HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-06-12, Page 4New& Record is published every Thursday at The News -Record Printing House ALBERT STREET - CLINTON Terms of subscription—$1 per year in advance ; $1.50 may be charged if nut su aid. No paper discontinued x P until all arrears are paid, unless at the option Of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Ad•ertisung rates—Transient adver- ts to cents per leu t. nonpareil adver- tisements, 1 P line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for ea.h subsequent insertion. small advertisements not to exceed one inth, such as " Lost," " Stray- " Stolen," Etc., inserted once for 35 cents and each subsequent in- scl tiuu 10 cents. Coonnunicatiuns intended for publica- i n must, as a guarantee of good f Lith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. To insure publication in current issue copy for advertisements should be sent in early. Contract rates—The following table shuns our rates for specified per- iods and space : 1 yr. 6 nio. 3 mo.. I mo. 1 Column... $70 00 $40 00 $25 oo $8 50 a, Column40 00 25 00 15 oo 6 00 'i Column25 00 15 00 8 00 2 50 Cohlmn18 00 10 00 5 So 2 00 1 'Inch 6 00 3 5o 2 00 125 W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor HOLMES V ILLS. Miss Edith Tebbutt of Goderich is visiting her parents. Miss Mabel Willson of Scafortll spent a few ch.ys under the parental roof. Mrs. R. W. Mackenzie of Goderich spent one day last week with her mother, Mrs. Iluhnes. AUB1J N. Mrs. Malta of Tavistock is the guest of her mother, Mrs. W. Youngblut, at present. Mrs. H. Bohn of Hespeier was visit^ ing in this neighborhood last week. Mr. and Mrs. Shannon and Miss Yates of Goderich were the guests of Mrs. Blair. .• ' •> visited ed Mr. and Mrs. S. Nicholson v1 i reh.tives' at Dungannon one day last week. Dir. John Mole was laid up ,with a bad cold one day last week. AIr. Joit- Mills is no better, rown it t r 11 was I l 11 I • u of 141 a Dir. Young one day last week trying ,to buy out Mr. J. Naegel's hardware but did not succeed. Air. J. N. Campbell and daughters ore visiting at St. Marys at present. Messrs. saege1 and Askwith are up around Corrie for a couple of weeks selling lightning rods. Miss Clara rewsley has returned home from visiting friends in Gorrie for a month. Miss Collinson has returned to her home in Goderich. Airs. Thomas l'oulten of Cleveland visited ]ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. . THE 0L+INTQ4 NTW$.IEOORD L AI =RY. JUNE SESSION HURON COUNTY COUNCIL,. Repairing the roads by statute tab- or has been all the go with the farm • - czs the task two weeks. Some are of Atl the: mnembers of the county coun- the opinion that it would be a good til were present at the June session tiling now in road inakiilg to have the held in.Godetich last week. gravel put through a screen as the ]pig stones make drivingvery unpleasant. eWardenPatterson in his address call- a attention to the fact that_ there Mr. F. Guttridge, contractor, has a had been scarcely any dam age done to gangof workmen tearanb down bridgsounty bridges last spring, and that and building Gement butments for since -the elevation of1ir.J. T. Gar - iron bridges in the township• row to the bench the smitten had been We regret the sudden death of Airs. without a solicitor. As it would 1101i. Thomas Beattie of the rxtb con. Mrs• er do to be without a legal head Air. 13et.ttic had been ailing for some tune. R. C hays was appointed county sot - tier trouble was supposed to be ean- favorably is fa va ' r. Teappointment Y Ler. }ler tleatll took place on friday pec cued for AI. Hays is popular per - and the funeral was on Saturday last sonall in addition to bein • well post- season' to provide the Material and to Burns' cemetery art Hullctt. Site ed in �tlunicipal law. g ,drive the spites while the river is leaves a husband and five of a family, Mr. J. AI. Field was appointed a iruzcn which would, be a great aclvan- three sods and two daughters, •the member of the county board of exam- ' rage in the driving of the spites. youngest being fourteen years old, to : mets, Mr. J. 11. 