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The Clinton News-Record, 1902-06-12, Page 1
Ir CLIN TON NE W S -RECORD. 23rd Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1902. "emee'lleelke'geseers~eseeleeeqeelleseeleaessselreeeeleseelleeellseellseseeelbellselerellaeelleseles ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. IP W' The Wall Paper Sale and Summer Bargain Days will continue till Saturday, June 21st The lines advertised in last week's papers, considerably reduced, are still to be had. 0 oci uy Now and Save Money = although The1 Wal Paper er and other lines e are offering g are without doubt the greatest bargains • we have v everace1d o n P sale, W. Cooper & Co, :• p CLINTON.LI C P. R. Telegraph band Dominion Agents for 0. g p Express_ , Money Orders, also for Butterick Patterns. • The high School Entrance examina- tions for West Huron will be held on June 25th, 26th and 27th, as previous- ly announced. This will prevent any inconvenienee tolu pupils from the rural schools. GIVES ALI, THE. NEWS. • A subscriber on callingin the other day to renew his sub said " The News -Record is certainly a splendid localr 1 -paper, e that i the best know f P w o. and gives' us a, big hundred cents worth of reading for our dollar. By means of. it• I ain kept thoroughly posted in the happenings of the coun- ty and I would not like to do without LICENSE TRANSFERS. • The license commissioners of West Huron net at Inspector Paisley's of- • flee on Monday and transferred the license granted henry James of Blyth to Jonathan Emigh, and William Craig of Goderich to Robert King. • Mr, James has since bought out Mr. Sam. I3eattie of Brussels. The in- spector has secured two convictions during the past week for violation of the liquor license act, GOOD CATTLE, J,& N. Fait shipped el inY threee export cattle last week.: which had an average weight of 1395 pounds. This included two head; not two years old, which weighed 2540 pounds. This' sale cleaned, out Messrs, Fairs'. stables and made a total. of ninety seven head., which. they fed and shipped since last. fall.' • BAND ENG,A.GEMENTS. " Owing to the garden, party •• on Titin sday the weekly 'open air concert bythe•band i r' S.A. will be . iven on' b Friday evening. This•bancl is. increas- ing in efficiency, growing in popular- ity'being pressed' and • b .l into service for outside points. It has now four en- gagements for' garden parties. Those who'. secure this band for such occas- ions cart be sure of:it carrying out a good longprograiit. . • • •A•BBIG PLTIM TREE. • Mr, James Hearn. has a plum tree Worthy of a paragraph; When • lie bought his :present property thirty years ago the tree.:was bearing -and it has; continued to yield everseason: since. and seeing likely to ,do .so fee solute years to" come, :What is quite as .remarkable is that it is and,.always has been entirely free from •black knot. The trunk of the tree is 'four feet• in circumference: It: yields a, large'•swcet' yellow elute, but what is tete name' of the variety Mr, 'is. unable to say: Y ' 0•• 0*'►O N•• 0*000 *N.0 ••••'ON0.40* ONO 0••0 0000 NINON** F• SNAPS . We are offering e nice line of g a ni Ginger Snips Z Just:think of getting n © �, g g 130 to 135 nice.fresh gliiger snaps. • for acarter. They are cheaper thanyou can .make ke ° them and do away with the work. ALSO a nice line of Dried Peaches at 10c a lb. at ie Cooper. & CA SHb FOR BUTTERAND EGGS, . THE CAS •x Rq dE RY r 000000000000••••N00000N000O••ON•00NN•014O4e•NO•••• t 4,4414+++++++++++44444^. ++4.44+44+444++++44+4444+ s Hazardous Spectacle Fitting • the human •' •i eye tt is nd ed Y e and this includes .expect-� + We h v atz' m ode •i special study of.the hunter,eyet �' t ma and ti lasses to. p b g 4, them according to the most scientific mato-date' methods: •. K„ When test est jv®tura° ��'e5 9a°ee' - K. We don't hung a card on the wall and guess at the glasses you require but give you a thorough,scientific exantivation on. theRetniscopeeco the correction wiI I irnproye the physical. . condition ' of the eye as well as restore the sight. We Use Three Dileerene Tests, ' It costs you nothing to find oet if you have eye ti•ou.ble. e • We can test your eyes as well in. 