HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-06-12, Page 8l.1 .I t •:.!L....•_I JUNE 11.11 Elly. Our millinery department has many attrac- tions for ladies who want a summer hat. Late in May Miss Randall visited the mar- kets and spent some time studying the new- est and most popular styles shown for sum- mer and selecting novelties in shapes and trimmings. These are now here. ,Pattern Hats exemplifying the latest summer shapes and modes of trimming have been prepared and you are welcome to come and see them whether you wish to purchase or not. Dainty Dress Muslins .. The dantiest, the prettiest, the most stylish dress mus- lins in town areon our counters,. There is a wide variety to select from, and not a poor pattern oran old style in the lot. Of the best not more than one dress to a Color or pattern. Not enough of any of the cheapest for them to get common. Values aro just what you would expect here, ---good. • Muslins at 1Oc American dress Muslins, good qualities, newest patterns, in blues, pinks, greys per yard, Muslins at 1124e Fine American and English dress Muslins, a great range of the newest and most pope- • lar patterns, in pinks, blues greys and linen shades at' per 2 scud .12i Muslins at 25c Fine Ditnities and dress Mus- lins, exclusive designs, in all the popular colorings includ- ing white on black, black on, • white, and plaiu linen Batiste at per yard 20c & .25 Muslins at 30c to 40c Handsome designs in fine Or- gandies and mercerized Lawns, the latter has the ap- pearance of foulard •Silk at double the money, no two a- like, at peryard 30e& ■40 White Dimities and Organdies Every wanted price and quail- • ty .in fine sheer Organdies and Dimities, materials that will tl 1 wash and do p u well„per .p yard Ilec to Black Organdies Fine Black Organdy•Muslins sheer finish, guaranteed test, per yard • -30c & .35 .40 Blouses for the Small Boy i In the clothing section you' will find the best assort- # ment of shirt waists for boys, shown in town, They are made from strong cambrics'and ducts.'. The colors..are guaranteed fast and :they are the 'newest, roost comfort; able and cheapest garments you can buy your boy for summer wear:'• •N.tiv~1.O�•..../...1..b1e...•rteA.`.ib• 8 specials in Whitewear • Every piece of Whitewear in the store • is good value' From those at 25cts to those at.$4.0Q. and $5.60, each.garment is worth every penny of the'marked price. These .eight lines are extra value at the popularprices they are marked. While. the price is low there is no skimping of material or work, but every garment is what' it ought to he in every way.... aewns.of fine English Cotton;.' oambrio finish, pearl huttone. . neck and cuffs trimmed with cambric' etrtbroidery, double across shoulders, ycike •clus- ters' of fine tucks, embroidery 1. 00 and insertion, each. •.... Drawers made of fine English ' Cotton; searns .double sewn. ' frill of 2I inch embroidery, 8 • 371 ' vows of narrow tucks, each, , • Drawers made of fine English' When It • Gets Hot Skirts made of good quality English Cotton, cambric finish, draw string. outer frill of 5i inch cambric em- • • broidery > with clusters of 7 narrow Lucks at top,special at ■ I it . Skirts made of good .quality Cotton, cambric finish outer • frill of 9 inch muslin Embroi- dery, nice open pat tern and • tirin edge, cluster of narrow 1 00 tucks on top of frill, each.,... Gown made of strong English Cotton, sailor collar edged with cambric embroidery, cuffs of same, pearl buttons, yoke of whitetucking and- hem stitching, each 75 Corset Covers of fine Englieh Cotton, square cut neck tritn- mee with torchon Lace • or E, cerebric .embroidery, linen 25 buttons, each Cotton. cambric finish, seams double sewn, 'Brows of narrow tucks above 3t inch'" frill of handsome 'embroid- ery, per pair • Corset Covers made of fine English Cotton, V shaped neck, trimmed with. two rows of fine cambric embroid- ery, arm holes with same, lin- en