HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-06-19, Page 8S Some Cro filrgills We are going to wind up a month of remarkable Millinery selling with a week of;special bargain giving. By the first of July we-want_our tables and counters clear, and every trimmed hat must be sold before that date. All must be out of the way before we start the strictly summer trade of July.Commenc- ing, Saturday, June 2lst. and continuing to the end of the month, we will sell all our ready trimmed hats at$1.50 and $2.50. Hats of the same style and value are not, nor have been, duplicated in Clinton at any such prices, The earlier you come the better the choice. Trimmed Hats at $1.50 Your choice of every trimmed hat in the show -room, everyone this season s style, that sold at $2:50 and $8.00, your;ichoice commencing Saturday, at each, I.5 O Trimmed Flats at $2.50 , Every trimmed hat in the show -room that sold at from $3.50 to $5.00, positively none raserved, all must be sold before the end of the month, and we give you your choice commencing Saturday, 22.5 0 at each Sailor Hat" Bargains Half=Dollar. Sailors 25c Dollar Sailors 50c A fortunate purchase of these ever •popular Hats, puts us in a position to give you one of the greatest, if not the greatest Hat bargain ever given in town. ' We will sell them for less money than they could be bought for wholesale. All are new and stylish shapes. They will be ready Saturday morning. Do not let this chance slip, but buy your sailor Hat now. 50c Sailors 25c. Ladies' rustic straw soilor hats,good quality,natty shapes, lined, black and white silk ribbon band, a hat that would be cheap at 50c, on sale Saturday at each .25. $1.00 Sailors 50c Ladies' sailorhats, fine braids or rustic straws; . this season most stylish shapes, good qualities,. lined, black or white silk bands regular 75c & $1,00, on Sale Saturday, at each ,.... �A•7-r'err^...ti'44.4ti'i..r1!�1�'�v'N-.1!v � i1 tirade — i. $ Cotton Dress Stuffs. 25c A Yard. 15 or 20 patterns of very fine cotton dress materials to sell at from 10c to 15c per yard under their real value.. • Very fine cotton dress materials, handsome designs, in ap- pearance to foulard silk at double the money, no two dresses alike, regular 35c to 40c, special, for this week, 5 at per yard .L Summer Hosiery Hosiery buyers have a wide variety of choice here, The days when plain black black was the only correct thing in Hosiery, are gone, and fancy weaves now reign. ~supreme. Many kinds, all good, are on our counters, and values in all lines are good enough to be bringing more hosiery business this way all the time. We select these from the many lines in tkia big stock. Ladies' and childrens' black cotton hose, strong make,. seamless feet, fast,dye, per pair I O Ladies' fast black cotton Hos- iery with natural wool feet, one of the most comfortable stockings for Summer wear ever made, per pair 2 5 Childrens' ribbed cotton hose, guaranteed stainless black, all sizes, the famous black cat brand with triple knees 20e, 25c & . .30 Ladies' and Ohildens' black cot- ton hose, full fashioned, good weight, per pair.. Ladies' black cotton hose, very fine quality, spliced heels and soles, ' hermsdorf dye, _ uara an - teed stainless, per ri ....t. 122' .25 Ladies' fancy cotton hose, lace effect, or fancy 'open work strips, spliced heels and soles, madefrom fine yarn, Ger- man dye, guaranteed stain less, per pair.. , ... 2 5 White Skirts For a Dollar Bill The real worth of theseskirts is more.than a dollar Buying the material by the: case and turning +l.e garmentout by t•he hundred is the secret of these remarkable val- nes. Ladies' white cotton underskirts, made from good quality English cotton, double frill, will give excellent wear,. outer frill of 10 inch cambric embroidery or white mus - ;,o;„' lin frilling, with two inch hem, every garment full size,, 10O special. at each . - e vim -e ee.,v ses..-es.•esfreerse...1-ses.vim Black Cat Drawing Contest. Interest in the Black Cat Drawing Contest increases. Already the pictures are beginning to come in. ' If; you have not sent yours yet be sure and get it here .before Coronation Day, June 26th. The Clothing Section 6 Suits that sold at $15 to be sold Saturday at $11..50 Trade in the Clothing Department is growing better right along. Men are finding out that they can save money here. There is a difference of from $3.00 to $5.00 between our regu- lar prices and the price of the same material made to -order. Here is an extra bargain for Saturday, 0 only men's high grade Suits, 4 are a good quality striped grey worsted, 2 of narrow striped tweed, both lines are all wool, are well lined,trimmed and made as good as any tailor could make them, the regular price was $15.00 a suit. We nave just six suits of these two lines left, and bo clear them out on Saturday place them on sale at each i 50 Ilodgens Bros, .CLINTON • Hot When It Gets You will appreciate the use of a Hatn- mock. They are restful and rest bas much to do with health. The rest 2 you get in a hammock is out in the fresh air and sunshine, The best pos- sible place to get it is in a hammock, An investment in one will relieve you mentally and physically more than the expenditure relieves your pocket book, It's an out -door comfort, We have the small ones just big enough for the baby—and by the way its the kind the baby can't fall out of if it tried to do so—up to theadult size. Our prices are as low as is in keeping with the quality. They are varied in length, color and style, We invite your inspection. THE 'OLINTO N IT]1i 'lii` R1+EE ORD \:, ...,. 