HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-06-19, Page 7June 19-U111902
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated by
Act of Parliament, 485e.
Capital $2,50010oo
Rest 2,150,0o0
Molson Macpherson, Presideut.
James Elliot, General Manager.
'tate diswuijte1. tolleettons ma(1e.
Drafts issued. Sterling and Amer-
ican Exchange bought and eold.
Interest allowed• on deposits.
Interest allowed on sunis of 451 and
Money advanced to farmers on their
()en mit CS itli ole or more
dorsei 5. le o mortgage require(' as
11. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton.
G. D.. McTaggart.
old 1 10 )1 11 1. min 1 1r 11t.
Directory. 1 0 40
1 Wesley Church-Suuday services at
, a. in. end 7 pSu
. in. nday 5011001 Lao p. M. Wilbur Manning, Sun-
• day. school euperintendent ; Sibley,
awn- leader l• Miss Hanle Combo, or-
galust Rev. W. O. Iloueton, pastor.
; Ont. St Church -Sunda services at
Lt a. in. and p. in. Sunday
school. at 2.30 p. in. Jacob Taylor,
I Sunday school sunerintendent ; J.
choir leader ; Mtss .A.zie
Gibbings, organist ; Rev. Dr. Clifford,
Churt1C--Sundey services
at II a. in. end p m 4unda
50110(11 at 2.30 p. Sunday school
superintendent, Rev. C. R. Gunne,
; A. ; choir leaU
der, r. AV. V. Later-
' mll ; organist, Mies May Ileneley ;
rector, C. R. Gunny, M. A.
.Baptist Chervite-Sentlay services at
; 1 a. la. alla 7. p. in. Sunday school
; at 2.30 p. nt. Sunday school •superiti-
tentlent, Mr. K. Prior .; choir letaa•
I er'Mr, J, B. Hoover ; org,anist, 'Miss
Lela Hoover ; pastor, Rev. J. C.
\S Lilis' Chereh-Sunday service's at
e. 111. and 7 p. 01. bunday School
p.. 111. Sunday school superin-
tendent, Mr. • Jas. beott ; assistant,
Miss Wilsou ; • choir leader, Mr. W. 1'.
Spaulding ;• orga'M
nist, iss Maude
°coda ; pastor, ReV, SteWart.
St. Joseplee Church, Catholic -Sun-
day services at 10.30 4. 10. and 7 p,.
in. every 211(1 Sunday. Sunday School
at 3 p. 1n. every 2nd Sunday.
day eclefol superintendent,. Rev. IL P,
MeMenathin ; choir .leader, Mr. Chas.
Gravelle ; organist, Miss Minnie •Reye
fluids •priest,. Rev. D. P. McMenamin.
. Plymouth Bretheru-Service at II a.
In, on Sunday.. Reading meetings at
-7 p. m., Sunday and Friday evenings. •
Town Councie-Mayor,Thomas 'Jack -
eon ; Councillors, II. 13. Combe 3: A.
Ford, C. 3. Stevenson, •Alex,- ditcliees.
zie, .. C. Overbury, Thos., MacKenzie ;
Clerk and Treasurer, W. Coats, Meets.
the first Monn- day ieach month. •• • -
Public 14ihrery• Board -President, W.
Brydone Staretaty,• W. E. Rand ;
W. . R. Lough, Dr. - Shiley, W. :Coats
and E. M. MeLeane . • •
Public School Beard•-Willinr Man-
ning, C. 13, Hale,. W. T.. O'Neil,. J,- W.
Irwin, Dr. Agnew, R.: Hodgeits, -T.
Da aecnn. Secretery, J.SCUnningliame ;
treasurer; W.- Coats. - • •
Collegiate . Institute, Board -Claire: -
118111,• Janie, Scott •;• secretary., SM. -
mera„ggart!, - treasurer, .*.W. Jeckson
I). A. Forrestere.• J. Ransterde 11.
1 lumstecl, W. -Manning. • Meets
first Weduesday. in. each suotith.
- • -•
• Ton 11Ship :Council -Reeve . 'Thomas.'
Churchill, ' -Clinton.; CouneillOrs, 'joint
Middleton, • • Clietoe ; • John. . Woods).-
Perter's. ; .Tatines. Cox, . POrter's •
11111 .; "•-.7athes • 3011115t021{.(;GoderieleS.•
Nixon.fitiiedy,...(1011erieh•; An-
seesor, s..john •Thompson • Clint -One
1 reasurer, • - Whitely, .:Godei•it h ; • . Col- •
11 cibr; Louis *Anderson, 'Clint c:n...•
A deucrel Rink ing Business transact- !
ed. Not es d iscounted. Drafts !
i -sued. Interest ttl lowed on
A11)0Street - - - Cli111.011.
Money to loan.
011:cc-Elliott Block - - Clinton.
Notary, Public, Etc...
- Beaver Bleck - - - Clinton.
- -• •_._ -
Convey allt C0111111iSSI•livtS, Real
Estate and Insurance Agency.
Money to loan.
DR. W. GUNN, , •
R. C. I'. and R. C. S., Velinberget.
Night. veils lron door of residence
1.11 Rat lenbury street oppoSite
PreSbyterian church. •
Otlice -Ontario street - - Clinton.
DR. SHAW, . •
• oaee,e
()"1"ti`' streeteltutt'n. Board f ITelth-eley, COX-, •John Albert Call,
o .
Oppesite St. Paul's chureh. tein,
Reeutte of Wrongdoing FOrdibly
SOWer of the liesh ..41ways ;leaps the
9114%1)110e the '1 leth-Thinsgic a
eieu. .Uy Repent al his 11114 HO MU:A
1.4 144 Louth ealree foe ale ilia -
to A01 nf lltrIlitinent of Can -
the year 1124 tly W41,11•Ill bailie of Te-
rmite, at the Do I. ca. AnTalt.turci. Ottawa.
