HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-06-19, Page 3june,190., 1902 aaimeemroalialeSeaeM41 IiilaKaataaaia$44:a0C3VeaeVQ4eatalareeasa OCase0aaatarata t'a ra; a.'; felaeassa, y W. HEIABURG $ $ $ reea He put on his fur coat without a Word, •took his bet, unit left, the room without looking round. eteod still and looeed about her; it. seemed to ber she intlet, had a horrii,le dreano "Aunt letelet" said the little child. bobbing. Sae took the little band and. NVVIlt into the hall with the child. Macke moiselle opened the door of her room tend looked out. "Are you coming to dinner, Lucie? Aloe Dieu! 48 la petite going tO stay here? How old is Isles?" "Pour years old," ,answereds - the g•irl„ takiag up the child and geing upstairs with Vitt erlug steps. "Ifetivenst what. is the matter with •You?" 'cried 'Madenageolle, as . anele suppertee •heeself by the balusters. "You will let the child fall!" "Oh, no; only a temporarY feint- nesa". wilalle down. f often--" . aim Mood as if exhausted; the floor of the hall seemed to bo eising be- fore her, and the Welts. seemed to be flying round in a fiery cirele. -With an Immense effete, she summoned all her strength; ascended tale steles, and reachedher room.' She struck 0. .1Igh1 tind begen uadress, the child, doing 'eve-rything in a mechanical Tolaciel,te angry?".. asked a timid . She did not hear'her, • She laid the cbild in her °wit lied, thee retreated to the darlsest eviler of the roma and. pressed her hands. NV !idly . t 0. her tafetles, "Mast I? Must I? Is there no other way?" , . Bite whal did she wish to do? Once more future opened }afore her. What other hopes had ehe that 'her. innermost,. seta revolted at the thought of stepping Mae Mataildees pleas? Oh, it was, friable -a! ao frighlful to •be the 'wife of a man -she did .not, love. Nevar! Never! She new oefore her no broken,. so wore out. as ars Offered' /ler grat lelide,:no- thing. bat' Bet, must she not do__ it. for thcasake of the -poor 011111ra:a Np! Oink] sae have done it if she had been Adler'S wife? Ah, 1.1.1Aennt'ltsflt°tTelrager. thee ever awoke, in . • her the, longieg • for .wliree sae lied lost. A sobbing craesoundea through the eopia. _ . . : "I can notei,can•not clos at!" She steeled do everythingaetake. care of the children, look erica Ids house -s-. everything but become. his \vire. . "..Never," Abe .sneda • pa es i one -tele rici,Et)tsil!!ng: her hands. -"Never! I will. "Tante, e01.11e'fiere,', moaned • the went -acroee.end betit over' the feverish, little face. • "I - am •1- lairs-tea...Tante; ley eau] agape se," • she gave .hee eolea Water, .aud ,e, V' ar? f a! Anther of "A Penniless Orphan," "Gertrucle's Marriage," a „sae wee .00946456/4)1Nelisaa90040 teCleaat taaa, alaiaP.a.aaaa00.0.$00.0 then at the stuble roof, cove the paper to you. May I soul ma. the ea./line aa, and at the stars ,,, sh i g „ m i arena ia taa obieght?Itittlitsu,tiattli'mnIrs!" stammered the "What does liana eit"Ids. ••11)- 1".""1 t 1'" tw" tulki"g• nert. want? Not to ta•ke 3Sole tteartea the light mese (a the coffete cups, the jleicie? :Would he like to. eiee me'? ' 1 crackling of the fire in the Steve, sho„ut be eery aquae, but she paid no attention to u,ny- 1. will send him in after awhile„" thing, "13111 11 hitt Wert, y(al gOina 0 Oa, returned the girl. "I do not- know Ina iny iloar?" said the hoetess, in her 0 44"11 0 atik e ay. "1 110 net renienlaur," stammered liettchee. The 11111I(1 (111110 hi at that ()Meat - with the lam'', anti the kind-hearted lit lady ti,04 pair of. sairli lookine; that iilie slopped. "1.1icii.,•' t.1111 aftyr a paint% iii.11 the girl's hand, -Lade, are .‘. ou ill'?" ••N»," she answer()(1, and straight- ened herself up while a slight blesh spread over her thin Mee. ehe took 111, her t‘ orkaitor, and a eh trembling rilil!:01'S lessee to crosellat, The alias's:atom dieigged on mita ee stoats., mademoiselle asked gees - aims, end Tante Detection answered them. sea spoke of the natia• sick people, in the town. and of the ball \\hall was to tido) pleee that night. It was the annivers.ary of the fottieling of these reunions, Dettrlii•ii rolatid, and was to be cote - elated e; ith sp),(•ial splendor. 1.111g „your, s),111141. wenr a green dress with dots on it like dewdrops, and the garniture was to be water lilies and erasees She annollneed 'when asked about 'the toilets. "oli, how poetical!" cried madem- oiselle. -Hortense once 1V01'e such a drees-of course sil•k and aitagnitique! She \vas bewitching that. el:011311g. My dear, . does lie Lattice?" "Who? Ah, no! T don't thiek he cares at all for such things; but as he lives here lie has to take part. in theni-.