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steal in. Lennox and both
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Editor and Proprietor
Hon. G. W. Ross left on Saturday
to attend the coronation ceremonies.
It apparently mattered not to Mr.
Ross that he is in a minority of 7,-
000 votes or that his frail majority of,
three depends upon the Court of Ap-
peal. The parades in giddy old Lon-
don will not be graced by the pres-
ence of a minority premier.
The Ross Machine tampered with .I
the ballot boxes in North Grey and
so plain were the evidences of its
handiwork that the presiding judge
expressed his condemnation is no uti
certain language. In other close rid-
ings the same sort of work was prac-
tised with the object of saving the
Government, no matter at what cost.
A continuance of this sort of thing is
bound to lead to serious results.
The Brussels Herald remarks very
great many West Huron politicians
will now be able to devote more tinge•
to the advancement of their beloved
cause of prohibition.",
Much the work of the Ross overn-
meut Machine as was the disgrace. u
steal nWest Elgin four years
These two deputy
returning officers
should be brought at once to face the
majesty of the criminal law of Cen-
ada and compelled to tell all they
know about how these ballots came to
be switched while in their possession.
That evidence will show the people of
Ontario that. the Government of the
Province is in the handsof men who
continue to exist as a Government
through the agency of a system, of
criminal acts and therefore isn't hon-
est .itself. It's the same old Machine
which four years ago the Liberals shad
to admit existed but which *hey
clehned was working without their
knowledge and against their Wishes.
Promises were made that it would
cease to exist and yet the first 'time
it is ueedcd it is on hand playing the
same old game.
What have those two recounts in Len-
nox and North Grey disclosed ? In
Lennox the returns at first made pub-
lic gave Madole, the Liberal candi-
date, a majority of two votes. At
the official recount a few days ago it
came out that the • deputy returning
officer for one of the polling divisions
of the town of ,.Nap.anee did not turn
in his ballot box until the day after.
the election. 'Instead he took it to
his hotel and therekept it until the
Liberal Machine found out how the
vote 'stood. When the . ballots were
counted at the recount it was found
that eight 'of them marked for Cars-
eallen, the Conservative candidate,
which the scrutineers swear were in
perfect condition at the first countof
the ballots after the poll closed, were
found to have been spoiled between
that time end the time the box was
handed over to the returning officer.
What is the _ natural inference ? Is it
not that those ballots were spoiled
during the time that ballot box was
illegally in the possession of the dep-
uty returning officer and after the,
Liberal machine found it necessary to
have ballots spoiled or switched in or-
der to -make the seat secure for the
Government. Andyet this returning
officer is still at large 1
In the constituency of North Grey
the facts are much the sante. The
Liberal candidate,• McKay, was first
reported elected by a majority of nine
votes. The recount.xeduced this ma-
jority to one vote until poll No. 9,
St. Vincent ` township, was reached.
The ballots counted in the presence
of scrutineers after the closing of the
poll gave McKay, Liberal, 40, and
Boyd,. Conservative, 29. votes. When
examined later four of the Boyd bal-
lots were found to have been spoiled
between • the time they were first
taunted and the time they were exain-
hned. yesterday. Judge Morrison re -
herring to these ballots, said it' was a
case of the gravest suspicion and after
gi' ing it the fullest consideration he
was • clearly of the opinion that the
ballots had been tampered ,with since
election night. • He would allow them
for Boyd if he had jurisdiction to de
so. He was,' however, of the opinion
that in law hewas .bound to deal with
the ,ballots as he found •thein' tri' the
present'condition. and he therefore was
constrains to reject_
(London News, Independent.) •
There must be something wrong
with the Liberal party. in Ontario•.
when such men as S. H. Blake -desert
the ship. 'What is wrong ? 'Has the
party been so long in power that its
control has drifted into the hands of
bosses ? This charge is . made in
London and it is also made through-
out the province. If the Liberal party.
is afflicted with Crokerism its: defeat
at the present time would be a'bles-
sing in aisguise. One man power' is
played out. The people must rule,
and the people must not be 'dictated
to. An old law affirms that it can-
not be all smoke without some fire.
