HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-06-12, Page 2•
Niskommoo mimeo woosiosoillosilliiimilsom 1 1
Master Bryon Shirley has learned to
ride his bicycle and aceOmPedlies .A.1.1t1 .
father, the merican Consul, on iu5.
rambles into the country. Bryon is
wily live years of age.
Mr. William Seymour left for his
home at Detroit on Stattrday 'by
The Myles came in cm Saturday ;af-
ternoon with 0,000 latSheiS -Of whet.•
Captain Lawson sails to Marine
Mr. James Clark received a. tele-
gram from the north shore advising
hint of the Jones running. ashore.
Mr. Fowler of Goat:rich townshiP
had some fine strawberries in town •
Last week and this week he will have
a large quantity. We always get
strawberries first from the Americen
side every season.
Mr. Jitint Bedford, progresses very
faeorably, though slowly.
Mr. 'Needle's fine collie clog got
poisoned the other day but 'anti. pots -
en tonics were given and the poor ani-
mal soon rallied. Its bindlugs were
almost paralyzed.
Postman /3issett may look out. for
a decoration soon. Kingston postmen
hate a handsome blue helmet Which
looks quite nobby, the Kingston Whig
Hodgens Bros. are coming to the
trout with• prizes. They will give a
prize of $1 to the boy or girl in the
Public schools who will send in the
funniest sketch of a black .cat. We
think the boy or girl deserves a Drive
if they can sketch a funnier looking
black cat. than the • cme that heads the
Ilodgens ad, and We prophesy a funny
time judging the pictures which will
be placed in their window for exhibi-
tion on the last Thursday of June.
Some of the artists should draw a
black eat with a. dollar bill in it$
mouth. Twentylhee dollars is also to
be given for the funniest story of • a
black cat. We have three bleck cats
ourselves and we could tell some funny
stories about them.
After the glorioua sunshine on Sat-
urday p. 01. rain fell quietly at:8
o'clock. Our citizens have had so
much rain lately thatthey yeomen --
tided around the square, perfectly in.
different, many of -ehem, to the. showe
Mrs- Tweedie showed us on Thurs-
day last a twin lily. Two lillies had
sprung out irom the same stem and
were -worthy of being photographed.
At • George's. on Sunday' iast
Conrt Goderich No. 3e C. 0. At-
tended diviue service. Rev. Mark
Turnbull preached a deligbtful and
friendly sermon to the brethern. For
his text he cliOse 211d epistle of Paul
to. the • Philippians, 2,4 " Look not
every man on his own things, but eve
ery man also on the things others,"
At death the reverend gentlemen said
that people grow generous. They only
begin to take an interest in Mee 11(di
must all have the one teeth, faith in
Christ, who is the same yesterday,toe
day and forever. Ile who does not in
life think of the future for his family
has denied the faith and becomes worse
than 0u:infidel. there are many her -
Pus in the humbler walks of ble Who
murmur not .01. their- lot. They do all
the good in : the world they can, al-
ways patient, never losing their faith
in Christ. He begged them to be
behevolent, not to be given to preju-
dice and party extremes •.ae so many
- in Canada are, even in our own town,
but to be pure in spirit and help all
who do things for a good purpose, The
sermon was very plain and convincing
showing. that • God does not seek
wealth in a. matt but a pure heart and •
a tender oae-one thiW will be kind to
those inuced, for Christ alone taught
kinduess; not unkindness. A 'peace
thanksgiving was also offered up, af-
ter whieh 'God Save the King". was
sung.. 70 of the C. •(). F. attended.
Mies Florence. Fraser' -was. last week
the guest of he; Meter, Miss Fre*,
Toronto. ;
Mrs. R. Gallqw Lucknow is the
guLst of her ndees,, the Misses Fraser,
. MiseFloreace Tratmeld we are sorey
io sey, elms- Ikea, serionsly-indisPosed
Mr. and Mrs. Virestbroolt have taken
up their residence in a cottage on
Anglesea street owned by Mr. Qolin
The late Mr. W. . who•
came down with ids brother Robert,
dua at the residence of his father af-
ter being stricken with paralysis some
time .previonsly at ins new home,
Sault Ste, Marie. At titnes he ral-
lied and thought by returning to his,
ole lunne Ooderielt township that
be might recover, Finding that his
wealtntss increased his wife \was sent
for and arrived from Sault Ste, Marie
four -days previous to his death. The
funeral, Whieh was large, took place
on Monday lest from the residence of
his lather, Mr. 'Freak Hillock., whose
name is familiar to the pioneer citi-
zens of this town.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Toseph Colelough of
Clinton met your correspondent on
Monday a. m, in one of her rambles
lakeward. Mr. Colclough found out
one of the short ways of reaching the
harbor by Carey's steps. He looked
like one of our own nintrods, fishing
pole in hand. We wishedloin goo
luck and we hope it was not in vain.
11r, Taylor was .ealled to Lindsay '
last week by the death of his niece,
'Mrs. Robert Johnston. e also spent
o day in Toronto in connection With
the medical convetition.
Smith's big hotel opened on Mon-
day. •
. litre. Maddox of Detroit was ealkd
here by the inclispoeition of her ino-
ther, Mrs, W. Black.
lilt. Thomas Tilt of the British Ex-
change has returned front attending
the funeral of his sister, A,nitie Tilt,
relict of the • late Mr. Raynto Wat-
erloo. The funeral took piece frotn
her late residence, Waterloo, to Blair
cemetery mi Friday . last.
'William Warnock and little son -are
the .eliampion poultry raisers.. Their
incubator is a complete success.
