HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-05-08, Page 1M1MMM.iNH.........HINHN.NNIIAN..M Elite Stationery A large assortment of Writing Tablet, and fancy Papetorles and Envelopes at The Standard Book Store 14.44.•114.........•4444444..«44444«4444.....,.«... The Blyth Standard M..•.•,W..MNNr.MwN.MWw,.e .• THE 'STANDA.Rff BOOK STORE Books, Stationary, French ivy, Leather Goods, Novelties a.td Magazines. VOL XXXIX BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MAY 8. 1930 No: 43 44+44+4444+++4++++4++4++4+ Poultry Necessities We carry a full line of Louse Killer, White Dia rrhear Tablets, Roup Tablets, Poultry Specific Etc. These include all lines of Hess, Pratt, Royal Purple, Zenoleum, Bendor, Etc. CYANOGAS Works quickly and effectively, for GROUND -HOGS, SQUIRRELS, RATS, ETC. Easy to use, no dirt, or muss. The only sure death preparation on the market, R. D. PHILP, PHM. B. Prescriptions Carefully Dispensed. BLYTH, ONTARIO ++++++44+++++4+++4+444+++++.%w4*•P4 4 +444444444+44+444+444++++4++++w+44.4++44444+44++44+++ NEWEST MEN'S STYLES 1 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mrs. (Dr.) Milne is visiting herdaught- Mre. Cole, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bell were visitors in Stratford on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and children were visitors in Kitchener on Sunday, Mr. Earl Spafford, of Toronto, is visit• ing his mother, Mrs. C. Spafford, Mise Velma Naylor, who has been in• disposed for s •me days, is improving. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Forsyth. London, were guests of Miss Forsyth on Sunday. Mc. John Ferguson and Mre. S, Pollard visited with Stratford friends on Sunday. Mrs. J. H, Leith, Alfie and Jackie, of Lucknow, visited with relatives here on Sunday. Mrs. W. Martin and son, Bruce, Stott ford, were callers on friends in town on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. McAsh, of Tara, visited with the latter's sister, Mrs. J. W. Scott, this week. Mrs. and Miss Simpson, of London, vie- ited at the home of the formzr's brother, Mr. Robt. McGee, on Sunday. The anneal meeting of London Confers encs of the United Church in Canada, will be held in Woodstock from May 27 to June 3. Friends will be pleased to learn that Mr. Duncan Laidlaw, who has been some- what indisposed for some weeks past, is `ee = improving. Friends will be pleased to learn that Mrs. John Cole, who is in Clinton Hospit• al, having undergone a surgical operation, is improving nicely. Rev. Geo. Weir motored to Toronto on Monday and will return at the end of the week, accompanied by Mrs. Weir w ,o has been visiting in the city. Rev. Mr, McDermid, Goderich preach- ed in Old St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening. Rev. T. W Goodwill had charge of the services in Goderich. Mr, J. W. Mills has received the ap- pointment of Division Court Clerk in the place of the late L J. Williams, The ap- pointment, we believe, meets with general approval. Master Duncan Munro had the misfor. tune on Sunday to fall and break his arm. Duncan is indeed unfortunate as this is the second time this has happened in the past couple of years, The stock of the estate of L. J. Williams composed of fancy china, suit cases, toys, trunks and fancy goods lines, will be sold below cost, beginning Saturday, May 10. Everything must be sold. The Executors Quite a severe electric storm passed over Blyth on Thursday evening, during which the chimney Mr. Wm. Taylor's dwelling was struck. The lightning foil. owed the chimney and the water pipes right to the basement, blowing out the electric light fuses and creating other damage. Mrs Taylor, who was in the room letting down a window, received considerable shock but was not injured, What promises to be something out of the ordinary in the way of entertament, will be presented in the Scotch and Irish Contest Concert in Memorial Hall, this Friday, (May 9) evening. under the aua pices of the local branch of the Women's Institute. Two distinct programs will be given, one of a Scotch character and the other Irish and will consist of Read- ings, Dialogues Pantonine, Vocal Solos, Dancing and Instrumental Music. An orchestra will be in attendance. Admiss- ion—Adults 25c„ Children (under 12 years) 15c, There is a day in the month of May (Sunday next) when men wear