Chicago, • Julie • 15. -The inevitable
re:elite of wrongdoing ere forcibly de-
scribed in the folios Mg hern1011 by
ler. Vrabit De %Alt t Talmage from
Aim text, Ualatious -Ile that
soyetn to Ids dual shall of the flesh
reap corruption." -
Some familiar texts ere like. pow-
- erfal tonics. They hate a snap
stre»gth which we do not always Lind
In the watee of Tile when it is held
in strange tend peculiarly labeled hot -
!ties. They ere jibe, ole lullabies with
which we were swig to sleep ineedlel-
hood. Thee, have been iepented over
and over itgain he; the lipe Or our
departed loved ones, -.24e,ofhat each
-word is Made sacred by holy aspoci-
talons. Every time we :meek thein
it seems 114 though these .wolds W$/1'()the • ushere welcoming us into the
vestibule .01 the church 111 which the
service Was held when we gave our
hearts to God. •
, But though many great preachers
have spotter' from -this text. -and
though Melly holy aesociatione • ga-
ther around its Woills yet 1 would
111111epeak• upon it for tWo rve.sons :
First, because. 1, am puesionately fond
�f •t he • country . '
yet white from chewing arid • breaking
the Bode. •• And the sower,. with his
bag' -of: 'Seed 'hanging' upon One arm
And' hie handful- of seed &winging at
the • encl. of thee other arm,- - Only. a
!Meet time age, with ineaeured tread.
tvent across the' fiehle.-'seattering the
ds ,
see. Ow. right and 'to the life.
May tiod help est to teach the leSsons
of Sinner's 1,02 rihntitni the..lan-
&mew: of the einem;
-These:eds. •of the flesh •by the inex-
•orahlit 01 tieldesean only pieee
duce the ,harvests the
etatemene is.. an axiom, at self -eVit.•',
elent Met.. ' • . - ••
.As l'hore is a .SPirilual law in- thtL
mien rot tvorld so :there 18 &l IiUtl 00
11140 11.1 the' spiritual' NVOral. Allit 1 Iltr-
SOWN` .10" Cho -14,0. liaS 110 •11101y 11411/,
t expect Ori,(11). th0.. lurrv'eSt. of he
sotto.' to theepirit than 0 linnet. has
Pa. tight to expect_ to gather- a crin, •
The second reason why speak
front this. text. to -day is beetles° the
itit of the -Year•, . when the •
Allterkall NOW01' went. forth to- sow,
' (11i1',,'!UW WeRkS past.. The plows
only a Short Utile ago had life rust.
of ineny months rubbed off their
sharp nosee. The hiterow's teeth Are
ofar.evil seea, ds and the gieat-geand-
that yotixig college boy who was d
, i
pent of lifetime of evil harvests, ing frozn an tiecident nEdinburg
A soweNt hen the •ehaplain keett by his he
r unto t
•be flesh always reaps . side and said, 'My lad, will you r
More corruption than he expected to
gather. . pent of your sins and look
And if the evil results of tare 1 Christ?' He answered: 'Ne, sir,
planting are so awful in reference to 1 have served the devil all my lifeet
our OWIL lives how much more awful 4 served Juin W012, 404 110'w ait this
must be the results when we plant lust moment 1 would not be so mean
those tares :la the lives of others. A 1111 10 ilSk C11114 to take iny broken
down body end. ely wreck of A life.
, • weenie who had '• talked unjustly
No, sir, 1. would not be so 111.0421,'
i ugainst 'her neighbors once went 1.0 a
.1 priest for colifession. After shetold ' 1101,013' sinful it even with all
the priest the evil she had done her I your einful past, is that right ? Is
neighbors she naked, him what .she • that what Christ would have you
. :it:LAI zetito1(1 tboaduendhoeriliegowiti:1):1g.seatet'here 1(11:, /waif e;otitin 1),,i!Icli•Ltity wrramatictloi:noey,tlatilidd
priest A•ave her a handful of nettle
trampled tweet .votte bleedine heart
i those nettle seeds over a fielt and for litany 3140S, would yott wenthim
then come back to hint. After the to stay .away and die hardened
woutan hail done as she was -told $he. • ugatinst you and bittee, 'merely be-
came Mu* to the Priest. "Novi," cause he had boon einftil neul way -
sent the priest,. "go and gather those 1 ward? Not If you knew where lia.
itettle seeds up again." "Oh," said I is dying to -day, you would take the
he ma
twoman, ''1 nn
1 caot." "Neithee," , very first train to hint. - You would
answered the priest, "can you ever l go, if necessavy, without own a.
. tiitilo 'the wreugsr nu(llgiehib) ores'oti, leAttz ii e‘11,ittaiiitigeup of garments'. You would
done against you and down. the train while it
ful intaitt, be the remorse when a con- 'was in Motion, because your anxiety
vertu(' Max realizes that, by his sin- would nut let. you sit still, and you
ful sowing he has deVeloped it • herve would . rush into the -hospital and
- est of corruption in the • hearts of • rush to the ward and thro.w yourself
TI he has planli
t- by his ed just to give him aMss
ahc115 ItTeigrheb°111:If. eevil seeds, ' softie of of love mid of pitedon. . $o Jesus to -
them Will come up.. The natural and day begs you to, live for him end
etale".e‘so'f •ttlliee 111110:54184).
0not neces- let the cross be the plow to change
come to hint, lay brother, will • you
sarily produce the harvests of the your_ heart ? , Will youtake the
flesh instanter. A long time may hie good seed in - your heed. and go
tervene between "the time of planting forth to sow in the spirit, 'so that
Li nd of reaping. '17wice • ditring the 3' 011 mayereap life .everIasting 9
• 3TelatiLt
el° i
is tltiteri-islieLiigigostilafx°ttri%11t() 11g.`.81.'OhN. So, this sermon teaches tw
:o les-
, the rye,- the barley, the •ont seed is road over which are dragged the'
scattered. Thtn t.he corn seed is place tares that are to be burned in the
'ect inthe groului. Then . the eituothy ill, erlasiing . fires. The other points
. seed is thrown .ovee the field, so 1 hat ...own t lie. road over which t he
sdheaves• of- Wheat are 'Iriumphantl
tthhcet tftt•lilniti,let•stnomcknthelr blalvaied112y4Yaredttlliqeislie • ..ciant;i:lecluiellit?ra..\1,21.8• t; ') Qt. s op 1 e111. 1 go. It., let tni a or 11 el es:
2 seeds placed be the grt,huoncllitttbiletni-ene._ Ittto thu $itvrilli3O. 6f , chost wood
. ser siliTrotsiltl.s"CLOti'sne1-11tiap1S7 Then the fielchi preVailingly with tis not to sow cur-
, 'eveyywhere are carpeted :with. gre'en, rtanion, but life everlasting. Yet all
. But there is a•fall planting as well hinnan beinge are freeaients to do
...as .11; ..spring planting. Just before • as „theywill. • They can .aecep. or pee
the "sentinel. Thirds migrate to the- ject Christ. - They min gather either
. . stiontalt .the
-hi: ewtilitiet elitisietzottri:iill:
. ielcii;veetsht...t.lialt°2;11.11.211h:.111tes...°ateisvo"retttp;;;211art•
...his wheat eyed. 'Phese_ seeds. lie dor-
the • •fattener goes forth and scattess
,..../lueltinehani P41400,-45. the. point.oi.