Rev: W. Stoddart has returned to
his charge at Lehauom Kentucky.
leIrs. Fred. Lindsey was presented
on the eve •ol her inarriage with a sit-
Th four Niagara, Falls housebreak -
ere were on Saturday remanded till
neXt Saturday by the magistrate.
Dr. Kelm the alienist front King-
ston, will go to libutliteg to inquire
into the sanity of marderer Walter
Two men, named Hirsch en Lek-
ert, have been sentenced to d.a h
for having inflicted wounds upt n The sermallM, of Surrender. -Lord 3111-
LieUtenaht4lellerta Von Wahl, the tier /Alden Out II ithout Escort -Stu: -
Governor of Vilna., ltuesia. riuderieg Hoare Surprised That Ho
Chas. Edwards, now in custody in.
BON 01811.111 NOD 8141.1
Up to Saturday 4,342 Rifle, Had
Been Surrendered.
Toronto, charged with passing about
60 bogus Molsons' Bank $5 bills, it
is Clanton', passed a $10 Confederate -
States hill at Brocicvlile on litter 23.
Nine Toronto 'Street Railway con- London, June 9. 'he Witi. Offiee
doctors were arsegted Thursday night has received the following .frout Lord
gitchener, under yesterday's date :
on charges. of having rifled the fare
boxes, and Jeltn °Kane of the • Ocean "The disarmament of the Doers is
proceeding. satisfactorily, anti good
House and Theodore ,Murphy, barber,
were arrested on charges of receivitig aPirit Is displayed e, erywhere. Yes -
stolon 4,842 rine* had been surren-
stolen property from theta.
Illift miSA 0. delved up to date." .
litre. IrIcIvor, of Kingston, Aged 83,
died Saturday. She was a school- . tormentioe or Surri nt1, ar,
the following formalties are ' ob-
mate of Sir John. A. Macdonald. served when Gen. Botha, Gen. Dewet
Lord In.aybrooke (Charles • Corn- or any of the Boer commandants ac -
wapiti Neville) died suddenly Satin.-
: day at Saffron Walden, He was . be°e:ra.cileYtatiliemedBtrolitiee°ivffiecesrurliv.ehn°dehrtr
born in 1823. .• The Boer leader goes out to meet a
Mr. W. C. Schrieber, well known, all commtIndO, and returns at its head. bum of g00,000.
over Canada, died Thursday night Loudon, J une 6. -In accordance
The Boers wh'o come in are geneettl'y
at his home near Marthaville, 00t. dressed in dilapidated clothing but with King Edward's message to the
Mr. Schrieher filled many important have a smart and soldierly bearing. ilouse of CoMmons Wednesday, the -
positions. At .one time he was Mir- The Boers who are to surrender IWO Government leader, A. J. Balfour, in
• chasing agent for, the .T.U. assembled, and the Boer leader deny- the House yesterday, asked for a
'ors an. address to his men, urging : 'vote of .C50,000 ($250,000) to Lord
John ItfcPhcejkr.9sZl'Orf)3140*Itnont will .them to listen to the British officer Ketchener. As a remarkable • co n -
lose an eye by being struck by a who has been detailed on this work. eidence, Parliament, on June 5, three
piece of metal. . The British officer then raakes a years ago, voted its thanks • and
Mrs. F. W.. Patton,, wife of the I. speech to the men 01 the commando, £30,000 ($150,000) to the same gen-
C.Tt. station agent tie River PliPIP, in which he informs them of the ad- ' eral, for his services in Egypt. •
•N.S., was' accidentally .shot dead ut *titration . of King. Edward and the • Mr. Balfour, in .supporting the In0-
0Xfortt, NB., on Satut.day night by British natioa for the gallant streg- tion, referred to Lord Kitchener's
Ha, iiily, wail oanwcian playing with a go ti. • gle and the bravery of their people, . rapid prometion. He • said it had
Bernard Babb ,and his little Mete", and promises that the British au- . been given to taw public servants .to
5- respectively,. were thorities will do their utmost to help. compaSs .so much work for their
Army III Sent to Revolve Their Sur-
reudere-Thankssiyiug Services Held
ie south Africa oa sunaey,
juue 12t11,. 1902
a1oom1 1iimiemigoilog",.."24:roma, .
tt •
lerora foreign. ;words iteenlits bad mob, . C rileri
has come tither to signit1 tood *mach; for t I • °
the most commas muse ot the disease la 5 Ili •
predisposieg went of vigor sae tone in
that organ. 1
No diseasit makes lite more miserable.
Ita Stifieters certainly do not Jiro to fat;•
they soraetlines wonder if they Shollld
eat to live. . •i
W. A, Nugent, Denville, Ont., waigrestir I
troubled with it tor rears: and Peter If- i
. GUM Ran Oftlre, WIC, who was so ,
afflicted with it that be NM nervous, sleep- .
less, and aetuallY }tick most .of the time, • co
obtained no relief from medicines prides-
sionally prescribed.