The cry that one nationality gets. all
the good things in London is .direct-
ly attributed to one-man rule of the
Liberal party in London. Let the
Liberals be careful lest they ape the
Tory misdeeds of seventy years ago.
Dictatorships are out of place. in
Canada. Dictation, if persisted in,
will wreck the Liberal party.,
GODERIC>� ..�.,1.i,�ss,rs.
Miss Aggie Tebbutt is visiting God.
crick friends.
Lest. Sunday
LwasChildren's n Dayat
Ch c s
Middleton's hurch and the children
turned out in large numbers, filling
all thechurch. u't bl
h body of the Sia e
hymns were sung and. Mr. Wright
preached an appropriate sermon from
Luke -66
The .garden party to be held on the
evening of Coronation Pay, the 26th
inst., at the residence of Mr. John
Middleton promises to be a splendid
success. Tea will be .served from 6 to
8 and a brass band will he in atten-
On Wednesday of last week at the
residence of Rev. Walter Ayers, 29
Bruce street, London, there took place
a double wedding, a description of
which will interest many in this town-
ship, when his two daughters were
married, Miss Mamie Ayers to Mr.
W. Crawford of Sarnia, and Miss Etta
Ayers to Dr. R. IL Henderson, L, D.
S., of Toronto. The ceremony was
performed at s o'clock in the after-
noon by the bride's father, Rev. W.
Ayers, in the presence of a large num-
ber of friends. The sweet strains of
the bridal chorus from Lohengrin,
played by Mrs. Joseph Blackburn of
Flesherton, announced the presence of
the brides, who were presented by
their brother, • Mr. Fred. Ayers of
Grand Rapids, Mich, Both .brides
were in gowns of white liberty satin,
trimmed with mousseline de sole, and
they carried shower boquets of white
roses. The bridesmaids were Miss
May Damude of Toronto, in white
mull chiffon trimmed with valen-
ciennes lace, and Miss Emily CIark of
Sarnia, in white organdie 'trimmeld
with valenciennes lace and • liberty
silk, : and they carried boquets of pink
roses. The floral decorations were
pink and white and were very .• artis-
tically arranged. Dr. Henderson's gift
to his • young- bride was a beautiful
gold' watch, appropriately engraved,
and .a fieur de lis chatelain pin,, and
to the bridesmaid he gave a dainty
crescent of pearls. Mr. Crawford pres-
ented his bride with a beautiful cres-
cent of pearls and to her attendant he
gave a pretty hoop of pearls. Mr,
Crawford's 'groomsman was Mr, W.
E. McCann of London and Dr. Hender-
son's groomsman was. Dr. E. W. Paul,
L. D, S., of Toronto. After the `de-
jeuuer Mr. and Mrs. Crawford left• to
spend their honeymoon honeymoon in the eastern
provinces '-and ' Dr. and Mrs. Hender-
son will visit the eastern states, re-
turning in about three weeks to their
home at 245 Carlton, street, Toronto.
The brides', travelling suits .were of
The Methodsst church of this village
holdinga socials here next
i for
e union picnic
Tuesday ni n
esd evening. A u n
Y � p
WRIGHT N w x WRzxF;S •
•s- Icor
To Editor or New It d,
the children on the flats is also being Dear Sir,—Chinking you /night like
tallied of, to hear something about New Outer-
clubholdt eon ventured,. few
w'i s c d 'o a eate.
n ills i v
shoot on Wednesday of this week. lines about that country.