'the -evening ' as during the day, i We have vet root specially prepara�t to correctynurv.isfon., /,,r,,/�� s� .. Jl o /0) o .Crews,,. i /:iiddlleeom e'S Old 5taJtRJ eel Jeweler and di;x Expert Watch Repairer, P ► Refractionist • v rat and Dis n 1 pe a try Optician. 441d`'F4'� NOONOlNrO v00°O••0A••00♦NriOi0ti000000 NN••t0••*N New SoftFronto.. Shirts Unless dim understands • .risky attempting to fit glasses, menting on oneself • 13y "NEW" we mean the "Very " ��r Latest If you want a selection of distinctive patterns in New Shires your oppor.. tunity is here. We show a magnift• cent range o of Men's Stiff at d Soft Front Shirts t na pleasingsi n g variety of '' stripes and checks, many designs. con- fined to us. Prices from Me to $1.25. t Also an elegant line of pleated ft'ones at crimpled prices. us know which is yours, P p tees. Call in and let 61014LOYYAA. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4440••••• 20th Century Look for the "20th Cen It stands for eeeryth clothes. Clothing made to order and it money for the suits, 20 h t Century �t )� Y Century" brand on your clothing, ing that is good in a bolt of bearing it is Nand in every any to costa you from $3 to $5 lase . 20th Century auite at $18 or $15 are made auk well es ordered suits at $$18 or $20. You can safe the difference if you will. HoDOiEr4S Boos. A POWER SAVTNG MIXER. Mr. Thomas Walkergas in Harris- ton arri - u s .ton lest week andmade .a con a n ccouple of large sales• of cement.. He also took :an order''• for the ''appliances used • by • silo. builders. 'late mix- ers how in general 'use 'require ani engine ora . •horse . power i•.o ' drive therm, bee -Tele horse is all that is necessary for Mr.. Walker's machine so tlat in iower alone ttera is a great saving tossey nothing of the ease with '. which it ,is moved .about:: Silo' build - cis .will find it necessary to • invest in one of these .economical ;outfits. ST. -PAUL'S CHURCH. - On.Sunday last the Rev. Mr. Genoa, who has ,completed a year of residence in Clinton, preached an .anniversary scrtrion at the ;earning, service to the. large.. and :appreciative congregation. :which had. • assembled fit '• St. • Paul's 'church. ..:.f Mr. Gizne -took for his' text ehe rst. clause of. Dent.. 'ii*,, ,32 : "'Ask. ':now of the. " days that are past," and ;after stowing how frequently, the I raelites- were. commended, to recall -tine ..past and Gocl's .great goodness: to thein, applied thetext ter the Year that •St - Pl s o ya. e". congregation , has just finished It has been a•year in which there was much to he • thankful for.. The, rela- tions . between Pastor and people had beenmost cordial. Financially a eon siderable'. burden - had been' lifted olf •tire shoulders of the congregatiotn acid the, ,preacher hoped that the future'' years would. show that spiritual prog- • ress 'had also • been `made. While :folic-, iting the 'congregation on what had been accomplished, it .was pointed crit. that the past, to be of the best•..use ,t toall,u isbe warning ought o to a wa t i arid. 6 a g . instruction for the. future and it stare- • ly .taught that there might be.greater interest taken in tine. Sunday services. Tee young today were permitted • to do as they chose much More. than ev- er The sensitiveness of thea e before.se g for 'the ease and comfort of the child. • was being. carried to such an extreme that the Sunday schools in order to hold them at all were degenerating in- to sacred concerts while Young Peop- le's Societies in connection with the church were no 'longer simply for. re- ligious purposes, but, were exerted to advance the literary, the social, even in some places 'the physical, welfare ()Vile young and if a religious night was held once or twice in the month the attendance atsuch was not . so large'tiffi: the interest so great as *at the others, We must remember that while we get for the young as much good as we can from such meetings as they may have, these were tweet tsupply teeplace of the inieitded a t church and should only, be consideree, as aids to church attendance and to the worshipping of God in the assemb- ly of his people. Mr. Gue ne• urged upon his hearers the necessity of bring- ing the young to cliurch and of per- sonal lio Bess. li The services in the evening were thanksgiving services for the conclus- ion of peace in. South Africa. 