....,,,,,,,,+•••,,,,,e,"." .:,A
. We have a large range 'I. •
: of cameras but the
: best for a cheap camera
o o
2 • -- LS— •
They 3vere completely cured, as others
have been, by *
Hood's Sarsaparilla'
accotding to their own statement Vol.
untarily naade. Title great medicine
strengthens the stomach. and the whole 1
digestive system. Be sure to get Bote:de
OttAiNT 10
earnannrot vote* Vletorloue General the
them resettle on their farms. A meal, country, in so short a time as Lord '
caught on the' O. P. .n. bridge, Jest is then provided for the Boers, after. Kitchener, who, besides being com-
- train. Hilda crawled to safety, but west of Woodstock, Ont., by a freight
In many
which the formal stirrenders Occur. mander-in-chief. in South Africa, was
such instances, tlie Boers conunander-in-chief desigoate of In -
Bernard was killed. • . v h re 1 Kin 'Edward. and they din Ile found the army in South
h t id son
ceive their surrenders. ill -success which attended the British
" • was• run over and killed. He tried
At the Ore.ngeville 0.P.R. station, have sometimes expressed surprise Africa in a state of diserganizatIon
the past week.. .• • • ver salver by the •bible clase and choir Attie Matthews, t en -year -o
„that no •army was sent out to re-. or dislocation., consequent upon the
Mrs. Howie's carnations grew 01- •
ihripleth. Three, (lowers bloomed upon of Victoria street church of which she - of Mr. and Mrs. James Matthews
W4& a, member.
Bromide. 2 I
i hid we sal at
0▪ . • 4, 0 • • •
• •
• . el.
* .
fi_ Vet sotts in neighboring towns 0
; who nre thinking of perches- I* -
re lug a tee:term will receive an : •
$ Vitt•Lins...'eatlaugue 1,y dropid •
0 •-•
11/ tug us it cat Other eameras
besides the lila.a.ttnea can be
• t4pItitPv.1411eieldit'n It'ilt'hiL'e'raleigy lett sup -
pies &Wes emu be scut. by tnatl.
et. Our f•Ileap Ex•posure • Met er
* at 35c giveo the em.rect. expos -
co toe water alt condietuue anti
a pays ior short, time
taring veer' tut under
• expobin e eb, •
• -1• -1.. B.
• ' Chemist and Druggist.
0 .
The Boers are .• allowed to retain . arms at. the' early 'stage• of the cant-
the seine stem and the whole 35 bloe- -• Mr. 'Fred: Th. 1* 'reached home 'to -jump 'on the moving train Satur- their hoeses and saddles, and the nue paign, and tie executed his "duty with
soma came front one slip. ' With many orders for new suits from day night, missed the step; and -fell jority- of them appear to be glad admirable energy and .ekell. -.But • it
Mr. Fred. Pridhain took a business South Bay 'Millionaires, after being • undei. . the • wheels. His head was . as not till Lord Roberts left that
..erip to *South Bay where be expected that. thee war IS at an end, and that w
they will be eaabled to join theft: . the claims of Lord Kitchener to the
'wrecked upon their generous. shore. . severed from his body, • . , .
to. reeeive many cirders in his line; We • Rev. Dr. Moffat preached at North' von HEN OP' wan. . families. , • . gratitude of his countrymen- reached
letum that he •WLS ,011 the tug Jonts• seeeee ;eller& on Senday ant. andReve See gt. Wilkinson, altelph,'who was . A striking sign of the altered con- their present ntagnitude. ' ..
., • . shot at Hart'a River, will get a dltions ice South Africk is that Lerd.
• •Lot.d ICitchenet• .had -to. meet with
\viten ..it went ashore. • Mr. Hamilton in the evening..
13• 1 Commis- • t d
er. . '• • At the Boards. of trade Convention- Rev, Dr. Daniels •returned from con- pension of $1.20 a day. • • - Milner, the. iitis 1Highunique difficulties. lic had etee e
Miss Collinscm returned on Saturday in -Toronto Goderich was represented, feeeeee on .weeneedej„. . . •
• • Lieut '-Col Neilson of Ottawa. is at 'stoner; rode front Pretoria to Johan- qo fewer than 4,000 miles of block -
from her stay at Auburn. She 'was by R. S. Williams, TameS Mitch-. , .
. Washington attending. the Associa- . nesburg last SattirclaY, accompanied
• houses, and; in the conduct. of the
eccompanied by Mrs. Marshall of the dl, 5-. 'A. Megaiv and, Alex: Saunders. ' . . ... . . . • tion of Militaeje Surgeons. by only .two staff officei.e. . - •campaign,-- had shown the fertile
millinery estahlishinent of which Miss Miss 'Mies Tye -1011 on 'Monday tor •
Collinson was head milliner. . :the university 'exams. he Toronto.. • : . •
i'lireO'Cli...*,rs e'er 'he aim • • ' iTinge of hie resources. boundless .
• -, Lorn. Steatheona has given $1,000'. • ,
Dr. len3. and Miss Macdonald returtd . Ccniet Aleph: Leaf,. Clinton, was well 8 Topics w • OL s • • , .Fretoria, . une e set Noce o courage, . energy . and . resolution, and
• • tow trds er rneznorials 00 graves . 8 Th • • •
of soldiers in Smith' Africa. •
td from then' visit to St. Catharines • represented cm Sun ---------------------
. • -thanksgiving for the retern of peace • to these qualities Great Dritaiiv.oW-•
. PA": was held it, the principal square Of od tho termination -Of the war. Few
on Saturday week. • • • parade- or the Goclerich Court •C. O. . • • • .
• • • The elate of 'the eavelry camps
• . •
• -
is8 Tess ie McIntosh, trained . nurse .
• Niagara •and Kingeton has• been
.eretoria. the sun shone brilliantly', •Engliith generals had contended,- with .
15 Important EVents Few ‘Noids • and the sight .evas impressiVe.. greater • difficulties, and few had .
at Scranton, Penn., hospitale returned The • nuptials of. Miss: Myrtle • Irene ohanged feenn.24,th et, 1791 inst. ••
to her home last week. • • J.ohnstcnr only daughter of the :late .