-you understund?'' Tho words .si tick in Tante Dett- chen's mouth; she could not say his mune before this girl. In her ent- barrassinent she atoked at her silver wat di, which she wore on a hair chain teeth gold slides, and seal: "A quarter to six already! I really "oli. heavens!" cried mademoiselle. "aloe you have only just. come; and lay niartischitio,-creale---1•110iC, Please Tina." The e,irl rose. “011, thank yoli, thank you," pro- tested lernite.iii Adler, "but I really rulitil go. I want I o help 14elina. '10 dress, for Clara has. enough to • do with herself. I think they must be waiting for me." She. would not allow herself to. be detained. Lucie put her wadded men( le round lier shoulders, and gave her her hood. "lier Only Brother," Etc., Etc, W1111 ;-11•,41. Oititiiiiiiig out against takes my aoseeee "This has been a great honor to ne)," snid Tante Dettchen, ia te shy, timid Wfly 1 0 mademoiselle, who eyes accompanying her to the door with • the airs of a prinCeSS. "Many thanks, heartfelt thanks Ior ;VOW kindness. Farewell, leicie. I had an otnibrella-many. 1lianks." Lucie stood nt the window and watched her trip through the smite - across the court -yard, accompanied by Peter. -1 low (hill you are!" grumbled maa -*Jaisaisfialeeeee ee, • - r Mt the girl did not answer; 'M.O.' Was staring across where, through the gate that lame Dettchen had just passed, a 111011's figure was an- . 1ering. Peter's lantern cast a flick- ering. ray of light upon him as the got,. shut behind him, and they came up to the house. 7.ucie 811.11T that a little figure was accompanying the sheinger. With a start she drew back and hurried out of the room. "What is the matter?" cried ma- demoiselle; but Lucie had already opened the door. eceorge!" she cried, breathlessly, res. it. you?" There was a note of joy in her Voice; he lind come to her, he hed not quite forgot ten her! CHAMP:It XXXIII. The oberforster stood in the hall, vvith his youngest little girl beside him. lie heti: ()it .his fur 'cap and stretehea out his hand to Lucie. "Yes," he said, "It is I. I missed - the train in I.-, so have arrived very late. 1 Wanted to speak • •to you. lacie"-lie stopped- "and Anne :Marie must see the doctor. Ant I disturbing you?" elle shook her head. "No, no," she ansa era!, and looked up at hint. 1 le seemed so depressed, so much older. Mademoiselle, who had been listen.' ing, shut the door noisily. What she saw wns not interesting to her. Peter had gone away after setting the lantern down on the floor in the hall. The three were sti/I standing in the cold vest [Mee. "I am so cold," said the little girl, in a tearful voice. "come," said 1.1100, and went to- ward the stairs. 'then she turned - and led the uneepect (el guests into the diningsroont. There was still some fire on the hearth, and one of the lamps -was still lighted in the chlindelila over the table in the con- tre ef the room. 'alike off your wraps," snit, Lucie to her brother-inanw, and trhe knelt flown !afore the child to take ofT her cont. "1" oti must be very hungry, Find almost frozen; you shall have something to vat at. once." • "My Mae girl, perhaps," reterted the aberforster: "hut I would rath- er dine at the hotel where I am sta3 ing. Can you keep Anne Marie here?" 1 1,) had taken oft les fur coat and looked ov(•r Leiria who had just taken off Ow child's hat and was kissing her over and over again. . She nssented, her 0y4313 full of temet. althat is the matter with hell" she asked, standing up. "Aiways the snme: she gets Calmer and thinner every it is no wonder." Lucie went into the kitchen and gos *eerie, milk toul while bread far 1 he '1111i111, end then 81a went up to the old laron's bedside. "My bro. thee -in -Ina has Met nrrived intuit lin- she snot, in a voice! that land 11 ring of gliltlii0O$4 in it.. "or ah(vild been here leder° to rend a hat he has -come or, - 4'11. will be better to -morrow merle, ing early," said. 'the baron. "Yese, flint will be better -better. a ate SO tii•ed. to -day." Ile held out his ham) to. her, -• "Sleep' well,. Lucie!" She, went back into the dieS,g- room. What (lid he leant? And with this. queetien la her large 0,11,3e, she seated herself _opposite him in the highaarueabitir by the chimney; Ite Wan holding his child. in his arias and gazing: into the are. - "Itow.are yoiegetting on'?" he ask - tad, withoet looking. op, and lu that Tow, hoarse voice .that is with- many people the sign .of great ugitatlea. eThaels you; very well; and you?" "How shoula, it be witlanua You can inurgina-alone with the eitia- deen! Only don't be atgry witlame that I have not.written to you," he contineed. "At •arst 1' do note know • bow it Was. _ fele eo bitter; aud with you, eoo:. and then thought I. would telt to you myself, Yam knoN4 I.naver Was Much at writing." . xicie, dat net masker: a, deep feel- ing of comparialon Med ber heart: She -noticed. how his right head,. thet Wen holding the child's little (ow, trembled, and how agitated. his'saity. •factelooked. He eves ao.eriketnat, sey neglected, And.the child): The. pret- ty. bionae curls lead been wet' and araided 'that little dress of• some •black woolen stuff. with. steate clote was made in' silch a ciartmen tasteless: way like a peasant's; the little hamikerchief round her neck Wee ragged. at the -corners'. "I am tO blame, too;" .she "I am' not anasea •with you:. bot. if' you had. only tealerstbod aoW• WO. ell'et1111StrlaCp.di George., tell awe - warm', 1 can ao for •you.", . •• Saaucle-'," and he let :the child sap 'front hie lap and motioned it- toward her, "eon anew' hpw I loVed Glade:" . • • • Y es," she ste ale ' • a • • .e n d you-e.ou; .1 t ()ugh yott did not come to us?"' .