Picnics and coronation• festivities On the 8th of May 1 left Wingham
will be all the rage now. • station for the 7;esnnseaming District
Miss Lily Rowed of London is vis- in New Ontario by, the Canadian Pa-
iting at Ur. S. Caldwell's. cific Railway via Smith's Falls anti
Mr. W. Gibson and wife and sister Carleton Place to Matawa on the
Sundayed in the village. main line of the C. P. R., thence by
Miss Sinai Wilson, also Mrs. Knox branch line to Teiniscaming station
of Brimfield, are renewing old as- at' the foot of Lake Temiseaming on
quaintances here. the Quebec side. The railway from
Rev4 Kennedy had a jolly houseful Matawa to Temiseaming (39 miles)
of visitors on Monday evening. crosses the Ottawa at Matawa to the
Mr. William Fluker, wife and daugh- Quebec side and follows the river bank
ter holidayed in this vicinity recently. • up to Temiscaming where we took our
Mr. John Symington had the mss- passage on the fine steamboat Meteor
fortune to have a rib broken by a for ,New Liskeard, calling at Ville
kick from a fractious cow last week. Marie (on the Quebec side). and Ilaily- i
Mr..1. Irwin is.getting around a- burg (on the Ontario side) oil the
gain after his accident. way up and arrived • at New Liskeard
Mr. 'and Mrs. William Patterson on Sunday morning, the lith of May,
visited relatives in Ripley for a few where. we. found a nice little town with
gays last week. a population somewhere between 500.
Mr. M. Reynolds of Dashwood was and a Woo, containing 12 stores, 3
the guest of his sister, Mrs. 3'ohn • churches, 2 saw stills, a town half, a
Nicholson, over Sunday. i large Public school with 15o school
The Strachans and Andersons held. children, Crown Lands' office, a email
their annual picnic last Tuesday. gaol, one newspaper office, the Temis-
The Auburn Methodist church will catnigg Gazette just started, a post -
have a strawberry social on Tuesday office, a public library, one lawyer,
next. Rev. M, J. Wilson of Nile will one .doctor. A small river called the
deliver an address and Mr: , and Mrs. Wabis runs through the town, deep
Snider of the Nile will also contribute enough for steamboats. It is between
to the program. Come and have a 40 and 50 yards wide, crossed, by a
good time. bridge. The river is quite straight
Mr. and Mrs. Culiis of the Soo were and.deep .and looks like a canal. There
renewing old acquaintances: is only one hotel iii the town, 3)e
Auburn last week. stories • high, kept by a Syrian, and
Mr. and Mrs. S. Caldwell are in several boarding houses, Prices are
London this week on business. - reasonable 'for board, a dollar a clay
Quite a number from here and here- at the hotel and private board can be
abouts intend taking in the 'excuxsioh got for three dollars a week, and
to Detroit. some articles can be bought there as
M. and Mrs. Duff of Dungannon . cheap as they can in' Clinton and
were . the guests of their daughter, some things are dear. Seed _potatoes
Mrs. 3. Medd, last Sunday. • were $i.5o .per 90 lbs. and seed oats.
$5,20 per bushel, flour 12,50 per cwt.,
• nails $4.50 a' keg, lumber $11.50 s.
BLYTH• thousand, coal oil 35 cents, • a gallon,
Mr. T. W. Scott left here on Mon- stoves about the same .as they are in
Clinton, axes and axe handles and all
day to pay a visit' to the old home- tools 'as cheap as they are in Clinton.
stead ino Biror also to attend the Hur- A'briekyard has been started' just out -
on Synod now in session in London. , side the town..
Rev. McQuillan is'attending the A great many people are going. into
Huron Synod in London this week.- the Diktriet; mostly from the•front
• Mr. Hahkirk. of Dungannon is mov counties of Ontario, a fine class of set-
ing kis family and household effects tiers, and a lot of building "is going
to -town this week. on in the •town. The freight that is
On Monday evening .another of those going into. the country • is immense.
interesting games of baseball between 'Mr. Lumsden, late.M. P, P. for Ot-
the bachelors and benedicts. was play- tawa, owns six boats on Lake Temis-
ed• in the park, the bachelors coming taming. Every boat arriving at New
navy blue broadcloth trimmed with out once more victorious. The bene -Liskeard is crowded with freight and.
white moire. Mr, and Mrs. Crawford diets are not the least :discouraged as, passengers. The fare; from •lemiscam-
thev'.teel satisfied that they .will more in to • New Liskeard is $2.5o first
will reside in Sarnia. Guests were, than hold• their own before the season g
present . from Toronto .1 Flesherton, class . and $1.75 second class and
Sarnia, Grand .Rapids, Clinton and is over. freight is 255 per cwt; The boat stops
ether'places.: Dame Rumor reports several wed- all night.'at :Ville Marie both coming
dings • to -take place • in town before up and going d"own: Ville Marie is . a
• many more moons set. pretty ,.place on the :Quebec side set-
• Mr.' John Denholm returned "from tied by French Canadians with a
his trip to ler.nipeg on Saturday. tied by
church, etc. The • land
Jahn is a Bustler. ' good and there
Mrs. Sheers around Ville Marie is .