For Busy Readers. emerged froin them in a: more tri- ;
On Thursday a moat delightful'af- Alex. -Joilinston; and Mr. Fred. • . , • VOTE FOUR YEARS AGO. Outside of the' roped enclosure for
• • — the troops were gathered many thou- titaphant and brilliant way. • 1
' 'ruble of the-NeielterS Inectett rs.ur Years, • sands of the townspeonle and a good- The Liberal •leader, Sir Henry
ternoon was s ient b the, West llurOn Lindsay of London,' third son of DaVid ' ly sprinkling of Boers, whose de- Cuenpbell-Bannerman, who seckinded: •
• 1 . •
n'omen's Institute at the residence of Lindsay of Holmesville, were celebret-
Ilowrie, who is a Most success- ed at the resident e of • the bride's •un-
fu1 artist and her home is full of -Mr.- George Barry. ,The. Wedding
paintings of her creation. Mrs. , Jos- ceremony.. Was performed .by •Itev: W.
epli Salkeld was president. Mrs. ..3, • Robinson. The, bride was .gitren
Campbell secretary added seven IlOW away liy• her uncle, -1V1r. George Barry. • .
iho 1.107 World's Happealugs Carefully
Compiled and Put lute Heady and
Attractive Shape Par the' Readers
of Our Paper -A. solid steiiioa Eider.
Meat In Paragraphs.
'111th, Their .ita.icritties, Fur Ii110
• mearior Was ,most respectful. :The the motion,, paid a *arra tribute. •to
. • Purposei Centpartien,.•
. Archbishop. of , Cape -Town 'officiated Lord 'Kitchener,. as a soldier arid. •• • '
Big -Wbulesale Stbelc. of
For the eitirpose of comparison the at the service mild Lord Kitchener, etnieemun. .
hebeliaosvit. pArtiliegionmeilel ealene:d Gen. Badendpowell and Lady Methu-
evn and other prominent persons were
to obtain a. hearing, the closure was
Afterei quarter oi an hour sT ent by , , •
afr, Redmond in a fruitlese endeavor
d th present: The massed hands ot
naines to the list of members for the In her going away costume of eastor • • . N issin I aye been divided an, e
niontli of June. Miss Green, late of, cheviot with biscuit colored silk•waist • liNciA$511"26 moved anti adopted by 8
• • 1 h About 83,000 immigrants 'came returns from these constituencies in oust regtments. supplied
it Wonderful el- votes, and the grant to Lord Kitch-
. 1898 will be of little value, en. see_ and the trotilis and People joined in
d 880 t 44 t
the Experimental. Farm, ge.ve the fol.- and picture tat to mate t be dress, : singing the hymns w enerwas c de by 0 VO QS.
lowing -essay on how to grow Mips. the •bride looked lovely •She carried a ;to the United States d'uripg May.. ••eral .ridings hye-electiOns .have taken
• The, minority •acinsisted.• Of Irish Nit • .
studies up many farnt subiects•as well and wore the groom's gifte a, hand- :,fxecints....;Tahned.siRnugollyigaiodf.i'c'Gipoilgleavp,.the_e
tionalists and two or three Radicals,
Miss Green is very °been/ant and shower briquet. of lovely bridal' roses • Mark Twain has been made air LI. place Since 1898, hut the •Majorities
D. Or Missouri UniVetaity at Colum- in emit' caSes -are note given, for the.
. •
believe that to be successful in raising, • of ex Mayor Thotroison,. looked heaut, ''' . . .. alai. daisetind..called for three cheet•s for ,
at Mt.. • Vinceni, • Man. ..Only tie • 1
as general ones : Starting Slips. and some - gold watch and chain.- ehe , 0.• • . • .. . .. • genera e ee oils in .
Y., ininfOlind her loSt motheren To:-.
Potting Them -In the . first • place .I nridestnaid, Miss- Thompson, datighter • I'll's.' soofieid of FoughkeeOsie, N.- bettet indication of party streng,th.
at ally time you are felling lonely. bla•ck picture hat and -carried a show- - n • . - - eae a, ,i'LLS a . •.• .••
eessional" closed the service. ICA IllAILLIAIJ 5listAi4.s.
• •
• •
• • -• • .
-at, very best ptissible . • •
• : , pt icee mew . .
ly .• • r bo act of pink roses Miss•Walters L .„...291 ,was immediate and unrestramed..itt
• • . A : c col e of the reeent fate! accident OrnAns, the veenderfoi Grntimphotte
. . .
ment at Kingeton was decorated Fel- Algoma, West-Conniee; Sheet Musk:, Books •titfil Variety Music
Al in rwell 1, 275 everybody aseembled in the sqUare
King Edward The response from ..
An inVestigation will be held' into
flowers one must really love thein. It iful ia a costuine of cream silk with ronto, after 33 years.
Sir JOh A hfacdonald's fonu.- • Addingtoit-Reid, Cons ... 301 • times of ti ace: nee te Med. •
011(1 there 15 no than to go to w.ork with flowers'Played . the, wedding march:. •The day bylocal (tenservaelves'BranN
t. orth-Burt, L 10. • • • .da • tho. C.P.B., near Calgary. . •
- .ee -
d 'be s of Ettyal •
Their smiling faces will look up into groomsman was . Mr. Anderson • • Of The • Buffalo jury, in the. ease of Brent, South -Hai de", . L... .... 527 xeristreedivelio,eN LoNooN.• . .• .• •
• ill 1 d 'The rocint's present. to.- ehe Olive• pternaman egainit .the Metro- n.. ,,+ South-By&erectiOn, nee- . • • • . . • .
sour perhaps gloomy one am you.w ,on on. • g
hardly be able to resiet smiling also . bridesmaid was a handsoine opal ring. 011ie' •reff 1 su ' nee Corn an. has • , I, • • . • • 41.7 Slog dward, ILO. OM r . .
