty' is plata from, thesnatne of his elliceiehanother. . extinct oflice. • • . • . • The Chief sCuphearer has to bring to the King at his banquet,•the first p o.f dr pc arud he recertes as his , fee the .golden,cup that, he Odors- .• The. Grand •Alinoner for :the day is the 'Lord of the Iktanor of Bedford. ,He has to. distribute the alms in a silver dish, and. m'evide the • blue' or "ray" cloth which is spheacr.before the King from thestiainster Hall ,to thie rons. Ili‘s ".feo" iS' the" diph 'mid Re linen cover, 'else- a .!'turi" of • . The Napier' has: to provide the 'Cloths' andnapkins for the • Niag.'s These he receives as hip "fee.", . ;The' 'Chief Lardiner Provides" the *teats for the' banquet.. •Ilis hfee"...14i the .remains • of the feast: . The once of The Panne -ter was t6 I carry the huge golden salt cellar and ;carving. knives' to the .ICipgs table. These,. with ,the golden; :Spoons, eon- ,:etituteasliis fee.'.' . The pictures • • ' que. office .ef•the Kiag's Champion has already heeasdeserib- Id•... Mh s fee is eonditioria• • :TIr %Shy Ann wherefore, . it May he advanced:: "Why those "ridieulotisly Muted.. eftices ?", • Our .5outherix cousinearhile most eager. to • participateor rather to Witness hhie Solemn rites of coronations:4441 be (sure to 'ask this question .will be sure to make merry over. it, to. cari- cature . it, to affect to. despise , it. The.feet remains, however, that thee •htncient and sjuitint ceremonies are the 'foundation and the tireservation, • of tite Motathchy of :the geeitt . British. Empire. The old, old Meaningsof the old, old 'and forgotten K lags; the marvelous reeords .ef• the Kings. anti AStieens of old Britainh -te . aheolute. . foundations tition which the thymic of 'Empire sits; steady and Steadfast- , beeiond laughter or jeers, beyond, far, 'far beYoud• tbe frivoleSite and the taw- ! dry, holdinga deeper • meaning. in theta, as they are; old end ten:event i rites, thea nifty ever he getten otit Of '."1.1% neW Ilepubliese-the. now ordee," Therefore; are they and ought they ' to he sttered in the oyes alai heorts' of the children of the hlinpire; of the builhers end •promoters f the gthett- est, the most solid, the most helloed ()lent etadi progressive-Withia •. stout: eonservative ihnils-thnh the Worlds have cher Yieeit.. • • '11to Mitt, Ail the old: cerettionies, geneious, (Malta, most attractive, have their reverent traditions. iitele have been mo)e; easefully elletekhed, Our good King Showe the desire to twee Set tio„ nay, I() magnify them. May • s. hss.,dd.sdhsshheehhheh. ' 1111t ARD111103ROY 01,' CANTERBURY. of the lierald's Oollege, superintends ' the arrangetramis for the toronatlon. The present Earls Marshal Is tittl Duke of Notfolk-hhe heed of thehlo- • rein Catholic persumeion 111 Edw. laud -ha sincere mid devout Catholic, himself. His actual ditties on the dIty it ,l 111(4 1i"iu 1 'Weal:Ong! lie Has to keep order in theb ink's pr tn. clash' (1 (4(1 try •the•help of the King's nsiwrs to keep the doors of the King's pelace. lie hoe:4 in the pro. essiond with the Lord 11 igh> Constaide, with ttlenn he tie - companies th1 ehanipion ot, los entry „ Into 11.P.:111111;•il'y 1101lie hay (labile, 'mho tr. This ditty if is to curl y the 1 re a it hi pro( eseion, to heil) to Pot it on the King's head, otot to support It "by hoisting the neuron on the f ot the eroWit," As his fvoL till ofilcorti have their teeth -he claims the King's Pale trey With Its harnee,n, And alike the • he. be strecessful 1. And may God 1,1 014, s our 1' ing 111111 ()III' lovely flues..., aim sah.e and Malt 1110111 101' • 11101.y- ;01.1.111 10 1..01110. 10 airt titin nod heartei»vliat, after all. ie the .graied.