- ".Yes, I .(licl tooe George,. God. know's I did:" :•. 1f t,, ti1011 drew mit a. bright .red hanakerealef, and allied his bitte: . ge,ana longer- eo, Ito . children Will be cen not sreici,• "oe. the titeey ruin° .. "You wish, • .eMy cousin Ceorge, 'that I-ef'1 'does net get on with governesses; she hunted awue. the thied one last \\Tea; .5110.se01115 romid the house the eybole daYelong; •the . . children are afraid, of lier; Mee I seta, nothing 'bat • tearfel feces. Lam. called ution to •.scoldea.ed punish .as eoon. tts I appear; and truly I auweie. .41«.deci rest Mere than .rtow.". ','Y ou,meaxathat yoteavant 'me to come Ms. .aeeottiite-Of • -the ahildrene" • Oho askedeegain. .."You -111.3 OW 11 'Tat.; - 'ready before to' May, with•elleMak 'aehey• are More neglectedthea•yott think,. Leda". ,he said, evesavely, • "Do yoti think..your consin , coeld -get ,8c1...3r1V13....xiew,Geosge?" • had,. risen, end. wag taleing. febie`aetee's • halide -the little tray with a' entoking- cup af milk.. - • • • • . . • • : lle did n.ot .rolswerS he gazed tie her as she, le the rata...0,44 put • eber in a...cat:tar, mid assayed- ehe bot milk :Out tc) cool..1 Theta •araa..enntes thing like Anxiety in his loake My cousin. Will not stay. w , Lucie cerne baek and steed.. aptore' her brother-inslew'-, with' ;.a. leek pf surprise on het fee°. "Sit . &awn," aaid, al:want • to.. ask soinethinee . • • • . • She set -,cleeve.• obedientlye. "I _'can opt matte ney.fine sPeecheta: Lade," - he ••• began, -catching 'his . . breath. • •.• ' "It. ie not 'necessery,',Geerge," sbe• interrupted with.a tired, aoice. ."3T - children need Me I, will go; tam, must manage: tte tip ...With - 'oat lee here." • et -es; that ia 'very goad! yen, do 'not Uhaerstand . what 'I: mesirt;:. That is,. Imeielat •Would be...best toe urea for, us to marry -elf yotiaail yeti r• TITE OLINTODT1,34.4WS -It WORD any one." As the Frau Counselor sprinkled the flowers front a pail of water, She saki aloud to Selrna's mother, who was standing before the mirror put- ting in a pair of ear -rings adorned Iltlilleed,14inuly"dclesar cousin, We eaa not say it ts very pretty, but if the he,a,Trtuois lfollulq7urejtialist---v'e'ry pretty," in- terrupted Selina, angrily, in her peculiar deep, somewhat roughVoice, and she rose to her full height, - for the hair -dresser had lust put the hist hair -pin in the blonde puffs. • Her Juother said nothing. She was a stout little person and short- . breathed, 'and would outch rather • have gone to bed than to the ball, • as he turd assured them many times, that (ley. • Dettchen took amens° pain's with. the young lad,y's tellet; one Minute She was up on a footstool, the next kneeling on tho floor. .At last the Water Nymph, as the little maid ad- miringly called her, stood ready - nothing rineee, either better or worse, Could be thought of -with tbe ter -lilies, reeds, and wax pearls, She had now only to cover her satin . slippers with a, Pair of thick woolen sociso medal had belonged to the late Herr Counselor, tout over these. tv Pair of wooden sabots, over her poetical head arre.ngement with a, scarf, and her eloude of green gauze withal, cloak. And noW the three dies, aceompanied by -Tante Deta• ellen) eal1050 waY led Past the ball- room, set 'out far the Coldenen Krone .1 followed by the little maid carryaig the bouquet and some wraps for the. • her cold,. treeiblinge: hand'ain" (lie )1 'I' a .• I -. '.. . . " hereelf on the edree .of tha beds ' and gtivect vacantly at one 'saot . 011 the . llotaie ...beery sparlre ;seemed dancing. , belare lier csas, then a bright green light seemed- to be ,over ever:Oldies:. The're is his atnaticetabride at her earl dress. "Go awa3a", lett (tercel, '•go :away; 'wli a t (10 yeti tvant awe it. emitted 10 come nearer mid- marea. SiljkinIttore(1.; • lei,,,1(1 a sae avert sl )).0? li • .1 i 1 sea .te hee. eel); \\'0..S the fartaela :the e afat 11 -leaf t t iga here eltilda- ) ' •*. " • ..^11rucle bin Teh eatie etir aide Anien! 'ely he td eel TI t 11 1. • . NN. $11P1 ..5911111 Tie. cliclanot get any fuether. She spoil* tip from her seat and pet out her heeds am if. to ward Oft sante- thing herr...11)1e. , She tried to speak, but eouldnotatrticulalm a word- "rahink how a ant oitutited;" he raid, ma irf a:emoting hinteelt.. He al - .so had risens but now he -seated bina self again. ."At,' least, hear ine out, Lucie, . have no lam of ina*king j,011 .d'eclaration$i Of love. a:cen promise e0-11, nothing but respectful, honest gratitude. for Whet aou will do for me and, the eliildrons-gt•atie tulle all my. life long. Why tell' you not, Lucie? ou•slieve tor seettngere end trill. berme imbittered and tits - contented. For my.self I deeire So little. but hey" -he pointed .to the child. and war! silene; a large .tear I I 1 .. Shastood motionless, her arms had . fallen to her oldeo. It seemed to her ati if the slightest movement writtal. throw her into an abyss. A long pause toiletry). Tim ehild slipped down from her chair and ran across the •room with Short steps. , hurtsl," she said, point Mg. to her throat. Ire took' the little creature 01.1 hie knee and smoothed her curies hair, .? "It, wilt soon be hotter,'" elle said, soOthingly. "Why are aoll (tieing then) fa- ther?" and the little face that was so like Med hilda's looked ready. to cry too. aatiy head achee, fether." "She is feveriSil."'he said, ansaetts- ly, to lattcle, "r hope she is not go- ing to- be ill." "I Will put her to beta" said late recovering her power of speech.. "Come, Annee'llittrie," The little thing weta.to- her *bade len I ly. et will go, then, Ietele," he mid. "Yon know what I wish, I do not Want to persuade you. / will 00910 for your answer to-morroW. 