When ;ecru purpose sleeting slips of After the ceremony Was cone. ,reported a disagreement. .• . • .neoenvoip_edeteh„ni, L • ,,, „...., 1,aa' . .... Yetntly at St, .PauPS, '
Mr. W.. Q. Edwards will aceornPanY Bruce, Centre- ,.
luded the
lend. -Mr. L. 0. , David ' Of Montreal . Bruce, South-id.4'riiiiekx°,1'ILII*,..!t;::::'• 'A2c4c41* • June 9., -The noisy jubila- •
Sir Wilfrid' and Lady ,Laurier to Eng- . Lbridon;'
any kital be Sure to cut them only. bridal party *led . the way- from the - •
may also go with the Premiere , •
Bruee, NOrthe-lionana0;. L.,. ... •265 tio»,• •with. which:. •London has re -
front good healthy . and vigoiciiis . drawing - room • to . the • doing robin '
Trim most of the leattas oh :nreperede including 'itrawberriee ' 'anti Cardwell•deLiteleie C ... .. ... ... -450 ceeded yesterday. nee More •iiubdited,••
sounded for the -last Week; was 'suee .:
plants. These • give the best results. • -Where a ;most . recherche luncheon was• '
may- be started in water but a bet- groom.. The presents evere..,verytend- Dundee -Whitney, •0 .:: ..: . -„-- denionstration "of thankfulness for •
Langtry, is engaged to merry ean , inigaein.-„..eeeee, c.„ ..., .,„, ..,..•„. nno
t ads of the remaining ones. •They and• intimate friends •cit. the .bride • and '
lialcolm, M.P.:, Who was forinerly•
The .corner stone, of the beet sugar .1Thrham, West-Iteid,• ••• ".-• 1.e•d6 the.reture of peace in South - Africa,
" (g fr=ice)ti;C: 13rgild 1411 =v:r4 . liLter 1;(tItili°ilyt °atrilicl4' rTile4.iiYVP: MT we cl.!11; !VI ii(1)111E4 YessZc: Ned(:)r:1;r1rtZe; .13:- ''" ''... -
Elgin, ..Eteet____Brovoi+, Co:. ::....1.12"::: . The thanksgiving servicea in London
p -bars of the royal family at the prine.
Lord:Salisbury:it private •seeretetry.....
ter plan is to start them in one. part. some. and • highly apprecietted by • the •
factory at Wiartort was laid Thurs- . Durham,. East=rallis, 0,.. .., .......30O ' watio 'typical of the • services field
goo I sharp lake sand, one part good 'bridal party; ..1.he rockets were .clecar7' •
de as • ee es • throughoot the •Einpire, but- the Pres-
rieh mould. Mix well and pet. in box- ated wieh 11,6werse. At .3..io p. me Mr.
. .
Canada,' has - eeitt a veterinary guard-. e -- • • . ... •.... ...••• 6 7: opal devotional.. -Serviees ate St:
the ri 1 i r i tl t es a- • ' wedding: e were ra . by . •oin . .... ,
Make a hole •in the soil and put in Oa. • and .rice.' Yict..iiiiii • street • choir hae• . • glIetteull.taa6•-•-lcilIiii:11;1thif c.r1., ' (le'..;'. .' ‘...:
slip atid press the soil well about it. lost .ene of their' fine• alto Singeis in
P tlie taherenlin test to all cattle. • . ...e...... 42V. ' Paul's in Londtni, and the peetsing of
holes in the bottom for drainage. guests, who cevered them with flowers . • Mend . . • ,. . •.. .. .
Water well and .place •in a: window, the persen of the. bride and a great: • ° the, royal perSonages: to..and froin St. -
over six months old 'Intended for ex- ,Grey, Centre4:Lucas, c.i. ,.. ...; 1,1):)1.
- -- . Paul's Crithedral,, • where ' theifiandii.
entitle officer to Great Britain to ap. • c rct."eote-),Oent, c... .:, e..• ....,...- fin
' ' port to the. 'Dominion for breeding Grey Nortive•Boyd; •C... .e. ... ..• 137 London gave thanksgiVing day in thp.
of British. subjects and Visitors in ‘
. , e • I •• 11' thehtertainments for
have formed roots. Then pet in atteild both ii•fide• Mid groom. Mr, „purposes. . --- o.etropolie the • added feature of a
plants to remain until they the EpworthAeatette., May prosperity . • g• Grey, Sooth-Jsmieson„C.... ... fsa9. .....
your slips and it is well to clip the Cream. The guestS were the relatives Jed.nno,• the onLy -daughter of Mti. ,CtIrlet.011-.Kidd, 746 although not 'less im.pressive, public
t -s al,out. two or three inches deep- ot and Mr Lindsay left for their heme West-lWaediarmid,
once of `King Edward. and ether Mein -
day by .President Mills of the
1 Ifat h , be .t Hulditnand-Tiohnes, L... notable historic occasion.:
email pots. Put some• pieces of broke Liudsay was a clerk in Goderich when . ,. . Halt on -B a i bet-, ... ... „.. ... ... - .