buttons, each • THE MARTON NEWS'REOORD You will ;.ppreciate the use of a Ham- mock. They are restful and rest hes much to > do with health. The rest you gat in a itaminoek is out in the fresh air and sunshine. The best pos- sible place to get it is in a hammock, Au investment in one will relieve you mentally and physically -more than the expenditure relieves your pocket book. It's an out -door comfort, We have the small ones just big enough for the baby --and by the way its the kind the baby can't fall out of if it tried to doso—up to the adult size;. Our prices are as low as is in keeping with the quality. They are varied in length, color and style. We invite your inspection, Agents Parker's Dye Works. The W. D.. Fair Co, Often the Cheapest, Always the Best. Abort o 0 WHERE THEY ARE People . OR WHERE • THEY ARE GOJNG We Know Miss Maude Andrews. spent Sunday in Goderich. Mrs. James Eagleson visited in Sea - forth yesterday. Mrs. R. B. Coultes visited Goderich •friends this week. . Bliss Lottie Ker and Master Willie were in Buyiield on Sunday. Miss- Elva Adams .of• Londesboro is .the guest of Mrs. W. J. Ross this week. hfr. I, Rattenbury attended the race meeting at New Hamburg yesterday. Miss Addie Rathwell of Seaforth was • the guest of Clinton friends on Tues- day, Mrs. • George Hanley visited at Mr. Burnett's. of Goderich township last • week. • Mrs. Harry 0. Bell of Wingham - was at the parental home in town this week. . Miss Cameron of Bayfield • was the guest of Miss Lillian Miller on Wed- : nesday. ed•nesday, Mrs, A. A. Sehrenk and little' son Of Rarriston' are guests of • Clinton rel- atives. Mrs.Jock Grigg and Miss vel n of Seaforth visited -.Clinton friends on Monday... Mr. William Frost of Ottawa was the .guest _ot his neice, Mrs: (Dr.) Thompson, this week, Miss Moyer of •Newcomlie's store leaves Saturday on a visit to her stoats. in• St. • Catharines, Mr. John . Ransford was in Toronto • last week• attending a •convention of •the ". captains of commerce." • Mr. J. R • Shaw has .moved his family' to Toronto where he will continue in the • life 'insurance business. Mr. Glenn. Fair of the staff of Gor- don,.' McVay . & Co.,• • Toronto,. is home for a fortnight's, vacation, Mrsf• (Dr.) Smith and lairs. James `Pollock 'of • Bayfield were' guests of -Mrs. James Eagleson on Monday. , •Mr. and; Mrs, James Vernor, keeper and matron.' of the Perth House of Refuge, were guests at French Castle over Sunday. • • • Mrs. W. Townsend, who has• been .vis- , iting . at her soil's, ...Mr. A,• Town- send's ' for ' a fortnight, returned ,to her home at Haysvillethis week. Mr. C. H. Broadfoot, formerly•of Sea- ' forth,. was in town last week after an absence of several months. He' is :now a citizen :of Chicago 'where he has, a lucrative position, Mrs. 14ack • Ifiennedywas the guest of Mrs• (Dr.) Blackall for a.` few days this past week and ,was negotiating for a house with the view to taking up.residence in Clinton again. • Mrs.. (Dr.) Marrs,- who' had been visit- • • ing for a. week• past her father, and brother, , Dr. Shaw, 'was joined on - Saturday-4,pr.. Marrs 'tied on Tttes- ■50 • day they, left for .their. home in Pt. Elgin. Mr. W. .G. • Webb ,df. Londesboro was in, town on Saturday.' In his youth Mr..Webb was a resident of Clinton and his father is still remembered by old • residents •as having, been, head •miller for the Messrs. ;Rance. Mr. and' Mrs. G. Cornell of Peck, Mich., spent a day or: so this week as guests of Mr, Robert Welsh • and Mrs, George .Hanley. They were. ae-. • companicd by Miss Emma. Welsh, who will make a more extended vis-. it. June 3.2th, 1902 35 agave a.• e.-11 AlaAlle-411"E•46.411.