heers o Vanc u er C
# 4 v ' 13. ' is Miss 'Maggie Gloucher of Clinton . is a thriving• settlement of French
visiting her :sister,_ Mrs, Ed. Levis. was• visiting under. the parental roof C dian around it.
Mr- Jennings of Walkerville called g ana s
on W Stanleylast week. •
s, ee on Sunday: After resting a day in town I struck.
Some of' our citizen went to. God- t e •countr to seg what it
Rev, J. mother
and . Of Iowa is vis -out into • h y
e take them ,
sting his• :: and brother... • crick on; Tu , sday.. to ak inwas •like,, taking what is called .the c .
light trip• on the Greyhound. Narth Road tlirough Dymond and Far-
d them Misses Switzer of. Lucknow. are the 'g Y
Could there be two clearer cases of a guests of Miss Tebbutt. Qn Tuesday evening a football ley townships The land has the ap- ;
deliberate -steal .oi seats in. the Legis-. Mr,•James Ames of B. C:; is visitin match', Blyth and- Belgrade, was pl pearance of a . swamp and is densely I
lature ? Has the Ross Government.. his" wile. - g ; ed in the park. Result, Blyth 7 goals, timbered with spri:ce; 'tamarack, ced-
tlie • faintest shadow.; of a tight to the . Belgrave'., s. ar,balm 'of Gilead •and, some fine.
g Misses Greene, Cantelon and Reid of . P
o. alleged membersThrre are quite •a few settlers up the
'votes • of these tw,. Clinton eallea on friends on Saturday:' q
representing; not the electors, of ' the Mr. H. Howell of Ononda o wheeled, North Road and a school. house: Next
P g, i n g tuNGI•ANWON.
constituencies but the corrupt crinin- h • - � dayI want out on the 'West `Road.
P err.. to visit. friends..' �• :
•June. 26th thethrough D in d Hudson and Kearns
el Machine of the Itiberal, party ? Rev; Steadman ' of Tuckersinith • On. Thursday evening; , y ,
•. Where now are those Liberals wfio' 'preached ' here on Sunday evening. • ' • Lidice' .Aid of- St. Paul's church will to Newtons', who keeps a 'boarrding. I
with an air of sanctity appealed for Quite .a number from .here attended hold :a 1aven .social on the rectory house for the omniodation, of• land +
t'.election : and declared that the rounds. Admission 15c, children Ioc,. Minters. There s a' postollice -tailed : '
hones s. the �>'roctor-=Harrison wedding _ :on g,
- Ross 'Government• would` not •take •of Wednesday, Light refreshments. - The Lucknow • Milberta, a sto , a school . Nouse' and
' fice, dishonestlywon ? This is •the• Several fromVere - brass band' will be •fn'attendance, also several dwe Ings in Milberta and .it'
11 a ueok'Sn the moors -. fromLiskeard which
time .for them.to speak or .forever kold• light,. excursion ori'Tuesday: a good program of solos, instrument is twelve m les L ear
their peace about honest -elections. • • Mr. and Mrs. William Forster"of als and recitations is being prepared. is about as far as, the road is' graded . 1 :. ..,_
The Ross Government ' is not the Hamilton visited W. ll. Forster. • The Presbyterian congregation will although' "t is' . chopped out several • .
The ..S. S. and- E. ' L.' lawn social
will be held on the 27th on Mr, H.
Elford's lawn, ;There will be straw-
berries, cream and all. A splendid
program willbe given:
Miss 511n Willson is visiting friends
in Seaforth. •
Sheep Dips
June 19th, 1902
We keep all the best makes, including
Little's Sheep Dip Persiatio Sheep Dip
Miller's, Kemp's, etc.