• Olt Empire in the world 1 St/oil ease itio JSItig .1 . . . Ptif l'ofoostion of Opotito r, • . Ti )'4'l)11) 1)15 to be seen 111 tat' Ring 141W11:1'd SeVell lit W111 rein- Statil'eerialn oltt (.0)01114(10n ceremotri It's Whirl) have fallen into distme. it is said that. the King has it great love and rev ore 11 for • ttnelpti t cue- fonts,- am! it Inis. been hintpti Gott Musty of '• t hese (did -lime ceremonies Will'he revived tit the voltam; ('(11'011- 3 alien Tile 14101 ocesSiDil no Wilieil • tito 1.01.011ill.1011 OerelliollieS in processions to amit'front theittmitetter and a hannnet utts at the cor- al in floe or hoorge iv.. pporosseo dui uot APPottr 118 , lie WO 14 1101, erowned. As 13 ilit4; 4008 l'I'POi that. t<11114 1dd wa rd will follow tluo Coronation rites of George IV. ugh lie/laths sortie >f the more aneieut customs added, it is 1111.ereS1 Mg to observe the order of the ceremonies. On the morning of the (*omit:Mon it a.iorry peal of bells and the discintroe • • "TS UT •COTtONF.T., si'itmoirrr in the hall. The first course was brought- up in pr.ocesiden by the clerks of- the .1eita hen, those of the heard of Oran Clutit, and the coil - 1 tonere and ' other, °divers 01.. the hieueehold. 'Iltree event ofileers of State, mounted .on horses richly ces parisoneci, accompanied it. When this 'first course wits served, the proces- sihlti.6nuitiligovte.)idt'i.tii,:a horsoVest,.1.: xpnree_n Majesty thee.. had his hvo111,' Washed by the. Cu tilyearer. de' : geldh n l'aseri • and ; ewer,: kind wit)) intuit ehruriging . of tithes hind, digni- taries. the Isaminet began . • • 1 K131:04 (.:1 6611 (1 I On. A long ,end. chestier 'flourish , of trumpets souncle.d, ah the first (entree elided, Mid. the .•:ga tes , wore. hrowa ()nen' to eidnii t the :1‹ n Champ n. '‘Vitli another floorisli ft /la Affild'Offit,, • tlid Champions • On iiot'o)mck, 1» ti Atli .strit.:01 polished stoner; aud • rielt .plurnes, of ostehh feathers, appeared Metier ' -the porch's oll the triumphal .erch. Hishmarese• Rion' was inunediately Conned., • ..and mo; -ed .slOtYly towards the 'eat ranee . to Om hall. hhere. • the, jameehter. 1 letald • proclaimed the challenge as of 'whet.- .d.Ohsee'S eoevel', high oi losv. shall .deny.01 .gallisay :oar, 'Sovereigh •I.ord GeOrge. 'the Fotirth of the .I.Tniteti Kingdom- : Of Great 33rit•aiasuid•Ireland, Defend-. er of the Faith, • son •iend next •heir. 10 Oar Sohereign Lord 'George -the Third,the. auit •King deceased„. 10 be the right. heith 10 the Crest n 'Of this. oi• •that...• he ought' not to• enjoy the sante, liert is his • Champion, 'who saYeth • that .11e lieth, end ,le• a false. traitor', 'he-. ing ready.l. inpersonto ecimliat with him, kind . in. ,this-'etiiiirrel :weft .advene. .tuee his life' against Win on•whatedar. .soeyer he May aliPoint,h. 1, • so-siundtei theeseesnewh, -• •••••• 'Whereupon. the Chaaipion threw. down his gauntlet; which having lain.. fele it skirt thino. upon the • ground was returned to himby the Herald. Three times fleeing their pro'gress up 'the hall towards where the..Kiag sat at table, the trtimpets • flonriehed,. and the.. challenge -is tittered, ,the .gounithet t 11 ro wn snit retti r d . The King hook the gold cap front his thiptwarer, drank- to hie gallant hampihn, and sent hint •the cup, With .ti mw how to his Lord an I Chief tile. •Clikempion winc.aitil eel:ales the golden pap With its eover •fee, •• • .011131' eti ,p in the- recoiels was • the gauntlet lehed up, and then it was lifted' from floor by 'a hlttle o:d, 41 01110.11, IA Its, oheringit to' he Chn.es 1 ion.. lead she wits afraid the Aentle- mil ri Would lose his "telieve". in 11.3 (dowel, or that it inishi get trataphal 1,141:07*second .eourset. '.."(;().