Lottom for drainage. Soil -:-Well rot-. Mrs. Ed. Sweet'', of the Huron hotel Ilamilton, East-Cat•scalien, f,),,•.8S0 .
dor to the United States, in aucees-
• de • :KnI lit Commander of the • • - • .• .,
when veell rotted chop them fine •witl. • Mr.. Malcolm Macdonald has taken et Bath before starting for Washington.. •iinstinge East-Ruestdj, L..: ...• 128
•rneinored Of. Si" John Macdonald in . •
gives good results. When the Sinai) impression that greae port may leave If u rim, . ...totttit=-Ellber. Q.,. •
recently, appointed British Ambasse.-
en crockery or small stones in the the• late mr. Janice Reid.kept store. Hamilton; West-Colquhoun, 0 2.7e
Ohm to Lord .Patineefote, will be ee„tenge,
the fall itnd pile up beside a fence and the guest of her sister, Mre,Heustont inn ,a . g • Hastings, North-Alleie ... 252
Weste-Morrison, c... 201
led sods answer well. Dig them in spent a few days last week at Exeter
a spade. Good rich leaf Mold alece, 'trip to Saha Ste: Marie to set: what . • Huron, .Easte-•Hislop, ... 498
Great numbers 'Paid tribute to the
Toronto on Satorday, and his moritte.
pots have become full of roots plant. 'upon•Itint 'in the way of making it his Hoeon, West-Garrew, ... • 1'
• ment was beantilotly decorated • with le t, 'West -Pardee 283
in a larger Sire also supplied ' with home,
flowers anti wreaths Dr • 'Beattie'
to fill up ' the pets. Watering -When. erely injured liy..the accidentethat Nesbitt, lif.P.P.; and .6 thers gave.ad-, Ki„gston_mo.ty, • L„, -29f) •
drainage and eimagh more good earth Camhion K. .C.,...wile very See-. .• • . • .. • Kent,. East-eeVergu.soin L.., •••• 5;52
vott water your plants give them ;3 lel him •reeently. His lune; was con -
dresses. • •
Professor Virchow. the World's lore -
of borax for . yettrs Past, and that • / . r011
'thorough ;tooling and allow them to• gested. by llie Injury AO his eide and Lambt • W t •I" .1 Ii
always tell by the ring of a pot' when, still yet he suffers, enuelt •inconveitience .1.k North -Caldwell, L... ... 181' •
lichen. moisture a chill heavy SOlitld On the brickyard on the Huron.. toad his 82nrthday by. taking a doun; Lincoln-Jeseop C.., - *:.
• • . yeambIon, Plitst-rrette'Phicet L... .
on, es - at c ea., ...
most physiologist, has taken .a • dose
hetorne fairly dry agsin. You can although he has. been out jOr drive Lanark 1-3Outh-libitheson C... 707
a hollow sound and when it has suf- : Messrs. Logan of Blyth are :earcying health.. ProfessOr VircheW•celebratea C • '• ••• • •• -458
tennox-dAylesworth, L.. • '.• • 46
it requires water. If it is dry it lute.' Oierefroin. . . title has .reitulted in benefit tci his
. , . le dose of borax. • , . • •
Guelph A. C. re when to wa.ter plants .- Miss Atttill, had a garden party and Lot,don-Leys, L., t.. .i. ... ... ...: 801.
is produced.. Professor Hutt of very successfully. . • •
The fastest race on• reetird in. Can-
. Toronto. a distance of 806 miles, was Alvi‘lilliiilitillilFisixZ.:'.1EVNettilsott7,--.:1!-16°°81:11g.nAiI!il'osTr.:P..L.::, :::: .1.54952::i '
" Ju:it when they need it," which is a five o'clock 'tea on Friday at• itidge- ,ada from Charlotte, Michigan, to
trite answer. What makes plants ture. ivood Park. • - , . ,
all their smiles outside or „toward tht -.The D. of E. held lt progressitte flown off on Saturday. The feat was
performed by Mr. James ATenek-Ilardourt, L... ......, ... ••328
Oita draws them but it• is not. :The- The ladies were -indefatigable in Mak-- Joe Miller, . a pigeon bred by William NkEilptitlinal,:-.2-Ltb'iitlig8ehirit fi, '2,';': -... '„'..,' 70.1
window. Many think .it.. is. the light. euchre Party on Thursday evening.e•
Tait off his famous old Joe littler: .
sitic of the plant in the dark grows. 'ing the alIttir a 'success. Aboot 150
The distance was fMwit in 6 hours, Nggrrittc: .roliA.tthh--ghotacpreitn°t.ni;,.;LL.;:: 25840'
faster than the one hi the light and 'or . more persons. were present. There
•“, •i• 4
this forces the plant. Flowers make 'were 26 tables with cpartners. at tacit •10i' Minutes, or at a 'opeed of 1,410 Northumberland, Ettst--Doog-•
. • los, ... • •
lovely gifts to friends and by nipping for the progrelim Th
ssive enc'e prizes yards per minuteL , 412
the top of the plants you can makt were won, as follows: . ladies prizes, . , stIAL1010115 :WOULD.
them by watchfulimits any shape you Illra.. Dudley Holmes and Mi',', ' Etaily Rev. 11. •W. • Bfeirell, Gudph,• was ciarde, i
• Northumberland, West •--
Bev. E. IL Dewart, D. •, preached - Ontario, South-eCalder, fl:..... 1:46
please. • Shepherd ; gentlemen's prizes, ohee, elected Moderator. of the . Guelph As- .
Ontario, Nor sh-lIoyie, C ..; '431
Give fools their joys and knaves their Nairn, 1Vliss Attsebrook (who took .a s661.1.ti°0 oi I3aPtist" PtiCtay. ' •
Let fortune's bubble rise and fall.; .. son. • ' . • . his jubilee sermon in Toronto Metre- Ottawa (1 )-Luniscien, L.... ,...., 14,5
power, • . . gentlentan's part), . and Ur. ' Alalconi- •
Who sows a field or trains a iloweri The funeral of the, late Mr, Itti • politan Church ThursdaY night, Otta;wa (2)-Pontell, .C... • .