--00.Arre se so ea t esiews 411,/ 41. lee ARAM/MI Lace Curtains Our Curtain values are not duplicated in town.. We could not sell as good quality for each price if we did not buy direct from one of England's leading makers. Doz- ens of patterns to select from., and every one new and up • to -date. The prices, 25 eta to $5.00 per pair. At each price the best value in :the : -trade; Coronation Ribbon The newest thing in neck ribbonsis the Coronatian. It is a handsome Dresden pattern in centre with silk embroidery crowns in white on pink, sky, white or coronation red grounds at each side. Correct width, all pure :silk, per yard, 40cts.. rersiowa,sis-se.saysivviesra,saarareelsevatissialle•seaosefraibelea.e. Black Cat. Stockings Better stockings for boys or girls are not made any- where. Over in Kenosha, Wisconsin,' over 700 people are kept busy making them, and they cannot keep up the de- mand. If you want a .stocking that will. Mand all the hard wear a boy can give his stockings, ask for Line No 15. ..0 The black Cat Drawing Contest . Every boy or girl should try for the prizes that will t be given for the funniest picture of a black cat, The con- test will close on June 26th, and somebody is going to get a dollar bill and somebody else the fifty cents. We will tell you all about it if,you come to the store. .4s..1&..v.► 11/4 •4 r...►..w,1r 11~1 t. 1..1,..vv •w..10. ...r:.r v • • iIodg ens Bros. —+.-�CLINTON Mr: Harry Darrow of Bayfield was in town on Monday.. Mr. Darrow some. time ago bought the 'old. Conimer- cial hotel which he ;ishaving made over by the carpenters and paint- ers and • will open shortly for the . accommodation of the public. • So inucli improved i's the house that Mr. Darrow'.s friends are suggesting ' that he change its name to one more modern and catchy. Mr. John Swartz spent a few' • at the parental home,. Mr. and Mrs. •George Swartz's, on Saturday on • his • way home to Winghain from Bayfield where he had been on bull- . Hess. Mr. Swartz is famous as the owner Of Ilarold H,, the speediest horse in Canada, if not on the con- tinent. Harold 11. will begin cant- •• pawning in July and his owner is . confident that he will clip. four sec- onds oil his record ;and thus make it the even two minutes. ' • Messrs. John Smith and T. D. John- son are in Owen Sound this week at- tending the annual meeting of the IIigh Court of the Canadian Order • of Foresters.• This is the sixteenth time Mr, Smith has represented Court Maple Leaf and he Is as well known at the High Court as is High lIigh Chief Ranger Eltiott himself. lTe is popular amongg the brethera, who always elect ldm High 14Iar- shall and have )made shin several presents, including a valuable gold headed cane which Mr. Smith so treasures that 1 t he only uses i it on • special occasions. Messrs. Thomas Stinson and Wain- wright of Stanley Isere in .Clinton on Friday. The latter is a Dublin pian but for half a century has res- ided in ba my hail! Mr. Stinson is a native of Galway, Ireland, where he was born four score years ago and left when twenty years of age for Stanley township where a relative had preceded the family by five years. The trip was unusually long, six months elapsing before the party reached their destination. The name of Stinson has ever since been an honored one in the township and • this veteran pioneer, who is bear- ing his years so well, is held in the very highest.respect, #i'InGEItS TAKEN OIF, Mr, J. 3, Macdonald had two nip Kers taken oft by a stave machine at $taj leton yesterday, 1 Some Bid Values .......ltd!ti 1hM............fN. N .Nr ...... N.N►N! ......wl fl• The values in this ad are the best we have had for a long time. • Itis our ambition to Nerve the people well, to satisfy them in every way. The success of this store shows us that our effortstare not in. vain. Buy- ing as we do in four store lots we procure many lines away under value. Our method of giving our customers the benefit of all underpriced purchases makes it possible for thera to save money, Some Big Bargains in Table Linens $1.75 Table Cloths at $1.10 $2.50 " tt ti « 3.00 tt • " tt $1.85 Last week we bought sev- eral dozen pure linen Table Cloths at nearly half price They are called mills " sec - ends" on account of them having some slight defects fI which • you would never'i,� notice unless pointed out to• you.,these we place on -, ; •o ` �© sale Fiday morning at the following' prices : $1. 