'Tie rector delivered a clear and powerful address on the causes of the war and • grew patriotfe towards the conclusion. The attendance was good ancl the mus- ic in keeping with the e serviee.. Ott Coronation Day there will be divine scrviee ilt St, foul's church at 70,30 a. in. The service of the day is that which has been ordered to be us- ed throughout the Empire: It is composed of portions of the service which will be actually used is West- ntinster Abbey and as far as possible the same Rubrics will, govern its ren• ditiott. The llev. C. R. 'Gornto and Messrs. J. Ransford and. S. II.. Plummer will be itt attendance in all probability at the meeting itt London of the Synod of the Diocese of Huron from the 16th to the 2otlt of this lnontli, Whole Number 1217 TIIE SEATS BEING SOLD. Mr. McCorvie has already disposed of many of the seats of the old Rat- tenbury street church. The purchasers have been principally individual citi- zens who • have bought one pr more seats to place in -shady nooks on their lawns or in their gardens. A NEW CITIZEN. Mr. Robert Sanderson having trade ed 71is farm, north of lfondesboro for Mr. William Kiliough's} property on Ontario street, became a resident of Clinton last week, while Mr. Kil- lough moved out to the farm. Mr, Sanderson has secured employment in the organ lector'', UNVEILING CEREMONY. • The monument which was erected over the grave of the late W. H. Beacom 'by the Woodmen of the World will be formally unveiled at four o'clock on Sunday afternoon next. The ceremony will be conducted by Rev. .• Dr. Spencer of Brantford who will preach in the Baptist church at ti a. m. THE BAND STAND. The town council acted wisely in moving the band stand from the park where it was no good to the market square where it Can be made use of for the open air concerts which •the coun- cil and citizens are encouraging. If a few 'seats could be placed upon the square there are times when they would be much appreciated. PIANO RECITAL. A piano recital will be given in the town. hall on Tuesday evening, June _4th, by a :number of the pupils of Miss • Carol Newcombe, , assisted" b Y Mrs. Reekie Miss Lillian 'Coate, , Messrs, Norman .Murch and James Doherty. .The `admission. will be fif- teen cents. This will be a.e at • for music lovers. At the recital given Mast year by Miss Newcombe there was an audience of five hundred people: '. A SPRAINED: ARM. • Mr. Sani • 'Mahon of the Clarendon has been nursing asprained ,arm for the past •week. He sustained the in- jury .at. London while watching the antics. of a lot of ` r nchasfro m .what` he. 'colt idered the s i 1 s, to e,..s de of the fence, but• one of the u ut 4y brutes in endeavoring, to clear tkte. fence broke 'it down and it fell• on Sani, •lrencethe crippled : arin. Mr. . Thomas Harding of London is .assisting for the time. beingat the Clarendon; • a of, • BIT BY':THE DOG. An unfortunate oe urrence happened. at Mr. Thomas Mackenzie's on Thurs- day last when his five-year-old son was severely bittef in the. face by a large dog owned by Mr. Mackenzie. The little fellow.lnad his arm around the do s 'neckeek when 'it snapped at and .eaugint him by the face, inflicting several , wdunds which . the' surgeon, stitched lib. It h is su ose the boy stepping upon the dog's foot is .what caused the'attack.' The animal' was shot ' A. CLOSE CALL, • While Mr, .Tliomas .Holloway was strolling in .Ransfords' woods- on Sun- day •afternoon' he. • was :seized "by •cramps and falling to the: ground -be- came :helpless. • He remained in this eoirdition for several hours and until Lou Thrower and' Harry Fretnlin .114 - pelted :that :sway and found hint unable to move, -They procured a 'rig and brought. high home. Had 'it not been for their 'timely assistance there is no telling what the resultmight have been. NEWSPAPER CHANGES. Mr. James' Irwin has disposed of the. Brussels Herald to Mr, Henry Delion: The ;Herald ' a is newsypaper r and 1 e The News -Record *Felice iprosper ty':un- der Mr. Deliou.'s management. Mr. C. I'. Campdell, : who for sever alY has ',been a a s b tthe Wier- ton a editor. of i r- ton Canadian, has disposed • of his in- terest:,to .: Mr. 'Whitlock; 'his former- partner. ormer partner. 1VIr. Campbell, who . is a: breezy writer, . has accepted an impor- Cotant position with the Wiarton Sugar mpany. THEY DIDN"e STAY LONG, 'Two men, one styling himself Dr:. Va k of N k. n•D a New York. dine, theOther oche: Mr. Riker. of Hensall, , blew into .town on Snnde.y, On Monday, they.got oft a ratnpage, but, were brought tip short by Chief Welsh arresting the for a ru1Y conduct. Mr, Riker tried to . interfere,ut r b M . C. . Carter ,H to gave • hien a chuck under tate chin which effectually silenced him, The " Ilr." then. grew Very. bumble "armed waisted to buy himse if off, but the Chief lodged Turn in the cooler instead until he could take hive before Mayor Jackson for trial. His worship took a lenient 'view of the case and finned the • disturber of the •peace three 'dol- lars and costs. The !' Dr." hack a big wad of bills and paid fine' and costs •promptly, apologizing profusely the while for Itis misconduct. The pair soirglit greener pastures next day. TO. THE ANTIPODES. In July last Miss Cowan of New Zealand. alilo on a trip ground the world visited Mr. Thomas Miller of Londesboro. She was engaged to be married to a gentleman •in her own country aiid while at-Londesboro gave Mr. ,Tames 11reClay of Clinton an or- der for her wcdcling cake which was to be shipped when site directed, In Decent - bet 1'r. McClay had a beautiful cake made and receiving a cable message frotn Miss Cowan at Christmas the cake was at once scut upon its long journey to the other *le of the earth. The following letter received on Monday arrival tells of its a i l X Altoitb, NewrookZealand, April mid. Dear Mr. Me lay, -Tete wedding 'cake. arrived here just a week ago in splen- did condition, It did not come by way of San Francisco, but via I,on- don, England, and Suez canal and was over four months on the way so ar- rived too late for my wedding as Mr, Lockecd and X were married on the 5th of March. The icing was cracked a little on the bottom storey, but you could not notice it unless you stood close to the cake. I dun going to keep it whole for a while to let nny friends see how well it came out, then 1 will send it around and send a piece FLOWER SUNDAY. Next Sunday will be " Flower Sun- day"with WesleyS S. Rev. I. B Walwin of Seaforth will preach a. in. and p. m. and in the afternoon a sac- red concert will be given by the school. GAMES SENT WEST. On Mond Mr.JGrigg Monday A. sent Y three of his games to Whitewood, Assinaboia. The chickens and coop weighed about twenty five, pounds, up- on which the depress amounted to four dollars. The purchase price plus the express made the trio of games expensive, but they are well-bred LIVE STOCK SHIPMENTS, On Monday Cantelon & Wallis ship- ped leo hogs and on Tuesday Mr. Fitzsimons shipped a double-decker. The prevailing price was $6.eo but the tendency, elite dealers say, is now downward. By the way, Mr. D. A, Forrester, one of our most progressive farmers, is going,extensively into ,tog raising. LONISON CONFER,ENC] . - In the third draft of stations at the • London Conference there were a few changes.. Rev, Howson goes to London, C. It:. Carscallen to Walton, R, A..Miller to Varna, W. Rigsby to Parkhill', E, Medd to Hensall, J. W. Andrews to