HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-05-29, Page 88
1 I II 1 111
Sumer Millinery
Latest Styles
11 H11111
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Last week Miss Randall visited the city
market. She went to get information a-
bout the latest styles, and to selectistook for
the summer trade. Since her return our Mil-
liners .have been busy preparing pattern. hats
exemplifying what is newest in millinery for
summer wear. If you areinterested in stylish
millinery, a visit to our show room will repay
you. We cordially invite you to come and
see these new styles, whether you want to
get a new hat nuw or not..
Our $2.50 Hat •
kg .14 11..r 0.1
• Coronation
Each article Into a fair representation
of our King or Queen and in some
cases both surmounted by the oown,
all in colors on white china, just the
Proper thing as a souvenir for the
year. Besides being right down to -
date in this respect they are ornament
tal and, more important still, they are
useful, not a piece bnt what is useful,
in fact needed in almost any home and
the prices are practical ones, we are
sure agreeable to all. •
Children's Mugs Se
Larger gize 10e
Good Sized Orem Pitcher 10c
Cup and Saucer 10e
Larger Size 20c
Coronation Badges on ribbon
metal, designs you will admire
• values you will appreciate at
!Sc and
,Agents Parker's Dye iVorks.
Our ready trimmed Hat at $2,50 made this Millinery The W, 11, Fair Co,
department famous. It stands without an equal in the Mill– Often the Cheapest, Always the Best.
inery trade of the county, and is a marvel of' style elegance at
the price. Many styles to select from all at one price. $2.50.
_ .
$ New Neck Ribbon.
The prettiest and daintest neck ribbons we have ever
shown, are now on our ribbon counter.. There are • more
of them too. Every fashionableshade in good quality
plain silk taffeta and combination in blues, pinks, whites,
& etc. Not enough of any of the fancy patterns for them
to get common, 20c, 25c, & 35c, •
Parasols that are equally as good for rainy days as bright
ones. • They will serve you just as well in a shower as in the •,
sunshine. There is a big .stock of them.: Strong substantial
frames, tops that will not cut, and•the very latest novelties in
handles, in pearl, horn or natural wood. • Only one prvfit
—ours—between you and the maker. ..-
Parasols with top of fast black
twill sateen that will give
satisfactory wear, steel rod,
handles of polished wood
with horn crook, extra speci-
al value
Parasols with top of •strong
mercerized twill sateen, looks
as well as silk and wears bett-
er, will rot cut or turn rusty,
steel rod, handles ot polished
natural wood wltn horn tops,
also twisted natural wood and
carved black. our great leader
at each
Parasols with silk tops, wear
well. fast dye, steel rod, wood
and fancy handles, each....
Parasols with gloria silk top, •
'will not cut, steel rod, hollow •
rib, polished • •woodhandles
with fancy horn tops, real 1 75
• 75• good value at each • 1
. •
• • Parasols with satin de chene
tops, bright and silky, will
1 not cut, and wear well, steel
rod-, 'hollow rib)_ handles of
I• horn, dresden natural wood, .
carved wood and pearl, each, 0 7
52..;15,. $2.50 and ARI U
1.00 ChlIcIrens' Parasols 25d. and 15.0c
• . '
• •
1.35• nays() PaanrcrU.6:1-00
• Black Cat Stockings $
Ovei in Kenosha, Wis., there are
more people working, making black
cat stocking, than are employed in all .
the factories of Godtrich and Clinton
put together. The factory is runnig
day and night and even then cannot
chic4e7dBEITc4L keep up with the demand. If Black
Cat Stockings. were not good they would not sell like that '
where they are best known. What do you think 1 . •
For Boys and Girls 28c, 35c and 40c per pair • ,
• •
More Curtain. News ..
Just a reminder of our exceptional stock and exceptional
values. The biggest assortment you are likely to find any-
where near here. Patterns all new, and values that are only
made possible by our policy of buying direct trona the maker.