'Tigert having resign- There is no road allowance on the mourn the loss of a kind another. The. ed Laxnbton shite, at the point where i sympathy of the neighborhood is ex- Nominating officers were appointed Ike bridge would be erected, but 1 " j tended to Mr. Beattie and :family in for the different divisions for the next presume the Lambtan council will at- a their hereatvelnent. Coulhiy council election as follows : tend to that part of it. { Rev. Mr. Abbey, incumbent of St. No, r, William Stotlters ; 2, James REPORT UI'` Sl'b;CIAI, C011IAII'1'TI:k; : i john's Episcopal church, Brussels Mess Sr. • • and St. George's, 'Walton, has given Catnpbclt ' 3, Fred. 4, Veurge Bissett r. with t power t act. They are ii heo c 1 c w simply to examine the place and the necessity of a bridge and to report to their council i.t this their June meet- ing. However, they cotasidcrccl it best to build a wooden bridge, supported 011 cedar piles as I 1' Suggested. td c had , t ul. If d t is P i the county of Midaie8ex decide that the bridge should be built and they War one third of the cost therefore then it will be erected. We decided j that the contract had better be let December next so that the contractor 1i h have the benefit of t '' might a l a e t t the winter • • 5, A. J. Sinclair ; A inehiorial forwarded by the color-.± notice of lis resignation, having re- 6, F. S. Scott ;� 7, Peter Porterfield ; ty of Waterloo re the importance. o£ I i ceived a call from Preston. TheWal- g Joseph Cowan, preferential trade for the . natural Muteli, who are both ill at present• ton congregation regret very mucin to Messrs. Hayden; Burrows and. Jewell products of the colonies of the another Mr.Ilenry Govier has bought the old - part With Mr. Abbey. waited on the council in reference to country, also the removal of tate ern- i homestead on the Base Line for the We are pleased to say Mrs. John the proposed change in the bounder- Margo on Canadian cattle, has - our stint of S5,5oo. • Scarlett is improving slowly. Her ies.of S. S. No. ix Ashfield and Col - Mr. Walter Turnbull of Milverton is many. friends wish her a speedy return Col - the guest of his brother., Dr. Frank. to good health. He intends to leave for the Soo this week. • Dlr. and Mrs. J. Carter were visit- ing in Clinton last Sunday. SIr. Ireland, who ]las been visiting The E: L. of the- Methodist church zation.be left to the county judge, • at Mr. Joseph Lawson's, has gone to held their anniversary service on -Sum In order that the members might:it. Helens. itv last and a tea -meeting on Mon become better informed in municipal The Auburn rifle association held its day evening. The services on Sunday law it was resolved that a, copy of first shoot of the season on Saturday were well attended and the choir sang the Ontario statutes for 1902 be pro - last on the river flats: The' grotulds very choice and suitable selections. - cured for each member of the council were well planned, the turnout good 'rhe tea -Meeting on Monday evening and for the clerk and treasurer. borne, The report of the equalization com- mittee was passed and the. following motion subsequently carried : In the • event of an appeal from the assess ment by this council, the final equali- and the weather favorable, Some x9 : was a success as .anything which the 1 bulls -eyes were planted in the island League takes in hand generally is. REPORT_ OP EDU- : target -at 200 yards range: Geo. Rev. Mr. Hussar of Hllinesvflle CATION • CUAIMITTEF, 1 ouugblut scored 43 out of a possible conducted the services in the Metho- Your committee beg • leave to report 5n, Alf. with 381 •39. Dl new Patter -son dist •ehurc)t on Sunday last, Rev. -Mc- as follows : Mr. W. Pickard had a Karn raising stood ac c with 38• Several new shots Nair . taking' Mr: Hussar's place in In the matter 'of the petition of were silted to the list. Hohnesville,•Francis A. Hayden and 11 other rate - on 'Tuesday. Dr. Turnbull now spirts .a kitty Pet- The Ladies' Aid of St. Paul's payers of Union