Sylvan, J, W. Holmes to Pt. • Stanley. Rev, Dr. Daniels is•chair- man and Rev. Dr, Gifford. financial secretary of the Goderich District. NO CENTRAL ARMOURY. • Tlie Militia Department having a- bandoned its plan of having one ars motley.for theHuron 'Regiment, it H ent, the- arms and ace utrements are being re- turned to the respective. Company neat, uar r ; T 1 ie s. hose for• q No, 4 were this week 'again= placed: in. charge of Captain tonere, Captain Shaw• being now the ' regimental surgeon, No. .7. ariuoury has been transferred to Porter's Hill.: - ALMS GIVING: The town was over •rttq last week by strangers soliciting •` the -aid of the charitably disposed and front all ac counts they . succeeded. very well, • in deed. One of :them probably` realized ten. dollrs as the result of .his 'day's canvas of . tltc .citizens.' .It is better io err in 'giving • than .in witltolding,. .but the question will arise, ',tow many of • these mendicants 'are fit subjects - for -charity .and how many are impost- ers ? . BItTIOEPIE101), The services in connection with the communion of the Presbyterian t church were largely attended. Sever- al new members were added to the roll. Next Sabbath there will not be any service in the morning. At 1.30 the Sabbath school will meet and at 2.30 service will he held when Rev. J. S. Ilenderson. of Hensall will preach. The Y. 1'. S. C. E. will take charge of the evening service at 7 o'clock, Bev. F,. H. Sewers left on Wednes- clay to attend the General Assembly in Toronto. llIr. James Swan spent Sabbath at his home here, Mrs. .(Rev.) Simpson left here on Wednesday to visit friends in Toron- to, Oakville and other points. Miss Aggie Sawers accompanied her father to Toronto on Wednesday.. •, VARNA: Mrs. Alf. Austin of I3eyfield was the guest of Mrs. John Ward. for a few days this week, Mr. James McClymont• and- his son Ernest and Mr. James Keyes left on Tuesday evening for Marlette, Mich,, to attend the annual picnic of the Walker-Keyes-Redtnon1 families which takes place -tete second Wednesday in June.._ Mr. Wellington Johnston .was.iti. London on Wednesday of this week attending the wedding of Miss Maude Moffat to Mr. H, E. Fair of White- church,. formerly teacher in Varna. - We wish the young. couple success •and happiness in their voyage over the sea of life: Before going to Lonlot • Miss Moffat was one of Varna'a most o u 1? .pular ,young ladias. At seven o'clock • next Sunday even- ing n Y en ing Rev. Mr. Jennings will preach a sermon to the Foresters in the Eng - lush church. The hr thertare request- ed to meet 'in their hall. at 6 o'clock. Captain Rance and wife Sundayed in Clinton. --On Tuesday evening the junior football team drove over to'. • Londesboro to play the team of that. •ur. b -- ATr and. ...Mrs, Jones of g• E ni ndvill arc the a s s of • their g.. a e r .1 g.e t iter ' daughter, Mrs. P. H..bvlurrey.—On Monday Mr. Will. Drummond moved his •.household •effects :to • Winghaei where he intends to retake his abode. in the • future. -0n Tuesday everting q. rite e u a number witnessed : an :interest- ing game of ball between' the bachel- ors and hcnedicts.As the game pro= gressed et looked. as though :the bene- diets were going to hold • the' laurels for this year again, but, a change came and when finished the game stood, bachelors.•15,. benedicts 8. The• 'old boys" re not'atall discouraged' .ed' 1 ao g as theywere only.feeling. their way for more successful games before the season is over:= --••Mr. James Emigh isfast 'ui rovi •fron t' e r n r1 his r ce P. nt g Hess —On Thursday afternoon quite • a number of our ..'sports 'drove, . over' to' Brussels to witness" the .football snatch between Wingharri and Brussels. They report there was' a pretty rough time • for . e while "alter the game was finished,. neither' team being satisfied withthe result.—Mr. R. Howard has had ' the fronts of his stores in the brick • block renovated with •a: fresh coat .61 paint which has made a decid- ed improvement: ---On Sunday morn- ing in the absence of the pastor, Mr. John Wilford .occupied •;:the pulpit of the Methodist church.' There was no service• in the :evening.