Not tingham Lace Curtains, 2i •
yards long, nice lacey patter- 25
ne, per pair
Nottinghaw Lace Curtains,
good size and quern y, taped
edges, a good assortment of
patterns, per pair
A line of better quality and
larger, new designs. per 7 •
pair 1 U
An extra gond line for a dollar
bill, 3S yards long, strong ed-
ges, a big range of new prat -
I 00
Lace Curtains 50 to 60 inches
wide, 3i yards long, new lac-
ey designs, suitable for any 1 Cn
room, special at per pair.... 1 s
The Whitewear
Fine lace Curtains,'n big assort-
ment of handsome patterns,
the newest SbOWN, best ed-
ges, per pair • on n
$2.00, $2.50 and 13.UU
Taaest ry, and Chenille Curtains
for doors and arches, All pop-
oler,shades, new designs a fin
$3.00 to UtUU
FaricY. Art 'Muslin, 27 inches•
wide, floral patterns, per 7
yard •. s I
Fancy Art Muslin, with or with •
, out border's new floral de-
• signs, imported goods, per I 0
Fine white Curtain Muslim,
• abate and fancy patterns, el-
tra good value • tat
Plee,P15Y:Pudnd .20
• •
We have a big sale for our white Muslin Underwear.
Such dainty and well made garments, such values as we are
showing, could not help but bring us bigbusiness, .
Corset Covers 15c to $1,50 Drawers 28e to $1.50
Gowns SOc to 53.50 Skirts 2Ete to $5.00
Children's Dresses 7Se to $3.00
Small Boys' Suits • .
You can make quite a saving on a Suit for your
small boy if you buy any of these. Better not wait too
long though, for there is only a limited quantity, and
• when these are gone there will be no more for such a •
small price, Boy'spriee.Suite ma de of all wool tweeds and serge,
• pants lined, well made and will will wear well, n rt •
I egnlar $3.00, $3.75, choice .......... " . L.UU
Aiteib.tobAb..11hAlwtivirlikoolo leriii.44.44,4b,44/6.44.460,4,411
liodgens Bros,
,.• easisem,CLINTON.
About o o
We Know
MsisusnSdnaeyll. of London was in town over
Mayor Jackson 'was in Durham on
Mr. A. T. Cooper was in Seaforth the
other day.
Mr: Clare Peterson was in Kincardine
over Sunday.
Miss Maggie Moody was in Mitchell on
Victoria Day.
Miss Vira Heywood was. in Mitchell
the other day.
Mr. David Camelot' of Hensall was in
• town on Sunday,
Barrister Scott returned • on .Monday
from Woodstock.
Mr. George Johnson left on Thursday
for Virden, Manitoba. •
Mr. Harry Brewer of Stratford came
home for the holiday.
Mr. Norman McGratton spent. Sunday
at his home at the Nile.
Mr. Noi man Fitzunnions was in
• Win.gham. on Saturday. •
The Misses Macdonald of Goderich were
in town on Tuesday last. Mr.Percy Snell of Goderich visited
• Clinton friends on Sunday. •
Mr. George Kitt of Woodstock is visi-
ting at Mr. H. F. Andrews.
Mies Minnie Sterling of London spent.
Sunday at her home in town.
Mr. B. E.Young of Molsons Bank
spent Victoria Day, in Exeter':
Miss Yates of Gbdei ich was.the guest,
of Miss E. Fariee over Sunday.
Miss °jive Helyar of Colborne spent.
Victoria Day at home in town. •
Miss Lena Holmes has been Tinging
Goderich friends the past few days.
. Miss Eva Cooper of. Dunlop visited at
home in town Saturday and Sunday.
Mies Logan and Mien Maud MeNe.ugh-
ton . have been visiting friends in
Kansan . • •
' Miss Ella Saddler of Wingham was
Ihe guest of Mrs.. J. A. King over
Sunday. •• •
• ryii
e... os. Wright of London, a former
tof towOn
biles Heleo'Feir was•the guest of Mrs,
Harry O. liell of Wingbain on Sun-
day last. •
M rs, (Dr.) Lindsay of Blyth visited
• her' mother, Kis. Murray •of town,
this week. . •
Mr. .Ssnmel McConnel of, Stratford
was the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. David
Steep on Sunday.