S. S. :No. ii, • Ash- -her Susie Acheson is in London at- I.rrhoro canoe which- rather throws the church will hold a garden 'party on field, we recommend that arbitrators leading the double wedding of Misses I 1 1 1 the rectory grounds 1)e appointed an d• and Etta Avers, whose nuttier- ons friends here wish then] happiness >their wedded life. and prosperity in wadi t 1 1 P YI Mr. George McCartney and sister l spent Sunday with friends in Sea - forth. L• A number from here attended the . social in Clinton on Friday night. Mrs. (Rev.) Dever of Walton visited - at Mr. A. 3. Courticc's last week. HILLSGREEN. Air. James hove is having the stone- work under his barn built this week. Mr. Heavens secured water for • Mr. .Tolun McAllister at a depth of nearly three hundred feet, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Troyer visit- ed friends in Hensall on Sunde.y. • Mr. Levi Stelek is visiting friends in the vicinity of Zurich. Mr. Johnson concocted service in the Methodist church on Sunday. Mr, ohnson is a mild but very impres- sive speaker. Miss Annie Hudson left last Thurs- day for Marlette, Mich., where she will visit for sonic time. Miss Clara Spitckinan returned' to her home at I3avlield on Saturday. P 11 Steadman Sarnia wooden boat on the river- in t to s lace.. round on -June 26th,Cor-•d' we submit the ftp Mr. Dluich, Sr., is stili in. a very •onation Day. The ladies of the con- lowing names : D. , E, Munro, Au - precarious state of, health; as is like, gregation. are doing all in their -power burn ; H. E.. lictiston, Exeter, and r wise dua Bella Wilson. Mrs.gthArthur- is success:- Don't , 1f it a sac sn affair -Clint k theo . makeit fa 'Coats toW I to is gradually gaining strength. ' Mrs. James Carter drove to Clinton on Saturday, returning on Sunday.. Mr. Janus Young represents 'Court Dufferin at :the -Owen Solind i eting;. of High Conrt- C. 0. F. this •.w k, ; Mr. J. Melville is painting 'in' :' the. .village while .Black -& Beadle are ren- ovating the interior of the Alethodist church. - - - Knox church bus settled down to a pastor at last - and from indications they have made no mistake -in',- not Tieing too sudden in their.choicc. Rev. Small . preached a clever sermon to start with and .also lead ably at the C. E. meeting in the evening.. -• • Miss Bella Youngblut, • daughter. 'of Mr. J. Youngblut of- - the Gravel, 'was married. to a young tradesman of God - crick last Wednesday._ • . WEST TUCKERSMITH. Miss Carrie Johns spent Sunday the guest of London Road friends. Rev. - r, ,teat man was in a ' • ~''this past week attending conference. Messrs. Amos. Townsend and Chas. Layton have both been nursing sore hands this week. Mr. .1. 1',. Ball and family spent part of the pact week visiting at his oltl home on the Base bine. - . Mr. scut Mrs. Jos. Perrin of Lon- don were the guests of Dir. Fred. Tomlinson over Sunday. Dann Rumor says that the wedding bells will ring ere long on the London R• ;Lel. DI N. Fred Waldrop sports a new buggy, recently purchased from Rum- hall Sc MuMath of Clinton. Mr. W. Elliott is busy this week build••,;• the stone foundation under T. \ utt's barn. ULLETT TOWNSHIP. a couple of months' illness )avid Ferguson passed over to cat majority on Thursday last c age of fifty six years. The cle- ad w.ts much respected for her ny excellent qualities and the synt- tlhy of the community goes out to the bereaved family, the husband and two sons at home, Mrs. Noble of We- / wanosh and Mrs. David Churchill of . oderich township. The funeral took pl:.ce on Saturday to Burns' cemetery, the services being• conducted by Rev. P1r. Hamilton of Loitdesboro. The pallbearers were : David Cantelon, A. Leech, — Adams, J. Medd,- Thos. Churchill and II. \V. Cook. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. 