—On Siitulay ntorniflg special thanksgiving prayers were .offered' up• in the English church for peace having. been restored in South. . _ frica.—•Me r` A ss s. Joseph l-ombes arid C. • . Ia ilt n I m onw ere in Goderich on Saturday.—On Tuesday several. of our citizens .wene to God - each . • in the intense 'of a law suit 'front this section which is "to' be heard some time this week, -,--.We are sorry to see our townsman Mr: `Joe. Irw'n sto have. 1 t has eta t to ass" tone • is a of a crutch to get along. the streets with,• Something having gone wrong with one of his legs. We Hope he, will. be soon able to throw .tete piece of wood • away and be as sprightly as ever.—• Inspector Paisley of Clinton- was n - town on Tuesday. • S ITMMERHILL. A strawberry social arid lawit'party .: will be held at Mrs, Robert Miller's on Monday evening, the 23rd fust.. It promises to be a splendid success. Ev- erybody 'ire -looking forWard to it' 'and everybody.is pushing it.A splendidlenU'c program s beingprovidod. . A.spec- ial service for children will be. held in St. Peter's church on Sunday next:- -Mr. ext --Mr. George . Sanderson" of Saltford visited at Ierr. C. Beacoin's On Sults day.•-.-eMr, Jewell and wife of Ben - Millet visited friends ,here Sunday,• Mr. Glazier of town'visited friends here • last • week,—We • are , very = glad to see Mr: Stuart hill 'elite to . drive around again after his long and. • severe illness.•: ---Mr. R. G, Reid; our . teacher, visited his home in Stanley • on Sunday.--e-Dr. Lowery of Seaforth spent a. few days around home in search of a horse antcl bought one. -- Mr. Joint Hill and his sister, Miss 011ie. attended. the marriage of their cousin near Listowel last W'cdnesday. Miss. Johnson of that place,is now spending a few days with them. -- Mr. John Lowery and wife and fam- ily visited friends in IIullett on Sun- day.• -•Statute labor is now the ord- er of the day.—L. 0. L. No. 928- held 1cl tt . p sectio 1 meeting ng ou Monday. The lodge intend celebrating in 'God- erich on the tetlt of July.—Mr. A, Fertiny • and wife, who were lately !Harried at Listowel, visited at Mr, George Hill's for a few days this past week. • • 'COLBORNE TOWNSHIP. Mr,1". McDonough is moving the Molise o21 the corner at Carlow which used to be occupied by Mr. Scott across to his own dwelling house, Mr. Buchanan has the building con- tritet• FThe township conttcil was out on Friday letting jobs for the season. A tea -meeting will be held at Beth- el church orf June 26th and. a grad time is eicpeeted. Cottle one, conte all and enjoy yourselves. Messrs. '1`, C, lclthorpe. and Peter Mel;wan have their sawmills going full blast, IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. C, •II, .Carter, ;the corporation foreman, has made a big improvement on the •property iii the rear of the . town hall, which note affords' room • for hayend wood h �. oo vendors. do Mr. Carter has also, with the assistance. of. Chief Welsh, painted. and fixed up the band stand which had been moved back from the park. The improve- ments all around are marked end re fleet much credit upon the council and its employees. BAND 'CONCERT. • Notwithstanding .6. lowering, sky and threatening rain there:ewas a large crowd at the `baud concert given in tine' park on Friday •evening last under the auspices . of Wesley. League. The 33rd Regiment band;' •under the :leadership; of • Mr. Thos. Brown, •was in good feint and delighted all who .heard it. Mr.. • Brown is a capable leader and a great favorite of the nutsic-Iovingcit- izens of Clinton..: The• League: furnished' refreshments 'and . so great. was • the de-. inand:that they ,tad just enough and no.' more,. The receipts u amounted to, about one hundred dollars. • BASEBALL.MATCH. 