. . .
•.'itneliftlehnnt 1.111110e.'
. . long01 211;1 t.,A...h.t.1.11.1)(1ei(cil ci ,111:1•11 oi tieihttnh, .. J.S10.1101 3.11711,Siti. y'w(iliniItl,:nlen_Isgni.)111.1:111r11gse,
M01,1-'6%100 , of . the Eerie's Coronation
departure • and . final stmee• 'cif each
- collies those wheat seeds which. have will Miturally he a great. rallyin '
.. lain dormant for so long, are roused , ground, for .soectatoi.s. . It stands on
ey tee 1,1481, ofethe spring'a reserrete the site of .91(1 Buckingham 'Houst
eiatureee laws is that the. deeper the' John •Shellield, •
*time • And. a .woralerful feet • Omit built on t
. he ';',1111)1tlilkito.rtoecf (ilititlicliei ini gs '11' a 111).y1,-.
. shows, the tenger the winteie and•the ...iiii,73117.(til.ii-.ri lctilt*leorgel 81.3.51 11..tihboottogil:Itzito-ulan
...i.1(1)11(1,1esett•Itolitiogseer ealliledittuleoeleatisvillielierIciritthtet.• .
.gratie when It beteins to grow. • aee commenced. It-. Was complettei
Was pulled dealt and the present Pal
,.,. - Stesowe of the tares or the silts of . -After ten exiienditure of' -a. million
the flesh which we heve shown in the .esItivetyz.liiiiligg Atilt 1.803117, jfilatyleeiL.Vtitictitotriya.....-,ot:c.- •
,. 1,itt111.0t 0 jility•dee
.: becituseewe 'Mee Sinned hnd never yet:. terior of .. he I'al•ace, wes. re -erected-'
'The Marble Arch, •taken .from the .ex
: .110011 Minieluidat d have kept onsin at -Hyde. P'.( . on March 20, •.I 851.:
ting 'five. heittlreil, at enousand, .ten', •The palace . underwent further ini-
thoutiand.-tiiiies that we metier will hp .,proyenient in: -1.14-eil, 'when en
, -..
punished. tilat *i• lie'Vel'. Shall 1111.V(' 10 . trance gateway was widened . and. the
'. ght hos. ..our ' harYostel • of c.orelliet ion: •epprottehes. enlarged.
• ]111t we will: ,' AS the Lord' (1041 (1121- .• • • •-.e, . ••,,,A.,•tit..ry 211 ,. litti.1..
s itipolene livetle we will. ! Christ . lii . s • , ..
Get • imitable iii• 118. tares explieitey • About. 'the . time of •William
si ates this fact. • As. (110 hot-180014er . coronet lea. tee i oll ow mg appeared
• Mt lnisbe • hilt serval' t )1 let .:the • tares . "AA ( • lt au it ft me ; he :Stilling AdVe
• a keit., -but when .1 he J.i.dapprit conte,'..
t.vn(1111A! to. grow i'iy the eide atf,•••eint ' iii.?icsi(;11. itah.satt .AC,ti'leltilcr1e(i.S1 •JoXy.i.„!1401:1 ill.'ort.thiolef;er;it:hittll
ele.iy will fleet gather 'file -toren- euto.. lee of a nobleemn 111. the neighbor
.. leundleS and destroy them. • Sinner,' . 11b0(1•61.Falltiek, 'along -wit:le-fie-Vera
-. 4141 :not • deedi.Ve ytiiii:self. Gitcl. is not ..'12eivettniiihilectitestortfiullidi,s; nfai.en:i.tly4..e.a1.11:t. itt.:o,aii,ig.t1...4.1.1 jAd
. ,.. „
nipeke al . DO-11ot (/1 ink Meerut se ; (he ..1biluditit,b,:t..ti'ioefh• . ethxchi,bsittti,:ii.iint:dreingt;iaelelnttelY10
::. den (1:•.a.hen they '..are merely dormant...
: ed etheteibe• spealk of the. •Sesh are.
dayeof 1.41.111)21 tion hite• bucn..Pnal•Pen- ..m,..ilijoicy
which 'a fallen' ..dynasty
:..A.2.(the long delayed -wheitteharvest iti • :Iiitiy •be suppaised tie display. •• It IS
the . plihk,holont Of Alto' sins of
the Strow,est lovvest .540 the longer said • ...,,,,tdt.st,,,,,„itt.
:aeorfe'.Fthoert. elixelteltytt-
, fleelt..iStiostpinied theege'eater ima the thee heve. been • • looking' net for a,
. . .
ecoitruption. '. •
Aimee awful, will be..ehe harvests_ .of - suitable residence there in which to
spend the•. eiprieg.e.-(Jairmai.y. IS,
• . '•• 'rife eSeeds4 of the -flesh ill IV (LY R. • pro- 1 .8/1 / ).". - • •
. .
' sifairs --id ha inla 11181 trail of one pair,
. • .
'thlee• stich • great- •Inteveads... :that • molly
At the corimation . the MarChi-Orieg8
'42 1 . . . , V 'etkr.'ilk.
.. . ,
. 111iIkt. ' Ve'. mill dyed in the reapin s.
One man can plant. iti a -day 'What •it, . 'of- 13ute Will lehti .11.11- .the reSt with
• • will 112140 it score • •of 111.011 the, .. Annie... wear rubies. . The late • Marquis' *Of
•111110, to 7 reap: -.The sower wiellel --he ' Bute WaS riehi , il
i 4.1 p1(•49 if he himself - hied'f 6 meth n, most generous buyerS . known. to the
tus-" Wee 0110 of. the
' in ail „the.: results ' of.. Ili'; : SOWillit. 8d: Eurepee.u...leitlets; iii. gems. His 401-
'1. farmer 1)4', to look Shoed,. :to . 1(341 11)11 of rtibies. includes 'the noblest
- prepnre for the lutt•vest time... Alld if .. efone taken from •the-. Duritiab :mines.
he is.•1116. 'owner- of 4-.1:i:rem form, he.: It ie. eelled the 61Tettrt .or Droughts,"
• .