75 Table Cloths at $1.10—They are made of.pure:Linen, are two yal around; rerds ularovalue is $1.75, on sal• call fully bleached omd a encingtorder Friday morning at g $2,50 Table Cloths for $1,50-2I yard hang Table Cloths, made of pure linen.• elegant tioral design, with border all around the cloth. These are worth $2.50 in regular way, fir sale price will be VI,1 16. mut l t l air e5c Table Linen at 50c—In addian to the above' in table cloths: we will place on sale TOO yard of unble hie Line en, warranted all flax, 60 inches -wide, extra. c '� 0 ty and is well worth 05e, on ease commencing Fridt dllfrning at, per yard.... . 85c Linen Towels. at 250-50• pairs of extra 4•9'1 lar a Linen Towels, with 'fringed ends, y�;'":;4.4 ' regular price is 35c, on sale eonimene- %''x ing Friday morning at, per pair..,... , . • .L $2.50 Table Napkins at $1.50-70n Friday morning we place on sale several dozen • Table Napkios,•ali large sizes, made of fine quality iinen and if they were per - feet goods would he worth. $2.00, on ac- count of them 'being slightly' damaged. 1.t1 we bought them. to .sell at perdoz...., I . U • 1.10 1.50 Sortie Great Bargains in ,Millinery Sale of Women's . Sli lrt Waists A. grand showing of the newest White Waists—thin, sheer garments. Our assortment of Shirt -Waists for this summer is the largest and finest we have ever had. .Pric- es are low—lower than waists of like qualities are sold for elsewhere. Fine White Lawn Shirtwaists at OOc to 70c—Made with several • rows of tucks, others trimmed with lace and insertion, others made of plain lawn, some have linen collars; others stock col' lar trimmed with lace, all have the new bishop sleeve a+ nn with the new cuff, very special ,at. 'each • • ■60• to a Beautiful White Shirt Waists at $1,25 to $1.50—Made of very fine quality of lawn, nicely trimmed with'lace and embroidery, ln: •aertion down back and front, some have stock collars, are with new sleeves, These waists were bought•under val.- p Be so are very special at, each... .L5 to . Q Very Fine White Lawn Shirt Waists --Some in the fashionable low neck effects, others with fancy stock collars. some with short sleeves and trimmed with fine lace, others are trimmed with embroinery, insertion dawn front, back and sleeves: These are the very latest noyelty and the prices are each - • 4.,UU & U.60 Linen Shirt Waists, made in the new Gibson style, oth- !! pp era of plain linen, prices. 1.L & 501■ Colored Shirt 'Waists, all 'made in the newest 50 styles, prices c 60 79. o t 00 Some Bargains iii Ribbons -35 cent ribbons in all .the newest .25 shades of old hose, •Fink, Blue, White, Creaen;etc.,at Ladies'Ties—in the very.latest effects,some of lawn in linen colors, also in white, some made of very fine silk, nicely trimmed with 1 n c lace etc, prices 25c, 50c to . Ladies' Turnover collar tops -made of lawn and swiss embroidery prices each 1Oc, i21ic,13c, 20c to ■U5 Ladies' and Childrens' Gloves -In the new Lace effects in Black and• • 6 White at 25c: Pure Silk gloves' in shades of Grey, Black. and White .at 30e. to ,5 0 Taffeta Gloves in Creana and Biaok at 25c ' toSOo per pair; .' Ladies' Tailor Made Skirts -That are guaranteed to fit you perfect- ly and erfect-ly.and will give good wear, saves you time and money_ if you buy one of our skirts made of Homespun. Serge etc., prices, $3.0Q. to 5.50 s •�• ,. Parasols • On. Friday morning you can have your chdice of any Trimmed Hat in the store at $2.50. In the lot will be The best values: we have ever had,. found bats worth up to $5• each- Ail to go •at$2.50. Black : Parasols, at 75c, 1.00, 1.25, to 3.00. • Trimrned•Elats: at $1.50—Commencing ' Friday morningwe will have ready a fine. assortment of Trimined Hats to be cleared • at $1.50 each. The regnlai .price would be 'mare than double the price• they will be Bold for • 60o Ladies' Sabre at 3bc-5 dozen Ladies' Rustic Straw Sail- ' , .ore. with black and white hands; the regular price of which in 60c each, to go commending; Friday morning !