'The' baseball match eIated. Sat urday afternoonbetween the Toronto Varsity and Clinton; teams r'esulted in favor ofthe former, as was expected. TheVarsitY team,who.. were making a tour, of. the province, arc expert hall tosscrss.against• wltotn the, local nine t , u . veryain . Th Clin- ton put p a. good gaine. e Clri ton players were : S.. Cole•, pitcher E,' Johnson,. catcher • W. McRae, 1st base • J. Doherty, shortstop '..W.. Irwin, 3rd • base • • P. Joltitson, centre field W: J. Riess, left field T, McRae, right. field ' N. Bluett 2nd base WILLISA" Mnr.C• IIGUa,RCloHva n'occupied church pulpit on Sunday :a. 20. Choir leader Spaulding sang aso1o which was , much appreciated. Rev. Dr. Stewart occupied Itis pttipit in the ev- ening. The choir sang, " Conquering Kings Their .Titles Take," •the solo parts being taken by Miss Icla . M. Ross and Mr:•Spanlclingea-At the •C. E. oft Monday evening Miss •Lillian Coats took the catechists and Mr. Milker the topic, after .which Miss A. McEwanippled gaveBen.'/ a recitation, entitled, Cr The Excelsior Mission Band purpose holding a garden party on Mr. J. W. Irwin's grounds on Tuesday evening, tate 24th inst: An excellent, program of music will be furnished by some of Clinton's best musicians and refresh - meets' Will be served. Silver calle c - tion at theg a •te. WHAT THEY ARE STILL SAYING. Next tirne T ant bluffed out of my boots, you tell nue of it, -•-.'t. S. Why didn't I take advantage of the chance that was thrust at me. I never felt ineaner,-D. L. Mel'. All X know about gas is not worth having. --W, J. Wait till next time,. then wattle nny smoke, -J. R. • If I ever speak rashly again at a con- vention I hope somebody will club inc. Bother prohibitionanyway.- J. nY a .-J. S. X ant outside and cart afford to laugh at both of them. -D. A, 1P, Once more 1 have done yeoman's work. Will the reward never come ? --W. C. I never felt so thoroughly disgusted with prohibition said prohibitionists • in my life. I never want to hear the name again.-W..C. S. lust what 1 told you -S. D. All those meetings itt the war oAice and nothing to show for E. 13, My hands are elean-A. J', IL T didn'tdot a thing, -4. J. alias C. u Cotnw, BAYPIELD. Mrs. Heurp Ker of Clinton is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Miller. Mr. John McLeod has returned from terMuskoka where he spent the past win- . Mrs. Fee of the Goshen bine, •Stan- ley, was visiting at the rectory dur- ing last week. edue d Rev. F. C. Jennings co n t thanksgiving service in Trinity church. last "Sunday for the conclusion of peace . between the Briton and the Boer, Mr. George. Chesney of Seaforth spent Monday in town, also Mr, and Mrs, Wright of the same town visited their daughter, Miss E. Wright, one of our teachers. The •• Young • People's . meeting was., held in St. Andrew's church on Mon- day evening when the topic was Tem- perance; taken by Miss Beta Stanbury and Mr. M. Ross. De. Stanbttry has returned •from Tor - Miss where he attended the Medica], . Association meeting last week. Rev .Mr. Yelland is attending con- ferenee at Sarnia and Rev. Mr. Mc- Neil .took hie pulpit last Sunday even- their and Mrs. Holman and Mrs. John. Pollock visited at Mrs. George Dewar's of the Sauble Line last Sttn- day. • Little Eva Dewar Inas been' quite ill again, •hut is now better. Miss Clark of 'Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. James McGee, . at present... Dr. Smith was in Toronto the past week in attendance: at the court there as it witness • in. sortie suit requiring medical testimony. • The annual big school picnic from r' he Stanley will, take place on Friday, • ut loth.. Mr.::GeorgeHoward of Blake• rweretown last anti Mr,Drysdale in ow Friday evening making arrangements. Mr. henry Turner, who bas been fir - Miss at the mill during the past six eboat for Mouths, leaves this week by s the Soo where .he expects tget work. Miss Ray McGee of the T. Eaton - establishment of • Toronto, who. ,was . called home owing to the death of .her sister • Flossie;. has • returned to her duties. Messrs. Whiddon; Edwards, . Rouatt and Fraserhave decided