'Geed -night, Lucie." ' "Good -night," sounded back in a Melees tone; lett the hand that was ktrofehed oat to her Site did not tyke. • . • . ed res 1 lesely.; bolt t. ' W .• you st ay here, Tente?..• Don't 'go:ass:ay as'the. • cousia dneet I am Afraid," - 1.ecle autd. mils open her knees les the .side of the lava , .She thotireht: • how' she had • once lean and her er .11m:1St-lever •Ivit her dee or r sho • "I: 11 1 .1 e .• , ear e • 'I ; go t:o sleep eo • tame. year 'iseaciache will be lietter.'".• • •' • ' . •.•Dear, . (tette, Tante!" tend •11 little .trien .W011. elected: her neck. . tahe did: riot dare. to hloye :the child was neleep.. Tben she•reee putt :ceossisa over. ',to • the Beat lev" t lie ,stave, setter() Sill; sht").notion.fes 'ter bailee st euggling w1111'.1tersell. ' • ems aneteifie tied!" •She•erial at last. ela cart not (10 it.. ctm eot • dei :it." Atli] her. liatol ...sank. • heavily •-aesetinst the eteivea ' • ' • • •- • .*' . e• * • . reran alettchen had a niktel into 'her. sistersin-letW•8 sit ling -vomit where 01 holier of the. fete three lamps Vela banaina and 0 seffocal.ing .110ete • wile reigning. allegaal• 01111 a smeli of alm(eid . soap, ii•eshly irened eklrte, perfultiat ot deuattal ,Otina.lilles of the valley.and white . • , • lareelein Selma lobletel aexed; ehe and beenaeatolcled 113.• 'her Mieber. Wben the •hairalresser had arrived. wao couree to -day wits in -great • •( 11( , .S1(1, WI1S .110W 11.'1'1` ., 0 111. /:01[1111, and only' napettred jteit, at tee ouneeiit -when -that lady, • not ace la - 'towed to beetle. kept waiting, attS • takings her departure aith the roe meek that slie. could- not tell 'wheat- t.i' tth Woilld lie Utile 10 eome again. She btu! only heal getting a.little glove ;matter froth the driiggiFt`s, sa id the girt," c't eus in g eterself, so that her gloves 0011I(1 go ore more east ft,. ''.11 the druggist's again," seolded the Prot Counselor,. "Naboey knoas flow much you'igand tittTe, lay beewe yeeterday yeti got a •coaa tonic geld peetelee theta, end ees- (ado s. II orb n arm 's (1 rep a 7 cab 11 tit untlerstand Mew ;3.'011 1111011" it;" she :said, turning to,i-'elina's mother; "be- sides, it is bad to dose one's eel( so, and So .unneressary Whet theee is, so to sae', a. physieian in the familee" alante," said FelterafroM muter - the halealveneerai cotala "you take leoraget reeds Yollea•:: I have -setae you; and there are four empty bete Oa in the cellar." T1,0, F.111:11 Counselor colored aosP- Iy. Ittat did not answer. '',111S1, 8110 tliOnglAto "F011 W11.1 (10 very clefs (prettily 'Owe you are (Mee ealfrettar wee." . At this ationwnt 'the' tittle maid Inenigat irt a large bouquet of red camellia:a and While primroses 11,t1 With a red satin. ribbon. isratitein Selma turned ea red • ite the efottere themselVes, "Who eent. that?". asked the Pratt Counselor, rushieg over eo. the door in her -grey flits, • "A man brought it; he did not sae' Who 'Melt it." • Prim Adler heid the boliquet foe a. moment meditatively in her hand. "I do not 'understand Alfred," she wit tapered t t ellen, • '1 fe kneW Perfectly well that Scams Watt 10 'Wear a. won (base. t.00k at. thia cambia:it fon; it is like a Peasant's wedding: but she mast carry it, surname," leetchen 81took her head incredta 1ouslv. • "Dagen Alft•ed?" She Staked, in a dottliting•?lactice, "Ire is tot ttt all Go "Y00 think lie should have asked aott beforehand, Dettehen? Men lilre to de these tbings Witheet telling . • • Deftehen took leave, wishieg them, , "muck pleasure" end promising to .hurry off the tromewliat tardy eloetoe ite good time to the lantana alte went.on through the slippeey streets. where the snow had already turned 'into mud, toward her home. aeil, indeed the light. was' .ber s in Alfred's study! The little lacly hurried throegh the garden and into ttiloteoehouse and ktiociced est• Iris room • . "Brit, Alfred," sae dried out te that man. wlio. was busily wilting, "they are alreruly. dancina the. polonaise at the Krone, 'aud you are sitting here in ' your inerning-coat forgetting everything/ - And 'I had Mkt . out your shirt and .eravett, and. caat all ready for you in' your room." He loOked up at her quite bewila tiered, • • • . "Is it eo late already, Tante? Wale tben; 3: mast make up my mita to it. But really it re(tuiees great strength m ind, .ealt 1 ell ota . Tante, would rather delve out many -tulles ento the conntry this evening -e" .