R. P. j\�+eXie
Successor to Byduey Jackson.
B. --Spray your trees. We have all the requisites, including Blue
Stone, Paris Green, Etc.
••rte►. ti�
�� 11►�✓� tilt.
Somewb,sre between. time and opportunity a few dollars in buy,
ins Boots.and Shoes at Taylor's.
Last week our (treat Reduction was a big success. We are kept
busy and no wonder.
This week we replennish our Bargain Counters with the best.
values ever offered in Clinton.
A Line of Men's Fine laced Boots size 8 only got ii at $1 •
lien's Plow Boots just the thing for hot weather only 75e
Men's Fine Kid Laced Boots, Goodyear welts, worth $3 now $2
Men's Bicycle Boots cheap at $1.75 and $2.0;i to clear at $1.25
Youths' Tan Laced Boots wen worth $1.50 now going at $1•
Girls' Buttoned and Laced Boots regular values $? my 750
Missee Laced and Buttoned Boots, some were $1.50 all we ask is 80c
Absut 40 pairs of Ladies' Kid Buttoned and. Laced Boors going at
50 pairs Ladies' Kid Oxfords some of them sold for $1.75 and 12 most
of them not less than $1.50, they ai'e what we have left from last
year's stock,all going at one price OOc, See them they are a bargain.
Bargains Beckon you at the Old Reliable.'
Cash, and One Pr1 e
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash
•-.as r
4,•••.•••••44,4.444•••••,.....•••,.......************ 4.
E R.
G EAT A • R E�:
, We have solos.. . tremendous bargains in •Men's
'; Rain 'Da Co
f Coatsjust what is needed for this' weather.
ZZ y y �
+: It will pay you to see: them. as they wont last long at
the prices we are offering.
Toronto, June Pa.—The statement' of
Mr. J. 'P. Whitney' inen' interview-
ps aweekg,
published ago, that Hon. S.H.
Blake and other prominent Liberals..
had voted. for Conservative candidates
in the recent general elections, has.
caused much comment throughout On-
tario, where for many years the name
of Blake has been synonymous with
that of Liberalism. No. . doubt has
been cast on the assertion as it was
known that Mr. Whitney would not
have made the statement without the.
best authority.
It will interest many to know, how-
ever, what Mr. Blake's reasons were
for supporting Mr. J. J. Foy, E. C.,
M. P. P., in his own particular riding
of South Toronto. •
To a correspondent' today Mr. Blake
gave the following statement, which is
at once terse and convincing as his ut-
terances always are,:
"The reason that I voted for Mr.
. Foy and against the government was
because of the manner in which the
government dealt with the university
question and because ane of. the prin-
cipal departments was so conducted
as to destroy confidence in a govern-
ment responsible for its administra-
(London News, Independent.) •
From the statement made by Judge
Morrison at Owen Sound yesterday
it would appear that certain ' llal10ts
had been tampered with since election'
day in order to defeat Mr, Boyd, the
Conservative,.. The words of the judge.
should be sufficient to cause 'an' in-
vestigation to be begun, If the bal-
lots had been meddled with then
some person has committed a criminal
offence and should be run down ' by
the law and punished to the fullest
extent. .Apparently the ballot in. On-
tario is not regarded as sacred --it
is becoming a laughing stock. JudgeMorrison has given his opinion—it is
up to the Attorney - General's De-
partment to act. If an investigation
is not begun then the people of On-
tario may make up their minds that
ballot ' stuffing and such are not re
garded as serious practices by the
powers that be at Toronto. It's
a case of investigation or 110 snvesti-
gation--the Liberal party has its fu-
ture in its hands,
' Our Men's and Boys' Suits aro selling fast. It is the value that
makes them go "
Some great snaps in our'Bootand Shoe department this week
The Dress Goods. and Milliner . de • artments' are
again filled with the newest ggoods3in the market and
it is a standing fact that our prices are the lowest.
choice of the people of Ontario .but
wrongfully holds office today through
the illegal . conduct of its criminal .