11p11 n�i ,I June 190, 1902 I II *w.w.HN�H ...e.N...f«ww� •►s.•s.N.. Hot we Sell the Best Goods Agents Parker's Dye Works. The W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest, Always the Best. 'About o o WHERE THEY ARE People OR WHERE THEY ARE GOJN6 •. _ We Know Mr, John Sage has gone to Strath Miss Etta Cook is visiting Goderich friends. Miss Dot, Baker is visiting Kings- bridge friends. Miss • Lizzie Reid left on Wednesday for Gore Bay. Miss Bertha Davis returned from De- troit this week. • Miss Blanche McKown was in Sea - forth on Friday. Miss Annie Howe has returned from visiting Goderich friends. Mrs. Burns of Exetercalled on Mrs. James McClay last Tuesday, Miss • Thompson of Blyth is • the guest of her mother in town. Mrs. Charles Bezzo and children 'of Goderich are visiting Clinton friends. Mr. and Mrs ,Tonathan Miller of Goderich were .in Clinton yesterday.' Master Frank Walker visited Egmond- vi11e friends on Saturday and .Sun- day. Mr. Brig. _ Kaiser came down from Goderich to spend Sunday with his family. • • Dr. and Mrs. Anderson and daughter of Mitchell spent Sunday at Mr. H. Wiltsie's. t 117iss Maw ti:ii4u of Goderich is at Present visiting .her- sister, Mrs. John. Walker. .Rev. H. A. Wright is attending the meeting of the Diocesan Synod. in London •this. week. Miss Mary McClay of Seaforth - was the guest of her brother, Mr. Jas. McClay, on Sunday. Mist Winnie Sturdy of Godericlrtown-: ship was the guest of Miss Blanche Mcllveen on Sunday. • ' Captain Combe took part ;in a drug- gists' . bowling tournament in Mitchell. on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs; John Torrance of Eg- mondville spent a few hours in town on Saturday on their way home from Bayfield. ' Mr. A. P. McLean,. Clerk of the God- erich • W. O. W., attended the un- veiling ceremonies in Clinton; ceme- tery on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cluff drove to Bervie last week to attend the fun- - oral of thetwo-year-old child of Mr. Joseph Emmerson. Mr. . J. B. Hoover was in Brantford yesterday attending: .a quarterly meeting - of • the board of managers, .of the Woodmen of the World. Mr. and Mrs. T. Couch, Master Fred. and Miss Lucy Couch, and Mr. Schneider of Mitchellwere guests of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Couch on Sun- day.• Mr.and Mrs. John Bair of Bervie were guests of Mr. and Mrs. •R. J. Ciufl on Sunday and visited this week their daughter, Mrs. George Hudie of Goderich township. Mrs. J. J, Maguire of Shakespeare is at the parental home this week, Mr: and Mrs. A. O. I'attison's. Mr. Maguire was up for Sunday but re- turned to duty next morning. The following were among those who attended the race meeting in Sea - forth : yesterday : A. Couch, J. Houston, O. Johnson, J. Ratten- bury, J. Bell, Dr. Shaw and W. W. Ferran. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Murphy of Exet- er were the guests of Clinton friends on Sunday. Mr. Murphy is a mem- ber of the W. 0, W. and took part with the brethern in the unveiling of the monument of the late W. H. Beacom. Among those of Mir citizens who en- joyedseveral hours good fishing in Bayfield on Monday were : • 3. E. Cantelon, G. E. Holmes, D. B. Ken- nedy . and Js Steep, Dr. Holmes landed a pike which measured about thirty one inches. Mr. Jacob Sheppard, who has been in Goderich for the past fifteen months, visited his brothers in town from Saturday to Monday and is now the guest of his daughter, Mrs. J. G. Steep of Goderich. township. His health has considerably improved but is yet very infirm.. Rev. Adam Glazier and Mrs, Glazier of Cape Croker visited the Andrews, Glazier•and other families in town the past week while on their way home from attending the meeting at Woodstock of the London Confer- ence. the distance from the Cape and back again will total nearly two hundred miles. .Mr. Glazier is a native of the Base Line and has numerous relatives in this district, while Mrs. Glazier is a member of the Summers family of near Blyth. It is thirty one years since Mr. Glazier .entered the Methodist min- istry during which time he has lab- ored in many fields, For ten years lie has had charge of the Indian tins.; sion at Cape Croker where he has labored with much success. The In- dians on the mission, as elsewlrcre,. are gradually decreasing in number and now number only 36o whereas there were 6o0 of then thirty years ago when the Reserve was formed. The death rate is especially large among children from croup and measles and in an epidemic year he had forty funerals. In