Rev. James Allen, M.A., of Sault ' Oxford, Sonth-Pattullo, L...1,023 ,
Needless 1.0 say that MisS Greene's took place oft, Tuesday of last week Ste. Marie,. has been elected Profile Oxford, Northdelliciday;'L: .... 674
Perth, Not.th-Brown, L... ••• ...•' 100
or plants a tree is more than all. Wiggins, exereeve of Cockburn Island,
t•ssay was well received. from the residente of Ids • brother, dent of Toronto Afethodist Confer- veto, it3otith_moscrip, t... ... 4
hire. Colin Campbell read the fol- captain James Wiggins. 4he decess- i enc • •
Bev. A., S. Auesell of Migligate Was Varry Sound-Deatty, L... .,,...L105
• Strawberry Again," ley II. P. Get his brother coming two years . later. . elected president of the London Peel -Smith, L." .... -... ..; ..i. ... 202
Peterboro, V.-Strattori, ..I. hp()
lowing very interesting paper : "The id Caine from Newportt Ohio, in 1858,
flesh native strawberries a basket of •They :were mariners and liked Goder- Methodist Conference . Thursday at Peterboro E.--Illezarel, -L... ' t,„ 216
which Weighs a pound. 'After hulling ich but a few years later Mr. Uri
The Coneeregational 'Union of One is 1 e rea .d rierapte3y,• 0
- Prescott2Fivanturel, L.., .,. .... Acct.
Sarnia. .
them 14 baskets Make 12 pounds. To Wiggins went to Cockburn Island 857
every pound put ,4 pound. granulated Where he and his wife resided until i n e welt -
tart(' and Quebee, at its meeting,.
sugar over them. Put oath basketful Sent -Wither, 1900 . when II,,,is wife died Thursday inoruieg, elected Rev. j, Retiree*, Noetit-White, C.,. ; 138
ri. Gerrie of Toronto chairman tor . lilittTssfreei Isv..,,.0.Suoi ihiot. hill- C atniP belt , L1,,4,116
into a Lowl and Maud long enough to and feeling that' tile at eocklburit Is -
moisten the sugar. Cook but Oita land notild be lonely without his in().3"
basketful at a time to avoid Crushing partner and tot enjoyieg very good . 1 he cotiveetion of the °Ina •
nus Sitncoe CentroThompscri, O57
the berries. Pour two of the portions health, he eatue down accompanied Christian Temmeethee tfoitin of the e„rneoe; west.....4auff, a_ .. ... 485
Simcoo, Ealit-Miscampbell, -t.%' 69
first prepared into two tnedium sized by his twice, ltdiss Vera, who was on.• County ot Sitneoe •Friday Voted un- ''''
granite kettles. Stoemont-McLaughlin, . II. 179
Ceok mail slightly a visit to him While his wife was ill: on'tnottely in favor ef repudiating the Toronto, South -Foy, C... . 40 -
softened, tot lone ellOugh to 108c their Mr. Wiggins 'never rallied,nothing rerert'llaintl. 'Parente, North-Marter, C.,. 34
shape. Jets eltottld be thoroughly •could lie dotte with his complaint, it. The officers elected in. the Hamilton
washed and rubbers scalded and at havittg Item allowed to gain too Much Methodipt Conforenete at Woodstock Toronto,. West -Crawford, f: ,,,, .1,030
jested, the lids put into water atul . headway at first. Ile was a God -fear- a." ' 'President, T. .Alnert 'Moore
' Vietoritr, West -Fox, C... —.. '70
Toronto, Ettst-Pyrte, C... .-.. 1..028
kept at boiling point. Each jar ing man alai suffered in silence: On Hamilton; secret arY, David A. Moir,
Victoria, Tilast-Ce.rnegle, C488
should be plunged ittto scalding water the casket, by his loving relatives 13,11., Oakville, 85
,. Victoria, North-Leckner, (..!
and he placed iit a deep plate. ot (Usk here, was pla.ced a beautital floral At the Toronto Methodist Confer -
Waterloo, South-Kribs,
containing hot water to prevent break- crescent with " Miele" in purple lot- once on Thursday, Rev, Dr. Carina%
age. A evide mouthed funnel tot sit in • tors, a sheaf of wheat and A casket Geherai Superintendent of the Ifelho- Welland -German L...
Wentworth, Nor.th-IVartlell, 0 339
the can is a great convenience. With boquet of rote' and 'Mica. IteV. Jas. ' dist Church in Canada, deli Weed an
a small granite ladle dip the berries Audersou ofliciated at house arid Malt- VVentWorth, South-Dickenson,L 174
hint, to intensely patriotic eddreen. Rev. ,,,, .., .
weningtoet, East -Craig, In., ... 188
conte.ined into a pint Can, fill the jar. hind cemetery where they laid 'Henry Ilat.per, of Iltinteville, 0 t
to overflowing with the juice. Run a rest. The pallbearers were Captain n " Wellington, West -Tucker, 0.... 229
long spoon down to the hottotti of the Baxter and Messrs. James Buchanan, Was efeeted Sect.etary. •
citime aNti ettistilxat.g. Wellington, Southe-Mutrier, le. 806
Vork, East--.11,1chardson, L... .,. 423
jar to liberate bubbles and fastett Sr., Neil lf,felvor, James Craigie, D. Itayden, charged with an attempt York, West. -Mill, L... 140 ON 4•4 -
down carefully.