How .long' will the electors of the:
Province tolerate this condition of
affairs ? If it was proposed to. dis
franchise the. Province the electors.
would • rise. as one man against the
proposal. Will they .• sit quiet and al-
low an aggregation of scoundrels to
steal their right of clecting'who shall -
.govers them ,_T
oronto News.
The Province of Ontario is being
ruled by an aggregation of political
brigands who keep thefnselvee in office
by stealing scats in the Legislature
through the agency of deputy return-
ing officers, who are either scoundrels
themselves or r.Itow others who are,
to commit criminal acts in. the inter-
ests of the Government.
The latest steal .in the constituency
pf North Grey; is On a par with the
Mr. Ed. Williauts went last: week to
work with Mr. E. M. Johnston of In
nerkip This, is 'the second man Ted
has got from • Goderich, township. He
knows where wet, t o come, f r
st ;Iasi
men. •
Mr. :W. B. Forster intends taking a
trip to ,Hamilton,: Toronto and Mark
hold . anniversary, services in the ,miles fart er. The land along. the West 1 .'
church on Sunday. June 29th, and , a Road is bout the same as it is along •.
grand tea -meeting the following Mon the Orth Road, . swampy looking, but • - ..
day evening. The:.: ladies are doing all tl ' e are more settlers and better' • '
in •theirpower to make the affair . a 'c earances. The roads are made' by the
success, Qntario Government andare graded
11J.i Y
BE� : M BL• 'TFC
A few from here attended the garden 18: feet wide with ditches 011 either : ��K��N ����NN�N��H���N�N���Ne��►e ����e���N♦►N
party . at Mr. Foster's, Sheppardton, side,.- Settlers are going in very last.'
- , its aid of the English church on Wed- : ,'The Crown Lands agent, Mr. .John
nesday , evening. Armstrong, expects. all the surveyed
Quite a number took in the excur land will he taken up this summer. 'I
sion to Detroit' this week. There were was told. than one' township was . all
also a few wept on the moonli ht ex- ',taken upr
two days.s. Peoplee intef
cursion Tuesday evening. , ing to locate now will have to go
A -few Sppicnickers' went down to the• back thirty, or forty. miles from
land at from• New
GODERICH TOWNSHIP '...• for harp nextweek . Friday.: lie will be •absen
or two
t• port on a'turda last. Y Liskeard to- get. Governmen
There was no service held in theeo cents per acre. The soil. is white .
The garden .party which was to .have Presbyterian church last Sunday; clay with blackmuck on top and the
taken place . at . Mr. Switzer's': on Mr. R. Reid . is having a stone •foun- settlers in . there say . that the clay
Thursday night last 'had to he post- dation put under his ' barn. Geo, does not, bake or get hard like: other .
SUMMERHILL. y p y • •O.ur lame warerooms are
posed owing to the inclemency of the Stothers has the contract. da land and the stuns s cairnaril
wet. The S. A, band from Clin Mr. S. Somers and wife of Seaforth Mr, J. Johnston is having his barn be: got rid. of. • Then you have. 11"level
ton appeared upon the scene early pre- visited at Mr. •I. Brownleets on Sun- re -shingled. 'surface• which will be easy to work -"fully stocked with..furniture'
pared to give an. entertaining pro- day, The• little child. of Mr, Thos, Durnfn machinery on, The settlers have great
gram if the clouds Tolled away: The Mrs, J. W. Hill left on Saturday to is not improving. as rapidly as their faith. in the country and believe it is :.Of all -kinds:. and if you are •
many friends would wish to hear of, going tobe a fine one after it is op -
adjourned garden party was held on spend a few days with friends in Gan .
Monday evening when, though the anomie. Mr, Harris and Miss Horney of Far- ened up, but the great need at present'
tli nluil of purchasing we
weather was rather dully, a goodly: Mr; J. Johnson of Londesboro vis- quhar were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, is a railway and until • one is built it • g .
crowd assembled and enjoyed them- ited his father on Sunday. C• C, Brown last week, will not develop very fast.
selves to the utmost. Much ice cream Me. Harvie Jackson of the 9th con._ Rev. Mr, Goldberg will' preach in It is the .poor man's country . but invite .y011 t0 .•Call, ee our ..