1\Ir. George Young's residence .has been much improved by -a coat of white paint with dark green corners, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D'`llicitt. of the 2nd con. returned last • week Prom a visit with friends in \Vavvanosit. . . • • A. handsome summer cottage is being erected ..et -I4 Porte, the ..farm of Mr. Jgmes Naftel. Itis ' rented. by: Miss. R. Carey, who ,will 'take possession in .T my Miss Laura Carey of • Godericti is visiting her friend., 'Miss .Cecilia Nat, Lel' : of near Bayfield. Mr. Herbert Halstead joined the' or- der of Young Britons last Saturday evening. - .•. Mr. Charles Cookis building a' large cement pig' pen.- - ' The many friends. of .Mrs.. Joseph Proctor arevery sorry to learn; 'of her illness, but as the Change' ,for the bettor 'we hope it will continue until she is quite well again. Mr. \\'illiain Herd is busy at. Mr, Herb. Cox's bairn this. week. , Mr. John Hudie- and Mr. Emerson are busy - with the road: grader 'these days. ' . - The following school. report shows the staticting of the pupils, in ..S. S. No. to for the- -month of May: The names of those who have not been ab- le to attend regularly are 'marked with an asterisk : • - -• respecting' No. 5 "Logan .Drain''. as- 5th class—Etta Tltontpson • Lizzie scssment• - was held. The appeals of Burnett June 3.2th, 1902 HI Ii 1 III. I oeloo gselapifrlfrmaewsb-1 es yew Sheep Dips We keep all the best makes,. including Y R • t Little's Sheep Dipr Persiatic Sheep Dip Millers, JCenlp s, etc. III ., "ii L.. !I ..,,� _ 1 �,I i VIII.{ IIJ} 0 R. P. +1r1e 9REISQRIPTIOI »Bt7G STORPI R . C- Reelde, to $.door Jackson.. We �j B.—Spray your 11 ccs. ;ti a clave;til the requisites, including Blue Stone, Paris Green, Ete, • 0 sit✓ .••• ••�,•w,�►• �1 •drib. • o� �.^� • % - •syr. 4•'q cordial co-operation and. that. the mentorial be signed by the warden a.ml i ' 1 clerk and forwarded ' to the proper 1 I parties. We • recgnlinend that the engineer's • report be adopted by this council and printed in -the minutes. . With reference to motion of Messrs. Kerr and Bowman re Government aid to county roads, we advise that a committee of three be appointed to obtain all information possible and to report at the December -session of the council,• and suggest that Messrs. : Holt, Hays and Bowman ' and •the • - clerk be such - conmiittee. - Wi,th reference to inotion• o[ -Messrs. , Holt. and Cantelon re bridge between Colborne and Goderich township, we recommend that no action bo' taken in building the bridge at present but that • this council make a grant of rsoo :to assist in opening up a -roadway lead -- 'n t .th iand aguar- 1 n r - I o e west one mile t o 1ail'to attend. In the matter: of falling the vacancy ter, this •amount to' .he paid over •On' Juno 26th there will be a coron- on the. county board of exatnihers we when the road is used for{ travel, ation service in 'St. Paul's church at have two- applletitions, viz : J. M. , . • 10.30 a. tn. The service is a special Field' and D. B. Grant, both of Goiter . one . prepared' by the Archbishop of. fch:. \Ve find froth applicants possess OI+I+ICFl1.S bI+''ORt1NGE Canterbury and is beautifully gotten the necessary' dualifications. GRAND LODGE. Miss Crosby of Belfast is visiting 'REPORT or PROP- �: Niagara Falls, June 6—The .Grand **********************0••••••••••••••oeeooaeeai***sr in the village.• h RTY COMMITTEE. Orange Lodge •met again this morning • Miss Moseley of • Goderich is the We visited the gaol : and find the and ' finished the discussion on reports. S THE GREAT CAS • guestofMiss Edith Roberts at prey_, gatsler's • report correct We also of conunittecs. • t d d r l xhc.• electuul o REPORT OF ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEI!. Great Slaughter Sale ' . of Seasonable Footwear . Taylor and Son's COMMENCING SATURDAY - MORNING, MAY alst and continuing until our stock is reduced X3400,. What we have left of our Slntt'r shoes are on our tiara:tia sountess ' Men's $5 Shoes going for $3:50 j Men's, $4 Boots $2,t0 Men's $3 ones i:or $2 -All Goodyear welts' anti first-class stock. . Also sever id other linea going at Bargain Prices -SEE THEM. • • 22 pairs boys' Tan Laced Boots 9' and 10, regular $1.25, going sizes 1 to 5,, regular $1.75 and at 90 $'L, now...• • 1.25 18 Aliases' Lseed Boots, sizes 11 . 