•e i dee ,•01,01:ntl elle • country tit se 32,•:rts.,,. beenuse Of lin. size •and pu lee ..rticitly
its - ti pteident it
. t lie. 11'11Yert. is -T1R0 it =1St - bo tut 'Mid i ie • UstiallY -worn by the. parehloness,
extra. lathorers. for• the reaping. it hen • color.' t. -.40t. tt10116,
. , , .
iallifind t$ (2 ie. re,
. • eit rrieci :into.. t he barns riglit . -0 way s I Whose ruby and .t1
4, else. the grein will fall off antleffe fain- . gaveled. As. the Mcie.t, valuable .'16Wieleil
hY". I that love is the law itself in manifold p[wEIE3 ND 600
d -
action' an obligation never fully dia-
. . Matt 8 - ). Some One has. sa ;
charged, It certainly was per.
to fectly in our Lord ;elate Christ, and
. in the OVerthroW of the Boers
I Re Is the end of the law for righteous.
nd nes* to every one that believeth (Rom.
r, 4). When He set the law, the Ten
Commandments,.before any one, Bay-
ing, "This do and thou shalt live," He
was endeavoring to convince him of
sin that he might turn to Mat tor
righteousness, for the laW cannot give
life, and by the deeds of the law no
one is justified, beeause he cannot
fully keep the law, so that the law
simply shuts one's mouth and sends
guilty and lost to Christ (Rom. iii, 19,
20; Jas. II,. 10; ill, 21-24).
10. Love worketh 111 to his neighbor:
therefore love lo the fulfilling of the law.
Love studies to please and therefore
cannot injure, The Mae whe takes an.
other's nioney and for it gives hiathat
welch destroys his reason and beggars
himself ane his family is not showing
any love, but the most intense eellish-
ness. He is saying, "I must have MS
man's tnonee, no metter what becomes
0111.111Ainnti" that, knowing me time, that
now it Is high thne to awake out of stem
for now is our salvation nearer than when
we believed.
A. condition of indifference to thinge
that should interest us Is a stitte of
sleep, The most remarkable instances•
of the sleep of believers is, that or Pe-
ter, James and John, heavy with sleep
on the Mount of Transfiguration in the
presence of Ms glory and actually
sleeping in the presence of Ms great
agony la Gethsemane. Think also of
the sleep of Samson in the lap of De-
lilah and its consequences to him, and
of the storm at sea when the heathen
cried to their gods and the only mart
on the ship who kaew the living and
true God was fast asleep, and the cap.
tele had to awaken hint, saying, "What
meanest thou, 0 sleeper?" Does it not
seem as if tnilliOns of heathen perish-
. lug in their blindness are crying to the
church today. in the same words?' •
12. The night IS far spent, the day is at
hand.. Let us therefore cast off the works
of darkness and let us put on the armor
of light.. ,
We were once•darknees, but now we
are light in the bord, and we should
g. walk as children of light (Eph. v, 8).
Light has no fellowship with darkness.
God IS light, and livelier' is no darkness
at all, lf we say we have fellowship
with Him and walk in darkness, we
'Ile and do not speak the truth. Let us
therefore walk in the light, as He is In
the light (II Cor. vi, 14; John 1, 5-71.
Although' we have entered into tha
twentieth century since•Chrtst came, it
le still the. -world's 'night, and no
amount of progress.elle beleg pie. day
which Itwalts His coming. "
• not In rioting and drunkenness, not In •
.chninbering and wantonness, not In strife
511103. eLnevtyiunsg.wa.lk ho.nestly as In the day.
- - • • 1.-vrANIxt TowNsuw.. • 1.01 larley from wheat Reed:: Or 13. erep
. • • • .
Special attention given to diseuseS of
the Eye, Ear, :Cost! and. Throat.
Olive and Residence- • • • '
ALett .1.reet, East,
North of Rattvnbury street. -
• Toaliship'..• count:A-42i. eve, ,301111 .
„ . .
McNaugliton,. Varna.; Councillors, W.
j. Stinson, Beyfield ; Ie Keys,
Vaunt ; James Johnstone, Bayfield ;.;
; Clerk, J. 'IL • XIarnwell,
Varna ;'• Treaenrer, John Reid .Varna; I
Assesscir, John Tough, BaYfield ;
lecto, 'rhos. Wiley, Varna.
• I.•
DENTIST, fbe KiIIup13iiutiial Fire
will Le at ilaylielcl every 'Wednesday
Adjoining Henry's Photo Gallery,
of - rye from cot on s, eile op- a. -A rim
of potittOeseirone enaskriteleit. Swede:.
Attye.einner. ',Who is .tryleg. areee-
hiannelf .iido at' different spirituati/eee ••
lief: is . ineekleg...(1.o(1,. but
netking "lituesielt • rid ,
.• •
• Chi where yen , sell) ...yeti :will •Iind
thee the . sotto. to Alte:,.114sh. alWays
reatits •atelini•VOSit' of gorruptioii; .. Sit
w4th the judge -upon the,- mid
he tell You t hat. t.he'.yoting rnan
stnieling beeire bile' tor -eentence did
net. think thee the seeds of.. sin which
he Planted ot• sverel. tveuld et•et •teise
root, end Sprodt. -
liot„think that Ids i.iiriving• it' few.
•.0ats" .100111d eVer 'Ca • hiS
(1)%4•11-61.1.1." . l•(•1. Ciod 11. 1., 1vil ell
Vila, sow those iieeds. • .1 lie elisiloyers
CI int 011.
* DR. G. ERNEST 1 I 0 1,511eS,
Specialist in Crown and Bridge Wo.rk..
/). I). S. -Graduate of the Royal Col.
lege of Dental Surgeons of Onter-
I. 1). S. -First class henor graduate
of Dental Departnient of Toronto
University. •
Special attention paid to preservation
children's teeth.
Will he at the River Rotel, Baylield,
every Monday. front 10 a, terh
• A member ()I the Veterinery Medical
Associations of L011(1011 4nd Edin-
burgh and Graduate of the Ontar-
io et urinary • College.
Ofliee-Ontario street - _ Clinton
Opposite St. Paul's church.
Phone 97.
Oilicie-Isaac street „- - - ClintOn
Residence -Albert. street 7, Clinton..
Sales conduCted . in all parts of the
'counties 01 Ilurim and Perth. Or-
ders lett at The 'News -Record, of-•
lice, LI 11114,11, or addreseed to Sea-
ford' P. O. will receive prompt
attention. SatisfaCtion guaran-
teed or no charges. Your pat-
ronage solicited.
, ti • ‘4.4-11,.