Port -Albert on Sunday evening next. men of:means can do well also..Set- '
was partaken . of, The S. A. brass � of Hallett visited :at Mr.G: Tyner'.display and learn our prices.
, on
style, their brass quartette added still A strawberry #estival' will be.given church last Sunday evening ac- time want a big advance on whet'the PARLOR CABINETS CiIiIFFONIERS .' '. JARDINIvR>$ bTAND6.
baud gave several selections in good on Sunday
There ; was no service in the English lets who have been in 'there for . some ,
further, to the pleasureofthe evening on the lawn of •Mr. R. Miller• on thecount of the unfavorable weather, laud. cost therm,when you want •tp buy MIIBIC (iABINtlTB T)RE$97NGt TA13Lks' EASLEs
and their string band still: more:, The evening of Monday` next. A good' pro- Mrs. Errington of Seaforth is visit- from .•them, as much as a thousand RES RACKS PICTURES
Latter consists of four mouth organs, gram' is being prepared and a. general tug her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. James dollars for 'a place with a.small.house _ PAPER RACKS
guitar autoharP, cornet, trombone,
-expecteFoster Mallough, and other relatives at pre.:, and a 'few . acres of clearing, on 160 LIBRARY TABLES
triangle. The S. A•' aggregation has string band has been secured. Miss ant, acres or more. But I. must. close as FANCYTABLES Covca>Ls.
Even much satisfaction `where they Motintcastie,: 'elocutionist, of Clinton Mrs. Coleman of Mt,:Forest is `vis- this has run. to a greater length than
g icing . her mother, ' Mrs. Thompson, at I intended. Hoping I am not en- It will do' ou' ood't i see the beautiful, .Tine . ofFancy
have filled engagements and will play isalso expected: Rev., .Mr. Steadman y g
doting the coming week at Middle of Alma 5ircuit has' promised a num- present. croachinsr too much on your valuable
S Last Sunday week a• thanksgiving space,
Mr, Alex. Cox; one of our unany'- come all, Admission. . adults 2oc.
prosperous farmers is having a fine children, 15c. ' at .7 P•'m. when special prayers were J. WRIGHT,
warerooluTs, even if you do not want to purchase.
OCkerB, Morris
C hh airs and Odd Parlor Pieces we are .offering
We will consider it a pleasure to show you throughour
ton's, Holmesville and Londesboro. ber of vocal selections. `C inc one, service was held in the English church Yours truly,
If• •
'new barn built At the raising. on o eyed on the occasion of peace lav- Clinton Juste 38th
Tuesday • an accident occurred, Mr: ing'been proclaimed in .South. Africa.
church, •
•. hence a large congregation as= DONNYBROOK.
Miss Jekyll seinbled to join in the •services. The 'the farmers. • are busyputtingin . Night and'Sunday Calle answered"at residence of our
hear the temple.. He .felt,.a' distances L. ell of Godericli. Sunday 'church was ver nicelydecorated with their. roots this week, Funeral Director, J. W. Ohidley, Iiingstreet,.oppositefoundry.
of six feet . or so, but we rejoice in.be- ed in the village. very ,
ing able to say that while injuries Mr, and' Mrs. harry Hawking spent Union Jacks,: flowers, and King Ed- Miss Effie Knox of Auburn was vis -
aro. severe they are not dangerous. a few days at Kincardine this week wards picture occupied a prominent 'sting friend's in Donnybrook one day
County Councillor Connolly was in and last. position in the front of the church. last week.
London on Saturday arranging for the Miss Lizzie Richardson Sundayed
Rev.neat and Goldberg -r. tispire sermon, veryached a hin'the shtta picnic on�Mon .tine
sale of the first month's make of with her sister at Dungannon.choir 9 g holding Y.
clieMr. of theAlbert IOCantelon f was in n' the looks of his silow is res deeccith improving a the
new hymns ofnPraise. e very.appropriate i fel grune ove at the river.Wallace'. beaut-
county town last week acting as a ,fence, Quite a few from here attended court Miss Mary Plowman visited • at Mr,
juryman. The congregation of the R. C. in Goderich on Friday last. John Beadle's on Sunday.