another year constuuptioir carried off six victims. The Indians, says this Worthy mis- sionary, are improving spirit1tnlly and morally and are also becoming more industrious, They paid for the Methodist church on the Reserve in less than two years though it cost $35oo, doing it out of their treaty money which amounts to $8 per quarter per head. Rev, Kr. Glazier and his 'e timable partner enjoy theood work in which they are en'gagedw. • at Verb Low Prices ,There are so many features of special interest if our selling of summer merchandise that it is hard to select for your reading just that which will best represent the wonderful bargain opportunities of this store, Our special aim is to sell dependable, high-class, seasonable goods at popular prices. The maintaining of this policy has brought to us increased business each month, { More Trimmed (Hats at $2.50 & $1.50 each "` We will continue our offer made '- last week of selling any trimmed Ihat in the store at $2.50. - Nothing but good trimmings are used in the making and every hat is the very newest style. 1 11 1 More Trimmed Hats at $1.50 On Friday morning we will have ready another to • of ti imaged hats at each I.SO • Baby Bonnets at Bargain Prices On Friday morning we will place on sale several • dozen Baby Bonnets at reduced prices. They are all new this eei;son hut sorne of them are alightly soiled, ` 30c and 4Oc Bonnets for 25c . '75c Bonnets for .5 O 35c Ribbons at 25c •- Our Ribbon sales for the past week were- the larg- est on record. People are fast finding out that the best place to buy ribbons., is at this store. This week we place on .sale several hundred yardsof extra wide ribbon suitable for neck-. wear, in shades of pink, sky, turquois,old rose, cream, white, etc., the regular price of which 2(� 5 • is 35c, on sale at L All Over Embroidery for Waists 30 inch wide allover. Embroidery in stripes and small designs ---em- broidered on fine lawn, These • goods are in great demand for e waists, prices per yard 55e and NU Embroideryei nsertions We have just passed into stock sev- eral hundred yards of Swiss Em- broidery Insertions. They come in very pretty designs, suitable for,. trimming waists, etc. Our stock of fine embroidery is very complete. prices per. yard...3c, 5c, 8c, 10c, 12icto .5.0 Scotch Muslins in Black Only The black Dress Muslins we imported from Scotland some time ago have 'been selling very freely in spite of the hack ward season. Several pieces have been sold out but we still have a large aGsortment of these scarce mus tins in all the new lace stripe effects at 20c, 22c, 25c to 35c each Underwear, Hosiery and Whitewear Ln dies' Vests with and without short s Jeeves, at each ,O5 Ladies' Vests of fine cotton yarn, in ' white and cream, trimmed at neck with tape, short sleeves, very spec- ial at 2 for .25 Ladies' Vests made of very fine cotton yarn, nicely trimmed at neck with lace and silk tape,with and. without /I O sleeves, very special at 25c,38c & .. I 4410 Ladies' Fine Silk Vesta at: $1-00 200 pairs. of boys' ribbed cotton. Hose, all fast dye, in assorted sizes, very special at 2 pair for .25 150 pairs boys' very fine ribbed cotton Hose, hermsdorf dye, in assorted sizes. These stockings are as good as. other .25 stores sell for 35c, all at - Ladies' fine black;cotton-Ilds'e, dyed with the famous herms- dorf dye andtvar'ranted fast,,;in 87�, 9, 0 , very special 18c & .25 Whitewear Cor.et Covers of good. Cotton at 10c Corset: Covers nicely :trimmed with embroidery insertion, etc. at 22c and;2.5c. Ladies' White Underskirts,e--.. tra. wide, some plain, others trimm- ed with wide.embroidery, very special at 49c, 69c, 98c to $1.98 Gov ns' at •49c,' 69c, 98c, $1.25 to $1.50 . YOUR MONEY BACK • . IF YOU WANT. IT CLINTON .O••NN *O••. . NlIMIttwri mlrttrtrrtir mtr trltrtrra l??Iff Itrtettr►ttrMII? N�G tlrrlfnrnr it�1 r'itr r �ittilrriritrilritrlrritrllttiflirltri9fllr Bargain meek in 4, i' s s 4, t. ip Men's Suits BO. s' Suits Men's Pants Boys' Odd Coats ▪ • Commencing next Saturday and lasting for one week we will give some wonderful low prices in the above lines. They are the product of our own factory and it is odds and ends of, tweeds that we have made up to dispose of at ridiculous prices. We . can't tell you all about it in this space but come and, investigate, You will be surprised. There are about 5o Men's Suits, 75 pairs of Men's Pants, 90 Boys' Odd Coats. We could easily sell the entire lot to some of our customers in the city, but we want to give the snaps to our own people here. We will h ave a great many other lines at clearing out prices on Saturday next and it will pay to come and see us. Ask to see those Rock Drill .Knickers at 24:ets! Inquire about Odd Coats for Boys at 76 cts• Look for Boys' Coats and Vests an $2.63, worth $3.75, Shrewd buyers will come early. jackson �1N/NNI/11i��iuuiluJ�u�u�uH111uJIN�ui�tr�r�ii�►��►�u�utuu�u Bros., Clinton. re▪ el -...e ..tie rag r_ wriler rififfi rag .-- .▪ e -o —. ry▪ e --3 --3 --+ ^�w .40 ! IJ�AN/H11tJ11iui1111�af►11�Ju1uJ11%uiu1uJ11111JNJUiL 4U 11