fiuwers to honor their mothers. It is a beautiful custom and one of which we can all highly approve. but one thought comes to us as we think of the o!te day set apart for the honor of our mothers. Why net make this and the succeeding years a succession of Mothers' Days? n by not wear our flowers in our hearts as well as on the la- pels of our coats? Let us plant in our souls and keep ever (resit not only the white of purity and love, not only t e red of present go$ deeds and manlike con- duct, but both the white and the red. Let us combine memory and present action to honor our mothers all the days of our lives. Whether we wear, on the second Sunday in May, the white or the red, we can on all days and at all times strive to merit the faith and love and confidence placed in us Ly our Christian mothers. We may not be able any longer to go to mother for strength, but we can seek the ONTARIO same Sours of Spiritual Power that sus- tained her all her life, We can best hon- *444414.or our mother by honoring her God. Its our hobby to dresss you in the latest style, and at any price you care to pay. We give you the beat TO YOUR MEASURE Suit with extra trousers in ail good patterns in any style you choose at $27 66, $31.0o. $35,00 $44 & $55. MEWEST TOPCOATS AT $13.50, $15.00, $24.00 Biltmore Hats in New shades and Styles .� HOLEPROOF HOSIERY Everything in Men's Furnishings of the best. MURRAY MADE FiNE SHOES FOR MEN, GIDLEY'S Phone 78 and 133. Myth. Ontario, 4411++++4+++++++++44+444444444++++44+iiii4+4+1+44444+ r *Si 101%111,1%1ti'11r $ SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES. $ WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY,FRIOAY ,ih3ATUR UY 0 Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon, l's tall, tin 41c IFancy Blue Rose Rice, 2 lbs 19c Clark's Ketchup, 12 oz battle 19c Standard Corn, 2's, Peas 2's, Tomatoes 2 1.2's, 2 for t 29c Pure Strawberry Jam, 40 oz. jars 39c Pure Clover Honey, 4 lbs, 8 oz. pail each 51c FreelsFruit always on hand Lux, "For fine fabrics" per pkg 1 Oc Borden's Eagle Condensed Milk, per tin 21c Iyory Soap Flakes, i"For safe washing of fine things," 2 pkg 19c $Hawes' Lemon Oil 12 oz 23c Magic Baking Powder, 6 oz 18c, 16 oz 36c Rice Krispics, 2 packages 25c P & C White Nadtha Soap, 6 cakes.-.... 25c 0 PIIONC 9 WE DELIVER GOODS BLYTH — ONTARIO dritily1 44+44++44444+44+0++4+++444+4 544 ATTENTION! SA AAA vu est st,test sa s< A We now handle the famous Purina pro- ducts. These products are meeting with wonderful success and are scienti- fically blended and prepared according to proven formulas. For baby chicks, growing chickens, laying hens; for pigs, cattle and all farm stock, Purina chows meet the need. A KIND FOREVERY KIND OF ANIMAL. BLYTH FLOUR MiLLS BLYTH -- 4+4444+a 44+++++4+++4+++4++*++ Huron Presbyterial The fourth annual meeting of Huron Presbyterial was held in Northside United Church, Seaforth, on Wednesday of last week with a large attendance. At the hour of 10 o'clock the auditorium of the church was very well filled with interested women, with Mrs, Gibson, first vice-pres- ident, occupying the chair. After the de- votional exercises, Rev. Mr. Lane gave a royal welcome from the church and town. Mrs. Hamilton, of Goderich, gave a reply The central thought of her remarks was "Others" 1 he Courtesy Committee, Mrs. Hamil- ton, Goderich; Mrs. Fowler, Clinton and Mrs. Close, Seaforth, were appointed. •le 4,eranw+rws.,,wowr„w..arrl+1e+o„ana,s.e4tS „wnswsn» •11 DR. W. J. MILNE 4 wishes to announce the complete installation f of physio -therapy and X -Ray laboratory and radium institute. Will give special attention to case;,' suitab'e I 'for these treatments on Mondays, Wedne:.cdays fi and Fridays from 2 to 4 p. m. Phones—Office 28, Residence 29. +,o..n wuwna.r+nw uw.naw„w 410440uwrsu o+.uws. uwu...uaw Mrs Greer, Miss Murray and Miss Sin• •!!!t■!!e!!!elle!!!!!!t!