▪ h
Tin Bast h Current Literature •
12.60 PER YEAR: 26 CM A COPY,,,•
:119461i- .
Iir144• 4 DenIONS
Anr/TIO master n mid.destrintion 1411)9
meekly itgeortnIn nur cminhm free 1010ther en
Invent1,•11 1.111")1141),Itelilnblo. 6111111111,11k11.
tinna Mibioni Itnuithoos on 05(441)4
sent frun. ()Mon nin.uoy tor seonrtimpittentq.
Pntentn (tonna!' Atunn Co. reeolc%
tpertal notice, !mat cluirmi, 10 UM
A 11,,•alm,t, '1, Vh.!1:11`. 1,01,14V4 dr,
..0, vi 11.11 :.1,•rjotint 0. l'eryan. 12 8
71••.71 • 1, t
fillif4roi fag font
branch tnix,;,.. Zr.) St.. wtsgsssis...s.p. .0
• lnsurance.tompany.
Jiterrn and Iselated TONV1i' Proper-
• ty InStired. •
• • •.
were. Wat•eiting Alinost O.00.1'y
arke liOnso ,•in the. great
•llies•fats 'spies detailed' to follow the
trarks of its enipisiyes.'steo settee the
letectivee ilatusally hunted' up • the
voeng 'num -alto, spent. his Siinclitysi
, . . • • e et 1 , I iesident, Kippen. P..
0.•, •Thos • Fraser. 'Vice -President,
.31rticefield• 1'. 0. ;..T..-.E...Hays,' Sec.. • ' 1(
Treasur.Ore• .Seaforth P., 0-, ; W: G.
.13roadfoot, . :Inspector of I esses) . Sea.s..- '.. l
forth P. C. • •• .- ., , . - ... • (
• • .. .e.- '• 13I.R.F#CTORS• : • . ... -
. W. (e.... Dreadfoot, • •Sectroetlr:t . Jelni :.",
' • G•rieve . Winthrop ,' George .D• 1 e Sea••••• 1
.. Myth ; Joltu ' ..Vatt„..11arloCk•.;- '•Joliii.i.j
Bennewies,.Braditagan ;. James EyanS,'•et
11echivooil ; James' Connelly, gliutoee I •
.3121111 !McLean Kippene •••• ••• ." • • - -
. . : 7AGENTS. • • • .
- •
ropey (IiSappealeel i'19111 ebe...-841.0 the
It' thY 1121.' 0(10 W1101.0('4(1(13411-'
One t • no t • e ett • I. lem
y eet t t 6
lave teethe hey 118(11(11113' (311110tO.
hat young man mid pp113 the Annuls
01 the law mem his shotildeie •sayilige
enno. s 0.11111., 111..111. 1!(. eons ict -s.
by the British.
'rho Geller:Li 3:ilde a 81100021. to the nor-
If*I-t4To1):::::::11111:14;t:30114):13:“1101111 70:4)We-
1111111(1 That %le Ile r311.11ful. 10 our
iNew Lthverilliattht",-.31 en win Women
etrun'trloil 10 41.1111ko iierfes Mum.11.
London, •Jtine 10.-Desnatches • re -
coved hoe:. teem South Africa show
that the sairrenders of Boers are Pro-
etteditig with the greatest good will-.
Tiaf total numbers who have already
eurrendered itumbers 1 6,500, and the.
British are extendiug every possible
kindness to' the men who. come in.
The appearance of Gen. Pewet at
the .eanos at Winburg was the signal
fur the great display of enthusiasm.
When he writ ed at the catinp he
at once surrounded by mem women
and children! . who •struggied and elite
mored to shake the Mout Of their
hem. Cita. Dewet mounted a •table s
and delivered am add) OSS. 110 Warillr
OPPIellaed the Ste.1111111 support the .
eecomaged the inett in the'lleld.
( out teeing, came Dewet recout-
- mended, his hearess to be loyal tOthe
new tioverunient, and said: "Perhaps
. it• ie hard for you to heate this Nom
- • My mouth, but God lias decided thus.
. 1 fought until times . was no more
.hepe of upholding our muse, pant,
• • howeves bittee. it may be, the time
hes now eoine to lay. _down. our
• arms: • As a Cht•ietian• people, God
now. demands that we be faithfel to
• • Neither Geo, Dowel', or Mr: Stun, •
0111' hew Goveriiitient. , Let us ;It: -
mit to 'Ills deelsion."
• vfottte,enesr 411) irte‘,81(21‘0a1151„ v,(.11'ultildut,‘,ao Tut. itt)i.grit.
war: • Gene Dewet• has not •seen ,
wife .for two yew's.... .
. opti 1•1•otiv littcheiter.
• J.0114041,' June ifiee-A despatch iron!
0r41 Kiteheeere dated •Prel. min, Kat
ceeding most SatiSfactorily.•
1.8, iti,ul• that eVerYthing is pre
'• -GEN. DICLAII10*.SU.ttniciorat.., •
•Woh see, He elves, 1.10. lit Lielatenberir,
. • • •
'flieSe etre. varied •fortnit :of interitinne•
tome. Impurity end Moisten • to 'all -of •
whleh the tzellever .is ' to reckon him-
self dead.. Now, we are to watelz And
'--be sober. Putting on the•brenstplate of •
will and love and for. a helmet. the
of: salvation -limes: v." G.. -8).
7 . D,113 1113, ungodliness and witeelly lusts. '
1 -we are to live soberlyerighteously, and ,
godly in this Present world, looking for
our Lord'Jesus, WO gave Himself Or
us that lie might redeem us from all
• ..
•• iniquity atid, purify? unto Himself :a
people for His own possession (Tit.
• 14.14
.. •
Robert Smith, Harlock ; Robert Ale ,.
iiilijlan, .Seafort Ir.; James Cummings, t
ligmeedville ; J.; W. Yeb; .1Iohnes- 2
Ville. , f
Parties desirous to effect insurance 2
or transact °Chet bushiest; will be
cell ateeits'YOu• • nc°"1 '
The physic•ian .iii the •sickro0111 1i7111
each you Hutt the sowei• of the flesh
tittetys. reaps .elie corruption oi 'the
tesh...Upoti the teed Of stiffering lies
in invalid, lle may. pray, he etuty
prouiptly attended. to on aPplieation11
to .any Of -the above oilleerS addressed
to their reSpectiye postollices.
• the Peet, • Yoe must reap the 'eed';
01..geti1tiety, • the seeds- whieh 'owe
ltO may promise to .A0 right
tlte firture, shut the physivian says:.