50 pairs youth's Tan LacedBoots 1$,13,1 and 2, worth $1.25, now 05e : sizes 11, 12.and 13, 1}I.50 to. • 60 Ladies' Kid Oxfords, worth $I.75, sale price 1,0U> $1.20 to $1,'lo, all going at one 25 -little gent's and girls' boots,sizes 8 price,regardless of cost, only.. 00c For the best bargains rut ever got in a pair-ef ]loots cotue early Saturday morning:. Your site way soon be gone., . • At The Old Reliable. Wm. TAYLOR . SON.. Cash and One Price Eggs en'a Cash •• e said taken sC Butter >�• gg • • • en found' the ••gaol in good 'order andofficers followed re o. • / the enc jc.s• - lis to the' general a 'Sproule,. - , ar c a e, n Mr.' Thomas Finnigan 0f Prosperity clean .and, work done b) the inmates suiting . thus : Grand Master, .Dr.• I .. .• has joined the ranks of b d t 1n re amthn adds g p T S S 1 M 1' M k i 1 O t P g Come Billy, hurry up." pearatnce of the place: Deputy Grant] Master, Vinland Gale Mr. Sproul .furniture. dealer, has d : that extra mo liraitlt Montreal, Que. Grand Chap. rr !! Ar nn�� T been ruin away fans with an ad. se be pa a an ex > giving • � Y feet t h b pt h st.d as desired lif. lain 12,ev. William Vl alsh Brampton ;an them for a firm which manufactures . his carpet_ sweepers. . A number of young • - e o hose a ire a. 1 • , s report, Ont: ; Grand ;'treasurer;. \V. .7 1'ark- office hill, 'Midland Ont. ; Grand Secretary,. ladies called' to secure one to .enable •We also d. vcryth � Clic atisfatiq oY• "cool" re- alhd, found. everything 'satisfactory.' -•W.i11iaM I,ocharl•, • Allstcin; ', nut, ; : e . them ,tokeep until the We 'examined • the court house and • Grand' Director of Ceremonies,,' W. I•I. • • turns. of ehe election were out'Thurs- grounds and found everything in good -:Code, ,Sniith's' .Falls, Ont. ; Grand.' day evening,' for even the ladies were order. Lecturer; J. • S. Harper, Hamilton,'. ''' hot." . W. would 'recommend the treasurer's Ont,.'; Deputy Grand Treasurer,. L. C. Mr, Tota Parks bugSY- naw S•ports -a new office to be papered under direction of:Wallace,S -Woodbridge, Ont Deputy clerk and treasurer: Grand ecretaty Daniel. Macdougall, Rev. Mr. Goldberg has :started . • a •'We also 'recommend that the gaol- Glace Bay, •N. S. ; Grand Lodge Aird- Wiling 1 Peoples Society .whaeh willreport . T;e printed in the minutes. hors, W. A: •Stewart, Warwick, Ont. ; meet in the chtirelt every Sunday even- :cr.'s , - 1• it s, . A.. • to art W wic i commencing at ` :30. J. B. Young RLPORT: Or HOUSE OF : Darin r the afternoon 'sessiohi there ;.4 ' ng g 7 b will take the leadership next Sunday RF1,17CE COMMITTEE was some warm discussion on the con- ' • •sideration Of the scarlet ritual.. It cveltiu r ice since the c • : r 5 plasterers are now working at lour committee met twice was decided to' laythe• re ort over and Mr, S. Roach's new' dwelling and the January session,' April 25th and June it was also •dee=ed that� all reports carpenters are busy. at •Mr. B. J. 2nd, niemtpers all present CThe •ntuuber.'of inmates at this date should. be printed before Grand Lodge • • - George kitchen., in the house. is 76 and apparently in meetings. Winnipeg was Unanimously ' • Mr. Stothers and to med fairly good health. ' decided. on as the next glace of meet- to Mr.. 'A. Ma'ze's to build . ing. The ,Grand Lodge then closed' have gone ? We also' •find .that. the crops :that g' g > foundation• under' his barn.. have been sown and :planted are look-: with' apliroptia'te .cerannony, for ;1902 ' •' Mr. Joseph Wilson .wily. drive 'the fugremarkably 'Well at this season of -• -- stage for . one year and, has entered t'ht vca • Mrs. arid Miss S. Thompson. spent • ..If yon wanf• n fitshiorahle Hilt of Bonnet it will pay you to call °before :buying.. We nlw;tys have the latest in. the market and our prices•are the lowest, JUST IUi 0EIVED another shipment of Silks,hfu'tlins,Oorsote,and Hosiery.: Nice assortment of Straw Flats for_niet'and'hriys.. Try -a pair ofonepongh boats .Soinespecialsin.oat hoott.• end shoe deptrtnien.t this' week.. • EAST• H RO.N: - . • ..upon his duties.' • The former coiiunittee :reconnuendcd • ELECTION :RETURNS • I • . ' P that 6o rods' of; wire •fence %he.'liuilt Mrs.' and Miss S. Thompson Spent 1 addit'ori • The •fallowing are the correct `fig- • • '.