• • "Come, Alirea. (10. &mice"' ' te•ott. ae, anadentoisulle'e, Tante* • •• • • • • • ' ' • . . , • "Wes it aleasante'' ' • • • Ha pat his. hooks 114 leg this. cps estton; coal looked' . .1 he latioliecaee , "Oh; yes, Allred; ee first, • 'evIa'n we eat in the teal:light and taieed: :but . • . :." .• atm came, ' • nearer tO Lind is fele Mat t'er with that air'? • ao pale! • so •etlialit and her. eyes ,s0 largeaapoor Lucie!" - • ' • • • • ) . lie put the key hastily in•his Pock'- . • .• •... „ "Why . da you see- that to ma, • Tante'?" he eaid la.' ." Let : that alone -it ie 'over:. • I•• ob- staved the' -sante thing myself this inorning, litaie „wit It all' nay a,eart may neit see.•ite again,' -We, ealtanot help aseraele as 'is her • own. . • • . -"It metres ma idel so:aadly,".said. • Pettchen.,- turning itesety and straight- ening the cloth, on the table, and then picking up a piece ot coal that had feeler& -out' of the steVe. Thou , she terrace . tete latale. isaathe door' ,. softly and. went out,,wipieg her eyes es 11 by otealth.... • . • •• • Ile seemea .1 0 take an. eternity -.for tellet ;that :arty; Ortee' he .found himeelt, arrotat -ha hands .before the Mirror,. atid had to thinla'spthe before. ho•eould rementbet.:* whet. he Was arboat t ;do. • '• As be catered the' doer • of the ball- room of the (loaleneti. laeonei.Several couples floated .by him. in a eveltaa leetezliug. lights, gay walla, :laugh- ing eyes- • and rosy :..eees. under weeeaths..of floWers, and .added to ell •• :this the soft -Melody of .the saaletle. (anima," that was waat he text eaw tind heard. '11100 be Slew his. mothers aceoes room piloting:•hee. way toward: Itim with a. festive • eaPrCae. 81011 and pink caa-elatione 'flying: ' .e"Alfred, were't 3.(ne vonle and :speak te.. 'the •atahnertsa Alfred,. heva. ettigaged Seim fpr Sup-. per? As you' (hi .nat danee, that, is , • 1, • s. .) • nocklea abeentle,, end followed her, ' trying'. to keep out •:of the way . of the dancers, te the sofa ,at the end et the' knew, waere. the matrone. Were sitting 10 long- rows.' . I •• "Who ie that eager little 311an Whe is dancing for the (100011(1 011ie 'With 111y (laughter?" asked Pratt .Mahnert, sleepily, , "I le is the head • elerk itt the Me - pliant _drug' store -e, good. frirow." "Iiani scarcely the height 'of three theeses, Ilow. it 1 opics!"- mattered the mother, angrily.. The Frau Counsalor had her lorge tette at her yea and followed the tall pan fieure whIca the little dancer. Ocala PO Oft011A" , lightly throngh tbe crowd. The.red bouglIet aPpeared like a, ilery rockets first here, then there, "Where did you order the bouquet, Alfred?" . But. lei;' eon elki not answer: • Ire was speaking to some gentlemen. Ilio mother heard the. word "akixt," tout they disappeared hito the e.de joining room. • Ile wee soon treated at a card table With the Circuit Jedge tiohm, the burgermeister, and elm kreisplayalcus. But before they had evert Learnt up. their cards ehey were ilt a aispute about the hew' hospital: eStott doctors. Venda most likely bave preferred we should give you the best site in the town in the new 4villa. street?" Said the burgermels- ter, as he arranged the eards• MS lta.Adv,e simply 'will not take the place that yoU offer us," said Lite kreitiphyaietio, "eou may be sena of that; sat the turf may May' there 'Lill Yon dig it up to heat the titathliatis. Adler, you know how, when we were (11 ern yesterday, the '1.11 0 or was standing oVer ' the grass that grows theee so much More Itteurlente ly than anywhere else?" "Certaiela," said Dr. Adler, Erb- lently, bet lie loOked es if hie thoughts had been far away, lie was thinking of a, pair of brown girlish ryes, that he had seen that morning When talkina en this Sable CHAPTER' XXXIF. surneet, that loolsed at the ea11113 thma rtngry and sad. lie had eel.- tainly acted badly': but what good would. it be to him to act Mahler-, vale'? "Cerealulea" he repeated, "the government Call be persuaded w'iltaille4beferg44eirseNnte),r1saist;r.:.greve hint an an- gry .glance; then they begun tO Plea; mei the hospital, was fermata:a A, .general move broke up the gatue af- ter an hour; the (lemma crowded treat the aalaroout, waiters brought in tables, - and every one prepared f4o4r,tildsitoiNit..41,,tit‘!.rets. accosted by a little lady n left silk -drams aPParentlY her wedding aces, and perfectly new, "Have you seen 1ne' husband, Herr DOctor? should be so much ob- liged to you if you would end him • to me. - tun reall3r afraid," tale whistaered behind. her spaugled fan, "that be is dowu stairs in the bur - room taking beer." His great) featut•es lighted up at the sight pf this fresh little face with the anxious, eyes. "1 wilt hunt hiut up mal Sella 111111 to yea, dead or alive," les said, and wound his way through Iles dense crowd, . Just then he felt las arm seized, "Alfred, have yott etigaged '. Sel- ma'?" whispered his 'mother. . 