■!e!!lreelt!!!t!e!e!lett!!!tlta stair were appointed as tete Resolution Committee, Miss Consitt read the minutes of the last annual Presbyterial meeting which approved as read. Mrs.Greer gave a most interesting fin- ancial statement, stating that 22 auxiliar- ies reached their allottment and many oth ers almost reached the ideal. She spoke of some women who walked two miles to their tbank-offering meeting through slush and bad roads. They did this be- cause they loved to do it for others. They gave more than money, They' gave their service. It is this spirit of delighting to give. "We want all our women to have this spirit, and then we shall be able to say with the Psalmist that "our cup run- neth over' The following officers were elected;— Past President, Mrs, J, E Hogg, Clinton; President, Mrs. W, P. Lane. Seaforth; Vice presidents, Mrs. T. Gibson, Wroxet- er, Mrs. Fowler, Clinton, Mrs, R Wight - man. Blyth, Mrs. Anthony, Thames Road; recording secretary, Miss A. E. Consitt, Hensall; cos. secretary, Mrs, A. W, Baeker, Brussels; treasurer,'Mrs Moor house, Exeter; sec, Christian Stewardship, Mrs. Greer, Wingham; sec. Y. ;W. work, Mrs. F. Irwin, Centralia; Mission and Baby Bands, Mrs. Scobie,Belgrave, sec. Associate Helpers, Mrs. Connor, Kippen; strangers sec,. Mrs. Forrester, Londesboro supply secreretaries, Mrs, Colclough, Blyth; and Mrs, Venner, Clinton; theta. ture sec, Miss Southcott, Exeter; Mission ary Monthly sec, Mrs. A. E. Doan, Clin- ton: press sec„ Mies A. C. Lawrence Sea - forth; Temperance sec., Miss Jean Mur, ray, Exeter. Members without portfolio, Mrs. Jas, Hamilton, Goderich; Mrs. Wil• son, Wingham; Mrs, Cotbourne, Goderich Rev. Mr. Scobie, of Belgrave, brought greetings from the Presbytery and cenduc ted tore installation of the new officers. Mr, Scobie extended sympathy for the death of the president, Mrs Moltard. He said that in the singing of the hymn. 'Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus," we gain a new impetus. The C. G. I. T. secretary gave a prom- ising report. There are nine C. G. I. T. organizations with 140 members having an average attendance of 106. = hey held 72 meetings of missionary nature and con tributed $69.20. They studied the book, 'Heroes from Our Home Land," which has created a great deal of interest, Wing. ham C. G. I. T. affilia.ed Belgrave Soci- ety this year and Brussels is their Baby Group. We hope that every Auxiliary will soon be mothering a C. G I. T. group Miss Consitt gave the corresponding secretary's report: It ie a matter of great satisfaction to be able to present to you this our b urth annual statistical report and to think 1 have the honor of present- ing the best annual report that has ever been given of the United Presbyterial of Huron. • Out of the eight Presbyterials in London Conference Branch, Huron was the only one to report an increase in mon ey and an increase in membership, We have 82 au. iliaries with a membership , f 2,271, an increase of 98. Mrs. Irwin, Young Women's Secretary. said there were many encouraging featur- es and n• any reasons for tt anksgiving. We are glad to report an increase in mem- bership, in attendance at meetings and in the number of meetings held. It is our de sire that they may be led into new paths of service and that some of them shall re- spond to the call to life service in some specific form of missionary work, Mrs. Scobie presented a most beautiful report. The membership is63, life mem• bees 177, total 816 Thisshows an increase of 302 in membership. Up to date there are 35 Mission Bands id active work with 900 chil ren connect- ed definitely ttith the the work of our ,W. M. S. Rea lutions presented at W. M. S. Pres byterial:—We, the members of the Huron Presbyterial of the Womens' Missionary S. of the United Church of Canada now assembled in our 4th convention do here- by express our thanks to Him who hath been our help, strength and defeader for all the blessings and answered prayers of the past years. Be it therefore resolved that we continue to seek His guidance in our missionary work in this very critical Period inmany of our foreign lands, be lieving that "more things are wrought by WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A FULL LINE OF Alfalfa, Timothy, Red Clover, Alsike, Orchard Grass. Yellow and White Bloom Sweet Clover A. S. RADFORD, 'PHONE 39 BLYTH — ONTARIO cosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sl■!e!!lesuesse!!!!sle.Nets!lesa prayer than this world dreams of." We EGGS AND would extend sympathy to the friends and relatives of our beloved president, Mr . Moltard, and all other deceased members of the Presbyterial. We would also ex- tend our best wishes for a speedy and corn plete recovery to health of Mrs. Hogg, our Past President, and Mrs. Colbourn, our Temperance secretary, who at present are laid on beds of sickness, and that we seek to perpetuate the memory of o. r o^.