� the 24th in \Vi g• h b done:- with an t • f 8 rods, making '78 rods ut all at tires , Y. which as been on , • n ham, o •h for East IIttroh as supplied li Aur: by avers had three horses • lb !the returnhn officer 2 struck by lightning a couple of weekst rod,which a g 'ago. One : was • instantly killed and the . other two. have not recovered, from '. the shock and it 'is doubtful if they will. •• •Try, our Japan Teti. at Tie , •T'ryour Burnet Ten at 25e & 35c • They are.excellent • MOBEATH 0 ,O . 1 . o 49 cents tv rc 1 Pretoria Bloc11>t. , .. O .. ver ss.tisfactor . ob. Grey kIfslop' Spot40n 'O Y Y J o . 04•N"N NNWN14N•N••*". 4•••••i*A••••••••••• •••Nti . We would recommend that .the west No. x ...::..., 5 49 .. - ce .'f the London. Road which is in 58"--- 20 fs•n o , . .. .... .,_ a..yery unsatisfactory ••condition,, be-` 3... •• 90 32 ing' 40 rods long, be built .as soon acs. • • 4... ... r '7e '• 35. - convenient. with the sarne kind of , 5 :. `•85 52.:.: I fence as the :foruht.r. wit.: The timber '6 ;. '. 75.. ' S. we . secured for the House •of. Refuge .7':• '. ' _87 • 45 •from' the Summerhill• bridge is about all 'used up in building .driving houses: • 531' 4 and. fencing' and if there, is any -cedar _ Brussels • available from the bridge'. that is be- • • 1 • ,. •r.,... .•,• . 34 . Mg' built near Clinton we think it a, .. :.Sgt would be well to retain. it .for. work of : 3. •' • 53 .this kind and that -tfie county. engin- _' . HAY TOWNSHIP. • . At the court' .of. revision held-recent- ly eld recent-ly the assessment for 1902 was con- firmed. A court of revision re. bylaw •' Jatnes , Cochrane , and Thomas Dick' Sr. 4th class—Flossie Perdue, Oliver were not entertained. The court. of {Walsh, Nellie ..Middleton, Leonard revision was •then closed. Sheppard. The several appeals were disposed of Jr. 4th class—Willie Stewart, Wat- es follows : Ben Pfile, appeal not wick Cole, Fred. Sterling, Ernest - sustained Mrs, Gardiner, . appeal dis- Thompson, Willie Wise, Manny Ilan missed ; G. Merner, •property reduced ley, *Laura Ball, $4o9,;'dog off ; John Schroeder, dog Sr. 3rd class—Barry Furry, Robert, 'oft ; Alonzo Melick, assessed lot 16, Thompsonf, Bert Wise, Polly Ellwood, 7.. R. •1V.,. Mrs. Gardiner, assessed C. Agnes Middleton, *Roy P'rirry, Frank .part lot 5, con: 5, E. Dodman, as - Perdue, erdue, Florence Marshall, *Prank sessed S;; 14 L. R. E., instead Ceti - Ellwood. ada Co. ; R. Pickard. Co., assessed. Sr. 2nd class—Frank Elliott,. Chas. $1500 at Dashwood ; Hy. Bauer, .ac_ Switzer Fred Thompson ' Cl a 1 s sensed vol S 14i, 154 ; Mr•s. Mc - Wise, \Wise, Etta Ellwood, I,awilence Vali, Cormick, (, ' assessed � K. ' S., 5, `!/ 49 i George -Hanley, Albert, Jolhnson . Wel- 'Louis Hahn,.assessed \/,i 6,., con. 6:1 The following is the standing of the iington Knott. Val.' Raider, . assessed pt. 23, ,Dash- pap;ls of S. 5. No, 5 for the month Pt. 2nd class --Reuben ,7.ohnson,ilaz wood ; Willi m Yaeger, assessed K. of Mav, based on attendance, merit el . Switzer, Olive -. Ellwood, Frank 'S•, 79, 80 ;,Geo; Kellerman, assessed. and general proficiency : Ma,rsliail, *Frank Whitmore. • lot 40, L. R. E. ; J: A. and Peter r. class—R. trodden. Sr. Pt. Ist class—Ehra Stewart Manson assessed W. pt, 18, N. B."; , Sr. 4th class—Sadie McCool, Mabel \'inlet Knott, Earl 1lanley, Stella IIy• Thiel, dog on ; And. Thiel, dog itrou n, James McCord, John Vodden, Bell, *Rose Whitmore.