'No, 'my friend; good int rut ions • do
toe eradicate ihe physical wrongii.of
GE.141\111, TRUNK .
• <
• flf1114WAY SYSTETil
. TIME. TADLIee *. • • ' . ' ' •
••• Trains will .arrive ...at •aud depart 1
from Clinton Station as follows 1 . 1
IltriorA1,0 AND GODIMICI1 WV, • 11'
.doing gest.. Express • ' ..' .7,38 a. tn.. 1
- 0 . 0 • .k . - . ,.
% .2.55 1,- 11), I
' .4.1 57P. me '''
patekled iti•thie wine 0.110; 1:e•8ee414.1t1'
ate hours, •the 'seedsof llw defiance
,r moral la ws,... . Dying • man .
oast roar) ,Of
lie siesh whiolt you lave: soya.' . .
Stand' with the mittiSter 03..1118 Put -
mid Jim will teach ;vow'. (la' Sante.
e44(111. 1 le Will; tell 3'011: atitt•
Thanmay reeent of. hileiaine be Mus1.
ift, to the grave's• edge: suffer 'from his
, •
• • •etilo .
i1 ner. martial the reselts .o1.1.110 mist
v 21 may cease when., the Sinner roller;
imeelf 111 the...White gio•ittents of • the
Lei/Tilled, but- all theetigh the re-
tie intlee teethe- sinner's pa rt hly.eareee.
3' .13)13(33 suffer • for . the evil 1.0111 11 he
us done, Tin.; Minister will. tell you•
hat one .of the .kaddest sightst of
'111.141Jan work 15 to •gee 1111 ()Id /nail
vho. hag- 110(.11 ted at the view -
nth liner, holiblistg alczegenium
elle. through. de, harveste of comp-.
eel whieh eurround hint everYwiler&.-
le et it inbl es. • Uwe egit the ha eves
hick hate 0011.1.4. from the 51‘eds . of
is meet planting. -
The eieels of the fleth by- the inex-
ruble iewe of the fields *are expected
to prochice more of a leuiveet than
OP original seeds. which have hem
sown.- 10' won ld be folly for Ow farm -
(r 14). sew MO :kernels; • of corn :if he'
midi!, only I•ecTiV• ill retrirn lett '
doyen ears Of corn; to 'plant twemy -
01. thirty peas if he ('(2' 111 gather In
return bee a few pods, or to labor ,
Itt tie if • for every p11011 14 seed .1 tare.
would come up 010 lcOrilvl •hi '
11141. Mit W11011 the .ittr111Ye. 11118 •
small bag of wheat- seed he sitys to •
himself: "Nowe if I properly plow •
and harrow the ground.. apd tilent
those seeds right be' able to
gather st whole field Of golden grain. •
One of zey seeds will be ethic- to pro -
deco itself many, many timee." lien-.
jeunin Franklin owe said that the .
reproductive power, the prolifieness
of vegetable We, eimply ineoneeiv-
able and without limit. We *all- roe 1
Inembee liatthil • De leoe's story of the.
• shipwrecked sailor. Ito found half a I
ticretin email wheat seeds. From those, e
few seeds he was -able to develop all t
the wheat he wante.d both for him-
self and his negeo servant. .
it would, be a happy solution • to c
the termer if when ho sowed one evil
Seed ho should get back only one evil t
result, lett that bi not the way the
harvests; of the flesh groW. One evil I
Seed Will become the parent of Menet t
meeft" .4110 oranduareat ot a boat .
. " " . Mixed
West "
10.15 a.' to. ' •
. " lexpress• '22.55p,"
• 11 •
PI: 11 7.054. 111, 1'
10.2.7 p. 81.
Going Solidi Express. • 7.47 .a.
t •• " . Mixed : 4.715.p. m.
• '' 'North Express .10./5 111..
• " 0 Mixed . 6..55 p. in. •
A. O. ,PA'1"rISON,. le R. IIODGENS; ;
Agent. •• Town Ticket A c
141. C. meRsoNti
District Pass. Ag., Toronto '
• -.---
ener • Will • ii a Ve , 01). result s..front , his ehnon0i1t. , ()ailed in Em•ope by a prte
. .
.stell bedding- :Six_ seven, eight : • • • ..
planting hut, straw; e hell. he lists foie. :trate iiiilitiicl.l.tolarlisLi?,,...-1.,}1:.es..
. .
' monthe Of the year yOu may find 11)1-.1 .
. employ id nee') • In ...t he count r r . I2,it I . ' EverY• '141).1111y sli:cotpdido.fihtarts1;eiyam,(71101)01ed,-1
411:•.1114 . het' veNt Vine; ,every..health,/ !_ shop that
In, n elm find Work ahd hie wages 11 On. rainy... (1113.i8. It is better, :.also to
• he Is only w il 1 lug I. o work a 0 ct 1i1'e a I eeksunth s -outfit. Men, if
1.1211e8 hOw to wield a srythe et' how , ..the farmer or 'any one • of his boys
.to. tie up the elicit% t.s. of gritins • . 1 eas enough. • MN:Inimical , talent to
'Whoare 111'. • rearers 0112:aged lee .., Make u him handle, le can soon team.
forehand tii. 12, lei t he sower to *he . to d 0 ..a.11. tee .plainrepairing recitile-.
(lie h .• ea. her in tlie: great est learyeet , • • ed On •.(1. 'farm. ' •
. . . . . .
, •which es•i to ee garnered at the brink . • ..• . : , • • .
i 61 the ,e n grave. 9 They are 1111' 'e- .
Mt Wats rent), rs, 'I hey are Sat en end • . , . •
ail his evil spit•ite. They are- Hut ' • '.'''.
, TILE SUNDAY .SCHOOL tits Dim( n trail).0 . .
. . • . . . ..
ya.ia.S.41.1111.14.4%• ir•do 1 1111•I •11.1142(4
1CICK L71 air
r r
"I have used your Hair Vigor
for five years and ern grontly
pleased with it. It certainly rc.
stores the original color to gray g
hair. Itkeeps elibeirsoft."--Mrs, 4
Helen Kiikenny,New Pertlanddlie. 3.1
Ayer's Hair Vigor has
'! been restoring color to P
gray hair for fifty years, t
and ,it never fails to do
this work, either.
You can rely upon it
. for stopping your hair
i froth/failing, for keeping
= your seaip clean, and for
1 making your hair grow.
• $1.00' a We. Mt dtaggists.