•:eased workers by more earnestly and worthily seeking to carry out the last com mond of their master and ours, "Go ye into all the world," "Whereas at the present time it seems impossible to promote the Temperance movement by legislation, therefore be it resolved that we, the members of the W. M. S„ heartily endorse in every way we can ane education campaign which may be launched either by our church or by the W. C. T. U. showing the evil effeas of alcohol upon the bodies, minds and s: uls of mankind." "Resolved that we record our thanks- giving and satisfaction that a Bid entitled the King Bill has been brought into the Federal House— said Bill being for the prev ntion of granting of clearance papers to vessels engaged in the carrying of bev- erage alcohol into any country in contra- vention of its laws. Whe eas the IV, M. S, is an organ zation which has for its ob- ject the furtherance of the kingdom of God upon the earth and as we believe one of the greater t hinderances, if not the greatest hindrance be the liquor traffic. "Therefor be it resolved that we, the members of Huron Presbyterial affirm that we are unalterably opposed to all forms of control or regulation of the liquor traffic, believing that the c ly effective and righteous solution of the problem is the total prohibition of the manufacture a id sale of beverage alcohol." Those in attendance at the Presbyterial from Blyth were:—Mesdames S. G. Les. lie, J. Colclough, J. W. Mills. R. Wight - man, W Jenkins, F. Marshall, H. C. John Ston, R, Slater. W. Johnston, Wm. Hesk, E. Cartwright, F Oster and Miss Milne. Mr. and Mrs. Lockyer and daughter, Patricia, and Mr. Vanalstine, of Torcnto, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Lockyer's mother, Mrs. A. Fawcett. Mr. Blackstone, of Owen Sound, expert piano and organ tuner, is in town this week Those desiring his services please corn- municate with Miss L, Herrington. Work guaranteed. The sixteenth annual meeting of the Maitland Presbyter al Society W. M, S. of the Presbyterian Church in Canada will be held in the Presbyterian Church at Whitechurch on Tuesday, May 13111, with sessions at 10 a. m., 1.30 p. m. and at 7,30 p. m. Mrs. H. McKellar, of Hamil- ton, president of the Hamilton Presbyter ial, is expected to address the gathering at the afternoon and evening session. At 1.30 p. m, a memorial service will beheld in memory of the late president of the Presbyterial, Mrs. David Petrie, and to this service all the women of the church are invited. POULTRY This is the time of year when Egg markets are un- certain. Market your eggs promptly and regularly and avoid loss through falling markets. Clean u your t 1 , l be- fore the chickens become staggy and take lower pric- es. We are in the market for any quantity of duck feath- ers for which we wi111 pay highest market prices. A. H, ERSKINE, Night Phones 100 or 46. (McMillan Produce Building) Day Phone 106. Night Phones 100 or 40 BLYTII, - - ONTARIO Blyth Community fonnis Club The first 1930 meeting of Blyth Com- munity 'Tennis Club was heid at Mr. Gar - rett's home on May 1st, for the purpose of re -organization. Mr. Garrett o'cupied the chair. The following nominations were unani. mous: Hon. President, Miss R. McNair Pres.dent, N. P. Garrett Vice President, Dr. J. C. Ross Treasurer, Miss G. Fawcett Secretary, Miss A. Stackhouse The following committees were than elected, the first named in each to be the convenor: Grounds—Dr. C. E. Toll, Rev. Mr. Pocock V. Bray. Jamie Sims, N P Gar- rett, Miss Gladys Fawcett, Miss Ada Stackhouse. Social—Mrs. Garrett, Mrs. Toll, Mrs. Johnston. Miss Ruth Barnby, Mrs. V. M. Bray. Membership—Miss McGill, Dr. Rose, Ken, Ashton, Miss MargaretHirons, Miss Madelene Bell. Moved by Dr, Toll, seconded by Rev. Mr, Pocock, that the fee be $3 for a single membership and 35 for two of the sine family and that the youngest age admitted be 16.—Carrie 1. Moved by Dr. Toll, seconded by N. P. Garrett, that the secretary write a letter of condolence to Mrs. Shore. --Carried. Moved by Miss Fawcett, seconded by 14iss Stackhouse, that the meeting ad- journ,—Carried. The horticultural societies of Ontario are to receive a larger grant from the pro - vitriol government.