—M.. IIALLI- on ; Con. Third, dog on ; Peter Ben- 1•;Ilie Jackson, Albert Vodden. DAY, Teacher. der, clog on ;. F. W. •Hess, clog on ; .1r 4th class—Will. IIoggart, Harry The township council' Mot on May Philip Flaueh', dog.of.. tc Cool, Sion Lee. 26th . as a court of revision and for After the close of the courts of re- Sr. 3rd class—Mabel McCool, Gertic _ general business. •Coalicillors quali- vision council resumed. .RcgalslteS of Woddcn, Essic Mair, Elsie Brown, El- lied as members of said, .court: The the police trustees of Zurich and Dash- ' t \Wchh, Frank Hibbert, John Wal- following changes were oracle in as- sesslncnt roll : E. J. Elliott, assess- . aril class—Bert Nott, Ernest ed for lot i8, con. 1, as owner ; Ber- nie Wilson, assessed' for lot I1, con, 3, 21111 class—Mahe, Lee, Ernest as tenant ; W. H. Lobb, assessed for en, Armand McCool, Charlie Lee. lot 47, Maitland •.eon., as tenant ; T. i't. 2nd class—Della McCool, Or- J. Coleman, • property reduced $boo ; val Rapson, Ephraim Snell. anneal against Mrs. Joseph Leith - Jr, 1't. end class—Sammy Appleby, waite sustained and •her name was Charlie Vodden, Mary Jackson, Wes- taken off roll ; Thomas Ginn appeal ley llogg,irt, Flossie Brown, Sept. sustained and, was not assessed for. Wallace, lily Cockerline. dog ; appeal against Mrs Mary Oakes Sr. 1't. tet class—Ellen Little, Cora sustained and her name was taken `off McCool, Richard Vodden. roll and .Jos. II. Oakes assessed for Jr. 1't. • 1st class—Adeline Little, saute property ; appeal against .Henry Edna Webb, Wesley Coekerline, Mav Beacom sustained and his name taken Appleby, Ella Lec.—A. F. .TOHN.S`, off roll for .lot 20, con. J6.' The fol- Teachor, lowing appeals were dismissed against the following persalts.; W. H. Eason, Richard Murphy, Ann Jane Ilarr,Gcr- CONS1'ANCF trade Thompson, Alberta Thompson, Jami's A. and William .IT. Johnstone, Mr and Mrs. T. Churchill and Miss Jennie RitcT l.Mlfi ,iiic Thompson, Ida Churchill of Goderich township at- Fulton, Minnie Rttdd, Emily Rumball, tended the funeral of the late Airs. William Lowery, Allie . G. Nesbitt, Ferguson on Saturday last. Sarah E. Nesbitt, Eliza Richardson, We lin dcrstand the school board has David Churchill Henry Perdue Geo year an an increased sag aryl Sao. i spat a ,co rio granted, no mit- present visiting Mrs, AfcCally. read, revised and passed. Minutes of rap, t•0Ad T,. R,, $17. Council Will eer be notified to this: effect.. •- 138 The coal for the., coming season has. - Hallett been purchased at ' the following • a= 1.• :. 62 .mounts.: • . ' ' 2 .., 83 19 tons and •1800, pounds soft -coal 6. at $5 per toll ; 15- tons ' and .1900 4 ..• pounds hard coal at $5.24 per ton, amounting to $183.62- and could not be. .nought for the sante .stoney at this- - Morris date owing to the Coal. strike, ', . 1 •....: \\ a believe that the . coalbeing tin- = ••• • urllituro ti. 29. 34`' Our large wareroolns are vv fully' stocked With furniture 53 ' 45 - of all • kinds and if you are 3.I 33.. 'thinking • of purchasing we invite • you to cal -1, see 'our_ display is .and learn our prices - p.Y i 1 1 1 67 41 covered 'and exposed to the weather as ' • .. 3. • . • • • 47 49 it now is deteriorates very touch in val- - ' . 4 ••• 49 ' 47 , 52. 51.' date : a building 1�e erected 'to store it 6 ... ... .63 72 to and would urge that at' 110 distant, 5 ••• •••. , • We ficin the management of the house ' and farm very satisfactory:.- At pros- WroScetcr ent there are .three .horses, 3 ;cows 'Ifowick giving milk, having sold 1 fat' cow on , 1 April 25t11 .for - $75, also having on 2... ... ..p ' hand3 pigs. •3.... ... • GAOLER'S REPORT. • I beg .to present to you 'my report of the number of prisoners in custody at the 'present date. There are • two finales and one 'female, .vie, : Robert Tut sherry wood asking the council to levy a Wallace, Tuckersinith, vagrancy ;• 1 .,, special rate, of two mills and one, mill Thomas Shanahan, Springfield, I11., respectively; were laid before the Coen- vagrancy ; Mary • Fisher, Colborne til. The requests were granted. insanity. Moved by John Consitt, seconded by . it will be nCeessary to purchase Too J. K. Gaetz, That. the' following a- feet of hose to' enable us to water mounts be paid : John Hartman, -trees and gaol yards. McKillop drains across road con. to, $2.50 i ' ENGINEER'S R,EI'ORT. 349: 59 61 . 58. • 69 • :)4 5 ..• ••• • 91. 6 ... .,. 55 58 299 - 38 ... 