Messrs. G. B. Henley and W. Crooks church at Kingsbridge has started to . We are sorry to report the serious • Mr.' and Mrs, . Albert Johnston vis -
report having had a pleasant and quarry stone stere in the river bed for illness of Mr. John Mills of West Wa- ited at Mr, Sinton Dow's on Thurs-
profitable time at the meeting of . the their new church which they will wanosh.
Peter Canteloit being struck by a fan . •PORT ALBERT.
There. was no service in .the Methodist
ling rafter which made a nasty gash
J. W. Chi dley-
Orange Grand Lodge held at Niagard' build as soon as material is on the M. R. Medd, the fence agent, was
Falls. The American Grand Lodge ground: around here this week taking otders.
met just across the river and they ex- Mr. John Schoenhals and two sons, COLBORNE TOWNSHXP• The Methodists of Donnybrook .iu-
cltan ed ftaternal visits. The United Eddie and Herbie,are visitingat Mil -tend holding a monster picnic on
g Quite a number around here' intend ,
Statesers first Caine across and were verton and Owen Sound this week. taking in the excttrssons, to De- Thursday next when a good program
banqueted which was reciprocated the Service will be held here in the Eng- trost and Guelph 0n' Wednesday and will be gtven.
following evening when the Canadian. lisp church on. Sunday evening next, Friday,
U nets were most enjoyable An air' things every two weeks after during Million is laid up with a sore foot
1'18t Price
at present. When stepping off the • .+_.--
and --_- _Pesch _ .. verandah she stepped en an oil can.
and cleat cut. It was a memorable . hold their lawn social at Mr, xrwin which penetrated the shoe and ran in- r0 JC,e
meeting in historic territory and our . Fosters On Wednesday, June 18th, in to her foot. It will lay her up. for XI-ort.1
neighbors will long bear it in relneln. the evening. Admission 10 cents,seine time:
braucc, The Grand Lodge will next
Mr. Will, Rowell is soon going back •
CARD OF THANKS, to the West again and he is buying We pay the highest price for all
some horses and cattle to take with kinds of produce and will be pleased
Mrs, W. Cook of the 14th concession: Wo desire to thank the many friends Wo ate sorry to inform many of otir
Mt. and Mrs. Peter Canteloit, Mr. and at Holmesville who so kindly assist- readers, of the death of the beloved
Mt, D. Cook, Sr, and Jr., Mrs. E. 3, eel tis in our recent sad bcreavetnent, wife of Mr. William Corey of Nile,who
Canteloit, Mr. Harry Canteloit and and also the A. O. Foresters who ppassed away on. Saturday morning.
Miss 'Nettie, Misses Pearl and Dollic attended the funeral to pay their last The funeral took place on Monday to
Cantelon, Mrs. W. Kennedy and Mr. tribute to our beloved 'lather. Dungannon cemetery where her re -
and Mrs, B. W. Cook. W. A. Blackwell, 1). 1). 5., Alfred mains were laid at rest, The bercav-
Messrs, J. Webster and Rainilton Blackwell, Fannie Blackwell, James ed husband and family have the sym-
of Ashfield visited friends on the 9th lilackwelt. t pathy' of the whole community in this
con, last Week, Llalinesvillc, June I9th^ 1 their title Of Sorrow$ 'li
brethern invaded American soil. The June 22nd, at 7.30 an on Sunday ev- ..w:. _
Y We are sorry to say that Mrs A
anq e e
of hearty, earnest fraternity prevail- the summer at the ,hour of 7.30,
assemble at Winnipeg.
The following from Clinton were en.
tertained on Tuesday of last week by
to have you bring it to us or our
Wagon will calloupon you.
Our stock of Dry Goods, Groceries,. Than. the Carica A. SLATER 'SHOE
Wall Paper, Etc,, is large and well
assorted. * Sold in Clinton only by ' • •
E, 1TARNW ELL, J. .r'�`�
CIiBAP OASIS STORE vA1tN"A,a R. Y. w r• Lu ■ r M
a tanager.
'fere is no better shoe