to close theire respective places of business at • sir o'clock 'every 't`uesday arid Friday eves ening front June loth to September toter and ,at noon on public holidays. This is a. step in• the right direction and it hoped tete people of the vil- lage and surroundiilg country will ap- preciate the innovation and govern themselves accordingly. ' . ' • ' Mrames McGee 'had a valuable horse die on 1eouday of infiammatioti of the . bowels. The 'animal was not sick long,ottly about eight ,tours. This A isrots lo' t r G it ,set 1, ss o. M McGee as "was.his best and .118had tel keels - 1a Y ed a good price fol Ittn• • Of late we ,have noticed our r ;streets. invaded bY_several some . not • .too young, • carrying .air. guns • which. they boldly • point at and even fire - at children. -..What night hav • been a -serious • occirren e of this kin d happened to little'Gordon. Holman,. . who was coming up •the • street when a bigboy1 i1 er tc fire sel > aly dot hire, the shot penetrating to the skull exactly in ' .the • centre of the forehead.. The wound bled profusely and was quite a . shack to :the little feilow. Had it strttck . • the eye it ' would no d )uht Have •destroyed the sight and •very probably.,the brain and: resulted in. death: • • Boys should be strictly ,prolti- • lilted from ' the use of atiy dangerous playthings,. e • Rev. H. Wright of Middletons pat- islt ;and Me. Jatnes Mose.. of -•Goderich township paid a short visit at. the rectory 'the •other. day, Miss, K. Parke• spent last week• with 'friends. in Goderich township. • • • Misses Parker a ' d ,A.ttwoocl visited. East - Stanley friends last week. • :STANLEY TOWNSHIP:.. • lIe toe1owrnb front the townshi p de•• .livered hogs in Clinton on :Tuesday'; W. VKeyes, William Clark, John Rathwcll, S. 0. Rathwell; John Ward, Henry: Dowsott; Charles Stevenson, •R,, Penhaie and Jolin, • Gibson. Among the •Stanley farmers who.. will either - :built or enlarge their barns this " sunillier are , the following.: \Willi tin Stephenson; 1~`,c1. Curwen, Jas. Stephenson, Calvin : • Dowson, D. J • elcelinsltey and . James l3oyee. '. ' •'l`lte animal re -unions of the Walker; Redmond and allied families, who formerly lived . in ' this township but Many Years ago settled in Marlette district in. Michigari, takes place en Weclneeclay of this week.: These tam - flies have. grown large; wealthyai1 ' influential and the annual gathering g together is • a' big and happy event. Next year the re -muton may; takc place in •this township where there is a large conitectiott. . ' -Mr. Andrew. Stinson of Ripley "vis- ited friends in this vicinity last week.. • Air. Dave Dewar's ' been raising last Wednesday was a great success. The captains were Ad, Talbot and Rob Turner, •the farmer's side winning by a few seconds. Mr. :and Mrs: Alf. Austin visited the former's .parents in Myth this week. Mr,.\t'. Stanley. of IIolmesville• was down here on Saturday building a wire fence for Mr, Wallace Johnston• v Mr,5t u e is a\citron fence 1 build- er n after driving er and a t ti from Iioltnesvil e g 1 he,. with the aid of another main, put ep 85 rods, in four different sections, before noon. •Mr. Holtman of Zurich was around on Saturtlity int the interests of: the Ilay fire insurance company, Mr. and Mrs.;r M tic. Bradley Httro of township called on Mr, Thomas Stin-. son last week on their way to Petrol-. et to visit" the foriner's brother, ltifr. W. Madge, who recently under- went an operation on his throat, is progressing favorably. Miss E. Stephenson of the Goshen • Line was theu sL of Mrs. Boyce o c e of the lrownson Late. last week. • LONDES•BORO. Thos.A garden party will be held at 1\ r, ,kids. lliiller s on the evening of June Stith in connection with the Methodist Sunday school. Preparations are be- ing made for a large attendance and an enjoyable time. Ittusic will be fur. nislted by, a brass band. • • I1RTk;ltl,ETS. Mr. R. 3, Bell wort his 13. A. at the '1`arottto University exam. Congrattt. lotions, t• • • • • •