'This -recelled bis anty to -hie 'moth... er's guest, andlie pressed throughn. circle of gauiy toilets to \there lerailloin Selma toweiva a full bead above the others. , . • • "May I aueve the honor of tatting you 10 sapper? ' Fretilein . Selma, blushed., put her -huge bouquee to lea lips, and antr(100 me, but I cild not know -4 did not tainka-I aave al- reaely premised Herr Lippert," 1 10 bowed. silently, found _las Way • through. the ,crowd, and reached' the c'orrlaor breathing freely again 'en the cool' air. The public .rooni wee: on. the groand floor..- Ltrughina talking met his ear as he 'wetted tee door: a mealier pf •the geneleitem d art I '1 )1 'f ) • • tifying thouselVes in,liere ith good Iettlielaticher. bear. Adler stepped up 'to. the _Circuit Judge Bolan andsleid oNINt.ilfloigesclitersoutiadoedee. said, -jestingly, • • • The young man oprung up; •• • , "0 la heaveuse -leas she noticed my abeence alreada? What in :the:world , (lees elaa want? alie-.wete in deep . 'eonvereation Met_ - • no -w e with her Mistime' and ristnea' Ile' eteptied his beer tinta.luestilte and want out. .. adler • was about, ter follow, him what -his- glance fell on, a 1114111 , 1'410 .W(18 B1 4111/4" some distance trent-the crowded centre table in e. slier; lie hail a...paper 'in ais head,- end a. half • 011190, beer Jung stood' before. lath," aud. he a• sheet Pale. • • . ehase to a hai," i . it • real I y 1111at• . in 1 110 at (arida-a • .-,1"1112111,""hiMMI2arger, "klbe is so young still," he 'said, in a, hollow voice. "But she has a, heart for the child- taite14,1g.qactor„ and that is the main "Does she know abotia it?" "That is what I haVe been to eee •her about." They did not talk any mom. The two gentlemen that and beell, Sitting there had gone; the little' waiter was fast asleep on the count- er; elm Soft ticking of the elock. could 'be heard distinctly in the still- ness. Then it struck twelve Welook. "Ain detaining you?" asked ahe Oberforster at last. "I -will .go to bed. a think shall sleep in spite of the music. When can I bring .4111(4.3 Marie to yoU to -morrow, cloctor?" Adler rose. "lather between nine and ten, or leetWeen one rend two," he said; but 110 did not look • laentmert as he spoke. "Good -night then, Adler.". * "Sleep well, leammerta' Ile had seated himself again, hard- ly knowing, what he WAS doing, awl dal not move till the host came in and looked at hiln In a •surprised Way. Then he got up and went tiPe stairs. They were still at supper, and ap- pareltIly in a most cheedul mood, All 'were -each 009 louder than the other. The bend was. play- ing potpourri; juet changed from a soft love Hong into a merry air from the "Beggar Student." "Come here," cried Circuit allege 'Belau from one end of the -large • horeeshoe table, holding up his thampagne glass, "Adler,. come : here! •we will move .eloser, itogeth-, er!" The little lady in the white bridal dress waved to hint *with ber nap- kin. . "Herr Doctor, come! Where. have you been so long?" • The waiter brought a chair for hint, and he was goon, seeted in the most enveaale place of they aesured between' two .chartue ing laaies. Who, teesed hart about his alieence, and drank cbampaene and talked. and answered themselves.: • ••Doctor," said 13ohia, "you , must -sattie a dispute between my • wife and myself, Yeti know you are half • minieter; you Might to see. what"e long taco aou have, as if you had . beenesitting ley a corpse." - "0 11, tas, the doctor- ahall de- cide," cried. theeladies. . • .• "Well, then, doctor, the ladies de- clare thae womita ihould "novae . ask her husband's forgiveness, what - twee she may have doee, Where is. the logic in that?" • • • - eaVliere. is the gallenery?" cried little Frau a'Fase. Bohm, ' laughing. "And if yOu.avalt , the jeagment• .clay I will neyer • say• Tatterpec- , • , • , • "surab'i Wag has been in 1 '1,4at anew me," began the doctor; vasseawee• Our Photos of Children are works of art • Bring in the little ones, Etilargments -- in; every. style of fin-. -:.guaranteed the ,best. • HENRY'S PHOTO STUDIO. areennissit=routurm-rig....t.:- 'aseareseezaaresaattesseereeressese- A Our Glesseis satisfy because they are right. SpOctneleAtting. is no, • KL!oss worit.with us. • Wo ore 'experts In' remedying s11 eye des,. tests. Vet guarontee settee faction, ee. te*':-.k, iii..:.4. I- ' ,. .. woe 1 / , ," (k. ,,.. c, a y .A. GR.KG Scieeetific jeweler axed Optioiare Ce.,EN'AsON, ONT. . e'lecimitera" lie aeked, ae .1m. stood v.1 n ' t--" ' • . • ."Certaitily lie, but never ehe. You• . knew we never are in the wrong," 8110 (fecliered, 'With sae eir 'ot. hearte Telt ealisatation. • • . had to 'shine, hut became - grave iir a montente . , . • "You will not Make much levees- sion• upon her,"• remarked the. late - •over tte•. she ensisted as; obstinately •ile they ailed.° that was to go down. upon ine- knees because et some trifle, pe I should be . grace. •And ;she. was really in etira nest. What: coals! elo? Sulking tied • ••• (Sberforster starung arid the two, 1.1011 cheek Minds, !rho' tlocter : drew int a chair. 