(1 -Save then vaine the King's "largesse," 1113 T(Jng;" Honors were distributed, it»d itaer a long and weary day, King Oeorge retired . to Carlton 'Muse, from the hteriquet at eight o'elock. Mktny of the, ceremonies are not set down here, but I believe that the last Chainpion, out the lest hen - rept ceremotties, occurred at .this eote °nation. It is to be hoped Ring Mt- wara will revive 'theta. 'opt= thiaq theett inse.t.re on ash os '00040 h .Cu.( patmput twoo ttten 04pasoddns eau esotie pun °ens etn. toe eastretq slut 'posit nociaost etra 51).11 1,1211M .10 414UtfllsSlt Ster SUM Ottat tIA10 0'0%On ST L 11111)/ 181A0.14 VOIR %nom peefee -451 ott nettles. ut '40.red eo outos 4>31.11 mo,t •40s teeent 01 tented du 'Ilttpitteep uoaq Iraq otos. %Ingalls/ ,11,1u /111..10ti5 '03 e%odsi• pint Atatnt- trOtrtm TUOT1.0. 10 0110 streptrustia lad toqunio ohms I am prepared to buy this season's elip of wool, as ewe!,ott airs tto etdooh to at he , BEN :viILLEIR -WOOLLEN, tnn. Iv Warns at( tlatlee- imitten pattrutt tong IT osnoq Otis cet 0.11 q no suet '11i111CIASTAT5 04 00(1 putt ex/smuts/ 'poinst vita 'wawa/ Motto iL13 httumttet srissany tiotthe q It12t11 vitt hpotluat 30 twos tta .813a1 'hutwihttiads puti Ash) ems ohehut haat heti stoma win odic/ (ht (to hthhatitts; 'Vast &I eefol 'molt t[i(IneoAt. 8(101' '0°Pu0I .ttepuel 411 p.mtu %rawer MILLS A for the highest cash price or in' ex. e eltalige. lor ntalttlf,,e11(n'Odarta. . shall have a large assortment of • o 0 Homespun Cloth • for Ladiee' Dresses during the season. The succese I had 1 tet, year itidtiees to go extensively into the manufac- ture of this article of elothing. TO Cilltt A COLD /N ()NU DAY.i Take Laxative Promo fattittine 'M- ts., All druggists refund the mouey eo' e Gledhill if it fails to cure. U. Vit, Grove's sig- • „now' loot. *PPP • Iwo_ ' Stock of :IAN gar.a.Aviwas;erikritiLariArloiAvikraloriini. • at very hest peisslble. • Prices.; how • , ' Ou ge he. theniderftil at 1.01 (mho n Sheet usic. Boefts Add Vaideth Iklths4e C. Ilbare s • Music EanpOi',1 • 41. sineksef elietiee . • . t'eimed Plums for sale. , • • ,...rox.m."....--1•24Q..i....Tr..-ire.....v.rtr---,..evs-amownraloomEmmas .Beduptiozi 1.70.•... ... , . ir:.1.titi.ide•., Here 18 it. good chance th ,sec.ure a first class ,buggy at a; Lig reduction. Xoto these • . . .• . .. . . 1.‘rices ::•• - . : . r. . ... . . '.. .$80 'Buggies' for.; $65 $75 ;Buggiets. for $65. $65 I3uggies .for $60 first-class material, „ .., •" as we do not buy anytttingbu .. '. BUMBALL . • . Repairing promptly attended to . • , by experienced Wee, . . ' Huron St. Chilton. . , • - *and . MtrilATH.. Rernenther. these are ail our • own make which places us, in.., a position to: guarcuttee., them; CENflifIL STEAMSHIP LINE. :TOLEDQ-LSAULT wrg. MA/UE.15/V- MM%. • FRUIGITT •& PA.SSIZGE4. Weather permitting 'steam- ers Will depart peheelieduIe . shown below, • " OSSIPRAGE," Will .leatie Goderich, . North Bound, , 11 o'clock•p, tn. Wednesdays, for'Sattlt • 'Ste. Made and . intermediate Ports ; reterning will leave Godetich ,for Windsor/ 'Detroit and Toledo at , • o'clock. p; nt. on Mondays, • • SM.,. " KING 14,'DWA14.D"'• . Will be placcd on the route, leaving Toltdo on rtiday, .Ttme oth, arriving :vtaitit'i:s.cdRicifuli:.11.1't..t(t:151e:t1Pcr.;:y:e'S::;Titittiti: rOtni.libaoitli(t1 • North and tionth Bound trifis, • For rates and further ieformation • • W. B. ROSEVEAR, General Traffic Manager, Sault Ste. Alarie, Ont. 4igh.esk, Por Produce -Wc,..rpay ,the highest price for all kinds 'of produce attd will be pleased to have you bring it • to us' or our wagotiwillea4 uPell You. Our stock Of Dry Goods, Grocerfes, Wall Paper, Me., is large and welt'. assorted. J. E., 1-1ARXWElit Itaturo is 011 each box.. 0$e2 C4811 MORT?, VARA,