Mrs. Robert Johnston and Misses Nor-
ma and Fern were guests of Clinton
friends on Sunday. • •
Mr. Will. Aloffe.ts and Misses Maude
Andrews and Minnie Glazier were in
Bayfield on Sunday.
Masters Mosel Andrews and Garnet
• McBrien visited •Winghara friends
Saturday and Sunday. . •
Mrs. Ellison and Albs Kate Ellison of
Seaforth were -guests of Clinton
frieeds on Victoria Day. •
Mr. and Mrs. Murray and family of
• London were the guests of the
former's parents thisw
Mrs. McVittie was called to Landes -
boo last•vveek by the serious illnins
of her little grand•daughter.
Misses Nona and Mamie Dean of
Goderich were guests at the home of
Mr. Henry McCoert this week. •
Master John Hatt en of . Owen Sound.
was the gnest o, his sister, Miss Hats
ten of the Palace, ,over Sunday.
Mr.. and Mrs. J. Jewell ef Benu3iller
spent Saturday in town the guests of
the latter's sister, Miss Rose Wright.
Miss Maggie Moody, who has been the
guest.of Mies Vira Heywood for the
past three weeks, returned to her
home in Lucknow on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moore and Miss
Merle and Mrs. 3. E. Cantelon re-
turned home on Monday after spend-
ing a couple of dive with Mitchell
fi tends.
M sees Edythe and J.osephine Dickin-
natives of Clinton but NOW rut -
dents of Toronto, were guests of the
Mayor and Mrs. Jackson Saturday
and Sunday. •
Miss Minnie Glazier, teacher, East
Wriwanosh, who had been attending
the erieet;ng of the Went Huron
tendon's in Goderich on Thursday
and Friday, was a guest of Mrs. S.
J. Ands ews Saturday and Sunday.
Councillor Keys and his hatter half of
Stanley were guests on Tuesday of
the latter'. sister, Mrs. Frank Hall.
They were accompanied by Mr. W.
11. Govenlock of Chicago who return.
ed thittevening to the parental home
at Seaforth.
Mr. and Alm John Johnston of Rats
tenbury street spent. several days Of
the past, week visiting East Wawa -
'neigh friends and attendiug the
Wingham race meeting. Mr. John-
ston- visited several of his favorite
trout streams while away and had
fairly gond luck.
Mrs. 3. Stewart, her daughter, Mrs.W.
Glenn, her grandaughter. Miss Bessie
Wenn.of Stanley and another daugh.
ter, Mie. D. M. Ross, of Clinton,
visited for part of the past week at
her son's, Mr. 0. W. Stewart's, who
fills an important position with the
fit -in of Gould, Shapley & Muir of
The fallowing young people, chaper.
tined by kiss Edlth Paries • and her
guest, Miss Yates, drove to Bayfleld
nn Victoria Day George Cook,
()bailie Tisdall, Cecil Brewer, And.
rey 13rewer, Hobert Stewart, Hugh
Grigg, Will. Hattenhury, Stewart
Dutton, Sheridan Dever, Kirk Bonet.
ou, Isabel Gunn, Lela Hoover, Lillie
Jackson. Lillian Coats, Olara Koeh.
ler, Maggie Wiseman, Irene Jack-
son, Edna Manning, Donna Peri**.
May 29th, 1902
1.4 . 1
Fine Display of
Summer Goods
We do not hesitate to say -that our present display of meichandise is the beat and largest
we have ever shown. Each department is brim full of the most dependable of goods of the
lines we keep, at prices that, by comparison, will stamp them as the best values to be had anywhere. Note well that
no matter how low the prices we ask,quality represented is always the best, styles always strictly up-to-date,
Black and Navy Lustres
• Lustres both black and navy are in great demand
for dresse orseparate shirts, The values we have in
these wanted goods are by far the best we have ever, had ;
Black Lustre at 20c, 25c, 38c, 50c & 75e
38 to 42 inches wide, fine brillient, Bard finished goods that
• will not hold dust, very suitable for dresses or skirts, spoilt!