'and they aet oppo- site each ether. • - le "Walla call 'ties surarise,.",sald es . . • meet to ciame to see yeer this • ' the ••••allave• yet: tile calla With 3 ou. :ill.: :le." • ' . : a "No.. She is with 'Ludic. „She la se vela; I do not. keow -what- la the .rriatter wita the little tillage' ' "1 .evitied so gledly have g0a0 .1 116' 0 1.,,}1.01.8 • "Yes, t hank • yeti: 1. ate(' to • eatiee Mae any ways yoe knoas. I abad nometillair to talk to rev sister-, elmut."' ;• rea.11/4 11011i' (11.1110et . elllptY; .only one tie wo- eouitner'eial t ra Yea yrs . in the . optioei te corner' •ot t lie large,. smelted . room, alking • eteeneetly.• • tonea Italie • ' grown . waiter • boy , leaning againet the bar testa:a-aerie of. those uni ()Tonna to lit tle ceeatetres • whose evai Will shut hetet tut i eur b • •cacioctr, because taey lira Only' dr ei : )• • • : you " not • •want to go era 1. ' el- I . ''e / te, . . , . . "'I hcs• Musa 11110111g. SIIPIA:r • 110',1, 3.10 idea OWN! tens to be siteh inly Ina)) 1a -sag -lit Oa I.wouid Ita.Ve.. Serpa 1.0..thesAahete" • e ••••• you . lea me, I -will stay • with Tote 141f1 nt3;1•1?(Wil other so 8ele a • doer, told have 110 deties to ,pere team nristeirs, .,'ya lady (Imitated tity riervices; Tell me, how dcics riVerY. cet net: there in the .fore ests neadower • . . . • • ' "1 1111SS 111S way. elector, 1 miss My wife.," ,The bie mere a ith a rail. cee preesion • en Jae Teei),•• tools up hie Mug aile claink • limalae "There 'le •-ealitetleing wrong et :et t,”...v t131.31,. 4111(1 . I 01911' tile (!ilii(11,A1--.1i.c0 ere ea 1.1(43‘., i ' : less it8 a nest of yomig lards when '.1 he pld. Mie has flown am itee ie can not, ''go me 'SO any lengeria ile had , his liandkerchief again. in his hand, Land q -was Moist,. 011011.11e leek it ' feel!) ' his. oe•es, . "People will of courste, excheitit •Nallell they hear'. that t went to marry agran--tily wife. is ,- 1 not dead a year. , lint if yott knew, 'Adler, ,how it is at hoine-cold aad unhome-like. enoligh to make:elle run au try. ISyetee thing Is done 'became. It, must 1.)0, 1101 a eheerfol word • , to greet tane tit table, and one luta to Steal/01er his soap with suppressed. •tears when. orte sees. cella gloomy looks on the •011ildren. in. a 'word, • it le no life 'al all, Adleta" ' "Vott are eight, leetninerte' sitid Dr, Aelfes, sympathetically. "I. esish 1001 0 ley Inert you will nteke a good choice, . g . only • koe the children's - solo." . "I had not thought of a stranger," returned the Obet•foestete '•.1. have no fame to g11. al)011t and choose." A. look of slight einliarrassment CIIIA10 Over h's Caeca, avid Wiping his aeard with his hundkeechiet, lie added:. -"I do not know weetber you under.. etatul nw, doctor, I thought iet--)" ' "Incie!" said 'Ile. Adler --it isetincl- ad breathlees. 4.8116 ' wanted to stay -a" he murmured'. . The OberfOrgler nodded:. "Vese the poor thing, X was hard triton her. ' Bet as I Said before, wben one is in grief one does not tveigh one's Worde. I felt so aitter Mel atrthappY, and then 'the world isalo bad, Adler. God keoWs What I .said to her, and so-'' He received no answer. 1)r. Adler stared with tightly aonapressed late at lite cover of the beer' mug that the little Walter had placed before )hint (at the table. Just then he heard a cheer upstairS,• and voicee and Intelic found their Way dOWn- etaies, "Aad she?" he asked, .at length, almost inaudibly. "Itais .not en eaSy thing to be a atop -mother." "And Site?" he alma again in a clifterent tone. ' "IlUt Still they ate her SiSter'S Children. Adler." band, "Wha, when the pester" bad seneeely said his. 'Amen' Wedeln ;hay° no effect 'epee that sex. •Tee.•the -good reason that they una 'derstand it better': than '11‘re.. It1Stt, iliSt see the .chictor's expreesion; he Would •never give in tie. yea:. -Then% Clod. on *your ..knees- thet ,you . have site') le .liiiieb as a am for ' alas l'lit'•1;t)(1.e'sii'; Of. etetee,"..seid 'Adler, .• "I 1 wotild---I ()Wel he stopped confuei)(1. • • •-• • . • ! Probahly eoti will stand esoer Tu- .'. ture..evite in the earner, or make ter kneel pa pease, Wile 'ware all the girls," 'react lerau Wita emtt. ,.'1I0.ilid not hear; ;what she , was thinkieg. of :Lucie,. of the 1111111 ise la r .• e .0 • ia 1( in order ).1.6 have a nuseller for hist children, onla eecease 'She -bap- ., 'paled to :be- the -sister of lila' dead , • • . • . t, 'Wife... Why' had he not been able to aoresiVe her :even if he could. not I or•L • • i• geltc .11.1i7eit•t?s. all right tat -It ase 'sof course, Ile. took tiO hes .gless tura . : -drank, . -By that . time the °there *were all lattgelog.. arta talking again. At theeepposite end of the' table set Footled •aelitta• aria net far from ...her his =tiler. She' looked'over -at : 1;110 angrily. Frankel Setinia, Wee • blushieg N'10:011tly behind 'her • gigetti-. tie bougeet, her little pertner' •was talking eagerly to her. • -Adler .M1 a..I Ight touch oh 'his. 'elle Leder, and a wa,iterewhisfieeed • few Worda• te Ile sloWlylaid. ' his 'napkin on the. table. •. "I must ask yoe to excuse me," .he' 'foa- itgabei. DO net 'at. Ice 'it °Anise. but I must say ',years is an • uncut/table profession," cried .one' 'of the gentlemen, "Conte' .back .soon„ •doct or?" ...ale was already .Out of the door end' down tee stairs, Old Peter 8tobtl there, a lantera .in Irte head, . and•his Oar half shut with sleep,' - "Mademoiselle begs you will ea - came hoe disturbing you," he began, as Adler let him hela hint oft 'With his coat, He put, on his liat and signed. tO hint to"follow: An • icy - cold wind Was blewing, the mance- Mrs litasistapuddies. 