83 ' 85 102 Hy. Li iphardt, equalizing union ...... schools ; 4 ' F IVFarncomb fees re I tetchy submit this nay report of 3 . „ Cochrane award, ••512; P. W. ,Fara- IOISina:Ss transacted since my rcport.in comb, re Stelek vs. township, $8 ; F. January last. It contains the number Hess, Sr.,. fees re Cochrane award, and alnotutts of the orders which • I 33T 252 $2.50 ' Iiv, MageI, grading C. R., have issued . and the purposes for Tota] vote for lihslop, 2,299 ; Spot - 5511.25 ; Hy. Magel, grading S. B., which they were issued. ton, 1,834. Majority for Hislop, 465. $31.03 ; Hy. Mage], grading Dash. I have agreements and bonds execut- wood, 58 ; Hy. Mages,. grading ane] ed with the contractors of the bridges gravelling, $22.03 ; Hy. M. Willert, which you let at your. January meet - work on S. B., 57 ;, Chris. Fisher, ing and 1 hope they will be erected , Alex, I and com1pleted to due time. 383 ' 493` 53 65' 84 48 64 54 S9• 57 26o • 224 76 5o: to8 39 68 99 64 e s• lumber Price ranber and work $20 3x A ex n- I • have examined a good many of gram, statute labor 1901, 54.50 1 TTY• .the bridges in the countyand find • Deters, drain across road Blind Line, that they require about thusual a- $1 1 R. R. ' Johnston, flour for indi- y , i Niclrolaus Kennel mak• mount of repairing this season. ing tire, $9.37 • Alex Thompson, utak- or roc.o.Ce gent, $5.55 ; , In eotnpauy with James Dickson, • • ing tile, 523 Josiah ti :eiger, making Perdue, , tile, $5 ; Edward K'albflcisch, fixing engaged Mr. David Weir for another J,aithwaite, Tirza Baker. Appear of 'sounders, 25c ; Daniel Gerfnger,buiid- t 1 1 $ \\r'tti M r d t t ing bride E. branctt, 51I.50 ; Poster Mr. and Mrs. J. h. McGregor are Bence produced. ,Assessment roll was Eistnbachh cedar, $3.50 ; Nick.Poster, 1 Mr. and Mrs. T. Glazier of Staple- last meeting of ciandl were read and Meet again on Monday, the 7th of ton spent Sunday with the. latter's passed. The following accounts WoreJuly, at 2 o'clock p. in. sister, Mrs. George Riley. pant : 'r`ifues Printing Co., 50c ; S. ,... Mr. W. Riley and men are busy J. Andrews, tile, $15.23 ; Lee & Shep- pressing hay for Mr. George Dale. parol, repairing stamp, hoc ; assessor's Miss Maggie Macdonald is at pres- salary, $60 assessor's postage, Si. of IIartock. parties concerned that lot •15dfu Aeeorto Y)amc Rumor one of ent with her sister, Mrs. John Mills Clerk was instructed to notify all g , eon. 5 our popular young ladies of the 4thMr. Robert Weir spent Saturday he taken from school section Na 2 1 c0"0$1611 Will dtange her mute next with his brother, AIr. Davicl Weir. GODERZelt TOWNSHIP. and placed in She, 6 school seCtft)lt' week commissioner of the county of Perth, we examined the bridges on the bound- ary between Grey . and Emla and or- dered the „necessary . repairs to fie made. On May x4tlt I Met the committees front the counties of Lembton and Middlesex at the ]proposed bridge site on t11e Aux Sabre river where the bottndary bctwecit Huron and Middle- sex intersects the comity of Lambton. The committee from I,ambtott had power to set and they are willing to join With the other counties in>the er- • Carlon of the said bridge. The coin - PARLOR CABINETS 0111 EONIERS JARThINICIIE STANDS MUSIC CABINETS DRESSING;• TABLES .. L+'ASLES Mi sto habits HaLi. RACKS PICTURI;A: SECI;tETARIES LIBILAJLY TABLES ,PAPT✓I1 RACKS Boolt CASES FANCY TABLES COIlclEss It will do ou good to - see the beautiful line of Fancy. Rockers, Morris Chairs and Odd Parlor Pieces we are offering. ts 'We will consider lt.a•pleasure to show you through our. ' warerooms even if you do not want to purchase. tC)trid1ey manager. Night and:Sunday calla answered;at residence of our , • Funeral Director,J. W. Ohidley, King street, oppositn.foundry. We pay the highest price for all kinds of produce and will be pleasedwagoe will call upon you. 1�., to have you bring it to us or our FOR'TIREb,6,1N A "Y41 LI iE INS �'EE I There isi Than, yJettC r�, y�S� �I./oe ei X �j� y�j ��t ry� Than. Ui.te �..d .LJO +rt.... SLA. TE SBO. 1 Sold in Clinton: only by — • Our stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wall Paper, Etc., is large and well assorted. 3. E. 1A1 NWELL, Mitten •groin Middlesex welt hot vested 'craw CASA S'1'QRI VANNA. \\ • •