Solid Y41„Verilf„ennir ;lir g„,i'Velif
yotta bottle, Bo sum owl give the name
: of scour nearest °epees onee, edelress,•
LT, C. 4.3:lat co., Lowe% mass.
. 11 I''O 1.1
the demons' who' will gat hee only the 'LESSON XII, SECOND QUARTER, INTER-
•emet, corrupt of herviiets. . • ' . NATIONAL SERIES, JUNE 22. '
0:tvott.,•..No.a 50ala •disteour‘itTiii...cllts2.11
,r'ext of . . .
Te..671/0.1c(itit011;:)f 1118111.1481; :11111'18A .1":‘ i"11 litenioryth;ertmegess, nfi'-1R4130".olxjoittil, Text,
oast. Must T die an et ertiol shettli? :
Ts teem 1,e, hope foe em., 7., yi,o, N.,,,s, -.11.9.m. :de 12 -ea mentnry. Prevar.
brother.' there Is limo for yoti if yeti Cd by Mos/. D. M. S eornet.
'relielit 01 30111' Acis and "H." Ye"0-. •Iceeyeleht,1902, by American Pram ASO.;
self upon Christ's mercy, ae wi•le nit seiationj • •
the, fowl valve s of God. . I only tile t- ' 8. Owe no man anything but to love one
ed • otitelialf of the vereticliefry,istc1.: 111:t1:4 sfuniont1hIceS, iiflepriahwe.that loveth another hath
/110' text ' wee takene • . . •
• 'We areasked to ture aside fretdeecur.
or til° "nth' thus' -‘1114' lw °hit studies in the A•cts to what the. coin.
soweth 30 the spirit Ault Of. the
"het real) life everlasting," clew mittee term a temperance. lesson, Wit.
flest half le a red fight of warning, • those who are acquainted with our
flashed far out over the troubled sea lesson notes knew that We never turn
el sin' • 'MP eeeen4 hell. is beacon aside from the gospel of the grace of
inviting you up the narrows (o the .
hotter of Peace, Clod and the glory of God for any oth-
First, my brother, you meet. get er topic, believing that the goSpel
yoer Meta eight 'for the :whetted eltIdeS all else and that teMperance
seed plotting. In the far eveet the means. the fullest possible self Centre!
evident Mew wile made out of wood 'and self renun@ation in every form.
111111 not from hem. 'You must let Our lesson is n. part of the practical
the. beeen of the cross plow up your peahen of this epistle, 'beginning with
eiliful heart, 'Ilion, haying, prepared chapter xii,..1, "1 beseech you there;
the ground for the spiritual' seed
fore, brethlen, by.the mercies of God,"
planting. you must go to. work for
and all that follows is enjOined upon
God with ten Altnes,, ora, hnndred
Hines -aye, with a thousand times - the believer beenuee of the free justiii
the zeal. you have ever felt tts dis- fication by greee given to the penitent
chile of -s'n. You meat eeillet your- sinner through the redemption that is
eche 'body, mind atici soul, for the in Christ Jostle (Itons. 111, 24). Apart
gospel planting, As 17 said before, front the redemption that is in Christ
you cannot eilletige the paet. The zio amount ee So called teMperance
past is dead. But, oh, by the power counts for anything in the light of
)f the TrolY Yeu 04n sPiritilit- eternity, but When through HIS blood
lee the future 1 You can make your we cool, into the place of elm eon,
ast Part dos honored ill deMnatiell and no separatien" (Hone,
meet' and on east's becaust
e 'hey
vill, I, -38, 30), then God eepectfi Us to
tato been lived for Clod and to help
-our sinful Minty Intim "'Whosoever Walk no lengetafter the flesh, but aft.
vile let him ronie and take of the er the Spirit and to let HIM ftilfl1l 111
litter of life freely." '1 hitt means tle the righteetistiess OE the law (ROM.,
e)1t ; that meanie nab We ran vill, 4).
.°1'"1.Nit'et," you answer, "1 will not, sooliThou ahalt love thY tutighbOr as thy.
%num, I dare not comp to Christ ThIS le the retord'd Own summary of
low. 17 have 111141 tO0 Wad( a past, what ie Called the teCend table Of the
have eown too Many evil needs to iuw or our duty to our fellow matt
he fleth. / feel a great deed like
, .
13. But. put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ
And make not provision. fel-Abe. flesh to
NUM the lust •thereof. •
We are. -said Gal.. AIL 27 -,to have
put on Christ, in gph. iv.. 22-24;toput •
.011 the 61(1 man whieli•is eccirti
rpt 111
' put esi the 111301 man which, after God.
• • is erietted righteouseess and true
holiness. Sie-nlso 111 CO, 111, 9,.10. We -
are In Cluilet.'nnesChrlat is In us: the
.rether. Son iatel Iftily Spirit have ciente'
AO dwell In us (Joimekei), xiv,
17, 231. end sill they neits.14 that we
"Yield fullY to them,.that they .may fill
tis with Joy nod peace andeuninifest •
:the life of Jetties In as. .•, •
• :
• . (Inc reason was•thet: the eastern part
' of tee Teenseeutr• . had no • foodstu,P.'s
wit a ver 'Wes t TI lut va , 110a:ever ,
• . "rrassvaat.
ti.aTs'il'.*(°541..trtItt4.enjdleinrieql' 1:15 tt.-t
Licht onh
Trti.osvaal,:wit.1!.?,00 11101.: .• '
Mahn, liewet 1/* Europe..
OraOga .00105134.
.1ueo pothtt, Ite‘Cet and
• 14.5...141:L24itttyud .to go to 'Euro 0 next
cLe: -tee
. • -
• . con), te.e„aiip,isgals::11:;intst
•. London;
• u he I 3.--Bespatches erom
. • . ,
...Me1'4111g kith that, -Commandant
Nimm, Gen.' Lelerey's trusty 'lieuten-
ant, „•stirreiiilei ed.: there 'Wednesday.
. Neuip .1 oohs . 11, end has aged eon,-
•siderably... I 1,(1 \k1i8...11 •c•let•k• in theUitiiitg '
Cenuillesio.m•r'S. 01131 1.' •nefore
the war, ..and ineends .to tathilup
farmipg.; - •
.11e said his connfitutcl, conSisting Of
1.000 wen, .sttrreialeeed at Itoorrikop,
Jvirie (3. A ..fetv• men aetre still' . •
bu t thee' were coming "la • -yesterday:
.110 had been averse • to yielding, but
ri c mei the ()pillion of t he enaj or-
"At e••cial our •latet," 'emetiitued the,
Comirtieninot, "and .inilet therefore be
esatistied, . As „Lord Kitchener suid, /30
:shame je attetClied ottr" giving. tip.