0, MacKay and W. 11. Skiittings,
hriDO itt London, wee acquitted york, trot 0 , rap, u. 460
'1110 L
. The sermon by •the, BUN* of St,
-Efiney was short o.nd simple; enclaves'
preached on the 'effective text, "The
Blessings3 of Peace," 'Pilo service.
was conejuded. thesinging Of
the Nati nal them, • • • ''
The members of the royal 'family
rettiened fronothe Cathedetil to Bock-
iper•ham Palecn • :by way 01 the , Vfr
toria .Emleaulmient,• and ICieg •
ward and the other royal persooages
received ovations all along the route.
• win in 14.1nInilli• •
Brussels, June 9,-3*. 'Kruger ele,.
'dared that he wilt end' his days in
}Tolland. The British Gerverninent
had Offered to give him traesPintee.
tlori to South Africa, btet-the oId
mart's grasp in We is short, and his
dreams have come to naught.
A rran ge Men ts Allt111/1t (1 niInO.
Pretoria, " Juno 8. -The arrange-
ments for the dispersal of the surren-•
dered burghers rue almost eorriplete.
No large concentrations will be al-
lowed in the outlying districts owing
to the difficulty which might, arise in
feeding the people.' Those burghers
Who can subsist on their. farms will
be given ten days' rations and allow-
ed to begin their new life
ly. These- who are oueable . to sub-
sist on• their. farms Will be .perinitted
to join theie families in the camps
And rennain until their homes are
oncemore Made habitable, and all
others will be divided among the
various enuips..
Boers Want to Go Hock.
!Denver, Col., ul une 9. -Twenty-sev-
en 13oer refugees • in title city have
formulated un appeal to the Ilt•itish
Ambassador at Washington, relative
to • theft. retut.rt to South Aft.iett.
These tWenty-seven speak of the 90
Boers Who ere in Colorado. They
ask that arrangements • be made for
their return to South• Africa. end
PrOndee to be law-tibicbtlie citizens.
The appeal has been forwarded to
riot. at Preteitn,
London, • June 9. -It is reported
• from Pretoria that on the eve of the
peace' meeting at Vereeniging, May
15, over sixty arrests were made bY
the tnilitary authorities in Pretoeia
of persons concerned in an extensive
plot. Their program Was aintoSt
identleal with that of the Cortina
conspiracy. They were to blow up
the GoVerninent buildings, the Pale
nee of Justice and Lord ltitchener's
residence, and to spike all the guns
in the artillery barraelcS. The report
gays that lawyerb and chemists, and
Doer and Dutch prisoners on parole
Were concernod,
Take Laxative* 'Irmo Quinine Tab-
lets. All dirmegists refund the money
if it ioni to cure. E. W. Grove'e sig -
nature is on each box. 25e.
['LAMAR GEN ilia
• •
' Weather perinitting SteaM-
. ers will ddpart per schedule .
shown below.; '
. •
STROSSIFRAGEyeductione Note these .
.. 1" ." . •
• •. •
• Alusic ,Emporium. ; •
A .9tock of choii•e
Oatined Pliitna for sale.
. .
• •
11.eductiori. in
. :
Hee 18 a good- chance• to ,
secure a first class buggy. at a •
Will. leave Goderich, North Bound,.
ee o'clock p. Aeduesclays,.. for Sault
Ste, ..Marie and interinediate Porta ;
returning will ' leave- _Oodeifeli.: for
Windsor, = Detroit. and Toledo at 1..•
• o'clock p.*m... on.Mondaye.,.• •
Will be, plac.ed .on the route, leaving
Toledo on Frtday, June 61:11,: tat -wing
at Godericli 6.15 p. June 711), and
will Lail at Parry Sound on both
ISrortit and .South Bound trips'.
For • rates and further information
'address Wme*LeeeGoderich, or .
• • • . W. B: ROSEVEAR; •••
.General Traffic Manager, -
• :Sault Ste, Marie, Ont.
:•$80 Buggies for $68
$75 Buggies for $65. :
' $65 Buggies for. $60 .
Rernember these are our
OW n make.whicit places us in
a position to guarantee then1
.as we do notibuy anythingbu.
first-class niaterial.
Repairing promptly attended to
• by eXperienced •men. •
, Huron Ste Clinton.
"Can't Afford
to Paint."
The men who says that, fergets that peinti.ngleo-
perlyr done is economy, and the fart is he can't eked
NOT to paint.
How often ycnt enquire be peint ie largely depend.
ent upon the paint yin use.
out kat othees. They tho Most deOttornimi paints yea efut use, bootees
the, cover most and wear longest. Add to this their good oppoeratios. Dad
son kinve Dorteot Pends- The 8horwin41Iticum Paint's.
7hey are made for many Mireteut kinds of painting. WitateVer it le
you want 30 paint -a hone°, or nnyttater le or out of the lionso-we make
the right paint tot that partteolar purpoee-net Dee Oilap-daab Minima etc .
10 per cent.. disconnt for cash oil all the following lines
firranitewitre, Tinware, Shelf lTitrawnee, Spades and Shovels, Daisy Churns,
Clothes Wringerst Gasoline and Coal Oil Stoves, 1 largo rood second hand ite.
' tigers lin' f'11(4113, 3 tire proof Safett at lairgain.
Net Prices -Coiled Spring Wire 30 per 115,, Barbed Wire 8c per 11)..
6 boxes Axle (freest: for Me. Call and get one special prices on • Lawn MoWerS,
the good kind.