� 5 at, each -. • • Coronation Tams and Cape tor Boys and Girls—We: have just received the new Coronation Caps and Tams for Children's wear. They come in colors of white, .30. to 50 navy,ete., .prices; each • • 1 velvet andleaiher, all the neiseatstyles, prices. Belts -4n silk •.215'c, 30c, 35c, 50e.ta l OO CLINTON special lines of Fancy Parasols at 1.00 'to2 75 Each 'YOUR MONEY BAOR. IF YOU WANT 1T $$••••••• N$$NN$Nt►N . cnnm1l»111!II►Itrr� IT11t: �t etc'ttr�itnn�ri�rnrnrrrrttrtrrnrnrnrnr�trttrn��trttrttr�trt�n�rr �nrrmm�r�irminnr�nm�or��r�� • AnImportant Event for Boys r ar .. BEAT BARGAIN DAY 1 1 1 1 t. 11 I I I I 1 t t t 1 t t t i :+++++P+4÷1.44+4.: 0:44+-1.44+ 1 I I t 11 11•4•i•4 SATURDAY • :-JUNE 14th +.1"14.1..14++++4 t i 1 1 1 1 :•44-14+++++++++++++++++++44.1" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IP -7 n the above date we will hold our Semi -Annual Bargain Day forthe benefit of 'our numerous. Ol our odd odd coats and oddVests •boy customers, It will lie's cleaning out sale of all 1suits, s v from our factory. ..We have just filled hundred's of orders throughout the country for our Boys Famous "LION" Brand Clothingand all the odds and ends left over go at tremendously low figures: Itis an occasion when the ordinaryboy can have his needs supplied at less than wholesale cost and Many a mother will find here on this date a chance to save money that does not often . come. The following list is well worth looking " PI lib over and .if you want to get a good selection come early and bring your boy, . No goods on approval and no goods ex - a changed during sale; 'Vestee Suits, made from Extre goo ;_ Comprisae-the sari a character of goods and make but LOT 1._!Aateria, Sa fine Vere S , lT OT 3 Material, Sailor Paul and Fancy Vest, neatly.were se they 'are Coats and Vests only. if we had pants to ; and web made, just arse fault and that is too expensive, were sof . ' match them the suits would bring $4,50, but to clean out about 25 regularly far $5,00 and $0.00, On Saturday next you can get them odd lines' you can take your pick at $2,60 for coat and vest...Come at the greatest bargain wt, have cyst given in Childrena Suits. early,if you want a selection. The quantity is limited so come early. LOT ?o pairs of Rock Drill Iinfekers in sites 22 to 28, suitable _35 Boys' odd Coats, made from HalifaxHalifaxTweeds and Blue r `for the hot weather,' a splendid wearing . articleand a• Berges, our famous "Lion brand" make, worth, if you wonderful bargain at 24 eLs.. As the quantityie limited you will bought them iu the regular way $3:00, bub if you come early on need to be here early because it is a bargain not to be picked up Saturday yon can get a good selection in color and size at;$1.O8 every day. ii Boys' Soft Front Shirts in sizes 12#, 13, 13 i and 14. 11n connection,with this sale we willalso offer a line of They are made from the finest French cambric goods but aretoo expensive for the average boy. They are worth $1.25 if we got regular prices for them but they were carried, aver from last season becausc .of the.price. The pat terns are black and 'white cheeks and blue and white checks and will give the most satisfactory wear. One custom- er told us it was the finest wearing shirt that she had ever bought and she calve back for a second supply. You wi11 -miss it ifyou don't get one or two at '63e, which will be the price on Saturday next. We will also have a lot of odds and ends in boys' goods and a visitto our establishmeht will pay all shrewd buyers. rasa .011 *01 0.0 4.441 ackson Bros., Clinton: j`� �IIJi1�1J�11�it1�11�1J111UaiiJllu�ii11U1uJtlJillUa1�11Lrfi��11�! M alf►f%�1JI�ULI�iJ�t�«��1iC1�1u1r11«Jitai