Wo were- W0, __might
have (quai):tied. fighting , for • another
..eOuple of years, but ,with 110.,eertititi7
ty 40' •SllgeeS14. • 1 ant • quit 0 satisfied
with. the - terms: and have . ',feel:.
J1.19“•141fhtliritiik4L.tlEte!r)ge!'ltivIlt11.. terness
in the e; •.
• "We shtill get on, all •right ogeth-
• er.•• I. •expeeted 41141 • only
. quite • reeently i•Callyed.••the hoeelese-
, mess,. of Mir causes. I. -have given .the.
-leirghere Smy . reesone fele S•ieldipg.
• 'ff) 4,sfitiithl•SOctAL itEFottmg. .
MeMber of French ,Clicumber 4:Dignities •
• • llepyor!t• '114sainriamont. • '.
Paris, June 18.-Iie the Chamber of
Deputies yesterday, 11,f-Deissiere. urg-
ed the 'Government to. ['wilily carry
-out the Radical program. and intro-
duco. measures tending •to the sepura,
tion of church and state, lied a pro,-
gressive income tax, and the, partial
purchase. of the' railroads by the
1 -state. • •
1„ • M. jaures, on' behalf of the Social- •
'.ists, declared 'that they would collie-.
borate with: the Republican and 120- •
!oral, They Wehted EL TedUe.'
than of the heats, burdens imposed bye
the maintenance •of the army • and
nasey. " • • • . •
The Minister of Finance, IAL Roue-
ier, here interpesed,, saying: "We in-
tend to Make ,ecOnoinies hi all the ser-
. . • : • •
IAL 'retires said he wile pleased' by
the Government's promise to vigor -
candy enforce the Taw or aesociations,
but he' regretted •• that the powers. Of
the clergy .were not further curtailed,
arid hoped that the reduction of, the
period of military service to tee()
years would be the • first step itt the
forination of 411111304 system. •
Id, era:twee suggested that Fi'ance
take the. gloriotis initiative in din- .
armament. The question of Alsace-
Lorraine, he asserted, could not , .
stand le the way.
M. &tures concluded, amid cheers
front the Socialists, by asserting ••
that disarmament. was the best Means •
to assure social rbform.
had. enough food: for two 'years 020170.:'7 Regarding.: . t he ' . .
• conetiniratithi
18281(113, le. t11,./1
moeing, euel am
qu,ite convineed
now that eVerythilik iin good or-
• render ed Wel 0 divest:it 131 .ivelr- xnad6
sheepskin clothes.. ;elm mea,' 24.8 , a
r leeewere in remarkably good health
end • tvereeelteerfut.... •
1>031011 1tAtiki) sintse Intiolok;
1,01m114 AgnInst end. Aseldted Ilia
• •••Stli! 11, AO Jonsi ,Itenirb les
' et , • .1 I e•1 t .1
The .invesalg•ation •into the (•harge
of high • treason, bronght• against
Aeinn0 1.seic it, formerly of
1110 -Boer army', Who was 'elcdied
member. of . l'ar incet foe a lway,ip
Novembee 1081. and elle wase wrest.,
ed et. New Haven' on Wedireeday, on
land 'yin' 41100' -from 'Pratt( 0, 'W.411
gem Mrs.. Lynch , mid ot hor friends
ot qv. heellsed, were •orpsent, 11112
soliciter-titn,rhi. E..thvi.mt car-
yo.o, opened for. the •prtisrention. • •
a 8
j 111'
ari Sonth Arrival; 1,y 111-11 took
4('1'%t1'C 013 h 11117 .'.1S1'ansen11l Govei•le
raiee(1 a-1'1)911mM Of whirls he
weed as commander, to ily.th 1 in ite •
ht hair, 1121(1 actually fought against
iltsioral 13111101"8 operations.
WitS 111 P1'0(11'41. on Jantiery •
111, 1 000, and w tio to • lo 331'Trees- .
vita) . 'a n th ori t het,' line ng 1.111)412 of
tis desire to take tip orals. January
le, lie signed, a field cornet's 044'141-
. 'rut e, desert hill himself um nu Irish -
11 -121 11.• a. 1%1'101'h Hilbject, 1.1171 is HOMY
In Anetritlia. But he reels:lel his.
willingness 40 • fight for ihe 1401)21)
Afilean Deptiblic in order to piain.
Olin • and d 'fend its hid Tenth -nee.
Lynch :deo took lint oath of allege
11(81.8) 11.8 a fell burette', the vertiiicals
einabline lilpi tei ece les well as •
to (tete, 1 n emetieeelott •froin tha
Tee wen el do . erninet, . 1.)inch t hee
ritieed titi 0((l1 34)21 Itrigsole,
join d the hiviiding tinny at. Natel,
and issued 1111. 31111,1811. stood 'Arth-
ur. 1.711c11. (70)01et, Drigade, in-
issg •Ititilinten to 111,1411,1 the two•
republics." .•
The iron, 'Charles Hassell (second
son of the late 1.0rd '(11101' Justice
Baron Ilusse11 Of l< liftmen), fenre- •
141.11 t 3114 the tlereitatinl, said 'that
1.3-1111 hnd faml 'the proceedings liko
is. load. What he had slone. he had
done openly, and he dosireti to hien.
Itaie the tilluiry as nrult 110M:4111P,
Atter 1 h poli% I` had ft:nil:heel (711-
(122 (7 of the prisoner's iirrest, • the.
Was rell'antl!II till .1 tate 21.1
Th. Ffire-ltol)iiiiiir
Toronto, 321110 11 0.-..T.he trial of
-the etreet car conduct are, accused of
•robbing fare boxes, will be continued
,in the Police Court this morning.
The examinations are expected to be
brief. All but that of James Whit-
tington can 110 disposed of in ery
short order, possinly within 80 min-.
tans for each •erts'e. The ease against.
Whittington, the man with whom
Caulfield, the detective, boarded, Is
likely to take a Whole day by it-
sheet All lust Itreitthes.
Miner, N. V., June 18,- Privette
Pert efiesenteel of Venter has return-
ed from four years service in Cubit
and 1 he P It illppi nee, and he woe
welcomed home with a ptiblie miracle
and bands, (lags and 0e(1.fl1'e etecom-
Mitynurd says that during the raids
on the Island Of Sarnitr, he said he
had orderto shoot everything* that