• value at •„20c, 25c, 31E1c,. 50c & .1 U
Navy Lustre at 40cand 60e
Navy Lustres 88 and 44. inches wide, some plain weaves, others
• with small dot, very fine rich finished material that is in great
favor for waists and skirts, very special values at.. ..... .40c &
Grey Lustre at 30c and 60c
38 and 44 inches wide, good heavy quality for skirts or dresses,fine en
• hard finish that will not hold dust, very special values at. —30e & U
Goods for Waists
:Wool Delaines, Delaines with ribbon- stripe, Crepe de-chene in
• shades of old rose, pink, grey, cream, price per yard. .85e & I 100
• Guaranteed Corsets
Every pair of Corsets we sell no mat-
ter how low the price, we. guarantee to
wear well and to be perfect in fit. We
pay particular attention. to our Corset
• department so that nothing but good
makes are allowed inside the store. If
you are in need of a. Corset and want one
• that is fully guaranteed it wilt betoyour
advantage to see the lines -we are showing.
We will not put you off with a Corset
that we know will not suit your figure.
Corsets at 50c
At this price we wiil give you an all steel filled Corset, both short
and long waist style, also is Girdle Corset made of coutil and sum- 0
met. pet, all at each
Corsets at 1
. • At this peke we can give you a very large range of styles. The
• . • . Coronation Corset with the long hip is the newest model, In • .
We Sell the Modes Bar 'dlove Fitting •
• our assortment will be.found Corsets made of French coutil, .••
• • ,• •, batiste, jean and • sateen, One of our best selling Corsets is •
.. ” made of fine sateen,' all steel filled,' tiea,Vy cord eyelets instead ot
• I brass, to preVeat rusting: • •
' •
. •
Patterns at 15c.cach. .
Parasols at Special Prices • •
We buy our Parasols direct from the maker and in doing so we can sell then" for the • •
price the: wholesaler usually asks for them. Every one is guaranteed. .
Parasols at 75c •
• Top is made of fine Austria cloth and •
will not turn green, rod is made of
• steel, handle of natural woad well
• worth $1, special at.. 75
Parasols.at $1 and $1.25
Top is made of fast black. Austria cloth, all having steel red and
hone handle. all fitted with the 20th century runner that will.not
•soil or tear your gloves. •These Parasols would be good value at I 0
25e.more than, our price which is only •' ••• *1 & 1.4
Parasols at $1.50, $3..60, $2 to $3.50 . . •
At these prices we can give you extra values. The tops aie all made of gloria silk that is warranted not to '
cut, all fitted with steel rods and 20th century runners, very de,intY handles of horn, etc.
• Children'a Faney Parasols'at'19e each.
• •
Scotch Muslins. i BlaCk Only • • .
Some time ago we received direct from the maker in Scotland 500 yards of fine Black Muslins. They come in
the new lace effects that will be so much in demand for summer wear. • Prices are trona. 20c to 35c.
• •. .• •
Tann MONEY NACIt • • •
. •
• *
•••••••4*********************************e****e*****' *********************************4444
... -
Our Wonderful $10 Suit .to Order
..... . . . .
..... There may be a great many people figure on paying more for a suit but when they
see the wonderful range of goods which we offer at t'ne above figure they are surprised.
It means a *14 suit for $10, The goods are the very latest patterns and designs. . Cut,
Ni.. -
made and trimmed in the latest style. You can, select your own style and have it made
any way you desire it. These statements, are worth investigating by shrewd buyers.
• Boys Wanted
We want hundreds of Boys to see our great show of Boys' Lion
Brand Knickers, guaranteed to be the best goods in the market. Made
from all wool cloths, double knees and double -seats, sewn with linen
thread, cut and. make the best People who find it difficult to get re-
liable goods will find everthing that can be desired in
The Lion Brand of Boys' Clothing
✓ en's $1 Shirts
r• Wo are known in the Shirt line because we carry the most reliable lines to be found on the market.
✓ this season we have a Shirt at $1 which is hard to equal. Made with the new shirt bosom—open front
—separate euffs—and the very latest designs and patterns. • Better call and see our stock.
✓ t,
✓ Jackson Bros., Clintou.