111 tile badly Pav- ed stt•eets Were frezen weer, the ..k001(tioi,10115,1011‘a,,,,(1s..b(ii.tiletpoeRrobearli.,g.taitn4d,.., the, Stars. • Itradentoiselle mem to meet . 'Adler at the doer, looking very' much dIs- turhed. "My dear doctor," she, cried, "Wci aro -In elidl.frouble. Forgive me for df tvi sc,;;;..itnygdpoya.;00: and to -night too." Ite looked ae her questioningly, hiS sttpposce has happen- ed?" she said, in ten agitated voice. "At medefght 'WO heard-a•or • rather Minna did -a. ehild crying bitterly, . and when she ran in She found • a. chid vary I asserts year, 81.1011 Stwollen„ feverish face"--madentoisele. 10 illustrated thla by holding het hands Out at each side of her catV11 heada-"and„ Worst (>f all, Lucie in a dead fixint at the side of the stove, She has 'regained her consciottettess, but She sits there by the child's bed as if sho Wore all . and doeS not move," Ho turned and Itoented .the attire rapidly, taking two etaire at once. A shaded lamp Was beetling in laUe' ches room, and by the bed, the arra tains of whieh were thrown . Wide Open, Oat Ledo txa trettiOnless as a wax figure, the half light on her fate giVing it an Unilateral yellowish tint. She stood tip es he meat:tett the threshold, and. pointed silently to the bed, then sae moved, to the head and folded her haadS Otter the eatVeti rherulast berid that nettled Out . Martilient. there. eid not leok at• .• thy -0111)1; ofily itt her:. But' sho .lools• ere . ' They stood se for a talleS then -he bent (Iowa te the teVerish child.. I. ••leltat does shacomplain pf mostaa •11- ile"71sekr0dthrent," wits the answer In a very. Ray tone; ', • • t . ahe .• brooghe a ;light at' hia .• qui. • .e aes ita su. as le sa . 'Ora in the Beats so changed, So in 1 11 ‘e f the 'face ilatt..was formerly eo soft etrid • "It is a, 'Oimple -sere threat with fever," he said, as lielesat out • 'the ati Send .sotnetaing. • from the drogaistaa." . . • Sae 'stood again at the•head of the bed in her Pointer place. "la 'she Very file" site asked. aThe 'ciente is not; .bat YOu are, I- . . "Noe.' 'she said, turning .a.waY.2 said a.,:decided -She -did. not answer, 8120: bent her head, and. her hands grasped. firral3r the ornament at the head of thebed, ismoidinttieevc(iesloar4g; tienarbs6 rr acaars,lo.tely. d:eva ' cheeks; - . ve beeti Kenunert," • • L•illai bowed assent, :and bent her • head FUJI lower. ' "YOU have tanderialcen a difficult tasla , Teeple, tee (I i Meld t I almost for . emu. :youtloa • . fle spoke acres. stowle, as if' hardly able: to erame .the Wordsa Still she :Ole eat Move,. and it seereda to hint it coula hardly 8110 nay tenger be- fore Male. eo grea t waa ,the .steuggle that' aeeited by her expressionato be • go.ng. on •within her• ' . • "Clod 'give aem eyeees happiness'," be whiepetea, • then. turated away quickly. 'Ife felt -,his' etrengeh was., suddenly giving out. The , next. moe ment, he eves at the dpor. • A, cry .soencledetarough the room- . the cry of a soul la agony se- the . girl lied fellen. 031 -her knees, her .hends clutching, a ildly lie'r hair: • "elusta? Musil? I.etta not .do 1t!!' W11(4 by hers he a, second, hold-) ingoal(T)°,1'.' 11s10(1y.i•isstatt.arilitiirning.: frein at) le ge away -a' "•, • aaittet: '1 go,? ' artiet . I lb nett? Speakaawhea it•i• it . • .,•ble for e•ott AO do it? Speak, Ltt-* is .the •lesest eani can do for. • nee . tell. ate you heves net, quite fee - 1 gtlatlite(ibellii(lien"ot areitaer, butsloolceti at • him hi a bewildered manner. • ,"Vor all. the ;mitt s.ou have- Caused me, 1101. one kiml wool, Ieteie?" aWhy do .3 ea ort ure nee?" she • cried„, ea if jitst, returning .to 'her sett- s ses. . keow how weong have been. • I Ott:trait eardon for e11; and eft it is any cotafert to, you, . know' •that nen the most, wretched end: unhappy createre ett the world. . And now go and tell it . to your fie •tx11000,. andeamay. yeti be happer!!' , She felt. her hands firmly grasPed, I .alsook at me, 'Lucie," he sttid, ettattilirrmheVa(e)117et..e .srP‘e_VritIltattahal"nel•nolti irtt email? • De) eem think it is so easy, then,' to forget. you -after yota . 'love /Mother? No, Te1010, belong to yoii at this moment, us as. when you gave md your first -21ssi do• you remembqr, in the wood un- der - the beeches? .011, "Lucie,. yen ahave.entich to make Up for; wiil you do it?" • alio aid tot speak Worel; bet bursting into teare put :her metal aboet his neck end sobbed more vie - freely thau ever. It :teemed tte she were eveeping nevey all the sore Iota. anal her seal "eyeith. those tenets. 1 0. ae .contintied ( fall. Mee. Captain Waltrr Mealotinia end little Walt cr rettettal on Tituteday I et from their very pleesene Visit tO reletivor in Ripley. . We .falittireel V:••ry 'much tteon our Tinti.sd..y tone Is the new resideliee Of laneineer Walter Ilsonelt, It ie a Ono storey building' aliti itt imecaralice two scs like, a ft hen peaty. red anti white =alias With roofs. wonted